Here Are Some Unpopular Opinions On Anime... LET'S FIGHT.

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hey guys before you begin I'm just here to let you know that this video is sponsored by the lovely folks over at Dollar Shave Club for all of your grooming needs like toothpaste body wash hair styling products everything to make you feel smell and look great Dollar Shave Club has you covered they're giving away their daily essential starter set which includes three trial size versions of their shave butter body wash and one wipe Charlies as well as their executive razor complete with a full set of cartridges all of this for a whopping Leeloo $5 that's cheap yo and you lovely bearded mofos can get all of this by going to slash anime every purchase helps support the channel because God knows youtubers can't survive in this treacherous ad pocalypse much longer again go to slash anime and make yourself a million dollar man seriously the girls will love it just trust me on this how's gonna run this the mmm so a lot of people in the anime community tend to be very open when it comes to their opinions on certain anime or just anything that has to do with the anime community and because there are so many different opinions being thrown around in this community there are some that are popular and then there are some opinions that are unpopular and I think both are just as important as one another but I feel that especially the unpopular opinions kind of get pushed under the rug a little bit they don't get talked about as often as I think they should so in today's video I am going to be reading through your geysers on the popular opinions on anime that you guys gave to me over on my Twitter and read them out and basically give my opinions on your unpopular opinion it's like an opinion ception and I tweeted this out like five six hours ago and there are two thousand comments seems you guys are very opinionated in the unpopular category so without further ado let's go slice-of-life is boring as [ __ ] and I don't understand how anyone watches it look I get that I mean is this an unpopular opinion maybe depending on who you ask I know that a lot of people in the anime community you know love slice-of-life stuff but not so much for its like artistic endeavors just the fact that you know a slice of life is just like a thing that you just watch after a long hard days of work long hard day at school to just relax and unwind I made a whole video on what exactly slice of life is and I guess the benefits it's a slice of life at least that in description if you want check it out but I feel that if you're one of those people like Amanda who say this slice of life is boring then you're clearly not the demographic for slice of life a lot of people who find slice of life boring I feel other types of people who are watching anime for the story element whereas a lot of people who watch slice of life tend to watch it for the character element or how it looks or just you know we don't necessarily need like this amazing grandiose story in our anime we just I don't know maybe sometimes we kind of just wanna watch a bunch of cute girls doing their a thing because they can if you eat steak every day sometimes you want a hamburger and look I'm not saying that all slice of life is awesome or anything like I like my slice of life don't get me wrong but I will also mean that there are a lot of slice of life out there that are just plain [ __ ] boring one of my favorite slice of life of all time is lucky star and there are a number of reasons why I absolutely love luck you start and you know it's fine if you don't like it because of something like da gachi Kashi which was a slice of life that a lot of people enjoy I thought was [ __ ] boring but I feel it has to do with the contents of which the slices of life are being shown in that slice of life anime I feel it has to do is not so much a story base or a character base but basically what slices of these characters lives they decide to emphasize in the series not everything has to revolve around high-school girls I'll tell you this is definitely an unpopular opinion considering the overabundance of high school girls in anime but in all honesty I do actually agree I feel that the high school genre or just high school girls as a concept is definitely really really oversaturated when it comes to the anime market but at the same time it also makes a lot of sense just based on the core demographics of the people who watch those kinds of high school oriented or high school anime girl oriented series think of your typical Japanese otaku and he's most likely this middle-aged male who is you know has no connections to girls or anything like that you know you'll you know the good old stinking otaku the the forever version the 40-year old version real life and it's those kinds of people I feel that are more gravitated towards high school oriented or high school girl oriented things because it has to do with the way that Japanese schools are built up and how basically you know the time of puberty which is a time that a lot of these kinds of people miss because it was a great time or maybe it was a time that