I Spent 41 Days Reading ALL the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Manga.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SoyCreativo_3 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's me Joey from the future here to let you know that this video is proudly sponsored by viz well if you clicked on this video then that means you probably like Jojo and if you do like Jojo then this is here to satisfy all of your Jojo once and means like these JoJo's Bizarre Adventure diamond is unbreakable manga two and one released volumes with these beautifully upholstered hardcover designs oh my god or if you're not much of a manga reader then how about the judges desire DaVinci diamond is unbreakable pot one limited blu-ray would you close the blu-rays special booklet art gallery english cutscenes if using a whole lot more so if you want to order out all your way into these amazing Jojo products and a whole lot more then make sure to check out these by clicking the link in the description below this video is already long as hell sir I'm gonna go away now enjoy the video it's kind of bizarre no pun intended to think but in the time that I spent reading this one manga series I have flown halfway across the world to attend a convention then flown halfway across the other side of the world to attend another convention and now I am here back home in Australia with my family reading Jojo what has this series done to me hey let's guard everyone this is the anime man do you guys like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure I do for those of you who don't know JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a shounen jump manga written by rocky he'll walk back in I believe the early 90s something like that and it is a series that is still serializing to this day but regardless of how I think the mediocrity of the Jojo means recently has diminished to the lowest of levels me having grown up with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure forever since middle school it is a very big part of my manga reading career but there's usually one problem when I try to recommend my friends to stop reading JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and that is it's really [ __ ] long don't believe me let me show you off to seeing this particular image I think I can safely say that I'm probably the biggest Jar Jar fan on the Internet Jorge you're a fan step the [ __ ] up and because I love jaar jaar so much I am on a quest to answer one very simple question how long does it take to read all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure originally my question was how long does it take to watch all of something like how long does it take to watch all of one piece or how long does it take to watch all of Naruto you know any you can name any anime series that has a lot of episodes but then I thought about it and the answer was pretty simple I mean anime is limited to the amount of time that you can spend on each episode usually anywhere between 22 to 25 minutes if you take away the 5 minute ad break so all you have to do indicates with say one piece is to take the number of episodes and multiply it by how long each episode is but the thing is with manga doesn't quite work the same way because everybody's reading speeds are different I may be able to finish the first volume of Jojo in 5 minutes and someone else who is not as literal as I am for example may possibly take an hour or 2 hours so really the only way that we can find out the answer to how long does it take to read ology JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is is to just do it is to just read it all now before we start the challenge let's do some ground rules in case you want to make this an official challenge you can take breaks so the time that it takes to read all of this manga will be the total accumulated time of each reading session because with all honesty with how long these volumes are I can't possibly sit here for a week straight to just read this manga as much as I love this series it is humanly impossible rule number two just so people don't think that I am cheating or anything I'm obviously going to try and film the entire process but also because conveniently JoJo's Bizarre Adventure split up in two parts at the end of finishing each part I'm going to be giving you a very quick review and analysis of what I thought about that part and rule number three is have fun I'm gonna have so much fun with this you know honestly though like this was actually a really like convenient and nice little challenge that I decided to put upon myself because I did actually want to reread all of Jojo anyway let's see how long it takes to read all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure starting with the ever infamous bully one Jesus Christ I'm gonna die there's a stopwatch right there so that you guys can keep track of the the time-lapse that's happening and yeah it's not much else that's stopping me and now at this point so let's start off at the place that everybody wants first stood I don't know is it just me or like this do never look like this for the rest of the series I think if it looks like this here we go ladies and gentlemen how long does it take to read JoJo's Bizarre Adventure starting in 5 4 3 2 gwon Jesus be with me man I forgot that Jonathan just gets absolutely [ __ ] with the inclusion of do even before like the famous scene you know the one I'm talking about he just gets absolutely his whole life is just completely [ __ ] there it is the beginning of every single Georgia meme in existence no wonder like this