EVERY Anime is Overrated... LET'S FIGHT.

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yeah how's garner on busy anime man unpopular opinions you hate them I debate them let's my throat we're back with another episode of let's fight the show where I take all of your guys's absolutely trash offs opinions and I make sure and guarantee that you guys know that it's a trash are subpoenaed now this is the 15th episode of let's fight I believe it's not often that I do a series a long-running series like this because I usually hate repeating concepts of whatnot but for some reason you guys really come through with these let's fight videos I have a lot of fun because I get to talk about all sorts of different series and ideas that I really can't fit into a video of its own and you guys are usually pretty good at giving me some hot takes and unpopular opinions about anime manga era gays hentai of the general otaku community but with every good spicy opinion comes some not so good opinions and by not so good opinions I don't even necessarily mean opinions that are wrong or incorrect I just means opinions that really have no substance or value to them and a lot of the times those kinds of opinions go a little something like this so and so anime is overrated so and so anime is underrated so and so anime is rated oh that's right I mentioned it in a previous let's fight episode but a lot of y'all [ __ ] seem to think that if you just say someone so anime is overrated so and so anime is underrated that entitles you to an opinion which it doesn't especially if you don't actually explain as to why so and so anime is overrated or underrated and so in today's video I wanted to cater to those [ __ ] who love giving me those kinds of opinions by asking you guys over on Twitter what do you think is the most overrated anime series ever now I'm sure it goes without saying but with any opinion you need to argue your point as to why you think that in other words you have to give me your reasons as to why you think a show is overrated and let's just say that a lot of y'all don't really know how to listen or formulate an opinion but I managed to pick up some of the more interest which I'm going to cover in today's episode so without further ado let's [ __ ] fine how did he sue me I know you it's always stuck with me as being overrated maybe because I never got into waifu culture but it felt obnoxious having all these characters do what this girl wants because she's God somehow okay now personally I [ __ ] love suzumiya haruhi know you it was one of the first light novel series that I ever read in fact one of the first light novel series that really exploded into the general or taku public at the time and I can tell you that the one thing that really makes suzumiya haruhi special is not so much Suzumiya how to hear the titular character but rather Shawn the main protagonist at the time that's isn't me how did he came out it was very rare to see a main protagonist like Shawn a main protagonist that was so aware of the fact that the situation that he was put in and the situation that everybody else was put in was so wacky so bizarre so just not really cool and a main protagonist that Wheatley enough a lot of the times antagonized the main heroine suzumiya haruhi not antagonizing the way that they made Suzumiya how is he to be this like evil villain that was just trying to control everybody for her godlike tendencies no I'm also antagonize her in the way of criticizing her in the way of criticizing her actions criticizing the actions that caused such catastrophes that happen within the series that he unfortunately was dragged into John is a really interesting main protagonist because he's a main protagonist that didn't choose to be the main protagonist in fact we'd Lee enough even though yes structurally TinyCo never the author did set him up to be the main protagonist the way that he draws the character of Shawn within the series makes it out to be that he almost wasn't destined to be the main protagonist of the story it almost feels like the reader witnessed something that was purely coincidental something that wasn't supposed to happen in the story and you are therefore looking at a series of unfortunate events that happened to a guy who really wasn't supposed to be there at all and that's what I think makes this is me Odyssey series so special of course that's not to say that people aren't into the community nature of how to Hyorin a lot of the stereotypical and tropi archetypes of the other side characters that are introduced in the series but to me corn is definitely the one character that really makes suzumiya haruhi special even to this day because again the way that Tanika Nevada decided to drug John was so unique back in the day that there actually ate a lot and I mean a lot of light novel series that tried to replicate suzumiya haruhi but just couldn't really do it because they kept falling into the very tropes that John the main character of this one show was making fun of within that one show okay attack on Titan people hyped up the whole storyline and characters and I agree that it was good but I've never heard an anime be mentioned that much before listen my boy I felt the same way I felt the same way when I watched the first season and then I dropped season 2 part 1 kind of halfway through because I I wasn't honestly feeling it all that much and