Weirdest Facts in the World (2.5 Hours Reddit Compilation)

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what butthole fact do you know that will ruin the fun for everyone every time you flush a condom in the dc area some poor man has to skim them off the top of the waste treatment pools if you're reading this stop flushing condoms that's what we have trash cans for tranquilizer darts or gas that knock a person out instantly rendering them safely unconscious for a few hours not a thing all you'll get from trying that in real life is death comas brain damage and sadness keeping someone safely unconscious is a dangerous process with little margin for error there's a good reason that anesthesiologists are so highly paid this was in that thread from the worst things a health inspector has seen a lot of soda fountains have maggots living in them i always wondered about this at my old job we would take our soda fountain heads off every night to soak just to soak in hot water overnight and when the health inspector came around she'd say we had the cleanest soda towers in the whole city again all we did was drop them in a bucket of water overnight cash cab is half a fast like any other reality tv show you apply to be on a tv show about new york restaurants and have to pass a 10 question quiz if you get picked for the show they send you to location 1 and tell you a cab will pick you up and bring you to location 2. when you get into the cab ding ding ding it's the cash cab sounds like a decent clever way of preventing lunatics imbeciles and busy people with prior obligations from wasting the cruise time disney's straight to video movie snow buddies had over a dozen puppies die in the process but there was a disease going around killing them and it was easier to just replace the puppies instead of trying to cure the disease i was a slot technician in a casino for years i'd have customers go into a bonus where they had to choose a box or item for their bonus they'd often ask me which one to choose i always replied do you want me to ruin it for you truth is no matter what you pick it is already determined what the outcome will be if the machine is going to show you that you win seven dollars it doesn't matter what box you pick on the screen technically they are all seven dollars same as games that you can press a button to stop the reel the icon is already chosen pressing the button just gets you to that icon sooner probably 99.5 of the truffle oil on the market is completely synthetic no truffles are involved in the process at all when i tell people this they look like i just ruined their whole meal sorry from wikipedia most truffle oils are not made from actual truffles but they're a synthetic product that combines a thiother two for the theapentane one of numerous aromas or adorance found in truffles with an olive oil or grapeseed oil base i work in pest control i don't eat out correction i don't eat out because i have seen crap in restaurants that only ruins the fun for mrs hs82 those v4 vendetta mask you buy is actually licensed by a major media conglomerate every time you buy the mask to make a statement you are padding some corporation's wallet warner bros to be precise i believe if you were to instantly vanish there would be a shell of microscopic creatures left behind my poor eyelash mites would die don't worry little guys i'm not going anywhere beck is a scientologist jason lee too dunkin donuts sell frozen doughnuts we heat it up in an oven i'm sorry it's very unlikely that you don't have parasites worms bugs inside of you right now and if you do you would never notice them i took anti-parasite meds a week ago not too fun but at least this no longer applies to me the fda has requirements for how much insect contamination a food product can have and still be considered edible when a company has too much insect contamination they don't throw that food out they just add more clean food to pass inspection men it still tastes good and i haven't died yet i think i'm okay with this if you live to be 70 years old you will spend 10 years of your life on monday all fruit loops are the same flavor when people say you eat like a bird respond with birds actually eat twice their body weight and then get up walk outside and take a crap on their windshield if all known souls are outside of a structure firefighters will not actually go into a burning building to save your cat the sticker you have on your door telling me about your animals that one in the tiny writing right above the doorknob i'm either a too busy breaking the door down to read it or b not going close to the building because it's fully involved exception if i see your dog cat pet rock while looking for your probably corpse i'll grab it on my way out exception two you've got a kid with big door eyes asking me to save your goldfish i totally did that once and i have to say it was the best save of my career the smell of fresh cut grass is actually a chemical response to being cut the wonderful smell is actually the distress call of grass buttholes next time i'm at the park i will bask in the slaughtered remains left to decay on the battlefield being invisible wouldn't be awesome because you would be blind the second you went invisible if your eyes are invisible the light has nothing to bounce back to rendering you unable to see i now wish i was an unexplainable pair of floating eyeballs when you die very likely you will suffer at least a little bit the best you can realistically hope for is a brief time when you are conscious as you asphyxiate to put it another way it takes about the same time to die like that as it does to drown that's if you're lucky many many people suffer for hours days weeks months and even years before they pop the twig the concept of dying peacefully in your sleep is a very few and far between occurrence opioids opioids for all on the show iron chef the secret ingredient isn't really a secret both the competitor and the iron chef are given a list of three to five ingredients before the battle of which one will be the secret ingredient the teenage mutant ninja turtles are actually tortoise life is so much easier better if you have good looks there's a significant correlation between height and salary for guys in the same job with the same qualifications the girl who voiced ducky in the land before time died a violent death at the hands of her father it's not like i didn't know what i was getting into but still you suck lots of people mistakenly believe the internet represents a fair and accurate cross-section of the country's demographic this is absolutely false and one of the biggest reasons why society is becoming increasingly fractured and atomized where everybody seems to be living inside their own bubble old people are underrepresented on the internet as our poor people as are politically conservative people as are non-english speakers as are people from warmer climates it's frighteningly easy to cure at your own existence and beliefs online social media has a big role to play you get to pick and choose who you follow you decide what news you see on twitter you decides what subreddits you join you decide your friendship circle on facebook i feel this is going to help cause some problems down the road reddit for example is predominantly male mid reckless liberal and young yet plenty of people read what they see on here see the up votes and assume society thinks this a valid respected correct and approved view the best and worst part of the internet is that no matter who you are and what you believe you can find a community of people who agree with you pokemon is kinda like simulated dog fighting for kids but with far far worse injuries seriously if pokemon was real life it would be truly barbaric and horrifying to watch zombies can't exist they have too many natural predators that is birds maggots insects any form of weather is bad weather for them without a regulatory system to maintain temperature hot days their flesh goes rancid and falls off until they are born cold days they literally freeze at most a zombie outbreak would last a few days thank frick for that electricity travels very fast in the new spider-man movie if the physics was up to par there was no way that spider-man should have beaten electro not faster than future seeing spidey sense though there is a very strong likelihood that you will not find buried pirate treasure my grandfather bought my a metal detector and insisted that i waste valuable girl chasing time i was 16 by searching the beaches in florida i found a drill bit and a waterlogged metal detector that someone had frustratingly buried on the beach the movie pursuit of happiness is a lie he didn't live on no money it was actually a decently paid internship at one dollar k month in 1980 money he wasn't rejected from a women's shelter but actually stayed at one for some time he didn't have any money invested in his previous sales job i.e didn't actually own the scanners and just quit it like a normal job he didn't even know where his son was for the first four months of the internship let alone have to support him he also wasn't actually arrested for unpaid parking tickets but for domestic violence the movie is basically capitalist bootstrap propaganda 54 million people alive right now will be dead within 12 months as andy grew older all of his toys had to sit motionless and watch him masturbate you read the title wrong it's supposed to a fact that ruins everyone's fun pandas are freaking [ __ ] and would be extinct without constant human intervention they forget to eat forget to mate roll over and squish their young and are mostly oblivious to the idea that they are carnivores what if the only pandas left are [ __ ] and we just keep breeding them it isn't their fault we just found the dumb ones eating a banana gives you a higher dose of radiation than living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant for one year i would like to add that this fact is more of a comment on how well shielded nuclear power plants are rather than how radioactive bananas are working inside most nuclear power plants you receive less radiation than if you were standing outside almost anywhere else in the world as you are also shielded from the natural radiation in the ground and air and from space harry potter's parents were idiots and sort of deserve their fate why didn't they just make themselves a secret keeper for their house bill did it in book seven with his oceanside cottage regardless of how safe you feel in your presumably secret house if the most powerful evil wizard wants to kill you why would you ever leave your wand more than a hand grab away especially if you heard the door open when you weren't expecting visitors if the said evil wizard is inside your house and your husband stays to try to fend him off to give you time don't insult his life by going upstairs and making a lot of noise run out the back door try to go through a window go back into the living room and grab the freaking wand coma and along a new and darker street he moved and now his destination was in sight at last the fidelius charm broken though they did not know it yet and he made less noise than the dead leaves slithering along the pavement as he drew level with the dark hedge and steered over it coma they had not drawn the curtains he saw them quite clearly in their little sitting room the tall blackhead man in his glasses making puffs of coloured smoke erupt from his wand for the amusement of the small black wed boy in his blue pajamas the child was laughing and trying to catch the smoke to grab it in his small fist a door open and the mother entered saying words he could not hear her long dark red hair falling over her face now the father scooped up the sun and handed him to the mother he threw his one down upon the sofa and stretched yawning comma the gate creaked a little as he pushed it open but james potter did not hear his white hand pulled out the wand beneath his cloak and pointed it at the door which burst open comma he was over the threshold as james came sprinting into the hall it was easy too easy he had not even picked up his wand lily take harry and go it's him go run i'll hold him off hold him off without a wand in his hand he laughed before casting the curse over the cadaver comma the green light filled the cramped hallway it lit the pram pushed against the wall it made the banisters glow-like lighting ross and james potter fell like a marionette whose strings were cut comma he could hear her screaming from the upper floor trapped but as long as she was sensible she at least had nothing to fear he climbed the steps listening with faint amusement to her attempt to barricade herself in she had no wand upon her either how stupid they were and how trusting thinking that their safety lay in friends that weapons could be discarded even for moments i think rolling fricked up by making it so that you could make yourself the secret keeper in book seven if that were true no one would ever use a secret keeper other than themselves she also freaked out the rules of the trace they are inconsistent from book two to book five to book seven what fact could probably save your life if you're scuba diving and you're going to vomit puke right into the regulator don't take the regulator out of your mouth because after you vomit the natural instinct is to inhale the puke will blow out of the exhaust valve with your bubbles we did a discovery dive and were not taught about this thankfully we were only a few feet down it could have been one of those life-changing days chemical burns are not like fire or heat burns many will not immediately trigger a reflex action of pain i lost a chunk of skin under my armpit because her industrial cleaner dripped under my rain suit i had rinsed off my arm and didn't receive so much as redness but 30 minutes later i noticed my shirt was soaked in blood no pain till the next day and by then a quarter size piece of skin had fallen off read the labels and remove any chemical as quickly as possible using the recommended method water is not always the best way please for the love of god read the label before you start using the product it's way easier to know how to remove the chemical before it's in your eyes and can see or in some other emergency situation oftentimes when your skin is burning or dissolving your first instinct isn't to start reading purple flags at the beach mean dangerous sea life in the area most people understand the other flags but purple can be confusing i don't understand any of the flags if you get trapped on thin ice lie down on your stomach and crawl wiggle your way back to shore from the direction you got there from chances are if the ass held you then when you were standing up it will continue to hold you with your weight dispersed over more surface area also ice is often thinnest at the edges if you walk across a solid sheet of ice it's quite possible that your inward path was frozen just fine but the outward path you're just getting to the opposite shore could be weak if you're on or close to train rails trains move faster than they appear to if you on train tracks be somewhere else blokes check your nuts once a week and don't be afraid to go to the doctors if you notice something i had a scare earlier this year and i put it off for a while before plucking up the courage to go to the doctors i was an idiot for waiting but i just felt like i didn't want to have a doctor check out my balls turned out all clear and i walked out of the doctors thinking this really wasn't as bad as i expected the old cliche is true doctors have seen a million dongs yours isn't any different i spoke to my dad about it before my appointment and he tried to reassure me after my appointment he said when i was your age i went to the doctors for the same thing what if he had just told me he'd had the same maybe i would have gone sooner or felt less bad about it i then told my good friend and he chuckled a man i've been to the docks for that too it's so goddamn common you wouldn't even believe more often than not it's not cancer but if it is then tackle it head-on if you're a parent brother friend please please please break the ice with someone about this topic you could save a life let's not freaking think it's something we can't talk about anyone close to me now knows i've been to the docks for this on the off chance it happens for them even if one percent of you isn't sure about what's on your nuts then please get checked it'll always be in the back of your mind if you go through life without reassurance if anybody needs to talk then message me i am more than happy to share my experience and give any advice i can in the event you need to break a card or window don't try to smash the window dead center card or windows should be tempered glass which are much more brittle along their edges so strike there instead if you're near the ocean and all that water suddenly disappears recedes unexpectedly then get out of there and get to high ground because that's a tsunami if you see a bear cub a very angry mother isn't a far behind eunice what did i tell you about staring at baby bears i really don't know how she always finds me i don't even know how she knows my name i read a story about the people who clean up bodies after they jump off of the golden gate bridge most people don't die on impact but the injuries they sustain kill them shortly afterwards or they drown slowly in miserable pain from the massive internal damage there is this story about one person who jumped and as they let go regretted the decision they ended up living remarkably but they had significant internal injuries and many many broken bones the fact you don't always die on impact when jumping off the golden gate bridge the few people who have lived all state they regretted it the second they let go the quote from the jumper that live still gets me something like as i was falling the thing going through my mind was of all the mistakes i've made this is the only one i can't fix stay safe and keep moving forward you all reach out reach in whatever it takes remember there are people out there you don't even know that love you if you get lost in the woods stay where you are the chances of finding the way out on your own are pretty slim