they didn't get to experience fully you know based upon you know maybe they got bullied in school or whatever and so to fulfill the fantasies of their high school times that they perhaps didn't get to play out in real life they instead watch these kinds of highschool oriented shows these shows that have these really cute or really beautiful high school animated girls because maybe they never got to experience that wold when they were in puberty time of puberty or sation as they call it in Japanese is one of the most memorable times of anyone's life whether good or bad but yes I will admit there are a lot of shows that are basically in high school all that have high school anime girls that are pretty [ __ ] boring and uh they need to come back [ __ ] out hey hey you can like subs and dubs you don't have to pick one or the other thank you very much although it's still [ __ ] fun to say that one is better than the other just to get a salty reaction out of somebody boku no pico is a masterpiece I said unpopular opinion samurai champloo is way better than Cowboy Bebop thank you very much finally look I'm not saying that Cowboy Bebop sucks or anything because Cowboy Bebop these cowboy people like it's even if you've never seen it you at least know the name of the show and don't get me wrong I loved Cowboy Bebop like I absolutely loved cowboy but just based upon the way that the show is presented and the overall aesthetic of the show I just think samurai champloo is so much better than Cowboy Bebop and again both are amazing don't get me wrong you know but I personally agree with this unpopular opinion that yes I do think samurai champloo was just a much more fun ride than cowboy people Shawn in anime is always the same yeah it's true but I feel that because it's the same that wise love so much because it's something familiar your typical anime watcher doesn't like experimenting with their anime they rather prefer to watch something that they either know fully well and they can still get excited about instead of going off and watching these new genres or watching this completely new type of anime that they have never experienced and they don't know if they'll enjoy at least was shown in the fact that they're all kind of the same like based on like really really like fundamental core elements of what makes up as shown in even if the story does change there are familiar points and so they know that they're most likely going to enjoy that shown in rather than something completely diff like if you watched and liked YuYu Hakusho then you're most likely also going to watch hunter hunter if you watched and liked one piece then you're most likely going to enjoy Naruto but somebody who say watched Bleach isn't necessarily going to enjoy serial experiments lain even though you should because it's [ __ ] amazing anime is unrealistic and is only for children because it's animated I said unpopular opinion not wrong zankyou no terror is so underrated yes and no yes it is underrated in the fact that it's definitely not a show title that pops up in everybody's head when we say anime but no in the sense that every single person who watch zankyou no terror is calling it like this [ __ ] masterpiece of a show and I get it yeah it's good I liked it but I don't think it was [ __ ] amazing if we're talking solely about a show based upon urban terrorism then I think something like bloody Monday is a much better show just narrative Lee but yes thank you no Tara definitely aesthetically looks [ __ ] amazing the directing work on that was superb and yes I think more people should know about it the manga of Tokyo gory is better it's not an unpopular opinion is it's an unpopular opinion among Tokyo ghoul fans but it's certainly not an unpopular opinion overall not watching mainstream / popular anime is okay don't make people feel bad for not watching them and yet I absolutely agree but then again it kind of boils down to what kind of person isn't watching the mainstream shows because I honestly feel that it's kind of the opposite like I feel that the people who only watch the weed obscure stuff are the ones that go off and bash on people who do go and watch the mainstream stuff and not the other way around like you'll hear more elitist going or you [ __ ] watch one piece of Naruto you're such a pleb rather than a pleb who loves one piece of Naruto being like oh you don't watch one piece of Naruto what do you [ __ ] a reduced the first one you know rolls off the tongue a little bit better than they ladder in my opinion my hair academia is predictable and boring I can kind of agree with you on the predictable pot but I do not agree with you on the boring pot I feel that just because a story is predictable that doesn't autumn we make the show boring or bad like you can make something be predictable but it still be [ __ ] epic I feel that's how most shown in series get their raps and the fact that yeah the hero is most likely going to win but it's still [ __ ] exciting to watch that hear or win like me the end of every single one piece arc I know that the straw hat crew is going to win everybody knows the straw hat crew is going to win but we don't care about