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hey guys Joe here just here to let you know before this video begins that this episode is sponsored by Lilith games with their hip mobile RPG afk arena with a beautiful fresco style art direction enjoy the simple yet deeply strategic idol RPG that caters to both casual and hardcore players the lore and background story is rich in deep following a classic story of life versus death as it intertwines around six unique races that you can play and explore the world as the game also offers pvp and PVE events where you can play with players from all over the world as you interact with the tight non-toxic AFK arena community and by utilizing the idol RPG element of the game you can earn loot and gain experience as you sleep so there's never a dull moment to lose and best of all the game is free to play so if you'd like to join in on the fun and experience that make sure to grab the game for yourself by clicking the link in the description below players who download the game through the tracking link will also get a special in-game bonuses fans of the channel thanks again below if games an afk arena for sponsoring today's episode and I hope you enjoy the video has gonna run this Deana man unpopular opinions you hate them I debate them so let's [ __ ] [Music] what back with another episode oh let's fight the show where I take all of you guys into a vice grip as I slowly beat the [ __ ] out of you with my opinions because this is a pre-recorded video and you guys really have no way of fighting back unless it's in the comments thanks but all jokes aside the one thing that I absolutely love about the show is the fact that you guys are pretty ruthless in the comments so as always I asked you guys over on Twitter to send me some of your hot takes tough questions and spicy opinions on anime manga or taku culture light novels visual novels era guys hand ties you name it anything that stirs up the weave heart in any way I'll take it and I I fight you with it this is like the what 14 13th episode of something I don't [ __ ] know you guys should already know the drill by now so without further ado it people are so sensitive about looting up certain anime characters saying that it's inappropriate I think they just being [ __ ] just felt like this was spicy first of all shout out to my boy digital NEX for that spicy opinion links this channel in the description but I actually kind of agree with this I mean you know it's it's the Internet it's PC culture PC culture has just been so insanely just authoritative within the realms of the internet especially I'd say within like the past five years not even ten years like I feel ten years ago there was so much [ __ ] that could have gotten away which would absolutely be stopped by the SJW police nowadays but in terms of like looting certain anime characters I'm really not too sure I feel like even ten years ago there were just some anime characters especially those in the minor category the The Young Ones if you get my drift who would definitely looked at a little bit suspiciously and a little bit of a stank eye if you ever attempted to try and lewd them you you know which characters I'm talking about and I mean this is even before the rise and fame of the the lolly john ray of hentai series you know shows such as show Joe domine and that kinda means Sun one which I forget the name of what I've seen before it's a little bit strange and I know this is kind of a hot-button topic to go into details about but me personally I don't really give a [ __ ] because again at the end of the day they're just drawings I've made this point many times in many videos and if you think that drawing a underage girl a depiction of an underage girl is seen as like the equivalent to getting a real child in the real world and putting them through those same sexual acts for your entertainment then you kind of need to get a reality check you know we have useless arts organizations like the UN trying to ban all types of hentai and Lolly stuff you know depictions of hentai and lowly stuff when you know they just leave a regular children to suffer in the real world because who gives a [ __ ] about them right but again I totally get it like if you do want to I guess prioritize your like morality on even depictions of certain anime characters getting sexualized then that's totally fine der I completely get it if you're not comfortable with it because not gonna lie when first stepped into the wonderful in weird world of anime and manga I at first was kind of on the same side I was like okay yeah she's 13 years old and you're looting her bit weird but after I've kind of explored my horizons I've kind of opened my mind up to the fact that these are literally just lines of ink on a paper nothing more nothing less then you do kind of get a little bit numb to it but I still am completely against doing that with real people if you think that it's okay doing it with real children then yeah you need to take a quick trip to the police station my dude Japan needs to do more official translations for manga / light novels to other languages and more frequently snafu vol one took five years to translate to English vol 8 six years and we still don't have vol 9 which has been out since 2014 in Japan okay having personally worked in the translation industry like I used to do some like intern jobs and freelance jobs for translating from English to Japanese and vice-versa I completely disagree with this opinion because truth be told translating from English to Japanese or Japanese to English is really not as easy as it sounds now I can't really say the same thing about languages other than English to Japanese you know maybe