1 Hour Of The Best Histrory Stories on r/AskReddit

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what was the biggest freak you in history Ferruccio Lamborghini was a rich man owning his company that built tractors he talked to Ferrari about the imperfections of his car and how to improve them and they basically laughed at a young tractor mechanic trying to tell them about sport cars so he decided to start making luxury sport cars to compete with Ferrari and thus the rivalry was born so I'd say the middle finger of this guy - Ferrari was pretty noticeable Oleg of Kiev some jerks called the Dravidians killed her husband and tried to have her marry their prince she fooled them into sending their most important men to prepare for the wedding and trap them in a building and burned them alive when they tried to apologize she requested pigeons from the citizens and rigged the birds with sulphur bags the birds flew back to their original homes and when they roasted it burned down all of their houses the official bad B of the year 890 she's also assumed the Rats of Tobruk an Australian garrison in Tobruk during World War two that became infamous during an eight-month siege against an honored German Italian Africa Corps the tactics of the soldiers surprised the Germans and that usually when the lines are pieced by armoured forces the enemy retreats not so that Tobruk garrison who instead advanced and attacked the infantry running behind the tanks while letting the armoured division overextend itself without support Komal I cannot understand you Australians in Poland France and Belgium once the tanks got through the soldiers took it for granted they were beaten but you are like demons the tanks break through and your infantry keeps fighting eventually they got a Nazi war propaganda specialist to broadcast radio messages in radio Berlin in an attempt to lower morale and to ride the defenders calling the soldiers in Tobruk cornered rats because of their tactics and using tunnel networks to flank and steal supplies and their supply ships floating scrap iron but rather than be demoralized the australian started calling themselves rats and their supply ships the scrap iron flotilla because in typical australian dry humor they figured it is more insulting to the germans to be beaten back by a bunch of rats they gave themselves unofficial rat medals with metal from a scrap gem Baumer shot down with stolen German guns I like to think it was a long eight months off Australians and their allies holding a giant middle finger to the axis the invasion of Belgium during World War one comes to mind basically the Germans were on a strict timeline and needed to move their massive army through Belgium in order to flank the French defenses along their own border in order for this to be successful they were counting on the Belgium's kind of just stepping aside and letting them use their roads and rails and bridges and such after all the Germans could destroy Belgium in a war with relative ease but they didn't have time for that the Germans asked the Belgians not to sabotage any of the infrastructure so they could pass through and leave them alone in response the Belgians gave a resounding Frick hue they blew up the bridges and the tunnels and the rails and they gave a fantastic resistance against the Germans and a series of forts along their border with Germany they really flicked crap up my favorite part is how the response letter to the request for them to stand down said Belgium is not a road not the biggest but still a great Frick he was delivered by ally Whitner the inventor of the cotton gin his invention was copied all over the south and 20 years of lawsuits all failed in the southern courts he wound up broke the new South became incredibly wealthy from his invention that new empire felt itself put upon by the north and decided to become an independent Empire till iWitness and went and invented interchangeable parts for weapons with assembly lines and allowed the north to quickly arm hundreds of thousands of men with which to crush that would be Empire he created and crushed an empire Roman Emperor Caligula reportedly had a favorite saying Hodder ain't done the joint which roughly translates to let them hate me so long as they fear me Caligula also built a marble stable for his horse this horse had servants and could not be disturbed in his sleep almost forgot the horse was also made a senator a priest and almost a console assassinated before it was finalized TLDR Caligula's horse was in the top 1% Alexander Hamilton constantly argued and said crap without considering the consequences eventually he wrote such scathing pieces about Aaron Burr that he cost Bertha presidency the Burr was paid he challenged Hamilton to a duel and they agreed to meet but Alexander said he'd waste his shot as a good Christian one thing you need to understand is how Aaron Burr did everything perfectly and most of all by the book he was a methodical and model citizen as well as vice-president though that was pretty much a nothing job essentially ceremonial Alexander was the opposite whereas Burr was a rich kid whose father was the Dean of Princeton College named something else at the time I believe Queens College Hamilton was a poor immigrant that argued with established names like Jefferson vehemently Hamilton didn't give a Frick so when they were set to duel Burr goes for the kill shooting Hamilton in the belly which killed him within a day Alexander had wasted his shot but Alexander had another trick he had previously written in secret about the duel he had to attend with Burr and how he was going to shoot straight up in the air stealing from drunk history here he'd amber full life essentially saying how he was a good Christian and if he's killed then buries the butthole and so in the end Hamilton wins and he's the one we sing songs about 200 years later not only that but Hamilton wrote the most hilarious rate he responds to burr in the letters leading up to the duel but basically confronted Hamilton and asked if he had been talking crap about him and Hamilton's response boiled down not only do I talk crap about you but I talk so much crap about you that you're gonna have to be more specific hiim use winning the war the reply of the Cossacks though it is most likely legend below is the original response and reply Sultan Mehmet IV to the zaporozhian cossacks as the Sultan son of Mohammed brother of the Sun and Moon grandson and Viceroy of God ruler of the kingdoms of Macedonia Babylon Jerusalem upper and lower egypt emperor of emperors sovereign of sovereigns extraordinary knight never defeated steadfast guardian of the tomb of jesus christ trusty chosen by god himself the hope and comfort of muslims confounder and great defender of christians i command you the zaporozhian cossacks to submit to me voluntarily and without any resistance and to desist from troubling me with your attacks turkish sultan mehmed IV zaporozhian cossacks to the turkish sultan o sultan turkish devil and damned devils kith and kin secretary to Lucifer himself what the devil kind of night are thou that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked ass the devil shoots and your army eats thou shalt not thou son of the W make subjects of Christian sons we have no fear of your army by land and by sea we will battle with E Frick thy mother thou Babylonian Scullion Macedonian wheelwright Brewer of Jerusalem goat Sakharov Alexandria swine herd of greater and lesser Egypt pig of Armenia Purdue lien thief catamite of Tartary hangman of commandments and fool of all the world and underworld an idiot before God grandson of the serpent and the creek and our dong pig snout Messrs slaughterhouse ker and christened bro screw thine own mother sir the zapper ozians declare you lowlife you won't even be herding pigs for the Christians now we will conclude for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar the moons in the sky the year with the Lord the day's the same over here as it is over there for this kiss our ass a Keshava Yoda man Ivan Circo with the whole zaporozhian host sultan of the Karishma empire was sent a letter from jenga's khan the sultan says screw that killed all of the members of the enemy crew around 400 jenga's khan flew off the handle rallied the troops stormed the Mid East with 100,000 troops and raped the Sultan's entire empire yep they found the original governor and poured molten silver down his throat they then proceeded to kill every living thing in a number of cities including cats and dogs President Reagan firing every air traffic controller in the country when they went on strike Anthony McAuliffe was the United States Army General who was the acting division commander of the 101st Airborne Division troops defending Bastogne Belgium during World War 2 s Battle of the Bulge famous for his single word reply of nuts in response to a German surrender ultimatum should be higher McAuliffe's reply would make the Spartans applaud the German commander wrote the lengthy letter demanding surrender and McAuliffe is basically like Frick off during the American Revolution the French came to the aid of the Americans against the British if that's not the biggest European Frick you after almost a thousand years of war I don't know what else is hey we're losing a colony and we have to fight back wait who's that sailing after us