Locked Inside a Manga Cafe for 24 Hours Straight

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Tried just searching on YouTube. Music recognizing sites doesn't work for me currently.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DigitalVariant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
yeah how's garner on this the enemy man sir manga cafes you heard of them I'm sure it's a thing that you've at least heard of if you want deep within the otaku community or you read a lot of manga you watch a lot of anime but for those of you who don't know a manga cafe is essentially as the name suggests a cafe a relaxation spot where you can go and relax and read some manga I'm sure for a lot of manga fans something like that truly does sound like heaven on earth and is a place that you could probably see yourself staying at and relaxing for hours and hours at a time possibly for an entire day but could you actually stay for an entire day well since I couldn't find a video of anyone the Internet up to the task I figured I would go out there and try and answer that question myself so today I decided to challenge myself to stay in among a cafe for 24 hours enjoy the video all right so we're here right now at Vegas I've been to a lot of bases before even within Shibuya this one I've never been to this one's easily the prettiest from a quick look of what I can see just in this entrance around here it seems like I'm gonna have a pretty relaxing and enjoyable 24 hours let's go and sign up for over if the world you go around it that's 5000 yen for 24 hours that's if you compare that to like any regular hotel I think that's way way way cheaper I'm pretty surprised about that I was expecting to pay like at least a hundred bucks for this month I think that that's that high for the MS oh it's only glitter that's so cool this is easily the most aesthetic manga cafe that I've been to and I've been to a lot of different model cafes trust me my room is g7 so Cheers I'm sure a lot of people have seen this in like anime and stuff but it's much more aesthetic than a lot of different groups I've now obviously there's already people here in these booths we have to try and keep our voice who's my urn I mean I've already put some of my stuff in here but check this right now and I'm like genuinely surprised that help each this booth is like we need of like a booster especially in a manga cafe you normally envision like you know I'm tiny a little like Matt maybe like maybe like this much enough for like one pot wood I mean like I can stretch my whole body in this room easily obviously I'll have to take my shoes off giant freaking PC screen right here obviously I didn't get the internet package so it won't be utilizing this module its giant desk right here I mean again plenty of leg room places like hang up your coats it's a nice comfortable chair of you here as well okay so are you probably wondering about the rules of this 24 hour manga cafe challenge essentially I have to stay in this manga cafe for 24 hours straight unless an emergency situation I am NOT allowed to leave this manga cafe until 1:15 p.m. tomorrow so all 24 hours this is till I guess show you guys and kind of experiment to see how much this manga cafe can actually offer to me that'll keep me entertained for 24 hours but we display for our package not only is there an all you can read manga section but there is also a free leg shower coupon for like 20 minutes and there's also all you can drink like drink bars and you can also order food here there's toilets here there's obviously luxury here as well so I don't think I'm gonna have too much of a problem but yeah guys without further ado let's start the 24 hour manga cafe challenge right it has officially begun I just finished unpacking everything I mean first of all his hottest balls probably wasn't a good idea that I wore black you know predominately black fur so first and foremost what I definitely want to do is give myself a drink and not only don't want to try out the drink bar but they also have a bunch of other things in there as well which hopefully I can show you guys and utilize to my full advantage so let's cut know they've slippers and stuff like that tune we've got blankets I'm gonna need this later tonight you're not pleased assortment of drinks it's all free that's crazy Pepsi cafe la man what do I feel like ooh a melon soda I really want that actually 13 seconds [Music] Hey look at that okay they'll like the super fancy coffee already espresso type drip type as well you know definitely gotta try not alright since I need a wake up to read someone I think I'm gonna get an espresso mmm mild espresso pretty good law successfully got my drinks weird choice of melon so during espresso coffee but you know what no judging here it's a manga cafe so since we are in a manga cafe it's natural that we'd go and read some manga now as you know I own a [ __ ] ton of manga at home but obviously I don't have every single series out this so I actually asked you guys over on Twitter a couple of weeks ago just like giving me some longer recommendations a lot of people were very quick to being like oh you're gonna make fun of our longer tastes again well depending on what you recommended me yes actually but no more importantly I figured since we are here I wanted to I guess go out and read as much money as possible and I'm gonna try and aim for a series that I probably won't end up buying for myself because that way I can just cover as many new stuff as I can and hence why I asked for you guys's recommendations and even though we have 24 hours here with the number of replies I go to this tweet I don't think I'll be able to cover them so I'm just gonna pick off some of them and then go and see if they have it in this manga cafe okay I'm a good friend Syd snap who is like the queen of manga she recommended a one called Tetsu cocoon lechera one of the best manga ever in my opinion well if the queen of manga says so then I'm probably gonna go and see if they have it my friend Dakota says she Tommy Chang is shy with strangers here's a good one all right I'm definitely check that one out - hmm Astro Boy why not an original you know what it's weird I'm a huge fan of Tessa Gosselin but I've never read the original Astro Boy manga if they have it definitely gonna go read it spy family Jews the caisson and Oktay age yeah I've heard those are really really good so all the way of the househusband box offical yeah that's another one I've really wanted to check it out so you know if the dawn is pretty solid shoujo manga yeah that's another one that I haven't really gone to read I'm definitely gonna try out