The Wedding... - H3TV #20

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/zachthesoundladh3 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Finding out itโ€™s only been blocked in the last hour and Iโ€™ve only just missed it is truly heart breaking

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 355 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hefty_Vermicelli_172 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The mirco penise caller coming out as bisexual king I stan lol.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 242 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Glass_Cake_5379 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ethan being blocked after he reacted to MBC reacting to him is layers of complexity ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ต

Edit: for those who donโ€™t know, MBC is a large Korean company where he watched maybe a minute of one of their variety shows

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 98 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/smol-bean55 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Bruhโ€ฆ Jay Shetty is a total scam artist. Says he spent 3 years being a monk in India, gets out, and starts monetizing the fuck out of it. Now he lives a lavish LA lifestyle being rich and making that dough. Got a real good marketing and PR team in LA, got a book deal (became an โ€œauthorโ€), and started booking famous folks. Nothing wrong in that but it goes everything against what the monk lifestyle preaches (ie vanity, greed, etc). Ethanโ€™s 100% right about these self help gurus.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 83 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/janeausp ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€œGrow yaksโ€ is the new โ€œtouch grass.โ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 44 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MxTuffBaby ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ Olivia: โ€œdonโ€™t talk about my boss like thatโ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 400 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/luna28_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sad to see Ethan getting more and more insecure about his looks. Our king looks good and I hope he starts to see that again soon.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 323 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MurdockandWayne ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

We need to get Zach to the yaks

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 68 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JeSuisLaCockamouse ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
wow hello everybody happy monday it's monday monday everybody get down with monday looking forward to the tuesday tuesday it's coming up here on our is this our this is almost our pen ultimate last week before break is that right dan yeah uh i think it's our last full week because i think we're only doing up to wednesday next week so so let's let's review the schedule yeah so today this week's a full week and then next week we've got um basically monday as usual correct and then we're just doing a wednesday after dark is that what it is i think so and that's that's and after dark is going to be a extremely special banger a very special send-off how's the planning for that going sam oh she's up she's upstairs yeah she said good yep it's going great hey guys i'm so sorry to interrupt we gotta go to break we just started damn we just started no we we got to go to break we're taking our breath well if dan says we got to go to break oh we got to go i see yeah so we got to go to break thinking i'll tell you what though guys i need a break i feel it it's been a long year of it's been a non-stop year you know i feel it i need the break three weeks no complaining these guys who do late night they take like three months off don't they they like disappear like since thanksgiving past new year's we should do that i ca i couldn't do that to the super troopers i couldn't you know it's just a three family family all right family family family it's a little early in the episode but okay family thank you yeah thank you too tired for that [ __ ] same yes so today oh well here thank our sponsors curology mint mobile quip and meundies thank you so much and by the way thank you to our beautiful members to make everything around here possible we love so well you get episodes pre-recorded episodes a day early and you also get special bts uploaded for members only and you get our discord server which is uh poppin so there you have it thank you to our members we love you yeah this is also teddy fresh if you love this head on over to to support your queen thank you anyway how's everyone doing how was your weekend it was good it was good we we freaking partied wait i don't see anything in here about you guys went to the freaking saddle ranch bro if you want to see it you have to be a member because it can be in the behind the scenes i wanted to show clips on the show of a b getting all i didn't send that i i have a video on my phone of a bee writing though so you guys went for sam's birthday right so so happy birthday sam first and foremost yes happy birthday sam he's not here and you guys went to saddle ranch people outside of la saddle ranch is like where all these influencers go i guess to get their photos taken i really wanted to see uh face blanks there so i could get a picture with him but he didn't he didn't show coward not that he knew that we were going and i guess their whole shtick is they have like a uh electronic bowl you can ride uh yes did was abe the only one that tried maybe he was the only one who did it everyone said they were doing it and i was legitimate it's pretty embarrassing i don't blame them it was too much of a vulnerable experience once i saw weird people doing it so much food yeah and consumed a lot of alcohol oh and at that point i was like this that's that's not happening there's got to be people that yak on that all the time that ball ain't clean i tell you what i i made a uh probably the greatest joke of my life at the dinner hold on before you tell it can i get a consensus did jack tell was the joke good i have absolutely i don't have no clue what he's no idea what he's talking about wow apparently didn't hit that go ahead zach okay so we were talking and we're like we're like yeah you know james charles comes here and you know james charles likes them young oh you know what i take it back this was the best joke you've ever had to go outside and ask them to explain this to me i was like i don't want to make zach feel better i just laughed pretty hyped let's hear it okay so we go there and you know they got the mechanical bull so i'm like you know when james charles comes here and he gets on the bull does he ask for the veal i do remember that actually pretty good a young calf i just sent the video of a b that's pretty funny zach i will give i'll give it up it got me pretty good thank you thank you it was better when i was a little buzzing but i feel yeah when you're everything you know how the [ __ ] do i open this because it's just directly in discord i'm not quite sure how to put it oh it won't let you uh here uh i got you one second oh that's me that's from mine so what we'll i'll send you a different link in a second what's funny to me is i guess you guys got a little respect over there because i guess they're used to receiving famous people and you guys were famous there you guys got all kinds of free food and [ __ ] and we did yes someone told me that we got a bunch of appetizers what are you talking about you didn't know that dessert they they kept saying i paid the tab and it was it was didn't seem like there was anything you paid for all these whole again well no people uh yeah i just didn't want sam to pay because she was already like saying like let's get separate checks so i can pay for my stuff and i was like that's not happening so did you every single dessert on the menu somebody did because it was so much fun well she kept she kept saying it's on the house well yes sam said maybe that's why sam told me that because she didn't see the bill she's like it was amazing they paid for it they paid for so much was the waitress being nice like is that and then like you you said ahead of the time like i'm taking care of it dan yeah i just pulled her aside and said make sure give me the bill i don't want her to get to have to pay for anything i mean again everybody venmo i don't want to make it sound like i i was that generous they all they all bamboo me money for for them it sounds like you guys have fun i wish i could have been there with you guys we got to do it again because um yeah you you'll pull the hollywood fix we didn't we didn't have that power surprisingly we were probably the most recognized people there though that night people kept coming up to us i think we already feel early i feel to finally just wait until after that boxing match bro you're going to be [ __ ] dead paparazzi oh yeah paparazzi everywhere people be begging for your autograph i'm eating over items today what the what in the god was that was no sound bite that was the uh the video that i'm uploading right now autoplayed of uh the rod the bull thank you cam i'm sorry oh yeah i see you yeah you see you you're getting so anyway um yeah we are talking about the wedding you guys know that the there was a and a famous wedding this weekend a lot of people were tuned in a lot of people were talking about it so a little bit later i do have thoughts on the wedding that i'm gonna share you know some people said don't talk about this wedding just keep your mouth shut but ultimately i have a job to do and so just stay tuned we're going to talk about the wedding all right it's going to come up a little bit later i mean there's plenty to be said about it you know it's called news i mean how can we not talk about it how could we not talk about this it'd be ridiculous just to ignore it i mean when everyone knows it happened all right what is this this is a b on the mechanical block oh yes all right let's see i just want to say for some reason he immediately put it full speed on me like oh please i saw it i didn't want to say anything and then we went outside and then cam's like you know he really [ __ ] you up on that bull like he immediately and then like everyone i was okay i'm glad you guys said it because i didn't want to complain you think he just be okay let's watch let's see let's watch let's see full speed huh well you did it seems like you did good from what i saw all right okay i don't think i would have done it not good i guess it's not working what the [ __ ] youtube the clout cods are not on your side today sorry about [ __ ] the god of clout we'll hit a little refresh i just uploaded it yeah it's working on my hand yeah uh god's a clown please here we go yeah ab needs this all right no audio uh oh i know what i did i muted the tab because i was scared that my stream would play clever thank you all right here's a b the glorious 10 pixel let's go that is not this one wait wait wait yeah yeah you were gonna break my back immediately but do this i mean look at that that looks pretty intense but i have you seen that thing in full speed man you should've seen the people before me they're so so slow he's probably got you on like medium well the guy before me asked for him to take it easy i think he did good you did pretty good yeah i thought you did pretty good thank you thank you i think i would have got my ass bucked off immediately the drinks were strong that night man i tell you i tell you you guys are endorsing the uh saddle ranch yeah it was a good time i had a great time great really mm-hmm we got to go together the food was good oh really it was really good i was not expecting it's expensive it's expensive but you portions were huge and you wouldn't expect it to be expensive because it's just such a like i mean it's on sunset like right next to all the clubs and stuff it's definitely why don't we go there sometime when we're about to take a break or after we take a break we can do a little uh company fun time sounds good that's it or we go to david buster's damn that's a hard one why don't we do back to back yeah what we can do both yeah let's just bounce back and forth we can do we can take a school bus field trip all right well anyway um let's see guys remember if you have a story to share you want to get involved 808 hot meme is the number to call not me we have uh operators standing by they're really eager to take your call well they're not not eager i mean they're eager sounds like they're like yeah what do you want hurry tell me what you want okay yeah i mean someone said ethan always goes on about his tiny hands but they seem totally fine to me yeah that's what i i mean yeah what's with my [ __ ] it's not loading it's going to be a rough show off my internet was a little flipped earlier i hope it's not because of that is this an internet thing i mean our internet's fine we're streaming but it's all flipped what the flip oh let me try opening a new browser what does this mean what does this mean like actually i'm i don't know i mean because our internet works yes but it's so slow let me open that i mean look it did look how slow it is maybe cash baby but if i clear the cash it kills everything oh yeah that's that's disastrous that's debt i mean cash clear is death i only thought about height until after i was married and my tiny hands too yeah i never thought about that when i was dating if i did i would have put prosthetics over it yeah like uncle jack from it's always something yeah looks good did i tell the story about the fan who stopped me at the airport and told me i have small hands it's one of my worst fan interactions by far how long ago was this this was a couple years ago me and ela were flying back from israel i think by the way that was a great video shout out to uh the subreddit or who who made that [ __ ] chief putnam putnam oh putnam that means face putnam means facing yiddish putnam up yeah so i was flying back from israel it was actually like a really like you know intent hila's dad was sick with cancer so it wasn't like a pleasure trip and we were flying back we were just tired and over everything and these [ __ ] whole group of goons who were doing birthright which again if you don't know what birthright is basically the rich jew zionist jews and the uh state of israel pays jews from around the world to come visit israel hoping that they'll like migrate there i don't know or meet somebody and get married and yeah that's what happened to me but it backfired because we left israel right because their old master plan is they want they need to like i'll just be honest it's pretty [ __ ] up they're trying to displace i wouldn't say this place but they need to maintain numbers there they want all the jews over there they need to maintain millions of jews okay keemstar it's not right when you say that there's no context in whether that's okay for you to say just chill bro oh no but anyway what ends up happening is a bunch of college age college student uh young frat [ __ ] come you know on my trip it was just drunken debauchery a lot of frat guys you'd be surprised just kind of a douchey i'll be honest well it's like five of them recognize me and eel in the airport as we're waiting for their terminal and these [ __ ] they come they say hi hi nice to see you thanks blah blah you know nice pleasantries whatever and then they come and sit with us and kind of trap us in this thing asking us all kinds of questions that's not that bad you know uh and then they say all right well we'll leave you to it and then this other dude uh he comes and sits next to me i should have just told him i think i did eventually be like yo i need a little privacy but he sits next to me just starts talking bro about like the craziest things and he goes he goes man you have really small hands what an [ __ ] i was like thanks bro that's probably you don't probably need to say so much stuff you probably [Laughter] probably could say less that's what you said to him yeah i don't know it was just i think we were just in a in a rough mood and it was like really intense i mean we were there for an hour and these guys would not leave us alone yeah yeah but anyway yeah the small hands comment it was funny actually uh uh there was a fan he wasn't trying to be i don't think he was trying to be a douche i think he was just a little [ __ ] i think he was trying to be a douche i think he just was a douche unintentionally yes right there was a fan uh a couple that we met at the restaurant the other night um that came up to us and they're very nice and we were chatting a little bit and then he was like i gotta tell you i'm from buffalo oh yeah and um it's pretty upsetting to hear what you've been saying uh lately on the show yeah so you have any words for so what's he said was he genuinely upset or was he just goofing be honest with me he was he was just good okay but he was from buffalo that was real but i want to say to the great peop the buffalo to the great residents of buffalo city new york we love buffalo there's no city like buffalo buffalo is one of the greatest cities in the world they make the sauce i'm not good with the trump thing but they make the sauce the buffalo it's amazing folks we love the buffalo sauce to the all residents of the great i would say again the only thing i dislike about buffalo is that keemstar lives there right you know so if you can if you can't leave buffalo i get it you know and if you're forced to live there i'm sorry stupid [ __ ] is that good yeah [ __ ] sure we love probably the best we're gonna do we we love buffalo folks the mcdonald's and buffalo it's the best i'm i've been mcdonald's all around the country it's the best mcdonald's like a buffalo burger at the mcdonald's in buffalo they have this special buffalo burger folks let me tell you it's the best burger they got a great canal too they have a canal in buffalo the erie canal ooh spooky you know the song that's not that do i know the song about the eerie canal in buffalo yeah who doesn't we had to sing it in elementary school for some reason well let's hear it you still remember it no not really i mean i remember that there is a song but i couldn't i couldn't tell you the lyrics you ever tried buffalo ethan have i what have you tried buffalo like bison burger uh probably you know probably yeah it's asking it's inquiring yep uh though the terms are often used interchangeably buffalo and bison are distinct animals zach i remember learning the difference yes well [ __ ] me then because almost all of i'm pretty sure almost all of the buffalo were taken out and they're not in the united states anymore let me know chad if i'm right i think the um bison are more gnarly than the buffalo right bison are like scary [ __ ] freaks yeah scary freaks they are they're like freaky demon creatures dude what they look scary as hell they're huge and they're just like they're big [ __ ] creatures with horns i think they're pretty cool looking tell you true