Have You Ever Witnessed a Teacher Being Fired?

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did any of you witness a teacher at your school get fired if so what for did they freak out or just do something so strange or cross the line that they will let go surprisingly the french teacher who constantly showed films featuring naked children had us read comics with naked children and read from books that described naked children was fired when they found the pictures of naked children the french teacher who immediately took over for him lasted four months she threw a brick at a student i don't actually think i've had a normal french teacher can confirm french teachers are never normal source 12 years of french immersion in the ontario public school system high school two teachers used to have sex on the catwalk above the auditorium one of the student techs went up there to change light filters and caught them next day school erupts in controversy i was in the class that the male teacher taught principal comes in calm and collected takes the teacher outside of class and the guidance counselor stays with us a few moments later the teacher walks in takes a couple of items off his desk doesn't say a word and walks out a substitute walks in and is immediately bombarded with questions he couldn't possibly answer an english teacher in my high school accepted a better paying job at a nearby college and decided to tell the school faculty so that they would have ample time to replace him for the next school year it was the end of march at the time the school ended up firing him on the spot and told him not to bother coming back after the day was over it was really sad he spent the rest of the day giving away things from his classroom to his students a teacher at my high school was really close with the students like following students on instagram and twitter close nobody thought anything about it because that was her personality until we found out she ended up sleeping with a junior the student body didn't know about it until one day she was not there she lost her job and her husband which she had three kids with everyone was shocked at first but looking back at it it was quite obvious something was going on i read junior as janitor i was horribly confused until i realized my mistake basically two female teachers were freaking students middle school a male teacher was being inappropriate physically and verbally with female students high school oh yeah there was the teacher selling voids to the football players my former math teacher straight up b slapped a kid who was made to stand up and face the wall at the back of the room the kid then proceeded to gently hump the wall and make little sighs and sex noises nobody liked this kid and not only was the whole ordeal side splitting hilarious but they restocked on the good chips of the canteen that day as well are high school you had your days can't fire catholic nuns but our sophomore english teacher absolutely lost it one day because of the classes complete indifference to her greek mythology lessons only one person in the class did the half-hearted attempt at her extra credit assignment from the prior day and that was the start of the breakdown sisters somewhat calmly asked that we pass our mythology textbooks to the front of the class and then went on a seriously loud rant about us awful students while ripping the textbooks down the spine and flinging them out an open window into the snow we were all sitting there like dumbfounded angels when the principal whose office was directly below the classroom came charging into the room assuming the students were rioting because why else would books be raining down outside his office window it took several moments before he recovered from the shock of seeing a nun continue on raving and tossing books out the window he escorted her out we just sat there with low murmuring conversations until the next bell not knowing what else to do never saw her again different teacher took over the next day the year i puked on a nun for refusing to let me go to the bathroom was the last year she taught she actually pulled my brother out of class and screamed at him for letting me puke on her my fourth grade teacher was fired because someone crap on the floor of the boy's room and he thought that he'd get to the bottom of it by lining up all the boys and sniffing their asses i was in fifth grade social studies when my teacher had a small break with reality caused by ptsd from serving some years prior a kid was playing with the chalkboard erasers at the back of the classroom and clapped them together hard sounded like a gunshot and the teacher thought so too apparently he quickly jumped over his desk and hit the floor screaming at the students to run before we all got shot he then threw a stapler as if it were a grenade and screamed for about 10 seconds straight it took three school resource officers to get this guy to snap back needless to say he got fired after a few days leave that sucks as it wasn't really his fault well i didn't watch it happen but it was made clear to my portuguese class that my professor was being watched they had the administrators of the department sit in on a few classes and the day she was fired two of my classmates were in the office waiting to talk to her and it was not pretty they didn't have any real grounds to fire her they didn't like her new teaching methods and suggestions for updating the