People Who Have Got Kidnapped, How Did You Escape?

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serious redditors who have gotten kidnapped before what happened and how did you escape i was 24 and coming home around 3 a.m one night from being the designated driver i parked outside my apartment and a man with a gun approaches as i am getting out of the car but he forces me back in and yells at me to climb over into the passenger seat i am a blubbering mess at this point and just know i am going to die he drives me to an atm and wants me to get him some cash i had four dollars in my bank account so he was pretty p he starts driving around and i start trying to figure out how to get myself out of the situation i turn in my seat toward him and start trying to talk to him even touching him on the arm so he might start seeing me as another human while i am doing this i reach up behind and unlock the door eventually he comes to a stop a red light i notice a car has pulled up behind us and i throw open the door and jump out he grabs me and my clothes rip but i get out he takes off and the people in the car behind me call the cops a couple months later i have to go to the police station and pick him out of a lineup i meet two other women he did this to and realize i was extremely lucky compared to what they went through another year later and i go to trial since my incident had the most evidence he gets 99 years in prison and won't be eligible for parole until he is 64. took me a number of years to feel comfortable being out alone at night i joined an outreach program that went into prisons and that was probably the best therapy i could have ever gotten i am happy to say that event does not plague me any longer and i have forgiven the man who did it that was brave and surprisingly clever good on you last summer i went to walmart around 1am on a sunday night i work night shift so i was fairly comfortable but still aware of my surroundings i bought an hdmi cable and a bag of chips and was walking out to my car when a car pulled up to mine when the guy got out i just assumed he was going into the store i unlocked my car and he came around the side at that point i was a little anxious but just thought he was gonna ask for money or a cigarette then i saw his gun he told me not to say anything and to get in the back seat of his car he said if i did what he said he wouldn't hurt me i got in his car and he gave the gun to a kid probably 13 or so in the passenger seat the kid held the gun on me while the man took my wallet phone and keys they drove to an atm and withdrew all the money from my bank account only about 200 because i'm a broke college kid they kept talking about whether or not they should kill me or let me go i convinced them to drop me off as long as i promise not to say anything to the cops they kept my phone but gave me my wallet and keys back and dropped me off in the ghetto i walked to a gas station and the cashier called the cops for me i think they had a hard time believing me because i seemed so calm but it was the worst night of my life i'm not really sure if this counts as a kidnapping since i was only with them for about 20 minutes but it sucked at the very least it's an abduction but apart from a month less in prison in some places it's the same thing not me my childhood neighbor so probably doesn't count but it might help somebody the neighbor was a little girl playing in her front yard and when the man grabbed her and covered her mouth she bit through his arm like took a mouthful of him he dropped her she ran off screaming literal bloody murder genius went to the air for stitches and was caught our moms all told us to do exactly that if that situation ever came up well i wasn't kidnapped but i was babysitting my sister's kids at their house when their father came to pick them up for his weekend custody visit i put them in the car with him made sure they had a change of clothes a toy a piece and kissed them goodbye i honestly barely spoke to their father because we already hated each other then i just said something like be careful with them and then he left i locked up and left too the next day my sister called me and told me he had just called her from across the mexican border he'd taken the kids without any documentation whatsoever across and was on his way to central mexico where his parents live that prompted a really miserable two years of researching and trying a lot of things both legal and some not so much to get them back a short story it's very difficult to extract internationally kidnapped kids from mexico especially when one's own country's systems are so broken and flawed anyway after two years my sister managed to get them back quasi legally more on that if someone's interested and i was very happy to get to go with her on that trip i don't get to see them much now since they moved out of state but the crippling depression and despair that i was the one who inadvertently allowed them to be kidnapped as eased a bit they're doing pretty well the kids are in school and they seem to have reacclimated to us culture well enough they were treated very poorly in mexico beaten starved and not allowed to go to the doctor so they both have a few ongoing health issues but there and have been treated for a lot of that when i was four i was kidnapped by my mom she just ran off one day without informing my dad of anything and she stole a lot of stuff from his house i was missing for 60 days until he found me they ended up going to court and he won primary in full custody over me i was kidnapped by my mentally ill father when i was three my mother had left him we me and my sister who was six years older were staying at our maternal grandparents my father came and picked us up for a weekend visit when he was roughly one mile from the house he stopped and told my sister to get out of the car but she walked back to our grandparents and he took off with me he took me to arizona from texas called my mother and told her he'd leave me to die in the desert if she didn't tear up the divorce papers she convinced him that she'd come back he returned me and we promptly went on the run we moved over 19 times in 10 years in an