and you're just creating a larger search area for sar also tell people exactly where you're going and when you'll be home if you're not home by x time instruct someone to call for help the rule is if you think you're lost you have to sit down for five minutes a lot of people get worried and start wandering in random directions looking for the trail which gets them more lost and more worried often times a little sit down can help clear the head and let you remember details more clearly if your car's accelerator pedal gets stuck or something else is causing unintended acceleration put it in neutral it sounds obvious but it's hard to remember when it happens and it won't be instinct turning the key to off works but could cause the steering to lock or loss or breaks if a guard dog comes at you look to one side and slowly turn around then walk away if a dog hunts you scream before it reaches you and fight if it didn't scare the first has saved me from two rottweilers once don't escalate confrontations even if they've hurt your pride or made you look bad in front of others there are people out there that don't care about going to prison and or don't care about fair fights that a wagging tale does not always mean that the dog is friendly maybe he's just really exited he gets to rip your guts out there is a time to leave to stop to walk away it can save your life listen to your gut if you're ever swimming and find yourself in a position where you're too exhausted to continue but have no flotation device turn on your back and float or get back out the pool your plank flammable and inflammable mean the same thing there is an airbnb listing in my street that offers an inflammable bed i laugh every time i read that listing former 911 operator here don't feel bad about calling 9-1-1 unless it's very stupid like mcdonald's screwed up your order if it's not an emergency they'll tell you to call non-emerge an emergency is not just a violent crime it's a crime or potential crime in progress issue affecting safety or medical emergency or fire department issue 2. also teach your non-english speaking family the word for their language in english in case they need to call nine one one sleep with the door closed fires while you sleep can leave your room almost completely untouched if closed whether you're being attacked or taken always remember to scratch the bejesus out of the person this way you'll have their dna under your nails probably won't save your life by this point but it will identify your attacker once you have been recovered by law enforcement dead or alive i haven't seen this one yet but don't follow a crowd if you think something is wrong act i've heard that people whose intuition said something was wrong and acted on it typically got to safety whereas their counterparts did not i usually heard this in the context of shipwrecks and other major situations where people assumed wrongly that because others weren't acting that they still had time thus simply isn't true if you sense something is wrong go don't follow the crowd there is that video from inside a nightclub as a fire broke out the cameraman booked it out while everyone else stood around he made it out and the building was engulfed in flames within minutes killing a lot of people since winter is coming if you feel yourself sweating while outside take a layer or two off and make your first layer is moisture wicking if you can sweat will cause hypothermia if you don't go inside it's kind of funny when i go to shovel the driveway i feel quite warm and at some point the jacket goes off and i left with a long sleeve shirt feels great at elevation if your hair suddenly stands on end duck and cover lightning is about to strike can't imagine how scary that must feel knowing you may be struck most drunk driving deaths occur on saturday night between 1 and 3 a.m avoid the roads during these times if you can help it well that sucks cause i deliver pizzas in a college town and i usually close domino's closes at 3am wanna thank everyone that told me stay safe shout out you guys and thanks for the tips on how to stay safe as well if an armed person tries to rob you give them your money phone whatever in fact take it out slowly and carefully drop it and back away then if you can run if they try to force you to go with them put up a massive fight and yell fire fire fire one people will generally run to help fight a fire they are not so keen to intervene when you are shouting murder two never go to the secondary location with a robber that is where you get murdered or violated or both hopefully the bad guy with a gun doesn't interpret fire fire fire is a challenge if you are on fire don't run stop drop and roll you know growing up i assumed people catching on fire was a common phenomenon considering how often i was reminded to stop drop and roll sadly i've yet to have the chance to enact the lessons of my youth some winter advice if you are homeless or for whatever reason have to sleep outside find something to put between you and the ground cardboard works great but find something all your energy will not warm the earth and many people have frozen this way as the ground absorbs more and more energy i'm a winter hiker and one thing we drill into people who hike in the winter is if you're warm you need to take a layer off you want to be cool sweating is bad if you hit your head really hard and get unusually sleepy within six hours afterwards go get a scan it seems like a lot of people are really in the dark about this it's not about concussion it's about hitting your head so hard that you get internal bleeding in your skull which will clot after which you will die so stop commenting about how you got your bell rung playing football and slapped it off that's an entirely different thing if you have a grease fire put it out with baking soda not water something's about flour flour is combustible and not safe to use some people have commented that they have put out fires with flour and it is possible if you take the bag flip it all out at once as close to the pot as you can i'm sure it would be successful at smothering it due to its combustible nature though nearly anything would be better to use salt kitty litter sand dirt if for some reason you had to use flour don't pour it out incrementally and don't pour it out in a way that will create a dust cloud pour it out so it falls together and quickly also the best thing to use is of course our abc fire extinguisher this advice is in lieu of that or if it's too far away hurting the lid will also work fine if the fire is small enough you don't want to put a lid on a huge fire though or you can create a backdraft of sorts in the pan and it'll flare up when you open it and if that grease fire is in a pan cover it with the lid if you vomit coffee grounds or poop tar go to the doctor immediately if your vomit poop look like these things it means you're bleeding internally coffee grounds are a result of bleeding in your stomach tar is a result of bleeding in your intestines there are foods that will make you poop like this red wine and aureus have been mentioned a lot but you should know this just to be safe if your vomit poop look like coffee ground star how to recognize when someone is drowning silence while someone who is shouting is on the verge of drowning and will likely need rescuing it's the person thrashing about in the water not making any vocal sounds you need to worry about when someone is actually drowning their lungs are filling up with water inhibiting their inability to call for help hairy face anyone who has long hair knows that when it gets wet and it sticks to your face the immediate reaction is to swipe it away not for a drowning person when someone is actually drowning all power is devoted to saving themselves the issue of wet hair across the face is not a priority keep an eye out for someone in the water splashing about but not immediately reaching to remove their hair from out their eyes all credit goes to the stuff you should know podcast also if you need to save someone without the aid of a flotation device only if absolutely necessary please don't do this if at all possible come from behind them and put your arms under their armpits less chance of them shoving you under or hitting you in the face bleach and ammonia make poison gas the general form of this is to read labels of cleaning products don't mix them and follow the warnings for using adequate ventilation and protective gear if you're ever stuck in quicksand lie down it's like floating on water the dispersion of your weight will make you float though i admit this isn't as common a problem as i was led to believe as a child eight people die a year in grain elevators because of this effect so useful if you're a farmer if you're on an aeroplane airplane that crashes into water don't inflate your life vest until after you have swum out of the plane if you inflate your flotation device before escaping you are much more likely to get trapped in the fuselage as water levels inside the plane rise and you get pushed towards the ceiling find your life jacket get out of the plane then inflate it for anyone who agreed to just listen to the safety briefing bit of the last dozen or so flights i've been on this was only mentioned on one of them it may be different if you're flying over bodies of water that are bigger than the english channel though it would make sense if flights over actual oceans focus more on what to do in watery situations but in any case yes listen to the safety presentation there's loads of other stuff in there that will save your life too i was on a flight from brussels to monrovia and this super annoying kid behind me inflated his life jacket mid-flight we nearly had to make an emergency landing in timbuktu if they didn't have any more luckily they did they're dang serious about that stuff if you are trying to decide whether to drink the unsafe nature water or risk the dehydration giardia takes five days to set in renal failure can take less than five hours so if it comes down to it and you can get to safety soon a few days risk the water a week of spewing from both ends from the safety of your own home is better than dying of dehydration also chugging water can make you sick you also need to replace the electrolytes do anything you can to provide electrolytes if you chug half a gallon or more back when i was a junkie i had giardia once it was absolute heck was pretty sure i was going to die puked up any water i drank was crapping non-stop non-stop my best advice read this thread and familiarize yourself with the situations within now avoid ever putting yourselves in these situations don't go outside check don't stay inside check getting bitten by any unfamiliar animal beard a stray dog or wild squirrel can cause rabies always going to get a shot rabies has no symptoms until it reaches your brain then it's too late thank you for informing me that squirrels cannot be a vector for rabies i'll just leave this here to clarify a woman shouldn't have to be hit by a car to learn that she has rabies if you are about to get run over jump your shoes have a lot of friction it'll break your legs and pull you under the wheels assume that people driving may do the stupidest thing possible for any given situation and prepare for it when i was learning to drive my dad told me drive as if everyone in the road is actively trying to kill you what are some serial killer facts facts about serial killers that you find extremely interesting when police eventually came to the house of edgine they found an absolute pigsty guy had been living alone since the death of his brother in a barn fire it speculated that gayne may have killed him and had let much of the house go into disrepair they found countless body parts from his various grave digging excursions including a bag of wilted vaginas and of course the infamous skin lampshade and half finished woman suit made of human skin there were maggots living in old bushes in the kitchen it was the type of disorganized mess that you would expect from a man who spent his nights completely disconnected from reality all except one room his mother's room upstairs remained pristine except for dusk that had collected and seemingly untouched from the time of her death years earlier he had such a fear or respect for his mother that he was afraid to set foot in her room long after she had died he claimed to hear her voice criticizing him from time to time this was the central experience that inspired norman bates character to maintain his mother's home image in psycho also a fun fact about gein in taxi driver travis bickle makes an offhand comment when leaving a diner that he had a cup of coffee and a slice of apple pie with cheese on top in exchange for details to investigators after his capture gein requested the same meal coma a bag of wilted vaginas i'm going to use that as my new go to insult in the john wayne g case there were so many bodies crammed underneath the house that the bodies melted together and the bones had to be sorted for more than two years to put together the full skeletons piggybacking on this since it's on jwg and i just read a book on him apparently one of the ways he would escalate a police search for his victims was by calling into the police station anonymously and reporting a fake sighting of the victim this led the police to believe that the victims had not in fact been missing but instead had run away thus de prioritizing their search the hillside stranglers picked up a young woman to murder then they discovered that her father was peter laurie a legendary hollywood character actor they let her go because they feared that killing a celebrity's daughter would bring too much attention down jeffrey dahmer gave the people in his apartment building sandwiches that could have possibly been made from his victim's flesh i went to marquette university in milwaukee not far from dharma's apt building when the news broke my boyfriend at the time was riding the bus and the lady was freaking out and crying uncontrollably she lived in the building and he apparently hosted cookouts regularly i always think about the ptsd the first cop to open the refrigerator must have jeffrey dahmer towards the end right before he got caught had so many bodies in his apartment that he ran out of room and stored one victim in his bathtub he proceeded to shower over him every day for a month think about that straddling over a rotten corpse to get fresh and clean for the day unreal probably the same thought most of us have when we look at a mess we procrastinate about picking up as well i really need to take care of that the serial killer bella kiss liked to pickle people in barrels stored in his basement someone figured it out but they couldn't get him because he was fighting in world war i by the time they tracked him down he had disappeared and left a dead guy in his hospital bed he supposedly joined the french foreign legion and deserted that too and i think history loses track of him after that with the exception of one possible sighting as a janitor in new york the janitor disappeared before anyone could confirm it i believe the only reason they found the barrels was because they believed he was storing gas and there was a massive shortage on it at the time bella was away at war so they broke in his garage to find the barrels only they didn't find gasoline the golden state killer known at the time as the east area rapist would often break into the homes of couples making the woman tie up the man he would stack dishes on the back of the man and threaten that if he heard the dishes fall he would kill everyone in the house then he would rape the woman repeatedly and ransack the house for hours at a community meeting about the rapist to macho man stood up and went on a rant about how a real man would never let such a thing happen to him or his wife the rapist proceeded to attack that man and his wife soon after meaning he was attending the community meeting about himself this gave me chills when i first read it and i'll be gone in the dark whenever i read about the btk killer waiting for one of his next victims to come home and then getting frustrated and leaving due to her running late it gives me chills that woman cheated death there's also another story where he broke into a lady's house but thankfully she was t home and he left a message on her mirror that basically said i wish you were home or something like that i find it interesting that apparently the btk killer installed alarms at several people houses because of their fear of the btk killer supply and demand the angel vargas killed and ate at least 10 people he only ate men because he said their meat tasted better than women's he also wouldn't eat fat people because he thought they contained too much cholesterol journalist vlado taneski was caught when he reported on his own crimes and included information that hadn't been released to the public and only the killer could know while police still have no suspect in these killings it is likely that he is a really really cool and handsome dude we should all like go easy on him he's smart too mcrae edwards he was a serial killer who worked for caltrans he'd kill his victims and then bury the bodies in places he would later help build the highways over not all his victims have been found and many are very likely still under some of the california highways you may have driven over countless times your but i bet we drive over a lot more buried corpses than we'd ever be comfortable knowing albert fish would stick needles into his pelvis when he was masturbating sticking so deep sometimes they would get stuck he told this to police they didn't believe him until they saw the x-ray in the 70s there was a serial killer who was known for raping and killing women he went on a dating show and the woman ended up choosing him but luckily she cancelled the date just before you can find a video on youtube it's really creepy rodney alcala dennis raider aka btk buying torture kill started communicating with police after years of silence and like 2004-ish he had gone decades without being caught and once again started sending taunting letters and items to them he asked them if he could be traced if he sent them his writings on a floppy disk