that because all we care about is how they're going to ring rather than if they're going to win and how they're going to win is what keeps us reading or what keeps us watching what keeps us engaged with that show on the opposite end of the spectrum there are a lot of shows that are not predictable but end up being [ __ ] boring because they're all over the place with so many potholes I think Joe Joe is overrated [ __ ] you well no data is best go [ __ ] you again not every Shawn it has to revolve around fighting but it doesn't when you say Shauna you're probably thinking of stuff like DBZ Naruto one piece bleach you hug her like all the battle Shawn and stuff but again as I just said those are battle Shawn in there are more Shonen than just battle Shawn in are you forgetting about all the sports oriented Shawn in manga and anime out there like slam dunk Prince of tennis she's got a no go etc because I don't think he can label that as fighting in the same way that you do with like DBZ also you're clearly forgetting about every single shown in rom-com out there Tora Bora Ichigo 100% eyes and what about all the comedy series out there like psychics on a sign on dr. slump youth of goo Yaga you need to get your facts straight before you jump to any unpopular conclusions Infinite Stratos is about bad I mean first season definitely second season though was a [ __ ] atrocity and if you don't agree with that I don't know what the hell you're thinking tournament arcs are irritating yes they can be if they're not done correctly when I think of tournament oxes are really only full series that I can think up the top of my head that absolutely [ __ ] nail it and that is DBZ you Huck sure hunter hunter and my hero academia those shows just absolutely [ __ ] nail what a tournament argues and if you don't think that any of the tournament arcs in those four series in particular are good in any way then you clearly not a Shan an anime fan I'm sorry fanservice ruins otherwise interesting characters moments or arcs yes I can definitely agree with that I don't know if that could be considered an unpopular opinions because I'm sure there are a lot of people who agree with you on that part but I also feel as well that it has to do with the series as well like there are some series where fanservice is kind of necessary like you know Eddie shows harem shows and whatnot because that's what constitutes the shot like if you took away all the fanservice from say monster Musume no you don't need to you're then it would clearly be a [ __ ] boring slice of life show because the characters can't really stand on their own two feet based on personality because they're not built like that from the beginning whereas shows like Sandman Kagura in my opinion were [ __ ] ruined absolutely by the overabundance of fanservice it would have been so much better if they just kind of cut it out a little bit not all dubs are bad yes that is actually correct oh my god a lot of people think that I am just like a 100% dub hey des which I am absolutely not there are a plenty of dubs that I think are adequate or sometimes even better than the original sub it's just that 99% of dubs a kind of shitty I mean if I have to list off some dubs that I actually really enjoyed I would say fully [ __ ] Cowboy Bebop and Panty and Stocking those three in particular their dubs are [ __ ] awesome everything else though can pass just cuz a show as bad doesn't mean you can't enjoy it thank you thank you oh my god I'm so happy that people understand that because it's it's it's everything that I do on my channel so many people like Joey if this show sucks so much then why are you watching it just because the show sucks it doesn't mean it's not enjoyable to watch yes there are plenty of shows out there that are bad and mediocre I will understand those but there are also a lot of shitty shows that are just hilarious to watch because this shitty it's the so bad that it's good kind of shows and I plan to do a lot more videos on shows like that because I definitely want to get that message across off just because a show it doesn't mean you can't enjoy your golden camera is not appreciated enough thank you you are absolutely correct on that more people need to watch golden comely and stop [ __ ] bitching about the shitty 3d bit alright liking obscure anime doesn't make you better and make panthan anyone you're right I feel that the best anime fans are the ones that can appreciate the obscure stuff but can also appreciate the mainstream stuff just be open to a lot of [ __ ] man like don't be like oh I watch all these obscure anime that I bet you didn't know and then just shut your drawers and not let anybody else into your obscure circle-jerk like it's fine to watch obscure [ __ ] just you know be nice to people who may not be so familiar with those kinds of obscure shows as you are is unpopular to say me tiny ki is the most overrated anything definitely unpopular and I definitely agree with you look unite Nakia was good but seriously if you know wasn't there to be like the young data Queen it would know when be near as popular as it is now like I feel you know is the only thing that is still