department and told her she didn't fit in with the staff she was an awesome professor one of the only ones who genuinely cared about her students well-being but she rewarded effort more than accuracy and required students to go to office hours for homework checks rather than waste class time after she was fired many of us wrote letters on her behalf as many of us wouldn't have continued to higher level classes without her my professor basically told her colleagues to frick off and she gave pretty much everyone an a that semester she supported our protests but also told us to stand up for what we believe is right and recognize when your efforts will not change or help anything sounds like the kind of teacher we need more of teachers can be terribly conformist and cliquey the good one aren't i was office runner for my last period and i witnessed my english teacher get fired it was awkward as heck because she was a bee to me and i had to pretend like i didn't know what was going on while i picked up paperwork when you're office runner you get to see everything like when your bus driver is not allowed to be driving the school bus anymore because he ran a red light at 80 kilometers per hour when i was 10 i was in a class with 36 kids it was way too much and all of us were pretty horrible but one kid was the worst he vomited in the drawer of the titches desk because he thought it was fun for example when there was one minute silence for something serious he wouldn't stop laughing one day he just wouldn't stop yelling he sat next to the door that was half open after some time the teacher walks towards him grabs the chair the boy is sitting on and throws boy and chair through the half open door another teacher was in the hallway and saw it and our teacher was sent home he didn't come back sounds like a cool guy i wish some of our teachers would do that to aaron that guy is a douche and of course he harassed the new teachers the most not to repost my second top comment but one of the music teachers in hs mailed a raccoon's head to his boss i don't recall why he did it but he was fired nonetheless i just imagine a middle-aged guy stumbling outside in the middle of the night with a rifle and muttering to himself i need to find something with a head and remove it put that crap in a box yeah that'll show him didn't witness it but a teacher was manipulated into a fight with a student at my high school it was the student's fault but the teacher was let go anyway as much as the situation sucked many people were disappointed with how the local papers handled it mostly because his surname was shots headline easily could have been shots fired instead they went with a boring title shorts fried at local high school at one point my high school had a history teacher with quite the eccentric personality and she had the capacity to behave in an elegant intelligent and charming way when she felt like it unfortunately she was also a longtime alcoholic with a marriage that was falling apart when she drank she cursed like a sailor had absolutely no filter and generally acted like a deranged person i'd witnessed her terrible behavior numerous times as she was actually a family friend and lived in my neighborhood one day she showed up at my high school hammered having driven the one mile between the neighborhood where we both live and my high school with a german shepherd following close behind on foot i didn't witness the entire event but she apparently made a huge scene in the cafeteria ranting and raving about who knows what eventually she went so far as to grab a student and kiss him on the face i believe that was the point at which she was escorted from the school grounds if i recall correctly she never returned to teaching saw our football coach led a prayer at a pep rally and get fired shortly thereafter he had done it before and had been directed not to the last time he made it a point that he was told not to do so before he began he said that he had been told he couldn't let a prayer but if he did it would sound like this a man warned is half saved history teacher got fired because she jokingly said her favorite song was i don't freak with you obviously she didn't say the frick part but they still fired her nobody knew what happened until like a week later when she posted about it on facebook all we knew was from a small whiteboard she had taped to her wall that said love you all in her handwriting her replacement was that sub yeah we all know the one i'm talking about the on that took crap way too literally the one that hated everyone equally the one that said to a class of kids that were misbehaving that she thought our schooling was a waste of taxpayer money the one that always bragged about having a freaking quadruple master is that a thing in history yeah that's right ms may i'm talking to you idfw ms may back in eighth grade a teacher at my school was fired for inappropriate conduct among students rumor had it that he was incredibly mean to his class especially the girls i never learned why he also slapped one of his students in the hall which i saw it was quite brutal he deserved to be fired i never witnessed the teacher getting fired but i read about a substitute getting arrested and consequently fired it started with florida making it harder to get prescription painkillers out of state so her boyfriend went from oxy to dealing h and got her hooked to afford her habit she and her boyfriend were caught robbing a bank