translating from English to German or German to Spanish or any of those other languages that I can't speak or read or do anything about yeah those might be a little bit easier but in terms of English to Japanese and vice-versa I definitely can vouch for the fact that it is so so much harder and it's not just because of the completely different ways in which sentence structures and vocabulary and how words form together and flow together in a sentence but it's because especially when it comes to things like light novel translations the translators job is to take the essence of the original author in this case if we're talking about snafu for example is to take the writing style and essence and way of interpreting things that author what are what that Eve wanted to show in Japanese and to try and somehow translate that type of essence into English and let me tell you my dude that [ __ ] is [ __ ] hard it is very easy to just take a literal translation of what someone is trying to say and throw it into English yeah that definitely it wouldn't be as difficult but the thing with creative writing is that it's not just a simple translation again there are very many poetic ways especially in Japanese that you can explain and describe a certain scene or a certain piece of dialogue for example if you had a cafe scene where two characters are just talking into a cafe there is a very different way that say someone like initial Asian who is a very creative writer is going to describe it to save Kawahara key who is a real lover for cafe dialogue scenes and I guess the other reason why it does take so long for especially say light novel translations of for example as you said snafu vol.8 taking six years is because the general perception of the fan base of something like the snafu light novels isn't so much of a priority as other projects are and that get me wrong I [ __ ] love the snafu series like I've read up to around volume five or six of the light novel it's [ __ ] amazing what though what that he's an amazing author but unfortunately just the general fan base of the snafu series isn't as big as say the Soraa online series so you'll find probably that the light novel series for something popular like no game no life or sold out online is going to get prioritized with translation then say serious like snafu it does suck my dude but again this is really [ __ ] difficult and I feel that not too many translators get props for the amount of hard work that they actually have to put into trying to translate the essence and the writing style of a particular author but I do understand the frustration that you're coming from because you obviously can't read it in Japanese right and I'm sure these translators do appreciate the hype that you have towards getting that next snafu volume in English but just let them work on a my dude give them some time to make sure that they give you a really really good high quality product enjoying your liking an anime doesn't mean that you think the anime is good it's possible to know the show you are watching your [ __ ] but still like slash enjoy it same with not liking an anime but knowing that it is good I absolutely agree with this and I guess that's where the whole thing of guilty or anime comes from I mean isn't a guilty pleasure anime a show that you know is [ __ ] but you still enjoy it anyway and that's what's really difficult I feel about reviewing an anime in a critical sense right it's you have to really distinguish between your personal enjoyment of the show just from how you feel it and a objectively critical mindset of looking at a show and I feel that a 10 out of 10 or a perfect score however you decide to rate your anime series comes from the I guess balance between your personal enjoyment and the critical enjoyment for example for me a show like that is serial experiments lain because in a critical sense the way that that show describes and portrays things such as psychology epistemology the difference between the real world and the perceived world the way that that storytelling and I guess visual aesthetic is presented especially for the time that it came out is absolutely masterful in any sense and I personally really enjoy watching that show because I love shows that do explore those kinds of deep psychological references but there might be someone for example who isn't really into shows like that and they understand the critical aspect as to why SEL is deemed as this [ __ ] masterful psychology series right it's that difference so that's really important I guess to understanding how a person feels about a show and again just because I say that it's a 10 out of 10 series it doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to think that as well in the same way that I know shows like kisses and your segata sorta absolute crap in terms of a critical standpoint because it's nothing more than just a mindless romance Etsy showed where the main goal is to just watch cute girls getting [ __ ] around in sexual ways but I personally still really enjoy that show because I'm trash for those kinds of shows and that's completely fine too so bottom line is that there really is nothing wrong with having a guilty pleasure anyway I feel that in order to be like a true anime fan you've got to have at least one guilty pleasure anime or at least one guilty pleasure genre for some people the anime adaptation is often better than the manga I'm sorry you know what I'm so glad actually you tweeted that I'm so glad that I could finally give this clown card to somebody this episode it had to be somebody and it looks like it's going to use my voice oh here you go congratulations Hong Kong look not to say that every anime adaptation ruins the