and they assured him through a communication in a newspaper that no they couldn't trace him he sent them a floppy disk and they found metadata linking to his church he was arrested shortly thereafter he was hurt that they would lie to him because he thought they had developed a rapport he was hurt that they would lie to him because he thought they had developed a rapport you cheated not fair john norman collins used to pick up women on his motorcycle the bodies of his victims women used to be dumped here and there but they were always washed turns out he only killed women who were on their period also he was referred to as john norman collins during his trial he later changed his last name to chapman because there was a lawyer in town whose name was john collins and this was a way to distinguish between them brazilian serial killer little petty murdered over 40 people in prison he began by murdering the gang that killed his girlfriend and then stabbing his father who was in prison for killing his mother during a visit he was well liked because he was considered a sort of vigilante avenger despite killing indiscriminately within prison no difference between drug possession and a murderer because of brazil's odd sentencing laws he could only serve a maximum of 30 years and is currently a youtuber and ranch hand i think many years ago i read the entire police report on the green river killer i was fascinated by his attempts to cover his tracks by buying new car tires and destroying shoes and getting new ones after murders to avoid leaving traceable tracks behind also fascinating that he took the jewelry off his victims and left it in the ladies restroom at his workplace and got off on seeing the found jewelry on various women around the office i was fascinated by the explanation green river gary gave for stopping for long periods of time the time spent cleaning up afterwards and taking counter forensic measures just was not worth the murder after a while pragmatic guy didn't see if this had been commented so apologies of it was edmund kemper also known as the co-ed killer committed a series of murders and rapes in california before finally killing his abusive mother at which point he drove to arizona called the police confessed to everything and waited for them to pick him up at the pay phone he provided intimate details of the case before he could get representation so there was no way to get out of being found guilty for his crimes in court a lawyer asked him what he felt was a just punishment for what he'd done he thought about it and replied death by torture to this day he declines to attend parole hearings and has repeatedly asserted that people like him do not belong in society very interesting and seemingly self-aware dude still a freaking psycho though my grandfather was a social worker that managed ed gein the butcher of plainfield when he was at winnebago mental health institute he told us that ed was one of the sweetest old men he had ever talked to really nice guy like to ask about how the workers families were doing it's not the strangest thing on this thread but for me it's theory how he could go from a sweet old man to a man who made furniture from human skin and body parts still weeds me out to this day tbf gyn didn't kill a lot of people either he was more obsessed with digging up dead bodies he is actually the one serial killer i have sympathy for because it is clear as day that his mom freaked him up beyond repair she was a freaking monster who destroyed the mental health of her child aside from the killing btk is such a self-serving pompous piece of crap he actually makes people fill out an application to write him in prison that most serial killers have roughly average often below average iqs and their reputation is smart and difficult to catch is because of a couple of high profile outliers in the fact that their victims are usually the sort of people who cops and society don't pay as much attention to it's an uncomfortable fact that a murder with no witnesses and no obvious motive is by its own nature extremely difficult to solve by targeting people you have no relation to with only intrinsic motive your chances of being caught are already slim many victims did survive david parker ray the toy box killer but did not remember it as he would kidnap victims use them as sex slaves for a few months drug them and clean them thoroughly before dropping them off unconscious at the side of the road hundreds of miles away only some women picked up by him were killed still more than enough to be classified as a serial killer there are audio recordings two parts that have been re-recorded with an actor i cannot unhear them definitely nsfl sick freak i will not post a link but they're very easy to find jeffrey dahmer was neglected by his parents and childhood and hadn't even seen his mother for 10 years prior to incarceration at sentencing his father and stepmother asked for 10 minutes to say goodbye and hug his father often visited him in prison and he had weekly phone calls with his mother despite the heinous crimes they seem to have some kind of unconditional love it makes all of the stories i hear about estrangement seem to have a different strange perspective dama's father wrote an autobiography some heartbreaking crap when you love your son but he's jeffrey dahmer i don't recall which one it was but i remember hearing that there was a killer who would only go into the home if the front door was unlocked because otherwise he didn't feel welcome lock your doors people he say segall a cannibal who was caught in france and pronounced insane however after going to a mental asylum in japan they declared him as being sane he checked out straight after he's still free to this day if i remember correctly and in interviews has stated that he may kill and eat human flesh again while i was watching the interviews i felt beyond unsettled really doesn't make me feel better that he's still out there mark brandon reed akka chopper was a renowned killer in australia however he only targeted drug dealers and people who made attempts on his life when he got old he was told he had liver cancer and had only a few weeks to live he was asked by the television show 60 minutes australia if he wanted one last interview before he died he accepted when asked about all the murderers which he previously claimed as self-defense not him or he covered them up he just confessed to all of them claiming they were never self-defense and he had committed the ones he previously denied then he passed away a few weeks later went out listing everyone he killed it shocked everyone i would suggest looking him up he is very interesting chopper really was a wild dude really good storyteller could actually be quite charming looking at some videos of him it can sometimes be easy to forget that he was a guy that had killed people in 1985 the night stalker was terrorizing la i was a young marine there and a friend asked if me and another guy would come stay the night since her parents had to go out of town i thought it was silly he hadn't hit orange county but anything to get out of the barracks that night he hit just a few houses down in bishonville some kid heard him and alerted his dad who called the cops that was the first lead they got it has always bugged me that i didn't take it seriously at all and it happened that close i think we were pretty drunk that night it was pretty sobering the first serial killer on written record is from 5th century yemen also according to an fbi and privet study in the us in 2018 they estimate anywhere between 152 000 active serial killers in the us boy that's a widespread edmund kemper coed killer please google him just not before after eating is just a really crazy dude apart from the fact he was nearly seven feet the main thing that stuck out to me he was so smart that only six years after killing both his paternal grandparents and being diagnosed as criminally insane he convinced psychiatrists he was rehabilitated before he went on a violent killing spree and then turned himself in totally of his own volition as the police had no idea who he was jeffrey dahmer was arrested for sexual issue out of a southeast asian boy after he got out of prison and started his sex zombie initiative he abducted the brother of the kid he was previously arrested for assaulting he tried to turn the brother into a sex zombie and at some point the kid got out he was stumbling around and some ladies called the cops when they saw the kid the kid was serious messed up while dalma found the kid while the kid was in police custody dalma was able to convince the cops to release him into his custody great police work if i recall the kid was dazed and handcuffed he convinced the cops that it was just a rough sex play gay lover's quarrel the boy was a minor he took the kid back to his chamber of horrors and killed him dr harold shipman he lost his mother watching her morphine eased her pain before she passed then he became a doctor using morphine overdoses to kill people especially rich old ladies and wrote himself into their wills with forgery he was eventually caught because it was suspicious that every single one of his patients had him and their will and that they all died under his care but he did inherit a number of estates and a lot of money before getting caught tldr doctor killed patients and stole their money using the same drug that eased his dying mother's pain when he was younger he grew up on the street where i live now in nottingham i discovered this when i was watching a documentary on him and the narrator was walking down the street talking about his childhood and he walked past my house the most recent one i've studied that stuck with me is gary ridgeway the guy got away with life in prison by giving away the spots where his victims were buried and made the police take him back to the sites to relive the crimes over again in court videos he just sits like a deer in the headlights as families of his victims tell him he'll burn in heck and other very nasty things understandably but the father of one of his victims was hardcore christian and he got up to the stand and said despite everything you have heard today i believe in jesus christ's teachings and he believes in forgiveness and sir i forgive you and it brought the serial killer to tears to which the judge told him he didn't have a right to fake any form of guilt which he clearly didn't have most serial killers don't actually have a pattern and it's estimated there are at least a couple dozen active serial killers they're also pretty average in terms of intelligence and walk nut paul tucklin a polish serial killer was abmited into psychiatric ward he started making sculptures out of bread and was quite good at it he fell in love with one of the doctors there and to show his affection he made a vagina out of bread he used natural hair too and then gave it to the doctor she then suffered a mental breakdown finn says love like pass a brood that some of them kill just because they enjoy doing it like a person might enjoy fishing or having a nice meal some people just kill others because they enjoy it in some way the interview with arthur shaw cross really stuck with me as he described the people he killed and was so calm and nonchalant about it like it was something he did as commonly as using the bathroom or eating a meal ted bundy helped in the investigation of the green river color and made a psych profile which ended up being closer to the actual green river killer than the fbi's own psych profile that was also a huge part of the inspiration for silence of the lambs bundy also tried to mata but to photos of his crime scene when detective keppel brought them in which is why he stopped letting bundy keep the files i've been hearing little facts about bundy for years now and i always managed to learn some new fricked up thing richard klinsky killed a man and left his body in an oil drum outside of a diner just to see how long it would take for someone to investigate he would order sandwiches from the place and sit on the drum while he ate he also made a clicking noise with his mouth when he was angry if you heard that you were as good as dead if you like serial killers ufos conspiracy theories and stuff like that i can't recommend last podcast on the left enough it's insanely informative and also insanely funny kaklinsky is my favorite episode by them more than one has talked about feeding people to other people without the eaters knowledge joe metheny is one that immediately comes to mind but i know i've read of others doing the same my grandmother met ted bundy on her college campus and he attempted to get her friend to go off with him my grandmother said she got a bad vibe from him because he was such a happy person and she felt like he was forcing the emotion a bit much her friend however wanted to go with him and was completely blinded by his charm my grandmother took her friend by the hand and walked away she said his face changed completely as they did it's crazy to me that with charm and looks alone girls were willing to go with him even after several had gone missing or had been found dead not necessarily a serial killer but joseph mengele the angel of death was awarded for bravery when he jumped into a burning tank to pull out a wounded soldier i always found that interesting how you could risk your life to save someone and then spend the rest of it torturing and slaughtering people he didn't think of them as human or at least not same the level of humanity they were lesser and therefore inferior and not worthy of the same level of empathy a proper human would be the zodiac killer's paul steincab murder had an eyewitness description but there was a mix-up and the police looked for the opposite of who the witnesses described later when the search team was hidden the original description after they had stopped looking two of the officers reported seeing a man who matched it walking down the street jeffrey dahmer tried to make sex zombies out of some of his victims by drilling holes in their heads while they were alive and pouring acid into the holes the twistedness and desperation of such an act is fascinating and truly goes to show how disturbed he was makes you wonder too what would have happened if he was soucestful like would he stop killing or would he just amass a growing harim of sex slaves yet alma was really into the idea of totally owning someone having complete control over a human being i believe that was why he ate some of them to sort of absorb control their essence dean paul also known as the candy man was a serial killer who had two teenage accomplices he repeatedly paid them to lure other teenage boys to his house for him to kill the really fascinating part is how it all ended up going down pretty much his one accomplice elmer wayne henley jr was out looking for victims one night when instead he ran into a female friend whose father had been abusing her henley ended up taking her and a male friend to cause home in order to escape the abuse as expected cole wasn't too excited about a girl being brought because he usually exclusively killed boys so henley and his two friends wake up tied up call says that he's going to kill them all but only manages to talk his way into getting untied so he can help call kill the others instead before anything happens though henley grabs calls gun and pretty much refuses to harm the girl saying that calls gone too far this time cole starts goading henley saying that he won't shoot him henley does in fact shoot him he ends up untying the two other teams who end up telling henley to call the police during the call henley admits to shooting call and he goes on to confess to everything when the investigation into call and the shooting begins probably the craziest part of this story is what hanley said to his male friend while waiting for the police to show comma if you weren't my friend i could have gotten 200 for you what strange fact do you know only because of your job there was a certain lycan that was only known to live on one boulder in the middle of the mojave desert in an army training area as an endaged species for decades this rock was strictly off-limits for like 100 meters around it then the army wanted to expand featuring urban to include a few more valleys to the south and had to do an epa impact study which included a biologic survey they found that stuff everywhere came off the endangered species list it wasn't endangered just no one ever bothered to look for it before it's funny how that can totally happen there's still places in the world that we're exploring we could find an endangered species thriving in some place the internet company actually has a fix my service button want to know what it does it sends a signal to your modem which in turn links up with the built-in router and issues a power cycle instruction it turns it off and back on again i have definitely called my ice basking why i was having some issues after spending three-ish days extensively troubleshooting it myself and the first thing they did was give me some long winded explanation of something that was them actually just resetting my router in colonial america they used to give out cake on election day instead of i voted stickers pretty sure more people would vote if they brought back free food at the polls if a person compulsively pulls out their hair trichotillomania there's a decent chance they are also eating it this not only causes some significant gastric issues but because human hair is fairly absorbent it can also affect how effective psych meds are since they may be absorbed by the hair the smithsonian has a facility where it stores a lot of its large artifacts not currently on exhibit it also has a room with a pit filled with flesh eating beetles which is used to strip skeletons intended for future display there is a security guard whose sole job is to sit in the room all day and make sure no one comes in and accidentally gets too close surgeons are called to remove body bits not even parts from the mechanical parts of trains after fatalities oh no number that is the worst job i've ever heard of hot metal in the sun just know a typical treated wood privacy fence has a life expectancy of 12 years popcorn