scene it still lives on to this day like when I first came out this scene was [ __ ] powerful girl so so far it's taken me 29 minutes and 31 seconds to read Volume one this is gonna be a long video isn't it volume 2 is when they when they first show Speedwagon he's my favorite character in pawan I [ __ ] love sweet wagon alright guys I have to go to a birthday party I'm like halfway through volume 2 hour remember where I am 40 minutes of my life with one and a half volume god damn alright day two let's continue where we left off and with two hours and five minutes in we have completed part one some a quick review of part one well unlike the traditional Jojo that most people know about it is pretty freakin simple if anything a lot of it reminds me a lot more of another manga from around the same age just to the North Star which is one of my favorite manga series out there alongside of Jojo first of all the stands haven't made an appearance yet that everyone knows about instead they use these things called Hummel you do get to see Jonathan and do fighting in really really cool ways that they don't really use again and later Jojo pots I feel especially with the introduction of Stan's in part 3 which I will eventually get to but yet set Betty is a really [ __ ] cool character that makes an appearance in this but unfortunately dies I wish like we could have seen more of him more of him fighting because he was just a really like classy gentleman and yeah we also get to see Speedwagon there as well which is a recurring character in the rest of the series which I will talk about when we get to it so the ending of pawan essentially ends with Jonathan and do dying in a fire or at least that's how it is presumed it took me two hours and five minutes to read four and a half volumes so just goes to show how long this video is actually going to be without further ado let's begin - hell yeah I already like pot - because the main character's name is Joseph we the fame I totally forgot that part - straight up has Nazis in them not even like a Nazi s type of organization likes just straight-up Nazis I kind of noticed that during the first part there weren't really a lot of like Jojo poses there were a lot of like poses but not like the the ones that we know in Georgia but I said this is probably like the first example of even in Part two of them of a jojo pose this is the scene right here ACDC one of the three guys in the pillows gets his arm chopped off and you think he's getting it angry but no there's what surprised like crazy now that is a mood if I've ever seen it I found the same nice your nice lady nice she's a John that's how good Jojo phrase is eyes that even something as my Newt is this in the original manga can become a meme it's actually pretty [ __ ] sad though I'm not gonna lie and there you go that's the end of part 2 ok so my review of part 2 this is where things started to get a little bit more on the ridiculous side of the Jojo fan base where you had characters like Wow and causes essentially they are able to manipulate their like artery movements they manipulate able to manipulate their bones to turn into like swords and stuff and it gets pretty [ __ ] insane if I were to say which one was better part 1 or part 2 I would definitely say part 2 just because we get to see a lot of different connections between different characters that really expand upon generations and not to mention in part two they actually try to scientifically explain as much as possible as to the reasons why such powers from different characters work or such battle tactics work like they're actually meticulously crafted to make it as realistic as possible in a very unrealistic setting there's georgia which i think is already a hell of a lot more better and more thought-out than part one ever was I think Pawan was kind of like a trial period to try and figure out like yeah this is how it's gonna go and honestly was interesting to just read it I haven't read Jojo in a very very long time so seeing all of these like familiar scenes obviously you know brought me back a wave of nostalgia but also the other smaller fine details I had completely forgotten about like I had completely forgotten about you know how the fight with ac/dc or even the fight with wamu as well even though one move is such a known and very you know popular character in the Jojo universe just the fight with wamuu like on the horses and everything like that fight scene was pretty [ __ ] dog I like Part two part two is also very very fun now we are going to move on to part three Stardust Crusaders but I think I'm going to do that tomorrow because it's already midnight now and I've spent like five hours today reading Jojo so I'm gonna go to bed and I'm gonna stop pop three at another time so we have some you know thing oh it was nameless last couple of days I didn't really have time to read like at all I had to do I'd like you get a bunch of videos finished and everything so today I finally have all day because Aki's out filming for her so we can finally start [ __ ] part three Jojo that's a jojo pose and a half i think also from this point on in the video i am going to be hiding or not showing how much time has passed i mean you guys can tell that I'm not [ __ ] faking this [ __ ] okay like I'm properly sitting down to read every single thing but I'm going to hide the time from the rest of this video just so that the final result will be a little bit of a mystery for you guys cuz I also don't know how long this is gonna be either so without further ado let's read Jojo pottery stylus Crusaders Joe's mom is so