Obvious Hints Guys Missed

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male redditors what hints have girls given you that flew over your head and you now deeply regret what's your worst toe she wasn't actually inviting me over for coffee at 2am moment at the time her abusive xbf was banging her roommates and she could hear them so i offered to let her sleep at my place whenever he came over i lent her my bed and she told me that there was a lot of room and i didn't have to sleep on the chair i was kind of tired then so i just slept on the bed beside her she took off her clothes i thought that was how she normally slept so i didn't say anything turned my back towards her and went to sleep she wasn't there in the morning in your defense it wasn't exactly the most romantic of setups incoming text approximately 1am from vanessa i'm home alone come play video games i cap down to her place and proceed to destroy her at mario kart she's not even trying to win i thought she wanted to play video games eventually she even admitted it richard yeltsa i don't really want to play video games anymore oh okay she must be tired time to go home i cab down to her place and proceed to destroy her commeric mario kart you've got to be kidding me as a woman reading this thread i'm beginning to throw away my confidence in any smooth moves i may have had used i'm feeling like the best thing to say is gonna be your heart let's bang had a tremendous moustache last month girl in my edu class tells me as we're leaving you know i've never kissed a guy with a moustache before i say you know neither have i and then i walked away what the heck man you know i know you didn't get laid but that was still clever walked out of a club with a girl i'd been dancing with all night she kissed me on the cheek and mentioned that we should split a cab back to hers and save some money it's too cold and it's like a 20-minute walk from yours to mine i'll see you tomorrow though i woke up the next morning with no hangover and the majority of the map on civ4 well you'll always have save for i was in high school she was a friend of mine at her suggestion we watched debbie does dallas together just the two of us she snuggled up against me on the couch and i thought about how cool it was that we were mature enough to watch p and not have it be weird or anything i went home shortly after the movie ended for the rest of high school she was convinced i was gay because there was no way that i wouldn't have made a move on her otherwise after another friend of mine explained what had happened to me i thought i was gay during my university years one of my classmates asked me if i wanted to study with her i said sure and she told me to come by her place around five so we can study have some dinner and study some more instead i told her that it would be much easier to study in the library because we will have access to all the resources we may need after graduation she told me she had a huge crush on me and that she spent a lot of time to build up the courage to invite me over a few years ago i was working at my elementary school's annual spring fling that day i volunteered to be the school mascot a big butt bear costume for the morning shift it was a boring job of feeling like a people the whole time because little kids would hug you constantly and be all over you they were just the perfect height for every kid's face to be just in your crotch it was nearing noon and my [ __ ] was soon to be over when a girl my age 17 stole the bare head right from my own head and ran away with it i wasn't gonna pay for a dang bear head if she didn't return it so i ran after her and followed her into an empty classroom with the lights off and the shutters shut tightly she said something like oh looky here mr papa bear i'm holding your head i'm a bad girl i was p she took it and wasn't thinking so i being oblivious to her remark took the head yelled the children needed me and stormed out tl dr chick took my head off i was pee and worried for the children on the plus side you weren't caught having sex in an elementary school her it's too cold for you to sleep on the couch come cuddle in my drunk mind cheap butt girl won't turn the heater on ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha when i was 15 a girl decided to grab my ipod and stuff it into her bra and then told me i wasn't getting it back until i fished it out myself as a socially awkward and stupid 15 year old i was mentally freaking out and told her she could borrow it instead man how i'm kicking myself now my freshman year of high school a really cute girl snatched up one of my jolly ranchers and stuffed it in her mouth and said i could take it back if i used my tongue i laughed and asked the teacher for a new one and her best friend slapped me on the back of the head back in college i met a girl when she burst through my dorm door at the sound of my massive belch and screamed oh my god that was awesome she was absolutely beautiful and turned out to be incredibly intelligent and fun we hung out all year helped her with her physics gave massages listened to her about her bf issues the works i never made a move and it never crossed my mind to because i'm not the home wrecking type sometime in the year they broke up here's a kicker on more than a couple nights after that she would show up at my dorm door in nothing but her towel just to say good night and that's exactly what i'd say oh good night as she leave i'd always think to myself and say god dang i wish i could have that it took me a couple years to think back and realize how absolutely [ __ ] i was not to see what she was doing i haven't seen her since that year but my friends on fb every time i see her on there i kick myself just a little bit not just for missing a booty call but for letting someone amazing like her slip out of my life send her a picture of you in a towel and say just to say good night her do you mind if i sleep without my underwear yes she was already sleeping in the bed with me me haha number went to sleep in hindsight i was a complete and utter freaking [ __ ] when i told my friends about that they almost hit me they were mad for all men worldwide not only did i blow it completely she was smoking hot too i just couldn't get it in my head that such a babe wanted me oh college i imagine you going ha ha number and you going to sleep with a big peaceful smile and she's just sitting there wondering what the frick she did wrong here not me personally bid my housemate accidentally turned down a very very attractive russian girl on his birthday despite being given three chances after a night out we left the two of them in the house alone while we went for pizza both were drunk him more than her she asked how long do you think we have he responds i don't