ceiling the popcorn itself has a life expectancy if 150 years so do not ever paint a popcorn ceiling i charge way iii more money to remove a painted popcorn ceiling than a non-painted beef goes off color and turns a bruised brown color when not exposed to oxygen it's seen most often in the middle of tightly packed ground beef a lot of people mistake this for spoilage it's not and there are other indicators of spoilage when beef is starting to rot and yes i do have to explain this at least once in a regular work week at walgreens you can return basically anything as long as you have a receipt and it's within 30 days someone once returned ice cream because they didn't like the flavor the return policy at bed bath and beyond was absurd too once had a lady exchanger very use the comforter for a brand new one [Music] there is a distinct difference in smell that sets apart dead animals and dead humans that's an unpleasant fact the chamber of the combustion integrated rack aboard the international space station has a volume of 105 liters i used to work in a commercial laundry facility we washed and packaged towels for hotels if you stain a towel with hair dye menstrual blood food act the towel will be dyed another color and is used for pet groomers instead my uncle worked in maintenance at a hospital and when he told us they boiled the blood out of scrubs my mind was blown those surgical techs could get anything on their scrubs rags jackets and as long as it wasn't alien fluids it came off with a good long boiling target folds their towels differently to make their store look more upper class than walmart and other stores capacity at gigs can be determined by how fat or thin the venue expect the fans of the band to be 13 year old girl fans equals increased capacity older male metal fans equals decreased software can be considered a medical device and may require fda approval i would imagine so after that whole radiation software bug killing so many people i can't recall the name at the moment but anyone who's taken an engineering ethics course probably knows what i'm talking about if a business does not file a 5500 sf form for their 401 k the irs will charge them 1 100 per day it is late in 2018 this number is changing to 2063 dollars per day also there is no limit on how many days this charge will apply jokes on you i don't get benefits the barcode number for cadbury's creme eggs 50 200 and 1600 most retail workers in britain will learn that number whether they want to or not some retail store security cameras are able to capture what you watch type view on your phone i sometimes work for loss prevention and have seen other lp's read texts people were sending why didn't stores had such high quality cameras until now the camera quality isn't the hard part the hard part is all the data you now need to store if you are ever at an accident scene and you hear a cop fireman emt say someone is drt it means dead right there as opposed to doa which generally means they have been formally pronounced dead by a competent medical professional this is mostly only used to refer to someone that is so obviously dead that anyone can tell that any life-saving measure are futile my cousin is a nurse in a smallish town she told me if you ever hear on the news about an accident where someone was taken to the hospital she works at it means they were already dead the emt just needed a doctor to call it i think she said that her hospital didn't have the proper equipment to take care of those type of emergencies the average homeowner keeps a mortgage for seven years they either sell or reefy at some point radiation can only travel in a straight line and can't penetrate through more than a few feet of concrete if you were to jump into a spent fuel pool and tread water at the surface you'd experience a smaller dose of radiation than if you were to simply walk around outside and get the normal background radiation dose also a radiation worker loved telling people about the banana equivalent dose on reactor tours area codes with a zero in the middle are some of the first area codes that were issued i'm now at the point where i can look at a cruise ship tell you the name of the ship the parent company how many passengers and crew she can house the growth tonnage the different stateroom categories and any standout features the ship may have to avoid paying taxes on your maserati or 300k rv set up a pob in montana and an llc then you can have your vehicle titled and registered in that state under an llc and avoid sales taxes and higher dmv fees i usually see people from colorado and california do this drowning is very quiet and hard to notice if you're not looking for it when i worked with children around our pool area we were told to look for shadows at the bottom of the pool not for the typical signs of drowning how many people are tricked by obvious scams on computers i've had clients that filled out surveys in order to get free iphones also people who deliberately installed mackeep are thinking it was an antivirus that's just terrifying almost 100 of nursing homes commit medicare and medicaid fraud ninety percent of online travel websites on the internet today are owned and or powered by just two companies expedia and prison line i teach about the holocaust and the nazi concentration and death camps when auschwitz was liberated seven tons of human hair were found bundled in sacks upon further investigation it was discovered that the hair had been sheared from the heads of women after they were killed in the gas chambers documents were also found that led to the factory where the hair had been destined another two tons of hair were found at that factory as well as the hair cloth the hair was being turned into due to the shortages in textiles the nazis were selling the hair to factories so that lining for clothing and upholstery for vehicles could be made in secret the hair was also used as a stuffing in mattresses nobody outside the camps and factories was supposed to know this was being done a person on their deathbed will occasionally stop breathing for upwards of a minute only to start again maybe not strange but it sure scared the heck out of me the first time i was sitting vigil over someone i work in an old folks home some people with schizophrenia when experiencing an acute psychotic episode often experience hypersexuality at the same time the three points of the mercedes-benz star are for the three forms of transportation land sea and air land surveyor most people don't know where their property ends they just assume based on fences and streets this is made worse when people don't understand what the public works right of ways attorney here normally ignorance of the law is not an excuse meaning if you perform a crime without knowing it's a crime you can still be convicted of it the reason for this is that you are on constructive notice of the law because statutes are publicly available although states differ on how easy they make them to find search that's not the strange fact though the strange thing is that there is one law that doesn't follow this rule knowing of its existence is an element meaning that if you don't know about it you can't get in trouble for doing the exact same thing someone who does know about it would get in trouble for this law is related to taxes i think it's actually been a while and i've forgotten the law itself which puts me back in the safe zone inside a trading or some other financial crime because the u.s laws on those things are so complicated and confusing the idea that you can look them up was deemed unreasonable i work at a school 75 percent of the children that go to my school are from absentee mother households 75 out of 900 kids single fathers that is an odd statistic in the german military if you raise your hand to wave to someone or you want to say something and raise your hand to signal it you do so always with your left and if possible you also keep most of your fingers closed this is to prevent people from taking video and sorting out a frame where it looks like you would raise your hand to a nazi greeting a lot of people don't realize that renting an apartment requires signing a legal binding document i always thought it was common sense but the amount of people that show up to my office expecting to pick up keys without ever signing the lease or trying to move out when they have six months left of their lease and getting upset when they realize there's financial consequences is astounding to me these are all people over the age of 18. it's a strange fact about people that are somehow independent enough to live on their own they aren't really school doesn't teach finances or even basic contract law parents don't either out on your own an adult without the tools to operate as such you can actually trade futures contracts for live hogs in fact you can also trade futures contracts for live cattle when the futures contract expires for cattle you can take delivery however when a futures contract expires for hogs you have to cash settle meaning paying out the amount of the contract the reason is that if you were to take delivery on cattle you can throw them out to pasture and they will maintain their weight fairly well hogs if you take delivery must be kept at special feeding troughs or else they lose weight very fast and that means you are losing money by the second people knew this and would threaten to speed up the delivery process unless the new buyer paid them more essentially holding them hostage the cme found out about all these people freaking around and changed the contract to cash settle as a result trading live hog futures is not actually trading the underlying commodity but rather trading the price of the underlying commodity which i always found very interesting steakhouse restaurants generally make less than a dollar on a dry aged steak that costs 50 when you factor in the cooking gas labor and recooks due to server guest error they usually make more than 50 percent of their money on the booze it's like a movie theater and popcorn texas has 65 public water systems with the same levels or worse of contamination that flint michigan the epoch time reference used by microsoft excel is very different compared to any unix linux windows service system the picture of toothpaste on a toothbrush in a toothpaste head is called a nerdl inside a lot of people's drywalls is a construction workers lunch wrappers i work in ms billing it's perfectly normal for ms companies to have only one in 10 or 20 uninsured people pay their bill i know of at least one client of ours that has a 1 in 40 payment rate schizophrenics are statistically more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators there is an old man in california that runs three times a week and has a healthy sex life thanks for the resume summary glenn but we are moving forward with additional candidates at this time damn it i knew i was over sharing what is your nsw fun fact about yourself thanks to an autoimmune disease my dong is a couple of different colors no other part of my body has been affected just my dong taste the rainbow girlfriend got a dildo with a suction cup and we were fooling around and i stuck it to my forehead i was a dildo unicorn for about 30 seconds took it off and the look of horror from her said it all i had a giant purple bruise on my forehead couldn't find a good excuse so i called out of work the next day and learned how to do makeup don't be a dildo unicorn don't suction anything to be a unicorn my nine-year-old did this last month with a suction arrow and she had a large red bruise for a week was super cute at her age saying she was trying to be a unicorn though i once realigned the lower spine of a girl i had been seeing by well doggy style she had been plagued by lower back and tailbone issues for months until that fateful day she thanked me for my services and needless to say my dong is now a licensed chiropractor i thought that was metaphor at first my p turns toilets purple it was the freakiest thing when it started happening and my doctor couldn't figure out what was happening i would use a toilet and then a few hours later brownish spots would appear and those spots would eventually turn a purplish color my wife and i figured it had to be something to do with my medication because it only started happening when i switched to new meds eventually after a lot of research we found a paper in a medical journal that mentioned that in very rare cases the urine of patients who took my medication would have have interactions with various household cleaners that interaction can happen on the film of cleaning solution residue on toilets and turn brown red or even purple that's freaking freaky somewhat similarly my blood turned an awful greenish brown on a big rain med my testicles are drastically different sizes like a golf ball and a macadamia nut pics or it's not real the former prime minister teoch of island has touched my penis in a medical context of course i don't know if this is nsw but when i was born my penis was so crooked they had to completely rearrange it in surgery they said that if it was left as it was my dong would point at a 60 or so degree angle to the left and that urinating would have been quite the task at the height of experiencing prolonged concussion symptoms i masturbate in filter jolt like a shock of electricity travel up my body to the part of my brain where a light fixture fell on my head my symptoms instantly subsided i once was the dude the lesbian chick had sex with who upon having sex with me decided she does in fact like girls i take this as both a compliment and an insult i was that girl once my friend was questioning if he was gay or b and he was very attractive so we hooked up he was fine with the bj but lost it during sex yeah he was gay my dad was having sex with a hospital nurse while my mom was giving birth to me that's long been used for the many fights and reasons my mom hates men this is insanely fricked up smoking killed my libido so i killed two birds with one stone and quit for good by rubbing one out each time i got a craving like multiple times a day especially at work 10 stroke 10 would recommend beating chicken cold turkey on occasion my dreams are so vivid that i mistake them as reality and only realize it's not so after i wake up the rare times when i have the urge to pee in the morning after stupidly drinking liters of water before i sleep my dreams shift to being in the toilet where i pee my brain and body get synchronized to my dream and i end up pee in my pants weird but embarrassing experience and i'm in my twenties probably a consequence of stress i'm several months out from the last time i had sex i had a checkup recently and had a blood pressure cuff strapped around my wrist when it squeezed my wrist i immediately got pretty turned on apparently i miss physical contact same here but it was an attractive dentist feeling around my jaw kind of on my neck if i was a dude i'd have had a raging hard-on i have two buttholes update i am sorry to those of you that feel misled the second hole above my anus is inactive there has been an inquisition or interrogation into my anuses only and uses no idea how to pluralize it second one isn't an anus it's a hole in the crack of my butt that serves no purpose one person suggested smuggling but it would need to have very high cost to density to make sense anyway thanks for the interest whoa whoa whoa don't talk about your kids like that i once spied on someone jerking off in the nearby stall at a mall toilet room that was an experience but i really don't want to repeat it one time for break when i worked at ups i walked into a bathroom stall and someone had left their cm in the toilet water and all over the toilet seat i developed a dime size boil right by the base of my dong on my abdomen not on my dong itself thank god i was probably 19 at the time i could have gone to the doctor but for some reason in my head i just knew that whelp gotta lance that thing looking back i don't know why i thought that was wise so i got a safety pin bent it open ran it through the flame of our stove's burner a few times wiped the area with an alcohol wipe put a pencil in my mouth to bite down on and then poked a hole in it and squeezed a bit i remember the feeling of the skin tearing as the squeezing pressure tore the pinhole wider and some blood and pus squirted out into the sink i rinsed doused the thing in peroxide wadded some gauze onto the spot and put a big waterproof bandage on i changed the bandage each day and reapplied peroxide it didn't reform and within a week i was pretty much completely healed oddly enough it didn't actually hurt when i did it i think it formed below the epidermis and dermis so there wasn't really a wound from it it was more like popping a ballista where there's still intact skin underneath i was oddly proud of myself for the whole thing i felt like i had taken pretty good precautions to prevent infection and had generally prepared well it was still stupid but it all worked out for a little while back in 2015 to 2016 i was dating a very high libido woman and we drank a lot frick like rabbits a few weeks go by and when we would have sex i would see him blood well very bloody cm this happened for a couple months pretty gross we wondered if my kidneys were failing was my bladder messed and leaking so many questions for a couple months we broke up and after only a few days i no longer had blood in my cm turns out we were having too rough sex too often and the constant pounding was rupturing blood vessels in my penis and we never rested long enough to let them fully heal the blood pressure in my penis during sex coupled with the abuse was filling my urethra with blood the moral of the story frick too hard for too long and too often you can break your dong the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised slept with a very quiet guy finished thought he did shortly after and was like that was totally better than the first time and we cleaned up and passed out found out the next morning that he absolutely had not finished whoops total sweetheart though just never thought that as a woman i would finish and my fwb wouldn't i've faked an orgasm before and i'm a dude i was about 13 and came