I think that Europeans did that a lot in colony situations like all over Africa they'd fight each of her but not fight at home in Europe kinda weird after years of his father's torment Joseph Stalin's son tried to kill himself in Stalin's house when Stalin's wife informed him of his son's attempted suicide by gun Stalin's comment loud enough for his son to hear was he can't even shoot straight afterwards his son who was left tenant in the Red Army got captured by the German army in 1941 and when they tried to trade his release for a field marshal of their own Stalin responded I won't trade a marshal for a leftenant well that's just good math mother nature's big fu to the Chinese in response to the great Sparrow campaign the campaign encouraged the Chinese to kill sparrows by the truckload because supposedly they were eating seeds from planted crops well the campaign was such a success that client eating insects that the sparrows also ate were able to thrive and totally ruin crops which led to famine mouths endeavors are perfect examples of why you should always have experts weigh in on national policies the Mongols were essentially the bulk of the Middle Ages they would show up at your city gates with a massive stinking army of hardened killers and demand that you surrender be integrated into the Mongol Empire and paid tribute if you didn't do this immediately they would simply kill every person in the city relentlessly and brutally to the Mongols actually had quotas for how many people each member of the army was responsible for killing it's believed that the Mongol conquests were responsible for the death of over 5% of the world's population if you did join the Mongol Empire they were actually pretty tolerant as far as the Middle Ages go when Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and his men paid 50 talents as a ransom he went back home took his time to raise a fleet and go after his kidnappers he crucified them and got his 50 talents back you missed the part where he befriended his captors all while joking with them about how he was going to come back and kill them all for taking him hostage they always assumed that because they had become friendly and Caesar was always physically underwhelming compared to his personality that it was just a joke or Bluff it was not Henry VI he created his own church when the Catholics told him no for divorce Queen Gorgo of Sparta when asked why only Spartan women were equal to their men because only Spartan women give birth to men not the biggest but Molotov said he wasn't bombing Finland he was bringing them food in actuality he was bombing them Finn's got cheeky and called the bombs Molotov bread baskets Finn's made the Molotov cocktail as a drink to go with a bread a Molotov cocktail is P much flammable poor man's grenade meant to set someone on fire rather than just flat-out kill them it might not be a huge freak you but it's one of my favourite historical facts Hitler killing himself a her youth Rix thought you'd get to end me nope I am having the last laugh chuckles in German interesting that the only part in German was his chuckle the rest he spoke perfect English for not the biggest bit brexit has been the clearest Frick you I have lived to witness can we talk about South Korea blast in kpop into North Korea the most catchy Frick you the Greeks saying a huge resounding no Tama Salinas ultimatum to allow the Axis forces to enter the Greek territory in 1948 forces admiration it takes a special kind of baddest to say the equivalent of Frick you to Hitler's minions at that time of history better yet the Italians invaded and proceeded to lose so badly that the Greeks advanced into Italian occupied Albania the Germans had to come and bail them out back in the day Homo sapiens and Neanderthals fought each other for land and food Homo sapiens killed in probably eight the Neanderthals to extinction you've forgot that we also probably are ped they're women when Hitler said he didn't even want to fight Britain and he was only trying to get them to stop policing the world after he managed to bottle up Britain and bombed them constantly he turned his attention to Russia Hitler knew that Britain hated Russia and was betting that they would not come to Russia to help them Hitler also knew that if Britain did not help Russia they would be essentially going back on their word to Hitler's surprise Britain and the United States helped Russia anyway so multiple frick who's going on here Hitler attacking Britain was a big flick you for then police in Europe Hitler's attacking Russia despite having a treaty with them was a big flick you to Russia helping Russia even though they hated Russia was a big flick you to Hitler also Hitler made France signed their surrender in the same train car that Germany was forced to sign surrender in the Holocaust was one giant flick you from Hitler to the Jews as well when Alexander wanted to grant Diogenes anything he desired and Diogenes just asked him to move out of his light so he could catch some rays I guess that's more of a Frick or fault history also maybe never happened Diogenes his entire life was one extended Frick you to his society tbh I recently listened to a podcast about the franco-prussian war the French declared war on Prussia and lost the Prussians that made their way to Paris and occupied the city for however long they were underestimated and in victory took Alsace Lorraine the Prussians then brought their King to Versailles and let him crown as Emperor of Germany in the old Royal Palace of France Vlad Dracul of wall acre part of Romania was visited by Turkish diplomats he told them to remove their turbans out of respect they refused explaining that as Muslims they had to keep their heads covered Vlad's guard seized the men the turbans were then nailed to the Turks heads and they all died in a big pool of blood on the floor sometime in the mid 1400s when Arminius led varus into the trap at Teutoburg forest in 980 and defeated three Roman legions after 100 years of fighting the Carthaginians for dominance of the Mediterranean the Romans finally conquered Carthage and then evacuated and enslaved the entire population burned the city to the ground and plowed over the fields with salt to ensure that no civilisation would ever arise there ever again Andrew Jackson he spent his presidency one eight two nine one eight three seven getting rid of the previous private central bank the second bank of the United States which he deemed a den of vipers only to have another reappear in 1913 and put his face on its twenty dollars Federal Reserve Note as a poetic Frick you Hannibal crossing the Alps Rome was not expecting a Carthaginian army to come from that direction especially with elephants but so I guess it's also the biggest surprise motherfrakkers of history as well bringing elephants didn't help much in terms of military might but it did show Rome that Carthage could deploy its most intimidating weapons wherever they dange well-pleased hey Todd what happened to that Jewish guy who could walk on water and heal the blind and stuff like that oh when we caught that sucker working on a Sunday and claiming to be the Son of God so you know what we always do with those types note to self don't cross Todd plenty of free cue levels spite and the third Roman servile war Spartacus and company didn't just beat Roman consul allegiance they stole their frickin symbols when Gannicus and and cast as his forces were defeated the Romans recaptured five eagles 26 Cigna and five fasces when Crixus was defeated Spartacus's response was to rush to the Legion that killed him destroy them and then turn right around and destroy the Legion that following him and you know what he did with the survivors made them fight in gladiatorial games against each other in honor of Crixus Roman citizens and soldiers as gladiators fighting for a slave when Crassus chases Spartacus to the toe of Italy brute ium he builds a wall pinning Spartacus is slave army Spartacus offers to surrender on the condition that the civilians among his forces go free Crassus tells him to get bent Spartacus responds by dragging a Roman soldier out in front of Crassus wall and crucifying him a crucifixion was reserved for traitors slaves and foreigners not Roman citizens Crassus and Pompey finally defeat Spartacus and crucify some 6,000 survivors all along the road between Capua and Rome the Appian Way as a reminder to gladiators and slaves to not do that again when Japan was surrendering at the end World War two USS Missouri flew the same flag that was flown by Admiral Peary when the US Navy first entered Tokyo Bay in 1853 we were forcibly ending their policy which severely limited foreign trade and opening a country that had been operating on isolationist policy up to the broader turnings of the world I like to think of it as the history majors Frick you Alexander Hamilton promoting Thomas Jefferson when he and Aaron Burr had been colleagues and he hated Jefferson the German signing an armistice with France during World War two not only did they single-handedly beat the French and British armies they forced the French to surrender in the same train car that the Germans surrendered World War one in and they blew up the carriage at the end of the war so the Allies wouldn't get the same satisfaction in 1347 the port city of Cafer in the Crimea was under siege