That One Crazy Friend...

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what was a disturbing sign that your friend might have a broken moral compass she kissed my then boyfriend during my birthday party that was the end for me she has no respect and i couldn't trust her anymore after that when they like to beef with others just because quoting their own words i'm bored yet when someone is joking about them they cannot handle it i have a friend like this i'm trying but i feel like i have to walk on eggshells with him she started neglecting her children i anonymously called cps twice they came and never took the kids two years passed i cut ties and her children are finally in the custody of their grandparents good for you for calling cps a lot of people might not have acted thanks to you those kids will now let better lives i had a best friend break up in middle school that ended because he kept talking about how hot a third grader was we were in eighth he ended up getting arrested later i'm sure you can guess why insurance fraud a few years ago i was out with some friends there was this guy who started humiliating his girlfriend in front of everyone did everything he could to destroy her self-esteem and brought her to tears when we were leaving he came to me and said i felt really good tonight i really felt like i was in control and that's how i lost my best friend ladies and gentlemen brag to me about having an affair with an engaged guy because he was kind of famous i still see her post instagram stories of her acting buddy buddy with the dudes now wife and it gives me the heebie jeebies you gotta tell her man then hobby jobbies will go away this isn't as shocking on the broken moral compass scale as others but it was crazy to me i had a good friend from growing up but we drifted apart it sucked as i got the impression that he was purposely freezing me out anyway a couple of years ago i threw a party at a bar when i took a new job and invited him at one point in the evening he told this hilarious story about some shenanigans from back in college everyone was laughing except for me because i know the story and it's my freaking story he wasn't even there we didn't go to college together and the story includes details specific to my college town he's heard the story before and at some point he just substituted me out of the story that's annoying i've been in the same boat my ex would question why i would share something like dinner i made or my food drink that i paid for with my friends he couldn't understand why i would do that without them giving me something in return not a friend but a co-worker back in college he was bragging about how wasted he got one night in his dorm and ended up vomiting on his math book but that's okay i went to class the next day and sat next to some guy and just when class was letting out i switched my book with theirs isn't that funny yeah some random student paid 140 dollars for a textbook and ended up with one with your biohazard all over it good one bro when she screamed expletives at her elderly dog for being gross he wasn't gross he was just old he'd come over to her for pets and she'd shove him away and scream at him i always gave him extra love when i could our friendship ended when we were 16 haven't seen her since i was 20 almost seven years ago she killed her two-month-old baby a little over a year ago so glad that friendship ended when it did when she cheated on her husband with a guy she worked with at a gas station and then asked me to join them for a threesome that was a big red flag flapping in the wind she also littered and thought it was funny literally threw trash out the car window driving down the road then giggled about it like she had gotten away with something she also invited me and my kids out to dinner one night by way of saying let's go to restaurant and let the kids run around and make a huge mess that we don't have to clean up obviously we are not friends anymore she grew up in a very wealthy family her mother's last name is literally on a building in my city attended private school has a master's degree in early childhood education and had every opportunity handed to her and still insists on acting like trash probably because she can afford to we were shopping at the mall we went into a little store and she asked if i could hold something in my bag for her thinking it was her wallet or something i said yes i turned around and realized she was asking me to put stolen merchandise in my bag i immediately closed my bag and left heather with said item there was no way i was getting caught with that crap on me and getting the blame i ended that friendship then and there that kind of thing is the reason why i responded depends whenever someone asks me to do something for them i'm not committing to whatever bitury they had in mind until i know exactly what it is one that really disturbed me was when i told a friend i couldn't trust them anymore because they'd betrayed me too many times instead of trying to apologize they chuckled and said that was fine fully expecting us to continue being friends they seem to have no recognition of the fact that betraying people is a bad thing to do it was a bit creepy when best friend at the time got a bj from his niece who was my wife at the time we had just recently separated yeah you read that right why were you best friends with her uncle in law though i had to stop her from drowning her cat in a