So I just watched the New Demon Slayer Movie and...

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how's going everyone this is the anime man and welcome back to another episode of the monthly otaku collection the show that i do at the end of every single month where i go over the anime the manga the merch and other types of things that i would like to talk about that i couldn't really talk about in a video for this month it is the spooky scary month of october but unfortunately i don't think halloween is going to be happening due to what's been happening all over the world i'd probably sure you don't have to explain it or anything every year they do this giant halloween party type of thing in the hustling bustling city of shibuya but considering the recent news that have come out about how the shibuya government is just going to stop this no matter what there's a either going to be a massive riot that is happening for all the young people who want to do halloween through a pandemic or b shibuya is going to be dead as [ __ ] on halloween i don't really give a [ __ ] because i got better things to do than to go around getting diseases in the towns you feel me but you know what's one thing i do very much care about it's my brand new ep that i release that's right for those of you who don't know i make a lot of music i've been making music and i've been releasing music publicly since late 2019 and right now i have three uh albums i have one full album and i have two eps and this one right here is the second ep called shirokitsune which i worked on with my very stupidly talented and stupidly handsome producer friend grey fox it is my first rap hip-hop album that i've ever released i mean i've done a lot of like features on all sorts of people's channels like not like joshua and rustage amazing people by the way go check them out links in the description but this is the first time that i've ever worked on something and fully written it and you know produced it with a friend of mine and just released it under my name so uh yeah i uploaded this uh ep onto youtube a couple of days ago as well but i've also released it on spotify and amazon and other places like that unfortunately i couldn't really get it up onto apple music for some reason they didn't let me do it so sorry for the people who use apple music but you guys can listen to the full ep on my youtube channel which again i'll leave down in the description below so definitely go check it out the support on this ep has been [ __ ] amazing so far and i'm so glad because i was so scared to upload onto youtube and just really release it at all because i know i'm not the best rapper in the world but god damn i love making this type of music so much and i definitely do want to do more of this kind of stuff in the near future also please please please go subscribe to my friend greg fox he is a [ __ ] amazing youtuber he's trying to grow out his youtube channel and stuff like that and of course you know support his music as well he makes some [ __ ] banger music so i swear to god if you don't go and subscribe to grayfox i'mma punch you in the throat don't test me i'll [ __ ] do it but with that out of the way let's move on to the otaku [ __ ] now first and foremost let's talk about the anime and yes i have decided that i am going to be talking about this you saw the title you saw the thumbnail hell yes i went to go watch the brand new demon slayer movie i'm sure you guys have heard all about it it just came out in japan about two weeks ago as of the uploading of this video and holy [ __ ] has it smashed a shitload of records let me tell you how popular this movie was was [ __ ] insane thus it took me this long to finally go and watch it i was actually supposed to go watch it on the day it came out but literally the moment it came out in cinemas those seats in every [ __ ] cinema in japan was just gone i mean i've gone to see some pretty big anime films in cinemas your name premiere but nothing had compared to the hype behind this movie and it really is no surprise to anybody i mean i'm sure 99 of you who are watching this video right now have seen demon slayer or i've seen a little bit about demon slayer heard something about demon slayer and i'm sure there's a lot of people who have just said [ __ ] it to the anime and just read ahead in the manga so for you manga readers you obviously know what happens in this movie but for those of you who haven't watched the movie and are anime only like me don't worry for this like review or my thoughts on it i will be giving no spoilers whatsoever so you can rest assured that you will not get spoiled and also i don't want to see you [ __ ] manga readers down in the comments spoiling either alright if you do i'ma punch you in the throat so as someone who binged the entire anime series in a matter of two days which mind you is a big achievement for someone like me like hey i don't really have a lot of time to binge anime nowadays and b demonstrator is quite long it's like 26 episodes or something like that and also it was you know the most over hyped anime of 2019 so obviously as the [ __ ] anime hipster that i am i was obviously immediately turned off by it but i thought [ __ ] it it's been so long since the anime has come out and people are just hammering on me to be like joey watch demon slayer why haven't you watched demon slayer you're a failure as an anime man if you haven't watched demon slayer so i finally bit the bullet went to go watch it and i mentioned in a previous month to the target collection but i [ __ ] loved it like i don't care if it's stupidly overrated or what you think about demon slayer just as a shonen anime and as a shonen story it is pretty [ __ ] solid don't think that just because an anime is