then I kind of fell behind for a little bit and season 2 part 2 came out and then season 3 came out and now we're awaiting season 4 but I was like you know what this series I'm hearing so freaking much not just from my audience but from other attitudes from other anime enthusiasts that I respect the opinions of quite a bit so I'm like okay if all of these people all of these people who I know have good taste are talking about this show then you know what I'll give it a go and I caught up to it and honestly dude I think that attack on Titan is one of the few rare occurrences of a modern series going towards being a classic masterpiece because weirdly enough these first three seasons especially of the anime actually are nothing more than a really really long build-up and and that sounds bad from an outside perspective that sounds bad that's like oh you took three seasons to build up to the climax of the show but the thing is is that this build-up was done so meticulously and so thoroughly that you're having to just sit through all of this stuff without a question and the payoff I feel at the end especially of season 3 are waiting on the final season is just so huge that you you can't not like it everything about the characters the characters relationships just the wall building the insane world building especially in season 3 just keeps building on and on and on and on and all of these new elements introduced steadily giving you enough time to take in each part a new part of the story and therefore having seen everything that the series has to offer by the end of season 3 you are just completely completely stuck in this one world I know it's really hard to explain and and I know it's gonna seem like a little bit of a cop-out when I just say just go watch the anime but in all honesty just go what's the anime like this is this is one of the few popular shows today that I genuinely feel deserves the respect and I absolutely disagree with the whole fact of attack on time being an overrated show I think it is perfectly rated and we're all excited for season 4 so hey what can I say mana Hana everybody loved it for being cute and sad but it was actually pretty bad and irritating I don't know about you but I've never heard of anybody saying I loved an Ohana because it was cute I definitely do not remember the cute elements of an Ohana were they even any cute elements of an Ohana that that story was pretty [ __ ] sad from start to finish and I've heard this being debated so many times not just with AnoHana but things like your way in April and Clannad and Angel Beats and all of these quantum court melodramatic shows that are just there for for a sob fest for a cry fest and to those people I say well you're clearly just not into those kinds of drama shows because I don't see what the problem is with a drama show being dramatic perhaps a lot of people think those kinds of shows are melodramatic because they've just seems so many drama shows but I've seen a lot of drama shows too both in anime and other Western media and it's it's still great like I still love it yes it makes me feel sad but that is an experience that I sort out in this particular series I wasn't gonna go into a Nahanni expecting a [ __ ] K on clone an Ohana was not only beautifully written but also each character was really thoroughly explored both emotionally and just within each other's character development and character relationships with everybody else and you know what I genuinely think that an Ohana is one of the few drama shows from back in the day that still stands up to the test of time your name no character development a barely coherent plot melodramatic etc a silent voice is way better but still rated lower on mouth okay if you've seen my videos than you know that I have constantly said that your name is not as good as a sailor voice a silent voice I think was just a better shot but when I say that that doesn't necessarily mean that I hated your name in fact I thought your name was a [ __ ] awesome movie but I don't understand this tweet no character development do we watch the same movie maybe your idea of character development is like a [ __ ] tournament arc in a shounen but when it comes to drama romance sirs especially Shinkai makoto movies which are usually very much of a slow burner there was quite a bit of character development it both meets aha and tuck II went through each other's lives and used each other's lives when swapping bodies with one another to go through their own character developments to go through their own problems that they had in their world what if I really interesting about the character moment in your name especially is that they used another character's life to reflect on their own and that's really hard to do especially in a movie time frame sure when it comes to the plot the ending was a little bit strange I must admit like you know that there really is no explanation as to why or how that happened but the whole point of especially Shinkai makoto movies is not the logic within a story in fact almost all Shinkai makoto movies don't have a lot of logic that resonate with real life because that's not the point of his movies the point of his movies is to look at a very fantasy like very dreamscape like story and feel an emotion that you can relate to in real life in the case with your name or rather almost all of Shinkai makoto movies is