freaking cute I love you just go and get a stand and everything you'll be applying if my mom will always be here to protect you best mom oh yeah the introduction of Steely Dan I think this is like one of the first times where we start to see a pattern in the journey of universe of things named after seventies and eighties bands so right now I am on volume 20 who's I talked about this page in a very very old Joe Joe video which I just I'll leave in the description below essentially there's this whole like conspiracy that this page is like a secret message to 911 or information in the video in the description but man this has been a while since I've read this page I love the fact that this derby fight for the the derbies younger brother fight is just them playing video games like how is it possible that seem to Bob dudes playing video games is epic only Joe Joe can do that [Music] man do was so evil in pot 1 but pot 3 he's something completely different he's just absolutely [ __ ] well there you go guys I managed to read all of pomp 3 as you can see the sun's going down now I've literally been doing this all freakin day something that took all day for me was probably maybe about two minutes for you guys so yeah just just let that sink in oh yeah let's do a review of part three obviously this is the first part where the stands arrive and you have everything from like obviously you know the the main stuff like star platinum the silver chariot Halliford green all the main ones that can just do literally anything is like literally no bound to stuff like you know turning a body into a magnet or to turn into the size of an ottoman and into someone's bloodstream to control them's my favorite character for part 3 is definitely : around silver chariot is one of the coolest looking stands but just polnareff as a character is just so wacky and energetic and you know he knows when to [ __ ] around but he knows when to be serious he's kind of like the Cubana of Joe John bought three is much longer than part one and two but there's a whole other level of the Joe Joe universe that you can experience and have fun with them as good as part one and two is part three definitely so far at least out of the first three parts is definitely at my number one spot and I mean I'm sure it is for a lot of people as well I thought about starting just a little bit of part 4 but I mean part 4 is also gonna be really really long so I think I'm gonna save part 4 for the next day which will be like one transition away for you guys so I asked me why all those a must gonna try and change up the angle of the videos every day or at least you know every other day just to make the video a little bit more interesting so today I'm in front of my computer on a shitty webcam yeah so it's been a few days since I read all finished part 3 and now we're about to move on to 29 part 4 I have all day to read this so hopefully you can knock out part 4 in a single day without further ado let's something I've just noticed with jóska Stanton crazy diamond if you don't know there's a reference to shine on you crazy diamond the song by the seventies progressive band Pink Floyd the ability of crazy diamond is that it can destroy things and then put them back together but jóska can't heal himself with the crazy diamond the song shine on you crazy diamond was written for former Pink Floyd members Syd Barrett to help him heal his wounds even though that song is for Syd he can't heal himself with it it just goes to show that like Araki doesn't just like [ __ ] randomly throwing band names with these different stands like he actually thinks about it and he clearly has to have an understanding for the bands and the songs and everything from sake for that that's a [ __ ] cool I do have a feeling that Keisha Biddle hung this new character that just came out in part four it's probably like a personification of Iraqis insane I know that's probably like the most obvious answer but I'm sure I'm not the first person to say that my way star has to be one of the creepiest stands I've ever seen smells with his feet I forgot this chapter how the cat turns into a plant like to sing that out loud is Araki how do you think of this [ __ ] up this is just like a perfect panel to show you just how artistic Iraqis panels can get like that kind of star right there is like you don't see that in monger anymore and even back then you didn't really see it it's just one other kind and we're done with part four compared to part three there were some things that I thought were better some things that I thought were a little bit worse so let's quickly go over that you know Yosuke is probably my favorite villain in the jo-jo universe they put so much reality into his personality he has struggles he has ambitions the best of him and the the worst of him are basically just taking him over and making him do some pretty [ __ ] up [ __ ] like even when he transformed into that other guy he just wanted to live a quiet life just kind of explore himself and if people got in the way then you know he unfortunately just had to kill them to defend himself but other than that his personality is really unique in the sense that it's very realistic as much as I like do he does seem like a very you know over-the-top like I am the villain and I'm going to destroy the world kind of guy whereas you know yo Scalia is just a very down-to-earth dude who will basically get his way no matter who tries to stop him all his own happiness now some I guess bad parts are negative parts about part 4 for me was just some of the characters in part 4 were pretty annoying pretty