Doctors, What Happened When You Diagnosed a COVID-19 Denier With COVID-19?

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doctors over at it what happened when you diagnosed the covered 19 denier with covered 19 icu nurse here six years dealt with covered since march 2020 actually had the first confirmed pt at our hospital november february was rough i had a two-week streak where every day one or two of my patients would die we'd go up to three or four patient assignments the norm is two one or one one if on certain equipment most all of the patients understood the severity of what they had a handful didn't believe they had covered even though removing high flow o2 or their bipep would put their sats down into the 60s or 70s many had comorbidities that put them at risk copd asthma obesity sleep apnea smoking i think people would refuse to be intubated because they knew what the outcome would be fight hope pray fingers crossed whatever you want to call it delaying the inevitable our aiku attending would actually have them sign consent for intubation if they were cognizant enough to do so almost all of them died very few made it out alive but still so sick and debilitated some with trashes one guy in particular sticks out this was right after christmas 21 years old hxdm1 obesity sleep apnea didn't like to take his insulin admitted with covet didn't believe he had it should have been tubed days before but refused then he ended up being intubated emergently took about five of us to prone him lay him on his stomach because his o2 sats were in the 60s couldn't get a pulse noticed no waveform on the yard line had to flip him back over to do cpr for about an hour or so before we called it had a kid in the fiance honestly it was more of the families that denied their loved one had covered upset understandably about not being able to visit zoom calls just don't cut it i say this all as my parents mom sd and dad sm are all cover deniers even when i tell them what it's like that well those people had other things wrong with them though they were older they tell me they send me links about all the conspiracy theories re covet i got the madonna in december and january still haven't told them it's awful the facial swelling alone from being prone is enough to give a person nightmares watching someone go into multi-system organ failure needing dialysis unable to put them back onto their back being maxed out on ventilator settings and that still not being enough to the point of barotrauma and collapsing along and needing a chest tube to re-inflate it family saying do everything even though they had coded once or twice hearing families on zoom crying praying singing as the patient is intubated sedated and paralyzed so the ventilator can do the work tearing up under all the ppe because yeah we are still human we work so hard and sometimes it doesn't freaking matter but we go back day after day i wish people who don't believe could see what i have seen it might scare them enough to take precaution seriously and get the vaccine i'm so sorry to hear you're going through this skepticism from families and your own family on top of everything else get some therapy if you can it's so important for healthcare workers who've been through a trauma like this hugs if wanted haiku covered ike who charged nurse here had a woman trial leaving the year against medical advice with covered and was needing tons of o2 our docs convinced her to get admitted my wife was her a nurse and brought her up to me patient was yelling and screaming ripping off her mask spitting and telling us we're all sheep between gasping for breath our dogs told her she was close to needing to be intubated breathing tube and she just scoffed we reached out to the husband who proceeded to swear and berate us telling us we're keeping her prisoner no visitors in our covered unit and that we can do whatever we need because none of this is real and it's all for show so you guys can get paid she gets intubated decompensates over the next few days and finally codes we code perform cpr give medications defibrillate etc her for well over 1.5 hours before calling her time of death the kicker was calling her husband and getting absolutely excoriated because we injected her with covered as an experiment and killed her he then had to be escorted out of the hospital when he came in to try getting up to the unit without a mask of course this crap's getting exhausting one story stands out last summer a guy came to the ed with symptoms and tested positive he refused admission for the classic list of reasons it's a complete hoax and even if it's not a complete hoax it's not that big a deal i'm strong enough etc couple days later he was back in the ed with his mom who he lived with and who was now also symptomatic they were both admitted and eventually put on ventilators guy lived but his mom didn't dude killed his mom i can't imagine how you live with that nurse here i had covered and now i am in rehabilitation because my lungs are at 70 capacity now i was at 40 capacity and now when i hear someone say that i have the urge to slap them with a chair i will need another year until i am fully recovered not a doctor but my cousin-in-law was a covered denier went to his covered denial girlfriend's family house for thanksgiving without telling his parents that they were covered deniers he was living with his parents my wife's aunt and uncle since he had recently divorced his wife got back and found out a week later that the whole girlfriend's family tested positive he got it so his parents both got it his mother was in treatment for breast cancer and his dad had asthma btw and they are not caviar deniers his mother recovered but his dad my wife's uncle went from coughing and wheezing the day after christmas to the on new year's day within 24 hours after that he was put on a ventilator three weeks later he passed so yeah my covered denier cousin-in-law effectively killed my wife's uncle and now that whole part of the family is really tense as his brothers kinda blame him for killing their dad but their mom why sad isn't willing to blame her son frick caviar denies it's not really a joke these buttholes are literally killing people through growth negligence and idiocy my mother killed my aunt her own sister who was at