they're freaky dude very soon you go to here look at that thing man joel bison joel bison they look cool this one has a do you see that there's birds on that one that's kind of dope a good one to the left yeah it's like a whole family burst jillian that's kind of sick these look like final fantasy creatures it's like a disney cartoon yeah okay we stan buffalo yo check this [ __ ] out bison right check this [ __ ] out [ __ ] the wounds with korea have fully healed we love we stand we love i don't know if i'm doing it right this is it right i mean no i said i don't know if i'm doing it right well done don't do it dan don't embarrass you're trying i'm trying i think you do it embarrass us dan if you don't know how to yeah come on don't insult them ever again i'm trying so a korean variety show with a bunch of comedians uh i showed a clip from our one of our old videos about modern art this is [ __ ] awesome dude i mean they get so much wrong but i don't know how the hell they found but i'm famous in korea now i'm famous in south korea guys mother of god and all that's holy stop thank you yeah so i'm thinking of just you know taking the show on the road maybe we should head out to south korea there's good fandom there i'm down i want to visit i can change my persona i'll start wearing makeup and get like a um haircut okay what no the hair you know they have like specific hair my mind went maybe they like that i'm a fat greasy patchy beard greasy disgusting fat jew don't talk about my boss like that that's not nice don't talk about my friend though well i just caught myself in the preview if you're bullying ethan stop it oh god look at that stop it jesus christ what are we gonna do about you dude well good thing i'm already married so i can't believe i shaved your head like a month ago and it's already like i need a haircut that is crazy badly look at this it was longer than them i think you should it should grow with all of that maybe whatever it is superhuman yeah just let it let it flow man grow it out we'll still need a haircut and clean it up anyway let's watch this clip from this uh popular uh south korean variety show with these famous comedians who are on it oh mother god why can't anything work in this world click it opens i click it mutes i click just play the damn thing what the [ __ ] bro this is so difficult so stupid well there's something wrong with there's a browser on top of it because now i'm clicking play [ __ ] you cookies just track me i don't give a [ __ ] that law is the worst thing to happen to the world the cookies law just track me i don't give a [ __ ] i'm doing it anyways it's like you're not helping anyone regulators by telling you i'm being tracked i don't give a [ __ ] i don't want to click that [ __ ] every time i visit a website it's it's outrageous well get go back to reddit and just play it there well nothing works on my browser so no cookies for you okay close that tab and just hit play okay now let's see if i can full screen it snips off the play button damn [Music] i'm trying to pause and comment i mean it's just [ __ ] bro there i mean it's the way this it hides the okay well that's right the tv is cutting off the the very edge all right let's see it says it's hard to understand art she says i heard a comedian from the uk okay what do we all look what are we all the same to you i mean come on i'm american i've never even been to the uk just saying i wonder if the translation modern art it's hard to understand art it sure is actually they're wrong i think it sold for like 37 billion dollars right like that right so unfortunately that that check didn't clear right yeah what's funny okay is that we actually tried to sell it on ebay for real but ebay is not very i expected a little more thoroughness from ebay but you can just anyone can bid any amount like there's no verification you know when we were selling the nfts to bid on the nft you had to actually put that money in an escrow account right yeah well on ebay they haven't figured out how to do that so people just started bidding it up to like 70 million i think makes me wonder how does anyone do anything of high value on ebay because like you have no idea if it's a real if the if the person doesn't come through it doesn't just default to the next highest bidder or something no it closed and this guy got it for 70 million bucks and he didn't bail the check never cleared son of a [ __ ] i'm pretty sure a lot of youtubers who have tried to sell stuff online ebay ends up closing their sale like um colleen ballinger was selling stuff like her old clothes and ebay thought that it was like a scam because people were paying so much for it and shane tried to sell his underwear and they were like what's wrong with him it's right i don't know a few things but that did jane dawson was selling used underwear yeah he has his i think that video might still be up why is he doing these things we don't like that he's edgy very edgy link me that [ __ ] gotta buy that well anyway yeah ebay did close it down and but the thing is um a lot of people actually thought i was rich after that there a lot of people were like dude are you why are you even still making videos you may like you're you should be retired and of course the whole thing was a satirization of modern art like we didn't actually i don't think it was an earnest attempt at art or anything like that but pretty funny to see them acknowledge that i wonder how they even found it because there's very little i mean that was a long time ago yeah i mean that's an ancient that's an ancient vid my dudes yeah good times though i mean i do love that video it seemed like the one guy was more familiar with you because he knew you were a comedian well shout outs to whoever got them that video and uh yeah there's plenty more if you guys want to do uh more spit you want you know as if i can go okay so uh shane dawson creep extraordinaire you look back on all this stuff he's done is real interesting now you know what i mean yeah really sad do you know if he actually got paid for these or was it like shut down the underwear it was shut down right he talks about it in the video currently midnight and i'm very you can't sell used underwear no that's against policy right if that makes sense damn bro i cannot i cannot get over how he just wears the same shirt that with like pull marks on it i mean i get being neurotic is part of his stick but that's just [ __ ] degeneracy am i allowed to say that i don't know why not probably say whatever the [ __ ] you want you don't like that he's wearing the same shirt he can wear the same shirt but like dude at least get like a few of them you can rotate he might have a few i don't know but why like dude this is so [ __ ] like this is what my shirt looked like when i was eight because you like it's like i don't know bro just get your [ __ ] together doesn't kind of look like the shirt that like the kid in class who would suck on his shirt exactly exactly that's like the bite marks exactly you sucking on your shirt there dude or what at least it's not the pig shirt let's let's be real the picture no the pig shirt the one that he wore for like five years in a row i yeah i think it's probably yeah i mean i agree it's it's not that cute i guess people thought it was cute things aren't so cute now after he got canceled people look at [ __ ] he does that's not cute anymore dude you know what's real i i can't watch anything nothing loads i can't do this you guys oh well it's a bit of a problem like i typed james charles and it's like so flipping slow um you know what i can open a new browser i got a no i think i know what's going on and i got a solution for you oh dan's got a solution guys feel for time go for time for a few minutes yes so well what i wanted to show you guys is real interesting because we've been discussing you know does james charles cancellation stick we've wondered right and the truth is kind of did like if you go to his channel now i mean he james charles used to be pulling like 10 million per video right olivia like his views were insane yeah yeah so he's most recent video from three days ago has 950 000 which you know obviously that's a lot of views it's a million views but for james charles that's a significant decrease wouldn't you say i would also say that's like mid-tier i mean that's a big creator but like not a superstar creator like he used to be like if you go back back back back back during his yeah i mean here look how far back are you going desperate um i mean here keep going this one has 50 million views 20 million eight and a half eight and a half five seven 15. i mean that those numbers are nuts here look at this 20 40 8 22 12 10. i mean those are monster numbers so that is a bit of a fall from grace isn't it well james if anyone deserves to be [ __ ] banished to a uh exile island oh no james charles needs to be where would we be without men it's like pleasure island from pinocchio we send all the naughty boys there now what kind of nonsense is that we're exiling young boys to pleasure island what about the women those vec those [ __ ] with their lipstick and their high heels they tempting us where's their island i say we send the women to the island of lust the men should be free they're doing impossible things it's outrageous this term toxic masculinity toxic masculinity what a horrible term the men what am i gonna do so men what would we do without dan fixing our connectivity issues olivia you couldn't fix this [ __ ] [ __ ] you i'm just a a woman you couldn't even you couldn't even start to comprehend such high-level i.t issues yeah [Music] yep where would we be i had a really good uh what was it let's see where women they're just sacks of flesh to insert bodies i mean what do they do except give birth it's outrageous why do you think there's never been a woman president a female i should say i don't even call them women anymore i call them females because it's just by they're just baby factories [Music] thank you dan where would we be dan fixed it [Applause] where would we be without james charles he's getting away with talking to young boys but boys need mentors james charles would make a great captain uh scout captain oh my god [Music] this is a little spooked mcgoot [Music] all right let's look at thank you dan you fixed you really did fix it pretty impressive stuff yeah i mean shane shane's also took i mean chains are pretty high still but it also took a pretty significant dip because like his most recent one from a month ago has 3.4 million again that's a lot of views but when you take into consideration his previous view you're talking 20 20 18 20 20 25 30. you know those are huge numbers right there man the dangerous world of jeffree star i'm not i'm not super familiar with the jet all the jeffree star uh slander but i know people hate his guts i know a lot about it is he a bad dude he's pretty he's done yes really you should do it why don't we do a content chord on jeffree star or something or is it just maybe it's just old news eh yeah it's like who cares i mean he has since moved to montana and has a like some type of farm a yak farm i thought it's wyoming maybe it's wyoming to be close to his lover kanye oh right but yeah he has a yak farm forgot about that what the [ __ ] you doing with the axe bro why why does he have yaks like why what's your problem with beasts of birds there's nothing wrong with yaks but why yaks why would jeff choose a yak what's wrong with yaks i'd not say do you not think it's weird that jeffree star chose of all things to raise on a farm yax i mean what the [ __ ] i raised something yaks are fierce ethan only likes to chew caboose look at these they're called chocobos chocobos chocobos i'm sorry i'm playing five what is he doing with those yaks posing what is he okay so you're saying these are best of burdens so what burden are they carrying for him why does he need it years of guilt and regret have you seen his uh myspace music video you'd have a lot of regret too i just want to know what is he planning with all these yaks i mean someone needs to investigate well look at all the photos of him post with them he looks so so good with the yeah all right let's check out the yaks star yaks okay bro yo these yaks are smaller than the ones you should have tiny yeah i guess it's a new farm they're fresh yaks get off that yeah right not yet did you ask permission to ride that yak young man did you get consent from that yeah got a lot of acts i just don't understand what is happening why is this happening i love that photo he's yakking off dude he got the hell out of the way you know maybe just all the all of the are you showing this photo that i have up uh yeah that's a real phone no i want a close-up why is this happening i don't know [Music] [Laughter] this is this what happens when you get canceled you go to wyoming and grow yaks you grow yaks god help us guys this is this is bizarre it's so funny holy [ __ ] bro oh he's in high school i mean whatever i can't hit on a high school we all looked [ __ ] up in high school uh why is this happening this is his house okay yeah it's beautiful okay what's the house like this cost in wyoming i it's probably public probably like two three million dollars yeah you can get away really [ __ ] you should do it you should do a comparison find a two million dollar hou we'll find how much it costs and then find find in la how much that house cost and let's show a comparison that's he spends his time on a 1.1 million ranch with yak 1.1 million dollars for 70 acres jesus that's 1.1 million all right now find a 1.1 million dollar house in like santa monica i mean that's that doesn't exist it'd be like a studio apartment yeah that was 1.1 million yeah i mean wyoming is a huge state and i believe it is the lowest uh population density wise maybe just the lowest period i think like half a million people live in wyoming it's like empty i mean you'd think that it would cost that much just in materials though i understand the land is like very cheap but that's a monster house yeah i'd love to travel there the sunsets are really really breathtaking well i know a yak farm you can visit um let's go if you go to his yak farm and get a photo with them i'll give you [ __ ] i'll buy you a rolex how about that i'm down you go to the yak farm you get a picture with jeffrey and a yak i'll buy you a rolex i'll book my ticket for the break do whatever you want just give me that photo and i'll buy you a rolex um are you serious yep if you go to the yak farm and you have to get a photo with jeffrey and a yak a photo he's willingly taking with you or not i mean no willing okay i'll buy you a rolex all right i'm in i'm gonna do it it's not happening bro i'm gonna go to wyoming hi sir what how are you gonna do you're just gonna cold cold show up his house yeah i'll list my credentials and just bill is this a public yak farm is this a place people i don't i actually don't know but also the photo you showed is that everyone's spamming l.a that's his l.a oh that's his la house okay that makes sense are you serious that doesn't look like calabasas like maybe it is yeah it does so yeah like that the hilltop area kind of a little bit further up into the canyons okay well that that does make more sense i remember this was like a 16 million dollar house or something i remember it sold recently or jesus yeah you sure you want to go now zack i'm going to go yak off dude this is what's waiting for you you ready i'm down dude anything for the rolly okay i'll book my ticket do whatever you got to do do we need to add uh yeah we're gonna do uh the first batch here okay thank you thank you to curology it's over on your uh desk actually oh so they just came uh so here i found it i can show you guys so you go to curology i i use this product i actually i love this product so it's an awesome uh service you go to h3 you take a questionnaire about your skin you take some photos of your skin close-ups to send them and here's what happens a dermatology provider formulates a custom prescription cream for your specific goals whether you're talking about acne clogged or skin texture dark spots fine lines or 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h3 to start your free 30-day trial you can cancel any time and prescription is subject to consultation so thank you to curology love them really do and mint mobile love me mobile too man it's a great service man when i was poor those mobile bills hurt they hurt bad and i prayed for something like mint mobile but it's here now the holiday season the best deal on wireless can only be found at mint mobile right now when you switch to mint mobile and buy any three month plan you'll get another three months for free and as the first company to sell premium wireless service online only mint mobile lets you order from home and save a ton with phone plans starting at just 15 bucks a month that's right i would have killed for a plan 15 bucks a month man man back when me and elo were like really poor i had like very limited minutes and [ __ ] i don't know what would happen but we'd go over it and they would [ __ ] you hard bro i don't know if you guys remember those days [ __ ] you hard get like hundreds of dollars bill could not afford that well dan's been using mint mobile i have and uh i mean dan i love it that's great it's the same [ __ ] it's just as good as the big boys thing is they all use the same like uh infrastructure infrastructure the same net 5g network it's literally the same thing you're just getting it for cheaper mint mobile offers the best offers here of the year for a limited time buy any three month plan and get three months for free and by going online only in eliminating the traditional cost of retail mint mobile passes significant savings onto you when was the last time you actually went to like a store for like i mean it's it's not exactly you don't even need that all plants come with unlimited talk and text high speed data delivered on the nation's largest 5g network with mint mobile choose the amount of monthly data that's right for you and stop paying for data that you never use use your own phone with any mobile plan and keep your same phone number along with all of your existing contacts switch to mit mobile and get premium wireless service starting at just 15 bucks a month so for a limited time buy any three month minute mobile plan and get three months for free by going to h3tv that's mint h3tv cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at h3tv wow great sponsors today love them people be like oh and the other days they're not great sponsors i don't know don't know what to say about that today i like them all right where the [ __ ] were we we were oh the one person who sent this baby i was just sending killing some time something on the side privately to my friend dan he just saw it on ray just said what in the [ __ ] someone posted that why does that look so wait the hair has changed right yeah no there's no two hair lines that's my hairline yeah and that's my hair no yeah that's not that's not ace family it's not austin's hairline because it's only got one hairline there's just some [ __ ] weird i don't know something weird