pretty useless I would say you guys got the jewels gathered the main Jojo for platform I liked him because I think it is said more in like a modern time at least in part 4 he definitely does have a lot more of a personality that is likable and that is more grounded to the earth right at the end during the final battle of part 4 with Keira his son or the son of the guy that Keira transforms into hiatal he was kind of just there to be like unmediated to the fighter he's calm Terry and his dialogue reminded me of like in the eSports commentator he was just like commenting on everything that was happening and just happened to know what the hell was going on with everything he's not even a stand user and yet he knew more about what was going on in battle than all of these other stand users it just seemed a little bit of a plot convenience to me even like the way that Kyra actually does end up getting defeated at the end which I'm not gonna say in case of spoilers but especially when you compare it to the first three parts a little bit anticlimactic but Killer Queen is a [ __ ] cool stand and super IP stand but makes a lot of sense and I just love the Queen reference and speaking of references way more references to like old bands you know you have pink Kodaka no Sean in which is the manga that Keisha Biddle hung was drawing is clearly a reference to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon you have stands like you know Killer Queen highway star which is deep purple reference Red Hot Chili Peppers which is a reference to Red Hot Chili Peppers so yeah you can definitely start to see more of these like band references making a way in and I love it I mean as a dude who loves listening to that kind of music I freaking love it so hell yeah part 4 pretty good I would still recommend it until next time [Music] and yeah a lot has happened finally today I have some time now so we are going to get started on and hopefully finish part 5 golden wind which as of the recording of this particular part of the video is the last to be adapted into an anime without further ado let's begin the scene with return key weeks store no space it's still a [ __ ] week what was he thinking if you just look at this page out of context you just sit like a head that's alive being hung up by eyelids with a fishing rod and then wasis attached to him to bone advisor and this is three dudes in outfits dancing this page is the perfect the perfect definition on how [ __ ] weird and awesome Jojo can get I'm on the notorious b.i.g stand I think that's the first like hip hop alike rapper name that he is used to the stand cuz everything else so far listening par-5 has been some kind of rock band even in pastoring for the Balkan rock bands of song tonight wonder why he chose notorious b.i.g is he a fan of it the seven-page mood off and then he puts in there as well oh look at all those movie does bro oh and there's a wasp a god damn I just imagine a rocky was just like you know what that mood uh scene is really [ __ ] dog let's just give him seven pages to absolutely destroy his ass that has to be one of the coolest [ __ ] panels in pod five when he becomes Gor the expertise that ear cream which is a really fun word to say alright time for my review of part 5 golden wing I definitely wouldn't say that part 5 is my absolute favorite there are certainly a lot of really fantastic moments in part 5 you know namely character designs are [ __ ] phenomenal probably the best out of the first five parts that I have read these characters just look so epic and cool and not just character designs but even stand designs as well all the experience in itself is just a really cool-looking stand and I mean Girona Giovanna is just the coolest looking Jojo in books at least Diablo is a villain that you don't really get to fully understand or fully experience the background off like 85% of par 5 you don't even know what the guy looks like and then when you do find out what he looks like they suddenly do that win switch with silver chariot Requiem where all of the souls get switched around with other characters and I mean it was great to see Paul Neurath about good again because Paul Aaron was my favorite character in part 3 it's around pot 5 really where you really start to see how visually aesthetic and visually creative Iraqis are style can get not just in fight scenes but also just in the way that characters move and interact with it was a nice length not too drawn-out in anything and was pretty freakin good but yeah it is like almost midnight here right now I'm just glad I got to finish part 5 really we just finished what was it 60 three volumes of Jojo so weasely enough even though there's only three parts left we're only like halfway through reading all of Georgia holy [ __ ] I always a must I say that but it's like 5:00 p.m. few things have changed for one I got a haircut I'm diggin it let me know in the comments below what do you think I was working all day today but I figured I should probably start reading more of Jojo because I'm kind of running out of time and I really don't want to have to lug a bunch of volumes of Jojo you know to America today we're gonna be studying my revenge of pot six stone ocean without further ado let's begin [Music] that is just painful to look at and after all of that I'm done with pot six stone ocean so let's do a little recap definitely my favorite pot I slowly remembered more more of it as I read it and yeah definitely can't say hands down my favorite pot so far this is the first time we get to see a female Jojo protagonist named Cujo Jolene who is the daughter