Spoiled Kids Getting Owned

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what was the most epic comeuppance you've ever seen a spoiled kid get i guess the situation is epic to me because it seems like spoiled kids always win but i took my kids to a children's museum when they were toddlers there was a specific area for toddlers with a whole grocery store set up such as life there was a rate or nine-year-old kid in the toddler area being a pain in the butt he kept taking all of the kids toys hoarding all the shopping carts he would hand out a few pieces of food to the kids but mainly wouldn't let them touch or play with anything else now normally i would let my own badass kid deal with the situation he doesn't take crap from anybody but they started getting into it when this kid got on my son's nerves and then the older kid hit my son done i went over to the kid got right up in his face and said no we do not hit get out instant tears dropped all the toys and left the play area his mom caught the tail end of the scene and tore him a new one what is wrong with you i can't turn around for two minutes and then some other parent has to come in and tell you to behave unfortunately too little too late for that one nice that she backed you up though many parents in my area go mental if you attempt to stop their snot-nosed brats turning into criminal adults who i've got to fun one this one i handled myself i waited tables in a breakfast diner a few years back two ladies come in and tow one of their kids along a chubby boy with gold chains and a nice watch kid is probably 10 11 for reference mom is clearly very tired of dealing with him as he is very demanding blurts out what he wants before i can say hi etc partway through the meal he holds up his sprite cup and shakes it at me and utters only the word more mum looks aghast and chastises him for being rude to which he begrudgingly apologizes i shrugged and told him don't apologize to me apologize to your mom was a little worried when i came back around with his sprite and saw his salty hot hairs streaming down his chubby face mum left me at 10 on a 30 bill however so i think she was happy with my service d this was the best response you could have given i played football in the local kids league one kid from another team was basically untouchable as his dad was a major sponsor of the league and would donate money for uniforms drinks etc his son was a pretty good receiver but didn't like getting hit and his parents made a big deal of leaving their son alone so he can develop his skills he was insufferable anytime he scored a td he would do over the top celebrations and mock all the other players his teammates included then came high school most of the kids from the league ended up in one of two schools he went to mine and some other players during tryouts he did well the coaches were mostly focused on skills and minimal contacts during the first few rounds of cuts the final round was when things got interesting full contact was permitted and he got rocked over and over again no one was actually trying to tackle any harder than normal it's just this dude didn't know what to do when he got tackled so he screamed and cried a lot he didn't make the team until his dad came down to the school and offered to donate money for uniforms and some other goodies for our sports teams so he made the team and again we were told to take it easy on him a bit so we did but the other teams didn't and he went up against some of the players he mocked previously and they remembered our qb kept passing to him and he was getting repeatedly smashed over and over again it was the only time our team cheered for the other team he quit playing football after that actual school of hard knocks i went on a bush walk in singapore and there are pretty clear signs around not to feed the monkeys as they can get aggressive anyway there were these two boys around the age of eight swearing and throwing sticks and rocks at a little monkey in a tree the dad was standing there laughing and allowing this to go on i was about to say something when one of the kids ripped open a bag of skittles and started throwing them the monkey immediately ran down from the branch and snatched the skittles at the same moment another three monkeys came out of nowhere and in an epic display of monkey justice swarmed the kids making them and the dad run away for dear life never mess with monkeys i used to work at a women's shelter christmas time rolls around and a man and his sourpuss teenage son comes to the door he says his son would like to donate some items to the kids staying at the shelter great the man and his son start hauling in some expensive items there was an xbox a bunch of games a flat screen ipad cool headset etc turns out the kid ran his mouth and the dad made him give everything to the kids christmas was pretty cool for our gang that year well i think i actually know this kid and his dad because i heard the other side of this story which was son texted a friend telling them how crappy his parents were for not being able to buy him the xbox he wanted his parents had already bought the xbox but then dad saw the texts and decided kid didn't deserve the gift so i wonder if we're talking about the same people when i was 12 my dad dated a nice lady with a bratty nine-year-old who would talk back to and refuse to do chores which would then be passed to me one day at the dinner table everyone is eating and he goes listen and rips a tiny fart but his mom is embarrassed and asks him to stop or go to the bathroom instead he spreads a crap eating grin and leans in to rip one loose and accidentally shoots himself mid dinner his expression of horror was the best thing ever i died laughing as he ran clutch in his butt away from the table the reason why he continually talk back and didn't do his chores is because he knew that would just be hoisted onto you i don't blame your dad for that but i 100 blame that kid's mom i worked as a outdoor camp instructor one week i was on logistics and had to drive the van