going on there interesting evie did that everyone saw that he looked pretty good as austin maybe i should rock that look whatever i don't know what that looked like what austin's body yeah you want austin's body no the the chain the gucci shirt you can barely see his body abe mcbroom yeah the one person who's not really been affected by the cancellation or has he i don't know has he's gone down dubrick no his views are still up dude his views are still maybe they've dipped maybe they dipped a tiny bit because they did used to get like a gajillion like yeah if you go back a year ago 20 20 17 35 30. i mean these are unbelievable for a four-minute video you know that's [ __ ] crazy yeah he also took a long break so people probably watched those a lot re-watch him mm-hmm oh here i saw the [ __ ] he pulled a keemstar and he went in the pool with his hat on hold on let me find the shot that's awesome love that i don't know if he had his shirt on too we'll see here it is junior no it's just me but i can order pizza miraculously so does dubrick do these things yeah he's got his hat on oh she's naked okay i mean i know he's not going to show anything oh no she has a top on don't [ __ ] me youtube she has a top on it's fully covered i missed the mark with that one yeah she's got to talk yeah what's with dubrick he always does this thing where like ooh maybe i'm hooking up with this girl but i'm actually just a weirdly unsexual person doesn't know i don't watch his vlogs but he's always like look at this cute girl i'm with am i weak hooking up who knows yeah there's like compilations of her him denying pretty girls and i don't know what it's about i wonder what he's really into i mean he said he's into being cocked right he's into like watching i'm not gonna kink shame or anything but maybe i will maybe i should i mean am i not allowed to kink shame like even like that i mean i mean they you know i mean he likes to get cocked i mean that's pretty funny it's funny yeah i mean what the [ __ ] you know i feel like i should be able to kink shame david dobrik about people the guy he he he like okay whatever stop it i'm already taking my pants off at least he took his shirt off that's more you can say for keemstar but why wear the hat in the pool bro i just what the [ __ ] you know what the [ __ ] he might have a kippah situation going on i think he does all right um what is this cueing on at dallas christmas parade this sounds good oh jesus we love our q anon fans don't we still out there dude this is turned into a psychotic death pole mean they're at this point it's there's no distinction between them and the guys who all killed themselves to go hop on haley's comment right uh heaven's gate heaven's gate yeah they're heaven's gate i mean there's gonna be a mass suicide i think soon you know probably and they're all gonna jump on uh i'll tell you what it's gonna be like jfk junior is writing hayley's comment and uh he's the real president of haley's comet there's a whole advanced civilization there they're all gonna get on a private jet and recreate his uh his crash oh that's pretty interesting i mean maybe they'll just ride around in an open convertible top around dallas sniping each other helping somebody dude add that to the savage dan compilation right there but i'm just saying this is getting really [ __ ] freaked out it's just not normal [ __ ] and i don't think we should pretend like these are just like harm like just like goods normal citizens who when these are this is dangerous mass psychosis uh i don't think we've ever seen anything like this in the history of our country mass psychosis around the country this is not a little group of people in some little town you know minding their own business in a cabin this is [ __ ] mainstream these people are walking around with jfk maga hats on um in the open and they've been there like for over a month now right like they're not leaving yeah this this group of people it was a much bigger group that went uh i forget it was some anniversary that they thought uh was going to be the day that you know the kennedys returned from the dead to uh save america and then it didn't happen and i think like a big chunk of them were like all right well uh i feel stupid i guess i'm gonna go home but there's a decent chunk of you know 20 30 of them that are true believers and they're just hanging out in dallas waiting any moment now shout outs to the arts and crafts people though those are pretty sick oh the signs yeah those are dope yeah and like the 3d ties pretty sick what are you all doing here those glasses that's the like oh here you can read the sign this is interesting very soon very soon you'll go to hell here i'm trying to get a clear frame i mean this is funny i want to read the small text damn oh there we go very soon you'll find out 174 uh you don't know jack red tie 61 [ __ ] literally if you try to send a message you gotta clean this up a little bit like i get you all on some weird numerology [ __ ] but if you're trying to recruit people you got to clean that up very soon you'll find out 174 you don't know jack red tie 61 17 wow 21 oh okay this is some re like i keep up with the q stuff a decent amount and i thought i knew most of the codes but i don't know what the 174 is very soon you'll find out 61. i guess i'll find out 17 is the q is the 17th letter of the alphabet so 17 is a big one to these people they're constantly you know freaking out about the number 17 but i don't know what the 174 are is what's with delays i'm sure everything has some symbology are those teeth yeah it looks like human teeth so that's dope now do you remember jack he's our president and jfk jr is our vice president i think they're maybe uh hurt you right that's true do you remember jack so he's our president and jfk jr is our vice president and you'll find out soon so is she like trying to inform her or she being like it seemed like kind of like threat [ __ ] yeah it seemed a little threatening because again soon you guys all got to work on your messaging you know jackie now do you remember jack said he's our president and jfk junior is our vice president and you'll find out soon okay lady people need a hobby or something man look at there's so many of them and they look like normal people you'll find out and you'll find out okay you sure will i mean yeah most of them were just extremely lonely people with very sad lives and they found a facebook group of like-minded weirdos that they could hang out with and it's the first time in a long time they felt like they've had friends you know so they don't they don't want to go home you got to go home guys time to go home stay in dallas there's other community go pick up knitting there's knitting watch my podcast you know we have a great community here how about that we need to start your campaign we need to convert kiwi on people to watch our podcast oh that's a prime that's a prime demo you're right let's talk about that i don't know if like q a they'd probably be dedicated to the q a h3 pipeline h3 if we could get them watching they'd be you know dedicated fans right sure passionate fans they corner you at the airport tell you how tiny your hands are that's why it's fine you know hey thanks thanks for watching all right what is this a new wheelchair [ __ ] video let's go whoa damn ruthless this guy in the wheelchair just broke everything she broke this whole [ __ ] oh damn [Music] and there's tape on the windows oh [ __ ] bro relentless he's relentless right now he's relentless he's going back that thing's a tank yeah i mean i couldn't do that i couldn't do that in my own body i would need some kind of spine man is just off his face rockets or some jams on his headphones chilling my man's like give me five g's right now give a [ __ ] probably listen in a limp biscuit what kind of star is this yo wow it looks like a moneygram place he's running that guy over he couldn't even stop him it's pretty long been damn doesn't give a [ __ ] there's a guy calling the cops he was attacking him right there he doesn't give a [ __ ] are we going to get more destruction out of this scared [ __ ] no now all right well there you have it i mean scooters are weapons of mass destruction continues to be proven as as proven by that video oh my god damn rip ripper oh mary may you rest in mobility heaven yeah may your speed be always set to 10 and intensity turned all the way up may your scooter battery never deplete always in the highest power setting she's on a five-lane highway no cars may every dog woman and man spread before you to make way for your scooter and heaven ah man and unfortunately sir you never have to say excuse me sir again yeah can we get some ilas on the gatsby in the chat let's let's go people i guess we should update about the scooter getting her scooter and yeah what happened so i reached out to some people and unfortunately this scooter is no longer with us i was afraid that would have it's such a shame they probably just dumped it right that's exactly what they did it's just such a shame because it really is valuable memorabilia yeah it's really important she left uh behind a uh her scooter and a uh workout set so yeah wow workout set huh those are two really different things yeah it's true i mean that's like destroying a rembrandt you know it's like yeah who wants this definitely right such a shame man the scooter's probably worth more than the damn house they bought yeah yes that is true [ __ ] they said they held on to it for a long time too [ __ ] hell bro we're like a month late i can't believe it i can't believe we [ __ ] up that bed all right i need to go to the bathroom remind me i think we did our ad super late dance so just to remind me it wasn't that late but yes i'll remind you okay yeah i just need to go to the bathroom real fast and then we'll talk when i come back we'll talk about the wedding and we also have a lot of good stuff honestly jstation was on philly d i want to talk about the streamy awards he was not on phillyd he was on dr phil doctor p yeah guys read between the lines i'm just gonna go to the bathroom i'll be right back real quick okay i guess i'll read some freaking super duper chats in the meantime uh let's see polly polly g i'm in dallas was on the anniversary of jk's death peace and love that's right that's right i couldn't remember why they were there in the first place uh are you waiting until the lawsuit has settled down to make a content court about cav kev he ain't get content corded [ __ ] him it ain't worth it he hasn't earned that uh thank you for all the goose gaffs and good times i'm going away you're going away before i do i want to send best wishes and good times to all friends and crew thank you well i'm sorry you're going away it's a little vague and could be taken in sort of an ominous way i hope you're good chris true shout out to chris true uh rantron donated uh a thousand inr the indian money it's in our currency indian rupee indian rupee okay 13 u.s hell yeah david finds pressing the record button chuckleworthy uh we're talking about david dubrick ah finds the pressing record button chuckleworthy it is what it is ethan looking fresh cool colors on tf thank you rentron uh queueing on his elaborate tim and eric sketch changed my mind you know really does feel like things like the surreal humor of tim and eric has just become reality at this point isn't it uh can you react to adam mickenter on the wendy williams show yeah we saw that just before we went live uh pretty funny um i don't know if ethan oh yeah i think he wanted to talk about it again maybe maybe not i don't know we'll see we love adam i love adam i can't speak for everyone i think everybody does donna says he's a little cutie pie or what what did she say he's a little dude is a button he's accused of button i've been a fan for six years now and have watched every single episode since the podcast was created holy [ __ ] haley uh figured out give back to show my gratitude for giving me contents over all these years love you guys 20 bucks from haley thank you haley for being a loyal the loyalist hoopa trooper i haven't even watched every episode something to just check out last time i checked europe across from their old new york apartment clothes they should consider setting up a new york city pop-up teddy fresh for us new york city fans do you know what europtica is in new york does that sound familiar yeah what is it called europe europtica across from your old apartment in new york europe teacup tikka t-i-k-a like a indian food i guess like that yeah it's one word though i have no idea okay there's a lot of restaurants in indian food places and stuff got you a million of them shout out though i guess shout out well no that means they're gone this is the message oh well i guess rip then shout out whatever whatever it is i'm sorry are happy for you they were saying uh you should do a new york city pop-up for teddy fresh for new york city fans we should i mean you guys already did one there right we did one with another brand oh right right it wasn't like our own thing yeah yeah maybe someday maybe someday all right well let's talk anyway thank you to everyone i don't know i missed but thank you thank you for all the donations and all those subbies appreciate y'all all right guys let's talk about this wedding something in my throat not wanting not wanting to talk about it yeah i don't know why you wouldn't i mean it's exciting it's good news i don't know should we put it at the back maybe it's too soon to get into the wedding no i mean listen i mean but you're sure you want to talk about it though why wouldn't he i mean it is yet is exciting i don't know either called me i'll panic saying don't talk about the weather i don't know what her hang up is with this wedding i mean it's it's it's a beautiful thing with these two did [Music] i mean it's it's silly to ignore it it happened it was a huge thing everyone's talking about it it's big news and you know [Music] we all know it was all over my instagram feed you can't can't avoid it i'm so happy for them yeah me too well not everyone's happy and people are dissecting every little inch of this yeah oh yeah and like there's actually a lot of controversy that came out of it really even in like this short time huh all right i guess i better talk about it uh forgive me eloh i'm happy for them yankees the aaron judge got married over the weekend yeah uh right fielder aaron judge of the new york yankees got married he's an all-star player he's been you know he batted a point two seven six this season wow which is really good pretty good you know he's got 158 career home runs 39 alone and 20 what happened to music was vibing on that thank you he got married to a longtime girlfriend samantha bret braxsike and a secret ceremony you know here let's see some photos you gotta see this venue look where they got married gorgeous stunning wow oh my god where is it oh that's hawaii yeah wow that is never honestly beautiful i haven't been there either yankees are paying them well man oh yeah he's a star player i mean he's one of the best he's best of the best oh yeah actually they're high school sweethearts and they later reunited in college and this is kind of interesting um he's six seven and she's five too so whoa do the math on that whoa that's like a shaq situation almost can i see them together side by side actually well they're pretty private but i'll see if i can get a picture side by side yeah so you know i wasn't sure if i should talk about it but uh in the end holy [ __ ] is it weird that i immediately think about you know they're intimate like you gotta ask questions about that she needs a step stool man there's a super famous photo of do you know who jeannette mccurdy is she's on nickelodeon her first like public boyfriend there's a famous photo because of their size difference [Music] i mean that's gotta be it's gotta be wild [ __ ] right don't pull it up holy [ __ ] dude and he's like leaning over too he's massive he's like a huge dude yeah that's pretty wild and she was on like a nickelodeon show at the time oh no she's wearing high heels by the way in this photo too she got like three inches on oh true yeah huh well i mean just so happy for them lots of tomatoes in the chat that's for i don't know either um i mean i'm not a huge yankees fan or anything but you know he just he seems like a good guy and you just love to see true love prevail like they have this whole story of you know being together in high school split apart drift apart and then they come back together and then years later yeah it is beautiful it's a beautiful thing if you love something let it go if it comes back it's how you know right right [ __ ] beautiful never forgetty i think you know shax is pretty that i mean you can't beat that i mean his member is probably the size of her entire thigh yeah i definitely think about it with shaq the first photo you asked i wasn't thinking too much about this one i definitely this one is wild bro i mean this is wild she must be what they call a size queen that's i don't know i mean i don't know why i you know i feel like i got to clarify something it's tradition to throw rice not tomatoes for a wedding so every i see a lot of people in the chat that seem a little confused can we please get rice why are you guys sending to me rice option maybe there's clicking tomato because oh that's like the best food it's a food item it's like the closest thing because yeah i see some people throwing roses that that's that works yeah i mean that's not necessarily so anyway our well wishes of course to aaron judge for getting married we're just so happy for him and his new wife one of the one of the baseball greats so people are starting to throw some rice there you go and uh we were just super happy to uh to shut them out by the way should we at least show adam on the wendy when when william show without commentary oh well some yeah we got brought up when you were in the bathroom because somebody's super chatted about it so why not i gotta say [ __ ] adam mcintyre it felt like a fever dream when he was watching to the this guy has made meme uh hall of fame history yeah meme history just send it to disco i'm going to watch you without comment i just want to say this is the second time he's been out of wendy the first time he was on when wendy was still hosting and he was in the virtual audience and he was wearing teddy fresh oh oh we saw that he didn't say anything right yeah he was i think he was on the screen so he came out to l.a of course michael rappaport is hosting no he's not in new york yeah oh it's in new york yeah okay so this happened recently then all right so i'm submitting this without comment just to acknowledge that it happened question what's your name where are you from what's your question for me hi michael you will never replace wendy i don't know what michael rappaport is even doing but like dude you're not why are you hosting wendy no no i was telling them it's odd for him i like him you know very strange i'm ireland okay can we get this like permanent full screen button not on i mean what the f do i have to do dan why is there a permanent full screen button on it like okay