Brittany Broski - H3 Podcast #249

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three two we are live this is the h3 podcast it is april 8th we are here with brittany broski we have a thank guest thank you for being here it's nice to have a guest in the studio yeah glad to be here um no i got to thank my sponsor really fast so uh if you could just look in the camera and say i'm just kidding we actually brought you here to work i keep trying to get brittany to do uh ad reads for me yeah we're gonna get me to sign a w-2 as well yeah yeah okay so dan it says pre-roll but this is a full ass copy read for mint mobile hmm well you want me to do a full copy read right now let's just do a little little mini one just summarize yo guys yo guys mint mobile is insane uh how could i get do this whole coffee it's supposed to be 15 seconds and it's like a full minute ad read it really fast if someone on this video was what are you stop closing twenty three why are you supposed to speak personally i'm about to go by mint mobile yeah guys mint mobile is 15 bucks a month and it's just as good as all the other big boys you can get a you can get it shipped right to your door keep the same number blah blah blah you know the deal go to after dark it's 15 bucks a month that's after dark cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month after dark all right well thanks for being here brittany how are you you know actually my genuine answer is fantastic really these past few months have been some of the happiest of my life isn't that sweet interesting how have you been oh terrible horrible last few months have been the worst of my life well that sucks for you i heard you were a good mythical morning uh this morning and that's unacceptable to me what's going on i don't know what that is i have oh is that a secret oh [ __ ] i don't i don't know no they don't care no i didn't sign anything yeah but i love goodness good morning but i'm just like you can't you can't be doing rhett and link before this show because their office is so clean and nice and good and everyone they're so professional you're going to come in here and you're going to do a 180 and leave they give you a gift basket give the [ __ ] i give you a diet coke hey you gave me teddy fresh right i brought my rick and morty um sweatsuit with me even though it's 98 degrees yeah it's so hot yeah those guys are nice right they're tall and handsome and skinny smell good how are they so skinny they're like skinny like link does sit ups for sure i i could not tell you and link has some of the greatest hair i've ever what yeah it's insane they're both in their 40s yeah dude rival hairline king rival hairline so people call me the hairline king got a great hairline now whose is better lynx are mine you can't pit two beautiful men against each other i'm not gonna do that on the podcast thank you we will pull it up oh my god look up link neil hair 2022 yo that hairline is insane bro he's got that um that david lynch yeah look at that at the the yeah you know what you know what get off the screen i can't do this it's too painful i feel that this is actually a new setup we've got here that i was kind of enjoying because there's the skinny shot show the skinny shoddy in and then show the fat shot hey guys this is ethan fat ethan skinny ethan fat ethan gonna talk about which trimester you're in later third at least i mean that's that's all of them so tell me about you so you've been in la for how long now well i moved to l.a right before the [ __ ] pandemic like okay december 2019 i was gone for all of february of 2020 and then i came for playlists i was at playlist we immediately came back to la and everything shut down so i feel robbed of the genuine la experience and it's interesting now because i've been here for two years three years almost and i'm just recently you know like meeting all these people that i've you know been following online for so long and it's an interesting thing to put like personalities to faces it's it's cool that hollywood is so i want to talk about this i have so much i want to talk about okay well um go ahead i'm going to use my podcast this is the new age of hollywood would you agree what like the podcasters would you forever have taken over yeah yeah i mean in la there's so much young young new media stars yeah definitely i mean especially in 10 years when all these little kids grow up yes yeah they'd be like they'll be like who slapped you right it's even [ __ ] like you know people don't these gin alphers don't you bring up leonardo dicaprio johnny depp they're like who like what do you mean who that's wild like the how a-list celebrities used to run the world now it's this generation of like the tana mojos and bryce halls as problematic as they are they're constantly in the news people for some reason give a [ __ ] what they're doing right it's wild to think about like that's the new we're rushing in a new age so that's you you're on the forefront man i don't know so you're in la you're meeting people you're grooving i mean the pandemic is kind of winding down yeah are you doing any fun time yeah a little bit they're saying they're saying it's coming back you guys seen that no i've seen some i follow epidemiologists on twitter and they're like it's coming back you guys we're they always say they go we're sleepwalking into a disaster that's so scary yeah that language is so sweet we're asleep aren't we all we're all sleepwalking into our death 19. that's kenneth copeland by the way cool don't know who that is oh he's the guy who yeah whatever it's all good story okay yeah so um that brittany i want to ask you a question can women be funny i'm just kidding i'm just kidding but you hear that [ __ ] all the time on the internet right yeah a good you know what though my following is all the girls and the gays and the days and so the girls the gays in the days yeah the holy trinity and so i very rarely interact with straight men and straight men are the ones that say that so i really don't get a lot of those comments but i see it you know like there are so many famous funny women coming from tick tock like caitlyn riley do you know her she does a bunch of characters on tiktok and instagram and like i see that in her comments like women aren't funny i'm like did you watch the video yeah objectively it's pretty funny well i am just like your mom your mom hurt you so bad i'm so sorry i'm sorry your mother didn't hug you i wish that one lady even though that lady was like i wish i could have been a good mother to you putin i wish she was your mom man yeah then you would find women funny but i've noticed on tick tock i always get these videos they're like this is me watching uh female comedians until i laugh and they're just sitting there like it's like bro those are the same dudes that if you draw a [ __ ] and balls on a table they'll be like good harry's so true penis they're giggling they're giggling yeah it's true so there you go women can be funny you heard it here i think yeah that's the final verdict i mean i married one hey how bad can they be [Applause] you know that should be your slogan how bad can they be women i married one hey my kids got a mom you know ela couldn't be here today um she's usually here but our nanny called in she has diarrhea or nanny diarrhea you know what that's a valid excuse yeah actually my son has diarrhea too he came in to our more our bedroom at 4 am how old is he now he's uh almost three oh wow yes and um he went into he goes daddy have to pee i think he's embarrassed about pooping for some reason yeah and so he goes in and then he does this thing where he goes daddy i need privacy so i say okay but he just he it was gnarly bro like a big fat nasty diarrhea at 4am and i don't know if you're looking to being a parent or if that's something you're interested in doing one day at any time soon yeah this is solidifying that for me yeah so at 4am i was i had a uh clorox wipe and i was wiping [ __ ] out of a out of a little uh potty oh i guess that's yeah because he's not on the big toilet nope it'd fall in yes he would he would just like me i'm so skinny and tiny sometimes i just fall into the toilet yeah help me help me i'm swimming around so that's what that's what ela's doing so um tell me is it true that your first thing your first big break was this kombucha thing did that really put you on the map it was that was august 2019 and i knew that because i've been on the internet chronically it's a problem since i was a child i knew that like the nature of going viral you have literally 15 minutes of fame and then it's gone and you choose what you do with that and so i knew that all these eyes were on me and i did not want to be pigeonholed into that one thing and so as people were following me and you know accounts were crediting me for using the image and the video um first of all i was putting tick tock on the map because it had the watermark on it people didn't know what tik-tok was really this was like it was not widespread mainstream at all at this point so people were like what is this logo all these articles were like it's a viral tick-tock what the [ __ ] is that and so i'm it's cool to be a part of the tick tock story and then at the same time i started posting videos on twitter instagram tick tock youtube of just other stuff i was doing you know accents skits impressions and there was one day in august of 2019 where i gained 96 000 twitter followers in 24 hours wow it's like it's like the actual when you think about how many accounts the meme was reaching and how many people really saw that video it was global i was seeing like climate change posters in new zealand with my face on it like the meme in russian in arabic and you know wahili it was insane like all these things were being sent to me and i was like holy [ __ ] it was cool that's awesome and so i mean you really turned the the meme into a career which i i don't think is easy to do it's not and i [ __ ] hate when people call me kombucha girl now uh-oh it's like you know what i mean it's like i've done so much since then but that's okay like people call me vape nation guys still and it's sure it's like thanks for it's like hey yeah you're the guy yeah when you're on the street what do people say to you when they come up to you they well i don't get vape nation that much anymore i don't know if you know the whole vape nation thing yeah because for a long time that was that was you know all i got it's been a while though i still get it sometimes but i think it's mostly just like hey ethan yeah they feel like they're yeah you're their friend i love that i say [ __ ] i say call me sir you [ __ ] little dude call me loud kiss the ring as it's [ __ ] yeah that's i mean usually i just push their face away right i don't say anything right yeah just physical assault yeah just violence you get the kombucha thing though no i it's the people that do it to me are straight men when i'm at like those [ __ ] i'm serious because they never all my content is okay can you not man