There Is No Such Thing As "Isekai" Anime... LET'S FIGHT.

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yeah yes garner on this the enemy man unpopular opinions you hate them Arthur Bertram so let's buy hell yeah we're back at it again my boys it's the show where I ask you guys over on my Twitter shameless plug for your controversial opinions and your fighting words about all sorts of [ __ ] concerning anime manga the otaku sphere and the general Japanese culture and I take a bunch of those that I think I can fight against and I and I fight against them yes this is the show that gets me easily the most dislikes and easily the most cancerous of cancerous comment sections but I just [ __ ] love doing it you guys loved watching it so let's just do another one of these shall we cut the chitchat let's put on the boxing gloves and without further ado let's [ __ ] fight the Celtic nine was a brilliant show that got way too much [ __ ] than it deserved ah no I did a very short review of a cultic 9 in a video some time ago like as it finished I watched the whole thing because I heard that it was set in the semi-colon universe as we like to call it I'm talking about you know same universes where a body connotes steins gate chaos head and the fourth entry in that was a cultic 9 and you know I'm a huge fan of the semicolon universe I've seen all three other series you know varying in reviews like I thought Harris head was kind of [ __ ] stands gates and [ __ ] masterpiece robotics notes was just okay and I feel a cultic 9 kind of fell into the same realm as robotics notes it was just ok I mean the fact that they squeezed the entire first novel into the first episode of the anime goes to show that yeah the pacing wasn't the most amazing and you know it's very tradition for any of the series coming from the semi-colon universe that the first couple of episodes is usually quite long and drawn-out it usually requires a lot of world building because it is usually filled with an extensive plot with all sorts of branching paths for different characters I mean in the case with steins gate they took the entire first 10 to 11 episodes to build up the wall but luckily the payoff in the second half was amazing and I really appreciate a cultic 9/4 it's rather unique way of dramatizing and the unique ways that they directed the show itself I mean I definitely do have to give props to the director of a cultic nine-fold giving us all sorts of different types of shots that we didn't really see a lot of in the other semi-colon series especially because a cultic now was definitely a lot more of a thriller and horror based series compared to the other three but still it was kind of just okay a lot like robotics notes like it was a decent ride while watching it but after the series finished I kind of just forgot about it it definitely didn't Green itself in my head in the same way that Stein's gates did you know Hawk show is technically and it's a guy constructions cousin could've occurred sent you skits of the Spirit spoilers no I'm just kidding it's not spoils it literally happens in the first frame of the manga see I can't really disagree with you there because like what is the definition of a nice oka what is the word is it a mean yesica is a japanese word which means another world so people are usually pretty quick to assuming that an ASIC I showed needs to do something with some kind of game world or some kind of JRPG world since a lot of the very popular izakaya shows or those that have been labeled a sicko shows usually fall under that pop setting but technically speaking doesn't a spirit world for example also count is an izakaya it is technically another world right because yes you Skid does die he turns into a ghost and he goes up to the spirit world to try and come back to life two different worlds wouldn't you say that he went to an assegai I think the problem lies in the fact that we've recently started to label is sekai as an actual john ray of anime when it's really not it really annoys the [ __ ] out of me when people take these like settings in anime and that occur so often that we just had to label it under a john row for example I see people calling shows like School Rumble or audio you do in the genre of school like what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean oh it's set in a school so I guess the genre of it is school what school is the setting that the show is placed in not the genre of the show and is it guys kind of the same thing if you think about it it's just a setting it is set in an assegai in another world but there is no such dawn ray of anime as a Sakai that's like me saying all I love one piece it's my favorite pirate anime because you all know that the pirate genre is my favorite genre of anime that sounds [ __ ] stupid right kind of the same thing with this guy in my opinion like no one calls bleach and is a kite because technically it isn't Issyk i Ichigo dies and goes to the spirit world another world is acai the dots connect sea so yes you Hawk show is technically an izakaya and there is no such thing as the ISA kite genre in anime it is just my opinion but I think that Lupin the third is underrated and don't get much love especially from the new generation I may be wrong but that's how I feel and you know what I have so [ __ ] lutely agree with that Lupin the third is an incredible incredible series that has oddly enough not aged that much as people like to think like yes it is an old show if you go back and watch the first season of Lupin the third the original season or even going watch the first movie yes it is an old franchise but that