Floridians, How Do You Feel About the “Florida Man” Stereotype?

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floridians how do you feel about the florida man stereotype i encounter them fairly often and i find it pretty accurate it doesn't describe all of us but there are a non-zero number of them in any public space so it makes sense that it has caught on i've never encountered a wild floridian before so this is very informative so i no longer live there but grew up in northern florida on the panhandle left when i was 19. looking back it's funny but good living there could be exhausting at times especially as a gay teenager so my two stories i like to tell that always get to laugh one my hometown got a walmart on its opening day my high school took a field trip to it always joke that the school was saying come look where you'll spend the rest of your life kids 2. the only boyfriend i had back then left me for his 42 year old second cousin keep in mind i was 17 and my boyfriend was 18 but oh it gets better the 42 year old had a 20 year old son they later on got engaged and the ex told the son to call him dad now then tried to talk me into a threesome fun times if you didn't guess it the relationship didn't last don't know what happened but eventually they got into a fight and broke it off so yeah i very rarely visit home i find it entertaining weird crap definitely does happen here i once went to her party and ended up in the start of a zombie apocalypse because a crazy girl bit me on my arm and wouldn't get off me till her roommate came across the room and kicked her in the face i only offered my hand to help her off the ground and she bit me totally unprovoked i'm sad i don't remember her name or i'd fb message her on our bite iversary an introvert guide to flirting part one first step pretend to need the target's assistance second step call them a snack i claim it with pride did i ever tell you about the time i fought off a 450 pound bear that wanted my barbecue by stabbing it in the face with a 50 cent steak knife on my front porch the details i'm cooking out on the porch i hear a noise and look around a big black bear has been following his nose sees me between him and his bbq made a sort of humph and froze staring at me he's about 15 feet away on the three steps up to the porch i raise my arms to look bigger and yell go away bear but he doesn't twitch i can see the wheels turning in his head through his beady little eyes he didn't expect me but is now considering whether to eat me or just teach me a lesson about getting between him and his food the door is about 10 feet away but that's directly towards the bear not a good direction no other retreat is open to me being on the porch with the grill maybe if i throw something at him he will get momentarily distracted or intimidated enough for me to make it to the door my options are a 99 cent dollar general spatula which does not recommend itself as a weapon or a flimsy plastic handled four for two dollar steak knife which at least has a sharp ish point i take the steak knife by the tip and through it just like i would expect someone to throw it if they knew how to throw a knife and the knife was a throwable knife neither of which are true miraculously enough it hit the bear in the face almost directly on his nose point first and stuck him quite deeply on the muzzle i mean pulling deep this is doubly miraculous since i was aiming rather vaguely at the other end of the bear throwing really hard is evidently terrible for one's aim he blatted exactly like i imagine a sheep would sound jumped in the air swatted the knife out and fled at top speed he cleared a four-foot chain link fence without slowing down and without touching it at all oh and they caught the bear a couple of weeks later about one stroke four mile down the road when it clawed up some guy at a trash can identified by the wound on the nose almost healed i'm a mod of our florida man and i approve this message i've lived in tampa for 15 years and that stereotype is total fiction that the deep state wants you to believe to keep you in the dark and now if you will excuse me i have to go freebase some baths all so i have the energy to wrestle the alligator out of my above ground pool top in the bed of my pickup truck filled with water saint peter's burger here though only one family member still lives there since my grandparents died aside from being a large diverse state another thing to consider is florida's sunshine laws which encompass broad public record laws that allow journalists to very quickly access police incident reports i always get the feeling that on a slow news day reporters from all over the world peruse florida arrest records online and write stories about the craziest crap they can find in hopes that it will go viral if only people knew how different northern and southern florida are we should honestly be different states at this point northern florida is basically just southern georgia at this point i think it's funny that living in florida most of the genuinely insane people i have met aren't even from here they're all people who move south from nyc every crazy person i've known has moved to florida to straighten their life out it never helps it's accurate but the only reason you see it is because arrests are published immediately other states have weirdos too those governments just don't go out of their way to publish the arrests how dare you reveal to us a possible rational reason as to why the phenomenon of florida man exists born and raised floridian i feel like it's appropriate and wrong at the same time the biggest problem with it is most of the florida men and women you hear about are originally from somewhere else same reason we're seen as being bad drivers no one is actually from here you throw a million different driving styles into one place you're bound to have a bad time from miami definitely bad drivers born in the uk to an american mother and pretty much my entire family other than myself and my parents live in florida so i spent a lot of time there growing up honestly i get it it's obviously not reflective of the entire population of fl but dang does some freaky crap go down there true florida man here the rare florida native variety born and raised in the state i will tell you a couple of truths about florida north florida is really south georgia the further away from the beach you get the more southern florida gets with orlando being the exception as with the distance from the beach rule so goes the same with the distance from i-4 central fl basically along the i-4 corridor is about as normal as florida gets that spans from daytona beach on the east coast through orlando and down to tampa on the west coast as for the stereotype most people will also tell you that the florida man stories are readily available because of our sunshine laws it's not that florida man is any crazier than texas man or michigan man not