excuse me i'm just that's a very expensive uh you know what i want to take a moment to say that i'm on my post malone world tour because i was on good mythical morning this morning and now oh yeah yeah and i'm literally like living my postman fantasy yeah so i i just had to have to touch everything so you this is the very table he's sad at is that right guys in fact some say you can smell it's it still smells like cigarette if you want to know that and bud like spilled bud light when i start licking the table later get the camera off and we even have a little surprise for you posty no he's not here we do have a surprise though go ahead is it ready oh we like to present our guests with a uh personalized present yeah okay we've been working the tires tirelessly well not us but kids in a sweat factory in india we outsource this right right if you see blood on the fingertips don't look at it too no i'm just kidding ian made this [Music] [Applause] all right let's look sam is our prop master she made this it is this is really impressive so wait can you can you guys see it it's a life it's a life-size cutout of harry styles cowboyed up it's a combination of every all the things you like all right let's read this first of all great cowboy huh absolutely fantastic texas flag quite a glare here let me see so there you go he's so beautiful we've got a bernie 20 sticker i support science human rights public education affordable health care immigrants and refugees for your speech but god damn we got we just put everything yeah i do support if there's anything in there you don't like we can sharpie it out blur it yeah this is great so there you go you know uh he's cowboy harry styles happy to have you is that your perfect man right there um if he had a a little mustache yeah he does well yeah he needs to grow that up you like the mustache i do i like a mustache i grew a mustache i mean not for you but i appreciate that you got more of a beard situation yeah like a finely just clean mustache yeah okay what's that about the tattoos couldn't tell you don't know it's a texas thing you grew up in texas not even yeah i grew up i grew up all over you want the life story uh i mean we've got time like well [ __ ] we're live yeah um i was a military brat so i've lived all over the u.s i lived in south korea okay interesting bts stan do you stand bts yeah i like bts um try that again you better you better well no because if i say i'm a stan then that implies that like i have stand level knowledge which i don't but i enjoy their music and i enjoy the i enjoy a group okay i just group dynamics got to make sure because i don't want any trouble coming your way and tay is my favorite okay everyone shut up i i just do this to cover my base i say please just don't kill me don't come to my house please don't send this don't email my sponsors just leave me the [ __ ] alone we stay on bts forever butter baby you got it yeah it's like ha ha butter chip so yeah tell me your life story so you grew up your your parent which one of your parents is in the military my dad what's he do air force he flies pilot what's he fly 18's what's that it's a plane it's an airplane it's a fighter jet oh [ __ ] okay pretty cool does he do speed well he didn't do that um anymore he flew attends and then he was a a trainer for nato students it's pretty cool so we've lived all over the southeastern united states did a stint south korea and then he retired and i think 2014. so he works in florida now and he's doing some kind of like training in florida yeah now he does some form of like um sorry dad you're listening he's not um he does some form of he's the liaison between the engineers who design the software that goes into the planes and the pilots that fly him because he can speak both languages it's pretty cool wow that is really cool and so you are basically and then you grew up in on military bases not really no we grew up in cities but my dad would commute that's a dismal exp like existence living on a military base really i thought i thought that's just what it was i guess it depends on what country you're in yeah in south korea we had the option to live on base but we didn't we lived in like seoul in the city and like a high-rise apartment building and it was cool i rode the bus to school every day with a bunch of like little korean kids wow it was a blast and so how long did you live in seoul a year okay yeah so like the majority where did you grow up there is no majority we never did more than four years in one place but i say i'm from texas because my whole mom's side of the family's from texas and i did i spent a lot of time how does that actually affect you growing up though where you're moving around all the time you don't have roots great social skills you think so yeah because my impression of you was the opposite and they tell me that a lot you're hard to be around right hard to look at that's dysfunctional hard to talk to yeah i get that a lot so you you're forced to be able to make friends wherever you go yeah well that's good it's a great skill to develop that actually yeah yeah what about you well i want to i will grow up in the same place and i have terrible social skills i i don't like making friends i don't have friends but i mean you're in the job of entertainment so you got to have you know you got to be able to market yourself and all that yeah i don't know i grew up in a small town ventura which is near here in socal into a highway yeah you know that song no yeah but yeah all right my parents both worked all the time i'm the youngest i basically raised myself you know i was home by myself all day we can tell yeah exactly yeah and that's interesting so you as a child you had a lot of hobbies i play video games a hobby it's biggest yeah that's why is that here dan why is this fly here that fly is so big what there's a giant fly how am i supposed to do a [ __ ] bug it was all britney's rider that's my pet that was your ride no on a rider she requested she you fit on that have a little leash i told you i'm so tiny i fall into a toilet big fly but damn so you and then did you want to always be in entertainment what was your deal before that no as a child i wanted to be a marine biologist yeah we all did right george costanza fan um no is that from seinfeld yeah no my dad was um i grew up i said i [ __ ] love dolphins oh my god i love dolphins can i tell you something yeah there's people that jerk off dolphins like i've seen a video on the internet they don't i saw something what videos are you watching well i'm just saying like there's weird [ __ ] that goes like i think it was on like where did i see that live leak maybe someone gets paid to do that yeah i just had a realization yeah zach's our sound guy that's wild can you google do dolphins why do dolphin have penis remember that video why don't i have people they're mammal how else do they have sex magic you're the biologist you tell me you're the breed you're the one obsessed with dolphins uh goddamn wait do dolphins have a penis someone fact check that i mean they must yeah of course they do yeah they're a mammal show me a picture okay i know there's dolphin vaginas i know that forever uh dude what dude let's switch to the screen ian yeah there's a fatty eel so there's a fat dolphin [ __ ] for you [Laughter] yeah i got banned from twitter because i tweeted a picture of spirit the horse with this [ __ ] out oh you sweet you got bad for tweeting a horse cop they deleted my account because i tweeted horse talk what i said spirit is so hot they deleted me they're not down with the bestiality [ __ ] they're not down for it that is the craziest thing i've seen all day yes so i was on live leak and uh they have this like gamble feature there was a moment where i stopped going to that website but you just click and click and it was like a person having a relation with a dolphin and it deeply disturbed me i carry that that the shame of having saw that even to this day i'm not kidding this is part of your story it is it's part of who i am yeah there'll be a moment of me just dramatic music i'm just this is the moment whenever you change yeah yeah yeah so dolphins do have penises go on um anyway love dolphins um how much do you love dolphins not that much okay not enough to know what their genitalia looks like what if you would ask me and i was like let me tell you actually it's interesting i have some pictures saved would you like to see them sure um i want to be a rare biologist and then i went to school for i wanted to make super bowl commercials that was my i wanted to be like a copywriter but like like i wanted to make geico commercials that was what i wanted to do there i as a child was like those are so funny and they're so well done the geico gecko the caveman um um flo from progressive like those are iconic marketing campaigns and i wanted to be a part of that because i was like i want to incorporate humor into my job without the whatever it is of like going for it like i'm going to move to hollywood and moved to new york because i was realistic you know i was like people moved to hollywood with a hundred dollars in their pocket and think they're gonna make it and i was like that's not i'm not trying to do that so i went to college for communication um graduated worked in insurance hated it worked at a bank hated it and then got fired because of the meme wait yeah i read that you got fired where were you working at the time i worked i was in dallas and i was working in trust and investment services our clients were like 85 and up these were people it was like estate planning like people that were about to die and had a bunch of money like who the [ __ ] cares and so you you blew up for this this this meme which by the way wasn't like edgy it was just like goofy face the comment the captions though my 60 year old boss you didn't make yeah just like she was seeing me when i tasted [ __ ] for the first time right and thinking it's little britney at her desk being like this will kill him like it wasn't that at all but trying to explain that to her it was kind of useless because she had made up her mind about you know this is a bad look for the company and so they fired you for this meme i wonder if that's is that legal well in texas it's an at-will employment state which texas is like i'll fire you texas said or any damn no literally if you're ugly they could fire you in the first 90 days they're like you know what i don't like looking at you every day right you can't sue them because the first 90 days it's completely up to you was it in the first 90 days around the 89th day oh really slick yeah it was awful but i think things happen for a reason because i never really worked out but damn yeah i never would have taken this as a serious career move you know and now i'm i'm i'm serious i'm i recognize how lucky i am like for all this to have worked out i'm just so happy what a what an interesting blessing in disguise they fire you on your 89th day and then you said to yourself you know i'm just gonna go after