kiddie pool we were like seven at the time i wonder whatever happened to her i found out that a friend of many many years watched and shared a video of a drunk and passed out co-worker being undressed posed and mocked i never saw the video but it was a fairly big deal at our small company and the woman that it happened to kind of downplayed the incident as boys being boys but she was clearly very humiliated by the whole experience my friend and i were fishing with a group of friends a couple of years after the video was filmed and i walked up on him showing the video to others in our group with one stating oh i remember when you sent me this it's so fricked up they then began imitating the video and making fun of the woman's weight i packed up and headed out immediately and said friend and i are basically just fb acquaintances now good for you there's no need for people like that in your life animal cruelty i was one driving with a friend who saw a group of ducks crossing the road in front of us we had enough time to stop but we sped up i can still remember him laughing at the thumps and i felt sick we haven't hung out in years and i can still remember that sound i'm i'm so so sorry i can't even describe how horrible you must feel about that that guy did not deserve to be friends with anyone if he acts that way i hope he doesn't have any pets she and her then husband took their two young sons with them to an orgy at their client's house after she divorced husband she got with a mentally unstable alcoholic as freak dude that pulled a loaded gun to her head in front of her son he's arrested she dumps him till he's let out of jail and gets right back with him there's a lot more insanity but those were the two things that made me step away from that person freaking yikes that's not a broken moral compass that's straight up insanity this person's brain doesn't work as intended friend was really into disturbing kick group chats and one time at a sleepover she began laughing i curiously asked what she is laughing at it was a video of a man decapitating a live snake and then proceeding to frick the snacks body through the hole where its head used to be was at an indoor playground for a kids b day party he was turning three and most kids were around that age or a couple years older my two kids were playing in the mess of pre-covered bodies i was shooting the breeze and walking around with the birthday boy's dad he's been a friend acquaintance for a few years by that point through family we see a two-year-old kid crying in a corner he's losing it he's so molly american pretty easy to point out his family i quickly notice he's out of their sight line and vice versa i lean in and tell him his family is over there well the birthday boy's dad leans in and loudly yells shut the frick up he then nudges my shoulder laughs and walks away i flag down one of the kids older siblings and pointed him out then moved on with my life but i couldn't get over the way my friend treated a dang child a dang toddler was it a power move was it a race thing was it all of it either way it was a big red flag i kept my distance from him other than amicable conversation till they moved away the more i think about it the more uncomfortable it makes me ro that's awful thank you for being kind after not talking for months my friend ex called me at 7 00 am crying about popping a tire and being stuck with her dogs it was like minus 10 degrees so i called in sick to work drove to where she was and bought a spare on the way it turned out my jack wasn't for an suv so i went and bought one and came back changed the tyre while freezing my balls off by the end i couldn't feel my hands or face i honestly didn't expect a thank you and didn't care she didn't thank me but when i got home i saw she made a long post on fb about some guy saving her life it actually made me real happy until i saw it was about the homeless dude who unsolicited simply pointed to where i should put the jack i did give him a 20 for the advice and because holy crap it was cold she made a whole story up about a conversation that didn't happen she never got out of the car and actually made fun of me for giving money away when i hopped in the car i still have absolutely no clue why she did any of this or how she benefited from lying here she is high functioning on the autism spectrum and she constantly blamed everything on it not being supportive ignoring me and our other friend won't let us have a say in plans sorry i have autism she never made an effort to correct the behavior or try to get our help with it she just acted like having autism was a free pass to act however she wanted he made crude comments to a woman walking alone around 11 p.m he had a couple of beers in him and we had left the bar to walk to another one about five blocks away we are at a darker area of the walk and there was no one nearby at least not in front of us she went real quick from greeting us to getting a scared look on her face i apologize for my friend told him to shut his dang mouth or i would deck his butt we never even went to the other bar i was just soapy at him for needlessly scaring that poor gal i talked to him the next day about it he didn't see what the big deal was she should have known he was joking that was it after that never really hung out with him again i am glad you responded the way you did so the poor woman did not continue to be scared got catfished blackmailed threatened abused