effort to hide from him my last name was changed numerous times so he couldn't easily find me again the truly awful part my father wasn't the worst part of my childhood the man my mother married when i was six was a pedophile oh god that's horrible hugs just putting this out there in case anyone ends up in an abduction situation your best bet is to fight like heck to avoid being taken to a second location you odds of escape are highest within the first minute of the encounter i wasn't kidnapped but my son was last year one year one month and three weeks ago he was found the same day my ex not my son's father was abusive and crazy basically my ex and i were in an argument while in the car and i got out of the car went to grab my son out of the back he was only an infant and my ex jumped in the driver's side and took off long story short police found my car with my son still in it alone they had sent officers to every highway in town to make sure my car wasn't leaving the area eventually they found it my son was okay just crying and soaking wet because of his diaper my ex was all over the news newspapers because of this i'm terrified my son will see it someday tbh i have a very long version of this story in my post history i posted it on a let's not meet a few months ago when i was 12 years old i sat next to a woman on a plane to las vegas when my mother fell asleep on the plane a lady in her mid-30s started talking to me she was saying things like your parents are con artists and i have a mansion you can come live in and i will give you lots of money if you leave your parents and come live with me and things along those lines after the plane landed and everyone was walking to get off the plane the lady grabbed my wrist and pulled me and began ushering me in front of her my mom lost to her mind and caused a huge scene i am not sure how the conversation went among everyone i was very distraught but they made me wait on the plane while police escorted the lady off the plane to question her elsewhere to this day i cannot believe she attempted to do this while my parents were right there and on a plane no less i will never know the lady's true intentions but the older i got the more sinister the situations became in my head this happened when i was very young in the days when parents sent kids out to play and told them to come back when it gets dark i was in first grade outside playing as the sunset near our apartment complex in a pretty rough neighborhood i was walking home alone when a group of four young men called me over to them i walked over to see what they wanted and one put a knife to my throat as one other grabbed me the one with the knife told me not to scream or they would hurt my mommy and daddy they said they just wanted to play a game with me and if i went quietly they would let me go home no problem i was worried about my parents so i went with them they took me to an abandoned house somewhere in the neighborhood they took turns touching me and argued about who would get to do what with me they also talked a lot about hurting and killing me dumping my body etc i was scared so i stayed quiet and waited for it to be over they laughed and joked constantly and seemed to be having a blast after a few hours of this they decided they needed tools to kill and dismember me we got in a car and drove to one of their houses three of the four went inside and the fourth volunteered to stay and watch me the fourth guy had stayed back most of the night and not done much to me as an adult i like to tell myself he felt sorry for me and i could see it in his eyes but that may be me projecting when the others had entered the house he opened the door to the car and told me to run i took off as fast as i could and just kept running when i got tired i hid behind the dumpsters of another apartment complex when i was able i crept home i never told my parents because i was afraid those men would hurt them i told my best friend who told me i should have let them have sex with me she said i was old enough bonus a friend of mine and her sisters were kidnapped by their father when we were in high school he had been arrested for molesting the oldest while she was a child friend and sister didn't believe the oldest and maintained dad's innocence the day before the kidnapping we had been out walking the neighborhood when we got back her grandmother freaked out because she couldn't have been picked up by the father my friend laughed it off we hugged and i walked home the next day while she was walking to the store dad pulled up to her in a car with a gun the sister was tied up and gagged in the back he had just shot her mother in the face before kidnapping the sisters my friend got in and the father drove them to a secluded part of the local reservoir he raped them for three days before getting drunk enough to fall asleep when he was asleep my friend grabbed the gun and shot him her and her sisters walked out to the road i spent every night sleeping with her for the rest of the summer because of the night terrors she's now a prostitute in the little town where this happened she is also addicted to crack coma i told my best friend who told me i should have let them have sex with me she said i was old enough what i was held up at gunpoint and put in the trunk of my own car while my friend was made to drive to the other side of town the kidnapper dropped us off in a risky neighborhood and drove off while threatening to shoot us the closest thing to a movie plotline was when he yelled back that he was going to check my phone and if i had called the cops he was going to shoot us both i hadn't called anyone because he would have heard me talking but i texted my mom so i was worried he'd see that i took the battery out of my phone this was in the early days of smartphones but i still had a flip phone and put it in a board game case next to my head he stopped and checked my phone and seemed satisfied when it was dead they busted him two weeks later on a warrant for drug charges and i got my car back covered in grimy fingerprint dust and fast food droppings with enough miles to have driven to florida just like he said he would it's always freaking florida got held in