Tatoo Artists, When Did a Client Change His Mind Half-Way Through?

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to two artists over did has anyone ever changed their minds about getting a tattoo halfway through or what was a person's worst reaction my stepdad has half a skull on his upper arm because they ran out of time and had to finish it the next day but the guy that was doing it got arrested he thinks this is hilarious enough that it's worth keeping the unfinished skull just so he can explain it my dad has his initials on all of his limbs apparently it was common for guys in the vietnam war to have this done to identify their body i did a small wrist piece on a girl that used to be a cutter her forearms and stomach was scarred beyond belief but with the first line she started screaming bloody murder and thrashing i quickly stopped but she assured me she wanted it done her friend and bf had to hold her down for me to do it but at every break she said she wanted to keep going it should have been a 30 minutes piece but took over 90 i would have thought she was high and refused if i didn't know her personally before that worst session ever i felt like i was torturing someone at their request never again having tattoos over scar tissue sucks but screaming bloody murder and thrashing is a bit extreme this happened when i was an apprentice some woman came in and wanted heart is everything in the disney font the tattoo was huge and on her entire side she had it printed out and my artist had stenciled it and i had prepped the station while he was tattooing her and i realized that everything was spelled incorrectly he hadn't gotten to it yet so i frantically told him that he needed to go smoke a cigarette with me after a great deal of nagging he went out to smoke with me and was pretty p off about it i told him about the incorrect spelling and he basically shot bricks we went in and talked to this woman about it and even after explaining that it was spelled incorrectly she insisted that was how it had to be to be fair i missed it too my tattoo artist was telling me about a time he was tattooing a superman symbol on some kid the kid passed out and puked on himself before jumping up and running out he came back an hour or so later to get it finished but he was still wearing the same clothes and was covered in his own vomit they told him to go home and come back another day my grandpa wears a half finished tattoo on his forearm he was in the army air corps and stationed in england during world war ii he and his friends got drunk and decided to get tattoos he was the last to go and decided on a shield and scroll that said mother with flowers behind it halfway through the outline there was an air raid and the power went off the guy finished the outline with candle light and a single needle that he stuck manually my grandpa said the outline hurts so bad and took so long to do that he never went back 50 years later when i was a kid he had a greenish shield on his arm and it was smudged and illegible still cooler than any tattoo i'll ever get eight years as a tattoo artist only once has someone left on me and never came back i was tattooing a stomach rocker on a navy kid on a saturday outcast or something in some stylized letters it was a really cool design stencil went on great he was kinda sweet in at the start but settled down as we got going well as settled as you can be during a stomach tattoo about halfway through the outline when his phone rang says it's important so we take five and i go out to smoke he comes out without his shirt on it's january in chicago and says he's gotta go he got called back to base someone got into trouble so they cancelled leave for everyone he had one hour to report back and he's 90 minutes away so i cleaned him up wrapped him up told him if he didn't wash it hard tonight the stencil might still suffice for sunday i kept the drawing and if he couldn't make it the next day we would just have to line up a new stencil carefully he paid for half the final cost and i never saw or heard from him again somewhere there's a kid with outc probably cleaning heads or something at least it wasn't his fault as i was getting my last tattoo this girl came in and wanted an ice cream cone with a cow's leg sticking out of the side the artist started cracking up so she started to cause a scene saying that she was going to blacklist them if they didn't do it so this guy starts tattooing it on her leg and halfway through she starts to cry saying that she didn't think the cow's leg was sticking up enough she let the guy continue for like two minutes and then decided that she had had enough she then threw a wad of twenties at the cashier and ran out the artist was laughing so much that he didn't even care about being stiffed for some of the cost after being under the needle for almost two hours the artist finished my tattoo looks up at me and says all done what do you think i took one look at it and with a perfectly straight face replied not really my style can you take it back off figured she'd get that i was just being a jackass really she did a dang good job i still love that piece but she was mortified i immediately told her i was joking and it was exactly what i wanted and we both got a good laugh out of it but doing her face was pale for a couple seconds there she knows to not take me seriously now last week a girl quite seriously asked me if i could move one of her old tattoos over a few inches she seemed disappointed and genuinely confused when i explained why this was not possible humans i'm not a tattoo artist but this happened in the chair next to me while i was getting my back to two the man had arrived at about the same time as me after a bit mine was halfway finished and i looked over and he was still fiddling around with the picture he wanted which was a dragon i think so the second half of my back is almost done and i hear him scream not just an ouch scream a fool on top of the lung screech this went on for maybe five more minutes he finally got up threw some money on the chair and said i can't do this as he was saying this i caught a glimpse of what it looked like so far it was like a 10 inch long squiggly line on his bicep i felt