by the Mongols the Mongols were forced to end the siege when their forces were depleted by the bubonic plague before withdrawing the commander Yani Begg ordered the corpses catapulted over the city walls the plague spread westward across Europe eventually killing thirty to sixty percent of the population serious what was the dirtiest trick ever pulled in the history of war during the Second World War German forces would rake crooked wall paintings to explode when straightened with hopes that it would kill allied officers when they came in to set up command posts the logic being that private Joe Blow clearing the building looking for enemies isn't going to care or even notice if a painting is askew but general robert important going who sets up his new command post in the building and is in his office for hours probably would the germans also strung piano wire across roads to take out anyone riding by on a deep when Tamir the lane was about to attack the city of Shiva's he promised the three thousand Christian Armenian CIPA Hassan T would not shed any of their blood if they surrendered they did and true to his word he had them all buried alive in World War one the Allies became used to the smell of chemical weapons and would put their gas masks on quickly the Germans changed their tactics and would use nearly odorless vomit-inducing chemicals that would absorb quickly into the lungs first then once soldiers were vomiting and couldn't keep their gas masks on they would fire the main artillery barrage containing the lethal chemicals I feel like the Great War was the worst war of them all conventional weapons chemical weapons biological weapons bloody muddy trenches getting clubbed in the face as if it were medieval times yeah not good all wars following have been more about ideologies and principles not saying war since have been any better or worst but at least World War two had a reason to fight Germany the actor George Sanders found out that his friend David Niven was very chummy with Winston Churchill during the war he asked NIF to give the Prime Minister a note detailing his idea for a new bomb that the RAF could drop on German cities it would be exactly the same as all the old bombs except it would have a wind activated siren attached to it so when the bombs dropped the German civilian population hiding in shelters would hear the siren think that the all-clear was being sounded and come out just as the bombs hit Niven didn't say how Churchill took the idea many bombs during World War two on both sides had implemented whistles due to the well-known demoralizing effect it has in the trenches of France of World War one general Menashe was given with the unenviable task of punching through the German line to claim the French town of La Hamel the way that Menashe went about doing this was both revolutionary and bloody sneaky the German forces were well equipped and well fortified reinforced with heavy artillery and machine guns and the troops were very well-trained faced by these odds vinash began to condition the German forces every day at dawn he would let loose at the raj off smoke bombs followed by mustard gas canisters the Germans following their training would equip themselves with gas masks which protected them Menashe kept up this bombardment for two weeks and soon the Germans became accustomed to the pattern of attack and would immediately dawn their gas masks and hunker down at the first sign of smoke but on the dawn of the fourth of July the smoke bombs were not followed by gas but by the Australians the German gas masks protected them from mustard gas and smoke but they also vastly impeded their vision hearing and ability to communicate with the noise of the battle and the obscuring smoke there were deaf and blind on the battlefield and to make things worse this was not an unprotected infantry master TAC built a creeping barrage supported by a division of Tanks heavy artillery and aircraft the tanks protected the vulnerable infantry and the artillery and aircraft prevented the Germans from effectively deploying and he tank measures the battle was over in just 90 minutes and marked the rise of mixed arms warfare not sure if this counts as a trick but Napoleon prior to the battle of Marengo not only did he cross the Alps with his entire army a completely unexpected move but once across the Austrians thought Napoleon would move to Genoa in order to relieve the siege of that city thousands were dying of starvation and french general Messina desperately called for Napoleon's aid Napoleon in a ruthless and surprising move ignored the calls for help and instead moved to attack the main portion of the Austrian army eventually winning the battle of Marengo Messina surrendered Genoa and it would be years before he eventually forgave Napoleon for abandoning him and it would be years before Napoleon forgave Messina for surrendering I like how Napoleon expected his general to either die trying or saving the city the Battle of Maheen and the Iraqi Iranian war you wait until nighttime and you will see how we are killing these Iranian dogs an Iraqi officer said with a broad grin we are frying them like eggplants he then took us on a tour of dozens of thick electrical cables his troops had lain through the marshy battlefield a spaghetti network that snaked in and out of the patchwork cough lagoons he showed us the mammoth electric generators that fed the exposed power lines from positions just behind the Iraqi frontlines and when the Iranian Revolutionary Guards made their regular evening advance the officer and his men demonstrated the macabre genius of their invention Iraqi gun batteries fired just enough artillery to force the Revolutionary Guards from their marsh boats and when hundreds of them had been forced to continue their advance through the lagoons on foot the men ma'aming the Iraqi generators flipped a few switches and sent thousands of volts of electricity surging through the marshland within seconds hundreds of Iranians were electrocuted this occurred nightly between this human wave attacks involved in children to charge positions and clear minefields and chemical weapons attacks on civilians the iran-iraq war was pretty flicked up before the Battle of Yorktown u.s. Civil War Confederate General McGruder was able to convince McClellan that he had 40,000 troops Manning his defenses rather than his actual force off 10,000 if I recall correctly he found a point in the defenses where he knew his troops would be observed and countered and marched them past that point several times McClellan had 120 K troops and superior artillery bit like always hesitated to attack even with superior numbers he also thought that another general was approaching with 60,000 men close to the actual number and didn't want to attack McGruder's 40 K and be hit by the 60 K as well so he waited for his own reinforcements and more reconnaissance if he had attacked Magruder he would have overwhelmed him and being able to prepare for Johnston's arrival instead he waited to attack until McGruder's forces were reinforced Johnston arrived and added even more troops and the Confederates were eventually able to slip away from the battle with only 300 casualties there's a prevailing sentiment that if McClellan wasn't so cautious the Civil War could have been won in 1861 his waiting and retreating and not pursuing retreats to prevent casualties have the South time to mobilize and present a strong military threat instead of cutting through them like the hot knife they were through the South's proverb but ER the British pulled a dirty trick during the African campaign in World War two at every well and Oasis they could find they hung a sign that said danger poison in English and German it was only when the Germans complained that poisoning wells was a war crime that the British pointed out that yes poisoning wells was a crime but merely hanging signs was not but the water was perfectly drinkable according to some records in the art of war it is considered a good strategy to corner your men and have the enemy attempt to wipe them out because when the only means of escape survival is through the enemy than your own men will fight to the death throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape and they will prefer death to flight if they will face death there is nothing they may not achieve Sun Tzu dirtiest trick that was conceived but not used was british scientists formulating a plan of dropping anthrax laced linseed cakes into cattle fields as a bio nuke of sorts once it worked up the food chain after initial experiments destroyed pretty much all life on the island they used they decided that possibly killing off everything in continental Europe probably wasn't a good idea according to the wiki the government didn't plan on even cleaning the test Island up until a group of scientists dropped off contaminated soil at a military research facility and threatened to make further drops in order to ensure the rapid loss of indifference of the government and the equally rapid education of the general public terrorism wins again the Russians and they use of a scorched earth policy I can't think of a better way to flip off your invaders than ruining all your own crap so when they do take it it's worthless not only that but the land itself is just too dang cold so go ahead take the land you will just freeze to