overrated i'm immediately going to hate it no absolutely not i gave it a go i've seen a lot of overrated anime and i thought a lot of them were actually pretty [ __ ] good and demon slayer was definitely one of those so i was excited to go watch the movie because with the cliffhanger that was left at the end of season one i was like i need more boys now again i haven't read the manga but the demon slayer movie covers what is known as the train arc which i don't think is actually quite long in the manga i believe it's only like maybe a volume not even two volumes long so firstly i was like huh it's really interesting that they're going to take a rather short arc even for demon slayer standards and turned it into a movie so immediately i was like i hope there isn't pacing issues because a lot of anime movies that stem from tv series ips tend to have that problem where they take just such a small portion of the story and try and extend it into a movie length that it just seems a little bit overbloated luckily though with this movie i definitely didn't get that feeling i definitely didn't think anything was rushed i definitely didn't think that we missed a lot of information or anything like i understood very clearly even as being just an anime watcher that i knew what the hell was going on and it really perfectly linked from the ending of season one and again with most of these kinds of movies that are based off shonen ips they tend to do this thing that we like to call the shonen recap syndrome if you've seen an episode of one piece you know what i'm talking about the first 10 minutes of a 20 minute run time is just the flashback and the recap of the previous episode that you probably just watched on your binging session so i was like please please please don't give us like a shitty 10-15 minute recap of what happened in the anime all right like i'm i'm certain that the moment that we all saw that this movie was going to come out people either went to go watch the anime or probably won't go and watch this movie if they hadn't at least watched the anime or read the manga luckily and to my surprise they didn't do any recap whatsoever like they legit like the first minute was legitimately straight into where we left off in the anime which i thought was [ __ ] great because we're not bullshitting around if there's anything i hate in my anime it's [ __ ] filler and luckily this movie was just like no we ain't putting any filler in the beginning all right we're going to get straight into the action and into the action they did because holy [ __ ] if you thought this amazing animation and sakuga that just made the sakura guitars froth of the mouth and episode 19 was hype [ __ ] my [ __ ] god just all throughout ufo table just one-upping themselves over and over like they're really stepping up to the whole the only one who can defeat me is me mentality because every single scene that went by i was like wow that even looks better than the last how can they top that never mind they just topped it after five minutes i'm eating my own words right now and i don't really mean that in the sense of just animation and how it looks and the pretty colors and the flashing lights i mean even the story didn't feel rushed at all it was quite well paced and again they didn't really seem to cut out anything of importance of course there were some smaller elements which i obviously won't talk about in this video because it'll go into spoilers that i thought they could have expanded on a little further but judging by the the length of the movie i was like okay maybe maybe they decided to cut it down was just like just just just go [ __ ] read the manga and i must say that the last i'd say quarter last third of the movie was again probably the most hype [ __ ] animation that i have ever seen i was like this is peak ufo table ufo table cannot top this because if season 2 which is going to happen everyone knows season 2 is going to happen if season 2 manages to one-up the sakuga in this movie i think the internet is going to burst their nut sacks open because yes although demon slayer does throw a lot of cliches into its story being a shonen jump manga and really having to follow those cliches because it is a shonen jump manga that definitely did not take away from just the pure hype and enjoyment that i got from watching it now in saying all of that if i have one piece of criticism on the movie and this is i think a really kind of petty uh reasoning so take this with a grain of salt but i think the one piece of criticism i have with this movie is that it didn't really even have to be a movie because as much as i felt hype around this movie and i felt the excitement of watching this high octane action i just didn't really get a cinematic experience with this movie and it's really difficult to try and explain to people what a cinematic experience is because i feel a cinematic experience or what we call a cinematic experience really differs from person to person but to me what defines a cinematic experience is watching something that you can only really fully experience and fully immerse yourself in a cinema an example of anime movies that gave me personally cinematic experiences would be like akira your name the feeling that i get and the emotions that dwell from inside of me watching it in the cinemas completely differs or is rather unachievable in front of a regular living room tv and that's the problem i had with this demon slayer movie is that it didn't feel like a movie as more an extended episode it was like watching four or five episodes of demon slayer all together without any openings or anything in between and again that's not even such a massive demerit to this movie because i managed to binge demonstrate again in two days so to