doesn't mean that it's not suited for the young ones the Millennials of this generation because in my mind Lupin the third castle of Cagliostro is one of the greatest anime films ever created and loop in the third series itself is an extremely influential series that influenced some of the biggest series that we know today like detective conan so I implore you young uns who have possibly never heard of Lupin the third or perhaps you've heard of Lupin the third you've never seen it before go watch castle of Cagliostro and come back to me and tell me how much of a [ __ ] beast of a movie that thing is the slow pacing of shows which others call amazing such as mob bunny girl etc really puts me off as it bores me out of my mind I can't understand what attracts audiences to these mind-numbingly boring shows or why they are worth people's time see I feel the person who tweeted this at me is probably prone to only watching one type of anime and that is most likely shown in anime a lot of sean in anime is very quick to the punch because it is suited for a younger audience hence the genre sean in where a series that are a little bit more experimental series that are targeted more towards an older demographic you know those that are in the sand or the joseon room usually tend to have a lot more of a slower pacing but i think it's really important to distinguish slow pacing with unnecessarily slow pacing for example i mentioned earlier the series steins gate having a rather slow start the first 10 episodes is usually just there for wall building and not a whole lot happens but the thing is is that the first 10 episodes of stein gate is not unnecessarily slow it needs to be slow because it needs to unpack so much information that will become integral to understanding the latter half of the story another example of slow pacing that is actually done with justice would be a series like serial experiments lain because it is very dialogue heavy not a lot of action happens it might tend to look and feel slow for some people or some viewers of anime who are not used to this kind of pacing they're more used to shown in or shoujo type of plot pacing which is usually very quick there's always a lot of things happening at once so that the younger audience can pay attention and stay paid attention but serial experiments lain and steins gate above 10 out of 10 series even though it has a slow pacing and don't get me wrong I'll offer you my showing in and show just stuff to that's that fast pacing [ __ ] I love it I [ __ ] love it but I can also sit down and appreciate a slowly bra thing series rather than just a quick flip in the frying pan I may be an elitist but anyway they claim they have a message but it is either non-existent or stupid a way worse than guilty-pleasure anime I'm thinking mirai nikki elfin lead ladder is not as bad as the former steins gate 0 okay first of all I don't understand what you're talking about with non-existent or stupid messages when it comes to shows like Mirai Nikki Mirai Nikki doesn't have a deep message to it it's just a battle royale show for people who want to see a if characters killing each other in a horror setting and in the case with elfing Lee yes it does have a message behind it it has that message of family what it means to be family what it means to be human but it is not necessarily an extremely deep message but it's still important regardless because it is a great message that people use to really relate to characters like Lucy if there's no message behind Elfen lead it would just be another mirai nikki cloned or I guess Elton Lee came first so Mirai Nikki would be an elfin lead clone but it's not elfin late has a message to it regardless of whether you think it is deep or pointless or anything and I think if you watch an anime that has some level of message behind it and you deem it to be pointless or stupid then that's your prerogative my dude you clearly just not into shows that have that kind of messaging behind it your clue just not into shows with the whole family message the whole what it means to be human message yes it isn't exactly the most unique message out there because there are literally hundreds of anime and other cartoons and movies and shows that do explore similar types of messages but I think what's important with those kinds of messages that you see so often in media is how they decide to explore how they decide to present it because I found the way that elfin leet kind of dug deep and explored this messaging of what it means to be human what it means to be family was a pretty unique way of doing it it's if you think about it it's kind of a counterintuitive way of thinking about it because it is a very subtle message there's a very warm and closed-in message a very message that you know you protect quite a bit and is usually coupled with rather friendly family friendly and very warm and charming shows meanwhile you have a show like elfin Lea which is anything but warm and charming if anything I want to know what type of messaging behind a show you deemed to be suitable to your tastes like if the show like elfin Lea doesn't impress you or at least get you thinking or you know kind of be like wow okay they explored it in this way that's kind of interesting then I want to know like what's a show that did that for you because I thought that the way that you know shows like elfin lead explored its messaging was actually kind of interesting when it character rejected or friendzone so many anime fans feel so bad for female characters while meme aka mark male characters oh and they call male characters names when they dump a girl