to lick up kids i had heard from my friend that one of the kids in his group was a little crap back chatting lazy bullying other kids when i got to the pick up point the kids hopped into the van and my mate and shotgun my mate mitch gave me the rundown of the kid as i started the van up i did a visual check of seatbelts and everyone was good except for the kid i asked he said no i told him i can't leave until he puts it on so he did and i started to leave a minute down the road i heard him unclip his seatbelt again so i had to stop the van and ask him again he put it back on this happened one more time on the third time i just pulled over turned the van off radioed base and asked for my manager and the overseeing teacher who was his deemed to come up and pick this kid up because he was a danger to the others in the van that's when this kid started pleading and begging told him no i already made the call he got sent home my mate mitch had one of his best weeks after this kid left one time i wouldn't give my daughter a push on the swing because she was whining instead of asking she knows we don't listen to whining but her grandpa was there so she was testing me when she figured out i really wasn't going to do it she grabbed the rope from the swing and flung the swing at me it missed me came back and smacked her right in the face i'm sure it hurt too because it was a board with a rope through the middle not that i'm happy that my kid was hurt over it but i taught her about karma that day she also learned about the laws of motion equal and opposite reactions i think i was around nine or so and i made friends with another kid down the road was his grandparents place and he visited a lot if i remember correctly we met through baseball he was incredibly overweight and bossy he always made the rules of the games we played and would throw major tantrums if i objected for instance while playing with action figures i had the toy do some cool flips he went crazy saying how it needed to be realistic the first time i visited his house i was blown away by the volume of toys he had growing up fairly poor i was accustomed to having maybe one cool toy he had all the playstation games and a huge collection of anime vhs not surprising his parents were overweight as well and would make dense butt dinners that would take me two days to recover from eventually one sleepover he wanted to play wrestle didn't take but a second to know how bad of an idea that is him being 100 lbs plus especially since he wanted us to be shirtless i refused and he cried telling me to take my shirt off and to wrestle i remember walking out and asking his mom for a ride home she just gave me the look of i understand two days later he shows up at my house asking for me to come out my brother told him i wasn't home as i walk by the kitchen he flipped his crap and that's the last i heard of him i didn't know you were friends with eric cartman on the first day of a two-week vacation i saw my spoiled ten-year-old cousin tell his mother his older female cousin his aunt and his grandmother that he wasn't going to clear his place or rinse his dishes because that's women's work for the rest of that two-week vacation nobody had to lift a finger to clear a plate rinse a dish or wash a pot because it was his job at times there were over a dozen of us there lol perfect punishment i guess i'll start definitely not the best but it still please me i used to work at a pony camp that catered to rich kids from a very nice neighborhood we would have really spoiled kids all the time while annoying the most frustrating part is trying to maintain authority just so the little shoots don't get themselves killed by 1 000 pounds animals anyways we had a maybe 10 years old kid from some mildly famous sports caster one week kid was just downright awful she ignored everything we told her and was mean to the other kids in camp at one point she started a physical fight with another girl and when she felt like she was getting beaten she started yelling do you know who my mom is i'm going to tell her the other kid got scared and started crying my co-worker replied actually i do know your mom and i know she wouldn't like to hear about this why don't i call her right now little brat didn't believe her so my co-worker did she was much easier to deal with the rest of the week turns out my co-worker worked with her mom many times over the years she's a professional makeup artist for tv and did her makeup more than a few times suck it spoiled brat if someone said do you know who my parent is i would punch them again regardless used to work at a non-overnight summer camp and after school program and week-long soccer camp the town isn't huge so needless to say over a few years i got to know several kids from different programs one 10 years old boy i knew from after school care was a total prick bully snob didn't think he had to listen tattletail personal pet peeve just awful he came to my soccer camp and proceeded to make fun of the radio girl cuz she had old cleats where he had the newest nikes and a brand new cool design ball unfortunately for him i also knew this ato girl and knew that the reason her cleats looked old and worn down is that she was a [ __ ] beast just all around amazing athlete who loved soccer and played hours every day i paired him with her for a simple drill where one person started with ball and you just tried to get past the other person and kick the ball a stationary ball cone about 10 ids away to simulate passing scoring accurately while under pressure he was of course angry saying she was too young and a girl i said if he hit the cone three times he could pick his partner he again pointed out her shoes to me as if that were going to change my mind before giving in and playing she proceeded to humiliate him over the next few minutes not once letting him dribble past her in five attempts he was livid bending down messing with laces as if the shoes really mattered then saying he needed to use his ball nothing worked he was so angry i thought he was going to be