hit play from ireland 19. i need your help desperately my friend group is falling apart because my friend moses got married to that woman we know trisha yeah and they've only been dating for less than a year and she is obsessive she's taking him away she made him get rid of his cats because yep she made him get rid of the cats because she was spending too much time with that and us as well my question is should we be getting rid of him what should we be doing how do we confront this okay well i it sounds like you are you really from ireland because that's a that's a suspect ireland actually there's a lot going on there actually um all right you know what i would say listen you got to let him do his thing uh it sounds like this woman is dom domineering uh but you can't help save uh or fix the situation be supportive and uh wish him nothing but the best we're the cats where the cat's at that's the question i got for you where the cat's at gone all right well just yeah so it's just odd to see michael rap apart trying to give ernest advice i just it doesn't jive considering how he reacts to gary on howard i mean i don't like that show i would watch michael rappaport just roasting everyone in the most obscenely disgusting way all right but anyway you know he he did it he went out there and he [ __ ] did the thing so god damn i mean what the hell that's that is iconic how did he pull that yeah this is weird um someone said h3 drama made it to the wendy williams show so that is kind of an interesting smed over crossover super meta yeah [Applause] wow wow man yeah just saying this clip is pretty iconic it's hard to ignore that one in fact impossible i would say it's impossible so shout out to adam mcintyre um and anyway that's about that's the wedding so we love we love love we love to see love prevail someday love will be in love and we can say we love love's love [Music] maybe maybe he'll meet a girl named peace yo we love loves peace no peace love loves love of peace and love love peace peace and love i'm telling you uh and then back to the talk shows uh chase you're the official jstation cataloger what the hell is all this [ __ ] do you guys remember js station he was like gods what the frick did we do a content court on chase yes sir okay so then you guys should be familiar what's your take to him being on dr phil how odd is this it's very strange and i felt like he misrepresented himself made himself out to be the victim when he's just a psycho fairly stated let's watch this my name's jay but on social media i'm known as jstation you're not know there's anything on social media can i just say he he speaks like a marvel edit i noticed today guys we i am known as i'm known for making prank social media videos at one point i had 6.5 million subscribers on one channel and 800 000 on the other all of my videos were fake i planned out they were pranks and often got me a lot of haters i guess i'll say for people who don't know he was just making horrible weird trashy [Music] free content for kids you couldn't even call it pranks it definitely wasn't pranks because he even went to the extent of defending that they were real like like the black santa who loved fried chicken and drinking a gay potion and then like all these negative stereotypes he's just [ __ ] yeah they weren't pranks they were just fake videos he made them for kids who some of them believed it was real anyway he got permanently banned why did he get permanently banned maybe for pretending that his girlfriend died and click baiting and saying her last wish was for you to subscribe to our channel are we sure that that's why though youtube would ban for that i don't think so well we were trying to figure it out this morning and it the thing is the band came a significant amount of time after that whole controversy i don't know if it was [Music] or maybe it was that the story blew up and youtube did like a creator sometimes they do where they're like oh if you're harming the community we can punish you maybe well he he wasn't supposed to have a channel in the first place because his channel was deleted years ago yeah well either keemstar right and he was he made a new adsense account which he's not supposed to be able to do but i think the controversy from this situation is what flagged youtube guys guys for example on one video i drank a potion to turn gay okay what do you think i got a lot of people mad at me for that jay's in the emergency room they don't know what's wrong with him another time i filmed the video of me being in a coma i wasn't doing you can drive hold on hold on hold on i haven't seen it look at this it's he's got ethernet cables running under the sheet that he's holding down with his hand what's wrong with him another time i filmed the video of me being in a coma i wasn't jay you think you can drive bro should i let him drive guys over a year ago i posted a series of videos about the fake death of my girlfriend youtube decided to ban me from posting videos i had to tell all of my followers i was taking a break thank you for rocking with me and understanding this i'll be back not sure when youtube terminated my account basically overnight my source of income was gone it's been almost 12 years since being banned i knew my videos were controversial yes some people might think i crossed the line but i really don't think i went too far he's not showing all the weird races homophobic yeah he's just it did go too far many times and by the way you don't get banned from youtube unless you're a real real real really shitty person who push it way too far well joining us virtually is jay jay how you doing hey i'm good dr phil how you doing all right you've been shut down for two years a little over a year now dr phil so what have you been doing since uh i've been doing some stuff with real estate i got together with some real estate investors and started buying rental properties yeah i i know we're here yeah i was so sure he was going to say crippling for a welder yeah you can jump all over that when you put up anything at all they take it down no matter what it is you put it up under a different name under anything they take anything you put up down right yeah dr phil um basically youtube said i'm banned from being in possession of any youtube channel i can't post anything even if i make a new account yeah is there is there any kind of appeal i mean do you have you what the [ __ ] is the point of this why is dr phil like championing championing for him do you not know any yeah he has no idea there should be someone on staff to at least explain youtube or the situation also he's banned from disney world he's been from twitter uh instagram and there's and all for different reasons that's pretty intense filed an appeal if you said look i get it i've crossed the line is there some probationary way you can come back is there is there anything you can do to do dr phil is one of the if not the strangest looking dudes that have ever existed just straight up the weirdest looking face and i mean yes just get a load of that mug dude it's just you know and i and i don't mean that necessarily as an insult to call him ugly or something he's just one of the strangest looking man he's somehow both normal looking and str and strange looking he's got it all dude is there anything you can do to kind of make amends i've tried to email them several times it's just youtube is almost impossible to get a hold of and i really don't know what to do to get my youtube channel back or even to be able to make a new one yeah so this took your income to zero right this is such a point this is such a pointless interview this is so dumb what did nowhere i was making over 100k a month and then zero dollars now 100k a month and it just went to nothing yeah wow yeah overnight if you've learned something what would you pass on to those that aspire to do you're making 100 grand a month what do you what do you say to these guys that are following along the path that you've been down uh it takes a lot of dedication keep on doing it every day or as much as possible but the biggest thing nowadays is to never do anything that anybody could think is controversial at all i'm definitely never going to do anything controversial offensive uh you know shut up this is dr phil is doing the least immediately after being banned off youtube he goes on instagram and starts saying that covet is fake yeah that's why you got me i i just don't understand why did you bring him on you didn't challenge him you didn't talk to him about his controversial past you didn't even ask why he got like ask questions about all this and that what a dumb point in this interview what is wrong with you dr phil you are such a pathetic nothing burger it's time for him to buy a ranch and some yaks yeah just retire dr phil or jay um is it possible he like paid dr phil to be on i don't think so they're just they're just just desperate for content like everybody i don't think so hey i mean he could have made an interesting interview about it if he did some research talk to him i thought he'd bring him out like bad bad baby and do like an intervention or something right golly that was some weird [ __ ] you know all right let's talk about the streamies that was pretty good um maybe we should do our other two ads before we get into it yeah thank you thank you to quip love me some quip toothbrushes is the only so quiet zach just got back he was in the restroom there we go love some clip toothbrushes it's the only toothbrush i use and let me tell you why the bristles first of all are soft ultra soft man it's hard to find a bristle that's soft and doesn't damage your gums let me tell you something about gums they don't grow back you gotta respect gums so important that's first second of all it's a vibrating toothbrush all dentists pretty much agree except for that one out of ten piece of [ __ ] doesn't know anything nine ten agree vibrating brush that's what it is it's a slick little tube you don't need a huge charging pack when you click it to vibrate it times a perfect two minute brush so you know you're brushing your teeth what the dentists recommend every time 30 seconds pulsates 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds in each quadrant boom then you know when you're done and you got the perfect brush it's quick it is what it is and absolutely love it um you know they've sold over seven million holy frick that's pretty impressive it's lightweight it's sleek for adults and kids there's no wires or 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dot com slash h3tv quips it's the good habit company it's actually really affordable too they usually put the price in here but i took it out for some reason but the price is great so go check it out uh h3tv thank you thank you and finally it's me undies who we love so well somehow it's already the end of 2021 but that means we're time to roast those nuts chestnuts that is i made that joke last summer you know still good it's still good roast those chestnuts uh it's the time of year when we're spending hours days or even months trying to find the best gifts for our favorite people and luckily meundies is back with their ultimate gift guide so you can save time and focus on going home for the holiday with the coziest gift ever i love my undies the underwear unmatched you're an adult it's time to upgrade it's time to stop lugging around these disintegrating underwear your mom bought you in eighth grade it's time to grow up and get some adult underwear that's soft and breathable it's comfortable and when you drop trout people are going to be impressed they'll be like damn boy this man has his [ __ ] together he's got real underwear it makes a difference true really does i love it i'm fat i'm thick i need that soft [ __ ] you know and if you're a onesie person or pj person they've got set matched sets for you and your loved ones get your festivities on with myandy's holiday collection featuring classic plaids you know and love and sweater inspired prints that will quickly become favorites their undies loungewear and sleepwear are made out of soft breathable stretchy fabric that are ideal for sitting fireside with loved ones and chatting about life over a cup of hot cocoa get the family photo you've always dreamed of with matching pj sets or make every day a spa day with the new plush robes and plush slippers whatever you decide everyone will be rolling into the new year comfier than before sizes are available in extra small to 4xl mandy's has a little something for everyone on your list mandy's has a great offer for our listeners for any first time purchase you get 15 off and free shipping right to your door your days of fighting for your life in the mall parking lot are over to get 15 off your first order free shipping and 100 satisfaction guarantee go to h3 that's h3 thank you thank you [Music] all right i want to talk about oh do we have any calls we haven't taken a call let's see we do um crotchrod story crotch right sorry i i think you just said the url wrong to me undies well let's get it right back it up it's h3tv you were saying slash h3 let's run that again it's rewind time oh i don't think i read this part hold on back it up rewind hit me with that music put that music back on me that says that didn't end just right for the sponsors this is still the app kill the ad all has a great offer for our listeners for any first time purchase get 15 off and free shipping right to your door your days of funding for your life in the mall parking lot are over to get 15 off your first order free shipping 100 satisfaction guaranteed go to h3tv written on the screen and in the description that's h3tv all right [Music] oh shred [ __ ] all right beautiful let's look at calls what do we got um what do we got i'm browsing are you brows uh somebody donated a hundred dollars kd k.d peace and love to ela i hope she enjoyed her birthday i look forward to the podcast and keep it on repeat all day she may be watching right now sometimes watchers first of all thank you so much we love you this is a good call this sounds interesting from emma okay emma hi how are you today i'm good how are you so as i understand it you are dating someone with an interesting uh interest in the bedroom um well i was dating them um which i feel like makes it even worse i met them on bumble and i was just like as you do you meet up with someone right so uh everything was going good um things were going in the right direction um they were nice and you know things started to get hot and heavy hold on hold on we're skipping a lot hold on hold on okay you went on one date you went on a date first day first day you guys went you guys went out for dinner um we just like hung out at like a bookstore you know had some coffee oh wow wow yeah so it was nice okay so so you guys are hanging out at the bookstore and then somebody suggests going back to their place um okay so the thing is i was um still living with my parents at the time so i couldn't go anywhere but he he had a van he had a mom dancing okay so hold on yeah so wait so you guys are at the bookstore and this guy offers to to invite you to his van yeah and um i was just like whatever were you a little scared i mean you meet a guy on you meet a guy on a dating site and then next thing you know you guys are going out into his van were you a little apprehensive i was a little scared but i feel like um i definitely could have uh beat him up i was i was in that kind of situation i could have definitely handled that oh all right where i was going was he a short king and are you are you like tall what's the situation there um he was a short king and i was a little bit bigger than him you take him in a fist fight i could totally take him in with this fight okay so he so he takes you out to his van and is it in the parking lot of the bookstore uh no we go to it okay he was like hey i need to go to the bathroom before we go do anything and i was like okay sure go do that so he goes to the bathroom and he grabs his jacket to go in the bathroom which i didn't think was like a big thing because you know it was cold so he goes in he goes to the bathroom he comes back and we go to a nearby park it's nice it's scenic it's nighttime um it's private and so we start talking and we start kissing and then one thing leads to another and i was like okay well maybe now i should unbutton his pants as we're taking out because you know yeah hold on yes in the car though oh wait you're in the car okay okay so you guys are in the van driving around you're parked you're parked in the parking lot what kind of was his van nice i mean how are we talking about in the van um it was a chrysler were you guys in the back of the van you guys were in the back of it had all of the uh uh sea played down uh he had some blankets you know okay nice a little cozy okay good so you guys are making out things are going well you make the first move okay yes and he was into it so okay great i'm into it too let's do this thing i put my hands i unbutton his pants and i feel something strange it's not just normal boxers right here's the setting by the way is this look familiar this is where it all went down right oh wait this is a plymouth i'm sorry wait hold on we got to find the van we need to set the setting right we're looking for the van this is important we need to it's a minivan right chrysler minivan red 80s 90s we're tracking this down uh probably like 2011. okay relatively new 2011 red chrysler minivan let's go you have his plate numbers yeah you got his plate number you got a registration card this is wonderful okay so we're about to throw this up here it was red huh damn okay so here we go something like this i'm assuming okay were the windows tinted were you afraid anyone would be able to see in i mean it's probably deserted but still um i was a little nervous but i feel like that's a part of the fun you know what i mean absolutely sure that's a hell of a first date emma i gotta tell you jesus is a hell of a first date oh well it gets a little bit better okay let's let's continue now that we've got the setting yeah in that band imagine that um i open i undo this pants and he's wearing a diaper oh so okay oh so you open the pants you put your hand down how do you realize it's a diaper i mean you're feeling because you know what you know what uh underwear feels like you know and this didn't feel like underwear so i looked down and i was like there are there's little animal print on it this is a diaper wow so not not like a cloth diaper like uh no like an adult sized adult baby diaper okay now was he like a was he a thick guy or like a small guy he was a small guy we've established skinny yeah he's a short normal guy wasn't anything crazy okay so he had some kind of adult diapers on so what did you say when you discovered the diaper i was just like oh i was so stunned he was like oh do you have a problem with it i was just like um not necessarily but uh i would have liked to be have been told this i don't know we don't keep saying here um but we don't keep we don't kink shame in this fan no we don't know this van is a safe place but like i was just like um so maybe like i don't want to do anything and he