We Play Silent Library - Off The Rails #13

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Ian is the lowkey Game Master

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 297 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xickfellow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why is no one talking about Cam dressed up as a fly?! That jump cut to a fly holding a gun to Dan’s ass: top notch

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 245 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jackk3304 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

ABs angry disgust at Ian was fuckin epic. β€œbro that motherfucker swimming around in your stomach now”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 165 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toddsleivonski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"look in the camera and say you consent" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I was laughing so hard I had to pause it omg. Fucking gold

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 160 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Glad_Top_5793 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a fucking great episode. You feel the closeness of the gang here a lot, and the way they trust each other and lean on each other. And also that Ian is some kind of secret superfreak (as opposed to Zach, who really wants to be the King Freak but has boundaries that Ian just blows right past.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 110 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/roman_totale πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved the silent library! I felt like I was there with them and it brought me so much joy. I really love this era of H3!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 239 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rotanocaB πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was so invested in this episode I was quiet laughing through the whole library segment to not trigger the alarm

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlueEyesWhiteDjesus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan is a coward for not butterfly kissing Zach 😞

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 188 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chrisychris- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethans eyes bulging out right before a major gag reflex at the fish made me CRY laughing.
This entire episode was brilliant and I hope it’s a good and gaff that they try again someday!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 154 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alittleoptimistic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
two oh hello off the rails let's get into it whoa [Music] that keemstar sound bite was pretty seamless fantastic that felt nice that felt right [Music] yeah it was great welcome to off the rails guys we got a great one here today sponsored by hellofresh kamik kemikoto policy genius and liquid iv we love you guys thank you so much dude today we have been planning this segment for a while for those of you who do know about the show silent library we are doing our own version of silent library and i think the challenges we have planned sound like more fear factor based than silent library like this [ __ ] is kind of gnarly that it's similar to the original silent library not the mtv version like the the japanese one right where where you get thrown in lava yeah exactly no mercy yeah so we are after the break we're going straight to silent library there's cash prizes to incentivize these guys to torture themselves i'll be there of course torturing myself for free no instead of for me i mean it's my show so that's the incentive i guess but just being technical here but um it is gonna be insane and let me just put it this way we all have our own puke bucket we're not sharing a puke bucket right oh you didn't want to a few of us might get a little i'm not stu going i was just i was saying guys if puking is likely i'm not i can't if somebody's puked in a bucket i'm not i can't do that i can't do that well perfect so then you won't puke i'm gonna puke on you i'm coming for you do you understand me living in your lap olivia's worried she says her biggest fear is puke you have a puke phobia i hate people well yeah everyone hates puke you know no like i can't be there i can't see it oh you can't be around it i cover my ears like that one time we had the fart spray and ian ran to the bathroom i covered my ears and what happens if you listen do you get nauseous yes oh you puke i don't well i always excuse myself before so i don't know i should i'm just scared of it have you puked before yes absolutely yeah okay and she will today oh ela hasn't puked right he has never puked in her whole life that's crazy lucky don't buy it i'm telling you i didn't buy it at first either and now i've been with her long enough to know that she's 100 percent telling the truth she's not lying should we get her over here for silent library oh she wouldn't puke but she wouldn't she she would not debase herself to this [ __ ] she wouldn't even entertain the notion oh there it is so um we got some great memes from the subreddit to kick it off i gotta debate this ethan klein's the kind of guy who takes his mcdonald's home and pours his fries out onto a plate what does that say yeah but by the way i just want to say for the record that is not true yeah you eat them on the way home i [ __ ] i don't hesitate i mean my hand's in the bag second one right yeah am i this guy i kind of feel like i maybe have seen you do that what well maybe for the show i've never done that my life that was my thought yeah for the show but you really think i'd do that ethan is more of a fry's won't survive the trip home kind of guy yeah yeah right that's the top comment yeah someone finally knows me yeah uh yeah this one is pretty funny but uh someone someone took this personally is this bad it's not bad it's just a specific kind of person but i'm not that guy i feel like oh whoop yeah not that guy pal i feel like um someone who takes their fries home and has the patience to pour it on a plate out and eat it like a meal i mean that's a really put together person with a lot of self-control that's not