of Kujo Jotaro from part three and it sit in a prison with a mostly female cast I would say like it's not until later on that side characters turn into males but for the majority of the pilot the the main people are females which is really cool and I'd say like you know pretty different compared to the other parts but definitely just out of all of the the JoJo's so far Jolin is definitely just the most badass maybe because she is a girl her stance time free is also just freakin awesome I love it and you can definitely see just a huge bump in quality in up style from Araki even when you compare it to the previous part and the villain Enrico Pucci is actually again a very very good feeling I wouldn't say again he's the best villain in Jojo because again as I mentioned in par-5s review kyo slug it is the best of feeling and Jojo so far but I'd say Enrico Pucci is a pretty close second because again it gave us a lot of time to build up this character he gave us a lot of time to understand who this character was and especially the fact that he had such a connection a massive connection to do Brando it's really cool to see that even after all this time that Diaz been gone he's still kind of working behind the scenes and [ __ ] the judge or lineage up as much as he can the ending as well like even though it did end up a creepy and a little bit some might even say anticlimactic like all the characters came back after the universe that collapse on top of itself multiple times as different people but the same people again by the time I'm reading this pot 5 for the previous pot is the focus that the anime adaptation is gone so I'm actually really looking forward to seeing part 6 being adapted like it's gonna be really interesting to see how posses is gonna be adapted because it's just so much more weird and out there in terms of stand powers in terms of fights in terms of just characters and how the characters look and definitely part six is another huge reason why it's my favorites because the character designs are [ __ ] dope like pot five character designs was [ __ ] fantastic top six though we really get to see the ladies shine and goddamn Araki can make some really badass yet somehow sexy ladies at the same time I don't know how he does it I think we'll leave it at that next part we will be doing is part 7 steel ball run which I think also happens to be the longest Jo Jo part it's gonna take a little while longer but we'll see how it goes ohayo gozaimasu it is the next day and as you can see from my hair I just woke up but today we are going to be starting on 7 steel ball run I don't think I'll be able to finish it all in one go today because I have a lot of things to prepare for today so hence why I am recording this literally first thing in the morning this is gonna be interesting to read so without further ado let's begin guess who's [ __ ] back its [ __ ] dear what the hell in hot seven there really isn't a concept of stands because it's like way before they discover the stone mosque that you see in part one but there are some people who have gotten these like stand powers but they don't know what they are and one of these characters here he's like a sheriff who has the ability to like throw a rope and then his body goes along the Rope way he can get split up and move along the road he doesn't know what to call this power so he decides to call it a stand because it is a power that stands up against a curse so is that like the origin of the word stand because I don't think they ever explained it up until part 7 here apparently it is because it is a power that stands up to the devil that's pretty badass okay what the [ __ ] they are literally just turned into a dinosaur and the fantastic reference to the song Johnny be good as gyro is saying go Johnny go go go I love those even the subtle references Iraqis able to throw in there so effortlessly now you're probably all wondering Joey what the [ __ ] happened first of all I'm not in my house anymore as you can probably see I am in Aki's room in America yeah I'm literally on the other side of the planet right now for you guys it literally two seconds but for me it has been a full five days because jet lag jet LAG's a thing but I essentially was saying that I had to read as much of Jojo as I possibly could because I was literally flying out to America the next day but I was like [ __ ] I need to recharge on and to do that I need the physical volumes but I'm going to America so what the [ __ ] am I gonna do it's not like I'm gonna take all of the manga onto the actual plane with me and travel it for thousands and thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean to the I of the side of the planet right joke's on you I actually did that I brought like 30 or so volumes all JoJo's bizarre ninja manga across the Atlantic Ocean because that's how much of a [ __ ] dedicated Jojo fan I am a Rakhi sensei please and [ __ ] notice me so I read the Tidy of volume 16 which is currently right here but none of that came into my head so I'm not counting that as having read it because I've read this entire volume and I still didn't understand what the [ __ ] I just read so hopefully today I'll be able to finish off steel ball run plot 7 well right now we're essentially the point of the story where jurors eppley and Johnny Joestar the Jojo of this part have just found I think the third to last body part of the of the holy person in question which so far has been hinted as being Jesus Christ himself what joy is not about logic it's about just how [ __ ] as the name suggests bizarre and [ __ ] epic that he can possibly