some shows among as well see see what their collection is like Kingdom do I need to explain yet don't worry I haven't read Kingdom at all but I've heard so many incredible things about it definitely checking out at least the first couple of volumes of those sridham Akana now fan i met among you cafe but i ain't gonna waste my time on don't be condiment that's for sure there's a whole bunch of recommendations that you guys gave to me so let's go around to all of the manga places and see which ones we can pick up let's go alright well we got a lot of shelves to go through so let's see what we can find i also love how these have just individually wrapped as well so you can rest assure that these ma are pretty clean oh this is one actually really wanted to read got here there's a pretty old one but i feel like and give this one a go wow they have all the volumes of vagabond have a really good collection here i like as well how they highlight some series that you should read oh actually go coconut brynhilda this is made by the same guy who made elfin lead i should check this out well here's another one I've wanted to read as well this little creep is the one I see everywhere aha he is Kingdom let's go to the other side there's so much more oh my home here I think Sydney recommended I check this one out alright don't not gather so much manga how does anyone have enough time to read all these oh we're in the shoujo manga section I think there were a few that people are recommending me I read far at least I want to check out some classic shoujo manga because why not all but here's the cool thing everybody check this out at the end of here there is an entire section dedicated to English manga that's right this bag is is one of the only one of the few backus's from my memory that actually has full-on english manga yes seven deadly sins full metal alchemist my hero academia obviously Demon Slayer title and Titan and even some lesser-known stuff like he is all of beserk all over the donee Kenshin even have all of bleach which is pretty rare to find how often do you find a place that has all seventy four volumes of bleach so don't worry guys if you can't read any Japanese it's all good you can come here and still enjoy yourself okay I'm gonna pick up a few more manga series and then get to reading them right back I picked up obviously the ones that I just showed you before but I also picked up a few more first volumes because I'm curious to see so one of them is this one uh chuckling I'll say Chi I've heard a few people talking about this one - so it seems free thin so I think this will be an easy read another one that just seemed really cool as this one C jaw Chuck Lee I don't know anything about this series but it was highlighted in the store so I assume it's gonna be good another one right here is a one that I've heard again a lot my friends here in Japan read boku mo see I mean it seems pretty intense just from the cover bottom piece so uh yeah I'm expecting something pretty good but I have one two three four five six seven eight volume ones so now it's time for me to do what any reasonable man does in a manga cafe and that's to read some goddamn manga let's do it [Music] all right I read a bit of manga the time is currently 634 p.m. and I've finished reading v6 and they've all been pretty good these two a kind of similar in the fact that they kind of like a battle or y'all kind of thing like a like a survival game this one got here is the one i Joseph initiative is very much like a Blake's assist defeat the monsters with your supernatural powers kind of thing but the osto i really dig this one right here this ugly is small like a gambling manga very much in the same realm as like kg and clucky kind of a mix between those two which I really dig I have much stuff people think I kind of a slice-of-life shoujo where it's about this key in muttaqun who's kind of in his own world tries to understand human emotions that kind stuff and this one my home here or this one's a pretty intense it's about like a dad and mom who try to protect their daughter because she got involved with the oxen as her life is on the line sir like a good father has to protect their daughter so there's a super-intense and I like it but since it is around 6 p.m. right now I think I'm going to go and check that food vending machine that they had next to the drinks see what they have so let's check it out there's a lot of people at the front so I couldn't talk while I was there but I got me my food I guess some of them cost a little bit of money but considering that you know basically going for the convenience of getting to eat here and not have to go all the way outside and then all the way come back in it's pretty handy but I did hear from the people who run this place that it is a possibility as well that you can very easily go out to like McDonald's or Starbucks or whatever get something and then come back and eat it here so if you'd like to do that it's up to you but for me it's not part of the challenge so the first thing I managed to get was this hamburger set which is about 370 yen and I also got these hotdogs both a pretty piping hot and they came out pretty quickly as well it's cool how the machine works because you press a button and then it tells you how long it is and while you're waiting you can just you know stand around read some magazines that are there it's all well on dandy so this is the hamburger it seems pretty standard well let's try it out these uh I don't know about you guys but these are the cutest long toes I mean if you don't really want to complain about food quality then these are pretty alright but yeah I'm gonna quickly finish eating these and then I'm probably going to go and pick up the next couple bowling little manga that I showed you guys previously and see if I can get through any of them to do a comprehensive review while I'm here let's see where it goes I [Music] just I just had a little bit of food it's been reading a lot of manga and I'm I'm keeping my voice down right now I'm using my mic down because I didn't start to hear people around me snoring since I finished reading it I figured I would give you guys my quick little review of this series right here she's all chuckling I honestly don't know if I can fully review this yet because I just realized since reading this final fourth volume that it's not actually finished yet I know I said at the beginning of this video when I was picking along this series that I was only gonna try and get fully finished ones but the first volume journeying so hard that I kind of wanted to check the rest of this out and I realized that not only is this series