this idea of a long distance relationship because Shinkai makoto himself was in a long-distance relationship for the longest time so he knows what it's like to go through these trials and tribulations that comes with long-distance relationships this idea of you having to leave your own life while thinking about somebody else who you have no general access that's why I still think to this day that five centimeters per second is such an underrated movie because to me that movie is not enjoyable for people who never experience long-distance relationships and as someone who did personally that movie and your name hits me like a [ __ ] bombshell my dude and again this whole idea of it being melodramatic yeah no [ __ ] dude it's a [ __ ] drama story what do you expect I want to ask these people what the [ __ ] is not melodramatic at this point the most overrated for me is Reiser Oh Subaru isn't that likable I know that's how people would really react any situation but that doesn't mean it's entertaining really because that was the one thing that I found entertaining about Reiser is that Subarus reactions to everything that happens to him is very real like is what a normal person in real life would react and to me that is such a nice breath of fresh air especially in the Iroquois onra because a lot of these types of fantasy stories are powerfully seized it's this idea of you being the most powerful being in the story and there is really no real-life human emotion that is attached to these characters because you're not watching these stories for that kind of feeling you're watching it just to be like [ __ ] yeah this guy's a badass and I want to relate to this guy because I want to be about us whereas re0 is the complete opposite of that Reiser is a very real life-like situation especially if you are looking at it through the eyes of Subaru because again he isn't the most powerful being in fact he's usually the weakest being in the entire series and a lot of terrible [ __ ] happens to him and the way that his mind [ __ ] collapses every time the way that he overthinks things the way how he gets paranoid the way how he feels about certain characters and certain people in his life in his new life in this new world is very real like is is very much what me or you or any person would react in that situation and I find that to be really refreshing because finally I can actually look at a character where I'm like dude I genuinely [ __ ] feel sorry for you yeah sure there are a lot of situations especially later in the series where you know it is kind of Subarus vote that fault that he going into that [ __ ] but you know again humans make mistakes none of us are perfect and you know what a story like a power fantasy for example would never ever show those kinds of mistakes in realistic ways and therefore it's [ __ ] boring to me because it's so predictable pony chichi no plot bad characters disgusting protagonist and it's somehow still got seven out of ten on now yeah if you watch my hentai Taylor's video you know that that [ __ ] is DT Rat best mate dude I agree with this one Death Note the plot is way more complicated than the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise combined only light l and Duke are praised along with the potato chip scene lights character development never heard of that what I genuinely want to give you the clown card in this episode III genuinely want to accept I want you to accept to this clown card because it is yeah you just [ __ ] broke yourself first of all the plot is not as complicated as Kingdom Hearts okay don't even [ __ ] compare it to Kingdom Hearts the plot in fact is very [ __ ] straightforward if you think about it like it's just light has a Death Note he goes insane even though he had good intentions from the beginning and some guy named L and the police department want to find this killer it's a cat-and-mouse situation I just explained all of Death Note in like 30 seconds and this point of only light l and Duke are praised again I don't think he watched more than three episodes of Death Note because almost everybody is praised in that show like I've never heard of anybody bad-mouthing lights dad or Mesa or near or you know any of the [ __ ] detectives that are with lights dad from start to finish trying to catch Kira and the whole thing with the potato-chip scene that's just a [ __ ] overrated meme okay that was created by people who have only ever seen Death Note and think that that is one of the most amazing pieces of animation to ever be created when it's far from the [ __ ] truth and lights character development again did you watch the same anime lights character development is pretty [ __ ] simple from the get-go he picks up a Death Note he learns about its powers he wants to do good for society by killing all of these evil villains but then as he does that more and more more evil intentions start to come out and he turns into villain that he always wanted to kill and from there it's a battle of wits between the genius light and the genius L in this intense as [ __ ] psychological cat-and-mouse story like some of these people don't know how to [ __ ] formulate an argument elfin lead around nine years ago when I started to watch anime everyone recommended it to me saying that it was a must watch and that it was really profound and mature with one of the best openings ever I almost died of laughter