me that's psycho [ __ ] it i'm not going to insult our friends there could be people that do that that's charles manson [ __ ] trust me you're not that guy but i i'm definitely not that guy though because also you want to get it hot i mean you watch lukewarm fries for mcdonald's this weekend had ten thousand likes it defeats the point of the experience of going to mcdonald's yes somebody tweeted this out and people were just like yeah like what did i do to deserve this tweet you're not that guy pal trust me there was another one i actually enjoyed this one far more ethan is busted oh no another one here another tweet um everybody's making assumptions about who i am ethan klein the kind of guy to wiggle his finger at a play to donuts and say don't mind if i do okay ethan i i have seen you do that 100 saying i don't mind if i do oh don't mind if i do i've never done this but i'll eat the [ __ ] donut we used to bring donuts into the office in the mornings fairly often remember ian used to grab him on the way in and you would get very delighted when you'd see oh it gets oh yeah and um yes there may have been some some finger wiggling going on ethan klein is is damaging everything oh great making it all out fools dog piling i think it's more like when i see donuts i go who brought this in ah and i go like [ __ ] you and then i eat a bunch of them right there i get mad i've seen that reaction this guy is a manipulative lying cop oh shut up it's just donuts tim paul it's not that [ __ ] serious take your stupid garbage games oh my god somewhere else and get out so angry we're just talking about donuts man and then also since it's exposed ethan episode someone apparently got some cctv footage of the denny's where i apparently passed gas uh oh so oh that's that's pretty impressive slam dunk right there this guy works for the nsa apparently no but no green cloud so where's the proof that i farted huh right no well but you were denying being there in the first place well now that brings all of your denials well you can't see maybe ella's sitting next to me too that you conveniently cut out this part interesting interesting i mean that does appear to be a late night empty denny's wow yeah well ela was sitting with me so yeah it's really good this guy's tripping yeah yeah so i'm fully exposed and actually speaking of exposed this is really interesting we had a very controversial call last week or yes or on monday uh some girl called in claiming that her grandma used to be a client of my mom's in mexico when they lived there and she said that her grandma claimed that they moved to mexico to escape their in their children they're annoying needy children yeah yeah always asking for money and to be honest with you my mom would never i i immediately was like my mom would only say nice things about her about us because she likes to brag about her kids sure i guess normal moms do but my mom in particular like my mom would like build any stupid achievement into like something to brag about like yeah like i failed out of college the fourth year and did a fifth year my mom would be like he's doing an extra year of college she's so so good such a good student he wanted to spend extra time there well anyway somebody dug up some really compelling evidence that this girl was lying this what appears to be the same exact girl called in to say she saw zack's [ __ ] and we immediately called caught her on the lie absolutely so here listen to this this is is this the same voice ollie are you there yes i am okay okay yeah i will say i don't feel comfortable yeah so my grandma told me this part is off the record i've been hanging on to this since august okay excuse me zach i did not see you poop because my grandma has had a second home in ajijic my entire life i know that i walked out the next that's the same person right sure sounds like it like sure sounds like it but what's incredible to me i'm kind of impressed by the lengths that this is that we asked her some really tough questions to verify her identity on the on the mexico story that she was able to verify i mean okay she had to know my parents lived in ajijic i don't remember where i've ever i mentioned that it was mentioned on family i think i think on families yeah okay did we mention that she used to cut hair there yeah well you mentioned that she cuts hair i don't know if it was in mexico i don't know if you guys said in mexico but and then also she like knew the geographical like the well that's the part that i mean all you need is wikipedia to uh i think that's shown in this video right they show the wikipedia article because she didn't know the first answer and then and then she mentioned and that i was like what okay wait you let me google um um ajijic mexico and see what you would have seen it's a town so you would see a picture with mountains and and it says in a lake and lake it says lake surrounded by mountains yeah she got there's no such thing as the coincidence [Music] good troll though she she was so convincing too and she had the fake text messages from her he went through some lengths for that grandma that's a that's a legit ass troll right there she also must have changed her number because the program we use it shows previous descriptions yeah and how many times they called last who is this girl what is she like [ __ ] from the cia i guarantee you she's going to have like a compilation of trolling the h3 podcast she might be working on a little project i mean i'm not mad at it i appreciate it i actually i'm impressed i'm impressed as well but i want to hmm she's gonna have to disguise her voice next time because we're holding her a big why has she ever got one past us so we didn't realize i mean i can't think of another call that had that like extreme of a of an accusation also it is kind of [ __ ] up to make up a lie that my mom hates her children i mean that is yeah yeah it's a little bit but maybe she's surprised at how far it went i mean in her defense when we were first reading anything was that bad i just thought it was like small talk taken out of context but dude she said mike everybody used to gossip how much they hate their kids yeah i guess that's pretty mean-spirited but you gotta respect the troll i do i do respect the troll yeah all right well uh whoever you are you can either come clean or try again but we're on to