that got her fired but then they found out she also stole a dozen or so macbooks from the school too a dozen macbooks is more money than you will get robbing a bank those suckers are pricey i had a teacher get fired for telling a bunch of students to take pictures of themselves doing push-ups and other exercises in their underwear and hand them in with their essays for extra credit shortly after one of the parents expressed their concern towards the principal about why they were taking pictures of their kids like this for a class the teacher was investigated and fired this took place at an all-boys school with the class in question being aged between 14-16 and the teacher taught economics why he didn't get caught earlier was beyond me comer and the teacher taught economics wtf my favorite history teacher was let go of because two schools in the area merged locations were separate but it was now for different level students and this apparently meant that they had too many teachers because he was new he was let go of it's understandable that they chose him over teachers who had been working there for years but kind of sad to see a great passionate teacher who could make almost anyone interested laid off while keeping teachers who did nothing to keep the lessons interesting mr bus grade 9 social studies teacher he'd just disappear from mid-class a lot sometimes he wouldn't even be there at all he'd just randomly be a no-show we later found out that he had a passion for golf he was a real jerk and i never saw his reaction when he was let go but i am sure he made a stink because he had a very bad temper my college anatomy professor was fired because he was going through all the female students personal information and getting their phone numbers he would call them and ask them out to dinner and stuff physics teacher who was notorious for having crappy lame jokes one day he jokingly asks a muslim boy in his class if he has a bomb strapped under his jacket was winter cold and snowy we all had big jackets on class is horrified but now mr chuckles keeps going you gonna blow us all up you on your jihad boom boom boy the kid walks out of the class along with all the other muslim kids and a few of the rest of us straight down to the school office to complain to our rector the whole class got interviewed individually and the guy was fired muslim guy's dad was a lawyer and was understandably fuming threatening to sue press charges for race hate etc he was a fairly young teacher but i don't think he's gonna be working in a school again anytime soon there is a muslim girl in my english class and our teacher has called her a terrorist about three times so far the sad part is that he is actually a good teacher just a very angry man who hates the world i once saw crazy awful teacher get fired mostly because of me she was an english teacher and rather than talk about the material she would spend her days talking about her day-to-day life and how she didn't have a belly button because she got lipo she was so horribly overweight in addition to being a p poor teacher and not sticking to the material and even choosing super easy books to read so she didn't have to put in much effort she also had nasty little vendettas with students she didn't like one student a friend of mine was a little slow but certainly not stupid he was eager to learn day after day for months i would watch her tear him a new one for asking what she thought were stupid questions i literally watched this poor guy's self-esteem be stripped away until he couldn't spell the smallest words right finally i got so mad that i stood up in the middle of one of her tirades told her to stop being a fat old ugly bee who had to berate and diminish her students to get herself a steam boost she stood there red-faced speechless i was a good student so no one expected that out of me i grabbed my stuff and walked straight to the principal's office and told him about the previous few months surprisingly over the course of that week about 20 students backed up my story i was in detention with her when they served her her pink slip she balled and babbled and actually had to be escorted out of the building by security i won't say it felt nice to get the ball rolling on her termination but that bee did it to herself ugh i had a teacher that would only talk about his life too we spent an entire class period watching a video that mentioned his name once like 40 minutes in easily the worst teacher i've ever had all right i went to a catholic school so a few teachers got fired or i guess more accurately forced to resign i once had a lesbian [ __ ] music teacher but due to whole no penis for me thing had to go and the principal flicked the d-a-r-e cop and got caught my religion teacher actually got fired because he slapped our math teacher for being a bee which sucked because he was right yeah but now you think that slapping people who disagree with you is right funny how that works a teacher in my school poured holy water on a gay student's desk then told him he had a demon inside him and was going to heck hopefully i'll see her fired shortly holy crap even my overly catholic school would have fired someone for this and i'm talking about a school that threatened to suspend me if i didn't stop reading nature i had to take a course for earth science my freshman year the classroom was run by an emotionally unstable teacher who had difficulty controlling the unruly students i was one of