and how silly it was okay I want to ask you what is silly about elfin lead it is is it the fact that it's an old animation because you can't really criticize it on that considering it was made [ __ ] 15 years ago it's based off a manga from 2002 so clearly the art style and the animation style is stuck in that era I do think that the opening is silly because I still think that's one of the most beautiful anime openings ever in my opinion or are you criticizing it for the edgy factor that had had in the story because yes it did definitely have an edgy factor but the thing is again back when elfin lee was made in 2004 or even if you go back to 2002 from when the original manga was serializing a series like that that was that gruesome and that brutal especially when it came to gore and a lot of really heavy psychological issues that the series addressed there was really no series that did it in that vivid of a way in that brutal of a way like I've seen a lot of [ __ ] AG Oz shows that try to be violent for the sake of violent or deep and psychological for the sake of being psychologically traumatizing and to this day the [ __ ] puppy scene and elfin Lee it's still [ __ ] traumatizing me I'm not gonna say any more of that in case you've never seen elephant Lee but just if you do decide to go watch it which I highly recommend you do it's a [ __ ] fantastic series just be prepared for that because that mentally [ __ ] Scott me when I first saw that again there are so many people who don't realize that there are so many AG type of series modern like currently right now that were actually influenced by series like elfin leet so it's kind of a [ __ ] if you think about it that's like listening to a Wonder can cover of a Beatle song and saying that the Beatles copied One Direction late but it it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense if that makes sense probably marry Nikki and it isn't even that highly regarded it seems to take itself seriously with the psychological aspects and developments but the character decisions don't make sense and seem misplace it's filled with inconsistencies and plot holes filled ok I definitely will agree with you in saying that Mary Nikki isn't all of that I I did like it at first I will admit I did like it at first when it first came out but after re-watching it a couple of times and after experiencing a few more series similar to that I definitely do see all of the problems that persist in mirai nikki and this tweet actually nails it on the head pretty damn well I think as well that the biggest problem I have with Mary Nikki personally is the way that a lot of the audience members reactions to yuno gasai is very much stuck within the whole OMG she's a hot yandere when in fact the one thing that I especially loved about you Nagase while I was watching it is not so much the whole oMG yandere is so hot aspect but rather her backstory I I found that to be really [ __ ] interesting especially when you compare it to any of the back stories of any of the other characters in the show because those [ __ ] barely exist if you think about it but you know it's back story actually makes a whole lot of sense as to why she turns out the way she does but unfortunately fans of you know Gus I don't [ __ ] care about her backstory they only care about the fact that she loves the [ __ ] main character and is a crazy [ __ ] who with pink hair and tits like great job guys also Yuki is one of the most irritating and [ __ ] unpredictably [ __ ] main characters in a story that I have ever seen so yeah I'm not a huge fan of the series if you couldn't catch my drift Cowboy Bebop it was slow boring and uneventful even the fight between spike in the old dude forgot his name was anticlimactic they killed off Julie but because I barely got to know her I didn't really care same with spikes death he wasn't an interesting guy to me what the [ __ ] are you talking about brah ladies and gentlemen it is a very special moment where I would like to present this tweet with the award that I would like to call full to award because waifu of course stands for Wow alright I [ __ ] up Cowboy Bebop was boring and uneventful we did not watch the same enemy okay maybe you mean that in the sense that it is an episodic series especially earlier on in the show each episode has its own contained story with an overarching plot surrounding it but saying that Cowboy Bebop was uneventful is is it's just wrong it's just wrong because there are plenty of things that happen in Cowboy Bebop in fact you pointed out three things in this tweet three big events that happen in this tweet the fight with spike in the all do which I also forgot the name of Julie's death and Spike's death those three scenes just by themselves were pretty [ __ ] eventful dude like how could you not like the fight scenes in cowboy bebop like it yes sure I don't think it's the most amazing series ever either but for series that was made 20 [ __ ] years ago to this day it's still pretty [ __ ] glories to look at like the fight choreography in cowboy be able still stands up to the test of time especially when you compare it to all these other shows that came out and without giving too much away the fact that you didn't relate to Julie when she died it that's just your problem because the series did a pretty good job to give you plenty of time to really connect with this character