keeping that series of float which is odd because she's not even the yandere Queen alright there have been plenty of young that is in anime before and after you know that I feel do a much better job at the whole young did a thing then you know ever did I don't know like I understand if you're obsessed with you know and like you're obsessed with the whole young did it craze but seriously like just just imagine I mean I Nikki without you know and imagine how [ __ ] boring it would be you don't want to because you love your yawn data so much and I understand that but just quiet down about me and I Nikki right there are much better shows out there elfin lead is not that deep i I don't think I ever took elfin lead as this deep series like is certainly gory and it does have its philosophical elements but when it comes to the deep factor I don't think elfin lead is the most deep anime out there I think what made elfin leads so controversial and so talked about like way after it came out was the fact that yes it is one of the goriest series out there that is also gory for the right reasons like obviously we have shows corpse party which are considered way gorya than elfin leadeth was but also elfin lead had a you know actually interesting story and characters unlike corpse party and I feel that the way that elfin lead expressed these ideas of humanity and what it means to be human what it means to love something that isn't human and familiar to you was done in a really interesting way that at the time that elfin Lee came out wasn't really explored in that kind of versum gory very raw way so yes I do agree that often leave isn't the deepest anime out there but it certainly does have its deep elements I actually liked pasty by 2006 don't lie to yourself no one liked that Reiser is so overrated I hate this anime yeah that's certainly unpopular opinion um I do agree it is overrated I will say that it is a good show definitely overrated though I'm not a fan at the Dragon Ball series and I'm genuinely confused as to why it's so popular because at the time that Dragon Ball came out it was something unlike anything that the anime world had ever seen like yes Toriyama Akira created dr. slump before Dragon Ball and you can definitely see elements of dr. slump in early Dragonball but the way that Dragon Ball transitioned from this comedy about this monkey boy trying to collect some Dragon Balls to make a wish to this epic battle Bonanza that basically spread across the entire galaxy and universe of the show was something that not a lot of people were familiar with when it came to manga not a lot of people thought that that was even possible it was a series that basically revolutionized an entire genre back in the day and a lot of people have tried to basically follow in its steps but to no avail I also feel that the other reason may have to do with the fact that Toriyama arcaders art style is very very unique like no doubt it is an anime style but it's also not your typical anime style it almost has like a Western comic-book style to it as well so I feel it was just a combination of artwork and timing and you know like I love me some Dragonball but I will admit that not every draggable iteration was fantastic I mean I thought GT was pretty damn [ __ ] boring and I'm not really a fan of super at the moment I've seen like the first like 10 20 episodes of super not really buying it in all honesty assassination classroom is extremely underrated I actually don't agree with that I definitely don't think it's overrated because I loved it and it got the appreciation that it deserved but there are a lot of people who enjoyed assassination classroom it's just because people have stopped talking about it now that's finished it doesn't make it underrated like when the series was serializing and when the episodes were airing like both seasons were airing that show was being talked about a lot in Japan and in the West there's a lot of manga who deserved an animation compared to some anime yeah again it's not an unpopular opinion that's just straight up fact my dude Naruto had a lot of continuity and is actually a very good anime everyone that thinks it's stupid probably don't understand what is going on in it and can't follow the story we can't follow the story because the timing at which [ __ ] kishimoto likes to put in his filler his infamous filler arcs is the most nonsensical like shoehorn [ __ ] that we've ever seen and shown it I've mentioned this on stream a couple of times but the whole reason that I prefer one piece over Naruto is the fact that order Ichiro the author of one piece knows when to put in a filler and for how long like the moment you see a filler episode or a flashback episode in a one piece arc it's at a point where we are most interested the peak of interest for the character or focus in that arc has reached its maximum it's the point where we're like I want to know more about this character and then boom the filler arc comes in we get to learn more about the backstory of that character and then now that we are fully attached to that character we can bring forth the conclusion of the arc whereas in Naruto the filler arcs are definitely