Demon Slayer is a Work of Art

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if there's one thing that keeps me coming back to the shonen genre over and over again it's this simplistic nature that i've been able to enjoy both as a kid and still now years later as a fully functioning fully grown up kid pretending to be an adult there's no need for some long convoluted hook like that time i tried becoming president of my ninja village when my best friend had joined ninja isis everything you need to know is encapsulated in a nice short snappy title naruto is about a ninja named naruto one piece is about a grand adventure to find the treasure named one piece my hero academia is about heroes in academia and demon slayer is about a guy who has a really cute little sister who also slays demons yes demon slayer was an anime only a few were talking about initially myself included but over the past few weeks has turned into a show that has blown me away and it was surprising to me because it was something that i never thought could or would be this good at least in the time frame given and i think a large part of that is thanks to the phenomenal job ufo table is doing at tackling their first shonen anime so today i just wanted to take some time to highlight the fantastic work they're doing and you know fanboy a little here and there's the shonen trash fuckboy i am for those unfamiliar to what the show is about the basic premise revolves around her main character tanjiro who comes home one day to find out his entire family has been slaughtered by demons the only survivor is his little sister who herself has been turned into a bloodthirsty demon and so begins his journey to become a demon slayer in order to find a cure for his little sister and protect others from the same tragedy that has befallen him that's right a shonen protagonist with an end goal we can finally get behind protect the immoto if the premise sounds kind of simplistic and straightforward that's because it kind of is but simple and predictable isn't necessarily a bad thing some of the best examples in the genre have been titles that have taken the basic foundation and executed it again really well but with its own twist plus i would feel kind of like a hypocrite for complaining that the shonen formula is too predictable while diving headfirst into my 100th power fantasy isekai based on the fantasy world with rpg elements because hey guys this guy has a shield this time and having said that my initial impression of demon slayer was that it was good it wasn't painfully uninspired like the first few episodes of black clover but it was missing that extra oomph to get me really excited about it the characters were likable enough and the story was sufficient but the format was a bit too monster of the week for my liking crow tells the main character where to go demon appears demon gets lame crow tells the main character to go demon appears demon gets slain rinse and repeat it was missing that hook to get me truly invested in the story there was however one outstanding aspect that kept me coming back in hopes that the story could reach greater heights and that was thanks to the work of some weirdly shaped furniture that's right the missing ingredient was a penis lamp i mean ufo table it is a good show but i think ufo table should be given a lot of credit for managing to take what in my eyes is a solid story for a solid manga and elevating that to give absolutely breathtaking moments as with any battle shonen the star of this show is the fight and not only does it keep the monster of the weak format fresh by giving each demon a different power resulting in no two fights ever playing out the same but it's also been showing some of the most visually striking action you can find in anime this year and trust me i haven't let recently bias cloud my judgment over how good mob psycho season 2 looked because while mob had entire episodes filled with i jizzingly good fight animation [ __ ] you spell check don't even try to tell me that's not a real word i haven't seen anything quite like the serene beauty that i feel when watching the sword play in demon slayer but this isn't a video about what the best animated show is this year right now i don't feel like debating between two fantastic looking shows when i can just wait till next year when the anime awards come around again then we can just complain about my hero academia winning anyway you fly table as a cd have always pushed the boundary when it comes to integrating cg in traditional animation when you mention cg and anime in the same sentence your first thought is normally the ufo table have always been the gold standard when it comes to digital effects and composition i remember the first time being really blown away with some of their stuff was their work in karanokyokai not only just how good it looked but also during fights where they used cg to mimic complex camera motions which would normally be impossible to hand draw nowadays this camera work might be a bit too much of look at me mom i've learned how to do shaky cam but to put this into perspective this came out five years before attack on titan floored everyone with its dynamic camera and its odm gear series these were the cg effects we were used to seeing in 2008 and back then this blew my [ __ ] mind demon slayer though has really shown their progression when it comes to their work using dynamic camera movement what used to be a one-off effect they can now consistently flex in this fight and that fight and that fight to the point where i'm like all right you first of all no one likes to show off but they're doing some really cool stuff with it let's take the rotating room fight as an example there's this demon that has the power to rotate a room that the flight takes place in so they get to play around the camera's perspective in relation to our main character and the cg background resulting in this mind-bending inception-esque fight scene where the camera's following our main character as he's jumping around the floor walls and ceiling with a change in gravity which just look at this this looks so [ __ ] cool just for reference this is what this scene looks like in the manga it's one of those rare occurrences where you can look at the panels and say man this manga really isn't doing the anime justice honestly though despite how impressive this looks i think the real standout is the entire aesthetic because it not only has great animation but it's also perfectly stylized i am absolutely in love with the art style and how ufo table leverages this to give every battle this unique vibe you can't really find anywhere else see the power system at play here revolves around a breathing technique that allows the user to exude the same energy as a certain element water thunder insects anything is possible as long as you know how to breathe