Roasting My Fans HORRIBLE Taste in Anime...

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yeah that's going on this anime man so if you're an anime watcher on the internet then I'm sure you've heard of this thing called now which is short for my anime list pretty self-explanatory but if you don't know it is a website where people can create profiles and make their own anime or manga lists most weaves use that website just to basically keep track of the things that they've watched all the things that they've already read and there are a lot of little school things that you can do on my anime list but one thing that is quite interesting is that you can not only catalog the anime that you ever watched but you can also rate them it's just a standard rating a scale from one to ten one being terrible ten being an amazing but basically with a my anime lists account you are free to rate whatever anime you are finished watching or perhaps not even finished watching on a scale of one to ten it is completely up to you there might be one person who thinks that a particular show is a one out of ten but that same person could give a terrible show a ten out of ten it's really up to them it is up to them until someone with authority aka your boy comes along and decides to check out your my anime list so I asked you guys over on Twitter to send me your mal anime lists and I will look through them and rate you on your anime tastes because that's not gonna start a war in the comments now I'm just gonna say this up front just in case that some people are too [ __ ] to figure it out on themselves obviously that whole thing about me being an authority in the anime community this is just a little bit of fun a little a fun little roasting session if you will it's for you guys to see you know what people think about certain anime series because I've always been curious you know I go on and I rate a bunch of shows that I think are amazing or I think are terrible for different types of ways but it's always interesting to see what the fans think what you guys think about the shows that I watch and ramble about so if you do get picked for this particular video then take everything that I say with a grain of salt alright you are free to like or dislike whatever the [ __ ] you want to like or dislike so yeah let's just get that out of the way and go and roast some [ __ ] alright let's start off with my boy Evan he's another Anna tuber he said [ __ ] me out fan ever about to [ __ ] you in the also bite down on that pillow fam alright bro alright yo yeah what is this what is this what is that now family your tastes [ __ ] but that hell no it seems like you've seen a decent amount of shows though I'm impressed with that I'm going through right now there's like what 2 300 maybe yeah so you know what I'll give you points for that my boy okay let's check out the tins that you've given so you gave accurate n okay it's a bus a chronicle all right Erica seven all right I'll give you that gone school mushishi okay these are all completely justified I'll give you points on that all right bro we gonna we gotta talk for a second here we go for a second mirai nikki ten out of ten what are you a 14 year old okay I don't really know the legitimacy of this list considering that you've given 43 shows a ten out of ten because to me a ten out of ten is a show that is like so [ __ ] unforgettable and so flawless in every single aspect that there isn't even a single thing that you can nitpick at and I get it that you've seen a lot of anime but I think a tenant and personally is something that you should reserve for something that's like really [ __ ] special either like you know there's a huge bit of nostalgia that is connected to it in some way or it truly is a one-of-a-kind [ __ ] show but this boy gave [ __ ] erased a ten out of ten clearly you didn't watch past episodes and yeah I mean the lowest score that you've given is a five out of ten which is not even that bad like a five out of ten for me is like an average show so yeah I don't really know the legitimacy that I think you should go through my boy and and double check because this for example needs to be much lower than a six that's for sure alright moving on let's check out this one right here I dare you to say my taste is [ __ ] alright alright challenge accepted my boy okay my boys got that custom list I see you I see you my boy all right let's see what you've given a ten out of ten one lucky me okay five centimeters per second Bakuman oh god daddy alright alright I'll accept these shorter ah alright phase zero nice eh Daanish corkle say okay okay not bad psycho-pass sucker Oh sir all right you're doing pretty well so far give you that all right hold on I got a I got a I got a call the anime police right here bro what's this what is this what is this origami season two ten out of ten the first season was better and first the first season for me was a solid like six out of ten at least oh okay hold on bro you'll taste this [ __ ] I'm sorry dude I'm sorry you gave fireworks a ten out of ten bro look I get it you're probably a huge shaft fanboy considering that I've seen a number of the monogatari Series seasons in a 10 out of 10 I get that my boy I love the shaft as well but you gotta admit the jacket Hanabi was [ __ ] wack bruh and look I've made a whole video explaining why fireworks was probably the biggest disappointment in anime movies in the last couple of years so I'm not even gonna go into that detail but clearly this is a [ __ ] shaft fanboy who just loves this [ __ ] and so I think that's why he was trying to like you know challenge me with like tasty [ __ ] because this boy clearly knows that I love me my shaft and and an auto yuki stuff sir and let's see you've given three one out of tens you've given again miles of