this i applied dialback steakhouse oh you immediately were like [ __ ] it out i was humiliated i called my dad crying i was like i lost my bank job but i'm about to go apply it out back and then i'm gonna get another job i'm so sorry and he was like it's okay and then i got my first brand deal right after that with a kombucha company so you never went to outback never never had a kombucha deal did you have to say you liked it because we were not still not sure if you liked it or not yeah i got paid to endorse it yeah and now i'm free of those contracts and i so can you say did you like the kombucha no okay you hate it did you watch the video it's gross well you i think the vertical well right you did definitively say no you don't like it yeah it's bad i actually do like kombucha you do is that for not bad is that for attention well somebody likes somebody's buying it or everyone's lying because it tastes like you're sucking on someone's big toe it tastes like beer you love beer i don't like beer oh you be like come on all the time i have bad i have bad intel no i don't i don't like the taste of beer it's yeasty kombucha's yeasty that's what she said we don't have a sound effect for that attack okay you might want to see a doctor about that yeasty imagine being described as beastie oh that's ethan he's nice but he's a little yeasty he's a good guy but yeasty he gives yeast yeah giving essence of yeast so we did we got the uh so how much you get your first brando seven thousand dollars holy [ __ ] but that was that's amazing not including well that included like the flight the hotel oh damn what the [ __ ] they have you do out of it and then the people that brought me it were taking 20 from me wait hold the phone hold on hold on what kind of deal was this it was to come film a video with someone from the company and that was the flat fee it will give you seven thousand and then you have to book your own travel all this and then with the course the agency took 20 from me what agency negotiated that dumbass deal i'm gonna say because i sued them but you did yes there's a whole dark side of this whole industry oh i know that well i don't work with anyone i don't work with agency well actually there's one agency i work with on this podcast because i love them and i've had a long word but managers agencies it's all [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate them all you've been in the business long enough to know that though yeah you know like people don't know that especially these tick talkers like i remember when in late 2019 when everyone was like i have a million followers i'm rich and famous and that's like no because p these they come in like vultures well part of the problem is that you have traditional media which oh my god is that a new language can i get one of these i can't be she can't be burping over me thank you baby this is bubbles going straight to my brain yo can i tell you that that coke there's something about coke zero that slaps like diet coke [ __ ] you diet coke is dead to me yeah [ __ ] dc wake up with a dc i'm not i'm about to shave 10 years off my life for coke zero i'll give anything for it zero they always say uh sugar is what'll kill us [ __ ] take me thanks bro well there's no sugar in this well but it has that fake sugar taste oh that's definitely some chemical that tastes like sweet which is [ __ ] crazy pump it in my veins put it in the iv [ __ ] yeah these are delicious cheers this is not sponsored by coca-cola but i do have a coke tattoo oh wow do you like coke that much of coke i don't like it that much it's more an aesthetic thing just saying you're like you're a freak and you need to be stopped [Music] that scared the [ __ ] out of me i forgot someone was behind me you didn't let it flip that you're embarrassing us either yeah hey uh zach can you do me a favor and not play pig sounds when we have a guest that was a burp okay thanks i thought you're like trying to make her feel welcome okay playing pig calls when i come in yeah uh zach please thank you [Laughter] yeah i go zach okay so when she sits down play all the pig and the styes that's good that's good you got anything else you want to humiliate our guests with zach yeah throw it at me i think i'm done now just for the record it was a burp so uh what were we talking about um oh eight agencies and oh yeah so the thing is you know you think of traditional media you go these they all have agents and lawyers and managers these people actually do stuff in that business in this business they basically piggybacking on the reputation of traditional managements and basically do nothing for you and taking what's you know there's laws to protect traditional it's funny it's like age it's like actors they really need laws protecting them there's like 10 of them there's like 10 working actors somehow they have laws being like you can only charge 10 the rest is is uh you know i've always said this is the wild west the internet is the wild west right now like before people start really cracking down on like even when it comes to like family vloggers and things like that filming a child from the point when they're born to when they're 18 that's gonna that has ethical implications there is no child protection laws for youtubers and in traditional media oh yeah yeah the temples of the world yeah you can't overwork them you can't overwork them you need to make sure they educate them properly there's oversight you know but ryan toy's review would be like you know this is great dad i get i don't have to go to school and i play with toys all day yeah and then fast forward ryan's doing 20 years for uh what god's name is that [ __ ] i left hearing about it this is a new one this is daddy dello tv uh i left our two-year-old baby alone in the car bad idea here's his two-year-old i think looks like he's dying of heat stroke and the mommy is outside screaming he needs air and he's screaming help yeah that's a thumbnail yep why is that a th why is that why does that exist it's a common theme with these fans hold that up i want to watch it well it has no i sure there's nothing to do with it that's what i'm saying is like this is all click bait but people are going to watch it because they're like a bad mother i'm going to leave a hate comment and they don't even watch the video and they're like you [ __ ] that's a baby i i do think that a bunch of laws are gonna in the next 10 20 years or even earlier to crack down on kind of what's going on specifically youtube because it's insane well actually there was even a recent development where um here's the video by the way before there's like there's advertising laws for kids yeah and youtube was like well [ __ ] that we don't need to worry about that like you can't they're you can't advertise to kids in certain ways there's laws because they don't know that they're they're watching an ad right but they're coerced and so youtube was just ignoring those laws for like the beginning and then just like last year now you have to click is this video made for kids yeah but you gotta love that youtube's like oh no that doesn't apply to us [ __ ] these kids it's until it's the last moment where it's like people are raising enough of a fuss that you need to be like all right we'll make some changes that's what it is i think like things like the ace family and all that that's gonna be taboo over the next few years make your money now i'm saying you got some kids put them on camera now i know five years can't do it i got prime kids i gotta put them on camera now but i'm sure you all have talked about that how how much are you going to film not at all not at all no no not at all in fact i'm not even comfortable showing my i'm comfortable showing like i just have a newborn baby who's two months right because he he doesn't look anything like he's going to but my son who's almost three now i don't want people to know what he looks like because i'm paranoid someone's gonna [ __ ] kidnap him from school yeah i did make a tick tock with him the other day but there was a uh filter on it he looked like the joker that's the first time i've showed his face in in a while here you want to see it it's really cute yeah i do thanks thanks for saying that yeah thanks for agreeing can we watch it three times in a row sure oh there's alright now i'm just gonna go to the end how am i supposed to uh feed gotham when every time i've got a child here and i'll be well i just i just like that you tell them the music you tell them i just like the end when he's laughing it's so cute it's cute but it's creepy with him he's pet he's bad he's the joker yeah it's creepy why make him if he asks for french fries and make him french fries he doesn't eat the french fries you got a creepy ass kid that's enough to make a guy go mad yeah so i agree you know yeah but the problem is that uh well i i use these managers and [ __ ] and you know you realize after a while that they're literally not doing anything but taking twenty percent which again you're not even supposed to take twenty percent you just take ten percent the industry standard is ten and even then it's like girl i think they're wants to do 30 in this space for any up-and-coming internet personality who's looking to do this for a career i would say you need an agent to secure you deals and you need a lawyer and when you get to a certain level you need a business manager who will monitor your funds invest them properly things like that everything else is completely these people have assistants and managers you don't need a manager i don't know i'm an accountant i mean you don't need a yeah you don't even need a well a business manager is kind of a blanket term but yeah just someone to do your taxes so you don't go to [ __ ] jail definitely pay your taxes and people don't know that they don't know that you're supposed to because you're self-employed yeah it's true the crazy thing is like when you first start making money on the internet you're like i have all this money in my bank account you don't yeah you know sam's money brother but so tell me about this kombucha deal though because we got sidetracked and i'm curious so they say i'm gonna give you seven grand but then your ass got to pay for everything so you flew up i pay my team you gotta pay your team after everything was said and done i probably made about i had about four thousand dollars in my bank account still good money it was great money and i lived off that to move to l.a wow and it was well i don't want to get into like the specifics of it because it i did end up suing them um but yeah you have a agreement saying you can't talk about it i just don't want to yeah um but i'm signed a uta now and uta is fantastic yeah they do they do my deals now their digital side their digital site and a bunch of other stuff too we're assigned to um well trying to ut overall but i have a touring touring agent yeah for when sarah and i are going to take the podcast on the road um and i do like college shows when they do that i have a traditional agents