risk just to prove a point about covet supposedly being a hoax it's the second relative that my mother killed now mom thinks very highly of herself she is very religious and believes she belongs in heaven and that i am a heathen for being gay sure i love someone of the same sex as me but at least i didn't kill two people as an anesthesiologist by the time someone's calling for us it's for intubation and the patient is in no condition to deny anything honestly it's usually the family that's the issue and that needs to be escorted from the room my mom works for an ob gyn who specializes in high-risk pregnancies and births and he was called into the hospital to check out a woman whose due date was about two weeks away and who was very sick he confirmed she had covered and admitted her to the hospital until she gave birth but she insisted it was a hoax and ended up checking herself out ama but not before she spat in the face of the nurse who coincidentally had just completed chemo that was near the beginning of the pandemic and i'm so curious what happened to that lady the nurse is okay thank goodness that is at least assault but possibly so much more depending on the outcome i'm a student funeral director and i see families go to the funeral of someone who died of covered 19 and still deny it they started out shrieking at the doctors to change the cause of death on the death certificate now fema is helping with funeral expenses for cover deaths suddenly there's changes of heart they just kept denying they had it stated they had something else and tried to leave against medical advice while on high flow nasal cannula which we didn't let him do because he would have died within minutes before he was admitted to the hospital he was symptomatic but refused to isolate at home but he gave it to his wife who ended up in the iq i'm a doctor working in acute internal medicine i've seen lots of covered over the last 12 months probably 300 plus cases the one that sticks out in my mind the most was a 70-year-old lady with copd she refused to have a vaccine because she didn't trust it despite the fact she was eligible for one four weeks beforehand in the uk subsequently caught covered and was admitted to hospital she repeatedly doubted this was the diagnosis she refused to go to our covered high dependency unit despite quite significant respiratory failure of course she deteriorated over a number of days to the point where she was on maximal oxygen on the ward and at that point finally accepted treatment in hdu with high flow oxygen although continued to doubt she had covered died within 24 hours of her hdu admission having refused to go to haiku and of course what did her family say they were convinced she never had covered and even went as far as accusing us of withholding life-saving treatment from her unfortunately there's no treatment for stupidity i work with a denier with copd mid 60s no masks refuse the injection etc it blows my mind that she hasn't caught it the worst thing is we have two immunocompromised people on the same floor as her my wife's a nurse just had to deal with a patient who refused to get tested prior to her surgery so they had to treat her like a covered patient and needed to charge her for all the added ppe like gowns goggles etc the kicker is recovery wouldn't take her for observation while she was woken up so the anesthesiologist needed to stay and monitor her in the room for nearly three hours they are billed at 400.15 minutes and there is no way her insurance is going to cover the extra cost because she signed a document saying she denied a covered test four thousand eight hundred dollars extra for the anesthesiologist didn't diagnose a denier so not exactly this but did have a patient refuse testing upon admission and aggressively yelling covered as a hoax i calmly said okay nurse since we won't know his status please admit him to the covered floor he became a believer in an instant and requested to be tested so basically he never really doubted the virus and just thought his own risk of catching it was low and frick everyone else not a doctor but one of my university friends is a nurse in a covered ward and has been since april 2020 she said she's lost count of how many people she's seen die while still denying covet is real or their families freak out if the healthcare workers and claim they are setting this up for the media super bizarre one woman tested positive but had mild symptoms because of her age and some other health issues they wanted to put her on oxygen early as a precautionary measure she refused and went home she came back and less than 24 hours later super sick and unable to breathe she said somebody must have injected her with chemicals from a wound lab while she was at the hospital the day prior but then she also said it was fake not sure how that works out anyway she kept carrying on about how god was just allowing satan to test her faith and she would remain in the hospital but not allow treatment she allowed a saline iv and then removed it and claimed it was full of vaccine tests to eradicate white people then she demanded her family be allowed into the hospital and covered ward without a mask this carried on as she got sicker and sicker over about 48 hours before she slipped out of consciousness the last word she said to my friend were your burn and heck for your part in this she also had a story about a guy who had covered twice and was in the hospital for over three months during 2021 when the time period had passed since his second battle she recommended he get the vaccine since he was clearly very susceptible to it keep in mind the first time he had did it was mild so he was still going around everywhere to bars and out to eat places never closed here it's super conservative without a mask who knows how many people he passed it to anyway his reply to her suggestion was now why the frick would i want to let those goddamn chinese track me like that i won't get something that isn't real be you almost died it would be so so hard to resist telling the lady that god gave you khabib as punishment for not following his commandments as a retort what a piece of work my worst experience was when a two-year-old kid got diagnosed with covet his mother had brought him with care of fever and diarrhea the child