still serializing this isn't even the latest volume the lates volumes volume 5 which came in October last year so it looks like now I am somewhat forced to buy the first 4 or rather 5 volumes of this probably once I leave and finish it tomorrow but so far this series is [ __ ] awesome again it's slightly kind of like an escape room type of thing where it's like millions of participants have to try and get to the end and if you get to the yen you win a hundred million yen that kind of thing a lot of psychological elements a lot of horror elements the art style is really nice and that mysteries are actually kind of interesting they know you know it's sort of a run-of-the-mill type of [ __ ] that you usually get these kinds of stories really enjoy this manga so far so I'm definitely going to get the rest of it I would like to continue reading more manga but there's one important thing that I found in the the main hole there which I still haven't shown to you guys so let's go and do that before we continue here it is the ice cream machine now ro [Music] ice cream yeah actually it is since it is becoming nighttime I'm probably gonna grab a blanket it does start to get cold don't wanna get sick right now got myself some chocolate sprinkled ice cream and would you believe it ladies and gentlemen this [ __ ] is free I have a lot more manga to read before the night ends I gotta get some sure me to stay away fun skirt this is truly and we'll talk to his paradise that's the way to go so right now it is currently 112 which means I have successfully been in here for about 12 hours now do I look tired my eyes are a little red I think but yeah as you can see I just finished my second longest series and all of the series that I've done a friend in this manga cafe I just I just had to read this one it's this one right here punk Russia this one is already completed it's got six volumes and honestly guys this is one of the most [ __ ] up bugger I've ever read I kind of feel like I can make an entire video on this manga series by itself because wow the things that happen in this manga let me just tell you this is not a manga that you want to be reading at 1:00 in the morning in fact I feel so dirty pinching this manga that I think it's a perfect opportunity to go and take a shower because believe it or not this manga cafe also comes with a shower room and if you're staying here under 24 hour package which is what I'm doing you get to use the shower for free for 20 minutes which is more than enough time for me to take a shower because yeah I definitely need to wash this dirty feeling that this manga has given me god damn actually done yes can you guys hear that snoring coming from every direction [Music] foolish snoring happening oh you need a key okay I need to go back to my room get the key pop the key for the shower what's going okay so looks like it is a completely just it's 20 minutes though I mean more than enough time for me to jump in the shower brush my teeth and get ready for bed because god damn I am tired [Music] yeah this is why I never blow dry my hair you don't want on second thought I'm not a hundred percent ready for bed especially after reading that nightmare fuel of a manga so I picked up by this one right here it's called unequal Donald you know the sheikah dollar night it looks like a super light-hearted super chill shoujo manga so I'm gonna read a few volumes of this before we go to bed and hopefully it'll be a much nicer note to and the day of love compared to the last one [Music] now I'm really bad with time is currently 1116 am I have a slept I have about two hours left in here which means I have a little bit more time to read some manga I wanted to get up a little bit earlier firstly but I guess reading all that long you see really tired me out but yeah let's make the most of this aunty cafe before dance guys guys it is 107 which means I've done it 24 hours straight in a manga cafe I didn't even notice that I was reading ously really a horrible manga Frankia but uh yeah guys I did it that's 24 hours straight in a manga cafe I've officially completed the 24 hours in a manga cafe challenge although I say challenge I honestly didn't really see it as much of a challenge because not a lot of fun and it's like just comfortable space that I mean right now I get to read as much Munger as I want you got free drinks you have free ice cream you got a free shower even though me sleeping on this like what is essentially a gym mat on the floor here wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing I've ever slept on I mean I still slept for a pretty decent amount of time and uh yeah I don't know I've just had a really relaxing 24 hours and what I do this again you know what probably I think this is a really good place to just kind of you know keep to yourself and just read manga and just kind of forget about the world because I honestly did forget about the world for even just a little bit if you would like to come and experience what I experienced then I will leave the link to the location of this particular manga cafe big shout out to the people over and boom coming up bagus not sponsored by them in any way they just gave me permission to film here so a huge shout out to them guys and if you'd like to visit the booth that I was once in then feel free to to so I've got to read a [ __ ] ton of manga that otherwise probably would have never found the time to do I even read a particular monger that I'm probably going to make a video of which is probably going to be in the next video to come out after this so I look forward to that and if there are any more weird strange challenges that you want me to do here in Japan whether it be Munger or Tucker related doesn't really matter let me know down the comments below and I guess let me know in constable as well would you guys be up to doing this 24-hour monitoring our challenge because it is genuinely cheap to do and I think it's again a lot of fun and just really relaxing time but yeah this was a long video in the making it's not easy to get filming permission here in Japan especially in a in a public cafe like this so again big shout out to the folks over vagus appreciate you guys for watching until the very end and I'll see in the next one like if ever do you enjoy subscribe Maria Banta keep watching animation done it [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,543,594
Rating: 4.9709229 out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Locked, Inside, Manga, Cafe, for, 24, Hours, Straight, BAGUS, Challenge
Id: 9A1NZPr-jas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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