and like uh stage acting and well you got the whole i got everybody we have a podcast agent um and then of course digital so it's it's wild rodeo i don't work with anybody do you want to though no do you ever want to take this beyond i mean have you i'm sure you've thought about selling this to a network why would i sell it to a network i get my own ads i own everything more money the only thing they're gonna do is take money i guess i'm telling you those people they're all vultures i guess that's true welcome all fire them all britney i walk out of here with no representation fire them all you're like either just ruin my life fire them all i think it takes a village because if i had to do all that [ __ ] i would have no energy to create yeah my what i kind of learned was like with a good um assistant they can do everything so but i agree you don't want to focus on anything but creating stuff and that's i've i've set that up for myself and i love it okay i get to just do what i do yeah but it they take a lot it does take a village and i would every time i've had to do like a what would you give advice to your younger self and be like you don't need to you don't need all that you don't need any of it so right so um basically at this point i'm going to need you to say i love native now's the ad read i'm not getting paid for i'm just kidding just pretend you know i usually we usually have our guests pre-recorded and i won't make you sit through this but i have to thank our sponsor it's just one so just pretend you're not here for about one minute okay can i go pee oh that's perfect yeah yeah thank you hey guys thanks to native let me tell you a little bit about native amy's coming in he's training hard he's applying that native thank you yeah dan told me to sit in what is that is that this is that's native right here so deodorant oh eucalypt i love eucalyptus smell it's legit the thoughtful formulation behind all the products is something i have always loved because they understand it's not just what's on the inside that counts but also the outside that's why native is releasing their deodorant uh that i know and love and new and improved plastic free is that plastic free i guess so well [ __ ] me in the ass that's awesome plastics are horrible native is doing their part to help our earth with their new 100 plastic free and recyclable packaging and when you buy natives new plastic free recyclable package deodorant you are saving 37 grams of plastic native is also a proud partner of one percent for the planet and are committing one percent of their plastic free deodorant sales to the environmental nonprofits just like all of natives other deodorants their plastic free deodorant is aluminum and paraben free kills odor causing bacteria and has 24-hour odor protection to keep you feeling and smelling fresh and with native chews from 10 cents including classic coconut vanilla sensitive formula and a for and uh that are formulated without baking soda oh sensitive has no baking soda and there's even an unscented one that's really interesting you've been using that i have it's i've been using this before it was actually even a sponsor really yeah it's legit i like it it doesn't burn for some reason like the other brands burn and it lasts i wear when i work out and you you train hard and that could keep you from sinking let me smell that this isn't the one you use is it it is the one i use i'm not gonna smell i'm not gonna put that right on my face i'm just being honest but yeah it smells great but i mean that's that's that's sort of legit i mean and it feels like you've been using that too yeah i have every day thanks bro no problem with that i'm gonna give britney her seat back now yeah by native uh ready to try plastic free deodorant go to native native deal native after dark and use the promo code after dark at checkout to get 20 off your first order that's native d e o dot com slash after darker use the promo code after dark at checkout for 20 percent off your first order thank you to native okay all right [Music] yes baby yes no cut has been taken for parasitical agents or managers i agree [ __ ] yes so tell me um what are you into lately what's your what's what are you vibing on um i just recently discovered in my mid twenties i like mushrooms like eating them okay i was like okay no not not like the drug but you're just into eating mushrooms yeah yeah they're good they're delicious i had no idea i was like oh mushroom pizza crust they are like one of the weirdest things the texture is one of those things where like it's almost inedible right but the taste is delicious right the once you get used to the texture it's actually quite nice it's like chewy and firm you like tofu sometimes when it's prepared right yeah i i can't do tofu it is kind of similar to mushroom in it yeah mushrooms is just so odd they're like not even like it's a different branch of life it's not even like normal plant [ __ ] yeah it's like alien fruit it's different from how you and i are yeasty because they're fungal fungal or yeasty yeah i think also it's when you think about you know like neanderthals foraging and like nuts and berries and all that to be like what's that put in my mouth i know it grows out of the floor they were so brave the foragers and some of them make you see like dead people ghosts and spirits do you like magic mushrooms never had them are you straight uh straight edge as they say not really i think um i just have so much going on up here i'm very scared of like acid osd shrooms yeah scared of well don't don't do it i mean it's not that big of a deal people be like most rooms change my maybe and i'm not to say that it didn't but i mean it's not that big of a deal that meme that's like men do shrooms one time and discover empathy i'm right that's true you go death bro life is so fragile you've discovered empathy yeah you've discovered caring for another human yeah congrats welcome well hey a breakthrough is a breakthrough happy to have you welcome to the planet welcome to the show um and uh and what is your problem with the term meat candle um that ignites a nasty visceral response in my body so brittany she has a problem with the term for a penis being a meat candle now that's just what i think my [ __ ] is just a meat candle and what shin do you like in fact i put a candle in it and light it use urethra torture and i like the wax to go inside it's just a terrible image no you're right it's horrible that's god-awful i i heard that and i said like immediately my day was ruined they said hey you're gonna take it hold the meat candle i said it ruined my day because it's almost like a std it's like why is it why is uh why is flammable gas coming out of the tip of your dick yeah why is the tip of your penis blue right a blue flame i think it's gross i think that um and i'm not [ __ ] on like pee pee poo poo humor because that i love that i love a good draw penis i'll laugh you know play the penis game in public i'm giggling but something about that i was like wow meat meat candle it is foul it is foul yeah um so should we do this taste test well brittany you mentioned this don't like the taste of beer yeah i thought you liked beer yeah what have i what indication have i given yeah what indication is she given that she likes beer so i guess you have some uh tech talks where you were uh i guess you were probably duetting or stitching somebody that was doing a beer taste test and you were doing it ironically but maybe featherstone right we may have been misled into thinking that that was not ironic yeah so here's the story with that rusty featherstone was this account that went viral during the pandemic it's this frat guy who is in maine and he lives with all of his frat brothers and so they were quarantining and he started this trend where it's called rusty ranks beers that's probably what you're picking up on and they would buy a 12 pack of a new brand of beer and he just is the most frightened welcome back to restaurants bears today we're going to be drinking [ __ ] like that's literally how he talks and he would pick a brand he would do a check in after four he'd be like i have a foreign it's the kobe bryant of bears phil and [ __ ] wall football the video that surfer dude and then at eight he would check in and at 12 he's just blackout and he would be like a seven out of ten get you where you want to go and i thought i binged his whole account i sat there for two hours watching all of his tick tocks and i was like i have to do this and i did it with white claw surges which is white claw but worse just more alcohol worse taste and i drank uh five and blacked out and i don't remember what happened and i filmed that video we ended up going to madison beer's birthday party couldn't tell you really we got there okay interesting um ended up there and i remember filming i was like i'm gonna finish my tick-tock and i had my friend film me and i said i'm about to britney ranks bears i'll give up not in all time don't remember posting it wow okay because we put testing we put together a whole beer taste test and i mean i'll do it and we got well we got the worst tasting beers we could find so why would you do that well we're gonna too because we prepared but we got bad off we don't really don't know if the yeah we we haven't tried them yet what are some of the brands it could be delicious uh i don't know we just we kind of just tried to get the most nasty they're not brands one is like a super sour one is german smoked malt beer it's like a liquid smoke flavor which sounds bad to me got a pickle beer and we have a hard coffee beer you want pickled beer i could we could put some pickle juice in a beer for you i would really drink that pickle beer is delicious do we have pickled juice guys i heard some dissenting from the peanut gallery a little put off by the pickle juice idea but if you're into it i mean i love a picture no judgment so you your favorite men your two favorite men post malone and harry styles right um the ranking changes daily currently robert pattinson's in there jack carlo is obviously a third okay um um you have watched peaky blinders mm-hmm killian murphy who plays shelby is that the main guy who plays yeah tommy shelby i like him he's got swag i love him he was in my top five for a while probably still is okay so this is interesting because he you know he's kind of a badass in that but in real life i think he's a gentle he's a fine gentleman he's very shy yeah he's an irish gentleman and he's very shy in interviews and stuff he's one of those people that's like so awkward but he comes alive acting and what does that say about him is he sociopath no i think he's just uh he's just a shy guy what does it mean to be a good actor you're lying i don't know yeah actors are i tend to be weird people right like they're always they're want to be someone else constantly you got a problem you're a [ __ ] weirdo you like that yeah you like damaged men i love a broken man okay yeah have you thought about why like what is that because i