home from a boy scout camping trip to discover there was a tick on the underside of my dong shaft even though you learn about how to handle them in boy scouts i nevertheless freaked out because there was a tick on my god damn dong i asked my dad for help and he carefully used the match head trick to get rid of it cut to 20 plus years later and my parents a bunch of friends a couple of parents of those friends and i are at a pizza place playing trivia numbing some czar and drinking my dad is a lightweight and got pretty drunk no idea how he got to the topic but he's telling another parent that i was well endowed the table was quiet when he said this so all 10 plus people heard i can only recall the tick dong debacle as the sole point where he ever would have seen anything it was freaking embarrassing i should have just left the tick alone and died in peace with my penis parasite you've heard of elf on a shelf get ready psy i feel like this is the only reason my throwaway ever comes out but i came while getting the scalp massage at the barbers i remember the girl cutting my hair was about my age maybe a little bit older but we had a good rapport pleasant chat so after the haircut she walks me back to the tub for the hair wash it's not a seated one it's a full flat lay down just putting that out there so you know how vulnerable i feel when the magic starts haha she starts washing my hair and rubbing my scalp and it feels really good i remember feeling very relaxed not turned on really at all per se but relaxed in a good feel bliss i seem to recall things turning a different corner when she started stroking my neck felt so good i'm not sure anything was intentional and i'm sure it was all the standard deal but i definitely looked back on the neck stroking and wondered afterwards just picking up the pieces looking for answers lol i don't remember really having an erection i just remember all of a sudden feeling it its presence it started to tingle kind of that buzzing feeling and then the pulsing and blammo it was very weird much more like what a wet dream feels like than an orgasm from actual sexual activity it's been a few years and a little bit of blur but i remember the wash ended shortly after that i'm sure i squirmed a bit and maybe tried to act like i was adjusting my body i mean she was focused on my head so there's at least a prayer she didn't notice luckily i had a sweatshirt and dark jeans on so when i got up to go back to the chair for the dryer and walk through a freaking packed barber shop i sort of just put my hands on the pockets of my sweatshirt and sort of subtly pulled my sweatshirt down a little further than it would normal hang on its own i still have no idea if the stylist knew but bless her she didn't act like it she continued to talk to me like nothing had happened she finished we did the next leg of the awkward walk over to the checkout counter and i paid and got out of there as fast as i could so awkward as i mentioned in the comment of another post it gave me real anxiety for a while i've never accepted a hair wash since and for a while i would make sure to masturbate the same day i had a haircut scheduled if i could i've also never really had a good professional massage before and i'm almost terrified to try for this exact reason very random and strange experience though i do sometimes wish i could recreate that relaxing and blissful experience again in the comfort of my own home you need to get more use out of this throw away sir i accidentally started giving another guy a handy once story time the guy was brain injured i was working at a long term brain trauma rehab facility and one of my patients we called them clients was a guy that had incontinence issues he wore adult diapers but at night we would also put on a condom catheter which was basically a condom connected to small hose that ran into a little pouch on the side of his bed so every night we had to roll the condom onto him one night i rolled the condom on but it rolled right back up so i rolled it down again and again it rolled back up this process went on a few times until i noticed that he was getting an erection now me being an idiot my first thought was oh that will make this easier until i realize that i was basically giving a handy to a brain injured guy in a diaper i just looked up at him kind of surprised and he was laughing his butt off he goes hey that feels pretty good in a tone where i knew he was giving me crap so yeah accidental handy i lost my virginity to the wife of my boss at the time i was 18 and working at mcdonald's and i found out my xgf from eighth grade she was two years older than me was married to my shift manager at the restaurant they were fighting at the time and when we hooked up i had no idea she was married to my boss until after it happened later found out he had cheated on her so it was one big game i got caught in they later divorced sex was good at least at that age i was just trying to lose my virginity before college but looking back it was probably a dumb move i used to fantasize about women before i knew i was b and before i knew what sex was i would fantasize about holding them down and tickling them and it made me feel good but i didn't know why clicked years later that i just like women lol harold she's gay i have actually been jerking after cartoons when i was like a small kid without even realizing it boy was i in for a realization like a decade later when flaccid i can pull the head of my penis back inside of itself i'm cut i've honestly never asked anyone if they can do it so it might just be a normal dong function i can also pop both testicles back up inside myself so if i do it all at once i've got an empty sack dangling under an inside out dong until i let go the thing with the balls is actually part of how drag queens tuck their stuff so hey you're halfway there hum well it was that one time i had sex condom bit tight went in and felt something snap not painful but strange then it felt wet i pulled out and took off the condom to be greeted with blood and the girl got a lot of blood on her face somehow i nearly passed out dong broken for two weeks won't redo my last sexual encounter involved me riding a guy who slapped me so i slapped him back and we were slapping each other for a good five more seconds until he came really hard it was freaking hot as a dude that six feet four inches being physically dominated by a girl half my size is a huge turn on you know this is one of those ask credits i see that i have no answer to that i like to scroll through to see how the answers range from that's pretty vanilla to there is no way that's true i'm here more for the responses to the answers than the answers themselves some are bloody hilarious my butt is covered in small scars i hooked up with this girl and ended up staying over woke up in the middle of the night needing to pee i'd had a few to drink and was naked i had to pass through her living room to get to the bathroom as i tiptoed my way through the living room i trod on her sleeping cat cat screams and scratches me i panic and stumble but first through a small glass table i had about 20 cuts in my butt blood everywhere and of course just to round things off ip right then and there needless to say the girl woke up to a traumatized cat a destroyed coffee table and a living room covered in pee and blood i left very shortly afterwards and was not surprised to find myself blocked instantly but i still carry the scars to this day i joined the mile high club about 15 years ago tbh outside of bragging rights it's not really that fun if i masturbate and then go into the shower and let the warm water hit the penis tip it'll have a second orgasm but instead of semen it's urine someone tell me i am not alone i've never actually let it go as far as to orgasm again but i absolutely know this feeling thought it was just me this will probably get lost in the comments but one time i was absolutely hammered getting a bj and i accidentally peed in the girl's mouth i'll admit not my finest moment once i reached my hand down the back of my pants to spread my butt cheeks apart to muffle the sound of a fart i didn't want the chick i was hanging out with to hear it i crap in my hand how does one just casually crap in hand throw away because my wife doesn't need to see this lol i lost my virginity to my boss at my first job i'm male she's female who later became the wife of my boss at my second job i was 17 she was in her late 40s i never looked at her sexually it honestly never crossed my mind until she was moving into an apartment and asked if i would help because i had a track we finished about 10 p.m she said she was going to change and buy me dinner to thank me a couple of minutes later she called me into the bedroom she was on the bed in her bra and panties and my dumbass apologized and stepped back out of the room she came to the door pulled me back in and she got to have the worst sex of her life it was bad but at least it was over quick somehow that turned into a weekly thing for six months until she started dating someone and i found my first girlfriend well she got married to the guy she was dating about six months later and quit work i worked in the store for another year before graduating high school and getting a better job while i was in college i'm sitting in my interview he's looking down my resume and goes hey you used to work for my wife he offered me the job my second day there she came in found me pulled me in the break room and swore me to secrecy i worked there 17 years i don't think he ever knew i had sex in a very expensive stolen car i didn't know it was stolen at the time my [ __ ] buddy worked at a car dealer and said they were allowed to borrow the cars after hours but when we saw a cop afterwards screamed get out get out and we left and ran down the embarcadero for about a month i worried that the cops would find me due to my fingerprints being all over the place but that was when i was young and thought cops actually cared about that kind of stuff the first time i fingered a girl was during midnight mass on christmas even a catholic church i have a noticeable birthmark on the shaft of my penis it's a large spot on top that has a line the whole way around i even won a contest with it once as a teenager because it was unique and more impressive than a bear bland one me and my girlfriend lived in a student apartment complex some time ago before we moved out we went ahead and banged on all eight floors of the building in the elevator the laundry room the stairway the gym the mirrors were great here the common room and multiple balconies etc my girlfriend even got totally naked for a few of the sessions we did it at 2am on a sunday night and got back to our own apartment at like 3 30 a.m we didn't get caught i think the i think made me laugh when my mother was still pregnant with me and they were getting an ultrasound they mistook me for a female cause my penis was so large that they mistook it for an arm what a surprise for your parents who had your pink three-armed baby clothes ready for you people who live in hawaii what are some misconceptions and or things people don't realize about thailand life serious life can often be very routine there's less space to build new stuff so new developments are generally a much longer time frame if you're not comfortable going to the same two beaches the same three restaurants in the same coffee shop on a regular basis life can be very difficult here a major employer and source of residency is the us military those of japanese ancestry make up the second largest ethnicity staples like groceries and gasoline cost a fortune to account for shipping costs i was visiting a friend and were shocked they fed their cat sashimi because no joke slabs of raw tuna cost less than canned cat food goddamn giant centipedes found one a good 10 inches long on our pillow before going to sleep one night also had one get stuck halfway in a sticky trap and i woke up to the sound of it dragging that box all over the kitchen tile trying to escape nightmare fuel it's a beautiful place to live and has a lot of advantages but frick centipedes well i'll never visit now thanks for the heads up dating is hard in hawaii the population is small and there is a joke that people are waiting for someone to break up i could see it being lonely there long term if you didn't find someone quickly or move there with someone with truth and the coconut wireless is also a thing with the small population if you tell even a cockroach a secret the whole town knows lived in iar for three years it's not all about zippies hi lowhati and abc stores apart from the tourist stuff everyone is living and working normal jobs dating is rough if you're if you're looking for a ltr dating pool is small but tourists and military people be pretty cool for small stints in my case also very few mexican food places the lack of mexican food was always hard for me when i lived there now i'll live in seo and all i want is a little sushi bar and summer cherokee hot pot this isn't a thing anymore but in the 1960s and 1970s every tv show would have their characters greeted by hawaiian dancers and get a layy necklace as soon as they stepped off the plane in honolulu for a while i think a lot of people believe this is what happens all the time that is what happened for a very long time mainly when arriving by ship or before airline deregulation eventually it was not profitable to do it for everyone and there were too many people arriving to give everyone a lay ceremony it still happens now but it's pre-arranged and is an extra cost born and raised on the big island live in california now i can only speak to my own experience in the town i grew up in on the island i grew up on but it's a pretty damn normal life just happens to be in a very beautiful and unique place like any other tourist destination the vast majority of visitors only see what's on the path of the guided tour so to speak when you peel back that curtain you just see people living their lives like anywhere else exactly my only knowledge of what goes on in hawaii is an old classmate of mine who's homeless there pretty hard to see it as some paradise place when the only exposure you get of it is someone who sleeps on the streets guess there isn't much of a better place to be homeless though it's not very easy to hide from police on a small island so don't do crime kids and stay in school is a very important message here ah so that's why dog the bounty hunter is out there to increase his odds of catching bad guys i was born and grew up on the mainland my wife and i have lived in hawaii maui for almost a decade now it is definitely a lot more expensive to live here two bags of groceries is generally in the 100 range rent is crazy gas is stupid expensive the other end of that is that pay can be higher too depending on the job if you get a good job serving somewhere fancy it's not uncommon to leave with 300 to 500 for a shift we depend completely on tourism here to survive so as much as tourists can be annoying intrusive rude and entitled we need them distance is weird if i'm gonna drive 30 minutes somewhere we better be having a whole day planned eating out somewhere casual is at least thirty dollars for two people it's really like living anywhere else though honestly i have fast internet walmart and target aren't far away my family is on the east coast so seeing them is hard during normal times forget about it right now so that sucks also i miss hoodies good sandwiches and the woods but maui is stunning and magical and living and breathing hawaii state senator here about half of all households are unable to afford basic food shelter and health care and this is often masked by many families living together in multi-generational households importing food energy and goods through the 20th century has created an unsustainable dependency that has driven up the cost of living for hawaii's 1.4 metres residence outside pressure from speculators drives up the cost of land and housing military and federal personnel make up a notable portion of the population but often overlooked are their cola and housing allowances that massively distort the rental market tens of thousands of airbnb and vacation rentals take additional units out of long-term housing exacerbating the housing shortage and increasing costs add to that many who buy up second and third vacation homes and many foreigners parking money in condos and real estate that all sit empty most of the time because of our somewhat isolated job market competition is limited and wages tend to be lower for many professions compared to their mainland counterparts for example i just passed a law a few years ago that prohibited tech companies from requiring employees to sign non-compete agreements that essentially barred them from working for other competitors an independent study afterward found without those draconian controls tech sector wages increased by four percent as a result but despite these challenges we are making progress we have among the best access to health care life expectancy and quality of life the digital and film industry is taking off and remote work is opening up massive new economic opportunity we've tripled our renewable energy in the last decade and are on our way to 100 clean energy and a carbon neutral economy by 2045. we're growing brand new niche industries like farm to bar chocolate production which no other state has yet done we're expanding local agriculture and tackling food sustainability at its peak hawaii supported a thriving population before western contact 100 sustainably we host more unique and endangered species and ecosystems than any other state and in some cases than the rest of the country combined at 1.4 million people living with limited space and resources hawaii is the perfect model to prove to the rest of the world that we can all live together sustainably with a longer and better quality of life than anyone thought possible and for our kids sake we hope to prove it pre-western contact hawaii had a long and awesome moral tradition but the island did not have a written language or written numbers until the 1820s the hawaiian islands did not have a western system of land surveying map making recording the