10 Amazing Manga That SHOULD NOT Get An Anime

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yeah hey I was gonna run this in the NME man when a manga becomes successful or starts to garner some sort of attention from a wider audience it usually ends up doing one of two things either it a gets adapted into some sort of anime or light novel or some other type of medium more often than not an anime or even if we're unfortunate some kind of live-action movie or be it never gets adapted into anything and a ton of the people in the manga community starts complaining about it and I am one of those people now I am many attitudes you've probably seen I've done countless videos on stuff like the top ten manga series that deserve an anime adaptation or the top ten most underrated anime that would make amazing anime series or amazing live-action movies but in terms video I'm gonna be doing the literal opposite of that because although there are so many incredible manga series that exist in the wide or taku wall and there are so many amazing anime adaptations to counteract that I don't think that every single manga that exists in the manga world needs to be adapted into an anime because truth be told not every single anime can be adapted into an enemy at least not in a way that will do the original manga justice so today I've decided to gather a collection and talk about 10 amazing manga series that shouldn't get an anime adaptation now mind you as the title of this video suggests these are 10 amazing manga series or at least what I personally believe to be 10 amazing manga series obviously everyone's a manga tastes change there may be some Hmong on this list that people not really that familiar with or maybe not even that favorable with but I for one think that these 10 manga series are [ __ ] amazing and are 10 manga series that no matter how hard we try unless some kind of miracle occurs would probably not make great anime series obviously goes without saying that there are plenty of manga series out there that don't deserve an anime adaptation because well they kind of just crap to begin with as they say a turd with sprinkles is still a turd if the manga sucks then most likely the anime is going to suck although there have been a few exceptions to that we're all fortunately but these are at least what I consider 10 series that no matter how hard we try we'll probably not make good anime adaptations the reasons vary in all sorts of ways so without further ado let's head into the list first starting off with wait Joey you're gonna put a shounen jump monger on this list already and it's not siren how [ __ ] dare you look my boys I love me my siren - don't get me wrong I am right there with you with the rage of siren navigating an anime adaptation but more so than that I am just beyond annoyed and a little bit pissed off I feel with especially the shounen jump tires that exist on the Internet of how unfamiliar they are with this particular series m0 it's simple even within the Shawn and drama from which is stems from and wasn't exactly the most talked about series even while it was serialized and Shawn and jump during the mid-2000s maybe because it was birthed during a very competitive era of shounen jump who knows but despite its now cult status in these Shonen manga genre i feel that there is mainly one reason as to why no matter how how we try we will never probably get a good anime adaptation of M 0 and that is Camellia Heroes extremely distinct art style now this is most likely going to be a recurring point throughout a few more series on this list but in the case with M zero it's the only reason why it can't possibly get a decent anime adaptation because the story in itself is simple in its comedy action it even has edgy and has a solid story and characters that are entertaining all sorts of different ways but come oh yeah see he knows art style is so distinctly wavy and warp II the no amount of terrible CGI or sakuga could probably do it justice the way that these characters flow and move - is so unspecified and almost out of this world that it would require a seriously talented director in studio to pull this one off even with great choreography and directing it's still hard to see this show spring to action despite the large amount of action scenes within it and in all honesty with how little knowing this series is - anime fans in the West I don't see it doing too well in sales either so with this one I'm honestly okay with just leaving it within the panel's of the page rather than it be brutally murdered by some kind of under staffed anime studio I absolutely love kono you see as art style and character designs they're just so cute and so badass looking at the same time and you know honestly I'm okay with them not getting an anime came with its kind of underground cult status that it has within the Shonen manga area so if you enjoy a shounen jump manga and you've never heard of em zero what are you doing boy now I'm sure there are a few of you who are like yeah I have at least heard of em zero before I've never read it per se but I've at least heard of it and you know floating around the manga world but concerning this next one on the list I doubt there are very many people who have even seen what the hell this is because while title mother King the saga was also serializing during the mid-2000s in the same era as m0 this is probably the most meta shounen jump comedy mangas that have ever existed and I mean it is even more meta than the king of shounen jump meta comedy Gintama like you thought Gintama had a [ __ ] ton of shounen jump references in it title multi king the sagas number of references and how close they are to the original source material kind of almost lies on the infringement of copyright and that's really the only reason why I can never see this whole area sleep meta comedy manga get an anime adaptation the only way I can describe tais on what the king of saga is a shounen jump manga for