was like yeah no that's fine i understand i was like okay cool why don't you give it a heads up yeah i know okay so and then oh hold on so you saw the diaper and you immediately aborted okay yes because what would you do no i don't blame you i'm just trying to get the facts straight so i thought i immediately was like maybe let's not do anything we can still talk if you want to because i didn't want to be super mean because what if like he was crazy you know what i mean so i was a little i had to be a little chair so were you little you were even maybe a little scared when you saw the diaper eh definitely um because i was just like who would do this on a first date who would do this to somebody that was on a first date well yeah because it must be that if he does it on the first date it must be that he gets a thrill out of the shock that's the only explanation so what how did he react i didn't know what to do i was just like um and he was just like no like do you like it like can i call you mommy i was like no way he said that he asked if he can call you mommy huh immediately and i was just like um no but uh you can still hang out but like maybe i don't want to go anywhere she's like okay can i grab something real quick and i was like uh oh god what is it i [ __ ] wish he pulled out a pacifier and um let's go a blanket animal thing a lovey i believe those are called uh-huh and he was just like you hold me and i was just like are you lying to me this is this is called even ethan i really wish i was lying to you i really do i don't want to be in i never wanted to be in that situation so he kept pushing it after you said no and he said hold me call me can i call you mommy and he took out olavian all this and this is all going on in the back of the van okay so so what happens from that point so then i was just like dude you gotta like take me home like i can't do this like uh and he was just like please come on no please and i was like no like take me home right now so he took me home and that was he did that okay hold on so he's goes back up to the driver's seat you go back up to the passenger seat is he still wearing the diaper and stuff does he change does he put on his pants did he put on his pants no he did not see these are important details so he drove your ass home in nothing but a diaper nothing but a diaper and he was hairy so it made it even worse and what did he do with the lovey and [ __ ] did he bring to leave that in the back or did he take it up front with them no he took it up front he knew what he was doing and the pacifier yep pacifier levy diaper was it in his mouth when he drove you home no he was just like playing with it in his hand and you gotta ask ethan you gotta ask what do i gotta ask i don't know whatever who's on your mind ain't on my mind was there anything in the diaper oh i assume not dan well i don't know um well okay so then uh he takes me home right and i thought that was the end of that and like i was never going to talk to him ever again um he gets home i guess and he sends me a picture and dan was correct he peed in it he sent you a photo of his pee diaper yeah and i can't believe this everybody and what did you did you respond or what happened i said ew and i blocked him you gave him the u huh he's probably fishing for it he likes the human it seems like a humiliation yeah he likes the humiliation like why else because like if you really get the game running so yeah i think yeah oh my god um what a disappointing night for you though because you were he got what he wanted but you didn't get what you wanted that's a real violation you know i feel like did you feel violently yeah i couldn't i couldn't tell anybody because like my i like i couldn't tell my parents because they were like where were you i'd be like ah let me tell you jesus well have you got have you i hoping that you had some normal encounters since then and that uh how was the second date yeah did you go to a daycare yeah i changed his diaper for him and it was so fun have you been able to trust men since then or are you permanently damaged oh i definitely have put myself into more compromising positions but not anything as intense as that i feel like that was my biggest one are you what's with these compromising situations are you are you into that i mean what's going on with you emma no i'm not into that it's just like i feel like i go after the wrong people and it's been a pattern wait a b [Laughter] that he has a red i had this oh i didn't i did it is this your story with the [ __ ] balloons attached like a child's party i mean maybe this is my favorite let me see how could you not share this with me with the glass you have that band that's your van that's exactly as she described it a baby a baby do you see the band this is it right that's lit that is it holy [ __ ] i think i see a pacifier on the dashboard hey baby all right emma stay safe out there okay the next one you may not get out of there so uh you know what i'm saying take care of yourself or something yeah i'm definitely i don't do that anymore okay good where are you when you in college what are you doing are you uh at home what's your situation you're 23 okay i'm in my last year probably not next year's my last semester graphic design and then i'm yeah graduated but you're able to get some weird ass out in college no problem you don't have to like go into parking lots at night and [ __ ] right that should be easy like you can get dick out there no problem definitely okay good okay good good good good yeah there's no reason to risk yourself for a little dick i'm just telling you dick comes easy dick dicks a dime a dozen yeah yes for sure you know what i'm saying you don't got to risk yourself for a little dick all right was he wearing pampers or what what was he what was the diaper um he said that they were like specifically made for like adults so not panthers yeah yeah i know all right he's great yeah maybe he knows exactly all right emma thanks for the call you take care right thanks thanks for sharing all right we stan emma uh the mommy the queen mommy [Applause] yeah i had that van for two months and i [ __ ] loved that thing in between why why why did you have a man so there was this big flood in michigan in 2013 and like it flooded my engine and so the insurance company had to give me a rental and this is all they had because they had so many cars out so damn yep i [ __ ] loved anything wait what kind of call my white balloon leno tied those balloons that was the restaurant we used to work at she tied it on them but why she's just just for fun just lol oh just for the walls yeah just for the laws what a coincidence dude yeah i'm sorry you feel like you're being trained my trust but you can't drop that in the day i'm kidding no i'm kidding the same color i ever just kidding this is a real interesting one this caller from colorado actually has um a gripe a beef with me he's angry at some things i've been saying uh-oh anonymous are you there hello yes i am all right are you serious so what are you angry at me about let's start there all right so yeah but let's just get to the point you were you're talking like mad stuff about the micropenis community bro [Music] okay yeah like yeah it's it is a medical condition um and you know i don't want to get too too angry but yeah um what what's what's up okay no okay no i i want to hear you out so okay do you have a you have a micro penis yeah there's something wrong with that no there's nothing wrong with it what have i said that's offended you do you remember i think i have a tremendous um i have a tremendous empathy for me before you you know i don't i mean i know i'm i'm i'm goofing i don't really care it's just anyways but you do have that you do have that medical condition because i actually am really curious to ask you questions but yeah yeah so i mean well i don't know if i really really do like i think i'm like borderline because like i've looked it up and i've seen some of this stuff i mean it is not that you know like you know we're talking maybe like two inches you know two inches fully torqued what did you say yes okay so i mean i mean and then you see some and it's like you know it's like barely like it's like an audi belly button it's not like that like you know right it doesn't sound like it's necessarily micro it's more uh i think it's i think it's bordering on micro like you said i think he's right i the other thing if i might add that you know might have some interest it is uncut does that is that helpful or not at that size do you think um it's not you know i think part of it is a condition where it doesn't go past a certain point because the skin because i i have a condition on you know um this is like really revealing oh my god this is a little bit i don't i didn't think about this go ahead i mean you're anonymous you're in a chrysler fan of friends here yeah okay safe space right yeah this is really you know uncut kings um michael penis kings you know everybody i really just wanted to provide support for them um yeah so yeah that's another thing um the skin is like ingrown to where like you know like i guess they say like the wood out grows the bark the wood out through the bark so that what's underneath is bigger than the foreskin correct okay and that anyway that causes some problems can i ask you questions can i can i ask you questions yeah with peace and love i'm just really curious and if you're uncomfortable tell me but i have tremendous respect for the condition you have i mean i think it's i think it's you know incredibly difficult and i give and i tip i tipped the beanie to you when did you know that you were had like a a very small penis when growing up did you know that that was a issue i mean porn oh right i mean i think that's like yeah well i think with i think we'll honestly no no okay that's honestly incorrect my parents actually had to actually like educate me somewhat you know like it's basically like you know clean clean it like it needs to be cleaned it's different it needs to be clean they inform me about my condition i like six wow was that in a condition that was inherited by by any of your parents like do you know does your dad have that condition i mean i don't know i i don't think so because it's i mean i haven't seen my i mean is it normal to see your dad's young yeah at some point when you're a kid yeah when i was a kid when i was really young i mean i've seen my dad naked when i was like really young like under five you know i don't i don't remember the age but yeah but so it's interesting that's real that's real interesting they educated you when you were sick so what'd they say did they say like son your penis is different than most people stuff like that yeah essentially yeah they're just like you know there's different methods you have to clean it like you know like we don't want you to feel weird about it like that type of being so i mean and you know i never thought it was a weird thing you know they made it seem normal i never personally thought it was like a weird thing until you brought it up like you never thought it was you never i had one i couldn't live with myself i'm like [ __ ] my dad yeah okay you know what i shouldn't have said that i'm sorry you know so that's my beef but yeah i mean that's you know you don't know how many people did i say i couldn't live with myself i think i said i i it would be very difficult i mean it's it's a heart condition it's a heart condition so have have you been intimate with anybody really i mean yeah i have and um here's another little interesting tidbit about me i am like uh i'm bisexual and so i haven't really messed up like anything with the women you know oh my god should we go that anyways um let's just say uh i'm giving up the [ __ ] instead well that's a great comp well then then that's great you've made the best of what you've got yeah you know so thank you i feel like you have maybe even micro penis stolen valor because the heterosexual guys are really the ones at the in the front lines in the trenches i mean you've got that busty to work with oh yeah yeah for sure it definitely gives me an advantage uh not many other you know yeah amazing incorrect feel good about it wow well you know what man any other questions any other questions you've been dying to know or well mostly just like about reactions when people see it when you take your tr when you drop trial stuff like that do you tell people do you tell your partner before or do you do honestly no i never really you know i'm not like much of a relationship guy because of that like i find it like because you know like i don't know i haven't had any crazy reactions no just to say short no i haven't and that's why i'm like maybe i'm not because i don't know let's if anything i'm uncooking i don't know about micro penis but i mean i honestly don't think it's that i don't know it seems like you got some stuff to work out there but i'm sorry dude you're you're proof that you can work it you can live it especially thank you it's not it's not like a weird i don't know like i never saw it as a weird thing it's not yeah so yeah and i think you understand kind of understand like yeah i'm sorry i shouldn't have said i couldn't live with that you are you're working it you're you're living it and uh we we love that about you [Applause] before this conversation is a lot to like handle and you did good you did well the high chat yeah we love you all right thank you bro thanks for calling apparently uh point six percent of men worldwide have the condition which uh there's 7.7 billion people that's a world so that's 46 million people with micro penises that's a lot of micropenis so if you've got a micropenis out there you're not alone king [ __ ] venus short king [ __ ] um let's see if there's any other interesting calls something about crotch rot is everything gotta be so no no more crotches for the for the time being maybe all right let's let's continue on our document i want to talk about the streaming thank you to our callers that was fun all right so this stream real quick yeah this channel has three million subs and three million point six percent of three million is eighteen thousand now in all of our not all of our audience is male 1 let's say let's say it's like half hold on we have 50 000 people watching so how many people percentage of them have micro penises times point zero zero six right three hundred do we do micro penises but that's assuming everybody's male wish to not so i mean divided by half roughly i mean there's about 150 micro shout out to 150 people watching with the micro penis you are loved you are seen you can take it in the busy you can uncircumcise you can circumcise you can toss it like it's like a tic tac there's all kinds of things you can do with it jiggle it like a dice we love it short kings small kings all right so let's talk about this does anyone really care about the streamies i mean really this is continuously evidently not because didn't you yeah send a screenshot of the so live stream numbers like like 200 people watching no it was 14 000 which is which is not nothing but you consider the budget and the they have like every single person huge and not to take away from the winners because you know it's not really about them i understand you won an award and it's fun and exciting and maybe i'm just being a hater ass we don't care yeah we don't care but if you look at the the thing is is that they wrangle the biggest creators and again i don't want to be too much of a hater because i get the need of wanting like recognition you know creators don't get recognition on the same levels all these [ __ ] who do these master masturbatory award ceremonies like the enemies the academy of wars don't whatever and you know creators want that recognition too but the stream is just such a pile of dog [ __ ] i mean the awards they they give out make there's no uh sense there's no cohesiveness i mean last year tana won that doesn't make any sense for creator of the year if you go to the sh the highlights even like the biggest creators in the world you're talking about markiplier mr beast's dream they can't even break two thousand thirteen thousand on mr beast you know bella porch a thousand views and i was watching the live stream the main live stream it had fourteen thousand views which again is a lot i mean it's a lot of people but they brought all of these people out here the demilios addison ray brett rockman you know whatever everybody bretman i swear i'm not [ __ ] around bretman rock that's really his name i feel like brett rockman is better should he maybe you should change it yeah brett rockman yeah no um there's just nobody watching this [ __ ] i just find it real interesting that nobody watches this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so i'm trying to find the main upload yeah i mean does it exist anywhere other than youtube that it might be okay here it is 13 wait no this is just this is just a trailer i'm trying to find the mainstream of it does anyone have it i mean it's starting seven years ago four years ago because this year they had like every freaking celebrity youtube celebrity there and i've always talked [ __ ] about them so i understand why they snubbed me like our podcast never wins wasn't even nominated this year which is kind of crazy considering we had like free enemies this year and we're kind of like i sent you the mainstream it's got about a half a million views i mean we had a little ray hosted it who oh larae larae friend of the show friend of the show that's what i'm saying though like uh i mean look come on you gotta nominate us right i mean the competition's stiff j shetty bro my boy jay shetty okay so here's the winners i wanted to go over the winners and i'm not complaining but i'm just saying your shit's corrupt bro how many j shetty fans out there in the chat let us know hold on we'll shout out to all the jake we'll get to jay shetty let's not get ahead of ourselves yeah okay so let's just [ __ ] oh people what do you guys want to pull about they wanted a poll about micro penises or something i told them i already told you guys no no no microphone numbers are ready it's done we crunch the numbers you want to do a pull how big is your penis in inches no i don't want to do that pull kind of [ __ ] interesting isn't it yeah inappropriate if everyone's like super honest and we do one that's like do you have a micro penis yes or no and people will not be honest well not yeah i'm so honest yes but the inch size could be interesting i don't know if that's i mean it's anonymous it's just science side note you mentioned tic tacs you were eating i was eating them as you said anyway let's look at this creator of the year mr beast one that that makes sense sure last year tana beat mr beast what i mean nothing against tana i think i don't know or or against tana i don't know but what did she do i thought she wasn't really even active on youtube anymore but maybe she was last year but okay anyway mr beast one that's good that one makes sense show of the year i'm not familiar with any of this stuff so just good short form uh breakout creator bella porch that one makes sense to me friend of the