was severely dehydrated and so we had to do a mandatory swab test since we planned to admit him it came positive and the mother refused to admit it we were ready to perform a repeat test and we even advised for the parents to get tested her defense was the child never left the house it's just i and the father who go to work daily the grandmother baba sits while we are away how can he even get covered without leaving the house she had called her husband he came with 10 15 relatives in a car they broke a few chairs and then left with the baby we just informed about the case to the coveted control center not a doctor but nurse that worked in one of our covered aikus lady was intubated sedated prone therapy that involves lying the patient on their stomach in order to oxygenate the lung more effectively reserved for very sick covered patients the whole shebang miraculously she recovers and is weaned down to high flow nasal cannula still a fairly high oxygen requirement but better than needing the breathing tube this spiteful she devil would purposely cough on us nurses as we went into her room to give meds care simultaneously yelling that covet isn't real and that we gave her covered god this winter sucked not a doctor but when my grandmother was dying my relatives kept pushing me and the doctors to say what it really was it added so much stress to an already difficult situation and was embarrassing as well even after she died they kept saying things like what if it was a stroke and she was misdiagnosed don't you think they just didn't want to help her i was trying to arrange with hospice to go in and say goodbye and my stupid second cousin was sending me youtube videos about how covered is fake i was already not close with these people and i am glad they are out of my life now i'm a family doc who mostly does outpatient i live in a pretty conservative area with a good proportion of cover deniers so i've been seeing covered deniers since this mess became politicized i've lost a few patients over the mask mandate anyway i'm pretty pleased to say that several of my covered denying patients have completely turned their attitude around when they or a close family member contracted covered even if their case wasn't severe the sudden terror that they could wind up on a ventilator overnight really puts the fear of god into people unfortunately i still have some patients who are still pretty obnoxious despite their covet diagnosis they mostly dig in deeper into paranoia if not about the virus itself then about the circumstances surrounding them contracting it if oc had done his job from the beginning it never would have hit us down it's the entire fault of obamacare that i can't get the experimental immunoglobulin treatment it's not your eligibility for the infusion is dependent on a list of risk factors and probably my favorite so i have covered and it's completely your responsibility to fix it i need you to send hydroxychloroquine zinc vit d lee sin april and azeromycin to the pharmacy then they proceed to get pee at me when i don't and yes each of those things were actual things patients said to me after getting their diagnosis i could probably think of more but those were the most memorable ones family members have come in with a sick family member and lied about exposure and or symptoms despite a member s testing positive this can has led to inappropriate management delay in treatment and exposure of staff and other families the family members then get angry when told to isolate reading some of these stories are wild even at the brink of death people still refuse that covet is real or that they have it they would rather believe anything else almost to a point that i feel a doctor could tell them they are dying of aids or some made-up disease and they go oc i knew it wasn't covered not a doctor but my wife is and a few of our family friends are as well one of them is sports medicine family the guy came in refused to use a mask our friend refused to treat him until he masked up he had a newborn at the time too when our friend told him he most likely has coveted he needs to go to tampa general immediately for testing and treatment the guy said no it's fake he just needed some antibiotics he left without getting a prescription called back that night demanded to be given oxygen our friend told him his only option was to go to the hospital guy had a severe case of covered and ended up being hospitalized for a few weeks he still thinks it was fake and was only a severe flu still had to treat her despite her accusing me of hiding the real diagnosis from her and doing something to make her sicker love my job i can't fathom that people really believe that in a pandemic their likelihood of having covered is so low that they accuse people of hiding a diagnosis makes no sense to me i'm an attending physician at outreach unit on a friday an older gentleman 60 and years came in with his entire family wife sister bill two news and three children none of them with a fast mask all had mild covered symptoms except him he was saturating 80 with evident shortness of breath we insisted in doing pcr and a chest cat scan looking for covered but he and his wife refused saying that covered wasn't real and it was just a bacterial infection the more we talked with him the more exited he got to the point that his face was red we suggested hospitalizing him to stabilize him and start treatment but they accused us of exaggerating his symptoms and that we only wanted to hospitalize him so we could steal the liquid in his knees a stupid rumor that was going around when this whole thing started they both cursed at us and said they were going to a better hospital to get antibiotics fast forward 24 hours later on saturday we get a call from the hospital next county over telling us that they intubated one of our patients because he went into respiratory failure when he arrived and they had to transfer him here because they don't have the appropriate equipment we transfer the patient on sunday only to find out on the cat scan he had 90 of lung damage he passed away on monday morning just before the family took the body away i gave the widow the death certificate that i filled out and before walking away she turns around and waves the certificate yelling see i told you it wasn't