know she says i think we've got a while he says i hope not i'm hungry we get back eat pizza together and she asks to see his room he says no as he wants to stay in play cards then when she goes to leave i suggest he walks her home she agrees but then he says it's not that far she doesn't need walking i try to convince him otherwise but he's not having any of it when she's finally left we're both sat in the kitchen talking and suddenly he realizes what he just did he just stands up shouts for frick's sake and storms out of the room he spent the next two weeks talking about it what a birthday he says i think we've got a while he says i hope not i'm hungry this is a man who knows his priorities one a group of guys and girls are horsing around the dorm common area i'm giving one cute girl a piggy back ride and she whispers in my ear why don't you give me a ride up to my room my answer guys aren't allowed on the girl's floor and give her another ride around the room too working in a camera store when a really attractive woman my age with the sexiest south african accent came in i spent about 30 minutes trying to sell her a camera and then she left one of my co-workers came up to me and asked if i got her number and was meeting her later and i was like no why apparently she was sending out signals like she was a radio antenna everyone else in the store noticed but i missed every single one of them three the beautiful woman who had recently moved and next door knocked on my door and asked for a cup of sugar i gave her a cup of sugar and sent her on her way fortunately the woman from number three was more persistent and we've been happily married for 20 years she says i still get women hitting on me and i never notice she likes that about me finally a happy ending back in college there was this girl who started as a friend but over time wanted to be more than a friend sadly i was far too naive and insecure to pick up on her multiple hints here's one of the worst we had been hanging out at a party at a friend's house for a couple of hours the leonid meteor shower was supposed to be pretty active that night so she suggested that we drive out in the country and watch it together i said okay sounds cool so we packed up and headed out as we were driving she said you know some of your friends are starting to ask if i'm your girlfriend me oh really that's interesting we drove out to a dirt road in the middle of the nowhere spread a sleeping bag out in the back of my truck laid back and watched the meter or shower showed up at a girl's place she knew i was coming over didn't know when and she answered the door in briar and panties i got what i needed to get and left i am an idiot poor girl while i was in college a girl that lived in a dorm two buildings down calls me up after just leaving my place and meeting me for the first time and says so do you want to come see my cat what you're not allowed to have pets so essentially you rejected both of her [ __ ] i was once blatantly hit on by a gay guy for like two hours and when my friend and i left she looked at me and said you know he was trying to get with you right i had no idea i thought he was just being friendly been there some gay guys have so much tact you never see it coming i was in an editing booth with a girl who is now a runway model in college she suddenly bursts out with i wish i was at s because it would be so much fun to frick in this booth i just said good thing you are not a s then and kept working you don't have to be arrested frick in this booth boom would have worked like a charm camping trip for a geology class coma i'm cold can i get in your sleeping bag it'll be warmer if you take off your damn clothes okay i took off my clothes can i get in your sleeping bag now no i mean it will be warmer in your sleeping bag come on screw it i'm going to sleep freshman year i was chatting up two girls at a party during the course of this rather long conversation one of them started playing a little bit with the others quite large chest not massaging or anything mind you just making them bounce and such i'd met both of these girls before the party and one of them lived in my dorm so it never occurred to me that they'd actually be flirting with me towards the end of the evening one of them looks at me and says hey great day for guinness her roommate gesturing towards the other girl is gone for the weekend and i'm spending the night in her room you should come too i politely excused myself citing the fact that i had to wake up early the next morning it took me longer than i care to admit to realize what i may have passed up on much regret has been had since i am a woman and this made me sad went on a date with the most beautiful girl i ever went on a date with it went really well i had delved into her soul really gotten her to open up and made her laugh a lot i got her to talking about paintings she makes but has never showed anyone and made her promise to show me some time i walked her home and then she was standing on the first step of her stairs facing me at our level smiling somehow suddenly i felt self-conscious i got nervous so instead of kissing her like she clearly wanted me to i gave her hug thanked her for the pleasant evening and walked away i felt amazing the date was over and i hadn't fricked it up a few minutes later i got a text from her i should have invited you up to show you my paintings and for the love of freaking god i don't know how i managed to send this as my reply haha next time there was no next time she was probably really sad because that cute guy totally rejected her once i spent an entire night with a girl that i really liked from school it was 24th of july since john's day which is celebrated with a big party in the streets of barcelona towards the end of the night we were talking and she said she wasn't the kind of girl that made the first move even when she really wanted to due to her shyness my answer yeah i'm also like that it still eats me up a bit i still really like her but we went on separate ways this is what happens when a stoppable force meets a movable object i was in a club being drunk and happy when a cute girl comes up to me and hands me a note she stands there while i try to read it they can't because of my drunken state i decide to pretend like i read it and look at her smile and give her the thumbs up she looks at me like what's your problem and walks away the next morning i find the note and it reads you look cute take me home i hated myself for being so stupid but when i was in the club i just thought it was weird that some chick gave me a piece of paper didn't even cross my mind that it was a proposition btw not gay alright stupid collider let's see if you can beat this one i'm out with three people my best friend his girlfriend