and used by an old friend and they still wanted me to say sorry for venting to other people about what they did to me it was a childhood friend who i lost contact with but she and her family had a cat that they often allowed to get kittens we asked her once what they did with the kittens when they were older and she told us daddy either sells them and those we can't sell we drown in the fish pond as a kid i didn't fully understand what she meant with that i was very little and couldn't imagine someone doing this but my parents didn't let us go over there that often after that but if you don't believe in god what stops you from stealing things or committing murder what stops me is an understanding of right and wrong not a fear of divine retribution this is especially concerning in a person who seems to be losing their faith when they have no problem talking about other friends behind their back in a negative way you can be certain they are doing it to you as well he who gossips to you gossips about you a guy in a group i was involved with was quite the p hound slept with everyone younger older whoever then came the time a member of the group who was blind and travelled a long way to an event went home with him and they had sex afterwards she asked for a ride home as the buses weren't running which he refused she asked how she supposed to get home then and he replied i don't know and i don't care he was rejected by the group afterward got out about this from then on people in the group called him first name frick over a blind chick last name whenever referencing him whenever he talks about work or some sort of side project he never fails to bring up his love of money he'll also interject how good he is at persuading people aka manipulating them whenever the topic of business comes up he's also flat out said how good he is at being fake towards people and has clearly stated he doesn't care about others as long as he gets what he wants to make a long story short i only ever talk to him when i can't physically avoid him he's honestly a very off-putting person that used to be my best friend people who claim to be good at persuading people or manipulating them tend to not really be good at those things people who manipulate and persuade a lot of people tend to do it naturally he tried to get me to look through my friend messages i had access to her account because she couldn't post one day so she asked me to it was during a fight and he tried to convince me that it wasn't a big deal i had this friend i stopped talking to her last year she straight up admitted to not just encouraging sexual harassment but took part in it basically one of her frenemies told everyone what she and her bf did in the bedroom but he is a very private person who doesn't go around telling people what he likes sexually this is something i've discussed with him when he was a year or so ago bc his ex did the same thing anyway he got rightfully uncomfortable and did the right thing by saying so and they all gave him crap over it making sexual gestures asking him for sexual favors king shaming him etc and when he got mad everyone acted like it was on him i really felt for him and when i brought it up to her that what she was doing was sexual harassment and not okay she said yeah but he didn't have to crack the shoots she knew and blamed him anyway so gross well she cheated on her husband with a trainer at the gym so i would say that her moral compass is pretty broken i knew her and her husband for several years he is a pretty quiet guy but overall seems nice i knew her since college and i never would have guessed that she would have an affair she told me that she deserved to have an affair because she deserved to be with someone hotter when he started openly abusing his girlfriend and insulting her because she was bisexual as well as just how he treated women in general it just became clear he was a massive sexist but it only came out in high school when he actually got into relationships my friend has separate utensils and crockery for the working staff at her apartment like the security guard housekeeper cleaning lady and gardener all have separate utensils kept near the servants restroom ones i made tea for the guard and poured in the same mugs as us and she lost her crap her explanation was that we don't use the same things as our workers who are below us and gave a totally out of context bible verse to explain slavery and how it's important to keep the working class below us after that incident me and my friends avoid hanging out with her and go to her apartment we had a friend who we lived with who would go over and have sex with our neighbor who had a gf of over a year but she would come home and brag about it too we also had a porch we would hang our hammock on and a few of us when chilling saw the gf come over a few times and felt super conflicted about getting involved i think the cheating neighbor is the butthole here when i walked in on him with his hand down a boy's pants i said what's going on here the boy looked shocked said nothing my friend nervously said i was just adjusting his clothes i honestly cannot tell if you are discussing pedophilia or general homosexuality when she sided with my abusive bf at the time and would say things to try to get us to fight and talk about how she recommended as having a threesome even though i stated i'd be too jealous and she brought it up again later and when she told me how when