Roasting My Fans TERRIBLE Taste in Anime... AGAIN.

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yeah how's gonna run there's the Enderman and that's right your boy is back judge a Joey is back to judge you're just absolutely horrible taste in animation so if you don't know let me bring you up to speed a couple of months ago I decided to ask you guys over on Twitter to send me your my anime list accounts now what is a my anime list account in case you started watching anime in November of 2019 my anime list is a website where as the name suggests you create your anime list you create a list to basically catalogue all of the anime that you have watch you are yet to watch you are currently watching you have dropped previously and the great thing about my anime list is that not only does everyone I know in the anime community basically have one but you can also give a score of the anime that you have seen it's just your general scaling score starting from one going all the way to ten one being absolutely terrible ten being absolutely amazing and you guys really enjoyed that last video even though the whole concept was me just basically telling how much your taste in anime is absolutely trash apparently my audience is just full of masochists but the sadist side of me is ready to jump back in because we are doing it once again I ask you guys ever on Twitter again to send me your my anime list so I can give you my honest opinions on your taste in anime and we're gonna get right into this [ __ ] now I have to preface this again in case you were born in a household that doesn't know the word sarcasm but whatever I say in this video whatever I say about a particular person's taste in anime is clearly just a joke at the end of the day I don't really care if you give my least favorite anime a ten and my favorite anime a one because that's what makes the anime community the anime community bruv we all love our different stuff we all hate our different stuff and that's what makes this fun and interesting but with that out of the way let's get right into the judging don't fire me over how basic I am my boy my boy moon on TV if you guys don't know all of my videos basically or most of my videos including this one is edited Bhama boy moon on thomas he's also a fantastic an achiever so go check him out links to his channel down in the description but I don't think I've ever seen your anime list before and being my editor I expect you to have just the most perfect of anime tastes so prepare your butt Thomas ok so just quickly going through this list from what I can immediately see is that not only is there a good selection of shows and a large number of them but just even looking over at the scores that you've given it's pretty varied which is good because a lot of lists in my previous videos were really quick to giving tens to every single anime that they've apparently seen so let's sort these lists out by score and see what you gave ok so Thomas only has a few tens Akira Death Note steins gate Sock'em each into a portal and mob cycle 100 and currently watching mob second 102 that's really interesting you gave Sakai mention aa port on a 10 because not only is that a show that I've very rarely heard anybody actually watching from start to finish but is also just a show I don't usually sing being thrown into a 10 now personally I would suck at me to not bother as well and I thought it was really good I wouldn't exactly give it a 10 per se but you know what I I appreciate you giving this a 10 and giving it some light and even your nines of a pretty well-rounded NE n GE full metal alchemist not Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood formal Alchemist not sure if I can cram them how one but okay you gave soul leader a 9 out of 10 okay I have a strong love-hate relationship with Soul Eater like I understand if you gave this score to soul leader if you you know watch did win solely to first came out and you're roughly around my age so when soul eater came out you'll probably you know like early teens and trust me everything you watch in your early teens is like God Tyr for some reason but I don't know man I I this is just something about Soul Eater now if I went back and re-watch heard that is just so goddamn generic like I finished sólido I watched all of it when it was still airing and even then back then I wouldn't have given this a 9 maybe a an eight or a seven you probably heard this a million times but when I first heard Maka's voice in the anime I I was immediately like oh but I do appreciate you giving psyche cassano signed on a nine that showed there's I have so much more attention it's just really hilarious visual and dialogue heavy comedy and it's it's very much right in my alley when it comes to comedy and apparently is right in your alley as well alright what did you give a love school okay you gave miles of destruction scale to heaven and it's a Miss miss a video one which is like it's like saying that the room is a bad movie you know like if that's something that everybody can agree on but you gave kisses a three bro I don't know man that's that's like my guilty pleasure and I hate to love it but I just love it I don't know why and you also gave you four you three out of ten I mean if you watched my fiber video which I'm sure you did because you edited it then you would know how much of a masterpiece that ending is my boy overall though Thomas you pass so good job