and same goes with spike as well like I like Julie yeah but [ __ ] spike you you want [ __ ] sad about Spike's death my dude what the [ __ ] yo lion April I went in expecting a touching story but it ended up being extremely predictable and didn't hit me nearly as hard as something like an Ohana did okay considering this tweet I wanna ask this question what makes your lane April predictable like what about your line April did you find predictable wasn't the fact that you were fully expecting a death to happen at the end or was the fact that you were fully expecting a demon Cole said to get over his past traumas and move on as a musician like like what part about that was predictable because let me tell you something just because a story is predictable it doesn't make it not entertaining why the [ __ ] then would anybody watch superhero movies why the [ __ ] would anybody what's shown in stories if if they thought that predictable equals boring I feel like I've made this comparison before but again just because you know what's going to happen it doesn't make the payoff instantaneously feel good for you or in the case with things like your lie in April the payoff to be instantaneously sad because yes I definitely do understand that there is a whole feeling of excitement when it comes to unpredictable storylines but at the same time an unpredictable storyline is a double-edged sword it can be the most amazing [ __ ] thing ever or it can be the most [ __ ] thing ever and a lot of authors want to go with the predictable route of storytelling because they don't want to play around with that double-edged sword or in the case with the author of your lion April knows how to make a really [ __ ] entertainingly deep predictable story like yes of course everybody was expecting that one character to die at the end everybody was expecting closer to get over his traumas that he had with his mom at the end but the way that that show presented that storytelling was so [ __ ] beautiful and if you say that that series just in terms of its aesthetics in terms of its sound design in terms of its animation wasn't nice or pretty or beautiful then there's seriously something [ __ ] wrong with you and I would love to know what you think is beautiful or pretty in terms of aesthetics and I think again comparing our Nahanni to your lion April is also kind of not fair because you clearly watched a lejana first and so you knew what was going to happen in your lane April but what if it was the other way around would you have said that are Mahana was predictable because it's exactly like your way in April dines gate the characters were absolutely dreadful to watch none of them were interesting or likable every event I remember happening seemed forced in other words the plot didn't flow at all [Laughter] that was sorry that was just one of the shittiest opinions I've ever heard holy crap Stein's gate is the definition of a plot flowing [ __ ] seamlessly smooth the fact that you didn't think that the plot of steins gate wasn't smooth or that it didn't flow at all means the you have no [ __ ] idea how to write a story because the whole reason why people still talk about steins gate to this day why so many people regarded as a [ __ ] classic in sci-fi storytelling is because the characters are all likable because the series gave us plenty of time to not only explain the plot intricately but also make us give a lot of empathy and sympathy towards all of these characters but because steins gate also has one of the most amazing [ __ ] plot twists in modern anime like in terms of plot twists in anime I would put it up with rock so Anarchy series like monster and 20th century boys like it it's that level of holy [ __ ] sure steins gate the first 12 to 13 episodes are quite slow it's a little bit of a slow burner but that is also necessary because the plot is so intricate and there are so many things that you as the viewer need to be paying attention to because it creates a whole lot of impact in the second half of the story and you saying that there was some plot events that seemed forced well maybe it seemed forced because you weren't paying attention in the first half because from my recollection everything that happens in the second half of steins gate is fully explained or foreshadowed in the first half and that's what makes the plot of steins gate so [ __ ] amazingly written like you have to be joking right like with this tweet but you have to be joking you must be taking the piss because if you're seriously thinking that this opinion right here is correct in any way you just need to stop watching anime no I gave no life because everyone cries about no second season I guess it has some kind of hype overall nice idea but horribly executed Sora wins his first game with a royal straight flush because he's good at games law the chess game was an absolute [ __ ] you know there is a reason why people want a second season of no you know life because a it was genuinely a pretty entertaining cool show especially from when it came out and be because it's like look at this art how does that not make you feel like you just put cocaine in your eyes also when it comes to the royal straight flush of the first game of poker that Sora does in the saw or even the chess game that Sora and Shira does to win over one of the kingdoms is fully explained because Sora cheats to win at games like