correctly as far as i can tell the elements coming out of the swords are just a visual representation and metaphors aren't a new thing in anime to represent the power or feeling in a certain move but demon slayer has taken this concept and turned it into an art form you don't normally associate something like a hype fight with a beautiful painting but that's exactly how i feel whenever i see the climax of every battle in this series there's just something about the explosive thunder effects the mesmerizing sting of an insect or the hypnotic way the sword almost dances with the water effects on screen it's almost like a painting in motion the action scenes seem to come with this philosophy of how much can we polish and refine that one beautiful or explosive moment that's one satisfying slash to end it all and this isn't just true for our main character some of the most memorable fights come from zenitsu despite the fact they only really last around a minute or two and yet they leave such a deep impression because all he does is fall asleep and the demons are like what a fool he fell asleep in battle and now he's gonna die wait a minute why do i hear boss music playing and i just can't get over how damn addicting it is to see that moment because oh it's just so goddamn clean and i think a big unsung hero is the sound design too there are a few things in life that are just the perfect marriage red wine and steak nando sauce and chicken logan paul's face and the fist but i never knew that the sound of slicing swords and running water was such a perfect fit for each other because it gives me the same kind of feedback as when i do a really gratifying move in a video game and complements the clean cuts perfectly you know that feeling you get when you watch [ __ ] like soap getting cut or something which if you've never seen the soothing black magic that is soap getting cuts just just watch same feeling i get whenever anyone is slashed in the show it's clean it's satisfying and it's therapeutic as [ __ ] man this is as close as we're gonna get to shown an asmr and what i love is how the conclusions to these fights resonate with the tranquil beauty of the action that preceded it moments of hype are immediately followed with moments of serenity there's a sense of liberation whenever a demon gets defeated you get to see flashbacks from their lives as a human and the [ __ ] they went through before turning into a demon and for a hot moment you kind of feel sorry for them you know if not for the tiny fact of the dozens of people they've horribly murdered also to put a quick spotlight on the characters seeing how tanjiro acts towards the demons is kind of what makes him so endearing and these stories give a nice sense of closure to the different demons he defeats in shonen you are used to seeing these pure-hearted naive protagonists but what sets tanjiro apart is that he exudes that same pure-hearted energy without the naivety or childishness he can still empathize with the demons and the troubles that have landed them on his path while knowing that what they've done isn't something that can be forgiven his approach to everything is actually very mature but he is still headstrong when it comes to his own ideology and the optimistic way he sees the world despite having a family who was horribly murdered by demons he's not doing this out of revenge or anger or hatred but for a pure love for his family and a drive to make the world a better place of course his motivations would be worthless if his family members weren't worth protecting and i'm glad to say the last one might be a bit far how about worse girl tears when she loses these are the reasons why i kept coming back despite me being very iffy with the whole monster of the week format it may have been formulaic but it was a formula that worked and if that was everything i could have recommended this as a very solid show but what pushed me to make this video was a moment that you could rarely find an anime and that is of course the end of episode 19. you always know something special happened when an anime breaks out of the confines of our little community to start trending on twitter have people such as ninja tweeting about it and that is because this one scene is a masterpiece in a show that i never expected to be able to reach these heights normally in a scene such as this i like to talk about how the writing or characters were perfectly set up to make it successfully carry such an emotional weight but i do think the real star here is ufo table's execution and i can't break down the one thing that makes the scene work so well because it's everything i said earlier the fight seemed to have this philosophy of polishing one beautiful moment and this was one moment that was extended and polished to the absolute limit from the dazzling dancing and choreography that kicked the scene off the out of this world animation the satisfying sound design giving weight to every swing the contrasting colors with the burning fire lighting up the entire screen the beautiful moving track there was such an anti-silence drop juxtaposing layers of emotion into every frame it was one of those rare moments i've had where a scene was beautiful enough that i was just so overcome by emotions my body didn't know the proper way to react your heart probably started racing some of you might have felt a chill down your spine some of you maybe even cried from what from excitement from sadness from happiness from an overwhelming sense that you were witnessing something special the animation the colors the sound the voice acting the music it all formed a harmonious symphony of elements that when put together created a moment so beautiful so perfectly constructed there's no other way i can describe this other than it felt like i was watching a work of art god i love anime [Music] [Music] hey guys hope you enjoyed that video thank you very much this month too walter sisters10086 ella full robert hanborg basil lauken and everyone else my patreon for helping to support me for this month and making this video possible i know i've been doing a lot of videos for individual series recently but man it's just been a good year for anime hasn't it hopefully the fall season can also keep up this level of quality which [ __ ] it's it's only a month away where did this time go man it's just felt like summer's just started but yeah i guess the full season starts next month i should probably sort out a stream for that soon anyway though no further updates for me i've been giggling and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 5,561,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Demon Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Demon Slayer Review, Demon SLayer Analysis
Id: 6iGBTioovQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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