Shonen Jump fans if y'all not savvy with your Shawn and jump stuff then you most likely won't find any of the jokes in this manga funny in any way although the characters and stories Prell 'van in this episode of comedy manga stands strong just on their own its charm definitely relies heavily on the referential jokes sprinkled throughout the series there are even some jokes in here that even I don't understand and trust me I've had my fair share of Shawn in jump in fact I've actually discovered a number of hidden series because of the jokes in this manga I just can't imagine an anime studio having to animate 100 different IPS of 100 different referential jokes and possibly face 100 different copyright lawsuits so I'm just not expecting an anime from this anytime soon but if you do love your referential comedy especially those that poked fun of the tropes of Shonen manga and especially shounen jump characters and IPS you will absolutely love hazel more taking the saga i'm just telling you right now you will never see more Joe Joe references in a manga than this one this is the manga that started the Joe Joe references joke so yeah that's I think that's worth mentioning I'm sure you've heard of people saying within the manga and anime community that manga is not just a comic it is an art form and I think vagabond is probably the closest we will ever get to making that statement of blinding reality now although the contents of the manga are not exactly hard to understand the characters aren't exactly you know non relatable or it's not exactly the most fully experimental way of storytelling that we have seen in the manga world just the sheer God levels of artwork by author Inoue Takehiko is probably going to make an anime adaptation of this almost impossible to top although you know otaku score is no stranger to getting his works adapted into anime one of his most famous manga series slam dunk became a very successful anime adaptations in the mid 90s but I feel that fact plays a huge role in white vagabond won't ever get an anime adaptation you know a Turkish cause our style fits more into the realist side of anime art where character faces expressions and proportions look more like real-life humans rather than fictitious characters that clearly only exist in fantasy this is a style of manga that hasn't seen a whole lot of success in anime especially in the recent years while this art style was popular in the mid 80s to mid 90s going into the 2000s the general look of manga and anime has slowly started to walk away from realism not to say this is a bad thing in any way I mean the next manga on this list is a perfect example of how that change in art style is actually a good thing but if Vagabond manages to get some sort of an adaptation whether it be anime or something else I think the best choice for a story like this and for artwork like this would be a live-action think of every feudal Japan based movie made by such directors as kurosawa akira or even the huge success of the live-action Neroni Kenshin movies samurai series do best in live-action especially if the source material art style already compensates for that realistic look and feel I mean the early 90s realist saw manga that has managed to find success in the 21st century is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure but every other series from that same era has either had their art style changed to fit the new century or didn't see widespread success despite its high quality make a bond a Kurosawa al Qaeda styled live-action samurai movie and I will be completely okay with that I will be completely content with calling that the one and only vagabond adaptation otherwise just leave it alone it's already shining so brightly within the pages of the manga you know a tukya schools ah style is untouchable and every single anime director anime produce an anime studio is fully aware of that so just just leave it be it's [ __ ] amazing go and read it if you thought the first manga on this list had warp e and wavy art style so much so that it would be really difficult or even impossible to get an anime adaptation of then Neji Maki kagu has no chance in hell because the amount of wavy and warp II art styles in this series is evident right from the name of the damn series but even if you took away all of the spiral motifs away from this narrative which are in a way would because that's what makes it honestly really interesting and unique the in authors insane art style would still be basically impossible to adapt into an anime there's only really one adjective that I can use to describe author Nakayama his style insane the way he proportions characters bends backgrounds to manipulate the character position of the scene as well as the bizarre use of overexpression izing emotions in character faces and movements would just never work in animation even if you get a really talented director like masaaki yuasa who I believe is the master of warping character proportions to make things look really strange and even manipulating camera movements and camera angles to make something look trippy and out of this world he will take one look at any panel from Neji McKee Coggan just be like nah brah nah I I doing it which is a real shame because at first when reading this manga it seems like a really bizarre weird sometimes gross looking series but as you continue to read into it the more these bizarre shapes and movements start to look normal it's kind of the same feeling I got when I first started reading the grappler Bakke series but somehow even more proportionately [ __ ] up and I mean hey I was going to add the Bakke series into this list a long time ago when I was still conceptualizing this video but then Netflix proved me wrong by creating an amazing Buckey anime adaptation so hey we might have a chance with ninja monkey hug you as well maybe if I'm lucky enough and someone up in the Netflix clouds will hear my voice they will adapt a Neji monkey hug you