violent but then it was her turn to be on a fence but he talked some kind of smack i forget what and refused to let her use his ball she didn't say a word goddess new ball a blue whistle and she did a step over fake which made him move to the side she stood back up straight and kicked it between his legs and hit the cone she barely even moved he was so freaking angry second round he charged her screaming she kept her cool wound back like she was gonna drill it at his dumb face he ducked and squealed as she dribbled around him with his hands still covering his head and hit the cone i didn't make her embarrass him for the remaining three attempts and called a water break the kid was just dumbfounded he honestly thought his shoes were going to make him better without any effort he was better behaved the rest of the week but honestly i think she just broke his spirit he just seemed out of it hope he's doing all right the girl is like an all-american hs soccer player last i checked won't be surprised if i see her in olympics one day you're a boss for doing that 10 stroke 10 coaching not incredibly epic and not much of a comeuppance but great nonetheless i was on a flight from washington dulstra heathrow this six eight-year-old kid behind me was screaming the whole overnight flight constantly bitching at his mom for food toys what the heck ever mom was the shhh honey no no honey shhh sweetheart type but finally the mom had to get up to use the restroom the kids started swailing the guy next to me leaned up over his seat turned around and said hey kid shut the frick up the whole plane didn't clap but we enjoyed five minutes of dead silence till mom came back like you said not too epic but one of the more satisfying ones this one was told to me by my parents since i was too young to remember at the time the neighbor orbit bus stop for the catholic high school was on the corner where our house sits sometimes when it was raining the kids would wait right next to our house for cover that didn't bother my parents they had kids they didn't want somebody else's kids standing out in the rain what did bother them was when they realized the kids started passing the time by ripping up all the flowers around the house parents called the school to complain and had a nice chat with the principal that saturday all the kids who use that stop showed up to replant the flowers which they or their parents paid for when the flowers were planted they got to spend a few more hours helping with our other yard work then the school moved their bus stop to the main road on the edge of the neighborhood that meant about two more blocks of walking every day for most of them and waiting in a field with no shelter from bad weather props to the school for really cracking down on that was at a family event for my girlfriend of the time one of her cousin's kids was just running around making a ruckus in spite of the numerous times his parents told him to settle down eventually he took an interest in the motion-activated glade air freshener on a counter it had been turned off because it would be spraying non-stop with all the people around so this little six-year-old crap is standing on his tiptoes ignoring the constant warnings of don't touch that please and re-itching over pushing buttons and eventually it happens he flips the switch to on and three seconds later gets a direct blastoglade to the face i worked at taco bell in hs at the time we had kids meals this kid comes in with his parents and orders a kid's meal apparently he had been in recently and already had that toy he started screaming at me to get him another toy his dad looked at me with an absolutely dejected look on his face and begged me to go get the toy i dug through the new box of toys and found one the kid ripped it out of my hands and ran outside directly into a rose bush my co-worker was legit laying on the ground laughing that kid sounds like a little prick i was at the park with my brother's wife and their daughter my niece and oversaw this exchange a young kid probably around five seven was being obnoxious every 15 minutes or so his grandparents i assume would gather his toys and bring him over to their bench and put him in timeout for a few minutes he threw tantrums but they would completely ignore him when he screamed and calmly asked him if he was finished timeout didn't start until he stopped crying he would go back to playing then get all wound up and end up in timeout again this happened three or four times in the hour-ish we were at the park finally he made a little girl cry by taunting her that she didn't have a certain toy and he did i think it was a minecraft thing the grandparents calmly walked over took the toy from him gave it to the little girl and they left the park the boy lost his absolute crap the whole time they were leaving grandparents who will never end up disgusting are just normal boy scout camp out in utah when boy scouts were pretty much run by the mormon church a porcupine walked through our camp and this spoiled rich kid got a stick and chased it up a tree we all told him to stop he wouldn't listen scout leaders were off doing god knows what at the time so this porcupine is up the tree and now the spoiled weenie wants to shoot hard candy out with his wrist rocket he can't get a clear shot so he climbs up the tree and sits on a branch under the porcupine shoots a hard candy at the porcupine and hits it hard it was right then that he learned that when a tree porcupine feels threatened it just lets go and lets the quills break the fall the big bud porcupine fell right onto the spoiled kid's shoulder bounced off hit his thigh and then landed on the ground it waddled away and we just laughed at the now howling spoiled kid one of the scout leaders had to drive the kid to an emergency room i hope he caught heck for not supervising too till porcupines can climb trees didn't witness it personally but i went to high school in a super affluent area and a few years after i graduated a bunch of kids got busted because a kid paid his tutor for a