you we do a little trolling it's called we do it you can call in and discuss if you want if you want to come clean now we like to troll or i mean on monday yup or friday all right guys up next before look at this we talked about it we got it you know we i'm obsessed with trying these stupid fast food treads the chase hudson meal this box looks like a doo-doo house it's a house made of duties look at it just cause it's brown yeah yeah i guess that's not the most i mean you could appeal in color more colors than [ __ ] brown what mega doo-doo [Laughter] do people people know him as chase hudson or do people just know him as little hoodie i believe little huddy has his own burger king meal like i was saying i mean he's not that famous you keep saying that well i mean i'm the wrong person to say this because i i literally didn't know who i mean he's famous with i guess young kids got 12 million instagram followers i mean he's famous he's hit like mainstream i'm pretty sure no he he just he he's performing with machine gun kelly well dude machine gun kelly's the type of dude that's tour with little huddy what that's true proving more and more what a [ __ ] tool he is nothing wrong with little huddy music i'm not familiar with it but machine gun kelly you i mean have some respect for yourself he's peak cringe for sure he had bro that video of him like rocking out on the table yeah the exact board nevermind or whatever it's just never forgetty never forgetting rest in spaghetti um could someone bring me a water had to forfeit mine to the dogs yeah thank you so i i don't know and maybe i'm wrong but like like he has like how many on on tick tock little huds is that his fans the little hoods a little hut the little pizza hut little hottie tick tock let's see like 40 million i mean emilio has like 120 she's on another stratosphere 32 million 32 i mean you know why are we he it's 32 million people follow him and you're trying to argue he's not famous that's a lot of people i feel like i'm just saying burger king meal i don't get it when i think of bts bts had a mcdonald's meal when i think of the most famous people from tiktok on like that side no i do i think addison ray charlie demilio lil hubby i'm i'm with her on that if you ask me little huddy if you ask me who are the biggest male tick talkers he's the first name that comes i would think noah beck i see that he was the first one i knew of yeah i knew him way before good morning my queens of tick-tock is that what he does on tick-tock wait what does a little huddy even do on tick-tock does he just thirst trap he was like sort of like an android made out of tick-tock like he was making musically like he was he's like thank you musically yeah wow so he he lives this [ __ ] he grew up in this show exactly he's like you know michael jackson was i'm sorry but this dude has a video with half a million views now that may seem like a lot but if you're the biggest dude on tick tock from three days ago yo come on you can't be having 300 500 000 view tick tocks from three days ago and be that famous wow you're right no seriously you fell off plus ratio no hold on hold on i'm making it i'm making a good point look this one has 400 000 views 50 000 likes from four days ago that might seem like a lot that's like what i get on a bad post you know what i'm saying and i have not 32 million if you go to charlie dimiglio the uh emilio tick talk roll it okay you're going to see what the real star power is she doesn't get below like 10 million per that's real [ __ ] right there yeah well maybe he fell off then he did fall off plush ratio but now he has a burger king meal well look at ninja that [ __ ] gets a thousand streams and he's still getting like brand deals bye-bye i'm sure he's still doing okay he's got that name power he's a little huddy okay well let's see what little huddy i literally didn't know who little hottie was until do you want a minute at the spelling point i just seem like a douche um both can be true not a douche i'd say more of a boomer he gets 500 000 views per video that's not falling off i i i mean that's the other factor is that's just one video right women not a point you got a point it's like a valid argument i guess no demilio doesn't get under 10 wake up maybe okay didn't burger king also kind of fall off burger king was never on yeah exactly exactly there you go falling off ratio all right so here's the little honey okay boomer maybe this will revive his career 3 000 calorie wait wasn't this supposed to be something special it's just a spicy chicken sandwich yeah no i don't think it's special i mean two pickles in the middle are don't you want a pickle on every bite or is that no that's too much pickle oh really yeah no it's like a little it's a little surprise halfway through [Music] welcome to the chew zone baby [Music] you guys don't have to zoom on my mouth it's close what do you mean [Music] hut thank you baby but no there's supposed to be cheese on it a little hutty i think there was it just doesn't look as appealing no there's no cheese on this oh they [ __ ] it up there's no [ __ ] cheese on this little honey meal look at this wow there was supposed to be cheese on this [ __ ] well then this isn't an official little hottie meal this is just a normal this is that this bootleg with some bootleg [Music] and that's [ __ ] mozzarella so i tried one of those mozzarella sticks i gotta say it's hard to [ __ ] up mozzarella sticks and burger king has found a way and then this whatever the [ __ ] this is this uncalled the chocolate shake i think yeah this mysterious substance fair enough sometimes you don't get what you [ __ ] deserve this is this had like 3 000 calories the total meal yeah this is probably half of it yeah easily eat easily i can't do that what are we going to say b saying how you feeling do you feel hip i feel like i i'm [ __ ] furious that they did all this and didn't even put cheese on it [Music] ethan that's too large of a bite [Music] why did you do this to yourself what are you doing you're like your keys on [Music] i feel like ila would want me to step in at this point oh yeah set it aside we're done oh oh come on you guys do want me to do it how's that olivia bro we're about to see much worse the little hoodie is not it that was not that you know by any stretch nope no cheese though that's what makes