kind of embarrassed for him when i was getting one of my tattoos done a girl came into the studio with her boyfriend to get a stamp as soon as the tattooist started she began shrieking and yelling stop stop this continued for about 40 minutes where every time the needle would touch skin the girl would be telling him to stop about three seconds later the tattooist was getting understandably frustrated and the boyfriend was getting increasingly mortified they finished the outline a tribal stamp with a love heart in the middle and managed about five minutes of shading half the love heart was red when the girl said stop one more time she looked in the mirror and started saying you know what i think that looks good i think i'm happy to leave it there everyone in the studio was staring at her with sort of are you serious expression because the tattoo looked ridiculous it was a crappy design in the first place but with only a tiny bit of random shading it looked absurd as she refused to change her mind to get tattooed anymore and ended up walking out of an extremely prestigious studio with a half-finished piece of crap on her back the boyfriend slunk out behind her and every single person in there wore a look of disapproval so lame in 18 years of tattooing i have never had someone cop out halfway through usually those people bail right before the tattoo begins or after they've wasted our time with a ridiculous number of inane questions example does it hurt will my parents get mad there are a small minority of people who decide halfway through the outline that they don't want to can't sit for the entire tattoo i usually will push to finish the outline so they can come to back to finish it in a second sitting some do come back and some don't as to worst reaction i once was tattooing a triforce on these guys a self-described p ribs who was making so many high-pitched grunting and clenched george er rrr noises that i made him come back at another time before the shop opened to finish he was tangibly stressing out our clients and tattooers are like too much one person freaking out really does affect other people's state s of mind when he came back he brought a girl with him halfway through a repeat of his first performance i asked her if she was his girlfriend and she said no oh and i wouldn't be after this fortunately he laughed at that burn as a side note during his second session a co-worker and i were trying to figure out the name of the movie where a white kid dresses up in blackface so he can get into harvard to which the dude i was to chewing half howled half cried out sue willman ayla stephen tyler lollsword by all i got a large piece back in 2004 on my upper left arm shoulder it took three sittings because my arm would just stop taking ink after a couple hours during the final sitting with the majority of the shading being done i was sitting in the chair reading a book for the last two hours of it i hit that perfect zen zone where i was just used to the pain and totally focused on the book i barely even felt him doing anything it was beautiful i'm a tall skinny guy not even remotely macho there was this huge six feet eight inches out bodybuilder guy who was watching the last 20 minutes or so of my tattoo he was talking about how tough he was and how he could endure any pain turns out he had an appointment with my artist immediately after mine when i was done i hung around for a bit because i was curious to see what he was getting this monster sits down flexes a few times to psych himself up and the artist starts after about two minutes i genuinely thought the muscle-bound giant was going to cry he was literally whimpering and squirming every time the needle touched his skin he only sat for about 20 minutes and was borderline on tears the entire time after realizing i sat for just over seven hours total over three sessions reading a book for ninety percent of it i walked out of there feeling like a boss my buddy was getting a tattoo when an excited guy entered the shop and asked the artist how much to tattoo my penis like a candy cane the tattoo artist replied four hundred dollars the guy said i'll be right back i gotta go to an atm then he ran out the tattoo artist calmly said i hope he doesn't come back i had a bad reaction shock to one of my tattoos not because it was bad it's really great quality work but i felt overwhelmed like holy crap i just got this big tattoo luckily i got over it and now i love it i've only been tattooing for a year and a half but i'm the first artist of my shop to have one of these most people figure it out if they aren't sure before you actually start my client had been around the shop for a couple hours as i tattooed her friend knew exactly what she wanted and was super excited the whole time after i had her lie down on the bench i started the tattoo a sort of illustrative tree with lacy leaves that turned into birds i think two minutes and she straight freaks yells wait wait wait and stands up revealing her middle-aged lady boobs and cries a little i had done only a few routes so it kinda looked like some very oddly placed lightning needless to say i had no idea how to react is it worse to coerce someone into something they are having doubt about or let them leave with a very weird bit of unfinished tattoo and of course not get paid but oh well she stood there clutching her boobs for about 10 minutes while i tried to convince her to lie back down but in the end i failed supposedly i should still be expecting her to come in and do something with the remnants tl dr excitement leads to old boobs swinging in the breeze and tears i tried lordy i tried best tl dr ever i have a medium-sized tattoo on my side over my ribs when i got a little fussy from the pain my tattoo artist told me i've had guys quit from the pain but never a girl don't be the first one maybe it was bulls but i sucked it up after that the sweetest teacher at my high school had a half of a turtle tattooed on her foot she told me she only had half because it hurt too much she passed away to cancer a few years ago r.i.p mrs wilson we went to high school together a friend of mine from a couple years back last call him jack has a ridiculous story behind one of his