death congratulations Russia also gets to enjoy a strategy almost no one else gets to enjoy retreating because there's so much land versus their neighbors - the enemy must advance and stretch out their supply lines while Russia shortens their supply lines Genghis Khan in a large-scale attack against the fortress at Vaalu hey after being unable to breach the walls demanded 1000 cats and 10,000 chinese swallows in exchange for lifting the siege when the defenders sent out the animals Genghis took them and tied Tufts of cotton to their tails and ignited them at which point the animals rushed back to their homes within the city igniting hundreds of small fires while genghis ami attacked a game and took the fortress amidst the panic pretty lucky they went home and didn't run around panicked and blazing not so dirty but Turks had the Turan tactic the army would form it into a crescent with the arms of the Crescent being the armored strong divisions in middle front being the fastest divisions in middle back being the highest firepower cannons they'd start the battle lined up in charge then the fast middle front guys would start retreating to the lines behind the middle back the cannons the arms of the Crescent would hold firm because they were the armored part the enemy would think they were retreating completely because it looks like they are losing their crap and also their formation and will chase after then only to be met with the cannons and to be encircled by the Crescent Psalms it was a slaughter of the enemy after that Hannibal did a similar thing before he was defeated by the same tactic Washington Crossing the Delaware sneaked into the Hessian camp while they were drunk and celebrating Christmas three American losses vs. 22 losses on the Hessian side and 1,000 prisoners capture of their weapons gunpowder and supplies desperate times man since it probably saved the revolution so there's this kind of honey made in Turkey called mad honey it's made from the pollen of rhododendron flowers if you eat very much of it you get very and intoxicated and you often hallucinate you can even OD on it a few times in antiquity it was used as a weapon of war for example the Persians left some out for the Romans to find the Romans 8 that sweet crap right up and then the Persians attacked them while they were all tripping balls and defenseless where can I get this honey back in the English Civil War there was a certain nobility in battle where you were supposed to be able to see your opponents and you would stand and fight Cromwell decided this was stupid and in numerous battles would send true ground the side hidden by trees and bushes to tear through the Cavaliers before the fight properly began was a lot dirtier a trick at the time I think the start of World War 2 when Hitler made prisoners dressed like Polish soldiers and let them attack Germany so that Germany could run over Poland sneaky bastard also promising not to invade the rest of Czechoslovakia after being given all their border defenses then proceeding to invade the rest of Czechoslovakia basically unopposed hopefully it hasn't been mentioned already but some of the USA's tricks during the Cold War to assassinate Fidel Castro were pretty mad one idea attempted by the CIA included putting thallium salts into his shoes so that his beard eyebrows and body hair to fall out it was considered that this would cause his downfall as no one would take him seriously after that the British wanted to put those scissors Eastridge in in Hitler's food to make him more feminine they thought he would then be more caring and end the war Hannibal's snake-filled pots which were loaded onto catapults there was a time of world war one called live-and-let-live both sides essentially refusing to fight and coming out of the trenches together socialising after the generals on one side I think it was the British it could be wrong found out about this they devised a dirty trick the British lured the Germans out of their trench by playing a traditional German anthem and cast them all down thus ending the days of live and let live from Radiolab Prague about morality a truly mind-blowing episode the u.s. firebombed Tokyo because their houses were mostly made of wood they knew the city would burn even the guy who drafted the plan Robert McNamara was ashamed of it they also tried strapping thermite to bats and releasing them over Japan in the hope they would roost in the houses then go off and burned the houses down the plan was canceled after all the facilities where this was being tested burned down due to incendiary bats roosting in them Scipio africanus was fighting against the Carthaginians one battle in particular both sides lined up in battle formation for consecutive days each side was also using Iberian mercenaries on their flanks with their native troops in the center several days passed with no actual fighting eventually Scipio africanus ordered that his Roman legionaries line up on the flanks rather than the Iberian mercenaries as expected the Carthaginians lined up the original way and Scipio ordered his troops to attack the Roman legionaries being better equipped and better trained crushed the eye Bereans fighting for the Carthaginians and rolled up their flanks this ended up being a decisive victory for the Romans maybe not the dirtiest but according to my point of view a very unethical trick near the end of the Great War Italy and Austria signed a contract of peace on the 3rd November 1918 the Austrians thought that the contract was valid from the moment the signature was written but in fact it the contact became valid on the several days after the 3rd November but the Austrian troops have already started to travel back home the South Tyrol was unprotected the Italian Army recognized that and silently invaded South Tyrol the dirty trick comes now an Italian named an Atari to loma' he always wanted South Tirol to become a part of Italy so he translated the names of very common locations into the Italian language then he presented his map the Allies claiming that South Tirol had previously been a part of Italy but due to that lie South Tyrol was promised to Italy in the Treaty of London since then our small region is a part of Italy serious historians marine biologists biologists and cryptozoologists Alfred it as far as legends in history go what legendary creature do you believe may have been real and probably existed in some way or what supposedly legendary person in history was more than likely real archaeologists here there's a really interesting ancient Egyptian story called the shipwrecked sailor in which a man is washed ashore a beautiful island and is apprehended briefly by an enormous serpent in the story the serpent tells him that there used to be hundreds of others like him but a falling star wiped them all out I think it's unlikely that the Egyptians had knowledge of dinosaurs but there's a site called Wadi hidden that has thousands of ancient whale skeletons from the eocene I think it's possible they could have seen these skeletons and mistaken them for giant snakes arad itís actually tells similar tales of giant flying snakes and Egypt and I suppose if you saw these skeletons but no trails you might think they were capable of flight depending upon how they were excavated I'd have to imagine the pectoral fins of a fossilized whale could even have resembled wings though I'm not sure if any images of their flying snakes were winged be a wolf who is featured in one of the most important texts written in Old English may very well have been real the epic details what people be a wolf belonged to the Gees who resided in modern Gotland and I Ike battles which have taken place according to historians particularly between the Jeep's and the Swedes it's most intriguing to me are the facts that the location of BIA Wealth's burial mound is included in the epic and that there is what looks like a hill at that location in modern Sweden that has never been excavated Chang Ling's baby is switched out by fairies were probably an early explanation for birth defects the lusca giant octopus it supposedly lives in the blue holes of the coast of Florida and the amount of food and temperature of water both support the theory of an octopus living long enough to grow way larger than we expect based on our current records the Losco the Destination Truth episode about it is pretty cool I've heard of a hypothesis that states the Ragnarok myth actually describes an impact event the mid god snake could be an object entering the atmosphere there was a Bronze Age meteorite impacts in Estonia that became a key element of Finnish mythology perhaps the myth percolated over to the Nordics many myths about sea serpents probably stemmed from all fishes they look like sea serpents are absolutely huge live in almost every ocean and sometimes wash ashore I got all that information from a River Monsters episode go so take it with a grain of salt I regularly get to see pods of humpback whales at the beach where I surf most of the time all you see is their backs as they partially surface from the water occasionally one of them breaches mouth first so you see a giant mouth emerge from the water other times you see a giant tail emerge if you were watching them and had no idea what a whale was or that you were looking at multiple of them I could easily imagine mistaking multiple whale