sale of land until late into the 19th century some of the earliest surveys are dated in the 1870s to this day the state of hawaii has two different systems of land registration title searches in hawaii can be complicated and difficult because many of the original documents were originally written in hawaiian which is one of the official languages of the state even today there are many clouded titles on land and dispute as to actual ownership dating back to the days of the hawaiian monarchy and some of those claims are still in litigation more than a 100 years later the missionaries in trying to record the hawaiian language decided to simplify it and got rid of some letters for example the letters s t r so the idea that hawaiian has a 13-letter alphabet is incorrect after living on the big island for 12 years now i can say it is not always the vision of living in paradise that my friends and family keep presuming it is my family discredits any struggle i have because i am in paradise many of us are still struggling despite the beautiful beaches even more so with covered in the lack of jobs so many of my friends and extended family cannot even afford food let alone their rent house payment since this pandemic and let us not even discuss how expensive is to buy a house here the cost of living here is astronomical and if you live on a neighboring island to oahu you most likely lack proper medical facilities as well many live multiple families generations in one home just to be able to survive many more work several jobs just to keep a roof over their head and food on the table yes it is beautiful yes we are graced with incredible views when we drive to see them and yes we are thankful for what we have but please do not ever think that it is just a fantasy island we live on as we all have our burdens to carry if you are one of the fortunate to move here when you retire and already have incredible assets then this really is paradise if you are from here or relocated at a young age have families to support or otherwise well it is a high price to pay and much sacrifice for so many for those beaches and views i've seen the housing prices i imagine the only way for locals to own a house is to inherit it depending on which island you're on you legit can be out of food and have to wait on the barge to come by for basic crap it's like living in the mainland when you have shortages from storms and such the grocery store just has what it has and if it doesn't wait a few days for the next barge on maui and oahu and the big island you don't really see this but out on the loch ale it's just what it is this is a good one and to add if you live on lanai you have to take an hour ferry to west side of maui and then drive to the other side of the island for a basic full grocery trip they obviously have food and immediate necessities but for the larger items it's quite a trip to get it born and raised on oahu every local i know doesn't wear shoes or slippers in the house and most dislike going to tourist spots like waikiki also a half hour drive is considered a long drive my dad moved to oahu and stayed out there for many years i would go visit when i could the biggest thing i noticed was the drugs and outright poverty that seems to go overlooked with that came violence my dad got mugged and put in the hospital coming out of a bar i was beat up walking out of a hotel once some places can be super rough my uncle was a military man and got moved out there so my cousin grew up in honolulu the local kids did not take kindly to howley's whitey and did whatever they could to antagonize him he was glad to move back to the mainland live on oahu for about four years from 2012 to 2016. how expensive everything is is definitely at the top of the list the one that most people don't expect is that i had a hard time making friends i'm guessing this could be hard in any tourism-based place but i'd go to the restaurant or bar and meet tons of people they were all there for the week it seems that even residents my age were all only there for a short time frame as well i just had a constantly rotating group of friends and it got old that's part of the reason i moved back to the mainland also everyone was always stealing stuff mopeds and other goods get stolen all day every day if it's not locked it's gone it was frustrating the amount of stuff that would just go missing or get broken into all that being said i would live there again i do miss it every once in a while we went to kauai a couple years ago and while there we attended the agricultural fair a local told us he dropped 500 on he family at the fair he said that was it as far as amusement parks so every year the fair was the thing it hit us then that for us we could go a couple hours to say bush gardens or a day to disney world if they were to go to anything like that other than the fair it would be a major haul to the mainland yeah i worked with a family who spent like five grand on their kids prom because it was like the biggest even next to a wedding for them was stationed at oahu when i first got there i thought the place was beautiful and had a great time but after three years i kind of got sick of all the disrespectful tourists in the fact that it is in small island and the only way for me to leave was flying i feel stuck just reading these comments being called a howly can be derogatory or neutral depending on how it's used i'm a white woman married to a brown man once we were having dinner out while i was pregnant and our server told us we were going to have the cutest happy holi baby she was pretty nice and i'm pretty sure she said it completely innocuously another time i was visiting the big island i lived on oahu and was checking out and off the beaten road beach that belonged exclusively to the locals it was crystal clear that i wasn't welcome and though they never called me it to my face i heard them call me a howler amongst themselves and it definitely wasn't neutral when i first moved to oahu my husband's employer hosted us for a dinner party with some of his new co-workers another white dude who had lived there for about 20 years pulled me aside and told me point blank that i should expect to be called a howli and not to let it bother me that i was a white person from the mainland in their space it was my trade-off broadly speaking it wasn't really an issue while i lived there most people were really nice as long as you weren't acting like a self entitled dong howlay is totally defined by the context and tone in which it is used especially if there's a freaking in front of it coming from a local hapa halley got lucky with a one bedroom slash one bathroom for about 1 400 a month 600 square featuring groceries for one person is about 100 a week can't remember the last time i went to the beach when telling people how far somewhere is to drive we use time instead of miles should be about a 20 minutes drive if traffic is good still running the ac in december and january can't leave anything in the car because it will get broken into even if you live in a nice area sounds like a warmer san francisco with way lower rent lived in honolulu for four years people tend to think of hawaii as a peaceful laid-back place but really it's a freaking mad house i also lived in florida for five years and i always tell people that hawaii really is what people only think florida is i've shared many stories on reddit over the years of the endless string of lunatics and crazies i dealt with on nearly a daily basis out there there's something about being on a remote island in the middle of nowhere that really brings out the loony in people i knew a dude in high school who had just moved to southern california from honolulu he tried to make honolulu sound like the gang banging capital of the us i went back and things have really changed from the 80s lived there for hurricane iwa and a few years after on o'ahu back then tv shows in hawaii were broadcast a week after the mainland so if traveling you got double shows or missed one the sheer amount of homelessness now versus then is scary the traffic now is insane uh beach to honolulu didn't used to be a two-hour drive it was even more military back then you had to drive through schofield to get anywhere north shore 20 years later matsumoto's still has killer shave ice not sure if this still exists without you a beach at least once a week a gecko would short out the air raid sirens which still were tested monthly you knew you would be the first to die if there was a nuclear war period made life strange as an intermediate school kid the school administration would say kill howl a day wasn't real they would then call the 12 parents of halle students and directly ask them not to send their kids last day if you were haole you didn't go to makaha unless you were with a samoan local still scary now that side of oahu is all giant resorts hawaii tried to go metric in the 80s liter gas and everything cane fields from h1 down to a beach was all cane fields some days you had to reroute when they burned the fields and nothing will scare you shitless faster than a cane spider on your tp roll now it's all houses gekko crap in all your dresser drawers houses have ac now so weird comma monthly you knew you would be the first to die if there was a nuclear war the nuclear missile alert mistake feels like a lifetime ago now but it really drove this point home hard you're either gone in a second or you get to die to radiation poisoning for a place with pretty solid growing conditions we have very few local farmers so much produce is shipped over greens go bad in like three days i've lived on oath all my life and worked at a prominent tourist destination for six years of the 1.4 million people who live in the state almost one million live on oahu the island is packed if you do visit at the very least travel to another island besides zoah though don't visit now we aren't handling covered well at all the luau's advertised to tourists aren't legit a common question i'd get from visitors was where to find a non-touristy luau rest assured you aren't getting invited to an actual luau real luaus are more family community based for example someone's 80th birthday and even that's a simplification tourist luau's can be neat but don't take them as anything other than spectacle and really you can find better cheaper food elsewhere the hula performed that tourist luau's is legit but it's only a small sample of an incredibly diverse art you can find videos of the annual mary monic festival online and the performances are incredible but do note that videos of the event are only allowed to be shown by approved channels kind of like american professional sports games i'm told so please don't reproduce them back to food we have amazing cuisine hawaiian food certainly but we also have some of the best asian food you can get in the u.s my absolute favorite place to eat here is a burmese restaurant there is no excuse for not eating local why you would insist on eating at say subway is beyond me we do have a pretty unique mcdonald's breakfast menu though and to echo what a lot of others are saying there is a very real history of colonialism here native hawaiians are still incredibly disenfranchised and are i overrepresented in our homeless and prison populations in the 2010 census white folks while technically a minority were the only demographic overrepresented in every single job sector except one we'll see what the 2020 census reports unlike other states i.e folks from california are californian calling a person from hawaii hawaiian isn't always accurate hawaiian is a race to be considered hawaiian you have to have native hawaiian blood there are bugs and a lot of them even in the new condos in honolulu even on the upper floors no matter how clean you keep your place you'll eventually see a roach or ants of which there are multiple species some and swarm after heavy rains some ants will send out scouter ants if you leave food out or even burn desert sweet smelling candles there's also termite season if you leave dry goods flour cereal rice out too long and in an unsealed container or bag they'll get infested with beetles some places also have silver fish that can get into your clothes drawls or live below carpet cars including rentals can easily get infested with roaches oh and rat lungworm be sure to wash all local produce especially leafy greens an earlier poster used the word complex and i think that's perfect native hawaiians have all the same issues as other colonized native peoples exacerbated by the space limitations of a small set of islands they are often discriminated against have trouble getting good paying jobs and have much worse health outcomes across a variety of spectrums they've watched and continue to watch their land be taken away this often causes resentment and anger towards anyone considered foreign or not local mixed with the fact that hawaiians are often desired as front of the house employees for large hotel chains because they want guests to feel the aloha spirit so hawaiians rely on tourism for work makes for a very tough landscape to navigate the dynamic is only one small piece of the complexity fresh produce lasts one stroke two to one stroke three of the time it does on the mainland i find it incredibly difficult to buy groceries once a week since the produce is going bad for five days after purchase sometimes less time than that i find a lot of people think that it's relaxing there and laid back but actually know everything cost twice as much as it would be in other states and some of the schools there actually struggle with food because of how expensive things are so hawaii ain't a laid-back place to live at you can go into a five-star restaurant in ireland attire that consists of shorts wife beater and flip-flops and no one bats an eye comma shorts wife beater and flip flops and no one bats an eye stubbies single and pluggers or thongs and no one gives a crap for the aussies reading it's normal to be 30 plus years old and living with your parents a good chunk of houses here are multi-generational homes with one generation taking up the bottom floor and the top floor of the home has a separate entrance where another generation lives spent 3.5 years living on oahu working as a tour guide all those things you do and places you go to when you're visiting that's where we go to hang out too waymear bay during the summer that was my friends and i jumping off the rock that group drinking wine out of hydro flasks on lana k in kailua also us those buttholes blasting music playing volleyball look familiar that's because we were your tour guides yesterday that sunburned couple drinking mates at dukes we're on a date new lawyers wearing matching outfits at the dole plantation those are some tourists the plantation is the one spot no self-respecting resident will ever go i loved going to dalton tourist watch it's freaking expensive you end up not going to the beach that much unless you are a professional you will be poor and working in the tourist industry which sucks if you are white the locals will not be friendly don't expect to be invited to the party oh yeah if you are a guy bring your own girl dating is like non-existent i was born grew up there live on the mainland now a thing i mentioned to somebody the other week that surprised them is that there's such traffic in part because cars get shipped anew but old ones aren't worth shipping off ireland for the most part visited there a few years back and was amazed by the number of abandoned cars sitting everywhere lived on kawaii for six years and oahu for two years in my late teens and early twenties one others have said this but life is expensive in hawaii especially the outer islands most places like restaurant ctc won't hire you for more than 20 hours per week so they didn't have to pay health insurance so many of us in my age group at the time worked two three jobs just to make enough to pay rent two being a halley in hawaii who wasn't born and raised and even for those who were could be tough friends i had that grew up on kawaii mentioned beat up holly days in high school this was totally normal if you're a surfer and drop in on someone else's wave if you happen to be white could be dangerous to your safety halley's definitely have to prove themselves to be not mainland but holes which given the lack of jobs and affordable housing is actually fair enough three there has been for some time a hawaiian sovereignty movement that is aiming to take back hawaii as it was illegally stolen and queen lily awokolani dethroned by sugar barons in the u.s govt for centipedes freaking suck they bite like a gunshot and i've had one or several in every house i lived in for this reason i still don't like leaving pillows on the floor 16 years after leaving hawaii i still have a phobia of them five a significant portion of the islands are used for chemical testing dao and monsanto etc using the islands to test unregulated chemicals for agriculture huge health problems for the locals as a result i knew three people that had non-hodgkin's lymphoma within the space of a year six after a while you stop noticing how beautiful it is because you're tired overworked and underpaid etc life can feel very stagnant and we often got island fever and needed a change we always knew it was such a stunning special place especially kawaii but it becomes normal seven most locals that like to swim or surf or be at the beach will have swimsuits in their glove compartments to be able to hop in the water quickly after work eight things don't move as fast and that was wonderful but it was so irritating when visitors would expect things to move at the same speed as the mainland once you live in that speed you get used to it nine speaking of speed m bartu is a scourge on the islands and destroyed many a family 10. lots of karaoke bars in oahu are actually money laundering or backroom prostitution places or other fronts it was generally accepted people knew this and talked about it a lot 11 hawaii is a beautiful place with a lot of beautiful people and a very family focused place to be i will always think of it so fondly and respect the locals who made it home for life it's such a hard place to leave when you've lived there for a while as nowhere else