on the videos and your anime tastes alright let's check out my boy Dakota broski also another fella an achiever and good friend of mine I'll leave the link to his channel down description below but bzees army baby Oh we'll see about that mouthful okay first of all let's look at your tens you only have four which is good I said in my previous rating you're horrible anime taste video that it's good to have a small amount of tins because giving something a 10 which is essentially a perfect score like there is nothing wrong with this anime I think you should only leave that kind of score to a few anime series so just from that you get points in my book but what did you give a 10 Cowboy Bebop okay that's pretty understandable pokemons oh god daddy mom and she didn't even little Chloe guys stay the first season I don't exactly agree with that necessarily I mean it was a good show juni was a good show I did prefer I feel the second season just because it really dug more into dicas personality per se it definitely bought a lot more of a drama element to the entire narrative whereas the first season was a little more like hey look at this cute chuni girl doing these cute things pretty crazy and a gret schoo you know what I'm not mad about that I would give an a gret score like a solid 9 at least I actually did prefer the second season of a gret scope just because of a donkey Elon Musk what a dreamboat okay hold on we have a few problems with this list going down to the nine out of ten I understand spice and wolf I understand steins gate I even understand our Ohana what's this [ __ ] can't explain this [ __ ] Dakota you do know that just because an Ohana and uh nanatsu both start with uh no it's not it's not the same quality of shows all right okay look he's the thing other than a month did it was very much in the same realm as AMA Hana in terms of like its narrative because it is based in like you know the middle of Noah Japan during the summer where there's a lot of like romantic relationships happening especially between childhood friends and I do admit that the character designs and even just the characters themselves were very entertaining as in the same way as Amma Hana it was it was very charming and almost down-to-earth but the one thing that I just couldn't really enjoy at the end of watching I don't know them up there is just the conclusion to the show all right what did you write in the lowest year you gave the circle one I am mad about that honestly and I'm glad at least that somebody agrees with me in the fact that wata Mota is like a five maximum five I think I gave it like a three or four because I don't know I don't understand how people can like what amante it is the most Awkward ass show that I have ever [ __ ] seen but yeah other than that Dakota you get you get it you get a pass on my book you you have pretty decent taste my anime list is pretty much just an almost complete list of everything that came out in 2015 well 2015 was a pretty pretty good year for anyway from what I remember so this is gonna be interesting to see okay first of all props to the the customization the design that that is sleekest [ __ ] I love the red and black look of this list I mean it's it's really nice I didn't even know you could like make your anime list look this sleek so good on you alright first of all the the moment I can see is you giving away a lot of tans you're giving away tens like it's candy and a lot of them from what I can see as well movies you have simple chicken on the Kamikaze phenomenal Totoro you have five centimeters per second which I also agree with that that is a fantastic Shinkai makoto film and you have koi no kimochi and kimi no Noah both as a tan now I thought Camila was just a little bit below coin will cut that she but you know what I'll let it slide but he is one thing that I really it really pains me to see is you put Charlotte as a ten now as much as I love my mind adjourn stuff and as much as much as I love my ki studio stuff I can I can absolutely not agree this because Charlotte was a ten out of ten it was really [ __ ] good for like the first couple of episodes it that the premise was interesting the characters were nice the way that these relationships were starting to form looked really promising and then it just had to get really goddamn edgy and then like the last two or three episodes was the most like [ __ ] of a thing especially when they brought out the whole time travel aspect I was just like man what the what the [ __ ] going on I do appreciate though that you gave kisses a 9/10 this man is a boy of culture I can see and obviously you do love your mainstream stuff too with the fact they can see owner Exorcist and fairy tale in both 9 out of 10 and an answer online of course but it also seems that this person is quite well-versed in their non mainstream stuff as well their underground stuff I mean you gave quarter was on be discs are the first season 8 9 and 10 that was a really underrated show in my opinion I don't think whatever zombie this guy out of all the light novel adaptations that came out in like the early 2010's I think what it was well me this guy was quite underrated it was really fun the openings were [ __ ] banger and the whole thing that they did with you clue would he'll say switching voice actresses every [ __ ] episode for two whole seasons was just it was so meta and so cool and on like an industry standpoint to find it funny