anime just as good as they did with Bucky who knows only time will tell there have been a lot of rumors that have been circulating around in the manga anime world even after all of this time and success as to why Ozma Kyoshi was adorable slice-of-life series yacht sabato has still never seen an anime adaptation one of the biggest rumors that kind of blow up in everybody's faces was the fact that Ozma and the director of his other manga series azumanga daioh had kind of ill-intentioned frictions after the release of the anime and it being not really - as makes-- close expectations the real reason is almost simple than that luckily and mainly has to do with the way that the yacht's battle manga is narrative restructured one aspect about this series that differs somewhat to a lot of other slice-of-life manga is it's heavily idiosyncratic storytelling methods a lot of chapters of the manga start uneventful II and end with little to no expectations which even for a slice of life series feels quite strange and almost avant-garde at times I can honestly say where the author is coming from in that aspect I really don't think that there is any point really to try and adapt something that barely has any animation in the first place within the panel's of the manga into something that is on the big screen ie that will be entirely animated like they might as well just make a [ __ ] PowerPoint presentation and call it a day if you are thinking a go read yacht sabato or rather anything by author as Maki of core and I'm not really into the slice of life genre I'm gonna stop you right there and saying that you're probably gonna find his stuff boring and trust me as much as I love your to bottle myself I honestly feel like I would fall asleep trying to watch an anime adaptation of this I don't see any of these characters and stories springing to life on the big screen anytime soon when they barely spring to life in the pages of a manga so they have you ever read a manga and just slowly thought to yourself how the [ __ ] does anyone draw like this like it's a manga that just looks so amazing that you fail to understand how a human hand could have possibly created it I've had that happen to me a lot of times while reading also is a different manga but definitely the one monger I think of when I think back to an experience like that is on the shingles Hawk I do series look I've read a lot of horror survival manga in the past but have read nothing that matches up to the sheer terror and awe that the monsters in hawk-eyed you gave me throughout it's 21 volume serialization this manga probably has the most amazing monster designs I have ever seen in manga the creepy as hell disgusting and form and terrifying in action literally every monster from every nightmare that has ever been conceived makes an appearance in Hokkaido and it's not just the amount of detail in action in art much like vagabond the character designs fit more into the realism side of manga and thus would work a lot better I feel in a live-action setting rather than an enemy but unlike vagabond the monsters in Hokkaido would probably get brutally murdered by the low-quality shitty levels of CGI that the Japanese film industry has to offer I mean look at parasite the Maxum live-action that is a movie that every fan of the parasite series wants to eradicate from their memories at least parasite only had a comparatively small amount of CGI monsters hawk-eyed you would be entirely CGI monsters that sends shivers down my spine is just thinking about it so in saying all of that I seriously can't see how kaiju being adapted into a live-action even an anime I just cannot see it without having to sacrifice the odd quality that Honda Shingle offers in the manga and I mean hey it seems to work perfectly in the manga medium anyway so why try and fix something that isn't broken unlike everything else in this manga that at least has some kind of notoriety or infamously within the manga world this particular series or rather this particular author kind of fits more into the unknown side of the manga world because I feel that even some of the most seasoned manga fans on the internet have most likely never heard of Hinchey non-user by Miyazaki nods as you get now for this particular example I've used his serious hand on user to fit this list but honestly anything any short form or long-form manga written by author Miyazaki knows you care is replaceable with this list like anything that he has written fits into this number 7 slide almost all of his one-shot manga have the same exact reasons as to why they will never get an anime adaptation despite them possibly becoming a lot more popular after the release of this video or some time in the future and it's the simple fact that every single one of his stories are just too [ __ ] weird the art style and storytelling methods are on a whole other level of surreal melancholic and experimental character proportions reality bending settings and multi-layered dialogue are just some of the few examples of why Miyazaki not CG case works are so intriguing so fascinating and so not suited for animation some people might actually be turned off by this style of manga so suffice it to say that it won't be a very popular style for anime either I'd say that the best case scenario if they were to add add something by Miyazaki knows you care and to try and maintain his weird art style and storytelling methods would be to once again get the man of weird himself mr. masaaki yuasa directed because I feel that if there are any directors or anybody within the anime industry that has similar methods of storytelling and similar methods of aesthetics and art style it would be masaaki yuasa because would I like to see an anime adaptation of anything by Miyazaki not as you care actually yeah I think it'll be really interesting if done right this could be some of the most interesting anime that will ever be produced and could potentially rebirth the start of experimental