full of quality like don't get me wrong like as much as people like to complain about the filler rocks of Naruto yes the actual content of the filler arc at most times are very very important but the timing at which these filler arcs are placed in the story and the sheer length of some of these filler episodes and backgroud arcs are just nonsensical it's ridiculous like there was a point in Naruto which I'm not gonna go into info but basically it was an arc where one of the very important characters from like basically the start of the series was about to get killed by the antagonist of that arc and right before the striking blow to that character it goes into a 100 chapter background arc and filler episode like why now and because that flashback arc and filler was dragged out for so long by the time that arc finish and you're brought back to the real time you don't remember what the [ __ ] was happening so yes I'm not arguing about the fact that Naruto has zero continuity or that the filler episodes actually sometimes have some good context it's just the timing and the length at which those filler episodes are put in just makes it not worth it oh I've definitely angered some Naruto fans now [ __ ] and last but not least because we have to end up with this I liked Sao when I first watched it and you know what I did too when I first watched it a lot of people have publicly called me out and saying oh Joey you've you've hated them sort out online for so long and yet the first time you ever talked about it on the internet you actually gave it a really positive review so you're being a little bit hypocritical aren't you well no because since the first time I reviewed it until today I've seen a lot more anime and I have put in a lot more knowledge when it comes to what makes a good anime what makes a bad anime what makes a meteor core enemy I've put also much more knowledge into my own head that when I revisited it I have had a much different opinion on what I used to think about that show and that's why I don't blame anyone who says that they think sort of outline is good because they're basically just me five years ago like I import anyone watching this video who likes Sao and can't understand the hate behind it's shitty writing and it's shitty characters five years down the road from today going back and re-watch it after you've seen all sorts of different anime out there good and bad go back to Sao and maybe you'll actually come to understand why we feel so strongly about the bad writing in Sao and if you don't then well you know that's fine like obviously that just means you like Sao and I don't have a problem with that but me personally I started to see why this show wasn't as good as a lot of people thought it was so yeah on that bombshell I think we'll end this video right here if you've enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like maybe I can turn this into some kind of a series where I grab your guys's on popular opinions on Twitter about anime and I kind of you know doing off-the-cuff non-scripted debating and discussion video like this because it was a lot of [ __ ] fun so yeah if you enjoyed this make sure to leave a like and also let me know in the comments below what you guys think about any of the unpopular opinions I said and some of the comebacks that I gave to some of those unpopular opinions like you know a lot of people were saying on Twitter that aw man there are so many salty people here why do so many people care about these kinds of things well you know it's a good way for different types of anime fans to talk to each other like this is the only way that US Eddie my fans can talk to each other is by talking about anime so I honestly don't see the problem with people debating about anime and all that kind of stuff and it's a ton of fun like yeah some people may come out salty and [ __ ] push the dislike button for something stupid that I said in this video but at the end of the day we all [ __ ] love anime our personalities may differ our personal preferences on shows may differ but at the end of the day we all love the same shitty Japanese cartoons okay so so so we're all one big salty family at this point but again I would love to make this into some kind of a series you know like every other series that I haven't been able to make consistently but if you guys enjoyed it then I guess also leave in the comments below like what are some ideas for like a series name for this like unpopular opinions or arguing weebs or something like that I don't know if you have any good ideas for like a show name of this kind stuff and also leave it in the comments below and if I do end up making another one of these and you would like to participate with your salty unpopular opinions then make sure to follow me on Twitter to let out your frustration and anger thanks guys thanks for watching is like your favorite if you enjoyed subscribe from earning a banner and I'll see you guys in the next video of whatever I make keep watching anime Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,076,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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