manga I mean there are definitely some cases where the anime is far superior to the manga perfect examples are shows like que anh and lucky star those manga were [ __ ] boring but a little bit of koto animation magic made it one of the best [ __ ] shows of that decade but saying that the anime adaptation is always better than the manga yeah this this kid clearly hasn't read any manga at all or at least any good manga at all there's a reason why I have so much manga right here my voice it's not just for show it's not just to make the backgrounds on my videos pretty alright it's because manga truly is in a lot of ways more superior to the anime adaptation and and that's not to say again that the anime adaptations are always [ __ ] it's just that the manga adaptations are usually the ones that rise to the top compared to the anime adaptation people who complains shown in tropes fanservice in a shounen anime slash manga is annoying they are better off watching some other genre rather than attacking the author to change you know it's hilarious that I only just realized as I was reading that about this particular opinion it's that you want people to complain about fanservice and shown in different types of shown in tropes in their Sean in series that you want them to go and watch other shows the hilarious thing though is that more than likely 99% of the time those very same people only watch Sean in shows like think back to when horikoshi call hare drew that picture of all of the my hero academia girls in bikinis and there were a bunch of people on Twitter who were bashing the [ __ ] out of him saying like oh they're only 14 years old how dare you sexualized these characters it was so good up until then more likely than not those people only watch my hair academia or at least only watch Sean in shows so telling them to go and watch other shows is pretty much pointless because they're never going to be open to any kind of show if this so close-minded about the fact that they make fourteen-year-old girls in Sean in shows wear bikinis and that's apparently not okay even though fourteen-year-old girls in real life also wear bikinis if anything I want people like that to only what Sean in shows III don't want this [ __ ] opinions and [ __ ] takes two I guess cause a cancer in other genres shows that so far are completely untouched so yeah keep complaining about your Sean n tropes guys that I'm just gonna go watch some other good shows just because you've seen a lot of anime doesn't mean people have to watch the shows you recommend what one thing I don't understand about this particular opinion is that it's just completely going against what actually happens because isn't the whole reason why you seek out people who's anime recommendations you want to hear is because they've seen a lot of anime I'm not gonna go up to someone who's only seen three anime series and be like hey bro what do you recommend because they've only seen three shows I'd much rather go to the person who's seen 100 200 a thousand shows to ask what they recommend because they clearly have a bigger poll to select from they clearly have a better understanding of what makes a good show good what makes a bad show bad that's like going up to someone who's only listen to Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift their entire life and asking them hey what music do you recommend I really like rock music but I'm sure you'll understand what good rock music is right it just doesn't make sense you you you come up to people like us people who have seen a lot of anime because you want to hear our recommendations if you don't want to listen to our recommendations why would you ask in the first place third series isn't hard to get into some people just don't want to read and ignore the centerpiece of the series while there's no complete alternative it's like saying it's hard to get into chainsaw man because I don't want to read the manga I actually disagree with this opinion especially when you brought up the whole chainsaw man example of like I don't want to read chainsaw man because there's a chainsaw in it know the reason why people don't want to get into the faith series is because it's overtly confusing and I completely understand that as someone who struggled to get into the fade series for the longest time it wasn't until I actually asked a couple of my friends who are heavily into the fade series like they've seen everything that the faith series has to offer they were into the faith series ever since the first type-moon visual novel fate/stay night that i finally understood how to get into it because it's not as easy as just watching everything so as someone who has finally gotten into the faith series and i can tell you that it's a [ __ ] fantastic series once you get into it if you want to get into the faith series this is what you have to do all you have to do is just watch fade zero and unlimited blade works if you just watch these you will understand 95% of the fate war and if you enjoy those and you want to further get into the nitty-gritty 5% then you can go and watch things like fate/stay night the heavens filled movies all of the spin-offs that you can think of the recent fgo that's just started airing you can go and watch all those but if you just want to get into the bare-bones fade zero and unlimited blade works that's all you need to watch animation quality determines the success of a series more than anything else you know that's actually kind of true and that's really sad to say I mean look don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with an anime series that has amazing animation quality if anything you want an anime to look great because that's a huge part of