anime again I'm not counting my coins quite yet first music eNOS as you can needs to escape the underground manga scene so it's still gonna be a little while to say the least in the meantime though I'm just gonna wait patiently for Miyazaki notes as you guys next short for manga because I am just in love with this man's weird wacky way of storytelling in our Styles so yeah it has my vote in terms of good [ __ ] that you must all read moving away from the weird and experimental on to the downright disturbing and creepy is author or skinny then scares brutal revenge thriller story meesa meesa now when most people think of or ski-doo dance gear they think of this series right here high school girl a bubbly cute and charming comedy series that in 2018 got a pretty decent anime adaptation which I also quite enjoyed but missa missa is one of the few examples of a manga author exploring genres and exploring storytelling that is really the polar opposite of what they're more comfortable with and coming out successful on the other end now I'm fully aware of the fact that miso miso is actually a series that is not really favorable by a lot of people especially those who are more used to the author's comedy style series like a high school girl by honest lethal meesa meesa was a really brutal yet powerful and thrilling series that actually played with the author's kind of strange and bubbly art style to its advantages because the AH work that accompanies this series is not the serious realistic style that you usually see in these types of genres but I do think this cartoony look creates a really interesting juxtaposition to the genre of the story and creates a deep and interesting contrast that I think further pushes the severity and downright creepiness of the narrative to further reaches weed'll enough I can actually compare this series and similarities to that of Happy Tree Friends in the same way that show played with two polar opposites to create a creepy and disturbing experience for every unfortunate soul that founded back in his heyday and yes I am fully aware of mr. Musil getting a live-action adaptations of fuse after the manga release but when it comes to an anime adaptation I just don't think it'll work the contrast between the extremely cartoonish look of the characters and the brutal violence and dark tone of the narrative would probably scare a lot of anime watches away but luckily for all your studio scare fans there is still high school girl which thank God became a really solid anime adaptation because I've always wondered if LCD dance cos stuff would ever properly get adapted into an anime with justice to the original manga at least high school girl managed to do it so so if you if you like your high school girl then at least going watch that but I mean hey with the fact that high school girl worked there might also be a chance that missile missile might work but it's definitely gonna be a little bit more of a challenge than that of high school girl while it's a never-ending cycle in the live-action film world especially in the be great independent film world the concept of zombies in anime is just not really a thing we've obviously had a lot of examples of zombie related anime series in the past but generally all of these series despite having its cult statuses have not really done all that well on a grander scale of things I mean maybe the one exception to that rule would be zombie land saga which is probably the most recent zombie based anime adaptation but even still it's hard to say if a show like this will be talked about in the next three to five years or so but unlike all of these other anime adaptations involving zombies that have some kind of twist to the zombie genre I am a hero is a pure zombie manga and nothing else no ecchi like in highschool of the dead no cute wife who's like in sankarea and definitely no freestyle rap scene like in zombie land as much as I miss that scene but what I am a hero does have is a brilliant mix of psychology and stillness there are very few action scenes in the show as it focuses more on the dark and quiet atmosphere that a zombie apocalypse brings to the world as well as the looming doom of humanity and the main character as he tries to survive and understand what happened not only is the show grounded in a reality making the visuals simple yet clean but there is little to no dialogue throughout most of the series I mean you know you're about to read a minimalistic horror manga when there is no dialogue for the first 13 pages of chapter 1 not that there's anything wrong with that of course I mean I think it's perfectly acceptable in the world of manga but as your opener to an anime series it's definitely not the most suitable series to immediately grab the attention of unknowing viewers and finally the last manga on this list that I think every single person watching this video can absolutely agree with me on and it is yeah you probably saw this coming if you notice the familiar little bird boy on the thumbnail of this video now for those of you don't know Oh a semi penguin is considered by many to be the Mona Lisa of the underground manga world and is the favorite for a lot of seasoned manga fans out there actually I lied it's more like the Guernica of the underground manga wall because it looks like a beautiful art piece on the outside but when you dive deep into it you realize that it's just a brutal bloody battlefield of sheer emotions and I love it not much like the seventh entry in this list I'm using OS Oni punpun merely as an example of the author's most famous or in this case most infamous work but really anything in any asanas bibliography can perfectly slot into this part of the video and yes I'm perfectly aware that there has actually been one adaptation of something by Ennio asana and that is Sora in his first debut work that was quickly turned into a live-action movie of the same name which weirdly enough was really [ __ ] good but out of