tattoos one night we are out drinking at some dive bar when he starts spewing drunken epithets about how he loves his girlfriend brianna so much blah blah brianna so great i just love this crap out of her literally out of nowhere jack declares his intent to get her name tattooed across his back my other friends and i had previously discussed how jack and briana's relationship seem to be tense i don't know just not normal so at this point i'm thinking that jack is going to make a stupid butt mistake anyway i strongly voice my disagreement with that idea but he already had he drunk but mindset instantly stood up walked out and walked a couple blocks down to a nearby tattoo shop i'm following him trying to dissuade him jack already had a couple tattoos so i wasn't about to force him to not get it once we reach the parlor we wait for 15 minutes or so until it's freed up meanwhile i'm trying to reach his girlfriend to tell him it's a bad idea i don't reach her jack gets moved to a chair proclaims he wants briana tattered across his lower back bold letters and just like that the tattoo artist goes at it i'm thinking well crap this isn't going to end well 10 minutes an hour so brianna calls me and i frantically tell her what's going on she freaks calls him a couple expletives to me basically is pretty p i hand off the phone to jack and from what i could tell she immediately broke up with him then and there quite bluntly so jax lying there flabbergasted with br already freaking tattered into his back crap he sits there staring blankly for 30 seconds i feel so bad right now i'm waiting for him to break down but nope he calmly turns to the artist and tells him that he wants breasts tattooed across his back now freaking breasts and yup that's sure what he got pretty boss reaction if i do say so myself i don't see jack that often anymore but when i do we sure do laugh our asses off about that one must have been a pretty shady shop if they were willing to to a clearly intoxicated guy my husband decided to get my name tattooed across his chest and as he only took a certain amount of money with him this was before the days of being able to pay by card he could only afford three letters he had every intention of going back to get the last three letters tattooed but to this day years later he still has only the first three letters of my name on his chest i really hope your name is mandy at one shop i was working at a challenge a girl came in wanting script on her ribs we advised her against it since it was a paragraph and also her first tattoo after convincing us that she could take it we set up and another artist started on the piece now the shop owner and i were sitting in the reception area shooting the crap when we see this girl dragging herself on the ground towards the bathroom silently sobbing we obviously try to help her and ask if she is okay but she hits away our hands and crawls to our bathroom she locks herself in our bathroom for two hours it was like a hostage situation after those two hours she emerges and sets up a follow-up appointment to finish it the artist was shocked and told us how much he had gotten done five letters out of a freaking paragraph needless to say we shut down the shop and had beers it no tattoo artists tattoo a shop owner here aren't no no one has ever left in the middle of a tattoo they've left before it was totally finished because of pain but we've always scheduled another session this is pretty common actually the closest thing was this one nightmare lady she is a multi-layer horror story she's got her ex-husband's initials in old english on her shoulder and had me cover it with a black silhouette of a tree with a ball sitting under it it was actually a wood block print from that children's book ferdinand and the bull we were about halfway through and she was clearly agitated i asked if she was all right and she said she was getting freaked out about how big the tattoo was a little later she'd hit the end of her pain tolerance and we made a follow-up appointment two weeks later she comes in with this horrific scabby raised mess on her shoulder like black cauliflower accusing me of giving her a blood infection she angrily explained that her tattoo was leaking pus common mistake healing tattoos league lymphatic fluid totally normal and totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally motivatedly motivatedly motivatedly notably mostly mostly mostly hotly motorly notably totally notably totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally not clean i never saw her again and have since modified my aftercare instructions to include do not put anything on your new tutor that i have not mentioned and if you feel like you want to just call me and i'll tell you if it's okay i've had a couple pukas and fainters but that's no big deal we give them juice and crackers and don't make fun of them until we have their money and they're out the door that's what she gets for getting it in old english as an engraver i hate that font an old roommate dated this guy that tattooed her name over his heart without even asking her she was like a i oh and then broke up with him apparently the guy had a kid with his next girlfriend and tried to persuade the woman to name their kid the name of the tattoo two birds one stone i guess needless to say it didn't go over well i was hanging out at my buddies tattoo shop and this woman around 60 years old was getting a portrait tattoo of this guy on a camel at her side was a briefcase and inside was a photo of the guy taped to the briefcase a small stuffed animal camel a photo of prince the artist and several other bizarre items the artist is a pro when it comes to portraits over 20 years of experience but the photo was grainy and from the 70s the artist was doing an outstanding job recreating the features of the man i remember the woman asking for a glass of water and the artist asked if i could grab it for her when i gave her the water she said i had beautiful hair and eyes she asked to take a picture of me and the artist and we both said it was fine i imagine after session she would put that that photo in the briefcase along with prince halfway through the session she started crying and sobbing saying