covered it says here death due to pulmonary pneumonia due to sars cuff too i knew it was a bacteria i told her sozkov 2 is covered 19 mom it's difficult to argue with a genius but it's impossible to argue with an idiot i'm an anesthesiologist and in our institution we're the ones tasked with intubating covet suspects positive patients who would otherwise die without ventilatory support and holy heck there are a lot of patients who don't believe covered is real most of them believe that it's just an elaborate lie that doctors use to label random patients to mooch money off them some of them scream at us in whatever capacity their diseased lungs can allow them to some outright refuse intubation in which case they die several hours later from respiratory failure it's emotionally taxing having to face that every shift i'm an emergency depth physician in the us i work in an area that had the highest death rate for a solid couple weeks in the country during our peak time when we had national news crews here covering how we were a chow saw numerous people screaming their covered disease wasn't real despite being hypoxic and on large amounts of oxygen due to covet that was an unpleasant time as this was still early may june and it was extremely political like people apparently plotting to kidnap our state governor due to lockdowns saw a lot of people refusing covered testing who needed admission for non-covered purposes because the swabs would give them covered or put some sort of tracking device they weren't pleased when they then had to be admitted to our full-blown covered floors our covered floors resembled a war zone because they were under staffed and relative craphole conditions as we basically converted hallways into covered floors also saw a lot of people young people who weren't exactly deniers but thought you basically couldn't sick if you were young lots of people with their lungs permanently scarred or at a minimum a couple weeks of misery and or spread it to their loved ones who got extremely ill that last point i am early 40s i wonder how many people my age will be dying early in 20 30 years from the long term damage that a mild case of kavit did to their lungs and or body rn here with most of 2020 spent in coveted land i never had anyone refuse treatment when things got serious i know some of the mds i worked with got yelled at like the rest of us but honestly that happens frequently anyway some deny a patient's lived many of which had accepted reality by the end of their stay after seeing what we all were going through to treat them some died telling me i was a sheep or an idiot or a liar between gusts of air covered didn't care imagine your last words are calling the guy trying to save your life a liar i work on a covered unit and i ran into a patient like this they'd tell me over and over again about how they weren't really sickened about how i didn't need to be gunned up in ppe they even tried to take my face shield off if you test positive for covered two times then you have covered people are crazy coma they even tried to take my face shield off that is beyond crazy emo be nuts all to yourself don't freaking touch others you psycho i had a lady who was maxed out on high flow next step is breathing tube who still refused she had covered and was holding a negative test in her hand that she had taken a week prior the covered equivalent of the black knight from monty python and the holy grail i'm an odp and work alongside anaesthetists in theaters and aiku to be honest i have not really seen anything from patients regarding outright denial however i have seen some of my friends on facebook who have spouted all sorts of lies that's really disappointing to say the least one of them a friend of my wife works at the hospital she works in admin and refuses to wear a mask and even bought some certificate off the net so she doesn't have to wear one in public anyway that's being escalated up the chain of disciplinary action if you have such a bad respiratory issue that you can't wear a mask then maybe you should stay home i swear these people pee me off so bad i hope she gets appropriate punishment for her refusal i have treated a young male in our aiku with critical covered 19 with severe diabetic ketoacidosis he did not believe in insulin yes you are reading this right or other anti-diabetics even though insulin is inexpensive in our country he tried to treat his type 2 diabetes with herbs his hba1c the lab value showing the state of his diabetes on the longer run was off the roof he did not vaccinate he was offered did not wear a mask did not distance and did not believe in any of this corona most of this information was obtained from his 20-year-old daughter as he was quite disoriented at presentation and was intubated urgently she was sobbing through the phone every day for 1.5 months until he died i held the phone with his daughter on call to his ears multiple times when he was still intubated but his mind cleared up and his sedation was optimal i was quite convinced that he realized his mistake on the ventilator with lines and tubes inserted into his body everywhere and in his last clear moments when his mind allowed but i cannot be absolutely sure i often think about the last conversation and last mental images people have before their death not a doctor but work in the psych area of the emergency department needless to say there's a lot of psychiatric illness based covered denial and or paranoia patients often refuse swabs thinking we are trying to implant microchips i only bring up my experience to contrast my psychiatrically unwell covered denying patients to the psychologically unfit covet denying population one is because of brain chemical imbalances in the other due to propaganda politicization and poor critical thinking skills it's interesting that the outcomes are similar if only in this respect if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video 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Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: doctors, medical stories, doctor stories, covid, covid 19, non believer, diagnosis, coronavirus, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: CMpr6YE7rOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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