the little honey meals a little honey meal [Applause] i feel like the mott's sticks on the side was the unique element here compared to compared to like the bts meal which was just like the [ __ ] chicken nuggies and some fries and a soda it's pretty standard or standard meal right that was the worst celebrity meal the sauces were good though no no no bk i like the the there's i was saying the little hoodie is though oh that's the worst the worst yeah i'd argue the box makes it the mail and that's it but the box is disgusting this is the worst box i've ever seen too just brown the [ __ ] house with full of [ __ ] okay oh i forgot our food keeps it so real little huddy had to use his real name to tell you about it oh that's why it's not the little honey it's a big branding thing he's no longer low huddy he's chase hudson he's coming out now when shannon went to go pick up the meal none of the workers knew who little hoodie was she had to say chase hudson and i wonder the nelly meal the cornell haines jr meal if that causes confusion as well first of all nobody knows who little huddy is period that's my point none of them knew who the [ __ ] that guy was because he's not famous they only know chase hudson because they've been trained they have a chase hudson meal and we're the first person to ever ask for it [Music] from death to life i'm pretty sure they were sold out at the first place that she went am i wrong shannon was it sold out they didn't have oh they just didn't they just are like why should we ship this out to every location it doesn't make sense yeah exactly shannon said can i get so did you order the chase hudson or the lol how do you go ahead this is shannon my assistant face reveal um yeah i wanted to [ __ ] that can i please have a chase hudson meal and they're like what i was like a little honey meal and they're like i'm sorry and i was like do you know what i'm talking about and they're like no um so i went to another location asked them if they had it they said no i said can i just get the stuff in the box and said yeah and then they handed me the actual box because you're the first person that ordered it they didn't even know they had it i guess i had to be the guinea pig for them but oh so you ordered the stuff dude nobody's buying this we're the first person i guess i guess they literally just have a room in the back full of chase hudson boxes yeah i just stacked well we secured the bag so that's all that matters so did they yeah good job by the way securing the bag did um did you did they give you the food separately or in the box no so i asked them they're like we don't have it and they gave it to me in the box and i said oh so you do have it and they're just like we don't want anything about anything but we got it done that's all that matters minimum wage when i work at burger king all right happy to have you happy to help you got it you did it shannon ladies and gentlemen i think they just didn't expect anyone to buy it honestly they just wanted to have it on their website i refuse to acknowledge chase hudson as famous uh cam uh found the commercial for it and he said it's worth checking out it's in this oh yeah i mean we're in too deep at this point now been talking about a little huddy's meal for 30 minutes now so might as well go all the way oh he's in a car with himself okay guys 12 000 views cooking banned 120 artificial ingredients from its food that's why my meal what the [ __ ] you say i can't ban a 120 what's he say cooking ban 120 artificial ingredients from its food that's why my meal keeps you real actually dude it's the chase hudson meal huh bk dropped hoodie and chose the re huh i need a crit i i was listening really carefully i i can't tell you what he said it's cut off they're trashing someone else's food and saying oh they have 120 artificial ingredients but by the way he said that's why ours keeps it real he didn't say how many artificial ingredients theirs has probably a hundred that's why we keep it real he's like ours we have 500 but keeping it real exactly they should have told him to enunciate and yeah he's not done another day open your mouth when you speak sir guys olivia who the [ __ ] are you to direct little hudson oh my god i'm so sorry this is the a-list celebrity here this you're right this says swagger you are right he's speaking huda knees yeah true who didn't even ease 120 artificial ingredients from its food that's why my meal keeps cereal huh [Laughter] the guy on the left is little hoodie the right is chase hudson oh okay interesting it's like a dr jekyll mr hyde yeah one gets burger with this cheese one without bk dropped hoodie and chose the real you to create this meal but i'm the real man don't take it personally you could have really used some lips the teeth the tip of the tongue red leather yellow leather 120 artificial ingredients from its food that's why my meal that's my mother dude it's the chase hudson meal huh bk dropped hoodie and chose the real you to create don't take it personal you're just my celebrity persona wait i'm feeling good oh so this is che this is chase hudson um he wears a flannel he's down to earth he's more related by the way this is a low budget [ __ ] commercial i'm just telling you this is like the lowest budget possible shows were pretty big with gen z oh hey try the chase hudson meal food so burger king had little honey put his real name on it love your new song dude that was so sweet of you man king banda dude yeah there you go you don't have to think about it dude there you have it no one would agree to work with them they're like [ __ ] i just put them in twice well i think their marketing budget was probably 500 you know a dollar for each ingredient all right well there you have it guys the honey meal so run out to your nearest burger king and get your hands on one before they're sold out [Applause] should i open this how long have you been going because i've got this special pack of cards i want to open before silent library too um let's do it now's the time do i need a so you guys heard about this um [Music] mischief yeah i don't think we talked about it on the show you should oh i never showed the cards yeah you did oh did we oh we did yeah so we showed the cards that's right where it had like trap trash trasha trisha trasher yeah there was the james charles getting his ass