what makes anime anime the visuals the the movement the animation without good animation then there's no real point to watch an animation but in saying that as this tweet says a lot of people a lot a lot a lot of people do think that just because a show has good animation it automatically makes it a good show and I can tell you my boys that that is so far from the truth because in a lot of cases it's actually the high quality animation that hides the fact that the show is actually kind of [ __ ] take for example my all-time favorite essay oh I can definitely say that the animation looks [ __ ] incredible in that show but again just because it looks good it doesn't mean it is good it's like taking a cake made out of [ __ ] and covering it in icing like just because it looks good on the outside it doesn't mean that's good it's still a [ __ ] cake and again I feel that's just a hugely sad realization and it's honestly a little bit of a disappointment because so many people do in fact just look at animation quality and immediately a quick to determine if the show is going to be good or not and unfortunately because of that they end up missing a lot of [ __ ] fantastic shows take for example the aqua no Hana anime a lot of people [ __ ] hated that anime adaptation because the animation the rotoscoping animation just looked so [ __ ] janky and they didn't realize that that is one of the [ __ ] best psychological drama shows to come out in a very long time and the same logic also applies to fully 3d animated shows immediately people so quick to perceive that all kind of janky 3d immediately makes the show bad and then they miss out on some [ __ ] fantastic shows like a gene for example which was fully 3d animated and yet still a great [ __ ] show but again I completely understand that yes good animation definitely does make watching an anime worthy and the good thing is with the recent advancements of 2d and 3d animation quality in the Japanese anime industry we are getting some shows that look better and better and better by the year there are some shows like the recent attack on Titan season or even some you know Jojo seasons and stuff like that like that look just [ __ ] amazing and without that great animation quality we wouldn't have had a great show but again don't let that be the only thing to determine if you're going to enjoy a show or not just because it's well animated don't let that into fooling you to think that it's going to be a good show as well Cousineau honk ice comes which is super underrated depicts a romance story unique in anime and doesn't deserve the heat it gets my boy I absolutely [ __ ] agree with that oh my god a long long time ago when cruising the honk I came out I did a quick little review of it and I praise the [ __ ] out of it because I personally couldn't understand where the hate was coming from me in that show a lot of people were quick to say things like oh it's depict such a dark and edgy type of romance story and it's just doing it for the edge it's just doing it to be like oh look at all of these teens doing [ __ ] up things and it's so unrealistic this [ __ ] that they're going through nobody goes through [ __ ] like this when in actuality teens do go through [ __ ] like this and there are so many romance stories that have tried to depict this kind of darker side of the romance genre not very good results I mean look at domestic you know commercial that is a clear example of a show that was trying to go so far into the dark side of romance that it that in itself became way too [ __ ] unrealistic and dragged out whereas comes wish was just a really simple yet very very deep and dark look into teen romance I mean again this whole conception of romance in anime is usually seen more on the positive side because people do want to see you happy I think people do want to see that heroine and protagonists come together in the end to bring about a full of rainbows happy ending but sometimes in the real world not all romance is like that sometimes people struggle people go through different types of obstacles where they have to choose which one do they prioritize the the love that is in front of them that they can easily get but it's not genuine or the love that they really want to get but it's so far away and they just no matter how hard they try to stretch their hand out towards it they know that they'll never grab it and end up happy and I feel Cousineau Honka was just a show that did a really good job exploring that and the cherry on top was that the way that that's animation studio depicted those types of darker sides and lighter sides and kind of mixed them all together made it a really entertaining ride I genuinely didn't know which way the story was going to roll so if you didn't really enjoy scums wish then I would personally try and give it another go if you do have the time I personally would try and give it another go and really look at it like really understand where these characters are coming from and really understand that yes this isn't supposed to be this super edgy show it's just supposed to show you that sometimes romance [ __ ] sucks and these characters are living through that help anime is a really capable of depicting physical horror most studios and authors have to rely on their ability to nuance the genre into something more like an underlying type of psychological horror I absolutely agree with this in fact a couple of years ago I actually made a video called why good horror anime isn't scary lissa that video in the description if you want to check it out but basically in that video I described again as like this tweet says showing actual elements in animation and especially in anime is really [ __ ] difficult and if anything the best types of horror shows are not the ones that are so gory and splattery and you know follow conventional horror tropes of like it looks so disturbing therefore it's scary it's the psychological side of horror that makes it scary it's the psychological side the main flux that are so terrifying that you just can't believe what is happening in front of your eyes as I've said in many videos as you've probably heard before in my opinion the best horror anime to ever come out is Mononoke not just because it looks scary not just because there's a lot of blood and guts and killing and oh my god that looks so terrifying jump-scare moments but because the non-physical things that are depicted in that show the other worldliness of the spirits and the ghosts and the gods that go through these psychological torments of these characters and to see that psychological torment throughout every single episode is what makes us so terrifying again in my after mentioned why good horror anime isn't scary video I did go through a fully extensive review of why I think Mononoke is the best horror anime so if you want to know more information about that I highly recommend you go check out that video romance animes where the main couple gets together almost immediately a leagues better than any harem / one ship to rule them all anime except maybe the monogatari series eg rocket occasional a youth on is greater than most harem animes okay I actually disagree with this because in this tweet you said that a romance anime that brings two love interests together immediately is better than most harem anime you're comparing a romance show to a harem show and those two are not the same yes there is romance in harem shows it's a Venn diagram situation every harem anime has romance elements but not every romance is a hammer in terms of Harran anime yes I actually do agree I actually think that shows like Dracula Akishino Calvary for example which immediately brought the two love interest together at like Episode two or three for example and followed along in that way to show the two couples rather than this main character [ __ ] around with all these girls was way more interesting than most harem anime but in saying that when it comes to romance shows I actually do find it more satisfying to see the progression of two people coming together rather than immediately sticking them together because the whole reason why you're watching the romance show is to see which person the main protagonist or the main heroine is going to choose and if you automatically know that from the beginning then you're just basically watching a couple [ __ ] around in different ways and I personally on a romance element don't see the enjoyment in that of course there are exceptions to that role for example golden time which did bring the two love interests together pretty early on and actually showed the progression of how the couple advances that was really interesting but in my opinion the best romance anime is out there are the ones that combine those two elements combines the elements of seeing two people slowly falling in love with one another and also shows what happens once they actually are together and that's why in my opinion the best romance story to ever come out in manga and anime is eyes again I did a whole video on eyes and my analysis and review of it all and why I do think this is the best romance manga period but essentially it does combine this whole coming together of the two people but also shows what happens after they do come together it shows every single element of what makes a romance of romance and that's why I think it's so great but bottom line not every romance is a harem okay we got it we got to first distinguish these two okay romance does not equal harem harem does not equal romance all right let's let's separate these two and then we can we can go from there expositional dialogues in anime are always ignored and defended and anime that have good or more realistic pacings are usually called boring which is [ __ ] on that night will you please line the show don't over oh my god please I absolutely agree with that the one thing that I [ __ ] hate in anime and a lot of anime YouTube's can agree with me on this is what we call the expositional cafe scene I don't know what it is with people thinking that in order to create some kind of an expositional dialogue about what is happening the easiest and most convenient way to do it is to place two characters one that is explaining the exposition and one that is receiving the exposition to sit them both in a cafe and to just make it this boring us [ __ ] cafe scene I hate to bring this up again but Sao is a perfect culprit of that boring ass expositional way it's just so [ __ ] boring to watch two people just talking about exposition don't tell me what the story is about just [ __ ] show me what the story is about and there is a way that mmm a series can show and tell at the same time a perfect example is the monogatari series the Amana atari series is really [ __ ] good at exposition because not only do you hear the inner dialogue and in a model of of Araki or whoever the inner dialogue is is of that particular season but while the inner dialogue is happening you are given context clues through visions through ways that the Annunaki is looking at the world through different really trippy scenes as to what is happening and the guys I've read shaft was so aware of how much exposition there was going to be in the monogatari series because it is at the end of the day a very convoluted story that takes a lot of expositional dialogue that they just like you know what we can tell it but we also need to show what he