the good ones second semester rolls in and things turn for the worse the head of the depth lambasted her teaching skills in front of us i will never forget the day she began to break down in rolling tears in front of the class looking powerless and defeated she begins to talk about her private life and how the death of her youngest son caused her to feel immensely miserable and sad we were silent the whole time she spoke of it a week later she stops showing up and blatantly lied to us about her whereabouts we ended up finding out that she was fired and was stuck with a line of substitute teachers the rest of the year i dug a little deeper a few years later and found out that she is doing much better i'm very glad she is doing better i'm very disappointed one of the kids didn't beat it ahead disclaimer i didn't witness this personally back in the very late 1990s we had this absolutely crazy english teacher she was telling 12 13 yo kids outright that she believed there would be a battle between good and evil at the turn of the millennium how the world would end basically saying things that might freak up at 12 year old etc others told of her having breakdowns in lessons and having public and explosive failings out with the other english teachers including a heated argument in a corridor you just never saw that in schools between staff so this was a rare event in itself basically she was completely mental and her overall standard of teaching and professionalism was slipping fast nobody liked her when the new millennium rolled round and the world hadn't ended she was suddenly no longer at the school with no obvious reason why rumors were spread one said she had developed any chronic fatigue syndrome the official line was she hadn't specified problems with her eyes or some other medical ailment that kept her off work i personally believe she either committed suicide over christmas or was sacked in the context of a private school both are fairly seismic event and we were never told the real reason far as i know nobody ever managed to find out either i also have another story of a university professor who was allegedly sacked for filling research money except we were told his sudden absence was due to a cycling accident and him being in some kind of therapy to recover from his injuries he wrote the answers to the standardized tests on the board and told everyone to get a few wrong people didn't listen and he resigned before the official investigation i had a crazy geography teacher who bit a female student on her butt while she was writing something on the chalkboard yes he was fired for it i had this one substitute teacher i had a few years back mr king a total nutter on our first day with him he stood on a counter in our woodwork room behind the cabinet and waited till people came in and stared them down a few days later after two guys were talking in his class nothing too out of the ordinary he flipped out marched them out the door and pinned each of them against the wall with either hand one came back laughing his butt off and the other was crying if there was a teacher equivalent to a real cop then mr king was it lasted a month or two not sure if he quit or was fired but i haven't seen him since made class interesting at least my teacher left a phone of her desk one of the students grabbed her phone and looked through it there was a pic of her with cm on her face and that was that the kid shouldn't have looked through her phone teacher or not that's personal property a few one threw a desk at a student like furniture three feet in the air through a desk at him for some reason i'm not entirely familiar with he was teaching the other grade seven class another pinned a student against the blackboard with a desk and screamed insults at him for about five minutes before throwing him out of his class a pair one in high school one in college who were just so utterly incompetent that they got sent away for retraining the one in high school was an example of better living through elective chemistry the first day of class while doing attendance in the middle of someone's name john doe here jnd did any of you watch x-files last night he would check homework every day at the start of class my friend showed him the exact same piece of paper for the entire semester it came out that he had lost his last job by driving a forklift off a pier twice he might have stuck around if they hadn't caught him trying to artificially inflate the classes average by marking on a curve including everyone who had missed tests or assignments into the average as zeros the one in college was at least smart but he was trying to teach in a technical school like he was lecturing at university he was short-tempered saw questions as an annoyance that could derail his carefully crafted lesson plan and heaven help you if you showed you knew more about anything than he did he didn't try to artificially inflate our scores but got into some serious problems when halfway through the semester the entire class had dropped a uniform 20 in our grades not exactly on topic but when i was in 10th grade my spanish teacher with an ex-wife and two kids actually came out of my class there was a large christian population in my school but none of the kids cared that he was gay but their parents wanted his head they tried to fire him and all of the student body even the french class kids since he taught spanish sat in the hallway until they brought him back two