really compares what is a fact that has been told to you in a classroom that was eventually proven to be false this is a story of a different time but my mom grew up in virginia before during the civil rights movement and went to a segregated school in all her textbooks they showed slaves getting off slave ships with suitcases i'd be interested in seeing these textbooks living in tulsa oklahoma my schools never once mentioned the race riots that happened here in 1921 when whites bombed and burned black tulsa to the ground they almost completely leveled it and all because the black community was prospering i get the sense that it is not taught almost anywhere in america today in second grade my teacher told the entire class that love meant to love very much throughout the day she would tell us oh i loathe you children i loathe you too second grade teacher she definitely knew my teach once told us that you only use 10 of your brain a few years later another teacher said if you really think you only need 10 percent of your brain you should donate the other 90 to scientific research immediately it came about from only 10 of your neurons are firing at any given moment arguably a crap statement itself then the s movement that was really popular during the 50s 70s got a hold of it and used it as an explanation for why they should get federal grants and tv appearances if only jref materials were mandatory in schools not me but my so in primary school he asked his teacher how the propellers on a helicopter worked the answer he got was that there was a large rubber band inside the helicopter that kept the propeller spinning really fast so the helicopter could take off sounds like you're so was taught by calvin's dad my teacher told me that if the earth was one foot closer or one foot further from the sun we'd all burn up or freeze ahem the earth's orbit is elliptical my basement is cold myth confirmed my freaking fourth year teacher told us neil armstrong wasn't the first man on the moon and that the russians got there first even at that young age i knew the teacher was talking bollocks in sixth grade my friend's teacher taught her class that pie is three one four one four one four one four one four one four one four one four one four repeating forever he got sent home for challenging her on it that people have a more developed left or right brain hemisphere and it makes them more logical versus more intuitive poland sent their cavalry against german tanks in world war ii daddy long legs are incredibly poisonous but can't penetrate human skin i'd want my money back if education wasn't free they did take all of your time that next grade all essays would be required to be in cursive never happened and now all essays are required as printouts or digital files not specifically my story but during bio class i think in high school while going over the reproductive system the teacher said that boys cannot pee when they have an erection the urethra is blocked or some other stupid crap a friend called her out on it as bulls he said that bulls i just used the urinal with a boner that the world would end on the 21st of december 2012 teacher had to quit two months later because of depression and circulatory failure fun times my biology teacher didn't understand evolution at all she wasn't creationist or anything but she taught us that a single organism's genes can change in its lifetime depending on what it needs she basically pulled a michael kelso and said the equivalent of if i needed to go faster to catch prey i'd grow rockets on my feet if i'm not wrong that's how landmark described evolution oh there's loads i eventually learned when i got older that much of what i had been taught in the early years of school was complete horse crap the athenian warrior runner phidipides did not run 26 miles and drop dead at the gates of athens after the battle with sparta the celts are not originally from india blood is not blue until it touches the air columbus was not trying to prove the earth was round people in the middle ages didn't think the earth was flat coma the celts are not originally from india what why would someone even think that what the teacher is older than you and therefore knows best that was actually in my school's honor code in the section about not arguing with teachers complete bulls benjamin franklin's kite never freaking happened but damn it if it wasn't in our elementary textbooks also america won the revolutionary war because we had something worth fighting for but like the british soldiers were all hey not really feeling it guess i'll just get banned it it was kind of a sideshow a science teacher in high school once adamantly insisted that you would die in space by freezing instantly because he'd seen it in movies i spoke up and said you don't freeze in space instantly because there's nothing physically there to take your thermal energy away you die by decompression and then slowly radiate your heat away i was super uncool people made fun of me everybody left class that day thinking he was right not decompression asphyxiation the lack of pressure is dangerous and would kill you eventually but it would take longer than you could hold your breath the lack of oxygen is what would actually kill you in my sophomore year high school i had an english teacher who believed in spontaneous generation she told us that maggots come from rotting meat therefore flies come from rotting meat this is exactly what reddy disproved in his experiments in the 17th century i mean the exact experiment i can't remember exactly what poem we were analyzing when she said this but it was a very far-fetched comparison to the text we were reading i go to a private school and when she said this i was thinking my parents wasted their money i have to say good on you for knowing that when i first started teaching i over prepared heavily for classes fearing that students would ask me all sorts of questions related to the material they almost never do the lack of intellectual curiosity outside topics that will be on the test is disturbing first grade you can't subtract a bigger number from a smaller number third grade sure you can negative numbers but you can't multiply by zero fourth grade sure you can the answer is also zero but you can't have a fraction with non-integer components fifth grade sure you can it's just division but you can't take the square root of a negative number seventh grade sure you can those are imaginary numbers but you can't have an infinite series high school sure you can that's basic pre-calc but you can't do math on things that aren't numbers college you know what frick all those guys that if you tied two people's left arm behind their back and they had a child and you tied that child's left arm behind their back and they had a child with another person whose left arm was tied behind their back and so on and so forth that eventually their descendants would be born with no left arm they said it was how evolution worked and that came from my favorite history teacher i guess that's why they taught history and not biology schizophrenia consists of people who have split personalities false schizophrenic patients have a variety of characteristics such as hallucinations and delusion but never has their personality split that is called dissociative personality disorder and is commonly associated as schizophrenia our health teacher told us it was impossible for a woman to get pregnant from rape something along the lines of her body simply wouldn't allow the fetus to grow yup that's some dangerous crap to teach for all kinds of reasons my history teacher liked to add stuff on her lessons like how the king of england wrote in his diary that nothing of notice happened today on the day the declaration of independence reached him in truth he apparently didn't keep a diary a ton of stuff in chemistry changes every year that women cannot have hemophobia my biology teacher then went on to add that if they could carry this menstruation would be fatal as the blood would not stop that this symbol meant that the item to the left was greater than the item to the right only one person in the classroom decided to argue based on the obvious implications of a little end and a big end and b the use of the symbol in musical notation to denote volume he later had his mum visit the school and show the teacher a book only at that point did the teacher revisit the subject this was in the penultimate year of primary school fifth year the pacman eats the bigger number everyone knows that i before except after sea to that i say i deify your deity you shall not heist my sovereignty seize the veil and forfeit the heinous weird everyone is a unique and beautiful person i've since learned a good portion of people are driven by spite and advertising and greed i attended a catholic school from kindergarten to university so i think you know the fact i was told that if i didn't eat my broccoli the boogie man would get me we couldn't use calculators because you wouldn't always carry one with you to help you out except for you know smartphones nowadays i disagree i need mental arithmetic at work every day it's very frustrating teaching student pilots to fly when they can't do simple mental arithmetic yes i have a smartphone with me but i'm not going to pull it out to calculate my cross wind when i'm just about to land my plane when i was little i was told during a dare program speech that one time a guy went to her party and puffed on one marijuana cigarette and died instantly because of how bad it was for you i already saw this documentary on the legalization of drugs talking about how there are no reported cases of people dying from weed i wanted to point it out but i decided not to it was from that day forward that i realized that just because you are older doesn't mean that you always tell the truth yeah i was told in there that smoking a single joint was the equivalent of smoking an entire pack of cigarettes pretty sure that's not true diagrams are bodies of blue veins because blood in veins is blue it wouldn't be so bad if i wasn't in high school when i was taught this i also got into an argument once with a teacher in fifth grade because i said a dessert can be any arid place it doesn't have to be hot and sandy he insisted a dessert has to be hot and sandy and it doesn't have to do with precipitation guys when you were told in school that pluto was a planet it really was sure scientists classify it differently now but that doesn't retroactively make your teacher a liar in third grade i had a substitute teacher who tried to tell us that kilometers were longer than miles because the metric system was more efficient my eighth grade teacher told us that frick originated from the acronym for unlawful carnal knowledge kids have it easy today with google and on their phone for calling out bulls that lactic acid buildup is the cause of sore muscles it's actually small tears that e 330 causes cancer that thing is in everywhere as it's actually just citric acid the confusion originated out of mistranslation of krebs apparently and basically all of physics up until they mentioned einstein there actually is not widely approved consensus on the sore muscles few different theories exist tears being honored them not me but a couple of months ago my mom she teaches third grade said that some new teacher was teaching her kids that the sun isn't a star and that stars are really small nothing like our sun it's sad that jobs like teaching or being a cop or joining the military used to be jobs that people wanted to do because they were great respectable jobs to have that benefited society now they seem to be a last resort for people who couldn't make it anywhere else it's like a real life equivalent of the night's watch from game of thrones no one can remember why it's important and don't think it's worth the time or effort to do anymore eventually it's just thieves and murders being grabbed from jails and given a life sentence protecting the world from the greatest threat of all time ignorant children or criminals or terrorists muscle weighs as much as fat because a pound of muscle weighs as much as a pound of fat i had the worst health teacher when i was in an english school in quebec in the 70s we were taught that we were supposed to change our names to french names like if your name was peter you had to change it pierre if there was no french alternate to your name then you were obliged to sign your name with a bunch of completely unnecessary diacritic marks which was completely subjective and had no consistency so matter how you tried to sign your name it would be marked wrong and you would have marks taken off whatever you handed in it was really our french teachers were just a bunch of buttholes who hated teaching in an english school the left-to-right political spectrum often placing russian-style communism on the far left and fascism on the far right this system is too simplified to be correct there are actually four branches to take into account when considering a political spectrum the traditional left and right refer to the economic attitudes of an ideology or government so the far left would be fundamentalist socialism in the far right would be market fundamentalism or neo-liberalism there is there no up and down scale which is focused on the social attitudes and civil liberties etc of a government ideology the top is the furthest authoritarian or totalitarian government and the bottom is an anarchist system the result of this would mean that both russian-style communism and fascism would be at the top of the spectrum both being authoritarian in nature with marxism and an archo capitalism being the extreme left and right of the bottom fascism however would vary in where it sits on the left and the right as it is related to nationalism as opposed to economic policy most current governments would sit just up and right off the center varying depending on the strength of the unions in the country and attitudes towards immigration and things like gay marriage when i moved from california to north carolina i found myself about two years ahead in school obviously they put me in the gifted program but that was a huge joke they basically pulled me from a couple classes i can't remember which and had me play trivia games instead during those periods there was this one other kid from california there and he acted like the queen of freaking france telling everyone that he's from california so he has to be smarter it ends up that this kid and i are tied at the end of the game since the kid's mom was a doctor and the teacher was about who decided to ask a lot of super advanced anatomy questions and so we moved on to the tie breaker round the tiebreaker question was asking about the largest dessert in the world at the same time he blurts out sahara and i blurt out antarctica and this kid gives me this derisive almost pitying look as if i just told him the earth was flat and everything revolved around it he laughs at me and the teacher starts laughing at me too and the teacher tells me through tears of love turmeric an article isn't a dessert because it's very wet and a dessert has to be very dry given that this was the end of fifth grade that explanation peed me off to no end and so i snapped i told the teacher she was stupid marched to the library brought the encyclopedia back to the room the librarian was not happy that she was the one teacher at that school i actually liked so she was fine especially when i told her what happened showed them the entry which proved me right and then told the class that they were all stupid and i was leaving because i wouldn't learn anything either way so i might as well be around nice people and that was how i left the gifted program in catholic school my science teacher told us all the sky is blue because it reflected off the ocean that exact quote that water goes down the drain counterclockwise in the north hemisphere and clockwise in the south hemisphere it actually depends much more on the drain shape and irregularities than anything else i went to a catholic k 8th grade school run by nuns and while they didn't know crap about the bible hold a new testament and i'm not talking about interpretation just real basic stuff they got completely wrong serious what's the scariest fact you know there's a plant that grows in australia called a jimpi jimpi touching the plant will result in an unbearable pain because of the small needles on the plant the pain is so unbearable people and animals killed themselves because of it there's also a plant called hogweed that can cause severe burns and blisters that can scar you for life coma jimpy jimpy i just we peed it apparently its fruit is edible if the hairs are removed that seems like it's pushing the definition of edible to me a brain aneurysm can hit you anytime anywhere with next to no warning sauce watching my otherwise healthy grandma go from happily singing and making dinner to crying about the worst pain she had ever been into being a vegetable in less than an hour my co-worker got a major migraine and started feeling very dizzy while at work i helped her get a cab to go home where her husband was and she ended up going to the hospital that night for an emergency surgery she was lucky to make it spent a month recovering at the hospital prion diseases exist they're not bacteria or viruses there isn't an infection a set to attack they're basically an alternate form of protein and we can't stop them prions are misfolded proteins which makes them the origami of diseases you can have rabies for years before it even shows symptoms then one day you get a headache and it's a death sentence from there oh god i found a dead bat in my apartment like two years ago guess i should go get checked before the paranoia sets in a moose can swim about 16 feet slash five meters under water which is why orchestra natural predators are them imagine you're diving underwater suddenly there's a moose sitting at the bottom eating sea grass then it gets eaten by an orca that would be terrifying my day would be done at that point that's it for me thanks your skin is not 100 attached to your body with enough air pressure beneath the skin your body will become a balloon with a solid core and it will be excruciating