is telling there is so much talking so we need to make the visuals also pop out to make sure that people are listening as well as seeing what is happening but again there is so much anime that needs to understand that the show don't tell element is so important especially in anime because it is all about the visuals animation is all about what you are seeing not what you are listening to the anime industry needs to produce more original anime than the adaptations of manga light novels etc if the story already exists in a medium then it should be a secondary choice to adapt it the primary choice should be to come up with an original story easier said than done brah just from a business standpoint why would a studio take so much man-hours to come up with an original story like from the beginning when they could just look the other way and be like oh look here's a story that's already written out for us let's just grab this it just saved the industry so much more time to come up with an original story that they don't know if it's going to flop or not because the whole point about why these particular shows do we get anime adaptations because they know that from the original source material whether it be a manga a light novel a game whatever the original source material may be they know that there is an audience who will eat the [ __ ] out of the anime series up once it gets made that's how anime series are more often than not decided upon it's to see if all does this particular original source material have an audience is a popular anyway is that people who are going to eat it up then yeah we can adapt it fine without it warring to four or not but creating an original story that nobody has ever heard about is such a gamble for Studios because again they don't know if it's gonna flop on on and that whole process of going through from the very beginning to create an original story to end up having flopped is a huge risk for a studio because it costs so much more money than to just grab something that they already know as successful in saying that though yes I do think that there are a lot of Studios that do need to make more original stuff such as trigger and even you know production i.g and stuff like that because their track record does show some [ __ ] great series but again this [ __ ] takes time and man-hours which unfortunately with how fast the supply and demand of the anime industry is today it's just not physically possible and finally praising Jojo and making Jojo references is cool but these fans who have nothing in their mind but Georgia should chill they're the reason why people don't want to join the Jojo community even though the quality of references and memes is beginning to become cringy and [ __ ] now I feel though that can be said about any hyperactive fan base you know look at the mic here academia fan base all the Naruto fan base although even the one piece fan base like it's just any type of hyper active fanbase that only cares about that particular show does deserve to chill because again as you said in the suite that is the whole reason why so many people so put off from joining that community not to say that people should just stop making Joe Joe references and Joe Joe memes and Joe Joe jokes altogether because it's they're funny you know if you understand the references they're [ __ ] hilarious most of the time except recently you know people just think that if you just throw in any kind of Joe Joe reference that automatically makes a mean it's it's so [ __ ] cringy and boring guys like I can tell when a Joe Joe meme is created by someone who clearly hasn't read or seen enough Joe Joe because it is just so [ __ ] surface-level that it's like oh okay yeah cool I haven't seen this joke 50,000 times so yeah it's fine to make jokes and references and stuff like that but just chill there is there are so many more serious health bear that you can make actually funny memes and jokes about that you're just wasting potential like I get it I love Joe Joe - guys don't get me wrong I [ __ ] love Joe Joe but I'm not going out on my way to [ __ ] tweet a Joe Joe meme and reference every [ __ ] day so bottom line is that it doesn't matter if it's jojje or if it's one piece if it's SF it's a tag of time and if it's my hair academia if it's any of those hyperactive fan bases y'all just need a chill alright y'all just need a chill but guys that's gonna do it for this episode of let's fight thank you once again for joining in until the very very end I appreciate all of you lovely [ __ ] let me know in the comments below about any of the opinions that I gave any of the penis that you have towards any of the tweets that were introduced in this video I'm always interested to hear what you guys have to say and you guys are usually pretty good in the comments to bring about some actually interesting discussion topics on one not so again leave all that stuff in the comments below and if you'd like to join in on the next episode of what's right then the best place to do it is to go over to Twitter and use that hashtag let's fight send it to your boy and if it's an interesting enough opinion that I can talk about an elaborate in the video then I will grab it for the next episode and there's guys thanks for watching and I'll see you the next one like Farrell if you enjoy subscribe for new banter keep watching anime [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 597,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, JoJo, Memes, Are, BORING..., LET'S, FIGHT., #LetsFight, Fate, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Is
Id: EjzSjJsWE_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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