days of this and countless detentions we were assigned the superintendent eventually caved he was reinstated we all went to class and that was the first time i've ever seen a grown man cry in happiness it's the proudest i've ever been of my peers dude that rocks thank you for standing up for him my old bio teacher was borderline insane instead of teaching us she insisted on telling us stories of a giraffe named cato that could recognize her she was rude and discriminating to the males in the class every student filed a complaint and she was fired not too late now after unfortunately we were all present when they told her apparently they thought it was a good idea to tell her in class another teacher subbed for us that day first she was calm then she walked out of the room a minute later she walked in with our subs vitamin water and made a pretty point blank hint that she poisoned it she slammed it on the desk and left the room then we heard howling from the hallway moving back and forth our sub pointed at the kid nearest the door and said lock the freaking door apparently after she left our floor she ran into someone's room the floor below us and tried to steal the projector she had to be removed forcefully by security an assistant football coach at my high school who was in his 40s started dating one of the senior girls now this was back in the mid 80s and the girl was already 18 because she had been held back a year at some point but the administration still couldn't let it stand and they fired him he and the girl immediately got married against her parents wishes and last i heard 30 years ago they were living in a dilapidated trailer in rural louisiana ah love props to them for staying together for 30 years one teacher was fired for having an affair with a 11th grader they eventually married the other allegedly touched some boys on a field trip so was forced to resign he was never prosecuted due to lack of evidence a friend and i got a teacher fired he was the type of teacher that assumes no one will be interested in his lesson high school chemistry and so never really teaches anything before our final exams we complained to our principal that our entire class had learned virtually nothing the school told us he was taking permanent leave but after we graduated the principal told us he'd been pressured into retiring early i feel pretty bad about it he was a nice guy and knew his subject he just didn't know how to teach at a high school level if i'd known they were going to fire him i definitely wouldn't have said anything maybe he was just distracted with making him yeah one time in the fifth grade this sub got fired on the spot for throwing a chair at a kid the kid has got in trouble and the dub told him he shouldn't be doing whatever he was doing because he was only a kid and he stood up and said i am a grown butt man and the guy picked up the chair and yelled you little frick up and the principal just so happened to be in one of her i wonder what those kids are up to moods and saw the whole thing he got suspended from the district my grade three or four it was a long time ago i don't remember teacher got sacked for teaching us how to tie a hangman's news for halloween decorations apparently some parents didn't approve came to school the next day and had a new teacher turn up to first year hs science class with no teacher and notice on our desks explaining the teacher has been fired and we will most likely find out why in the newspapers turns out the ultra smart science teacher had constructed one of the most complex and largest m labs ever busted in the country a story goes his mother was dying from cancer and it motivated him to make as much money as soon as possible to pay for her treatments this is well before breaking bad btw teacher at my elementary school had a notable accident where he lost it because the third graders wouldn't stop talking and threw chairs and desks across the room our school went into a lockdown then after we were let go early teacher was fired and now teachers at a kindergarten last year my town's high school had two teachers arrested within a month the choir director for filming girls changing with a spy pen and an asl teacher for child molestation i didn't attend the school but many of my friends went there didn't witness any of them but many teachers in my district were fired for one reason or another one stole money from a grant given to their department one fire themselves from life after being accused of molesting a girl one was molesting boys many were just crappy teachers and had to be let go a coach was fired after accusations of molesting girls still see that one around town sometimes two teachers married to each other were caught freaking in a locker room by students but they weren't fired somehow there were a lot more but those are the cases that i most remember right now in high school i had a substitute teacher fired and it was only his first day of teaching basically he was taking off his pants to put on his biking shorts but for some reason he decided to do it in front of everyone in class smooth if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 28,344
Rating: 4.85641 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, teachers getting fired, teachers getting fired on camera, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: XyoN4Ms5elY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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