backs as the coils of a colossal snake I strongly suspect that this is the origin of legends of sea serpents very simple mythological creatures like black dogs were probably exaggerated stories of encountering wild dogs in the dead of night they're often described as having glowing eyes which isn't an unusual effect when torch light is reflected in dogs or cats eyes the black dog spirits myths of the British Isles are also likely the grim professor Trelawney was talking about in the Prisoner of Azkaban how ROC could have been real it was most likely inspired by the elephant bird of Madagascar an elephant bird was like a big but ostrich about nine feet high they didn't go extinct until the 16th or 17th century for sure also even a condor could appear and probably be misidentified as being twice the size it is if someone had wasn't familiar with it so one in the wild I forgot where I read this but when people are afraid of something out in the wild their accounts of it can make it out to be much much larger than the real thing due to stress or fear there are many diseases that the origin of the vampire vampy myth can be traced back to however I think rabies fits it the most in the olden days people would tie those suspected of it to trees in about three days time the disease would drastically change them extreme life sensitivity paleness aggression excessive drooling but they could would try to attack you and have bouts of either extreme slow fatigue or even adrenaline also rabies can be passed form person to person through a bite not just an infected animal rabia's honesty sounds like how in modern zombie virus would work it unlike science fiction rabies is real and terrifying the Cyclopes of greek mythology go giggle up an elephant skull there's this huge hole right in the middle of it looking to all the world like a single eye now add this to the knowledge that the cretan dwarf mammoths left said fossil bones on crete easily discoverable was one meter at the shoulder and could be more or less assembled into a giant humanoid you don't even need to rear-end the buns just make the skeleton stand on its hind legs remove the tusks and boom a cyclops skeleton the Kraken the mythological and terrifying creature that lived on the Nordic seas the legend never clarified if it was a giant squid or anything else but it's the most accurate thing the legend may have been created by people devising the bodies of giant squids 16 metres long and they supposed it was a deadly monster but the Kraken was born the Norwegians invented high carbon steel when they were making swords they would out the bones of predators into the molten metal which added carbon the fact that they didn't grasp the scientific concept made it even more metal the interesting part is that they believed that adding the bones to their weapons would imbue them with a kind of magic power making the weapon stronger the Mauri people of New Zealand have long told stories of the power K a monstrous bird that was big enough to hunt and eat humans many believe that these stories are referring to the haast seagull it was the largest species of eagle ever to have live on earth with weights of around 30 pounds and wing spans almost reaching 10 feet it live on new zealand south primarily hunted the flightless MOA bird which weighed around 500 pounds given the large size of its main prey it's likely that the Eagle may have also targeted lone humans as well interestingly enough the Haas seagull went extinct around the Year 1400 not long after the Mori arrived in New Zealand it's thought that its extinction can be attributed to habitat destruction combined with the extinction of the mower due to hunting by the Mori there is a child's skull in a museum somewhere with markings on the back and front near the eye sockets originally archeologists believed it to be linked to violence or sacrifice until they discovered it matched the talons of the Haas seagull exactly and that it had been discovered in a pile of bones similar to the piles left by modern birds of prey a kid was about 6 and got bird snagged chupacabra it has to be some poor sick animal with mange mange is highly contagious so if a pack of coyotes or wild dogs got it they would all have a weird butt appearance and attack other animals out of hunger specifically sarcoptic mange demodectic mange can cause a similar appearance but isn't contagious iuck but on that note a lot of the video evidence I've seen circulated looks like coyotes with mange a couple times raccoons people don't realize just how with certain animals look without their fur but that crusty scabs all over and it can look like a monster what I believe that stories of wild men Giants hairy bipeds at all are rooted in hunter-gatherer cultures which existed on the periphery of civilization as defined by early subsistence farmers - King Arthur existed as at least one post-roman warlord one I totally agree with this and those sightings would get passed down as legends that would keep growing over time for sure - without a doubt King Arthur's legend is simply too big to just be a tall tale and he's probably even a collective legend of a few real world leaders of lesser-known clans or nights sorry that I'm not so well-versed on the human history side of this but hundreds of years ago the Scottish Warriors had myths about their ancestors being giant brutish warriors it turns out what happened is that the Scots found fossils of prehistoric bears which especially to someone who doesn't understand anatomy as well as modern man look surprisingly humanoid they didn't know about prehistoric life so they assumed these were their ancestors and gave them traditional burials with custom armor and weapons to honor them you can imagine how the paleontologists felt when they started digging up prehistoric bears with custom fitted armor and weapons the Windigo probably existed just not as a creature people in the far north who survived the brutal winter by eating a family member had a psychological escape hatch for the guilt in horror by convincing themselves they were transforming into a ravenous murderous beasts feed continue killing and eating in a hysterical ushion that they had no control over it Wendigo hunters would then have to come and kill them and perform a shamanic ritual to assure the rest of the tribe that the taint wouldn't spread it's actually an incredibly fascinating study into culturally specific mental illness the lengths the mind will go to in order to avoid dealing with a traumatic event are so extraordinary that in that culture they would actually continue to murder and cannibalize fellow tribe members under the delusion they had transformed into a monster there's a small population of albino deer in my area and they are beautiful definitely ethereal looking and totally matched the European description of a unicorn the piazza bird and the river Panther miss habitue there was probably some species of large eel like species that existed in the Mississippi River that has long gone extinct there are too many concurrent myths describing similar ish creatures from different places and cultures along the rivers in the North America giant eels and even massive catfish definitely account for some serious lake and river monster sightings there's pictures and records of a giant world-record catfish reaching about nine feet in length and if one of how suddenly surfaced and plummeted it would look almost exactly like a massive serpent or something along those lines I'm actually a biologist but this has nothing to do with that law my family is from Saudi Arabia back in the 40s some tribal people still lived in these ancient caves on cliffs our it's often in ravines like they done for thousands of years my uncle grew up in a town near one of those tribes they had their own dialect of Arabic and kept to themselves unless they needed something usually medicine or something like that apparently his whole town thought the cliff people were Ginny mythological fire spirits who can take human form and so would never charge them for anything they'd just give them what they wanted while praying under their breath one based on multiple descriptions of the Australian cryptid the boon I'd I firmly believe them to be seals who swam England to the Kraken were likely colossal squid which swam up to the surface three the black demon shark of Mexico is just a large great white with pigment issues I believe a different theory on the boon I hope that it's a story passed on about megafauna the Kraken probably existed it could just be a colossal squid but those sailors had to have seen something you also have to remember how much smaller watercraft used to be large ocean-going vessels are an invention of only the last few centuries a sail yacht you have at the marina is bigger than most historical boats even the Carville's and junks that traverse the world were seldom much bigger than 20-something meters when I was working in the Amazon I was told off a creature called it to launch a Qui they make gardens in the forest generally of all one species of plant and if you encounter them you are supposed to walk around them if you must pass through you ask permission walk through quickly and don't touch anything if you don't obey this such a land check we will attack you well those forest gardens are the large hives of leaf cutter ants and if you spend any