waxed david dobrik running over jeff in a tractor mutilating him and um what was the other one oh yeah jake paul just being a goon yeah so this was made by these guys mischief and they are the ones that made little nas's blood shoes they're like an artist collective that makes it's funny on the back of the pack i don't know if you can see it it says they're half fraud and have fun i guess that's their thing that's not fraud that's fraud so let's open it let's see uh let's see what we got hopefully i got some rare apparently there's hundreds of different ones so i'm actually really interested i wonder if these are valuable because it's like they sold out immediately and they are collectibles these guys that they make [ __ ] yeah is your hands covered in a little hoodie well hold on no but the pack is like not made to open easy so i'm afraid i'm going to damage them uh do you want a pair of scissors yeah because th this is actually can you grab olivia's grip i'm going to get these graded and framed and everything yeah so if you guys are interested in whatever miss jiff is up to i think they're on twitter i don't think they have it i mean they have a twitter and instagram just m s c h they're on instagram oh instagram okay how many followers they have on instagram more than a little hoodie probably thank you all right here we go beautiful all right guys this is huge oh i got i got garbage fall that's got to be a good one a rare find garbage pail influencer jerk paul we got that sweet that's awesome we got a doberg dude wait i got a dobrik as well yeah wait oh it's only these four i thought they said there was hundreds of them do brick well maybe you know david dubrick running over jeff whittick and a excavator so violent david dumbrick if he's really showing off his shaky are your hands so shaky they're always but today i had coffee so like they're extra let me see go show trash patricia trasha paytas bro you have the shake you're like shaking hands searching for stabilized now they're stabilized isn't there a way to stabilize the phone yeah i could just put it down yeah just put it down while you're holding it yeah the only person i've seen has worse hands is ian all right here okay try that i'll just show him here oh beautiful that's not bad actually actually much better jerk ball i thought there i really i'm a little disappointed because i thought there was more unless they gave me a rigged pack they might have because then i'm down it's promotional if it's a rigged pack then i'm down right oh what it says [ __ ] h3 on it i didn't you didn't notice that no oh yeah that's one of the best parts oh wow it's like a direct shout out that's awesome and i'll just let her there's chicken nuggets oh i'm gonna let this one sit for a little extra this is the charizard this is the charm and then of course james charles um why was there a what was the krispy kreme i was seeing what there was some story about how he has his assistant shave his ass right uh yeah yeah somebody that worked for him came out and claimed that was one of the things she had true she had to do for him jack asked him this is such a great illustration i love the art yeah you're saying there's a krispy kreme element to trisha's that we missed trash i mean no when he was didn't it did anybody else see that there was a krispy kreme thing on your desk it might be the back of one of those oh in the pack this came in the pack oh it's just a krispy kremes donut gift card with no oh well there you go get yourself some krispy kremes maybe just to keep it it's probably to keep it from bending okay it's very odd keep it crispy well listen it's all this is all hand done by the collective so it's kind of clever i mean it keeps the pack i get the idea i just don't know why they would use it so let's get this framed i want to get these framed and rated you guys okay yeah i guess hopefully uh psa is uh back open you know yeah probably not right and thank you are they taking submissions now that was fantastic well shout out to mischief uh for sending those really appreciate it those guys are always up to something really cool what where do you should they be followed on instagram shout out to mischief on instagram msca it literally says do not follow us in their description or their bio wait there's only one post yeah i think they swap it out when they have new drops oh these guys are so interesting they're so like artsy spooky yeah it says do not follow us so um well [ __ ] you wait followed by 908 and what the [ __ ] you did yo what the [ __ ] you did exactly what they said not to do i'm kidding i blew it yeah i'm gonna actually i want to do a fake opening for tick tock i'm gonna do that later be [ __ ] a shot let's see oh uh cam just linked stockx uh a booster pack is uh about 50 bucks so we got to get that up there before i on these off sign them i feel like the youtube [ __ ] is just not that valuable it's like youtube [ __ ] is just nobody wants a pass you know james charles is like david dobrik trasha is these people going to be around in 10 years maybe sister [Laughter] um all right well we've got a bunch of other great stories but we should just get help we've been about 30 minutes right yes all right so let's just get right to the silent library that everybody is anticipating i am excited and also scared to proceed but let's do it so uh quick commercial break and then silent library time to take a short break thank you rudy kami koto [Music] y'all should be scared because i got a box of knives here boy look at this this is the real deal kamikoto knives japanese steel knives made using traditional techniques from japan certificate of authenticity this is the real deal here guys um they tap into more than 800 years of traditional technique from hansu japan it's a layer distinctive layered pattern of iron working sword smithing and metal casting to create the special sharp single beveled knife wow they only use steel source from mills in japan this is beautiful man it's a got a nice weight to it too all right yeah definitely i tried them out made a meal the other night uh using them and i was very impressed and the nicest knife i ever used dude this thing's sick which one did you use like the pairing knife or like veggies i actually used the the i the cleaver oh you used the cleaver i did because this seems like for me what'd you