flash drive with key swiping code stole several teachers passwords and changed his and his friends grades in the system they made the argument in their defense that it wasn't their fault because they were so wealthy and used to being handed things that they didn't know how to work for their mafunza and whatnot got expelled made national news for being arrogant douchebags and all the other districts in the area argued over who would take them because nobody wanted to few years later my alma mater made national news again when a prom draft ring was exposed where guys would get together and have a fantasy football style draft over who got to take home to prom it was exposed after a girl complained to administration that she didn't want to go with a guy who picked her in the draft and the guy threw a hissy fit because apparently he paid off a bunch of people to get first pick and thus felt he owned her on prom night everyone in the draft was suspended and or banned from prom if i remember correctly arrogant rich kids are the worst i was about 15 i was in the woods with some friends local public nature reserve playing on a rope swing drinking energy drinks and eating snacks chatting just having a good time keeping to ourselves really the rope swing itself was on a very tall tree hanging over what i can only explain as a miniature valley two small hills a gap in the middle rope swing on one side but we'll reach the other side then some kids came along on their bikes maybe between 10 12 dressed up in track suits and quite mouthy you know the type they told us to move along from their rope swing it wasn't this i set that thing up myself because i was like a spiderman kid back then i could climb anything obviously we said no but we did say we'll leave them to it for a bit if they want to have a go there's no reason we can't all enjoy it they wouldn't take that answer so we carried on playing on the rope swing but then they began throwing sticks and rocks at us didn't faze us next thing one of them tries to show off and speeds down the hill on his bike to try and grab me while i swing but his mate throws a stick at the same time and it lodges in his wheel and sends him flying down the hill to add insult to injury he flies right in my swing path and gets two knees to the ribs completely took the wind out of him and so they all left feeling defeated it feels good because we did nothing out of order the cards just worked in our favor not the greatest but it felt amazing in the moment we moved into a newly built neighborhood when i was 10 so everyone they had just moved in within about a year there were a handful of us that were the same age so we were all trying to make friends with each other at the same time all of us were on the low end of middle class except for one kid who was the youngest in his family and his dad had just gotten a seven figure dismemberment settlement from an accident he got whatever he wanted from that point forward he would flex on us even though none of us called it that whenever he could and ended up being one of the worst bullies i had growing up but one time when we were 11 attack of the cloneus was about to come out and we were all hyped about buying toy lightsabers and fighting with them four or five of us were playing in my house's unfinished basement and spoiled kid kept bragging about his more expensive lightsaber and how it would destroy ours in a fight while sitting on the side and not actually fighting anyone we all got sick of it and called him out on it and he came in to fight me and my nine dollars key gone saber ten seconds in i accidentally hit his fingers which happened constantly in these fights and he immediately started screaming and crying the rest of us got silent shocked at how much he was overreacting he threw his saber across the room and ran out of the house he kept being a garbage pile until we both graduated and moved away but for a long while no one would let him forget what a whiny baby he was at lightsaber fighting how about that kid who tried to get off from killing four people in a drunk driving accident by claiming he suffered from affluenza being too rich to know right from wrong he was caught after fleeing to mexico and ended up serving just two years in prison ethan couch he was released this year and back on probation again his mom i think is in jail again because she broke the terms of her house arrest that she was on because she helped him escape to mexico when he broke his probation the first time i grew up in the ghetto so parents usually stayed inside neglected kids and told them to play in the streets so one day i'm outside playing with my friend i'm around 10 at the time she's seven and an actual three-year-old starts calling us b [ __ ] dudes just everything you can imagine the kid ends up heck inviting me so i go over and tell his dad dad calls me a bee great sometime the same week another kid is harassing us calling us poor and ugly and once again b so about fed up with this crap he's sitting over a rain drain so i grab his panty bar that he had apparently saved up all his money for he's like six and throw it down the drain he starts screaming and wailing i'm gonna tell mama my mama's gonna beat your butt i sit around while he tells his mum a few houses down he comes back all right justin tells me mama wants to talk to you frick so i go over to his house and his mum says what did he do to you i heard his side i want yours the kid's smile immediately drops i tell her about the harassment and she smiles the sweetest little smile before beating his butt right in front of me justice from the ghetto everyone thanks kids mama frick you're responsible ghetto moms if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 344,925
Rating: 4.9451656 out of 5
Keywords: spoiled kids getting owned, spoiled kids owned, spoiled kids get owned by parents, spoiled kids, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, comedy, fresh
Id: 7Q1xEA9Igbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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