though as I'm scrolling down to see what you gave a low score that I'm seeing seeing a lot of hand tied like this this man ain't afraid to show his cultured side on my anime list is god damn dude oh my god it just doesn't stop like almost every like like rank is there's at least hopper oh my god look at all of it I tip my Fedora to a fellow man of culture especially a fellow man of culture who is not afraid to show his culture okay so the lowest score finally got to the end of the list is miles of destruction again that's just that's just been given JK Mishi you gave a three I heard about this show I've never seen it though I'm kind of tempted to if you if you're rating at this low and I see you are a fellow human of culture but you understand the difference between quality culture and trash culture and I mean I see you've also seen a lot of trash and high as well you know what everyone's good experiment can't wait to get roasted for my scores on fairy tale you're just giving me bait at this point all right let's see what you get that's a lot of tins first of all that's a lot of [ __ ] tents goddamn that's a lot of tans you're Naruto okay Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood okay Fairy Tail okay Dirac and honestly except Hamasaki Edo ha that's interesting you gave that a 10 I mean hana saku ito huh first of all was a show that not a lot of people watched it even back in the day but I don't know if I'd give it a 10 I enjoyed it I really enjoyed it but man something about that show was just slightly missing you seem to really like your Detective Conan movies from what I've seen I've already seen like a couple of detective conan movies right here which is again pretty rare I don't really know a whole lot of people who enjoy detective conan or case closed as the english title is called literally one of the stupidest titles anyone has given an anime but i don't know how to feel about the fact that you gave 53 shows a 10 out of 10 like yeah that's it's very generous Oviatt first of all and just some of these I I don't know if I can agree with 100% I mean you know obviously the fairy tale that and that's too easy of a bane I'm not falling for that beef but even shows like call multiple money oughta koi youth even like in the show Balt and dr. stone like I mean they were good shows but a ten out of ten no definitely not okay let's see what you gave a low school oh you gave the new Pokemon movie wand out of tape I actually haven't seen that yet that's the I'm pretty sure this is the the remake the 3d remake of the first Pokemon movie mutant or Goku or Pokemon the first movie as a call in the West but you gave that a 1 Wow you gave that a score lower than hum it's no Mars that's that's cold bro oh but it also hurts to see multi-car one hundred Reiser and zankyou no terror and steins gate in a four out of ten but UK they say oh a five the [ __ ] no no no no this man did not give machia one of the most underrated most beautiful movies of our modern times a six out of ten no that's ridiculous still pretty new to the anime scene but I stand by my choices hey man that's all good new or old as long as you know you can give me your opinions your honest opinions about a show that's all I care about but let's check it out okay first of all I appreciate the use of an Ohana hater good choice and I also appreciate that you only gave two shows a ten out of ten an Ohana and coin capaci obviously you're into those kinds of very low-key shows I appreciate that but you gave lucky star Clannad after story she got so communal honest let's go east to the communal now on nine okay okay you clearly enjoy your very drama heavy human drama heavy romance element I mean obviously excluding wacky Stern assassination classroom and the local school you're just after my heartstrings aren't you bro actually you're definitely after my heartstrings because you gave fireworks off or we're out of time I mean you what are you a clone of me you gave root a fairytale and and the old fairy tale of five out of ten but you gave a hundred or five that's interesting because oh how today though is definitely within the same elements of human drama and romance I actually quite enjoyed a hundred Idol but maybe the reason you didn't is because it compared to the other shows you gave tens and nines and eights al-hadi Raider is definitely more on the shoujo side of things so usually the way that shoujo series deal with human drama romance versus how sin and shows deal with human German romances is is quite different when it comes to show just stuff obviously because the main demographic is girls they usually focus more on the female characters and usually only the female characters just to get female readers to be like oh yeah I empathize with this female character whereas with sin in shows or just straight-up romance human drama shows like communities all type of - sin in Baudette or it's all from the perspective of either the male or from a much more neutral perspective because I feel that you have more of a chance of guys and girls reading CNN shows than they do shorter shows I don't know man even with the small collection that you have gathered up here your I can't really disagree heavily with anything on this list you you obviously have already a pretty good understanding of what makes a good show good what makes a bad show bad so hey you know what ma'am you may be new to the game but you you're doing pretty