Jesus man yeah it's kind of like real Wharf I'm tired of people bashing and hating long-running shown in such as one piece Naruto Hunter hunter MH AFMA DBZ Oh it's mainstream some people say you know what [ __ ] you these anime have gained popularity of mass audience above those weaves you know what I somewhat agree with this statement so many people think that I just hate all mainstream shows altogether which is absolutely not the case if anything about half of the shows that are listed here in this tweet I actually quite enjoy like I love me some one piece I love Hunter honza I love FMA I love DBZ Naruto I wasn't the biggest fan of and mhm A's all right I guess but I absolutely don't understand people who just hate all Shana in all all Georgia series altogether like what the [ __ ] type of anime did you start watching in that case like do you just not find any joy watching any of these shows like do you really think that all mainstream shows are trash immediately because it's love by a large audience no absolutely not and so many people think that people like me who love to criticize different shows and who love to quote unquote hate on the popular stuff even though I really don't I like Universal haters of all shown in and shoujo manga and anime and I'm like no bro I quite like my shown in in Georgia like I grew up with that [ __ ] like everybody else I'm just not a fan of specific shown in a show job and usually those specific shown in in Georgia series I'm not a huge fan of also have a large demographic that usually cross over to other larger demographics that I am enjoying that I am a part of and so word gets around that all Joey the anime man hates all Shawn in shows because he doesn't like Naruto it's like what grappler Bucky was one of the all-time worst animes ever made we watched a couple episodes of it in my anime club and we all agree it made Sao look good I mean I don't know what I was expecting from a person with a happy profile picture so yeah let's just it's I think it's safe to say that whoever this person is is very low standards when it comes to anime and that's all I'm gonna say now excuse me while I go and read the Bible reading Romans shoujo manga is not embarrassing I read a lot of manga in this genre and I can absolutely identify all the stupid moments if there are any I'm not delusional I can think critically and cute guys are not the only thing I look for in manga abso-fucking-lutely you know what it is I think the people and specifically guys who are like oh you've read shoujo manga what the [ __ ] is wrong with you usually have some kind of dilemma when it comes to their sexuality and look I'm not gonna go too deep into the whole sexuality argument because that's that's always a losing war regardless of which side you take I think those people and again especially guys who have never read shoujo manga or who think that the masculinity is gonna get tarnished because they're reading something that's for girls oh like just there in the losing race bro like you're missing out on a lot of [ __ ] good shows I mean your boy for example grow up watching and reading Sailor Moon which is like the pinnacle of shoujo manga and anime and like yeah I'm not gonna say that Sailor Moon is the most perfect manga or perfect anime out there of course it has its problems but I still [ __ ] love it I don't give a [ __ ] if it's for girls I love that [ __ ] like people think that you know shoujo is just full of cliche romantic [ __ ] and I mean yeah there is a lot of it don't get me wrong but that doesn't mean that every other genre is also safe from that whole stigmatization and that whole trope in cliche miss because prepare to get your mind blown there are just as many cliche and Trophy [ __ ] moments in Shonen manga as there is in shoujo manga not every shoujo manga is amazing but not every sean in manga is amazing mind blown I know gory children most obscure anime is an anime that did not get much recognition cuz it's just trash what are you talking about the reason why a show is obscure does not necessarily have to come down to the fact that it's a [ __ ] show yes absolutely I'm not saying that all obscure shows are amazing diamonds in the rough that are ready to be excavated by the community no of course like there are so many obscure shows that again as you say are obscure because they're most likely [ __ ] but there are other reasons why shows become obscure in the anime world sometimes it is because the show itself came out at the wrong time regardless of if it came out too early or if it came out too late for example shows like serial experiments lain ago proxy and Tecna lies a3 shows that people can safely say are obscure these shows are obscure not because they're bad if anything these three shows are [ __ ] amazing these three shows are obscure because the core demographic that these shows were targeted towards were very very small at the time that these shows came out these three shows didn't come out at a time where all anime was ready to be streamed online for every single person in the world to enjoy know these were shows that you could only either watch on TV or by buying explain service [ __ ] blu-rays and DVDs which surprised no one [ __ ] buys meanwhile you have other shows like hyped against Solna grimgar which just came out at a time where Issyk I was [ __ ] everywhere it's a kite shows with a huge thing and it just missed its boat to the point where no one really talks about it anymore I mean also the fact that it was kind of just a [ __ ] show in general but that's besides the point but the thing is nowadays less and less shows are becoming