they explained in the show the whole point of that first poker game is to show you that yes Sora and Shira don't play the game how it's supposed to be they cheat their way using their logic of games and the rules of a game and that's what makes the show interesting Sora didn't magically get a roll straight flush because he used the [ __ ] power of friendship no he actually used his brain he used his ability of understanding the rules of a game and how a game works to bend those rules and test the limits of those rules and therefore use that to his advantage to seemingly create this magical scenario of all [ __ ] I have a royal straight flush and I don't know how you don't get that because they explained it pretty [ __ ] clearly in the story and the same goes with the chess game the whole reason why that show is so well done is because again they explain everything it's not just [ __ ] Shawn and power-ups for the sake of [ __ ] shown in power-ups these these are things that you could probably do in real life if you set it up correctly do I want a season two of no game no life sure I'm not gonna piss my pants about it but hey it'd be nice because it's a pretty decent show I mean definitely [ __ ] way better than clockwork planet which the same author did personally nge was so hard to get through because I kept falling asleep no joke the show revolves around giant robot death fights and shinji's daddy issues but none of the other ship gets explained like the human instrumentality project the spear of Longinus etc I held out for that see this is a person who again clearly wasn't paying attention to the story of ng because they explained everything they explained the human instrumentality project they explained the spear of long genious and if you want to get a better explanation of both of those then I would recommend you what's the end of evangelion because they fully explained it in there as well but they also explained it in the TV series too just not in the most you know clear of ways that definitely it was it was wrapped up neatly in a package you kind of had to forcefully open up yourself but they do explain it it's not just there to create some kind of overarching plot and no the story isn't just about [ __ ] robots fighting and Shinji's daddy issues in fact it is a story about the psychological traumas and developments that young kids go through when put into impossibly perilous situations like Shinji getting in the [ __ ] robot like the fact that there are youtubers out there who can create entire analysis videos on just one particular scene or one particular character in one particular scene goes to show that the deepness of nge extends beyond what is conventionally seen in anime and that's why oh well for a lot of people nge is still talked about to this day and it's considered a masterpiece so I think it's the greatest [ __ ] anime ever made no I personally don't I see I saw a lot of issues with it personally but I'm not gonna completely denounce the fact that it is a very deep and thoroughly explanatory series that you really need to dig yourself into personally to get a better understanding of I mean you know what just for you I'll leave a link to a page that fully explains what the human instrumentality project is what the spear of Longinus is if you can't be bothered to watch the end of Evangelion but if not go on watch end of evangelion it's a [ __ ] awesome movie and finally overrated all anime also not overrated all anime reason everyone has different opinions what you enjoy is not gonna be what someone else enjoys a fanbase for any show can be both fun and annoying and you know what well said my boy I think we'll end it there guys thank you once again for joining in to another episode of let's fight I really enjoyed this one hopefully after this video you won't leave a bunch of so and so anime is overrated so and so anime is underrated type of opinions because I'm not gonna [ __ ] take them ok this this video was here to show you that you can do overrated and underrated opinions if you give me a [ __ ] opinion but other than that try and avoid it because I want to keep this series still fresh I don't want to put it in the grave just yet like I did with every other series so do just do yourself a favor and come up with a good one if you want to be featured in the next video but if you want to get a chances to be featured in the next let's fight episode then the best place to do it is over on my Twitter go over to my Twitter use the hashtag let's buy it and leave your unpopular pins and spicy-hot takes on anything anime and all taco related and if it's good enough I'll pick it up I'll [ __ ] fight you to it but I appreciate you guys for watching until the very end if you'd like to check out the previous episodes or in fact all of the episodes then I'll leave the playlist to it in the description blog and also at the end cut of this video so definitely go and check it out it is guys thanks for watching and I'll see you the next one like if everybody enjoys subscribe rabbana keep watching anime tell me [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 638,450
Rating: 4.9307709 out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, Every, Anime, is, Overrated..., LET'S, FIGHT, #LetsFight, Underrated
Id: 1AZ6_dt9oSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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