cut with it uh not meat i cut uh zucchinis and a few other things but um maybe that's not the proper use of it but i'm not a knees i would probably train chef so i'm yeah probably that would have been the right choice it just looks so cool it does look awesome this one is pretty safe got such a great weight listen let me tell you about this use only source to steal from japan japanese steel and um these are the japanese steel high quality product that you all expect each blade is crafted using techniques that have been honed and perfected by generations of knife smiths each knife comes in a beautiful heavy duty ash box as you guys have seen uh make sure the it makes sure the knives are stored safely it also makes kami uh kemikoto a great gift because the wooden box they're presented are so beautiful their products range uh in vast array of japanese steel knife such as a three piece kampeki knife set i think that's what we have here or you can get a vegetable knife set of seven inches long hello the slicing knife eight and a half inches long and the utility knife five inches long and the kamikoto is sanaku blade sentaku and the samurai sword as well for slaying enemies just kidding that'll kill samurai sword that i know all blades are handled with a satin finish for a subtle yet stunning luster each kamikoto knife goes through a rigorous 19-step process that takes several years from start to finish to complete are you serious yeah man i gotta get these home and give these a shot this is so nice with more than 100 years of experience between the bladesmiths uh their shaping raw steel polishing sharpening excruciatingly fine edge each knife is individually inspected kamida ko kamikoto is so confident about their knives that each knife comes with a lifetime guarantee and because of the single beveled edge kamikoto knives can achieve an unbelievably sharp edge you can't get with other knives this is going to be one of those knives where you can like shave a grape super thin without trying you should have some grapes shape some crepes baby you can maintain the edge of your blade with one of kamikoto's sharpening wet stones kamikoto knives are used by several chefs working at michelin restaurants that's badass um kamikoto appreciates that a good product is incomplete without great service they work hard not only on their crop craftsmanship and flawless blades but they understand the client's needs uh to integral the the blade is integral to the japanese spirit of omo tenashi the philosophy of helpless selfless hospitality i'll be i'm not making this for anyone but myself go to camikoto.com h3 in the description that's m i k o t o dot com slash h3 pretty cool i'm excited to get home and try these so yeah check them out these are 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grocery store you know getting all the right portions you gotta drive you gotta come back you buy too much stuff what do you do hello fresh takes the hassle out of home cooking it's affordable it's fun it's easy that's why it's america's number one meal kit fall is busy time but hello fresh recipes save time you'd otherwise spend meal planning shopping chopping and you get back what matters which is time of course and uh the fall harvest is officially on with hellofresh count on seasonal recipes like pumpkin cinnamon rolls and thanksgiving ready sides as well as fresh high quality ingredients to travel from the farm to your front door in less than a week yeah i mean i love hello fresh everyone that tries it loves it because the food is always so good so fresh they deliver it in a like refrigerated box so it always stays fresh yep they send you a beautiful recipe and card with all the about all the food and how to cook it i mean it's the greatest i'll never get tired of abe's burrito we have all the guys take turns cooking the hell of freshers and taking photos and this was av's photo for us so i mean it looks good it's just it's just funny it was really good i have no information about it it was it was good that's all you need to know ian actually look at that look at now that's a that's a bowl of food right there boy everybody loves hello fresh it's super fun if you're not good at cooking or if you're good at cooking it's kind of fun either way but if you don't usually cook this is a really fun inviting way to get into it and you end up with some really delicious food i didn't cook before uh i mean this basically taught me how to cook really i mean i you know that's really yeah because i mean listen if you don't understand a lot of the concepts of cooking just timing and everything and and yeah no i mean i've been doing it for about a year now i actually learned some stuff from hella fresh too absolutely i got some meat i think it was a steak and they said make sure to dry it off you have to dry it perfectly and i actually that's how you get a great sear on meat is that there can't be any moisture water or moisture on the surface and i learned that from hellofresh and i do that whenever i cook meat now there you go that's true we love it go to hellofresh.com h314 and use code h314 for up to 14 free meals including free shipping that's hellofresh.com h314 use code h314 for up to 14 free meals including free shipping guys and remember there's a reason why hello fresh is amir america's number one meal kit it's because it slaps every time liquid iv i love liquid iv because what's not to love it tastes great there's all these different like purposes and flavors they've got one that's got caffeine in it i don't sometimes i can't drink coffee i have a sensitive stomach and i'll get back a liquid iv if i need a boost in the morning and what's great about the liquid iv is that first of all it hydrates faster and more efficiently than water alone it contains five essential vitamins more than vitamin vitamin c than an orange as much potassium as a banana it's healthier than sugary sports drinks it's got no artificial flavors or preservatives it's got less sugar than an apple it's made with clean ingredients non-gmo vegan and free of gluten dairy and soy they've got this special cellular transport technology that helps you know rehydrate quickly go ahead dan which flavor you got there we're rocking with the passion fruit today what's the hydration hydration multiplier let's go jug with some water get hydrated yeah um