destruction that makes sense Bakugan Battle Brawlers never heard of that and schooldays okay I can see why you've given at least miles of destruction because miles of destruction is [ __ ] terrible but school days are one out of 10 bit harsh isn't it and look I've been that kind of person who has been so wishy-washy about how I feel about school days because it is like at first when I first watched it as well school days for me it was like oh no that's pretty wack but then I kind of had that revelation of like know maybe it's just so bad and so I guess backstabbing for the audience to see it in that way that it's genius in actuality like it depends on how I feel some days I look at school days and I'm like is this wack or is this just like so wacky that it's genius you gave Batum a 2 out of 10 dude that's a bit harsh III mean butum wasn't amazing but it's it's it's at least a six for me it wasn't that terrible okay hold on what is this what what is this why why why what why would you put yourself through that pain why would you do that to yourself my boy just watch it once and it's more than enough you don't have to watch it again do it still sucks okay let's check out this one I think you'll find that we are best friends alright let's check it out oh I like this like custom look you have going here it's like see this this is a designer right here this is this is this is a guy who's taking love and passion into his list but let's see what you've completed okay you got ng your buddy MacArthur you've got K on season 2 Stein escapes your car alright yeah really good shows in a ten out of ten all right I'll give you points for that and see look this is a man right here who understands the importance of the 10 a 10 see here there are only 9 shows that he's given a 10 out of 10 see I think that's the right amount of shows that you should give a 10 out of 10 because it is really [ __ ] special and honestly like other than maybe Quanah Suba all of these shows are pretty worthy of a 10 out of 10 for me like honest it was really good I wouldn't call it a 10 out of 10 though because there was some look slight problems with it same with Tom okker love story as well like but there at least a good like 8 or 9 out of 10 but everything else dude alright this boy's got some good taste I'll give you that and this boy has finished a lot of shows my god that's Wow what have you given a 1 out of 10 citrus alright that makes sense Death March yep ok that makes sense it's a nice smart phone yep alright this one I wish all show Bay check it yeah that wasn't very good at the door Deku yeah okay that makes sense and 3d color job alright that makes sense oh yeah I also love how you can add comments as well of how it was for example he gave this boy gave muslimists me a 9 out of 10 and said the pinnacle of edgy shows also about the only source of spider ludes this boy clearly hasn't read cool dissing on any car so get on that my boy I love how with my lucemon he gave us if inherit an which is a very generous school but he just said [ __ ] yes horse coat that's exactly how I felt about moment as well you know what carnal panic if that is how you pronounce it you know what I think we can be pretty good friends you know your taste is pretty good enemy manner pers all right let's see here he said oh boy am I gonna regret this I don't know let's see all right let's sort it by school let's see you gave a ten out of ten this person has only given nine shows a ten out of ten how do you mean you bought ok Bible but alright yeah you're my boy for that one you definitely do like the more mainstream shows though that's for sure because you got a parricide you got stains gay you're currently gone death no Gintama not saying that these shows are terrible in any way but you know i can definitely see the the style of shows that this boy likes oh and he's only seen 48 shows and he gave guilty crown a 2 out of 10 you were doing so well until I saw that how in the [ __ ] how in the [ __ ] do you think that are coming a kill was better than guilty crowd how in the [ __ ] did you think fairytale was better than guilty crowd did we watch the same shows guilty crowd yes didn't have the most solid ending in all of anime but up until the last couple of episodes it was a pretty [ __ ] solid show you gotta admit yes for a lot of people the ending is the cake it's not even the cherry on top it is the whole cake for some people if it ends terribly then the entire meal is ruined I get that but how did you think that a show that has been consistently [ __ ] for over a hundred episodes was worse than a show that was only bad for two episodes I don't see that what is wrong with you roasted moving on okay here we go let's check this one I'm gonna regret this yes you will everybody does oh god what is this layout why is it like sticking out like this what the [ __ ] okay first of all I'm gonna have to [ __ ] roast you on the way that you've you've squished everything together like this I don't know if it's just my [ __ ] like web browser but I've refreshed this like three times and it still looks like this so uh yeah your minus points for that okay the ten out of tens that you've given is is is interesting it's an interesting choice I clearly this person is more into the the wieder a variety of shows considering the fact that you have Duncan handsome there and not even ghagra enhancing the show just the special as a ten out of ten okay you gave Klan out a ten out of ten and yet you didn't even rate Clannad off the story even though you finished watching it time to update that and you gave skip the email and eight I don't understand this person's tastes at all it's it's really good and then the other end is just like I had a stroke okay this person claims to have top-tier tastes you got the triple T my boy