time inside there more disturb the vegetation in them the ants will come out and attack you all right as a historian Giants they exist in some form over many cultures in history my favorite story is about a Native American tribe that told the story of the Giants that killed them to near-extinction generations upon generations ago and how they were a horrible beast and quite large all the characteristics of giant truth be told and this is probably true of most legends accounts of giants that it's just a height thing a majority of a population was quite small back in the day besides being easier to hide and run less body mass meant less food needed and more chances of survival but I digress people were quite small like average 5 footers and less anyone who was taller was probably a considered a giant and all whole tribe a giant people 5 feet 10 and above must have been especially terrifying when they were a warring tribe or just in conflict with you so the generational story was just about a smaller height-wise tribe that encountered a taller height wise tribe and they fought the story of the Giants the natives have a lot of stories of supernatural creatures that were just thought to them humans the pale faced beasts will probably Vikings Vikings caused a whole migration of a tribe as well it's really interesting in my field of work to just put things in perspective you gain so much in Norse mythology however and consider that Scandinavians have always been relatively tall Giants really are described as massive just the saying that alone and seemingly random Boulder has been thrown there by a giant would give you a prospective Camela part described as having the print of a leopard with this body with a camel but an elongated neck and too many backwards horns nowadays referred to as a giraffe many thought it was mythical in certain parts of the world when a giraffe was bought to China in the 1400s it was identified as a killing a kind of Chinese Japanese mythical beast so they have a fine pedigree as mysterious creatures stupid long horses published archaeologists here all over the world from Siberia to Australia the Himalayas to Ohio mankind has told stories of tall bipedal Apes that live in the forests the first nations of the Pacific Northwest called in the Sasquatch the Nepalese called em Yeti but today most people refer to them as Bigfoot there was an entire line of humanoids called the robust australopithecines that evolved right alongside us they were about nine feet fall extremely muscular hairy omnivorous and importantly lacked the big brain that we got because they mostly fed on things like roots they were mostly arboreal upright a that had insane jaw muscles which required an anchor point on their skull called the sagittal crest this is what separates our branch of the human family from theirs while we lack the crest and have comparatively weak jaw muscles we gain the power of speech and abstract thought while our robust cousins got by on brute force alone many sightings of Bigfoot often reported domed head hinting towards the identity of the Beast their fossils are exceedingly rare as a matter of fact all human fossils are rare especially the really old ones nevertheless the youngest robust australopithecines fossil is dated to roughly one hundred thousand years ago it is entirely possible that they survived long after that as previously stated the fossilization process is extremely difficult and some species pass into the dark without ever leaving a fossilized trace of their existence if the last ones died out sometime around 11,000 years ago which marked the Younger Dryas extinction event they would have been around during the peopling of the world solidifying their place in many cultures mythology is it possible that they're still around today there is a worldwide environmental collapse culminating in a mass extinction the likes of which the world has not seen for 65 million years species are dying out at an exponential rate and habitats are being annihilated for human habitation if they have not yet gone extinct they will be within our lifetime PS the aliens did not build the pyramids you absolute [ __ ] the Kraken is totally a colossal squid that grabbed a boat thinking it was a whale boats were smaller back then by a large margin a lot of yachts are bigger than most historical boats and the creatures that lived long were probably able to get to bigger due to humanity not yet having fished the seas near barren and not yet having polluted the oceans with massive amounts of propeller and sonar noise I think unfortunate people in the past with hair disorders way hair covers their body are the root cause of people thinking up the idea of werewolves this mixed with the likely solitary lifestyle they had because people found them scary led to people thinking that they were less than human and it wasn't long before someone said they were an Anna or at least half-animal TBH having seen my Italian grandfather shirtless I understand where they're coming from the mythical kingdom of Prester John probably did exist it's likely Ethiopia but since information was passed slowly and through hundreds of retellings back in the 14th to 17th centuries it's likely the story of Ethiopia was missed old after some period of time and responded to the story of the kingdom or pressed to John the only real cryptozoology stories that I believe are sighting of animals that may have still been alive after they were officially declared extinct this would be things like the Tasmanian tiger the Japanese wolf and potentially the ivory-billed woodpecker I love that there's still sightings of thylacine and a lot of Aussies don't believe they're extinct one of my anthropology professors primate evolution is convinced Bigfoot exists and is the result of a line of you Ganta mythicist that survived and has avoided human detection and capture for 100,000 years there are actually several anthropologists who believe this theory Western concepts of sea monsters highly resemble plesiosaurs and similar extinct animals myths could have been created after those fossils were discovered or hear me out then shoots descendants are still swimming around I know you probably meant descendants but man can you imagine how dang unsettling it would be if there were still ancestors of things that died so long ago they were fossilized still swimming around in the depths like some sort of immortal lava crashing nightmare the believe on the existence of dragons started in Slovenia where a cave animal Proteus which is a blind species of salamander would be washed out from the caves to the surface during flooding periods people used to believe they were baby dragons and their dragon mother would live inside the caves there may have been a small population of sasquatch-like creatures at some point but I think the more likely creatures are the aquatic ones Kraken and Loch Ness monster type things would leave less obvious evidence with droppings and corpses disappearing into the depths I'm not even one of the Bigfoot folks but I'm hairy enough that I find it implausible there was never someone or something humanoid that fyssas sasquatch bill or source and a human male living in modern times there are certain genus of moths that switched from nectar to blood when nectar becomes rare species are known from Eastern Europe the moths don't have a needle-like mouth like mosquitoes instead they literally saw through the skin and drink the flowing blood they are mainly active at night and due to their method leave a hole where they drank blood humans are not an uncommon host perhaps some vampire stories have some of the roots in there a dragon but not the way you think in Poland where I live there's one story of a dragon that nested under the hill called wall and crack up and demanded to be given food otherwise he would kill people the dragon was eventually tricked into eating food poisoned with sulfur and according to the sources exploded but that's not important the story while have used the Polish name for a dragon smoke never mentions any dragon like features not wings no fire breath no scales etc what I believe I'm no historian just a history nerd is that the dragon in this story was actually human he could freely communicate with other humans 2/3 from them it was somehow seen as someone very dangerous someone in human it could have been a serial killer or a one-time - recorded into the cave who used his aura of dangerousness to try to buy some time while he looked for a way to escape it could have been a person shunned by society for some mental or physical deformity who tried to make the best out of a bad situation I believe that Grendel Grendel's mother and the dragon from be a wild story were also human if we accept that it actually existed I believe that Goliath of David and Goliath Fame might actually have been real or at least that it's possible he might have human gigantism is a well known genetic mutation the tallest known man in history was Robert P one low who was 8 feet 11 inches it's perfectly possible that in prehistory there was someone who was even taller whose name is lost to the sands of time I recently watched a video about David and Goliath the narrator made the case that Goliath may have had some form of gigantism based on some subtle clues like Goliath was led to the battle filed and he might have had trouble