show friend of the show stan a queen stokes twins stokes twins wait those are the dudes who [ __ ] robbed a bank or pretended to rob a baby you're right these are the br how are these guys breakout creators they've been making videos forever yeah we broke out of jail these guys have crazy views but that that's what i mean and that like they'll these dude they'll straight up nominate like can you [ __ ] believe the views on this [ __ ] what am i missing 37 million [ __ ] vids wouldn't love losing what in the [ __ ] dude i need a cute twin brother that formula works on youtube it definitely does the dolan twins the stokes twins there's another twins uh the uh the bread the the dope they have like uh the ones that were living in jake paul's house yeah that's that oh that's them is that the oh yeah don't know the last this little spanish twist [ __ ] you know i need a cute twin brother for sure [ __ ] martinez twins yeah there you go yeah i love them is that part of some fantasy olivia that girls have twins yeah isn't there like a i've heard of like the male fantasy of hooking up with twin girls yeah i've heard that i haven't never heard such things really it was like a meme i don't know growing up i say hear that all the time and oh you're joking okay i didn't know it was such a big deal in your life um but no i have never heard of two male brother well clearly the proof that these cute twins people are pointing out the island boys how can we forget about the island what's the island boys those little cuties can we try to find like a look-alike for me people thought it was so serious i thought you were serious i was so kidding about the island having the hospital island boys you were not i was absolutely do not rewrite history olivia has a certain type yeah it's a bunch of [ __ ] over here come on dude they're a little pete davidson they're a to little pete davidson [Music] lives on a different like he lives in a different universe than the island boys that i understand that there are similarities there and it's they are the exaggerated version of some of the like niches of boys that i tend to have a crush on however you're writing history i'm not we all knew you were serious i don't want to talk about this anymore okay all right we'll move on okay um crossover uh shout out to will smith for his crossover ah beating up bill gates bill [ __ ] gates yeah bill gates didn't butter they're big enough for night it was epic the epic youtube video where bill gates uh implied he had epstein killed what did bill gates do on youtube actually seriously well he died he died so yeah is there any what have you learned from epstein that you would maybe uh you know well he died so he does this with his hands he spreads them a lot well he died let's look at bill's channel like seriously what what the [ __ ] bill got 20 000 views what a loser [ __ ] loser here's a one minute clip reasons for optimism after a difficult year [ __ ] you're the one that had a difficult year yeah well 2021 would say well 20 21. well you know my life's like good friend epstein uh he video gamed himself and well you know it was up to me that wouldn't have happened was there jail that made the [ __ ] water was that him yeah yeah [Music] the just a nice little youtube video i made and you know shot myself you know i nobody else worked on this i edit it's a nice little video got like a whole [ __ ] pr team for this the pandemic the need to get going on climate change all these things were tough but i'm optimistic about accelerating innovation in the climate area who gives a [ __ ] i'm optimistic about the work why did you make this video he's got a lot of pr crossover event of the year my friends he's got a lot of image improvement he's got to do global health building on some of the pandemic innovations i think 2022 will be the year in which many of us settle into a new normal so i think we'll build on the the good stuff i see you know that now now that epstein is is gone it's a time for a new normal okay and uh the island is gone we had a lot of fun at that island we'll find a new island we'll get by [Laughter] and it'll be a new normal for us and i'm excited that we will take the steps to avoid another pandemic like this one happening again oh don't show that that's not good that's not what you want to see when you're talking about a pandemic just like hordes of people like come on now bill where's the social distancing you can read my entire year in review at guess what nobody's reading that [ __ ] [ __ ] bill gates you can check it out for the flight records i just want to say that the flight records are not 100 accurate it said i wrote on his plane 20 times i just want to say the flight records are maybe it was only you know three what other videos has bill gates made five ideas for summer reading why are people watching this [ __ ] my favorite author's book accessible book to date literally why is anyone watching this um they're all so short too he got he's got a real social crack team on this my favorite author's book flush within oh here's the poop water video ten years ago our foundation challenged the world to reinvent the toilet to raise awareness of this challenge i've shared a stage bro come on this is mine bill gates could show a cup full of doo-doo and i can't [ __ ] i've taken a giant whiff a pit latrine odor i took a big old whiff of [ __ ] okay i'm a man of the people down my leg i went to a porta potty in a third world and i took a big whiff of [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] my pants all right so you know i drink water made from fecal sludge and i convinced some friends i made i drank fecal sludge what a nice word by the way why is this a thing i had a uh i had a local ugandan take a big ol [ __ ] in a glass for me then i turned it into fecal sludge and drank it friends to drink it too thank you buddy all of these stunts got some laughs but my goal was to draw attention to a serious problem poor sanitation more than 500 000 people die every year from sanitation related diseases but this problem can be solved in the decade since the launch of the reinvent the toilet challenge the world has responded the power of innovation creative minds from across the globe developed hundreds of new and exciting ideas for how to design toilets i mean i love the project does good i do like the project i have a photo of um bill doing some some hands-on research we put a special out we put a special party you know and i i had a special viewing spot to make sure that the experiment was going properly fecal [ __ ] you know people expelled the fecal matter right into my uh test area i love goofing on bill gates yeah what the [ __ ] is this headline okay so this year bill gates adventure aims to spray dust into the atmosphere to block out the sun what is he [ __ ] uh yeah he's doing this in sweden wait what's the name of that the villain from the simpsons mr burns mr burns did this what is why is he doing this i don't know climate change i guess yep to block okay so if we block the sun isn't it the plot of the matrix uh that is how they initially tried to defeat the machines yes which led to the matrix right kind of idiots well it's kind of good in a way that we're developing the technology to take out the robots eventually he's getting out of the curve he knows something we don't clearly and we like that we love that about him anyway talk about a steamer back to the steamy oh nice so will smith took down that crossover congrats first person finally will smith getting some recognition in the industry he needed this yeah so live streamer valkyrie i don't know much about her but i guess good she had a big uh skin care controversy i'm sure she does a lot more than that but i'm afraid that's the only thing i've heard about i think she backed out of that product yeah i think she she'd okay here so here's a podcast okay i love barely bailey sirian she won that's the winner yeah okay so shout out but i love h3 podcast more yeah [Applause] maybe you don't have to whisper i'm just i'm totally kidding [Applause] [ __ ] okay well guys this was like the biggest year in hd podcast history with frenemies we were like number 12 in the whole country yeah yeah world i mean anything sure but so you know i mean impulsive okay at least they didn't win what is dark history you listen to this yeah bailey sarien does um she has something called murder mystery and makeup where she talks about murder cases while she does her makeup and dark history is her podcast where she doesn't do her makeup while she's talking and she talks about like unknown dark historical you know stories i was thinking honestly of next year working on launching a true crime podcast i love crime and i was thinking of just getting i love true like a new team to could produce it because it's a lot sorry dan no that's okay i hate true kind people yes i really do but you would manage it you would make sure it gets done for sure yeah but getting a team to like um research it put it together because it's a lot of work sure and then um we can just narrate it i'd be so down to help with that and i think you guys could participate and like because i i really like when they i really like when they get into character so another person can speak when they're doing the character of someone else it's not like a play but sometimes you're recounting a transcript or something right it's true crime there's players like i love radio bro listen i love true crime so i know i'll bring the heat yeah olivia you be you're into that so you'll be good for that i love you can be the girl that dies every time perfect you can be the guy that dies every time people are saying the market's so oversaturated i don't give a [ __ ] it really is there's so many nobody does it like me nobody does it like me well anyway at least but the funny thing is that there's this guy jay shetty shout out to shetty where's my shitty heads out there shout out to my shitty heads um if you don't like it don't watch it you know what i mean our schedule will stay the same i mean you don't have to watch it i think it'll be really good though because i love it and um that's it it'll be fun you know be an interesting new vertical to get into diversify right you got to diversify these pods wait this is jeffrey's new place for real what in the god's name damn he's down bad dude i thought it was real pretty i think he owns all the land around it too i'm sure i'm coming for you jeffrey just saying he's going to be soon all right right i forgot about that it looks like where heisenberg went to go hide out after the fbi was after him oh yeah so there's a guy jay seti can you shetty can you find him he's pronounced shitty can you find his win history uh oh in previous steamies yeah yeah well so jake whatever shetty this shitty who nobody knows who is i've never heard of tons of [ __ ] shitty heads out there i don't know anything about i've never heard of him i don't recognize faye don't see him he is like the darling of the podcast category of the steamies and you can see the views are insane even demi lovato came on and got 27 000 views apparent somebody told me he's really big on facebook yeah well everybody is logic 78 000 logic's a shitty head yeah i didn't know he was a shitty head huh uh yeah 2020. i mean look at these guests though hassan minaj he won over us right because we weren't we were nominated yeah pull it up put it on screen yes you were nominated last year and the set the shetty took the dub we're like who the [ __ ] is jay shetty i expected david dobrik or something or impulsive to win nah the dark horse and then shitty himself and then the year before he was nominated or won didn't he uh let me see 2019 the shitty himself they love this [ __ ] guy they're all they're big shitty heads over at the streamies he was the host of this dreamy purpose awards in 2018. what is this guy is like connected dude the [ __ ] runs deep bro you know there's something fishy about the shitty this [ __ ] had oprah on a 2019 impulsive one over us and jason wait impulsive one in 2019 yeah i didn't even realize that guys come on you know that's [ __ ] this [ __ ] got oprah on okay that one did well that one had 680 thousand views but i'm just saying bro there's something shitty in the water bill gates is um you know it's will smith now that's a crossover event 2018. wait he wasn't even nominated phone did this guy really title his kobe bryant interview kobe bryant's last great interview you that's pretty bad that's disgusting that's some freak [ __ ] sorry what well he was a big shetty say okay kobe bryant's last great interview what's the date i can't see it it was september 18 2020. didn't you wait he died in january of 29 in january he died on my wedding day yeah he reposted this and i see labelled it as kobe bryant's last great interview good click bait that's disgusting that's awesome beyond clickbait that's that's really gross am i wrong thinking that's really gross no damn somebody said that's not his last one yeah it's not his last one but it's his last great it's his last great one uh it's gross it's his other ones were [ __ ] his legacy is basically this interview oh for sure if there's one thing we want it's for jay shetty interview with kobe who is jay shetty why is he interviewing all these jay shetty is the host of uh shetty the shetty how did he how did he land how does he land all these interviews he has over 300 i'm sorry 30 million followers on facebook yeah he's in uh i believe he's like a former motivation guy i think it's kind of you know oh the motivation [ __ ] is a garyvee does he sell crypto he's an english author former hindu monk and life coach of indian descent oh god there's nothing worse than life coaches and he has a book called think like a monk yeah aka kobe bryant's last great [ __ ] i swear there's nothing worse than life coaches life coaches i only know one thing how to enrich themselves [Music] that's pretty shitty can we do a poll how many people know who jay shetty is before this podcast have heard or know who the [ __ ] this is by the way they never nominated joe rogan by the way who before spotify was on youtube but jay shetty on facebook taking the dubs all day who the [ __ ] is j shetty let's see paul's coming then the [ __ ] no 88 no dude wait why am i not saying yes as an option am i okay never mind 89 no you know i mean this nut this is just a brutal snub impulsive that [ __ ] uh i'm not going to say junkie that would maybe it's incense jesus but i mean he's kind of a douche at least we could say that i mean like i'm not oh no i'm a strawberry he's a maverick i'm surprised they didn't uh nominate uh david dobrik's podcast he posted like one episode i saw he in one of them i forgot which one one of the previous years where we were nominated uh dobrick's podcast was also nominated yeah so um we both lost we were nominated like four times in a row i never begged my our followers to go brigade there them with like begging them to vote for us or something i don't know if it's user voted or what i think so i think it's a fan vote kind of thing um 90 no i mean that's that's real interesting to me j shetty but the shetty takes the dubs forever shout out vsauce3 friend of the show took a dub there bret man rock took a dub hey you got it winners are determined by independent uh judging body of creators executives and other experts oh really who's on that who's on that board keemstar and ryan kavanagh expert youtube viewers i'm sorry but h3 podcast took the dub this year i'm just going to say it you know yep like i'm i i'm not look i'm i'm i don't like to flaunt my achievements or whatever but i feel like to not even get nominated is some real doo-doo dog [ __ ] and i don't care about this this big old steamers but this year we we've been making four shows a week true pulling consistent numbers frenemies came which was a sensation this year we worked so hard you know and not to numb what the expert who are these experts it might be because you made the steamies i think you announced that you're making it despite the streamies oh yeah that's what i'm saying but listen if you're going to get better that we're goofing on you what kind of award show are you right that's not impartial dude yeah so we did the steamy so what and we're gonna do it again this year so buckle the [ __ ] up has that been announced prior to this moment well here it is steamies are coming uh and when was it uh ian when were we planning to do it it'll be in january when we come back uh date to be determined so the steamies are coming and i'm gonna take a big old steamer on the steamies it's a [ __ ] award show and nobody watches it either the steamies has better viewership hold the [ __ ] phone the steamies uh frenemies episode so we determined their their show had half a million okay well you want to know something the steamies has 4.1 million so what the [ __ ] do you want i'm the steamies now we just j shetty all over the streamies i'm the you know what i'm gonna make a category for worst awards show and guess who's gonna win interesting interesting guess he's gonna win that [ __ ] oh you know i'll put another one uh lowest viewed award show let's do like 10 categories most unfair award show most corrupt award show guess who's gonna win all of those your girl bailey uh serene sorry in one serion shout out wanna give a fan queen damn gus johnson was nominated for comedy i think they missed the memo on that one uh linta dong i'm not sure who that is do you know who that is nope they won't best comment oh it's a tick tock account yeah a lot of them are tick tockers oh wow 17 million followers it's do you want to watch one here easy how many this one has 5.5 million when you told her to dump his ass multiple times but now you are attending their wedding okay well i mean okay not gonna try not to hate on every single [ __ ] thing for this one that's 41 million nobody shy guy with ring lights all right congratulations to uh lena dong for winning best comedy nobody guy on my for you page with ring light i'm pretty sure you just did this joke but let's see [Music] let's see is it the roles again or are we gonna do something else me for all those guys have those crazy ass edits let's tic talk edits with the ring light sure okay awesome super funny stuff here's one with uh uh 10 million i heard we were sharing our alter egos she got a calm oh hey look at her damn she cleans up well folks we love that super awesome interesting stuff 30 million this girl i saw this she has a bagel cutting machine uh she thinks it's unnecessary i'm assuming oh here play the audio at the very end there let's see what she says i just cut this way then chop my fingers off like i'm stuck okay awesome fantastic wow incredible stuff guys what can i say we honor the best and the brightest amongst us um let's find one more loving it here's one four million that's not her i guess she's face to lock through that it was out of space contrary to belief if you didn't hold up your hair i don't know if you would fit i don't know but this is my life can you imagine hanging out with her be like this video let's go i don't know i don't know you can literally go through i don't know i don't