sure those are great comparisons by the way it's just that the access to the police reports is readily available and easily reportable we air our dirty laundry we don't hide it michigan man may not be nuts but upper michigan man like florida man but with snowmobiles and viking blood gone goofy i wish florida had worse stereotypes because the ones we do have are clearly not bad enough to keep everybody from moving into the state i keep proposing baby eating but they don't let me talk at city commission meetings anymore for some reason on one hand florida man indisputably exists you can't live in the state for any length of time without knowing at least one if you don't think you know one well you probably are florida man on the other hand i don't think he's unique to florida the reason he's so well known as florida's very broad public records transparency laws known collectively as the sunshine law in a nutshell with few exceptions anything any state government agency does is required to be made public record i embrace it my personal favorite florida man story is about sheriff grady judd he and his deputies shot a man 68 times and when i asked why they shot him 68 times the sheriff replied because they ran out of ammunition if the man in question was an armed and dangerous cop killer we were this close to greatness star wars man florida man born and raised i grew up in central florida and now live in miami i will admit that my reaction to some of the memes are a big so what because i've seen similar things my only real concerns are when uh it's a lie can't think of any examples right now or b it's from a tourist or recent immigrant somebody freaks up on spring break they're not florida man simbato loses his job and retires to fl he does not automatically become florida man when he does something crazy you have to live in florida for a while before you earn that title i'll be honest i used to enjoy florida man memes now i feel they're used primarily to fuel reddit superiority complexes that said there's definitely crazy trashy folk in florida but if you keep to the right parts of town spend a little more at publix instead of going to walmart and use the new well illuminated race track instead of the dinghy marathon when you're filling up your tank at night you should be able to steer clear of the crazies for the most part i've seen some wild crap living in florida my whole life so i'd say they are accurate in the sense that they happen but there are just as many crazy stories as the rest of the country i'm not 100 sure on this but i believe i saw an article claiming that florida has certain laws that allow stories to be published about crime's crazy happenings immediately after they happen other states have rules about waiting a certain amount of time before talking about the wild crap that happens in their state and while we're on the topic of florida please if you are thinking of traveling down here because we have very loose covered restrictions don't please wait until covered is over don't make our state government's denial of reality our problem i have seen so many dang out of state plates lately parking and walking into publix without a mask etc it's infuriating i'd love to be able to not wear my mask at work since i'm in and out of the cold all day making my mask damp and sometimes smell of mushrooms but i'd rather breathe in o2f two parts oxygen one part fungus then get rona not offended not denying it people are just their own breed you have a bunch of retired successful new yorkers generally the no bs italian gangster types they have kids and mix with the crazy af will do anything if you dare them southerners and create a wild new breed of overconfident and over-tanned hybrids and then douse them corona with lime tikki lawrency speaking from south florida i have lived in orlando florida on and off for about 15 years half my life i went to college in boston that was a culture shock i don't mind the stereotype but i think people are missing why the stereotype exists there are a couple of factors i can't think of first florida does not have a culture everybody and anyone moves here so you get a lot of different styles of people around second we have a crap ton of rehabs this means that drug addicts come relapse and stay cause it's easier to be homeless in this weather currently it is 75 out and i'm walking my dog in shorts third we have open record laws you do some weird crap and it ends up in the news it's a weird place with weird people i mainly live here for family but it doesn't hurt that something in the water makes people stupid my career is going far better here than it was in boston my friends up north are nowhere near to the level i am i tell all my friends it's because it's never hard to be the smartest person in the room here basically i'm a big fish in a little pond but the rest of the ponds residents are very confused squirrels have family in florida so i go there a lot not a floridian though i was driving through the panhandle and stopped at a grocery to get some road snacks and take a daddy well there i am minding my own business pants down and defenseless when eight 13 year old child crawls under the walls of the stool and exclaims i forgot to wipe my butt i yell at him to shoo but he just drops his pants and asks for some toilet paper i hand it to him he wipes his butt tries to hand it to me i refuse then he throws it on the floor he then crawls back under the wall and leaves the bathroom tldr met florida boy i have heard that no one is actually from florida could it be that the crazies from the other 49 states end up in fl as some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy the stereotype exists for a reason it's at the same we are given no credit for our accomplishments for instance there was this one time my friend billy joe bib bob who is also my third cousin grandpa went fishing in a canoe and caught a base that was bigger than the canoe so he put the canoe on top of the base and rode the base back to his treehouse where he lives with our girlfriend this funny take on that name came to me years ago and i can't unthink it now whenever i hear billy joe bob i think of the alternative billy [ __ ] i think it's funny when it's just a meme but when it crosses into real life issues like the people during the election saying we should cut florida off because who cares about the people who live there all those gifs of bugs bunny cutting the state off because frick everyone they're right i don't like those and find them to be in bad taste at least recognize that florida man comes from our sunshine journalism law or whatever i think the election frustration from florida comes from the fact that we think of it as a swing state you don't get the same memes about alabama because everyone knew they would vote trump all along also it would be harder for bugs bunny to sore alabama off in all seriousness though if the panhandle were part of alabama