and a friends of hers i'm completely oblivious that i got set up for a double date the girl is beautiful we get along we end up at some party it's fun for a while the girl is chatting me up then we run out of things to say but then we realize a couple left i start to get uncomfortable i don't know anyone at this party after an awkward silence where we're both looking around the room she turns to me looks me in the eye and says the magic words let's get out of here i happily oblige we walk down the stairs and into the street all right see you later i say to her and proceed to get out of there this sounds like a date i went on where i was the extra girl but i'll one-up you the couple disappeared and left us alone but the guy was so nervous he just kept drinking and ended up puking all over me that was kinda a mood killer once upon a time i met a man at her and did meet up i messaged him on facebook and told him about a new restaurant by where i worked never heard of it they have really good and cheap bloody marys i don't like mixed drinks so okay till then i read a post on reddit that was suru amazingly similar to this post and i realized he had no idea i was trying to ask him out for drinks so i contacted him again on facebook clarified that i was no longer in a relationship and we set up two dates got married in june oh thank you finally this should be an example i used to hang out with this really cool chick she was into pc games and such and we had similar music tastes our personalities are scaryly similar too we even share the same birthday anyways i digress she was over at my house once and we were the only ones there both in my bedroom she was wearing a short skirt i was showing her something on the computer i think and she laid down on my bed in a skirt and implied that i should come sit didn't even realize she had done it until a couple of years ago when we were having a conversation and she told me that she used to have a major thing for me and cited that situation i was rather oblivious back then laying on a bed with a girl i liked and her friend her friend rubs my back and asks if there is anything i wanted to do i started playing sonic 3 i should have played sonic one i was hanging out with this girl who was a couple of years older than me and we were discussing relationships etc out of the blue this girl says karma hunter you are very mature for your age and you ought to look for women who are a couple of years older than you and sort of made eyes at me needless to say hint was never taken and i still regret letting that go by turns out you weren't as mature as she thought lol i actually picked up on a hint just the other day and was glad it didn't fly over my head this girl told me to come over to look at her christmas tree after she had just shown me a picture of it luckily i picked up on that hint i could have very easily thought frick that it's just a christmas tree i've seen plenty i hope you decked her halls freshman year of college first semester i had a crush on a girl who i later found out had a crush on me and somehow ended up just the two of us in her room alone something i'm sure her roommate made sure of in retrospect she invited me to sit next to her on her bed and made jokes about how guys would offer to put their arm behind her so shed more comfortable leaning against the wall she grabbed my arm and put i.t around her we talked for a few minutes and then i left it wasn't till the summer when i realized how badly i fricked up her interest in me started waning shortly after that incident don't blame her i would have thought i wasn't attracted to her or gay if i'd heard the story tl dr girl invites me into her bed wraps her my arm around her i talk about wireless spectrum for 10 minutes and leave in your defense wireless spectrum is a very important issue everyone should know about sophomore year of college walking nice pretty girl home from class he says come in i'll show you around i do no one else home downstairs nice and boring now standing in the entrance hall again she says so do you want to come upstairs and see my room what do i say do you want to know why would i want to see your room i gotta go home see you later oh for frick's egg man the severity of your actions deserves caps lock response holy crap when i was in high school this girl smelled my hoodie i had taken it off and left it on the table and said mmm it smells like sex to which i replied that's weird i just washed it this morning in my defense i was kinda occupied with having a crush on her friend intentional or not that's a pretty funny response female here we get it sometimes you guys just don't get i.t recently had to text my guy me in the bedroom he in the living room of my one bedroom apartment i'm naked in bed you should be here heard his phone go off heard the phone hit the floor and he walked naked that's communication guys would you like to come over for some coffee looks and watch 2 a.m why that is preposterous how will i ever get to sleep coffee means sex jerry i can honestly say that at 31 i'm either still oblivious or women just aren't into me at all there's this one girl who wants to sleep with me but not have sex and yes that's exactly what she wants i've tried it but has more issues than the new york times don't stick your willy wonka in crazy bro better this way laughing at my dumb jokes is one hint that i always missed but the largest was the subtle gentle touches to an arm let's say after one of those dumb jokes that i never picked up on either i'm a girl but a boy said make me a sandwich so i made him a sandwich for the next time we hung out when i produced my lunch box to him with my sandwich inside he gave me a strange look and said i was joking and never spoke to me ever again tl dr boyd told me to make sandwich i made him one and he rejected me and my sandwich this is heart wrenching a female friend of mine texted me at like 12 30 a.m the morning of her birthday asking if i was gonna come over to give her a birthday present being that i had just had an intramural basketball game i wasn't really thinking straight i freaked out thinking maybe i joked about getting her something and forgot i scrounged around my house and found one of those cheap bottles of barefoot moscato because girls love that crap went over to her house still covered in sweat wearing basketball apparel to give her the wine when i get there found out that wasn't the package she wanted if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 28,900
Rating: 4.9632545 out of 5
Keywords: obvious hints guys missed, obvious hints girl likes you, obvious hints guys missed reddit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: -S_52o2tCeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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