yeah I just I just I trusted you you said you had top-tier tastes what is this [ __ ] why did you think that was top-tier tastes why the lowest score you've given is a six out of ten my dude I mean I get it you just want to watch good shows you just want to watch decent shows you want to watch shows that you think you'll enjoy but you've also got a if you want to if you want to involve that taste of my dude you got to watch the shitty shows as well my dude you got you got to give sometimes you just watch the really terrible shows and figure out why they are [ __ ] terrible but no instead of doing that you go ahead and watch actual shows that a [ __ ] and think that there are nine out of ten like oh this anime community I swear okay I'm gonna have to check this guy's list out cuz he straight-up said that SEL is trash this is gonna be a sure okay the shows that he's given a ten out of ten are like the most like safe shows to give a ten attended the shows that are all popular those shows everybody has watched so not surprising that and he's only watched twenty nine thirty shows so you thinking that SEL is [ __ ] I don't blame you on that dude you you're not even like a fifth of the way to even thinking you'll enjoy SEL you gave erased and eight out of ten yeah this person has clearly only been watching anime for maybe a year tops probably you get perfect blue was seven when perfect blue is easily the best conscious otoshi film ever made so it should be at least a nine but then it's confusing because you gave my hair I could a mere a seven not to mention this boy hasn't even seen SEL he went out of the way to say that SEL is trash my boy hasn't even seen SEL so shut up dude alright let's get this one I'm ready to get [ __ ] on my poop is ready to land on your face my dude Wow first of all this uh this is this list they have really [ __ ] customized this [ __ ] my dude goddamn I didn't even know you could do this kind of like looking at Wow but you know what's the sad thing as pretty and as cool-looking as this show is still can't hide from the [ __ ] taste still can't hide it may God have mercy on your soul I literally just started watching seriously this year if you wanted to read in your users take trash taste you know what I'll check it out don't think that you automatically have trash taste all right like you as you said you only started watching anime this year so I'm gonna rate you I'm gonna judge you on what you have started watching as supposed to your [ __ ] taste because I think you're at a stage yet where you you haven't quite developed a taste yet okay first of all the fact that you gave the [ __ ] 19 to 90s berserk adaptation a 10 out of 10 is already you're doing pretty alright for yourself my dude you've also got Clannad after story there hunt art of 2011 you got the order guy to OVA all in a 10 out of 10 dude like it's not bad not bad at all also what the hell are you talking about you're a new anime watch it you've seen 169 shows that's barely new if you only seriously started watching anime this year and you've seen 169 shows that means with my calculations you be watching one show every three to two days yeah that's that's seriously watching it alright you gave Mira tights a 6 out of 10 which is just alright I guess whatever floats your product oh you gave Devilman cry-baby and Bakke a 6 out of 10 my dude yeah we can't be friends alright you know that if someone with the username and it's uber TV says that he has perfect taste he or she has perfect taste then uh I'm gonna be harsh on my boy like he's nothing given to ten on the tens and that's Death Note and Sakamoto disco that's an interesting choice alright I see you my boy but you gave monster a 9 out of 10 so hey you know what that's a good start what is the 1 out of 10 that he's given well it's only one each of all we should all know diamo really you didn't like that shot I actually thought it was alright it's a very old show don't get me wrong like you know Olli mm like harem you know I guess the kind of the start of the is okay genre it was in the Sok genre before wasn't yesterday but well I guess it's just like a fantasy John or if you think about it I mean it wasn't the best that it definitely wasn't the best show out there but it's not that bad honestly and yeah this boy gave devil man crybaby a three out of ten so clearly he doesn't understand taste if it was served to him on a silver platter he also gave Keijo an eight out of ten so yeah if you liked Keijo then i don't know why you didn't like each motion on a dime oh they both have just the same amount of us as each other I rate super high well then I'm gonna judge super high as well okay yeah look at the amount of ten of out of tens this boy is given look about forty five shows a ten out of ten come on my dude way if you rate so high then what's the lowest rank that he's given a two out of ten not even a one a two out of ten on blue drop tense touchy no kioku [ __ ] Hoff but it sounds shitty yeah I can definitely see how you rate very highly you gave Fuuka and clockwork planet a six out of ten which to me both of those shows are like a three at least what a Monet is six yeah that's another three for me don't say booting a crime age though you didn't write high enough that's because that's like a nine for me oh but unless you're rated schooldays at a moderate level you know at a more acceptable level in my opinion so yeah that's that's really interesting I have no idea if you have [ __ ] taste or if you have just really like weird look at how you see anime and again what is this what is it what is that what is that that's too high too damn high the proper rating for Tokyo Gore route a is is is not 10 out of 10 but route 10 out of 10 it's pretty [ __ ] law the show title should already have given you a clue as to how