me the whole feeling of just binging episodes back to back definitely felt more natural to me than say someone who watched it weekly honestly if they decided to not make a movie of this that would have been the most solid first five episodes to the upcoming season too like that could have easily been the first five episodes to season two but yeah that's basically it every other criticism i have this movie is rather tiny and dills into spoiler territories obviously i'm not gonna talk about it but honestly i would [ __ ] recommend it like that was a great [ __ ] movie so rest assured demon slayer fans this movie is gonna be [ __ ] hype and once it comes out in your respective countries i reckon you're gonna enjoy the [ __ ] out of it especially if you enjoyed the tv series but hey before we move on to the next part of the show we of course have to give some time for the sponsor of today's video and for that i'm going to give it to my boy joey from the future take it away joey thanks joey i'll take it from here because this video was sponsored by bushiro with their brand new anime d4 dj first mix d4 dj first mix is an anime about high school girls aiming to become djs with its high quality 3d animation with concert scenes in every single episode you can't get any better than that with a music-based anime for those of you who are into the technical side of anime the show is directed by mizushimaseji who is the director for shaman king full metal alchemist gundam zero zero and a bunch of other anime series you've probably heard of before and the best part about all of this is that you can watch all of the episodes for free gentlemen over on youtube in fact the first episode has been out since october 22nd plus for those of you who want to simp just a little bit harder than the average there is even a rhythm game that is set to globally launch in 2021 so if that sounds like something you'd be interested in and you want to check more of it out then make sure to click the links down in the description below thanks again to bushrad international for sponsoring today's video now back to your regularly scheduled program but with that out of the way let's talk about the manga now obviously because i spent such a long time talking about the demonstrate movie i'm gonna keep it short this time and just stick to one anime series and no surprisingly it ain't some graphic and gory horror manga or some loot as [ __ ] degenerative echi manga i know a lot of you guys are like wow joe you only ever recommend those types of genres what if we don't like those types of genres well don't worry i'm sticking to the shonen theme and i'm talking about one shonen manga that has kind of come out but hasn't had a whole lot of spotlight put on it for a number of reasons and there's a manga that personally i was really looking forward to because i am a fan of this particular artist's previous work and if you know what i'm talking about then you're probably excited to hear my thoughts on it because i know a lot of people on my twitch have been asking what my thoughts on by the way go follow me on twitch i stream quite often but of course we are talking about burn the witch by kubo taito finally finally finally managed to get my hand on the first volume by the way this is [ __ ] clean it doesn't even look like a manga volume right like it's straight up just looks like a regular book and even says here don't judge a book by its cover don't worry kubo sensei i ain't judging a book by its cover yet at least until i read it but yes for those of you who don't know this is done by kubo taito who famously is the creator of the bleach manga and this is his brand new manga series called burn the witch so far only vol 1 has come out and i'm pretty sure like the ova has come out as well on streaming sites and whatnot but i wanted to give the manga a read because i personally much prefer the bleach manga to the bleach anime but the premise of burn the witch is a rather interesting one so it's set in london or rather reverse london it is set in the kind of the reverse underbelly of the city of london called reverse london where in the regular london people just roam around like everyday life it's just a slice of life up there but in reverse london there are things like witches like magic like dragons now that sounds lame as [ __ ] to the regular man who was like come on joey i want i want some edgy [ __ ] all right i want some edgy [ __ ] don't worry when we talk about witches and dragons and magic it ain't no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] alright this is kubo taito we're talking about he made the cliche concept of soul reaping hype as [ __ ] with bleacher right so you know he's not gonna [ __ ] around with that stuff so basically this world there are all sorts of different dragons some of them are evil some of them are good and the evil ones can only be handled and destroyed by witches who are permitted to touch dragons to produce magic to basically kill dragons and capture them if necessary but to a regular human you can't even touch a dragon in fact the moment you even touch a dragon you get possessed by a dragon of your own you become a dragon teamer that is of course if you survive it because a lot of them either get fined a fuckton or get sentenced to a death penalty it's very serious society and our main character noel has this guy who has been following her for the longest time and he he just [ __ ] loves noel and it's discovered that he in fact actually is a dragon tamer he's been in contact with dragon so much that he really can't really escape from the grasps of underground london so he has to join in with noel to help defeat dragons and help defeat a society that is run by dragons and that's pretty much all we really know