i'm certainly you're not alone is it is it a bad boy thing you're into no it is um i think at the end of the day it's an egocentric thing because i am a problem solver okay and i see a broken man and i'm like this is so easily fixable and then i'll fix him have you ever fixed a man yeah i fixed a man and then i broke up with him because you're like boring lame yeah and then the next girl that dated i was like you can [ __ ] have him i tidied him up for you you [ __ ] him up for life though because nobody wants to be with him it's literally like i taught him empathy oh yeah i guess he's he's he's unfuckable now yeah we don't want him yeah so you like so is it the it's you like broken men it's like a project yeah but you know the older i get the less i'm interested yeah the old it's like the appeal that had when i was 19 like he just needs someone to help him now i'm like you're a [ __ ] loser get your [ __ ] together a grip women are not rehabilitation centers for men get a [ __ ] grip you're 30. you know what i mean yeah awful so now my tolerance is a little lower so you so like if you who who's your who's the guy that you would settle down with of those five who's like you're the guy you want the most you want my answer for today what robert pattinson really that's is that the batman guy yeah and edward from twilight because he's he's hot he's just hot if he loves the twilight movie in the peanut gallery yeah he's hot he's funny he's witty oh god he's everything where's my pickle beer damn it yeah is he does he give i guess he gives bad boy energy he's a little bit of a rebel i saw some of the oh my god that's your front kit yeah he looks good what do you what do you think that's her phone case so all right let's bring out this disgusting beer this looks nice actually i don't even like beer either so this whole thing is just i'll taste it but that's all i'm doing thank you so let's try the yeah which means the tears of jews [Applause] it's a special brew oh god that's [ __ ] disgusting it smells bad tastes like sausage [Laughter] oh yeah like a [ __ ] meat candle yeah it's got a little smoky sausage thing there tastes like i just ate barbecue and vomited it up it does that is exactly what it is acidic vomit it does taste like meat though tastes like alex jones under skid mark something like a texas barbecue conspiracy it is do you know what this is it's the smell and taste of you [ __ ] in the bathroom at a barbecue restaurant this is the one that has like a smoky smokiness in it but it tastes like bread over everything else bread yeah like sourdough essence of bread is lingering right here that's awful okay awful it tastes like who's like a big barbecue guy that's like a big disgusting monster i was thinking alex jones but like who else tastes like it tastes like their [ __ ] as a yeast infection [Laughter] it's just [ __ ] horrible i hate it you know it's the worst part it's probably super expensive too they had to import this oh it's smoke beer dot com that's like their whole stick gross okay cheers this i might be into this one is called it has a flamenco on it strawberry rhubarb sour ale okay let's go for it cheers hey to austin post cheers that's delightful it's called almost like sweet eh it's almost that tastes like a cider that's delicious it's a got a little bit of a well once when you see that it's got flamingos on the front how bad could it be right that's what i'm saying you're gonna look at this and say you're not relaxed and having a great time strawberry rhubarb sour ale yeah that's not bad this is delicious okay here's my rating two thumbs up no problem there we go the little ribbon hard coffee well that doesn't sound that bad though it smells delicious yeah i got no problem yeah these are gross i'm having a great time tbr hard coffee sounds good to you guys i mean and compared to alex jones festering [ __ ] barbecue licked licked ass yeah alex jones hole yeah pbr's slept on man such a good beer okay redneck is behind the mic ppr is pretty good hell i'm talking about yo when you got a 10 cent per beer budget that's a fine alcohol bushlight pbr curse all right [ __ ] it's sweet here what the [ __ ] that's iced coffee wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what this is just a sweet it's sweet really it's an iced coffee with alcohol it's just a hard coffee so we thought it was going to be alcoholics we thought it was going to be beer yo you crack this thing first in the morning your life is [ __ ] because who the [ __ ] else is drinking this that's a really good point this is for literally whoever made this needs help this is for alcoholics yeah it really is you're an alcoholic needs to get your day going whoever made this needs to go to [ __ ] jail dude because it's delicious i love it yeah this is great i actually i wasn't planning on drinking but i think i'm going to drink this cheers let's go too let's get after it you uh do you like sweet coffee you sweet coffee guy i don't i'm i'm calorie conscious laughs as they say that you know i go i go uh no sugar in the coffee but extra pepperoni on the [ __ ] can you [ __ ] on the pizza in fact i'm ready to get a pizza [ __ ] my whole life but no cut no no uh sugar in the coffee please do you know what i'm saying like there's some areas of my life where i'm like super conscious about calories and it all balances out at the end no it doesn't well do i need to put my stomach on the table again donald trump once famously said have you ever seen a skinny person drinking a diet coke and i feel like that's us yeah that's us cheers do we have more of these maybe let's let's finish that one he said let's pump the brakes that's a yes oh boy i saw the whole pack in there they're all in there you know that's that is um it's an espresso martini but with beer how many calories in this thing man enough because like that's just what you got here is a beer and they're like here's what we're gonna do with this beer we're gonna dump a shitload of treasures we're going to make it [ __ ] delicious all right cheers wait so you're not a you don't like sweet coffee i do is my point okay but i don't i try not to drink it right i um there was a trend going around on tick tock where people were just loving caramel macchiatos from starbucks like an iced caramel macchiato and i've always been like the same i go into starbucks and i'm like i'm going to be healthy iced latte please but it's like when you get it stripped back you think it's less fat but it was people making them at home you're like buying the caramel sugar and buying the starbucks sells the actual [ __ ] they use and you put it in the iced coffee and i got into a kick for like a week i ordered one every day and it was so much like i mean straight to the toilet it was like for real pvc pipe from my google it was like it went straight it was like i was pouring it down into my hole and um it was delicious yeah i mean those starbucks drinks have like five or six hundred calories bro insane it's gnarly worth it delicious i mean they are great man i like the uh i like those fraps you do when i want to [ __ ] around at starbucks i'll get a frappuccino milkshake yeah all right i mean coffee milkshake that's the only difference between what i order and you is that you i'm sophisticated yeah you go you go oh i'll take the 1 000 calorie drink but it's got a fancy italian name so it's all good i i order it like this and you go and you're like can i have a coffee milkshake can i get a [ __ ] coffee milkshake with with [ __ ] sweet cream on the top you're doing the same thing you're just like i'll take a crappy frappuccino and grab a crap a frappuccino with caramel and you go that's cool it's the same [ __ ] bro can i get a [ __ ] can you just [ __ ] in my mouth it'll be faster can you just whoever's got covet back there can you just [ __ ] in a cup and serve it to me that's basically healthier than whatever they're giving you to drink like i know pizza is not healthy but damn whatever they do back there no i'm crying dude our life expectancy in america goes down every year oh i'm telling you every time they see me park in the chick-fil-a drive-through shave three years off of my life oh bro that shit's so good though chick-fil-a is so delicious what's your favorite thing to eat right now right now well i would say mushrooms but i tried to make a dust mushroom no i tried to make them for myself just yesterday i just had to freak out did you hear that no i got dubbed oh yeah what are we doing mushrooms mushrooms yeah i tried to make mushrooms in the oven yesterday and i did it in the oven why would you do that because i don't know what i'm doing oh you don't i'm just a little girl i need help this little girl needs help i'm not funny and i need help i'm not smart i'm not funny and i just need help that's the name of my autobiography do you want to well the secret to cooking a mushroom is that there's a lot of moisture in them so i robbed it of the moisture no you want to cook all the moisture out no uh yes well i did and it was i gagged i said i don't know mushroom and i put it in my mouth and i said yeah if you don't i feel like mushrooms can get go really bad it was bad the the way i like to cook it is you gotta when you throw them in a pan and cook them down they shrink like 90 yeah you cook you you cook them down throw in a little butter olive oil then you can't go wrong but that sounds delicious yeah i don't know what [ __ ] i did i made [ __ ] on a pan nice and i said sarah do you want any she was like i'm good i was like damn so tell me about the recipe i just did a portobello mushroom head hollowed it out cleaned it put cheese and um jalapenos in it that sounds great it wasn't no it wasn't so late so right now because i'm a fat [ __ ] monster there's literally a shame to my body and hate myself um you know every night is i think about how much i hate myself because i'm so [ __ ] fat and i have no self-control so right now i'm i'm doing a vegetarian diet and i'm working on cooking all my own meals okay so for example last night i made a quiche and french fries sounds good homemade french fries and quiche so i took an air fryer no i don't do i don't [ __ ] around there it's so small i got a family to feed damn true family of you oh they yeah exactly and so i took i chopped up a bunch of spinach you know cooked it down got the moisture out put it with the egg [ __ ] load of cheese bro but it's you know that might be where you're running into some trouble you think so yeah you're like i had three pieces of spinach and a whole block of cheese and i'm not losing weight yeah and a frappuccino washed it down what happened super they're like you know what what's what start do you when you order starbucks do you tell them the size that they want or do you just say i want a large no i use the lingo see i can't because i'm a civilized adult and that's how you and i are different i can't do it i can't i can't say grande no i can't learn the sizes i don't know what they want yeah you can yeah you can't you're just what's this small