be and so far it's gotten pretty goddamn here big for now let's read the rest of jojo's bizarre adventure part 7 steel ball run here we go I don't know why oh I don't know if it plays any part in the story but gyro just admitted that his real name is not gyro but in fact julius caesar zeppeli why damn Joe Joe is really good at not having plot armor and I can't say which one it is in this part because of the spoilers but goddamn whoa I wasn't expecting that holy [ __ ] oh all right here's my review of steel ball run pot seven judgin art as always it's [ __ ] fantastic I think it's actually getting better and better I mean I know it's getting better and better cuz I've been reading it from start to finish I've noticed with path seven Iraqis really starting to use big panels like many many pages where there's an entire scene that is just covering the entire page or you might even have you know as little as two or three panels a page because I feel that Iraqi is really stunned incorporate the entire scene rather than focusing on a characters face or you know just small little details in terms of like the Joe Joe Johnny Joe star he was kind of you know I'm not as like a badass Joe Joe as like the previous six Joe Joe's but definitely a likable Joe Joe he definitely had a lot of development throughout the entire thing he went from this like cowardly dude who could barely stand up to this insanely badass dude who managed to really [ __ ] up do or at least tried to [ __ ] up deer in the best way that he could and even though at the end of steel ball run do is technically like the ultimate bad guy up until that point uh the character funny Valentine which is hilariously a funny name he was a great character because again you got to see his development because dilwara ron has so many chapters and so many volumes to really expand upon the story in characters you're really got to see alan times to like really get expanded to the point where he did turn into a pretty badass villain although I must say the ability to travel through dimensions is getting pretty ridiculous even for Jojo standards and somehow even overpowered skill like that the Jojo lineage just managed to [ __ ] it up somehow because it's Jojo and I also like the fact that I guess with this particular series uh I guess this particular part they made a lot of references in particular to ac/dc which is a band that I didn't think Araki would know or like in any way but the last couple of chapters have references to ac/dc songs like high voltage or even you know Valentine stand was called dirty deeds done dirt cheap which is a CD C's first album I really enjoyed it I think it was the perfect length and a perfect conclusion I still think part six I think so far just overall experience was definitely my favorite but I'd say steel ball Ronnie's ax is a very close second so far so yeah next clip you will see of me is me hopefully starting to read pot eight Jojo Leon could be five days from now could be five hours from now for me either way for you guys it will be happening in a few seconds so I will uh I'll see you guys then oh yes I mean I'll say yeah hi so it's been about two weeks I'd say the starters I'm not in America anymore I am in Australia now and I have also gone through two entire convention since you last saw me Anime Expo in LA and smash in Sydney good thing is that we only have 20 volumes left because what we have to do is read what eight judge early on which I have never actually read before so this is gonna be entirely new experience for me reading this and I realized that Jojo Leon as of the recording of this video and most likely the uploading of this video is still serializing so I'm going to be reading up to volume 20 which is the latest volume that is currently out but yeah soon we will be finished with Georgia without further ado let's read this [ __ ] wait hold on first chapter and immediately a huge bomb shoulders drop apparently our protagonist or what I assume is our protagonist has four testicles what hold on apparently this main guy's name is kita yulish coggan like kira from pot fall this is about to get interesting oh okay the new Jojo is curious Koga and somebody else mixed together I like how they going back and making all the connections again to the previous Jojo generations see that's like the attention to detail that Iraqis really really good at one thing I've noticed so far about this pot eight is that there are a lot of like fight scenes between stands but they're not like fully action-packed fight scenes like in you know parts three to seven like a lot of them are kind of psychological battles of like trying to outwit one another which is a you know a nice little change of pace I would say definitely every time I see this like firt that they're going after to cure the illness of turning into stone and all of that I can't help but think of like a devil fruit from one piece just can't get that out of my head it finally gets revealed the Jojo for this pot is Cujo just for me that's really interesting it's like connecting the Cujo family the higashikata family and the Keita family that's really complicated all of a sudden it's kind of crazy to see Killer Queen again that was a stand from what full pots ago so it's kind of wait to see him make a comeback here even though in a completely different role now from an antagonist to more of a protagonist role that's it's it's kind of a weird progression but it's really natural and interesting yo okay I'm just reading volume 17 of Jojo Leon Ramos at the end but two new characters just came in on urban guerrilla and his stand