you should rate this show can't wait to be famous or infamous depending on how your list is let's check it out okay my boys given like a nice little background on it alright I'll give you props for that okay you know what concerning your ten out of tens I'm gonna give you props I'm gonna give you props because you've given some like really underrated shows a ten out of ten my boy gave some cotton rayon second season and sukiyaki rare at 10:18 which to me it shows that you this person has seen a lot of shows this is this person has seen a lot of shows and has really [ __ ] decided on like what really struck through to him or her so I'll give you that and also even your 9 out of 10 Sun not too bad Akira azumanga daioh fully coolly Higurashi grant lagaan Bakuman oh god daddy Susan your having seen a show like these are all really [ __ ] good shows so I'm curious to see what you gave a low school you gave granblue it to that 10 my dude really the only show I've ever stopped watching in the middle of an episode at 6 minutes into episode 2 the room decorating scene was insulting to watch knowing they expected me to find that funny somehow how is that not funny my dear that's bad Maxime was [ __ ] hilarious to be fair though it was much funnier in the manga in my opinion but the anime did a pretty good job of like kind of showing off that like slight weirdness to the comedy of that show I feel grand Bleu is one of those shows that is very difficult to get into if your style of comedy doesn't lean towards the weird style of comedy but in saying that it's weird because my boy has given us a manga do a 9 out of 10 and technically the same type of like weird style comedy like the the type of I guess is very strange style of comedy so I don't I don't understand why you didn't think grand Bleu was funny and you thought azumanga daioh was really funny at least funny enough to get a 9 out of 10 but guys that's gonna do it for this video um obviously I couldn't go through every single person on this list or every single person who replied to this tweet because I legitimately got over 2,000 of you [ __ ] sending me on my an email list so if I were to go through everybody's it would have literally taken me all [ __ ] day and I know you guys aren't gonna sit through a video that long was so uh yeah but yeah this was super [ __ ] fun so thank you to everybody who was brave enough to send me them my hand email list accounts let me know again what you guys think about any of these things and you know what just to end it off because I gave so much [ __ ] to people on there anime list let's go through my anime list let's go through your boys anime list just to show you guys how [ __ ] trash he's tastes oh god you know I have an updated mine in a hot second considering that uh it says that I'm still watching Airlines sir [ __ ] me alright I genuinely don't even know what school I gave any of the shows let's check it out all right you know what concerning these like ten out of tens I still feel very strongly about all of these um whether it be a sense of nostalgia or whether it just be like how I feel about the shows like obviously you know movies like you know first Pokemon movie has a ton of gear Gus temple called Lupin the third chaos tarnish it all a those are fall more into like the nostalgic tenets tends to me but there are also shows for me like fully coolly serial experiments lain Mononoke about kana which I genuinely feel are on a you know constructional sense of like how animes build how storytelling is made music characters all that kind of [ __ ] really is [ __ ] flawless and you know what my boy has seen a decent amount of shows I've seen almost five hundred shows and this hasn't been updated in a very very long time so I don't worry guys I know what I'm [ __ ] talking about what have I given a one out of ten sold online sir yeah pupae muscle gunk and HHH well I've given a lot of one out of hansbrough I've seen some [ __ ] show as my dude yeah you know what it's crazy even though I've seen so many shows since then and my taste says I'll have obviously changed on some shows just going through this list I still kind of agree with how I've rated all these shows so I guess you know what I'm not gonna go through that in detail I'll leave the link though to my anime list down in the description below so you know what why don't you guys go check it out for yourself and let me know in the comments below how should my tastes actually I and yeah I should probably update this list so but guys I appreciate every single one of you guys who did link me on my anime list over on my Twitter and if you would like to participate in another video like this then the best place to do it is to follow your boy over on Twitter so come and join in because all I do is like anime tits and memes it's a good time and yeah guys again don't go and to any of these like my email list accounts that often like leave nasty comments about like Oh your toaster shoot or whatever just let it be this is just a little bit of fun you know let's all be respectful about everyone's opinions okay even though this whole video was very disrespectful that's a baby you put you know your boy doesn't mean any harm in that kind of stuff this is just a little bit of fun I appreciate you guys for watching until the very end leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching as always like a favorite if you enjoyed subscribe Marama Banta keep watching enemy John it [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,053,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, MAL, The Anime Man, thean1meman, MyAnimeList, rating, Roasting, My, Fans, HORRIBLE, Taste, in, Anime..., parody
Id: nTCOlt2k_wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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