well if you ask me all my friends bully me for my anime taste but I just started watching anime a year ago well you're very brave to participate with this particular exercise let's go okay first of all clean list I appreciate it okay let's see what you've given a 10 I mean right off the bat I can tell you you have pretty decent taste because you get higher food and chai for the to a 10 out of 10 now that is show that first of all I don't hear a lot of people watching just by itself because it is a sports Amy I'm using air quotations because it's it's it's technically a Sports anime because it is a show for those of you don't know how you do it is all about character which is a particular like old card game that they play in Japan and so it is treated as a sport in Japan but obviously not in the general side of things but the fact you gave in 10/10 I can appreciate because again gif it I thought was really good but yeah going back to this list even your Niners hands are pretty well-received I mean I I can understand why you gave Kim in Sony over 10 because apparently everybody has to in this day of age but yes your car a nine I appreciate that but then you gave you gave a race to nine as well I don't know if you we watch the same anime or not let's go down to the bottom of your list what do you have as your lowest Tokyo Gori second season and take your glory not huge fans of it huh okay I understand that and even grid man as a four I mean grid man it was definitely not as popular in the West as it was in Japan because in Japan a lot of like hardcore Mecca or tacos were heavily into great man and I I quite enjoyed it even I'm not a huge fan of like Mecca and talks Tatsu and all that kind of stuff I can appreciate a way that we're coming from with this but then you gave Mira tights a five whoa why do you have tights finishes I mean if you do then props to you for being honest about Oh bro what is this awesome a gamer six out of ten no it wasn't where's my [ __ ] taste daddy you got it son god damn it well I know what this guy's favorite anime is Sharaku alright well first of all you've only got a couple of tens so that's good death no but Connor steins gate and koi no fat that's cheap I can I can totally respect those all of these are pretty freakin good especially by kana my god Baccano is easily a 10 out of 10 for me as well [ __ ] amazing and I'm still butthurt about the fact that we never go to season 2 of that [ __ ] and obviously this boy loves his monogatari you got barking muttering he's similar at any monetary series season two all the nine out of ten my man let's see what we got at the bottom here vocation and pìkô my little summer story what the [ __ ] what is this no how did this before is that is that like a like a spin-off of boku no pico something I need to check out and again this person gave fireworks a four I mean it's still a little bit high for me I'd give him maybe like a three or two because it was just such a missed opportunity and if you want to know my whole thoughts on the fireworks movie I made a whole video about it back in the day so so go and check that out there a lot of shows here though that I have never even heard of before typhoon or no Dada never heard of that got us in the Hangout though cause the sake I never heard of that oh you didn't like go to open the Hyundai owe me that much and they gave it a 6 I give it maybe like a seven or an eight because then you got this [ __ ] right here that's apparently the same that's called open the hanami no did you get the two mixed up because don't stick my cabbage is far from a six my god that show was just an absolute [ __ ] that should never have been born oh but I do appreciate the fact that you gave cruisin the honk I a seven that's that's commendable a lot of people from what I've seen really did not like cuz no home guy and it's definitely a it's definitely not a fan favorite when it comes to the romance genre just because of how dark and sinister they decided to take the whole high school romance side of things but I really enjoyed cuz no longer I personally gave it like I think an eighth just because it was just really refreshing that a show that decided to cover the rather unspoken and quite dirty aspect of high school romance which does exist in the real world as much as people don't want to admit it these kinds of high schoolers do exist all over the world and Cousineau home guys did a really good job of I guess dissecting and showing that in some pretty raunchy ways and I definitely do think that especially commencer shows like domestic gonna come on so Cousineau honk I did it just so much better and so much less AG but yeah son um I can't really roast you I I actually do think that your selection here is it's pretty damn good and and especially like like this stole my heart definitely Sharaku strict Chen just stole whisked away my heart because how could I roast you when these beautiful eyes are staring right back at you beautiful we both own a similar amount of Shinobu figures I demand a look Thanks you're really you're really going up against my shinobi collection over here up there around here somewhere we'll see about that well apparently you gave just as many shows a ten out of ten as you do shinobi figurines 39 shows is a 10 out of 10 that's a lot yes it is are the children and you to camp a 10 out of 10 I mean that's like I don't know those two shows are really difficult to I guess rate