this is a mistake she got up to take a break and suddenly left the building i asked the artist what was wrong and he said that basically the picture of a guy was like a god to her and she kept saying it didn't look like him even though it looked like the photo luckily the woman came back the following day and finished the tattoo she was very happy to see the end results tldr crazy lady takes off during the tattoo came back the next day i am not a tattoo artist but when i went in to get my side to two done i was understandably nervous everyone had told me it would hurt like heck and the only other tattoo i had was near my ankle my artist cheese had me on my side and was talking to me the entire five-hour session it wasn't even that bad of pain to be honest however this was a story he told me that i always remember some guy comes in with his buddies acting all tough he's a super short guy but really buff his friends dare him to get a tattoo and after a showing of how manly he is he makes an appointment the dude is acting like a jackass from the way she's described him anyway this guy shows up to his appointment alone a couple weeks later and says he wants a big butt dragon to two cheese is like okay let me get my pen out spends nearly two hours just drawing this bamfy dragon on this guy's side from shoulder to knee i think he said the guy sits down and cheese is all you okay man nervous and doesn't mean anything by it he is just generally concerned guy gets all huffy and is all man i'm fine she says well let me just turn to a line on you and you let me know if it's okay to keep going his answer is just an all right sure cheese does one line and the guy practically cries says he wants a break to go smoke before they really start cheese says okay then sits and waits 15 20 minutes go by and cheese goes outside to see where this guy is and he knows his truck is gone guy just up and left so now some douchebag is running around with a little line tattooed onto him i hope he is a redditor and i hope he knows that when i'm in pain of any kind i think of his punk butt and i push through it b i love tattoo artist names mine legally changed his name to turtle undead to two artists here but only for a few years not long enough for a decent ridic worthy story i do however have a story from one of my artists he and his co-workers told me a while back his buddy was tattooing a large side piece on this model fashion model or something she's a little agitated but seems to be taking it fine suddenly shoots herself everywhere so much crap it burst out of her pants pillsbury biscuits style and covered the table and floor the commotion and smell was enough to drive everybody including the other tattooists and people getting tattooed out of the shop no individual rooms just the big open one with privacy panels when necessary took hours to clean up the poor girl's crap grenade can't remember if she got her tattoo finished that day or not guessing not artifu i've had plenty of people change their mind halfway through a tattoo it's usually because they are in pain not so much about the tattoo design typically i talk them through letting me get to a stopping point and then schedule an additional session s to complete the piece usually they realize the original tattoo design is what they want it just hurts more than they realized nothing wrong with that never had a bad reaction to a tattoo i did i have however ended a few to two sessions and refused to finish or reschedule with the client but those reactions were not so great i used to have a friend that is a tattoo artist a guy wanted and paid for a full set of demon style wings on his back it would have been a full back piece the guy backed out after the top of one wing was barely outlined it was about six inches worth of black outlining he said it was too painful and just left my dad has a small dot on his wrist from when he was at university story goes his mates convinced him to get a rolling stones tongue on his wrist after going to the pub and just as the guy had started he passed out now my four brothers and i have the same small black dot on each of our left wrists now that's a seriously awesome tattoo frick yeah man the stories behind some of the older ones are great my mom saw that i had a tattoo on my shoulder and gasped like she had been slapped then grabbed me fiercely and started praying fervently that god forgive me for what i've become note i was 29 at the time and i'm a suburban housewife with two kids i'm laying on the table in pure agony as a bearded fellow rips apart my car for four hours yet the girl across from me gets two lines done and quits felt so bad for the artist who had booked a couple of hours with her this friend of a friend got drunk one evening and wanted a fully erect penis with the name of his boss on it located on his upper chest halfway through he began to sober up and asked him to stop they had only finished the testicles chesticles i have a story of regret from when i got my first tattoo not my regret mind you but regret nonetheless the artist was about halfway done with me when this linebacker of a woman comes in as doug my artist was busy his partner brian went to talk to her she asked if they did touch up work brian said sure and she took off her scarf on her neck like over her jugular in bold black letters was bug man it would seem that despite her best efforts to make it work bug man was simply not the man for her she asks if he can put a dot above each crest in the u and change man to momma thus in her mind making big egg mama brian just stares at her for a minute and asks what the heck is a bug mama it's not bug mama she said just big mama with two eyes lee tried explaining the concept of an umlaut to her but it was clearly lost on her she started getting loud and brian's final reply was i don't clean up other people's garbage she left presumably to make one final desperate plea of love to bug man if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 13,547
Rating: 4.8174605 out of 5
Keywords: tattoo artists react, tattoo artist, tattoo artist doing tattoo, tattoo artists tell stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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