uh tall that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense it's a tall a tall is a large size tall what's a medium grande grande means huge no vinty means huge grande means big grande means it literally means big doesn't it just a medium please and then and then large is what venti which means what large and what does grande mean large okay so what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do because i'm not italian but you speak spanish right i do see spanish so what's the difference well the difference is they don't [ __ ] use that in spanish okay then what and then what's extra large i don't know they have an extra life curse on your family it means they had to make another size for the big fat americans they're like you got super large what's bigger than that so trente means 30. that's how many years that's how long you're gonna live if you order that [ __ ] how many years no look up in italian what does venti mean what does vintay mean in italian guys i think it means 20. i think it it's true they just give numbers like we ran out of sizes you fat what does grande mean in italian large and what does vente mean 20. and what is trente or whatever what does tall mean oh wait what is this why they do that i bet there's a logic behind it there's a reasoning also why the starbucks is not italian i'm just now realizing well because that well they they um culturally appropriated cappuccinos from italy but starbucks isn't known for their cappuccinos i guess a lot of coffee espresso and all that's italian right yeah it's true it's italia phobia at the end of the day it is it's cultural appropriation of italian x people italian eggs italian we do the italia x voices do matter they will be heard i wanted to learn italian for a bit because they're so it's so similar to spanish same thing like just a little guy put a little godfather on it yeah speaking spanish like robert de niro he is a muy bien that's good how many times i got to tell you what the [ __ ] is a tall me and it's a grande it's a vente that makes no sense walk into a starbucks i ordered yeah i don't know i don't i can't do it i just say large and they know what i mean right they know what you mean yeah they say look at this guy sometimes they go vente i don't did i stutter i said large yeah i appreciate you rebelling against the system thank you but i am an ally to italian people is really what i want to communicate and you're not you like duncan i like duncan i think duncan's better than starbucks but that's like a east coast thing you can't really compete out here in the west can you duncan's here people are just anal about starbucks out here well you can go to like a starbucks drive-through pretty much anywhere in la there's lots of them duncan's where is there even a dunkin donuts one in l.a there's duncan's yeah there's yeah downtown yeah there is that's common valley too you want some duncan america runs on dunkin yeah let's get some duncan let's get some duncan what does that mean you want to get order coffee do you want donuts yeah that sounds good you want to get pizza right now did you say pizza are you hungry brittany yeah what do you want to eat it sounds kind of good what what do you like on your pie someone to [ __ ] on it you want someone to have covered to take a [ __ ] on it what do you think of um the h3 special yeah hey is i think she's special britney what do you think of um jalapeno pineapple and black olive pizza that's my pizza and everyone makes fun of me i'm not a black olive fan but i do like i love a hawaiian pizza and i like spicy okay first of all we're ordering pizza okay second of all we're gonna test the curse here today well we're drunk so we do need pizza let's go yo i want so i want whoever has the most covered um basically uh most active kova to take a steamer right on the middle of the pie okay i know just the place i'll put that in the notes oh damn you're le you blasted a luke from that one yeah if you could get that on the pie so what what's your dream pie a pizza yeah yes pizza we're not ordering from baskin robbins you know yeah sam we want we definitely want pizza i uh i do love a chicken barbecue pizza okay that's a fan that's actually a favorite around here yeah because you guys are warm-blooded americans okay this is america this is america and i do still want a pickle beer yeah we need if we can postmate some pickle juice that is awesome yeah that's the worst thing ever one of you guys should actually try this it's [ __ ] yeah i i'm curious yeah it's yeah i mean i don't know smell it if you're into smoky flavors then then you'll like it but if you're into a brisket sandwich it's a meal replacement well you know some people like that what they call is um what do they call it there's like a liquid that is like small liquid smoke liquids you got it tips i find that [ __ ] so repulsive well one drop of it'll kill you oh really instant death yeah like this post for instant death people are saying you should get pesto on the pizza yeah i was super sick lately and i went to the hospital and took a stool sample and my [ __ ] looked like fresh pesto and i'd never seen anything like it in fact i'll show you a photo if you want you know you don't have to [Laughter] well anyway i was showing all the guys the photo and now everyone's saying the masculine urge to show other men your [ __ ] well this wasn't like a norm like hey look at my giant it was like medically can someone please look at this yes can you can you look at it i think you'll be interested can you please look at this it's lime green it is it looks neon people describe the color as neon what did you eat nothing i had been puking and [ __ ] for days it was literally just bile what in poop makes it green that's like the top googled question and we still don't know the answer why is my poop green i think people know the answer then what is it why is my poop green they be like oh you know the answer let's see food may be moving through the large intestine too quickly such as diarrhea as a result oh it's stomach bile doesn't have time to break down also leafy greens can do it so you're pooping out stomach bile that's must have been what it was pull it up dan but i do want the answer to the question let's just bile i do want to get to the end of this scientific hypothesis the chlorophyll and plants produces the green color usually yeah i was eating grass slightly with a dog my stomach so i went out and was feeding on the yard was chewing on lawn also some frosting will do that too change the color what do you mean by that oh like colored frosting yeah food coloring yeah yeah yeah oh i was eating food coloring right before that too drinking food coloring like water a shot doctor shit's like purple we have never seen this before what were you eating purple and glittery god well i was drinking purple food dye but other than that i can't think of anything yeah all right so let's get a pineapple uh what kind of vegetarian pizza do you like dan oh anything let's do mushroom she's into mushrooms right now mushrooms love mushrooms let's go mushroom by the way this is good i'm into it you do you like it i don't like it so get me the pineapple and the [ __ ] i think you're a sicko that's okay that might you might be right yeah he's [ __ ] up he vaped for like 20 years so it brings him back it reminds me of my smoking days exactly yeah is that what it's like cigarette butts in my mouth you've got a puff but it's just liquid smoke in it yo [ __ ] retin link they didn't give you alcohol and order your ass pizza red and link i said the f word and they they had to like they backed it up squares i said the f-word they took me out back and beat me oh they [ __ ] you up yeah but you liked it yeah i love red link they're so nice no they're they're um i get it dude being a when you do too being a youtuber like being silenced were you silent or silent wait what do you mean by that just being like demonetized or having things you know like you need to take that out they're just so hyper sensitive to it that they try to keep it as family friendly as possible and i respect it i respect it basically i feel like we've learned the ropes a little bit here we don't get demonetized that much anymore and uh we we're very vulgar but those guys i think they just they live that life they're that family friendly guy they like they are they are but they've got a they got a raunchy side they did um when i was there he just showed me his dick and i was like bro i know right i was like first of all nice hog second of all not appropriate vip treatment that you did yeah sadly they both came in my green room and they both pulled out their dick at the same time said no one's ever gonna believe you oh and i was like this is so inappropriate and i left and i've tried to tell and you're trying to tell your story nobody believes me it's [ __ ] up they're trying to silence you yeah yeah i love them i um i think that they uh in seriousness i think that they created a career path for a lot of people like really made the internet oh yeah the format right they've done a daily music touring youtube movies i mean it's wild they're talented they really are and sweet they're they're rare they're family man they're good men they are got wives they're not like toxic masculine [ __ ] you know love them who do you hate on the internet do you go there or no because i don't go there i'm open about people i hate on the internet and i i love that for you yeah i'm an allied and not even one you're not even gonna name one person there's gotta be one person you you're willing to admit you hate drumroll no i'm not gonna say anybody oh you're so nice think a hate is a strong word as well i don't i i will say i don't respect okay okay let's go there um a lot of the traditional tick tock [ __ ] boys who have made millions of dollars from just being hot like i know that that career has an expiration date and that gives me some peace of mind you know there you can't be doing that [ __ ] when you're 35 no one cares right so i that gives me a little piece of mind but it's also like that whole culture just is so insane to me i love that kind of content where it's like like and that's the video yeah that's it oh how about when there's three of them and then the next one is crazy yeah that's insane but it's also kind of dope isn't it it's just because it's like such an oddity you can't believe it exists that that trend that went around with that song where they just did this remember that millions and billions of views i don't get it women do the same thing just to be just to be fair yeah but there's a long history of objectification there where they've been told that they're objects these himbos i don't have respect for that y'all are trying to capitalize on my culture okay that's that's women called we invented that [ __ ] we invented thirst traps that's true yeah i have no respect for those creators but a lot of them are kind of bad people too it seems like very much yeah oh it's it's shocking too i i've gotten myself another