before the embolism kills you balloon boy nc 17 edition my best friend was dining with his mom dad and brother his brother was talking while eating and mid-sentence he just fell head down into his plate the blood clot in his lung caused sudden death he was a 28 year old healthy athlete that thought haunts me every day my mother passed away a pulmonary embolism on the living room floor scariest thing ever she complained she couldn't see and things went black as soon as we put a cold washcloth on her head while waiting for ms she took her last breath the death part doesn't haunt me but knowing she spent her last moment of life in fear from not being able to see haunts me to this day fun fact being flayed skinned alive by a skilled torturer meant that you'd be likely to survive the ordeal believe it or not dying of shock or blood loss wasn't guaranteed often people survived hours or days with no skin in these cases what finished them off was hypothermia holy frick i think i've heard enough if you are ever in a heavily armored tank and get hit and the fuel starts to burn you will not die from the shell bit from the heat so basically getting cooked to death i'll remember this next time i'm in a heavily armored tank that a large number of asteroids and comets that could potentially hit earth directly have not even been discovered as of yet and our ability to actually stop a large object traveling stupidly fast is much worse than depicted in films the reason they don't hit earth is cause jupiter usually pulls them towards itself with its massive gravitational field rose west is alongside her husband fred one of the most infamous serial killers in modern british history who killed several lodgers in her house and if not for a single mistake she would have gotten away with it when they were finally caught all evidence actually pointed to fred being the sole culprit and she shifted the blame onto him either out of a freaked up sense of loyalty or despair for being betrayed fred committed suicide in custody which seemed to end the idea of bringing him and his wife to trial relegating any other investigations into figuring out what crimes fred had committed the police were still deeply convinced that either rose knew more about the murders than she was letting on or she was a direct participant but she was a tough egg to crack the police tried every angle conceivable but she always deflected the blame onto fred and there was never a crack in her story too well rehearsed she knew what to say when to say it and they couldn't trip her up however while investigating both her husband and her own backgrounds they discovered that fred had a daughter from his first wife and the police confirmed that not only was this girl one of rose's victims fred has an ironclad alibi for when she died because he was in prison and when they confirmed that another victim found was the girl's mother the police had a clear motive rose killed her stepdaughter and told people she was back to living with her mother and had fred kill his first wife to keep her quiet honestly i think a scarier fact than even this is all the psychos and murderers who didn't make any mistakes and were never caught a bot fly can lay an egg in a fraction of a second literally swatting the fly can be enough for it to lay an egg which burrows into your flesh and feeds in there until it hatches and matures enough to fly away and start the cycle again it can also happen to an eye i know this because i'm an eye doctor and i have removed a buttfly lava from the inside of an eyelid tussle conjunctival membrane and yes i have photos i have posted about it in the past before no frick that we've come very close to nuclear war and had nuclear accidents many times also we've lost a lot of nukes google broken arrows sometime broken arrow broken arrows will probably bring up the very good immo song by avicii your tastebuds are actually sillier and are constantly being worn down by the movement of your tongue in your mouth if you end up in a coma for long enough your tongue becomes fuzzy maybe it's just me but that adds to the very long list of reasons i never want to be in an extended coma i'll put you in a coma for telling me that tongues can get fuzzy you freaking freak that you really do need seven nine hours of sleep every day even at six hours the lack of sleep decreases efficiency productivity and increases risk of developing dementia and alzheimer's furthermore it weakens the immune system and handicaps the body's ability to destroy cancer cells which therefore increases risk of cancers of the breast colon ovaries and prostate the scary part of it is that you can't get back all the sleep that you lose out on because sleep efficiency decreases so trying to catch up on the weekends isn't really making up for what you lost throughout the week ironically those who say i can't sleep when i'm dead will end up dead quicker because of lack of sleep and people like to make fun of me when i say i get 9 hours of sleep just how dangerous the world actually is basically anything can kill you if you swim in a lake there is a chance you'll get brain eating bacteria if a fly lands on your eye for a nanosecond it's enough time for it to lay eggs in your eyes death is always lurking around the corner prions are the most terrifying thing on earth a prion is a misfolded protein in your brain and once it starts all other proteins will replicate it can happen at any time and it's unknown what causes it a prion diseases is fatal once the proteins begin misfolding there's no way to reverse it well known prion diseases recruits felt jacob disease the former mad cow disease and kuru lewy body dementia is a related disease what robin williams had before his suicide another terrifying fact is that it is transmissible if you consume the brain of someone with this disease or come into contact with an instrument with a disease then you will contract it and eventually die there's no way to destroy the protein so medical equipment used in brain surgery has to be carefully disposed of there is also a newly studied disease that scientists have seen in deer as chronic wasting disease the deer basically become zombies and eventually die there is not any evidence yet that this disease can be passed to humans from consuming the meat some the brain which you shouldn't eat anyway but it's still under intense study since deer hunting is pretty much required in some areas since they are considered a nuisance species bonus fun fact most cases of cjd occur spontaneously you don't have to come into contact with something contaminated or inherited from someone one day unknown to you a little prion in your brain decides it's tired of being told what to do unfolds and just like that it's curtains for you no treatment no cure and prion diseases are not fun ways to go a lot of people don't realize rabies is extremely fatal it's one of the deadliest diseases to ever be seen on planet earth deadlier than any plague only a handful of people have ever survived rabies and treated i believe the number is around five and most of them were completely crippled for the rest of their short lives even treatment isn't very effective don't ever get rabies geologists here the earth's magnetic poles places your compass point are moving at an alarming rate while they switch think north compass arrow will point south every 10 000 years or so we are overdue for a switch so like happy 2021 yo also the super volcano under yellowstone does technically have the firepower to wipe out much of life on planet earth but it's not overdue like many people try to claim it is that's just fear-mongering also there was a point in the past during the ice age i think were less than 2 000 humans were alive if it would have been modern humans we would have to put ourselves on the endangered species list spiders can swim fly and climb almost everything also if you break anything and not remove the cast the skin will grow over it and beneath the cast your skin will attach itself to the cast and be eaten by mites i was told that spiders don't get killed when sucked up by certain vacuum cleaners and they crawl back out freaked the heck out of me when i moved and sucked up loads of spiders if the sun disappeared it would take eight minutes for the rays of the sun to reach the earth also if space allowed sound to travel through it we would hear the raws of the sun for 13 hours also after eight minutes the earth goes flying out of our solar system in whatever direction it was headed when the sun disappeared the entire universe as we perceive it is in the past the vast distances make light take millions of years to travel there may be alien life out there right now but we may never see it because humans go extinct before that light reaches us true we are seeing things as they were and not as how they are right now basically if you look at the stars in the sky it's like you see in ghosts images of stars that may actually not exist right now or have died there's a haunted house called the makami manor people that can be subjected to powers of torture abuse and humiliation you need to sign a 40-page waiver to be let in and the only cost is a single can of dog food in this waiver it states that the owner will not let you out unless you are having a serious mental crisis or are suffering from near fatal bodily harm panic attacks do not count even severe ones there is a 20k dollar reward for those who finish but nobody has ever completed it the longest anyone has lasted was six hours and it can be as long as 10 hours if you really want to see the footage there are plenty of videos of the torture on youtube just be wary as these videos are highly disturbing you've never seen your own face just reflections and pictures also everyone else has a more accurate perception of your appearance than you do somehow this one's oddly comforting no one's really as bad looking as they think they are for this reason there is plastic everywhere from the highest mountains to the deepest trench in the ocean it's estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean and it is bad for us likely causing fertility problems and reducing penis size comma reducing penis size i shouldn't have chewed on my plastic toys when i was a kid this may sound stupid but i think one of the scariest facts i know is the fact that you can find so much sick and depraved crap on the internet with just a few clicks of a button if i or heck anyone wanted to find some cartel beheadings or some crap bam easy the internet is freaked up man there is a time where the last star is gonna burn out and the universe is just gonna be darkness that kind of freaks me out this idea gets even scarier when you consider that it's darkness filled lot of empty space with black holes if you commit a murder in the united states the chances that you will be arrested and convicted for it is less than 50 it's actually much less than that if it's a random killing don't know if this counts as scary but it sure is freaky when you're eating a pineapple it is also eating you they contain the enzyme bromelain which breaks down proteins that is your tongue that's what that tingling sensation is everyone appears virtually normal weird people are weird but the scariest thing is if someone truly is warped mentally they will appear absolutely normal always wonder if someone i know is truly someone i know or just a projection they're showing me so i can't see the real in her at any second the whole planet could be completely destroyed by x-ray bursts from quasars so many other scary things have practical solutions for protecting the human race but there is no defense humanity could conceivably develop against such a massive amount of energy i subscribe to the star trek utopian techno future massive gamma or x-ray burst nothing can stop it goodbye planet earth if you have ffi fatal familial insomnia you will experience progressively worsening sleeplessness your inability to sleep eventually turns into total insomnia at which point you'll die people who have this rare genetic condition will all die it's inevitable most people within a year of its onset scary to think about surfers myelopathy is a non-traumatic injury most often seen in novice surfers where they tweak their back while trying to get up on the board they initially feel pain and weakness and then they become fully paraplegic it doesn't even have to be surfing yoga pilates or even getting up from laying down you just hyper extend your back a little weird one day and bam you're in a wheelchair completely paralyzed from the waist down this is it out of all the replies this one is the most terrifying i really shouldn't have clicked on this thread now i'm concerned that everything in the comments especially a brain aneurysm will eventually happen to me every time you log into a website post on reddit send a text message make a call even just turning on your phone your name and information is logged in anywhere from 10 to 30 different servers worldwide and it's not just your phone or computer new cars have data tracking systems that log your information that can be pulled during service and yes you agreed to all of it just by owning a piece of equipment you could have experienced incredible and unimaginable pain and anguish or similar horrible things at any time and for any period of time but you've forgotten because you've forgotten it's as if it never happened but at a point in time a version of you is experiencing unbelievable pain it's scary to think you could have forgotten many things that nobody knows happened but when they did you yourself didn't experience them the worst part of that is that even if you don't remember it mentally your body does physically so you have reactions and responses that make no sense to you because you don't remember the thing you forgot the body keeps score by bessel van der kok explains more about ptsd and how the body holds onto those traumas there are so many places that humans aren't naturally meant to go and we have to artificially adapt ourselves to it underwater underground in the atmosphere in space and in those places we are the invading aliens no matter how you live you can still have an aneurysm certain things do increase and decrease likelihood but it can definitely happen to anyone somewhere around 1 in 50 people each year having one can kill you in minutes paralyze you for life and all kinds of other horrifying neurological crap a great fear of mine would be having one as i sleep and just waking up paralyzed left to die eventually by my inability to seek help sleep well kids i've understand the earth's rotation for as long as i can remember but watching a time lapse of the stars moving through the sky really put into perspective the planet we are on is literally rotating through space it's also interesting to think that the earth is rotating whilst orbiting the sun which is orbiting the smbh at the center of our galaxy and our galaxy is moving too if you really were granted immortality i don't mean like a vampire that can be killed in a certain way i mean true immortality like you will never cease to exist even after all the stars have burned out and the universe contracts and there is another big bang you will still be conscious and aware and as many times as this cycle repeats itself this will never change your existence will never end ever for any reason that thought is truly horrifying you never know if you were the last straw for someone's life tldr source saw this from someone's story about how their toxic behavior pushed a random to suicide in a random pub match on some game don't ever rage at players even toxic ones be civil always you never know what the person on the other end is actually going through and you get nothing out of your pee contest anyways nasa was originally created to explore the bottom of the ocean ever since they got down there they've been trying to figure out how to get us off this planet apparently people used to give surgeries to babies without anesthesia because they thought babies didn't feel pain they stopped not long after a few incidents i believe however i never looked further into it a thing called estate recovery exists say you've worked your whole life you have a solid 401 k nice house etc then you get sick like we all will you lose your job and the insurance that comes with it so the medical debt collectors take your life savings until you're below the 2 k threshold needed to qualify for medicaid which happens insane fast because every tiny thing seems to cost at least 10 k once you die everything left that you had spent your life working towards goes to the state and not your kids you lost most of it to debt collectors but now your children pay the ultimate price they lose the home they grew up in and everything else that you owned it wasn't enough for them to deal with the loss of a parent the system is rigged to keep poor people poor if you want your kids to have a good chance at life you better start giving to them now and just hope that you don't get sick within four years because that'll count as a transfer of assets and they'll rake it back i worked in healthcare and i have seen this happen in nursing homes assisted living facilities more times than i wanted it's part of why i quit the business that true randomness might not be real and everything in existence is predictable varying only by the form of information that describes it the bank can't get your money back if you knowingly gave it to someone who turned out to be a scammer so men will only old and disabled people fall for scams and i wish anyone who scams them pain and suffering look out for the vulnerable people in your life and make sure they're educated on scams and fraud if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 54,827
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Keywords: weirdest facts in the world, weirdest facts, weirdest facts about space, weirdest facts ever, weirdest facts that are true, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, memes, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: NLqQm9xA8Is
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Length: 153min 34sec (9214 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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