right now as of burn the wish again this is only volume one and this seems like it might end up being a long running series maybe not to the same extent as bleach but definitely longer running than anything else that kubo taito has done and this first volume definitely is not as like serious or as edgy or as hyper as the later seasons and volumes of bleach ended up being like this definitely did remind me of the very early stages of bleach especially the bleach manga where kubo taito definitely doesn't get as serious as he is usually known for and definitely throws in a way way way more comedic elements to build up characters and to build up the story and build up the world and i mean what can i say about kubota's art style that hasn't been said already it's [ __ ] brilliant you know he might struggle sometimes to write a comprehensive story especially with the later seasons of bleach as you would know but god damn this man can draw characters and make them look [ __ ] fire i love all the characters in this first volume so far the story is fantastic it's really engaging really funny and kind of tongue-in-cheek at times as well but of course doesn't fail to get serious when it needs to get serious i'm really [ __ ] excited for the next volume because you know kubota kind of had a rough run with the how bleach ended or rather bleach got cancelled on his ass and uh you know i think this is a a nice like fresh new slate for kubo taito to really explore his creativity and i'm personally really excited for it again i haven't seen the ova for yet and i've heard a lot of mixed things about it but i definitely do recommend this manga especially if you are a kubo tiger fan i'm looking forward to it hopefully you don't pull a [ __ ] bleach on us again kubo taito i swear if you do that i'ma punch you in the throat but with that out of the way let's end off this monthly otaku episode with my favorite part of the series and everyone's favorite part of the series that's right i'm talking about the monthly figurine giveaway brought to you guys by the lovely folks over at tokyo otaku mode thank you as always now this figurine is one that has been in quite a bit of demand for and the moment i saw it i was like i know y'all [ __ ] are gonna want to get your hands on this because from what i've heard from the folks at tokyo tucker mode this figurine is selling out like hotcakes like this figurine is just so popular right now that it actually took me quite a while to get my hands on it as well but luckily i did get my hands on it and i definitely do think this is going to be a figuring that a lot of you will just [ __ ] froth your mouth and it is look at this beauty that is right this of course is the brand new uh assembly line cinco sun figurine holy [ __ ] first of all i've never seen a actual like figure scale of single center of my life at least one that doesn't look this good i mean i've seen a lot of like chibi single sign figurines and a lot of like tapestries and whatnot but i've never seen a full-on senko-san figurine i mean first of all this box is [ __ ] clean you know i love me a good figurine box and the base is nice as well and i mean god damn dude who doesn't like single sign she is so [ __ ] cute so i love her you love her and i'm sure you want to get your hands on it and luckily for one of you lovely [ __ ] you will get your hands on this with the box of course signed by yours truly all you have to do as always is follow three very simple steps like the video subscribe to the channel and click the links down in the description below to enter the free giveaway and at the end of the giveaway campaign timeline one random lucky viewer will get their hands on this beautiful cinco sun figurine i always see the winner of every month tweeting at me or sending me a picture you know saying that they received their gift and it just makes me really happy that i could give back to you guys in some way or another so again if you'd like to get your hands on it or you want to just have the bragging rights of winning a monthly otaku collection figuring giveaway then again make sure to click that link down in the description below and good luck to the participants but anyways guys that's going to do it for this episode of the monthly of taku collection thank you once again for joining in until the very end again guys go and check out my ep down in the description below please it is a massive passion project this thing is my [ __ ] baby you don't know how long i've been working on this for i'll tell you i've been working on the [ __ ] since january of this year so i would really [ __ ] appreciate if you guys go give it a listen on youtube or on spotify or wherever else it is streaming again links down in the description below and let me know what you guys thought about anything that i talked about in this episode of the monthly toggle collection i hope you'll have a wonderful rest of october and the rest of november the next couple of months i'm definitely going to be uh kind of experimenting a lot more with content over on youtube and also i'm going to be streaming a lot more on my twitch as well so make sure to follow me there if you don't want to miss out on anything dank over there as well i appreciate all you guys support and i'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching like your favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for anywhere banter keep watching anime [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 889,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Demon Slayer, movie, 鬼滅の刃, Kimetsu no yaiba, 無限列車編, 劇場版, Mugen Train, Burn the Witch, Kubo Taito, giveaway
Id: mGe440SoVgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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