one i do come on guys bring out the coffee uh degenerate start shaking in a second yeah eating my pizza my shit's falling off of it um there were i've got myself into trouble before saying like i love this person and then they get canceled that happens to me every time i like anyone that's what i'm saying is like i don't like to give shout outs to people anymore because i like them privately and then when they do some [ __ ] up [ __ ] i'm like thanks bro thank you my darling i love him he's a good guy he's jack too he has a six-pack he's been training [Music] i do too i he's going he's doing one of these youtube boxing things no you're not yeah i am who are you boxing a very big dude this guy hodar huh yeah i swear that's his name what's his name honda yeah he's almost as big as hodor though follow up his photo so brittany can wish abe uh uh uh well wishes in the afterlife yeah so um the f the tick tock [ __ ] boys this is the guy he's fighting oh swear to god you're gonna die yeah he's kind of hot yeah he is no i mean look at the veins bro i love a beard there you go he's a really nice guy though can you ask him if he's interested in me and if the answer is if the answer is no don't tell me yeah like we're waiting for a response before the match begins when you guys are touching gloves yeah just droppers i've got this friend all right he's a really good guy he seems like super nice if you're into that nice guys super nice guy i'm into that well you still date him if he kills me yeah i mean he's even hotter he's [ __ ] up he's got damage now yeah that's true he's got murder on his hands poor poor guy poor guy yeah but that's coming up i'm actually really excited ab as much as we goof on him and say he's going to die he's been training hard i think this he's going to give this guy a run for his money he's going to win i think he's got a shot yeah yeah for sure [ __ ] that guy nah he's really nice hold on [ __ ] him he's gonna be over your corpse going ho door hold the door i loved him i was a game of thrones adult i read all the books you read the books [ __ ] read the books so let's talk about the ending it was just awful it was an abomination i mean it was there's never been such a crime committed in in in cinematic history it was disrespectful to the series i would say it ruined creator it did i would have gone back and watched that show so many times by now if the last season didn't exist knowing the last season is there i don't go back and watch it yeah and do we know the reason i know that they were they had just signed on to do another project so they were kind of trying to wrap it up that is the reason yeah and guess what happened the last season was so bad they lost that gig they got hired to make a star wars film that's right because they were such hot shots yes and you know the real reason that show was good is because the source material was amazing george rr martin was working with them like if you watch the first season the pacing and the character development is [ __ ] interesting off the main character on the first episode i watched it with my mom first season yeah it was the first episode wait ed didn't die the first episode ned died the first episode i'm like oh it's at the end of the first season oh yeah yeah gaslighting you know for fun i was like i'm pretty sure like not read the books no um i watched that with my mom and i remember incredible we finished the first up the first season and i was like what they're just laughing because we're loving what you said for reading the books oh yeah look we're funny and people just laugh and we don't even know why this is like joke that's what i'm saying is it a burden being a funny is so funny can i okay this is a very niche thing there was this episode of fairly odd parents or timmy turner got a wish and it was to be funny to have everyone around him always laugh at what he says that's a monkey paw wish and i literally and i think in the back of my head sometimes i'm like you know you're making people laugh you're like this is such a good feeling like being able to make people joyous and i think about that episode a lot because he would be having like a serious problem and he'd be like guys i really don't want to do and they'd be like and i'm like that's a nightmare for me so yes but more so than like making people laugh i want to be i value the other side of it too do you have trouble getting through when you have a serious problem because people think of you as the funny person you're able to switch over well that took a while on you're talking about on the internet sure on the internet people are whenever i show genuine emotion they're like sorry but i can't take you seriously because it's like they know me as a jokester just a goofball so when i'm like hey guys don't say that i have a balding hairline that really hurts my feelings because i'm already self-conscious about it things like that where i'm like don't comment on my body don't comment on my weight don't comment on it like my nose shape like thing like things like that where sarah and i talk with us all the time i have insecurities now that i never had pre-internet because now people are like she's so brave for posting her insert body part here and i'm like what the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah me too i mean it's wild and so i i try to draw clear uh boundaries which are following do they respect that though or does it matter it does the majority does because it's the girls gays and the it's nice to have the girls gays in the days they really understand if i'm like y'all please don't comment on my body like it kind of triggers me they're like you heard her don't comment and they'll bully people that do they're like we will [ __ ] hunt you down i'm serious broski nation rise that's nice because like i am i've always been a fairly confident person but now i have like such deep insecurities about my tiny hands that i didn't realize my hands were tiny i don't think you have tiny hands oh they're tiny don't [ __ ] don't even try to blow smoke up my ass you got the littlest hands i've ever seen yeah no they're tiny and it doesn't make sense like i'm bigger i'm tall i'm like the tallest person in my family small people okay my brother's shorter but i got the small i got these [ __ ] small hands like when i was in high school playing water polo i was trying to be an athlete i couldn't grip the ball everyone's out here like i got a i literally had to hold it like that and you know i feel like i'm pretty athletic when i'm in shape and stuff but i have tiny hands and have you let that get you down in life [Music] well it didn't ever i never even thought about until all these [ __ ] i'm saying man it's like at least you were grown by the time you weren't 15 years i was already married right people being like god damn you got some tiny ass hands sometime [ __ ] said they do it when you're a kid oh high five baby hands high five where's your hand baby yeah exactly yeah but i always try to wear my insecurities uh on my sleeve so that you make it part of your act yeah i do the same thing yeah i embraced having a big ass forehead well let's see it pretty big i mean what was that because just yeah and i like the curtain reveal like all right trigger warning forehead yeah i got bangs for a reason because people were like what's going on up there megamind people do that a lot i've noticed beforehead people get a lot of griff on the uh you know who's got a big forehead who's that deutsche cat rihanna oh yeah she got a big ass forehead don't you know big four heads and that's beautiful they're both beautiful i never thought about i don't think about the forehead thing right you and i didn't either before people were like god damn [ __ ] you're hard to look at you got a big forehead come on well you know i'll be honest i haven't eaten all day i'm feeling it oh yeah and i'm still on my first one i don't drink ever ever pretty much never i love drinking i think i'm just too like i'm i'm 36 i'm pretty [ __ ] old but you're in your mid-20s i'm 24. i got kids i got to put a kid to bed i got to make dinner but you don't go to sleep and be like i need a beer it's just not my blood you know my no one in my family drinks it's just not something my i didn't grow up around alcohol my parents never drank in front of me so you unwind with a with a beer or a no i don't unwind oh yeah that's pretty i'm wound pretty yeah i'm right that's the misnomer but you end your evening with the drink um i like to party and black out on five white cloth seltzers but you're young when i was your age i was doing that too yeah la man this is something else they don't talk about la culture is so about being drunk and i had no idea you know like oh yeah come to my house let's hang out oh let's do this let's film oh we're drinking all during that and especially like l.a parties of course you're drinking but i never realized every event is centered around alcohol which is fun until it's like i've been drunk for three days i don't want to keep like it's a bender at that point and it gets dangerous so definitely well i don't really go out because it's hard when you're like sober guy and people around you are doing drugs absolutely it's just that the vibe is not the same yeah there's no appeal and you lose friendships that way too when it's like i really don't want to associate because that's all y'all are doing we can't have a normal conversation because you're just you can't go you can't easily just go be with them when they're trashed you're right the vibe is not there that [ __ ] is mad annoying when you're the only sober one yeah well cheers let's get drunk [ __ ] that question i'm feeling it cheers let's get some pot did you order pizza sam yep eta [Music] 25 30 minutes well as someone who loves malone this is basically what we would do when he was here to see him do you see him a lot no we're estranged no you're not we are you stop talking yep why i think he loved the guy great guy he's got a fast life he's much younger than me i mean he's around your age so i'm like i have kids and [ __ ] you know and responsibilities and stuff and um he moved to like utah or something again which i get you know it's fine like i i'm here because my wife has a clothing company we have this entertainment industry my family's here everything makes sense yeah it makes it here i like i actually like la though i mean i like being here and that's interesting because you're from so yeah i i genuinely like being here i feel like people exaggerate the problems with la where if people go like everyone here is fake and just trying to social climb it's like well that's who you're hanging out with bro right unfortunately also the platforms on which we exist everyone's trying to social climb off each other yeah gross if you you are surrounding yourself i mean there's so many different communities and things such a huge city you can find uh i agree pretty much anything here and it's also like if you're not entertaining enough by yourself you need to social