a black and marked taxi during my first day in china while they asked me for money they said i had to pay the fare kept saying my money was fake then eventually took my wallet and threw my stuff on the sidewalk i got pushed into a car in london and held for 14 hours in a car that had been stripped of much of its internal paneling with a door that could only be opened from outside i don't really know what his intentions were but he was going through a pretty serious crisis he told me how his wife had left him after revealing how neither of his two children were his he was unemployed and evidently addicted to crack c for 14 hours he shared many of his fears and problems along with a desire to end it as the time passed i became a little impatient as i had a plane to catch but soon abandoned such hope after he started shouting and stabbing the dashboard with a ten screwdriver because i wasn't listening through all of this i recognized a man at the end of his rope that needed someone to talk to although terrified at some points i calmed myself by believing that i could get through it if i could keep him calm and see me as a friend albeit one that needed to go home eventually the sun rose the drugs ran out and wore off and he had shared all he could i encouraged him to speak with his family and try to seek legal advice i gave him my email address and he opened the door and i found my way to the tube station i don't know how things turned out for him he never contacted me i get the dude had severe problems and all but you probably should have reported him forcefully borrowing people is a crime i wasn't really kidnapped but i almost was thankfully i trusted my gut back in the days of my space i was like 12 in middle school did not treat me well so i hardly had any friends to text talk to so i started talking to someone i met i think of myspace could have been somewhere else but it was from the internet well we had a plan to meet at the dollar movie theater you could go see a movie for one dollar great as a middle schooler my brother was also going but a different movie well turns out the person i was meeting wasn't my age at all like probably 25 very overweight woman who a grown man boyfriend with her so i decide to opt out and go to the movie my brother was going to she texted me a lot afterward being mad i didn't want to hang out with her [ __ ] i just told her to leave me alone and eventually she did never told my parents in fear of getting in trouble calmer in the days of myspace your parents would have beat you harder than the kidnappers in those days if it involved the internet glad you escaped both i was nine when this happened my brother was getting drunk w some friends and some sketchy characters started to show up at the party i was in my room when a dude smashed the door and drug me to his car my brother drunk and high tried to stop him my brother got shot by a .38 and i was kidnapped the guy drugged me i found out years after and took me to a warehouse where his buddies were but they kept me there for a few days when swat burst through the skylight and windows turns out there were 20-ish kids there and that they were being sold as the creative the swat got a tip from my brother's friend who trailed the dude who took me one of my friends sisters was kidnapped when she was 12. i lived in a very safe town just outside of houston she was a very good girl very polite straight a's and always willing to help she was running down her neighborhood road which was open country just like she did every day and a blue truck stopped and got her in the truck somehow the witness said they just talked for a second and she got in i was about eight twenty years ago and i'll never forget her family in the devastation i remember going with my mom and walking through swamp waters and the worst brush in the world walking in lines looking for her weeks went by and they had found her blood in a blue truck but no clues all hope was lost finding her a few months later a guy walking his dog found a body in a ditch about 35 minutes north it was her only wearing a sock on a decomposed body about a year later they actually caught a guy but it was ruled it was his twin brother and he was never found they said she was raped then stabbed to death the day of the kidnapping i hate people was hoping for a happy ending disgusting human being to treat someone like that and get away with it probably going to be buried but whatever i was two years old and i was in vietnam with my mom her native country my half asian and half caucasian looks drew a lot of attention any time we went into the marketplace and several people would come to look at me touch my hair take pictures of me anyway one second i was with my mom and the next second she turned around and i was gone she panicked obviously and after asking several bystanders she found me an hour later with an old man he had carried me safely to his home so he could show me to his wife my mom thinks it's kind of cute now and i don't remember any of that so i'm probably the luckiest victim of kidnapping there ever was sounds like while the kidnapping itself was obviously bad he didn't do it with any bad intentions for you obviously though you can't just run off with someone else's kid i'm glad you ended up safe not nearly as interesting as others tales and i wasn't abducted but it was an attempt one day after school about fifth grade me and my friends were walking home and some random guy in a van sticks his head out the window and called for us to get in his van super weird because he said it's so bluntly without trying to lure us or anything but we saw him open the door and we just bolted to our nearest friend's house who was two blocks away apparently i was the only one that got a good look at the guy so i missed a day of school to go to the police station to do one of those digital face sketches and we hung up posters around the neighborhood warning ppl to look out for that sick frick i was taken from my mother by my father when i was two i remember a lot about it he took me back to his city several hours away my mom who was only 20 figured out where i was dressed up in a disguise and stole me back wow okay here's what