she was a kid the counselor diagnosed her with psychopathy then when that bf cheated on me and we broke up she told me that he was a friend too and acted like i was crazy i'm sorry to hear you got entangled in that mess amazingly it is not rare hope you have moved on from it feeling better every year he said a few a few racial comments i said hey that's not cool dude he said why i said it's racist he replied yes i am racist you didn't know that we haven't really spoken much after because he got much more outspoken about his flawed views on racial topics from the non my cat was sleeping under a rocking chair with her tail under one of the rocking legs he said it would be funny if someone sat in the chair and rolled over her tail i asked if that was supposed to be a joke and he started to reach for the chair to give it a rock i've never kicked anyone out of my apartment faster than i did that day i don't remember how the subject came up but he saw no problem with torturing small animals for pleasure nothing i said could convince him that it was unethical i distanced myself from him significantly after that first signs of a serial killer right there one of my friends was selling shirts for a college organization where both into our organization and other closely related organizations when selling to everyone he up charged seven dollars and when our organization found out people were pee i know it's small but these are our closest friends and it seems morally wrong to make profit off of your closest friends someone i know did the same if i remember rightly he also tried to turn a profit buying food for a barbecue by charging his friend's interest not cool just last week two of them faked their addresses to get priority access to a covered vaccination we're in canada where supplies are still limited by age there are exceptions made for certain medical conditions or if you live in a neighborhood with high incidence homelessness etc they found a clinic that didn't check the address the majority of the clinics clear and tell are homeless and as such have no address to check dressed down and got their shots they are work from home professionals with no special medical needs they cut the line in front of people who are in real and imminent danger from this virus just because they saw the opportunity i've known them for decades and i'm not sure that i still want to i'm getting angry just typing this when she was sleeping with a married man and tried to convince me it was ethically an aok arrangement since supposedly no one her his oblivious wife his three kids was any the worse for the cheating and lying my bff in college loved her like a sister never thought of her the same way after that this happens to me a lot actually one girl kayla and i were friends for a long time she always told me that her kid was taken away from her for living in a hotel room with too many people she lived with her mom her brother and his girlfriend turns out that she wasn't properly feeding her kid like she was so badly malnourished when she brought her in for a checkup at the doctor's office that they took her from her shortly after when i found this out and asked her about it she said well yeah she was malnourished but it's because she has the same eating disorder i have her baby was like seven months old and apparently had an eating disorder dropped that one like a dead limb had another friend nate we all hung out together me him and our girlfriends became pretty close friends but then he started to do really freaking weird abusive crap to his girlfriend like dumping her and then say sorry i'm joking i'll love you which at first seemed like teasing but then one day me and my girlfriend were in my room and they were in my kitchen for a really long time and we go to check on them and she's locked in my freaking closet and crying because he told her to stay in the closet because she's afraid of the dark and was claustrophobic nope dropped i had a friend ryan who was sweet and nice to me but his ex messaged me and was telling me exactly what he was being charged with basically he stabbed her during a three-way went wrong i thought that was insane and couldn't see him doing it and for months he swore he didn't do it and he got the case dismissed by having his lawyer basically argue that she self-inflicted the wounds and dragged her through the mud with her medical history records of mental illness and self-harm she just straight up stopped showing up to court well one day we're on acid and he's like hey what would you say if i told you i really did stab her and then he told me the whole story how he meant to stab the guy in the three-way because he was jealous of it because they were ignoring him nope dropped i'm really glad that you have ditched these people but wtf man i don't know anyone like that in the first place when i exposed his gf for cheating on him with a dude at a party that my friend threw she was inside the washroom with the dude for an hour while my friend was passed out drunk in his room he stopped talking to me a week later this was my best friend of 12 years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 26,109
Rating: 4.9385405 out of 5
Keywords: crazy friends, crazy friend storytime, crazy friend tiktok, crazy friend, friendship, crazy, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: MTohd_VsawY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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