they got the optimum ratio of glucose sodium potassium right into your bloodstream yep there you go they've they're also good guys they donated 4 million servings in response to covid19 products are being donated to hospitals first responders food banks veterans and active military they've donated over 11 million servings globally yeah they've got one that's like for immune boost they've got one for caffeine they've got one for hydrate and all kinds of different flavors and kind of purposes there grab your favorite liquid iv flavors nationwide at walmart oh my god they switched they used to be costco they switched to walmart or walmart now all right or you can get 25 off when you go to liquidive.com and use code h3 at checkout that's 25 off anything you order when you get better hydration today using the promo code h3 at liquidivy.com okay guys here we are in silent library um i've decided to put up there's 14 rounds i'm going to be putting up 200 per round potential if we clear every round obviously i'm not going to pay myself but you all guys stand to make about 600 bucks a piece serious money i wish someone would sponsor so i could put up like real money so that get you guys to do weird [ __ ] but that's the best i can do for you i kind of appreciate it so the rules are um we're gonna draw something to do it right we're all gonna flip a card one of these has a death card if you get the death card you pull a challenge so if you pull a challenge that you absolutely don't want to do each person gets one pass where they can pick some other person to do it you'll notice here the decibel counter if it passes 75 decibels it'll beep and we've failed the challenge and the money is lost but rest assured i'm not here to sabotage i am on your team even though i lose money when you guys win that's okay all right so uh who goes first so we all all right wait all right yeah okay in three two one so olivia's been going on about how she has a puke but one other thing we all have cute legs yeah it's gonna get pretty bad all right olivia what you got donut roulette interesting so our librarian is gonna bring out this temple sam is our librarian here too she'll be bringing out each challenge quite a loud the librarian is gonna blow this forever take a big bite oh there was mayonnaise so that's 200 on the scoreboard it's worse the sriracha the mayonnaise grab some blood for the record if olivia pulled this we would not of course do this okay okay this is exciting for me are you doing a little chess what are you doing what are you gonna take your shirt don't worry you're gonna see me you can exercise him right i stopped like two weeks ago what could you start doing oh something fell off oh is it safety wait can i see oh my god all right love kick it drive drive love right [Applause] okay so i think we're we're judging that a w because what set the alarm off was the clamp heading hitting love how was that new fetish yeah the first clamp really hurt because it didn't have a little safety all right well that's 400 bucks i'm back there you go wait already you guys are already getting like 100 a piece you'll be broke by into this okay we turned we turned it down to 70 because we determined that 75 was too high so more challenging now read it it says cake up that dough that's fine we were trying to get [ __ ] on your head for years bro what does that mean the librarian is coming back oh sh is that frosty yeah i'll gladly take that off your dome that was closed that was 68. okay so who wants to decorate dancing like a cupcake i'm interested pull that over okay [Music] [Applause] just pretend you're [ __ ] blowing your hair this is awesome how's it gonna get this one that's a good question what else we got should we get the back in there that looks pretty good actually it almost ate seven [Applause] that was too much exhale man how you chewing i think there's still frosting in my ear is that not even kidding zach will look it out for you okay i i gotta say there's three left and i'm feeling scared because those ones were not the ones i was scared of so i'm getting nervous let's see what happens okay three two one yes [Applause] oh it probably tastes better this way that's so vile why did you even do that what's his idea that's [ __ ] up yeah do that right do that for the camera okay oh my god are you serious that's what it looks like okay stop worrying let me smell it what is it blending interesting [Music] [Applause] with pickles is there's people starving across the world you're not gonna drink this beautiful little honey meals amy what's wrong with this there's people starving out there you she didn't blend it up a lot for you face the camera [Applause] it's not bad we already failed no way that's not bad i like the chewy drink texture apparently and she panicked the wrong cameras i want to try if you finish that you will go to a happy place yes just close your eyes your ears [Music] do it oh mustache zach is just willingly kicking down the muddy money go for his stupid squad kick back one more big one attack i'll put it on the board you know what it tastes like you know when you go to a passover seder the herosies it's got that same texture the white doll roses you know we've come so far uh yeah you can throw it upstairs [Applause] do you know what a butterfly is when someone kisses you with their eyelash eyelashes did you know excuse me that's what i'm saying how do i have to do is yeah this is way of course for me i would never do this with anyone you shot someone's grass you freak i don't have to do this so i don't like this this makes me very uncomfortable i is the hr issue did you consult with hr as long as zac is up for it you can send good luck at the camera i zachary you're not getting more than one [Laughter] go back to your seat okay don't look at me yeah don't ever sit by me so i was gonna say that even though we failed that challenge i felt like it was still very hard like there was a moment where we were about to go in that was very just like i love you but just going that way you know i felt violated i was the one that consented here all right here we go is can i oh [Applause] it smells like blueberries i really no it did smell it smells good okay smell it [Applause] hello [Applause] that's too much you're good you're good you're done dude um the challenge is over next one is a group