know okay this one's kind of funny i have an idea i'm gonna walk sideways like a crab your hair is not gonna get stuck if you walk through it's not gonna oh what a fact [Music] the hair is pretty funny how she lifts her area okay well hey congratulations hello chuckle at me on that one absolutely a real talent a tour de force you might even say and we love that right don't we love that commentary drew goodin shout outs good guy i really like drew gooden's videos i like him dance i mean okay i'm not the jabberwockies oh yeah every year jeff widdick took home the documentary series don't try this at home uh about how david dobrik tried to blind him and um well he took home an award there was all kinds of interesting media about it one there so people are saying someone is live i'm not guys okay stop stop i'm not going to watch trisha moses live this is not the time now is not the time we already pushed it far enough with the wedding gag [Laughter] where now is not the time uh the media jeff posted was pretty funny though i don't know if you guys want if you can dig up some of that okay ethan okay jeff yeah contra uh contra points is a friend of the show that's nice that she was nominated i think that's cool robbed some may say that sure damn just me that's my opinion wade jarvis is this the guy okay i was like is that faze jarvis no okay jab you know who jabberwocky is for dance olivia sorry what they're the dudes with the white masks they've been around forever yeah they have a residency at universal studios yeah they they've been around a very long time interesting awesome yeah they've been on top of the day and they've been probably ten years the dance pretty cool i guess i mean i don't really know anything about dance but all right we got some jeff whitake uh he he's super stoked i mean you know congratulations to him again not trying to be a douche about everything in life but i guess i just can't help myself ex dope x dope dealer turned award-winning documentary filmer well okay tone it down a little bit it's the steamies i mean it's not cans i liked the documentary yeah it was nice just saying not steven spielberg i mean these days even steven spielberg's not steven spielberg when's the last time that guy came in a good movie what's that story came out like just saying this week [Laughter] did you see it is it any good no i can't wait stephen spielberg made the west side story the new one yeah i'm so excited what a weird choice for a directorial it looks beautiful good reviews yeah 93 run tomato wow i was also surprised to find out that i mean has he done musicals before is this his first uh actually i mean he does action movies and [ __ ] or whatever and high drama but yeah i don't know if he's ever i mean maybe he has maybe i'm just forgetting but rip to the goat stephen sondheim oh yeah he just died like a month ago the goat the goat i'm saying it's his first musical huh look at that i love the original even if it's extremely problematic in today's world i love wesson's story but it's a great movie yeah i heard um steven steven spielberg after that he's got lined up um he'll be directing uh the muppet movie so that's huge that would be awesome i know you're trying to do a joke but i i would love to try to think of something he'll be doing uh he'll be he's directing a comedy actually his next it's his first just purely in space pure comedy no it's actually that collaboration with the tick talker that we just watched it's going to be awesome schindler's list in space it's an avant-garde take on the old classic yeah yeah pretty interesting one all right fashion style do we like this olivia i'm not familiar with any of these people wisdom k i don't know who that is actually okay i don't watch a lot of fashion stuff dream one gaming dubs dubs dubs hell yeah dude hold on doctor mike one that's the kova doctor won it two years in a row for help dr mike should win the award for covet super spreader not health and wellness how are they gonna how are they gonna give it to dream because he cheated it's not a competitive game it's just gaming content hell yeah hell yeah how did everybody like that was the most embarrassing thing ever how did everybody get on a speed run i mean it's not yeah i mean who cares about that honestly but it was the like oh he hired us you know hiring statisticians to prove that he didn't he didn't do it he went to like the mit institute to hire a mathematician approved so insane the let's go it's true it is true it was pretty funny how could you give it to that guy he has had a huge year though i mean he posted a video 12 days ago of a minecraft speed run and by the way these titles just like the most unclick bait titles ever like minecraft speedrun version five hunters finale rematch with a really ordinary looking thumbnail and he pulled in the views on this show oh yeah no i mean that's mega popular so i must i'm not into this kind of content but he must be really good at it so oh my gosh yes the lebron fam took the family kids and family i'm sorry this this should not be an award in fact it should be banned these [ __ ] it took me to a 404 page what happened to the lord are you [ __ ] serious you know that no i think i was joking you could tell it's a [ __ ] up url look at underneath it has slash https guys come on brandts are the ones that we talked about recently on the show that uh clickbaited their kid having cancer yes no don't you [ __ ] say that yeah seriously it's them yeah yeah it's them no way no way okay so you know now they're just participating in the exploitation of kids basically you know there's a writer post that has the original thumbnail in it still i know that's interesting to look at but there's a subreddit called lebron fam snark jesus uh it's just a subreddit dedicated to hating them yeah she got diagnosed with cancer premier documentary this [ __ ] should not only exclude you from awards but get you banned from [ __ ] making more videos with your family in it was somebody in the chat is this true that they had the real they sold the realistic baby i think that was a different family because that was like a british family that sold the like remember they made like a super realistic one of their babies this was the first thumbnail and this was the second like this second one is way worse i agree jesus the second one is way worse the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah so sh i guess hey family of the year yeah by the way uh youtube family channels have a really good track record of uh no controversy or scandals by the way the huge family channel what was their name like from years they were the biggest family channel on youtube good attwood rominator no not roman atwood he was even before him you're talking about the one that you made videos about i'm not no he it ended up he was like drunk texting like peace stars and sex workers and try and like cheating and a drunk the shadow now let's see it was uh yeah the shade [Laughter] yeah the shaytards is that the family whose son died and then they kept no vlogging no there was a family whose son died and they like vlogged the day that he died and the day after no that's too sad i can't deal with that it was really yeah those [ __ ] really named their channel shaytards love that well ethan i gotta say we're the number one family channel you know family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family anyway yeah and of course they're like super conservative christians so go ahead and click bait your child dying you [ __ ] freaks yeah i'm sure this is what the real life is like oh my god i'm sure that he doesn't get sometimes drink a little too much let's let's i'm sure the life is just perfect maybe maybe the views drip a little bit and all of a sudden we're talking about maybe one of our kids is dying of cancer i'd see that i i feel like he probably doesn't drink at all oh really guy like that daddy as [ __ ] he definitely works out that guy drinks i don't know these like i like beer you know like kavanaugh kind of no christian family they kick it back they get he kicks it back and having some beers with friends bloody crap i mean blood i mean wine is the blood of christ right we drank beer jesus turned water to wine i mean that's a lush right there i mean jesus himself was like don't [ __ ] drink water drink wine jesus hell yeah brother you know how do you argue with that i love the brandt family 100 million what is this this one this got a hundred million views four-year-old girl and daddy do cutest carpool karaoke ever by the way he titled that about himself and by the way that here's a red flag sorry i no disrespect to men with long hair it's just the way he's got it styled it's just odd what uh what are you trying to say dog nothing wrong about your hair his hair not yours there's something about his hair i think you've got to agree that that's a red flag haircut the feathered [ __ ] it's just something about it ain't right but can you imagine titling your own video that listen to the radio sure and he said yep [Music] it's too much what i said that's taylor swift [ __ ] this ain't no improvised [ __ ] you got in a different costume every time yo i can't hate on his hair dog i'm sorry you love that hair i think his hair's dope okay that's what zach was you know what's wrong you know what's the hair is he's trying to make it look rockstar but don't doesn't he have like highlights and [ __ ] and it's all like blown drying and yeah you know okay i can't hate on it i'm not laughing at you i'm not getting red flags from this oh man this isn't okay i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out anyway congratulations to them nobody can compete shout out to captain disillusion friend of the show didn't win for veritasium one he's got a good channel lifestyle addison ray taking the dub hey ray oh this was huge news channel five won an award let's go and also hassan was nominated it's almost no name phillyd i don't know why they throw hassan in news and not live streaming but okay i mean he does news you know what's interesting yeah he won news last year yeah that's right let's ride channel 5 isn't really news it's more like journalism but i'm happy he won science marc roper sports whatever technology whatever cinematography talking about youtube videos come on editing i thought this was weird logan paul's editor was nominated he's gotta cut around a lot of [ __ ] i just realized that's a good point i just realized casey neistat's brother's on there oh yeah oh interesting let's see that's his brother mm-hmm well god it doesn't even look anything like him yeah i think it's his that's the beard and no hair he's flipped i think he maybe he's half brother or something i don't remember he is a good editor look at this [ __ ] did he win this video includes a paid promotion might actually be a paid promotion in and of itself who won he did that hbo series casey right amy so i'm going i believe this is like casey i mean their studios looks like yeah so the two of those guys used to be like uh producers and stuff for for mainstream media so wait a cooking show one best editing let's see what the [ __ ] lynn davis has got going on oh it's tick tock okay [Music] okay this is pretty cool fluff it up pour it in and mix till thick pretty high effort especially the stick the bow tie filler up top with whipped cream and add a face oh his head got deflated snowman milkshake that was good these cookie monster cookies are the most insane cookies you'll ever have let's see if it's busting or not [Music] yeah like this to be honest i'm gonna watch this later baby certified busting these cookie monster cookies cool there you go shout outs to uh cooking with lin on tick tock zach king of course takes the dub nobody really does editing better than him he's pretty next level game theorist uh writing honorable mention i couldn't even get an honorable mention social good award um bill gate no i don't know activation activision yeah oh this is the way okay whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on everybody slow down everybody slow down i forgot this is my favorite part this is my absolute favorite part of this of the steamies this is when we thank our corporate overlords comp okay so check this out company or brand best brand award goes between png activision and state farm who gives a [ __ ] who the [ __ ] cares this is the most [ __ ] disgusting corporate [ __ ] suckery i've ever seen the call of duty yo state farm had a huge year this year well this isn't uh this one is for um for like charity work specifically right like these are all yeah these are all charity uh so it's not because there is another one that we were talking about last night that is just like straight up like company of the year or whatever we're getting there right too bad they don't have best lawsuit [Laughter] advocate yeah um creator okay jace jay said he was nominated wow for help india breathe let them breathe let's see let them breathe assume that's like an air quality thing help india breathe just let them breathe no so is uh for oxygen for like icus let them breathe dude oh that's okay it sounds like it is a good thing during covet i remember they ran out of oxygen yeah so good shout outs jay to shetty who's letting them breathe out there beautiful india nonprofit or ngo whatever okay so this one gets really good now this is just brand of the year disney plus doritos mattel target or warner bros and a huge congrats to target for taking the w this year brand of the year by streamies let's see let me click it oh it just takes you to target shout out [ __ ] awesome that is just incredible guys dude doritos [ __ ] fell off can you believe that that they got [ __ ] owned by target dude mattel got robbed this year those new barbies they brought out yo yo that dream house dude brand of the year target took it down you guys [ __ ] what happened to doritos though man they just well they were nominated at least you know yeah not creator brand it's a legacy number rant of the year what the [ __ ] bro target what the [ __ ] is this you were embarrassing agency of the year okay i mean who gives a [ __ ] uh brand as creator brand as creator okay the washington post really [ __ ] gets me yeah everybody's favorite creator the washington post what the [ __ ] by the way mattel is obviously paying them a lot of money because barbie was nominated netflix poopoori spongebob squarepants took the dub and of course what the the real dark horse the washington post yeah it was amazing yeah everyone's favorite creator brand engagement shout out to ooh cash app took the dub but hot pockets was in a close damn neck and neck race hot markets oh yeah hot pockets i've i've i haven't heard of that brand in a long time hot pockets yeah like i feel like they fell off unless i'm wrong plus ratio brand engagement [ __ ] hot pockets or cash app branded series let bruh target one branded series let's target huge shout out we gotta see that let's check out the target show this is a huge dub my friends i think it's really funny that lara jean is such a baker when i found out you're not a baker i was like oh my god she deserves an oscar for her performance [Music] let's get baked with targeted okay and we're going to line it with our liners i've learned to double the liner because you know how sometimes like the back literally an advertisement so does that mean you're going to target a glue gun um i know the girl on the left was in to all the boys i loved before name's lana condor to all the brands i loved before [Music] well huge [ __ ] dub for target what is it late night taste buds with doritos they made us there's something going on where why are these brands making five parts series lift comics lift okay at least this one has kevin hart or something i don't know but that's more than what triller's got trailer does notably does not have no kevin hearts on driller well let's watch this doritos seven part series or five part series rather doritos dillas and dixie demilio one of the biggest hello everybody welcome to late night taste buds i'm your host jc caleb and i am your co-host co-host kian lolly can you like wait no i'm the host the other guy's michael reality house i mean 300 000 views be worse not a lot though for how much they probably spent on this and paid them yesterday dixie demilio i doubt dixie shows up to something like this without like a quarter million bucks being i'm serious you know jc and i are professional cooks and you guys have been sending in so many of your own recipes so today we're making don't care [Music] um oh here let's see what mattel has been all over this dude here's a barbie series [ __ ] they want something all out wow this one's probably the most views today on barbie youtube hundred thousand thousand damn anything i thought maybe kid audience to learn about astronauts can be anything today we're going to meet some young girls who want to follow their dream okay this is kind of nice content for our kids actually and also like who the [ __ ] wants to watch this is nice i have no problem with this this is nice content i like i appreciate nice content for the kids branded video who cares bro amazon prime discord the movie oh and then by the way i know i didn't even know this was a category but creator product okay so this is like creator brand [ __ ] knelt one for their hard seltzer nice i'm surprised roubet didn't win right and again you know at teddy fresh you know i'm not gonna complain but like i feel like that's a pretty big creator brand you know i mean you didn't play ball with the streamies you can't have it both ways i mean right now oh god you gotta play ball with these people i'm gonna go rip a dart but like now boys they're such pieces of [ __ ] and it's an alcohol all right shut up milk boys influencer campaign tied super bowl yeah shout out tide uh they need awards these uh target really needs recognition here so you know ultimately what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is so dumb it has been so dumb it remains so dumb everyone saying hollow taco was robbed that's yeah simply nailogicals nail polish oh okay hollow taco ela wasn't even nominated i mean come on that's something i didn't play ball it doesn't matter if they're if they're reputable no they're not they're not you think nelk played ball what the [ __ ] did nelk ever do think so probably for sure shout it out they'll tag them in a social post or whatever they won't go out of their way to [ __ ] all over them like we do so yeah we'll [ __ ] them i hope brian cavanaugh sues them for not nominating him as the creator of the year creator of the creator brand of the year driver of the year oh you know we should do a category for steamies most person that most looks like harvey weinstein oh i think i know who might have that one in the bag that was fun huh definitely and then there's actually there's a lot of calf cab updates i don't know if you all [ __ ] there's a lot of cav cab updates this guy does not stop we're just about at three hours yeah let's wrap it up you can save it for wednesday to see if there's anything really i don't know one of his posts got removed for like harassment that is pretty awesome harassing me isn't