obscure because everything is easily accessible and because everything is easy accessible everything gets found everything gets washed by some level of an audience yes every season there are usually lay the top five shows that every single person and their mothers are watching and so therefore like the remaining 45 show has become quite a quite obscure but that doesn't mean that all of those obscure shows up [ __ ] in fact there are a lot of diamonds in the rough that haven't been excavated yet Monaco Magica is overrated as hell and does not deserve a half of the positive attention it gets I disagree with that because Madoka Magica was one or the first really really successful examples of a show that blended to John Roos seemingly together two genres of which by the way people never thought would work in execution and that was the magical girl and the horror genres I mean technically speaking madacorp Magica wasn't the first show to blend those two genres together if anything the aforementioned Sailor Moon was the first show to really take this whole magical girl concept and give it a really horrific groundwork give it something give it something that was just a little bit off about the whole bubbly and rainbow Ewald of the magical girl and really ground it down to a level that was really [ __ ] real if you think about it Madoka Magica basically took the concept of shows like Sailor Moon and just crank the horror factor way higher than Salem who never took it and what came out was a magical girl show taken and presented in a way that at the time no one had ever thought would work in reality and I mean look at all of the shows nowadays that were inspired from shows like Madoka monka like look at all of the magical girl X horror shows and horror manga that have come out since the huge success of Madoka Magica so no I don't think Madoka mica is overrated and if anything if I would have just dig in a little bit deeper the first mother Carmichael movie is a [ __ ] amazing movie that everybody should watch like bro you have a problem with magical girl shows I'm n not allowed to enjoy it because it's a magical girl show it's for girls like shut up dude go watch Monica Moore usual the fact that only Japan has a sizable animation industry is limiting the potential of the animation medium more competition is better if countries like USA and South Korea produce more animations we will get more variety and good shows per season okay first of all there already is an animation industry in the US have you heard heard of the Simpsons family Guy South Park every single show on Cartoon Network and Adult Swim those are technically animations and then the case with countries like South Korea and let's let's throw in China is there as well because they're really starting to make a name for themselves especially in the anime industry rather than just the general animation industry anime shows these Japanese animation style shows that come out of countries like China and South Korea in Indonesia and other Asian countries and basically all our countries outside of Japan are currently put under a stigma and that stigma is that if it's not from Japan it's not anime so if anything we can argue that the reason why the animation industry's in South Korea and China and basically every single contrast s of Japan isn't growing and flourishing as much as it should is because of us of the community basically stopping them and being like Nana you think your anime but you're not the problem is us ladies and gentlemen I don't think we realized that the fact that we are the ones who are basically being like you guys aren't anime you wish your anime but you're not and basically stopping it is but it basically stopping the growth of these animation industries especially those that are trying to get as close to the Japanese animation industry as they possibly can the answer was right under our noses the whole time and finally Nausicaa is superior to Mononoke humor and Nausicaa is also the best Ghibli film they both have the same morals stopping pollution etc but Nausicaa does it and a much more smarter way like her garden which had one poisonous plants but a safe now etc Cera ladies gentlemen I'm about to destroy this particular argument in six words ready Nausicaa is not a Ghibli film now sokovia was made in 1984 GE was established in 1985 point invalid but I will admit they're both amazing movies so we'll call it there that's gonna door for this episode of let's fight thank you for joining in once again till the very very end what did you think of any of the tweets and the counter-arguments that I gave to those tweets let me know all that kind of stuff in the comments below and if you'd like to join in on the next episode of let's fight then make sure to follow your boy over on Twitter and send me your own popular opinions using that hashtag let's fight and if you have an interesting enough unpopular opinion about something that I would like to fight back on then you might see yourself in the next episode of let's fight but if you enjoyed this video make sure to smash the [ __ ] out of that like button I appreciate it a lot and I'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching like and favorite if you enjoyed subscribe from our new banner and keep watching anime Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 449,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, #LetsFight, There, Is, No, Such, Thing, As, Isekai, Anime..., LET'S, FIGHT., The Anime Man, thean1meman, Joey
Id: -iyUTRrZ4RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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