seeing based on something he said history buffs or read it what is a piece of history that often goes overlooked despite being very interesting or funny there was a word that American soldiers used to call medics over to them if injured World War two over in Japan the name Tallulah was chosen due to the El sounds and the name the Japanese pronunciation of this was noticeable not nearly as noticeable as them yelling medic which was done by the Japanese soldiers to lure American medics over to kill them anyway I wrote a poem about this history tidbit in college and I think it will always be one of the least sucky things I've written during the first sino-japanese war a Chinese Admiral pawned one of the main guns on his flagship to a scrap dealer in order to pay off some gambling debts this was the same war where the empress embezzled from the army to fund her palace renovations it's amazing they lost that one the American Hippo bill during a meat crisis in 1910 some American legislators wanted to introduce African hippos to the southern wetlands so we could all enjoy Lake cow bacon obviously the bill never passed we have a huge rodent problem here in New York City I suggest we introduce black mambas into the city to eradicate the problem Attila the Hun had a son named herb he also left this son absolutely nothing dividing his kingdom between three other sons so he got no inheritance and a hysterical name in Bernal Diaz del Castillo's that true history of the conquest of New Spain he mentions that a priest died during his time with Cortes when searching through his stuff they found a leather adult toy another funny incident they held Montezuma hostage in modern-day Mexico City while a hostage he still had gold and was a king so he was treated half decently one of the Spanish guards accidentally farted in his face the guard was embarrassed and apologized profusely for humiliating a noble to show there were no hard for link's Montezuma gave the guard a gold piece the stupid guard then farted again hoping to get another gold piece he comes up now and again until bid for all the history about World War two that is often banded about in the culture at large I had never heard about the fascinating double agent one Pujol Garcia also known by his codename Garbo the story man was from Spain and had become disgusted by fascism he wrote letters to the UK and the u.s. saying hey I'll spy on Germany for you guys UK and us said that we got this once said to himself I'll go ahead and spy anyway in posters a Nazi loving Spanish gov't official to become a German agent he was assigned to spy on London but instead went to Lisbon and made up phony reports based on English magazines and newsreels after a while the UK realized someone was doing a jolly good job diverting Nazi resources and took him on as a spy he worked throughout the war with Germany funding his totally real network of not at all imaginary spies he was responsible for diverting many German troops during the invasion of Normandy he was also awarded medals by both the Nazis and the Brits for his work that time Lichtenstein sent 80 soldiers to war and they made a friend so they returned with 81 I love how simple and hilarious this is I will preface this by saying our sources from the time are sketchy at best so this may not have happened but I digress we all know Charlemagne yes king of the franks and all that well while he did a great deal for the frankish legacy he wasn't the first independent Frankish king that honor went to a guy named chil Derek and this dude must have been fine as Frick because his sexual escapades are insane so chill Derek was actually King twice but he never got use upped nope he was instead exiled not for killing anyone or crap like that just because he flicked so many of the Frankish nobles wives genuinely the sources tell us he was banished because all the lords realized that their wives were all cheating on them with the same dude and so told the King to freak off so he duly did and ended up in the court of another barbarian King as an ally to him during this time he got into the royal court got chatting with the king's wife and you guessed it diddled the lass following this rather than keeping it a thing on the down-low chilled Eric straight up and declared that he was marrying the wife ran off with her and brought her back to the nobles that thought they were finally rid of the horny bastard fortunately for women everywhere this Queen seems to have had a bit of metal because nothing else is written about him running off with any other important women instead he had a son a lad named Clovis and thus began the rise of the Frankish Empire that spawned modern-day Germany and France it's so to modern European nations have a grandfather who was just a massive horny freak shell Derek takes the seduction focus abdicate due to faction demand goes to an allies court seduces the allies wife the Ally divorces his wife chilled Eric marries the wife he presses his claim becomes King again and has a son with God Tyr stats when court has conquered the Aztecs he had ten feet zero zero zeros of native allies who were more than eager to help because the Aztecs used them as slave and sacrifice firms Robert Liston for whom lists arenas named if memory serves is the only person in history to have performed a surgery with a 300% mortality rate meaning that three people died from one operation or the patient died of gangrene Liston cut the fingers of his assistant who also died from gangrene and he literally scared an onlooker to death by cutting his coattails this was back when anesthetics were non-existent and speed made a bigger difference the Byzantine Empire or the Eastern Roman Empire or whatever you would call it all of it all the stumbles all the resurgence --is not to mention all the meaningless disasters by any nation surviving for 1,000 years from the Dark Ages to the start of the Renaissance has served well in its time all things considered Mark Twain and his buddies decided to join the Confederate Army it was an excuse to get away from the wives hang out in the woods and drink this went on for a couple of weeks until word came that the Union Army was advancing shortly thereafter all the men quit their made-up unit and headed home during World War Two there were sightings up and down the eastern coast of u-boats Hemingway heard there was one off off Key West and decided he should hunt it down he and a couple buddies loaded up a boat with booze guns and grenades they were unsuccessful and returned home shortly after the booze ran out the Aztecs are overlooked in most history classes but they were far from the primitive tribesmen that most people think of at the height of its power Tenochtitlan the capital of the Aztec Triple Alliance was rivaled in size by cities like London and Constantinople and it was all built on a giant artificial island it's a shame their culture was obliterated because though they might have been a bit too obsessed with sacrificial killing they were an incredibly fascinating civilization on top of this they were defeated by Cortes and his handful of European soldiers as well as almost 100,000 other natives that were enemies of the Aztecs people tend to leave that part out it could easily be argued that if they weren't so obsessed with sacrificing and fighting their neighbors they would never have been beaten Romans believed in other people's gods got s so when they would attack a city they would pray to the gods of said city to abandon the occupants and support the Romans instead if they won they would give the God a special place in Rome or completely incorporated into the state religion also the ancient Greeks did not view it as gay or straight they saw it as dominant and submissive in short they had no concept of being gay Cato the Elder a Roman senator would give several vehement speeches all ending in something along the lines of Carthago des lender estate roughly translating to Carthage must be destroyed Carthage did end up getting destroyed a couple years after he died years later Cato the younger was on the Senate Julius Caesar was reading a note during a meeting causing Cato to accuse him of being a spy after Caesar denied the accusations Cato asked Caesar to read out the note because if he really was innocent he wouldn't have anything to hide Caesar agreed it was a love note from Cato the younger sister furthermore I think Carthage should be destroyed that thing with Cato the younger and the note happened with Julius Caesar not August's Jack Churchill as per Wikipedia lefthand and Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Jack Churchill DSO and Barr MC and Barr the 16th of September 1906 the 8th of March 1996 was a British Army officer who fought throughout the Second World War armed with a longbow bagpipes and a basket hilted Scottish broadsword nicknamed fighting Jack Churchill and mad Jack he is known for the motto any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed it is claimed that Churchill also carried out the last recorded long bow and arrow killing in action shooting a German Co in 1940 in a French village during the Battle of France when all your troops are upgraded except that one guy who's lived for two centuries the Victorians were not prudes that factoid about having the legs of furniture covered yet that was a joke Brits made about Americans perceived prudery