that awesome yeah oh did you see what olivia just said oh bailey sarian follows me should i i'll follow her back she's a friend of the show collab the winner of the prestigious best podcast of the year we love a bridge building queen we love a bridge building oh yeah everybody i'm about to become our competitor though in the true crime space let's get in there and get some we love them we love a bridge burning king bridge burning i am a bridge burner what the [ __ ] i just typed okay her name and it's just showing me random fan [ __ ] okay here she is bailey sarian shout out bailey if you're watching this um i'm following you back and now we're friends bailey where's teddy fresh says somebody oh no way she's the best i love her we love that we love bailey she's awesome huge congrats to her for her big one she deserved it she deserved the what can we say she's got the better podcast well yeah i mean i mean shut up you know i love the genre i love everything you do your makeup is incredible i do my makeup while she does her makeup when i turn her videos i mean a friend a friend of olivia is a friend of ours period no cap no cap none no busting or yes bussing we bust him we are busing we are bussing um anyway this was pretty funny just kind of a little capcaf thing yeah he kept posting like a bounty on me and talking all this smack and kind of craziness it's funny he keeps saying how how like we're responsible for him getting harassed we're telling people to ask him this is the he's the only one getting his posts removed for [ __ ] community guidelines i haven't had any posts removed about that i should have said about him but he's out on instagram wilding the [ __ ] out and they said we've removed ryan kavanagh officials post because it goes against our community guidelines you know i mean what dude you're the one violating rules here that's not a good look bro his algorithm is getting crushed i've had not one thing i've said about you get removed for community guidelines strikes or anything so not a good look kavkev i guess i did something to piss off the instagram god top comment now just wait for the next post to include that he's that i've been paying off instagram to remove his posts and wants to add them to the lawsuit that was his first thought i'm sure actually if you go to his um wikipedia page some [ __ ] the mods there have been like really holding it down man he there's been people trying to revert all the ch how do i get to the um dude i really should i should really donate to wikipedia i was thinking wikipedia is so freaking amazing there are no ads do you know how amazing that is there's no ads it's just information there's no pop-ups it's just it's such an amazing website can you donate from our card uh sure what should we give like i don't know what are they asking for they're asking for 275. we can definitely donate that let's do let's do 500 bucks 500 bucks i'm gonna keep wikipedia running for decades we need wikipedia oh you guys kids they are a non-profit they operate this [ __ ] website for the good of humankind i mean they really are just incredible there's no ads it's it's it's such an amazing website it really is you're doing that right now dan thank you [Music] what the [ __ ] we're doing it you got me this time wikipedia yes so there's been a shitload of editors trying to revert the changes that some people did it's pretty incredible man like let's see it's kind of hard to read this like in the matrix i don't even know what the [ __ ] going on oh wow but one person here who i have no association with ryan if you're watching added a section that i thought was pretty cool was really good uh good information wait how the freak do i go to this oh my god can anyone make sense of this um filling out the thing right now oh here we go so i think they added this was a new paragraph i noticed well researched if you go to um personal life other ventures yeah they added a career other ventures it says kavanaugh oh thank you so much guys yes and and really thank you wikipedia for i mean this is a website that really serves the the public interest it's incredible you can include wikipedia in your will would you like to do that uh and [ __ ] no what this got weird that's a hard sell let's let's tone it down you can leave us everything when you die chill dude bit odd yeah chill all right uh what are you trying to figure out i can here i found it okay this was a paragraph that was recently added i think the other the other ventures in 2017 kavanaugh found investment proximity media with blah blah blah yeah approximately required a majority stake in trailer signing of the trump admins announcing is this what they added um so they say after attempting to acquire the hollywood stock exchange 2019 kavanaugh set out to create a similar trading exchange and tapped elon sappar who formerly works for the owner uh yeah exactly of hsx to help him in the venture the two formed an entertainment stock x in june 2019 spar who had been esx ceo submitted a lawsuit against kavanaugh for fraud claiming that he was misled into believing that kavanaugh's company proxima media had the necessary capital for esx spars suit alleged that kavanaugh was essentially running a ponzi scheme kavanaugh was count was countersuing spar alleging that spar was breaching his contract with esx kavanaugh and spar reached an agreement and withdrew their lawsuit so that's a pretty good it's fantastic summary of it yeah i think even ryan would think that was fair i mean it's it's a thing that happened it's a thing that was alleged yeah but there's all the all all the greatest hits here now pretty interesting litigation more of the more of this uh man he really [ __ ] up like by like trying to go to war and threatening these wikipedia mods and stuff i mean these people have all the time in the world to do well i mean the thing is the wikipedia mods take their jobs very seriously like this is i do feel like an important job and these people take it seriously i know like when i was in college we used to joke like oh you're really using wikipedia as a source i feel like it's actually like a really reliable trustable source they have they have a high bar for citing sources and there's people that really actively um make sure that the stuff there is sometimes sometimes i think it's it depends on the page obviously if it's really neat what what i think it's good for is a starting point because like you said it has good citation well you have to actually you have to actually go look at the citations if you like you if you really because oftentimes you're only getting part of the picture yeah you just but it's a great place if you read something interesting like for example what is their citation on that let's see wonder yeah so here it says um spar where's the photo there's three there's three so here it says allege that kavanaugh was essentially running a ponzi scheme so what's the citation for that so you haven't even read this right before i yes yes oh that's the variety ones it's the variety one so that one is titled rank have an accused by ex part of a new ponzi scheme right and then the other side is ryan cavanaugh former business partner resolve legal drama over okay so right from the rap which is another industry publication dueling lawsuits filed over a stock exchange for a hollywood movies the hollywood reporter yeah so you can research that anyway pretty awesome like i said this over the break i'm going to be working on sorry i'm chewing gummers i like to freshen up a little bit there i'll be working on my uh ryan cavanaugh magnus opus for the main channel beautiful and just need a little time to commit to it and there's keemstar stuff of i mean it's pretty entertaining the keemstar stuff but again we've been going for a while we've been going over three hours now [Music] you want to read some donations dan before we log out sure somebody donated 100 bucks and said for the wiki so thank you jessica thank you for supporting the cause you know take my call i mean alexander hicksten donated 1090 uh nok which is that uh norway norway yeah alexander you said the memes expand consciousness the memes are vital to space travel muad means the meme spice the meme spice must flow shout out shout out alexander yes yeah uh i'm gonna come to every episode of the h3 podcast thank you eric thank you well we'll bait and switch there let's see what else ethan are you still watching one piece says somebody from japan actually i'm on i'm like episode 100 now i'm on the ark where they're um they're trying to save that kingdom from uh crocodile and i'm actually i think towards the end of it but yeah loving it love the show it's great show okay really good uh let's see uh somebody said guys have heard of the diaper thing my roommate's sister dated guys who admitted to her a year into their relationship that he wore diapers it was a long distance relationship she broke up with him over it yeah well you know at least he told her ahead of time i'm like or call her well that is her right uh question for olivia olivia do you like simply nail logical i've watched some of her videos i like them i'm not i don't like watch her religiously but it says if yes have you tried hollow taco nail polish i have not i am so bad at painting my own nails it's such a good nail polish i will check it out thank you so much it's such a good nail polish i'm gonna sneak thank you i'm gonna come um can you guys talk about hassan insulting people for the color of their skin it was a big story last weekend do you agree with that um we'll talk about it with his son i'm not gonna talk about it yeah of course i i know about it that's a very uh interesting way that you chose to phrase that tangible goods yeah i mean that's a little loaded the way yes it's not like we'll talk about with the song okay uh content chord the little brant fam they're terrible interesting you mean the winners of family of the year by the stream i refuse to believe that that would be our third family channel content court if we were to do that but both of the ace family and families look at this thumbnail i'm just scrolling that's patrick star oh i thought oh my god i thought it was demi lovato no patrick stop i thought the left side was demi lovato i'm sorry i'm sorry i genuinely thought i was like why did they mix demi lovato with the guy with the guy's face and then i had a hard time doesn't look like her yes it does them i mean maybe it's what i thought yeah i mean it's what i thought very pretty makeup hang on oh my lord no let's not double down on this one maybe you want me to say i see i mean i see that's it yeah uh being loved me and love were just talking about it actually we're on the side really quick yeah delete me from this it looks like some of the chat agrees too so i legit thought it was was was them and i'm not even making a joke like yeah okay i'm sorry about it no i do see it actually i mean similar facial structure um new website does demi lovato look like um [Music] yeah jesse nelson says true crime h3 please it does seem like some people a decent amount of people are into that idea yeah awesome uh i hate jay shetty he repeats the same things over and over it's so dull okay well at least you know who he is yeah that's more than 90 of our audience dude that is literally the same person i mean it's not literally the same person but i'm just i'm just saying just saying all right wendy hang on hang on again just saying oh god this is hard what the hell is happening i'd see what you're drunk oh no oh why does it line up so well i'm kind of impressed how quick you line that up well let's see it's really hard for you to rest play but somehow you're able well the other side is obviously without makeup so it looks a little off that's pretty good [Music] i refuse to believe that nobody's ever told them they look like each other a lot of people in the chat were agreeing so i think you're on to something they're both very pretty yeah they both are look great they're both fabulous just saying you're just saying tara donated 25 bucks said love you guys shout out to your families i also miss out on the live streams also well you're here you're here on this one also today is our seven year wedding anniversary happy anniversary we love happy couples love love love um also you and elia need to go back on your mom's house with the maine mommies yeah they're in tech yeah yeah i'd love to you know uh did you see the island boys stormed off of logan paul's podcast it was on impulsive tick tock i did not i did not i do i don't know what were they fighting about i actually don't even know what they were fighting about it was just a guy on the couch was like i don't have a problem with you and they were like why do you have a problem with me and he was like i didn't and then they just i saw it yeah i just i didn't understand what they were fighting about or anything yeah i didn't see the like origin of the fight i think the island boys are story arc is coming to a close yeah i think it's kind of running going on impulsive was kind of the last stop uh yeah on their on their way out damn they did a show where they were getting booed on stage and [ __ ] you see that dan yes i'm just an island boy everyone's like boo [ __ ] this [ __ ] uh talk about the singer from brass against who gave a golden shower to an unsuspecting fan on stage so crazy long time listener first time messaging yes thank you ryan uh saw that too that was pretty odd it wasn't unsuspecting though but they're not that like volunteered to to do it i believe yeah but still i mean they're a brass band it's not that rock i know they're like do brass band rage against the machine yeah they do like total covers and you're still playing a brass band yeah i weirdly i was familiar with them i watched some of their youtube videos of their covers of like tool songs they're opening up for tool on their next tour are they still or did this controversy that said they're still opening up okay well it's good yeah i mean it's pretty rock and roll like i mean i'm not they're doing rock and roll you can you can pee on stage you can pee on someone's face it's all it's all good gg allen [ __ ] right uh uh there's there's so many more i'm trying to find like okay fifty dollars canadian canadian dollars that's even more right i think it's less oh [ __ ] ethan have you heard of the kellogg strike if you haven't no can you give a brief tlldr of it by reading senator tim kaine's tweet uh i have a little bit it's pretty wild they um they tried to they've been like a wage dispute for a while and they tried to fire all the workers uh last week and bring in new people and apparently it was just like a total [ __ ] disaster and then i guess like people on reddit organized spamming their job application portal with just like joke applications so they can't even get anything basically that's interesting it's very it is pretty interesting maybe we'll talk about it on leftovers this weekend yeah that's a pretty interesting story we should talk about it on leftovers yeah um good spot i'm at the fedex facility near where the tornadoes in the midwest are and we have a town's worth of packages to go through thank you so much for everyone in the crew bless up yeah stay safe that story was insane i think the definition of like 80 or something though so insane how much did you say dan i think it's like close to 80. i heard that they were guessing it was over a hundred yeah of like the confirmed four dead seven four dead dude i saw a really good take they're like oh it was such an unexpected natural disaster but the majority of people died who were working at like 3 a.m and olfactory knew the weather was coming i mean it was just uh more casualties of late stage capitalism it sounded like a little bit a little bit um okay there's more coming in but um here i'll read this one last stephanie you're the winner christine and ben of simply nail holo taco are friends of the show she even did a nail design of teddy fresh oh uh last paid comment of them i don't know what that last sentence means but that's cool i'll have to check that out love that shout out i mean i think i've spoken to her on instagram or something obviously i don't follow like nails and makeup and stuff but i know over trying to line up the lips it's a little more working on that it's a little more difficult on this side shouldn't you do it half like half of the face that's harder okay cam can you do cam do me a favor um edit the the makeup tap of his face and line it up with the half of their face wait yeah hold on let me let me give me pull up pull up the other uh the other person let's get to the bottom of this pull up pull up the other thumbnail ethan i need to screen cap it the one that the half and half face yeah all right hold on thank you all right you're on a timer let's go let's get a little uh two face action going on those two you see that cam well anyway as we we're basically wrapping up that'll be our final thing but look at this sweater so nice with the collar built in and the bears i love this top oh i just notice the whole time that you one of those bears were killed okay so thank you guys for watching mondays are always fun you know h3tv that's right all right that's right thank you guys for being here we'll be back we're having a usual schedule this week back on it's been a while since we've had thursday thursday wednesday for members are we doing anything this week going off the rails do anything planner i think it's a normal off the rails which we haven't done in a couple weeks so yeah we have some great episodes planned when we come back including nick acado right yep oliver tree all the trees in the works fun fun stuff oh sound bite tier list we're gonna do is that um next week ian or this week might be this week it might be this uh we'll do our annual second annual soundbite tier list that was a lot of fun we have a lot of updates oh my god this is like straight up two-face it's cursed yeah super curse holy [ __ ] but like come on send this to ever send this to everybody i don't even know who the guy is but a makeup guru yeah he's a guru just like swami so true legend swami is an actual guru yeah he doesn't appropriate the word to talk about something else he's helped me discover things about myself like that my name should be eddie it's eddie sounds like a b it does a b a d a d a b sometimes even after being corrected i guess it still sounds like eddie swami told me he wants to jam with me yeah he told me that this morning as well i love that he wants to do a music collab with me oh [ __ ] i said okay let's do it whatever you want swamps all right i gotta go all right thank you for watching everyone we'll see you on thursday and uh friday and sunday you know the drill it's the last full week of the 8th podcast before our break anyway guys have a great week see you on thursday or wednesday if you remember [Music] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,914,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, h3tv
Id: 3LF3F8Cl-Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 45sec (11985 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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