happened to me i was fixing a friend's computer late night after work and i finished so i went to the gas station on my way home after filling up this guy jumps in my car he tells me to drive so i do i drove towards a police station thinking i will be safer if i could get close to it so while i'm driving i notice that he only had a percussion screwdriver like the one you might fix your glasses with so i pull over get out of the car and i pull his butt out of my car he gets up and throws a punch i grab his wrist kick the ball of his knee and put my knee in his sternum i got him once more and yell if you get up before the cops get here i'll freaking kill you i pulled my phone or called the cops he lay there cradling his arm until the cops get there the cops couldn't believe the story and as it turned out he was transported to the hospital because i broke his arm and xiphoid process he then went to jail for kidnapping and attempted robbery righteous anger is the best anger technically both my brothers and i were kidnapped by our dad when i was nine my parents were going through a nasty divorce and my dad had us for a trip in vermont he asks us if we wanted to see canada and all of us being under nine and thinking it's cool are totally down for it here's where it gets fricked up a little bit none of us had passports except for our dad we pull up to the canadian border and the border agent asks my dad all these questions like where is the children's mother what are your plans etc somehow he's allowed through and we spend the day in canada come back to the american border and the border agent jokes with us and lets us through even though there's three children with no american passports my mom finds out from us later and loses her crap apparently it's a kidnapping if you take children to another country during her intense divorce without the other parent present my brother also almost got kidnapped when walking home from school a group of friends find an injured squirrel a random guy in a van pulls up and offers to take it to the vet and asked if anyone wanted to go with him my brother said no because it would have taken too long and just walked off his stupid luck saved him from being kidnapped up until 2007 when the western hemisphere travel initiative went into effect you didn't actually need a passport to cross the u.s canada border by car i was a teenager in the early 2000s and i crossed the border many a time without a passport and actually i'm pretty sure that even now if you're under 16 you can still cross the border as long as you have a birth certificate or something two attempts no kidnappings one when i was five riding my bike to a friend's house a block or two down a woman in a car tried to lure me with the i lost my puppy can you help thing completely oblivious and close to my friend's house i straight up told the lady that i hated dogs hadn't seen any wandering around and would not like to join her because i had other plans luckily my friend's mom came outside then to watch for my arrival and called me over the lady sped off the second time happened in the fifth grade when my mom was running late so i walk down a couple blocks to a church to meet her and waste time on my way a weird old guy started following me but right when he was going to make his move a mailman pulled around the corner saw what was happening and yelled at the guy the guy sped off and i thanked the mailman he said he would wait until my mom showed up moral of the story i was a dumb child dogs are gross and male people are society's most unappreciated superheroes what a nice mailman this will get buried but i was kidnapped and date raped by a guy i was dating he picked me up from work and said we were going to her party instead he took me back to his house beat the crap out of me and raped me for several hours i honestly just prayed i would die i was pretty sure he was going to kill me i couldn't get away my phone was on a table by his bed and every time i replay it in my mind i wish i had tried to call someone anyone but at the time it seemed impossible he drove me back to my car in the morning i always pride myself on being careful but i do partially blame myself for putting myself in that bad situation i'm a lot less trusting these days not quite kidnapped but just about in my hometown when i was in elementary school second grade there was a white van that had been abducting children they sent a note to all the parents and then had an assembly with us warning us about it sure enough my brother and i were walking home and a white van stopped first they asked us if we wanted candy my older brother sixth grade just stood there still then they told us our parents were in an accident and they were supposed to pick us up i shouted run and my brother and i hightailed it to the front door of a nearby house and knocked frantically a woman in her thirties answered and we told her to call nine one one because the white van was trying to abduct us she told us that it wasn't nice to play pranks like that when people's lives were in danger what not the response i suspected we looked back toward the main street and they were gone so my brother and i shrugged and walked home through the homes instead of on the main street when our parents got home they didn't believe us either which was weird because my mom worked in a school in a bad area and normally was good about stuff like this the next day i get called into the office out of class and my brother is sitting there apparently the lady called them and based on our descriptions they picked us out of school they read us the riot act about making false reports i cried and shouted at them why they bother to have an assembly if they aren't going to believe a real report after that anyway the cops did catch the people a couple man and woman two weeks later but only after one more abduction and murder if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: escape stories, escape story, escaping kidnapping, escaping kidnapping stories, escaping kidnapper, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: z9c4onoYgB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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