everything in your sauna was done so nanine is probably his most lightest work as the author is most known for his extremely melancholy extremely dark tone narratives which I just do not think will work properly and will be translated properly into an anime format take for example go on the shore a brutal harsh and graphic commentary on teenage sexuality and maturity what about data ku an almost self commentary of the author retold in the eyes of a fictional one meant to represent the real person making the munger itself that sounds confusing that that's just how it goes but and most especially the titular or semi pimpin while it is an incredibly brutal yet beautiful piece of social commentary and trust me on bon voyage I am planning on doing a whole dedicated video in this series because there is a number of reasons as to why this is my favorite among the series of all time I just cannot see any part of this manga working in an anime adaptation one aspect that makes in your asanas works stand out so beautifully in the manga world is this intricate exploration of the human personality while reading through his works you'll come across every single fictional characteristic you recognize and don't recognize all at the same time his manga can have vividly realistic moments all whilst being part of a very unrealistic setting and vice-versa careful attention to the backgrounds and the flawless compositional techniques he uses to open and close certain noteworthy plot points is what makes in your son as such a revolutionary face in the manga world and honestly more than anything I just don't want any oh Santa's name to be tarnished by some kind of mediocre or worse still a terrible anime adaptation I mean I've interviewed the man himself and my god the amount that I look up to him just it sends shivers down my spine boy and in the same way thinking of a terrible adaptation of an emu asano manga also sans and equally large shiver down my spine because what makes any lisanna loved by me and so many people in the manga world is the fact that he is purely stuck in the manga industry he doesn't need any kind of adaptation to expand the universes of his series or to grow his characters or to grow the inside of the mind of any asana through to the readers he can perfectly do that through the pages of the manga and honestly if he's [ __ ] perfect at doing it in manga just leave it in the manga and I think really that's the bottom line that I want to express with making this entire video just because a manga is good it's okay to leave it at that in the same way that not every book that has ever read needs a Hollywood adaptation not every manga needs an anime adaptation I get some people will say like oh I can't be bothered to read manga I can't be bothered to read something watching anime is just so much easier I totally get that guys put trust me there's a reason why I love Hmong is so much more than any man I know that's a really [ __ ] blasphemous thing to say especially coming from a dude called be anime man but I really just wish every single one of you watching this video will give manga a go whether it be something on this list or whether it just be among you happen to find in the corner of a bookshelf in a library just pick it up and give it a go reading is not that much harder than watching something and it is a lot of the times a hell of a lot more enjoy than watching it because if you are one of those people who say that they can't be bothered to read mongol watching any may so much easier they don't like reading then you're really missing out on some seriously priceless diamonds in the rough but hey that's just my opinion that's just my list and now i want to know what you guys think about it you can make a video of your own or leave it down in the comments below if you can't be [ __ ] and for those of you who do want to explore more of the manga wall or perhaps for those who have never explored the manga wall than would like to get started then I have the perfect place for you and it is called book Walker there are authentic Japanese publisher responsible for hundreds of manga and light novels translated all into English for affordable prices and are able to directly support the artists and the industry if you use my coupon code the anime man you can save five dollars off your purchase and if you click the link in the description below you can check out my personal list of recommended manga and light novels so why not give them a go go to global doll book Walker JP to check it out for yourself and use my coupon code to support your boy or you can go over to my patreon as well if you like to support me more directly and speaking of that let's do a special thank you to my lovely patrons for this month Ian Gardner I created this video Ian it's very long Shoei Shira Merkabah my pronunciation has gotten a little bit better block boy sama shoe rim nbh alt undead little thimble hunter gibbons stefan seiniger instigate ryx christine Chia Steve Lam and everybody else in my patreon who supports me every single mom hey there are also a ton of cool other rewards as well like secret patreon videos a podcast that I try and do as often as I can as well as the script to this very video and a whole lot more all over on my patreon so again if you would like to support your boy and you like this video and you want to see more then go over to patreon compliment man and support your boy anyways guys thanks for watching and I've seen the next one like a parody if you enjoyed subscribe Morini Havana keep watching anime Johnny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,286,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, 10, Amazing, Manga, That, SHOULD, NOT, Get, An, Anime, Top 10, great, adaptation, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Oyasumi Punpun, Mx0, Vagabond, I Am A Hero, Berserk
Id: P_sIDgc1rik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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