challenge we're all gonna do it is [Applause] yeah okay i think it's gonna be a spicy challenge i can't do this i really like a pitcher this is mad dog 357 the two first ingredients is reaper scorpion and ghost pepper it's a reaper i'm not trying to be funny i'm so scared i don't know why i did that yeah cheers it doesn't taste good bad flavor very hot water at the top that's really hot be careful that's boring just [Music] there's a piece of hot sauce that's definitely like a top tier hot sauce my tongue is my tongue is so hot no [Applause] [Music] wait okay here's the deal here's the deal that's a w obviously that's a thousand on the board i'll add another 500 a b eats another knockout dude you can do it come on 500 please 100 you can do it buddy why you did this wrong i feel massive right now this smells like it just soaked in that's all that's so much more before well it's a thousand bucks it's a lot of money doubling the price i'm okay with is let me just make sure you're getting a big advice like right to where the stick hole is oh man it's not helping you sure you want this you don't have to do this oh [Applause] i will say to amy's credit that all these guys were talking big game and ain't reach none of them would do it maybe i'm so bad you need more milk you gotta keep drinking oh i think he needs a beer no beers no it's not here we're not out the carbonation is horrible oh he does you floss [Music] how do you feel well i'd say that's a w how you oh you feel better at bad stuff [Applause] we're gonna continue playing oh you did good good great work he's just spitting get ready [Applause] [Applause] people usually have to pay for this much feet that was claws okay it doesn't hurt you could see him sticking to his feet i couldn't stick [Applause] three two one [Applause] candy apple crunch that's nice it's candy what's wrong with cali apple it's an onion okay so it's a caramel onion that's a lot of crunch [Music] jesus how is that it's not good 20 seconds i would say the healthiest challenge we've had today what is wrong with you zach you keep complaining your stomach's left for the show i didn't ask you to do that my eyes are watering to do this i got my own [ __ ] to do more butterflies it's a beer bonk of gravy i'll try it but i gotta do it you can't do it nobody's feet so i feel like wrong i'm doing this to pay you guys doesn't make any sense no it's like you can't say you don't have to do it just a little bit just sit right [Music] i spit on the top still you didn't even lift it up just take it away from me please he's going for another one yeah you gotta hit more if you want come give me a castle the cash prize is up to 2100 plus 500 rabies i'm sweating here yeah i'm broke i'm safe but that's not my turn like fly adolf hitler so we have like a fly hall's house here every day at dan's hands the fly is here and he wants to talk to you get rid of that white spot damn that too close you failed amazing still sounds sexy so can i get it off him is this an edible wrong who he wants to hear come on it's over when i can see his nipples okay this is this is worse than the butterfly i guess he wants to metabolize all right going through the wall you can't lift it off this shirt you can't use your hands bro [Music] we're running out of time all right [Laughter] [Music] i think it looks like he got one nipple free but not the other one sorry you guys been wanting to do that for a while that was that was up here go ahead oh [ __ ] wax these [ __ ] almost hairless wait you don't have any hair in it yes beautiful why do you have hair you have hair on your chest you want to do it in your armpit all right so i please have hair all right so we brought lina in because nobody want to touch avery's office here we go all right two one it wasn't me i think it was it was like a sound and also you have a lot of hair left you might have to get another one in there what if we go again i'm telling you it was the rip it wasn't me i don't think i feel like it was the red there was no i don't think it was the rip this was oh yeah there it is [Music] i tricked your ass you got to do it on the other arm because you were like primed up for that one things [Music] i think we have to do it again all right call me though um [Applause] uh we have fifa fish in honor of our dear above special delivery i've heard about this it's apparently the stinkiest nastiest food and this the swedes uh it's a swedish delicacy people really i think some people like it some people don't like it but there's there's a lot of people in sweden that really [ __ ] with this fish i smell these food it's a hard candy oh my god it's just a fish oh [Applause] it's a whole different profile when you get your nose up close you get that it's like a whole different profile small feature okay you have to get your nose shredder oh my really [Applause] [Applause] puppy [Laughter] oh my god okay well that that was a fail that was a hell dude no so what's that final tally for 2 400 was 24 plus 500 i'm down 3 000 [ __ ] dollars how much to eat a whole fish a whole thing first dip your finger in and smell your finger because that's what i've been doing to get used to it i'm telling you it's like next level how much just dip your [ __ ] finger in bro three thousand dollars dumb oh you're smelly dip your finger in hand let's see it's like it's worse it's different it's a different thing it's like you still eat that 500 [Applause] that's what you said you no probably oh what are you up there that's an elephant love is it safe if i eat this whole thing of course but i want you to know that no one in sweden would ever eat that 500 eaten if i hold it down 500 if you can hold the whole thing down the whole thing done oh no the whole thing down bro tail and everything how are you doing i don't know the ian was this machine he's praying to god he's looking to heaven bro he's asking jesus to let him live [Applause] i can't believe you've done this fear [Applause] that [ __ ] is swimming in your stomach right now all right i'm broke that's the show everything's over i gotta get out of here i'm done respect my respect we're done [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,237,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 17sec (5777 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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