then again the Brits were pretty goddamn kinky spanking was known as the English vise because it was offered in so many brothels and had lots of erotic novels written about it prostitution was one of the only ways women could support themselves without hard labor of course plenty of men and women realized they could make a fortune as pimps or Madam's so sex savory or white slavery was a big problem the thing that fascinates me about this period is that it looks all chaste at first glance but sexuality was really a driving for since so many aspects of society and once you're familiar with the attitudes and euphemisms of the time you can see that sex was everywhere the trick was to drape it in pretty words and creams and blushes World War two ghost army regiment Allied Force who recruited from art schools and theater used deception tricks such as inflatable tanks to deflect attention and deceive the enemy both insane and genius at the same time I'm going to say European Kings named Charles the Charles's and France had an unfortunate tendency to be labeled with less than complimentary epithets chose the fat shells aboard and Charles a man that always tickled me also king charles ii of england was a badass ever been to a pub called the royal oak that is named after the tree charles climbed to escape the Roundheads when he was fleeing the Civil War top quotes I always admired virtue but could never imitate it in response to his brothers concerns about assassination attempts on shells the second I am sure no man in England will take away my life to make you King when Parliament questioned his aptitude for kingship in Parliament I'm definitely the best king in England at the moment the Sea Peoples I am totally fascinated by them I am currently reading 1177 BC the Year civilization collapsed by eh Klein it focuses on Egypt who really was the only civilization to withstand the sea people I thoroughly enjoyed hearing how kamikaze pilots would crash into things to terrorize and damage them however this wasn't as effective as they thought unfortunately and hilariously the ironic problem was that nobody was able to go back and report that it wasn't working that great near the end of the war the kamikaze planes were basically bolsa frames with the nose full of explosives I read a book entitled divine wind many years ago that fact stuck with me it's amazing to me they actually managed to get the planes to any location to do any damage that more than one war has been started because of people throwing other people through a window in Prague President Andrew Jackson beat up his would-be assassin with his cane and had to be pulled off by Davy Crockett so he wouldn't kill the guy if you read through the Wicker page of serial killer Albert Fish it's really messed up the crimes he committed but one pretty random hilarious thing stands out he began to have auditory hallucinations he once wrapped himself in a carpet saying that he was following the instructions of John the Apostle I like under the trial and execution part they said none of the jurors doubted that fish was insane but ultimately as one later explained they felt he should be executed anyway savage during the Second Punic War Hannibal the Carthaginian general repeatedly outsmarted and decisively beat the Romans to the point that many Romans honestly thought the end was near it wasn't until Scipio africanus was made general that the war turned in their favor and they won the interesting part sometime after the war Scipio visited the court of the king of Syria and met Hannibal there and the two of them had a conversation Scipio asked Hannibal who he thought were the three greatest generals of all time Hannibal replied that Alexander was the greatest peles was the second best a slight jab at Scipio since pence fort Rome in the period war and Hannibal himself was the third best Scipio thought this was an arrogant answer since Hannibal had been beating by Scipio but still thought himself a better general than Scipio Scipio asked how high on the list Hannibal would be if he had managed to win the war Hannibal replied that in that case he would be even greater than Alexander I like to think of it as a sort of indirect compliment sort of sweet almost the Battle of Bowmanville my grandfather was a prison guard at the German prisoner of war camp in Bowmanville Ontario Canada he told me stories of the riots that took place there according to him and documents about the place the higher-ups were ordered to shackle 100 prisoners in retaliation for something the Nazi Party did none of the prisoners volunteered so they made the officers that were captured pick when they refused the guards went to take 100 prisoners and shackle them many of the German pals in the camp resisted and barricaded themselves in the large all blocking the doors with seats they prepared for the worst as they had heard of Americans killing prisons without hesitation and waited for the gunfire to start the Canadians gathered 100 men armed with baseball bats and hockey sticks and stormed the building they only used basic weapons so it would be a fair fight the fighting continued for four hours straight or according to my grandpa we gave those Jarius a good crap kicking that day for hours of boot to ass but the suckers never gave up so we covered each other and backed out lock them in the building and grab the fire hoses the Frick's didn't know what hit em when we broke for windows and turned the hoses on full blast so we washed the suckers out of the building the pals gave up when the building started to flood and surrendered as they were marched out of the hall the Canadian guards who fought them stood in line beside the door and shook their hands congratulating them on a good fight there were many more riots around the camp like 2,500 people total rioted but most were very quickly captured this was the main and defining battle of the uprising many people were seriously injured and one of the leaders of the riot was shot in the back I don't think anyone was killed by I could be wrong it was probably the most Canadian battle of the whole war they didn't want outnumber them in the fight and wouldn't go in with guns cause that was unfair the most serious injury in the battle for the Canadians according to my grandpa was when one of his friends took a jar of honey to the head and it cut up the guy's face pretty bad with a skull fracture otherwise business as usual at the camp that's the only thing I ever remember my grandpa bragging about besides his butcher shop in the barn for the food he would hunt if you ever get in a fight just grab something six people I took out on my own with a broken hockey stick and a chair leg that was the day we made a mess of the mess hall my grandpa the Greek stoic philosopher cruciferous died of laughter after watching a drunk donkey trying to eat a fig Julius Caesar was captured near the island farmer Kusa by pirates who already at that time controlled the sea with large ornaments and countless small vessels to begin with then when the Pirates demanded twenty talents for his ransom he laughed at them for not knowing who their captive was and off his own accord agreed to give them 50 in the next place after he had sent various followers to various cities to procure the money and was left with one friend and two attendance among Cilicians most murderous of men he held them in such disdain that whenever he lay down to sleep he would send and order them to stop talking for eight and thirty days as if the men were not his Watchers in his royal bodyguard he shared in their sports and exercises with great unconcerned he also wrote poems and sundry speeches which he read aloud to them and those who did not admire these he would call to their faces illiterate barbarians and often laughingly threatened to hang them all the Pirates were delighted at this and attributed his boldness of speech to a certain simplicity and boyish mirth but after his ransom had come from Meletis and he had paid it and was set free he immediately manned vessels and put to sea from the harbor of Meletis against the robbers he caught them too still lying a banker off the island and got most of them into his power to their money he made his booty with the men themselves he lodged in the prison at Pergamum and then went in person to Junius the governor of Asia on the ground that it belonged to him as praetor of the province to punish the captives but since the praetor cast longing eyes on their money which was no small sum and kept saying that he would consider the case of the captives at his leisure Caesar left him to his own devices went to Pergamum took the robbers out of prison and crucified them all just as he had often warned them on the island that he would do when they thought he was joking Plutarch the life of Julius Caesar hundreds of us communities started using their own currencies during the Great Depression in order to bypass economic downfall of course there was the Dust Bowl and other factors at play but it generally worked sometimes it's as simple as stepping outside the systems that are in place some of our problems really only exist on paper you have been visited by the science dojo upvote now and you will get high grades and good results within the next week if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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