brainstorm and another character called Dora me facility duck which is a reference to the 1970s progressive rock band Hawkwind which is a band that I don't think many people know but they're one of my favorite progressive rock bands and the fact that Araki put in a reference to Hawkwind this man not only has fantastic taste in art but also has fantastic taste in music as if I couldn't love Araki any more than I already do and we are done oh I finally finished Joe Joey on volume 20 which is the latest volume as of the recording of this video which means I have completed the Joe Joe challenge I have read all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Jesus Christ I did and the time it took me was 43 hours 54 minutes and 21 saying about 44 hours I thought it would take me at least like 50 60 hours I mean that's 44 hours of just you know straight reading but in reality it took me like 30 or 40 days at least because I got really really busy these last couple of months but yeah first let's do a quick review of there's only on part 8 so far one thing I really really like about Joe Joe Leon so far is that unlike the other parts of Jojo there isn't really like a main bad guy or a main antagonist you don't have a do or an SGD she or a ketose well I mean you do have kid I used color but he's more of in a protagonist role than an antagonist role like everybody is trying to go for this one goal which is to get the coca coca fruit and everybody has their own reasonings and developments as to why they want the fruit for themselves so it's kind of more like a free-for-all than it is a good guy versus bad guy kind of situation which I believe is one of the first times that the Joe Joe universe has kind of expanded upon that concept it's usually been a a 1v1 good guys versus bad guys kind of concept which is nothing wrong with because Jojo does was so beautifully well but I guess it's just a nice little change of rhythm for the Jojo universe apart a protagonist was also pretty cool I do like his stance soft and wet we just still a hilarious stand name if you ask me but even from pot seven the quality of art has just increased dramatically and as I mentioned earlier hot eight I feel is a lot more psychology based battles more than they are physical battles a lot of the enemy stands they come and use kind of psychological tactics to again outwit one another rather than to just kind of brute force it all whole way through not to say that the other Jojo enemy stands we're using brute force anyway but this one definitely is a lot more meticulously crafted and I feel the further we go along in the Jojo universe the more meticulously crafted they get so I vol 20 the latest volume kind of ended on a little bit of a cliffhanger so suffice it to say we have at least a few more volumes to go until this is finished again not my favorite Jojo I still have to stand by and saying that part six and part seven are probably my tie for my favorite Jojo parts for part six the same for different reasons are probably my favorite Jojo parts overall god damn this was a long-ass video it's kind of bizarre no pun intended to think but in the time that I spent reading this one manga series I have cut my hair shaved my beard regrow my hair growing back my beard flown halfway across the world to attend a convention then flown halfway across the other side of the world to attend another convention and now I am here back home in Australia with my family reading Jojo what has this series done to me but all in all I had a ton of fun and this challenge really for me has just cemented just how much Jojo is such an absolute adventurer such an absolute right to go on especially when you really go from start to finish but all in all what I can say guys is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a [ __ ] amazing series I still would recommend for any of those people who have never read Jojo before to give it a go maybe not all in one go like I did because I no one's stupid enough to do what I just did in this video but maybe take a year not a month to properly digest all of this amazing manga series thanks guys for sticking around to the end of this video I know this video has probably become crazy long but hey you know what it was worth it because Jojo is worth it I'm probably not gonna be reading manga for quite a while now just because I have a lot to process about what the [ __ ] I just read for the past month and a half there are any more crazy manga anime challenges that you will like to see me attempt on this channel then leave them down in the comments below also if you have read Jojo then what is your favorite pie what are your opinions about any other things that I said in this video and if you've never read Jojo would you like to give it a read would you like to give it a watch instead either way let me know all your opinions and comes down in the comments below any of these guys thanks for watching and I see in the next one like if everybody few enjoys subscribe from earning abanda keep watching anime Jonny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,882,298
Rating: 4.9522266 out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, I Spent, 41 Days, Reading, ALL, the, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Manga, challenge, The Anime Man, thean1meman, How Long, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険, 漫画, JJBA, Diamond is Unbreakable, Golden Wind, Stone Ocean, Steel Ball Run, Jojolion, spoiler-free, Stardust Crusaders
Id: iXGr2wXyxWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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