instead of florida florida would be a fairly reliably blue state i lived in orlando for a year i'm from saint louis which is the murder capital of the us i never once saw a headline and saint louis about three men robbing a chuck e cheese with ak-47s i honestly think it's all based on confirmation bias the reason why florida man exists is because all arrests in florida becomes public record within a day there are probably equally crazy people in other states it's just that news outlets can't turn to them for content on a slow day like they can with floridian people the stereotype is probably further strengthened from the news stories that made it to national news like the miami zombie it's funny until someone finds out you're born there and assumes you're stupid or reckless and their whole demeanor just kind of drops and they say oh solemnly or go quiet i'm an introverted teeter-tailing bookworm who drives carefully the stereotype makes for easy click bait i do think the heat can be harder on mental health than people give it credit for we love and celebrate it nearly every radio station has a segment on the latest florida man headlines every newspaper covers them it's a regular topic of conversation because it's just so dang entertaining i wouldn't want to live in a state without florida man 20 or so years ago when i'd go to other states being from florida seemed to make people think that i was a soft laid-back flip-flop wearing tourist now it tends to make people think i'm at least familiar with if not fluent in crazy i thank the internet for that but overall i'd say the florida man swag peaked a few years ago and states like west virginia and louisiana are emerging as contenders for the title we've got more heat and humidity and press exposure but they've got slightly more stubborn brands of wrong and proud in the other states it's an okay place to be a nobody though as someone from florida florida man memes are lit our neighbors have coconut trees and they climb them every week or so to fling coconuts into the river swampy thing idk where they sprout a bit later then we sell them as little coconut trees tourists love it we have two gators in our backyard toot and b they are used interchangeably because we have no freaking idea which gator is which they're big and shy oafs even though toot or b who knows eats ducks sometimes when you go on a walk in the neighborhood you can see their heads sticking out you can get grilled gator tails from the everglades right next door it tastes like chicken but way better also nobody ever fricking turns on their signal lights florida is very beautiful come pay us a visit it's funny most of the time it's a shame that other states do not have the open records laws that florida does because let's face it alabama arkansas california plenty of people doing stupid crap all day long everywhere it's just not a florida thing it's an open records law thing oh i love it i've embraced florida man as part of my identity whenever i go somewhere new if i don't feel like giving someone my name i introduce myself as florida man i've not been on the news or famous on reddit for doing something really weird and swamp themed involving altar or drugs but seeing as i'm not yet dead the clock is still running i live in orlando as i was waiting outside a store to be helped a homeless man limps up to me and asks do you want to see something disgusting to which i responded hucky a man but i'm sorry i don't have any cash he brushed that off with just for that i'll show you anyway he then proceeded to sit on the curb and begin unwrapping a canvas bandage from around his ankle the entire time yelping in pain with every layer when he finally gets to the layer touching skin the bandage had stuck to the wound and so it took an extra bit of force to peel it off he had scraped his ankle down to within a one stroke eight inch of his bone and had now unwrapped his wound on the curb in front of me the stories are true but also florida is fantastic and beautiful i moved to florida from canada for a couple months until covid sent me home on the second day i went to target and saw man likely on them fighting the air looked like a pretty close fight tbh there are versions of florida man in every state some have more some have less we're just the most upfront about it and thus the moniker is named for us born and raised floridian here it's my favorite meme just because of how spot on it is everything from dudes tweaking out walking down the road to throwing alligators through the drive-through window at wendy's to naked dudes stealing cop cars and jerking off driving down the highway all happened in near my hometown at least once pretty sure the gator drive-through thing happened at least twice it's incredibly entertaining to see the rest of the country so baffled and interested in our wild butt state 10 stroke 10 from me i'm from florida and honestly it just makes me laugh mainly because if i told you stories of things i did during my childhood high school you'd be like wtf that's some florida man crap i honestly am proud to be from that lawless swamp i live in tn now and love hearing people's impressions of floridians apparently we are all bat crap crazy and i love it i heard the toothbrush was invented in tennessee it must be true because if it was invented anywhere else it would be called a teeth brush generally the joke here is that the more north you go here the more south it gets like i'm down here in miami so obviously basically none of the stereotypes really apply here i still find them funny though and in my online friend group i play into the stereotype every now and then for a joke it doesn't faze me anymore after i found out that florida disclosure laws make it easier for information to go public than in other states it made sense every place has its share of dumb people you just hear about it more often when it involves florida man born and raised floridian work at publix and customer service so i see the best of the best in pasco county if anyone watches live pd florida man stereotype absolutely true i've seen some wild crap most florida man thing i've seen was some dude coming in shirtless with a cat on his shoulder then start screaming at other customers who are looking at him which we all were this man had a little cat on his arm when my manager walks up to handle the situation he pops tf off and starts threatening to hit her calling her a freaking bee you know the works my manager starts telling him i dare you to hit me see where that gets you he didn't end up punching her colon if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 55,470
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Keywords: florida man, florida man compilation, florida man meme, florida man tier list, florida, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: FCk9M9kxQSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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