just because it is quite an inoffensive show especially with how it is presented you to camp is I mean again just your typical slice of life show but with really cute girls doing cute things going camping and [ __ ] and citizen to children as much as I did like the whole you know very light-hearted romance aspect of things I'm just not a huge fan of studio Goku me I don't know why just if maybe a different studio do I know it's very nitpicky but if a different studio did it then maybe I'd be more inclined to give it a higher score but other than that I see a lot of monetary stuff and obviously it's an amazing [ __ ] show so how can I argue with that Wow yeah now you know us got a ten that's that's also quite an unpopular opinion I find I feel now you know Oscar I was one of those shows that like the people who really loved it just absolutely [ __ ] loved it and the people who hated it were like nah bro death to PA works let's see what you have a low school little busters wow you gave Little Busters a - bro that's harsh and it's interesting because you gave Little Busters refrain with the second season a four and I personally agree that little Buster's refrain the second season was definitely a lot more well constructed than the first Little Busters season because they went with again the true ending this is like the Clannad after story equivalent of Little Busters and just as a story I feel in refrain it just flowed so much better than it didn't Little Busters but still a 4 and a 2 for Little Busters that's that's pretty cold bruh and all you gave downside ruining a cry major for as well I'm really sad that like I'm I'm probably a minority when it comes to the people who like to downsize boondi I really [ __ ] enjoyed that show I think I gave it like an 8 or 9 I don't know if I'd feel the same way if I watched it again because again this is a studio Galka me showing just something about studio booking me shows the animation just does not age very well in my opinion well this boy watched my studio you're the same ffunny I thought I was the only one who wants that I mean I agree with your score on this that was definitely the most mediocre aragão adaptation I've ever seen yeah other than that you you've got a pretty good selection right here but I can obviously tell that you're definitely more into the the modern look shows and definitely more focused on the romance and drama type of shows and there's nothing wrong with that you know yeah you got to love a little bit of it you got to love a little bit of romance this is that's just natural I'm on that pretty good list i I can't much agree or disagree with any of this maybe except Batum or with an eight that's that's a little bit that's a little bit over to my opinion but yeah guys I think we'll leave it at that I've done I filled up my roast quota for the day or for the month I guess I don't know how much more roasting you guys can take but overall I tried to be as fair as possible with your guys's selections because again this is this is just one person's opinion about another person's opinion right there's nothing to take serious about this it's just my two cents you you are very welcome to throw those two cents right back in my face if you wish and sorry I couldn't get to as many people as I wanted to going through entire lists of anime takes a long time and you know this is probably something that I could do in like live streams and stuff like that but for a video that I don't want to go on for like ten hours this is probably the most I can do so hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you like to check out the first video that I did where I've rated your guys is my own email list then boom click the card on the screen right now or go down to the link in the description below to check it out give us some love and hey if you'd like me to do this a third time then I don't know man maybe give this video a like maybe 40,000 likes we'll do another one God knows when but other than that guys if you'd like to participate in any more of these viewer participation type of videos cuz I love doing them and you guys love watching them too make sure to follow your boy over on Twitter give your boy a follow and look forward to the next installment of whatever it is that I do and as I said in my previous video as well it isn't fair for me to judge your guys's tastes on anime without putting myself on the line as well so I've left a link to my my anime list down in the description so feel free to check my list out and roast the [ __ ] out of my selections down in the comments below because man you guys did me a number on the hospice yeah it's only fair because I haven't updated my mind am i listening god knows how long and there are a lot of shows that I put on there where I was just very very judgmental about very very cloudy judgmental about those selections and the scores that I gave so feel free to roast your boy if you wish but anyways guys hope you enjoyed this video keep watching anime and I'll see in the next one like your favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for new banter keep watching anime Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,500,671
Rating: 4.9595203 out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Roasting, My, Fans, TERRIBLE, Taste, in, Anime..., AGAIN.
Id: vs8Yhs7SE9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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