climb off of others maybe you shouldn't be doing this job i think there's there there there's truth to that i mean you're you're not gonna find success through other people you're probably just a talentless [ __ ] loser to begin with that's it i don't respect you actually i hate you yeah i hate all of y'all everyone what's y'all have a chat going i'm not chatting with anyone i was just clicking highlighting stuff oh no there's a ch the chat they chat yeah that's what i'm saying what are you guys chatting about girls we're over here just talking [ __ ] you're not talking about her forehead are you no no though mostly about ethan the followers oh we have a life oh yes we do have a life yes i'm talking about they love you yeah they love you they love you they've been asking for you to come on for a while here you want to read the live chat i kind of do here let's pull it up love you she's the best hi brittany god i love i love you she's forehead forehead tiny forehead queen forehead yes tiniest forehead you've ever seen tiny forehead queen [Laughter] keep it coming see my fans know how to flat they say have massive hands now they say that about me they go this motherf they start all the fan art now has me with massive hands they always draw them with huge hands now yeah yeah [ __ ] wreck it right hey can i get a glass with some ice please will you be able to hold it what is this what where are you going i'll get right on this sir what then why i just said why are you yelling i was just kidding making a joke cause being a diva okay wait so you don't you don't talk to posting yeah so um broski nation uh they're saying be in for life four four hit five head nah that's not nice come on guys how about a three head i'll take that i'll take a three head you're so small you don't even have one oh my god did you have a birth defect you're tired so small my hairline starts right here oh my god hairy ass forehead um oh my god do you have a birth defect or something your forehead is so small your hairline is like right on your eyebrows thank you honestly how many chromosomes do you have a lot too many a lot too many to count yeah so i mean love the guy i have nothing bad to say i think his life is just fast he moved out of l.a he's thank you lina hey don't make me ask this time please just kidding yeah i want to see the color of it does it look like a starbucks iced coffee i think i'd like to um dilute it a little bit yeah this is there's alcohol in this i'm feeling tipsy you want another one this is my second one do you want another one no i'm all right i would like some ice though too can we get some eyes yes sir coming right up sir you have to yell at them if you want anything can you do it you don't finish your [ __ ] story okay so um basically there's nothing to it really he just you know he moved away and um we kind of just stopped talking and i think i got a new phone and he got a new phone and maybe i don't know he's just and like you know he's become progressively more famous like every day and more reclusive more reclusive maybe and uh he has like bigger and more famous friends and he's just um you know he was rocking some teddy fresh in a recent video though he was so that's so nice that's so nice i don't think there's any bad blood there no no no i don't think there's bad blood i like i love post he's just he's a total sweetheart i could never say anything bad about him he had nice things to say about you on stevo's podcast he said he missed you oh that's nice yeah so but like i mean i'm just being real i haven't talked to him in a minute it's fair yeah he's a busy bee a busy baby oh mama mia i love him he's one of those people that's like he's so nice though that's the thing is he's nice he's real i know he's rich as [ __ ] but like he's now he's gotta be mega rich he's so down-to-earth though and i he's one of those people how i feel about doji cat where it's like we would just be i love doji cat we would be like just one of those people that you want to think about about me when you used to search yeah yeah yeah and i said how's it going it's going good yeah hey one of these okay good but um like i don't know you saw that clip of him like that was going viral of him saying hi to a fan you know did you see that can you guys pull that up it was a young fan's birthday and he was like super sweet and it was going viral but he's always liked that when we were out in public always time for the just so sweet and nice and just very sweet sweet guy you know so i think i'm gonna pump the brakes on this because i'm having some heart palpitations oh my god do we have the defibrillators you guys in case we need them the defragulators you want something else you you got the water i'm good okay so let's see you following the fresh and fit guys surely you hate them fresh and fit they're like the alpha male do you following the whole alcohol what is that really what is that like red pill stuff no you don't i know like um uh nicki rockstar can you guys pull up some red pill premium this recent one of the guy uh saying um like dick pills right cooking is for poor people and only women should cook okay that's good you uh here let me give you a point here i got it right here that's a good point i i'm really into the the so there's this pickup pickup uh artists they're and they say red pill which actually it's funny their whole ideology comes from a matrix meme the blue or red pillow yeah so red people took both pills end up in roku city you seen that what's roku city on roku tvs it's the screen style i know roku city that's like both pills end up in ropes that's awesome yo i've watched that roku screensaver for a long time it's good it's not bad the spaceship one fantastic we just fall asleep to it i go how those windows line up every time i know it's so satisfying how do i [ __ ] do that yeah when it would like finally go to the corner it was like yeah i didn't know anyone used roku i was like this is the most off-brand [ __ ] no roku slay i'm a roku adult okay good for you whoa roku city is a vibe the city's like look at this yeah gorgeous it just scrolls endlessly and they'll put movie promos actually on them wait i don't remember the robots in godzilla and [ __ ] maybe i have an old version can you pull up the spaceship roku can you please play some lo-fi yeah some low-fi hip-hop and just let and let's just be quiet yeah the girl with the cat right exactly yeah yeah exactly but anyway there's this ideology that like they've taken the red pill and they become aware that you know women are basically all succubus who want money they use yeah it's in south culture yeah so i agree i'm very into that yeah i mean i'm very into you know following there right no you know what i'm talking about uh nikki rockstar that's his name yeah yeah this is the spaceship one and they have big alien monsters that will attack the ship like how the robots were attacking the city can we play it oh this is a screenshot oh i never saw this one huh so here's one that came up recently i'll just show it to you uh this this guy we've learned so much about this guy i saw this and i was like man this guy's [ __ ] nuts he was date you know who jordan peterson is no oh [ __ ] well people watching though michaela peterson his daughter dated this guy apparently she actually michaela peterson this is for people watching was married she has a she has a child and she [ __ ] left her family for this guy this red pill guy yeah watch you're upset you turn it up yeah can we come and crank it please guys i'm gonna miss a word bro and you're gonna spend time time is what money money time is money always be closing hey buy low sell high oh is that it buy low sell high oh it's called red pill credentials mental behavior yeah yeah hell yeah bro damn why is he so [ __ ] aggressive because he's alpha time time daddy play it i want to hear i want to hear what the man has to say you're going to spend time preparing food now actually think about this for a second if you're broke if you're not a millionaire the last thing you should be doing with your time is cooking i can't think of a lower roi activity than walking to the fridge getting out some ingredients oh an onion yummy oh an onion what kind of [ __ ] loser cuts an onion shame on you oh look at me i'm an idiot what the onions oh you probably don't [ __ ] low roi yo what's the return on that onion time [ __ ] how long does it take to chop an onion by the way a minute and a half yeah you could have been earning during that minute exactly what i'm saying how much could you earned in that minute and a half at least a couple cents get those meat candles out boys and start ooh earning onion and some lettuce well now losers and onion and lettuce cut my onion dude you're [ __ ] [Music] you're [ __ ] weirdo you can order you can get rotisserie chicken for five bucks boom chicken back eat back back to work i love that okay now i gotta go earn what are you darning okay now we gotta go scam people on the internet again holy [ __ ] okay oh our e now i gotta go get some nfts and crypto right right right him just sucking on a rotisserie screenshotting other people's nf [Music] so busy he's stupid bones he's got a corner full of bones if you're not sucking rotisserie chicken like a goger you are wasting time my friends you could [ __ ] do a million things you can go for a run you can get in shape the time you spent cooking if you dedicated to kickboxing you could have got paid for or piano you could [ __ ] be a traveling piano man who's paying me to play piano that's not easy gig no it's not our kickboxer you think kickboxing will make money in this economy think again you [ __ ] weirdo how are you gonna kickbox also how are you gonna kickbox if you ain't eating onions and [ __ ] you gotta eat healthy just running on pure meat yeah this man's this man's theory of life is five dollar rotisserie chicken forever literally yeah i'm so happy for him yeah he figured it out it made him go bald but whatever works there he says there's no worse roi than cooking what about sleep solid point that's a waste of [ __ ] time about the point well you know what with that like grind culture they're like i go to sleep rise and grind yeah i wake up at 3 30 a.m i run 10 [ __ ] miles what's a bad roi i love this cooking maybe [ __ ] maybe there's their way to toilet time for sure is there a way to streamline [ __ ] maybe get a colostomy bag i mean it's fast you get a cat that you don't have to stop and go to the bathroom dude a catheter you didn't wheel in your piss bag i mean right you gotta save time god damn it i got a meeting with richard what are you doing get a [ __ ] catheter that is broke [ __ ] behavior wheel in your piss bag and take the call like get a grip pig is for rich people and winners i wear a diaper [ __ ] i [ __ ] myself because i don't have time i don't have enough hours in the day all you little weirdos go to the bathroom during a bishop it's for rich winners it's stealing from company time you know what respect your boss you know what i used to work um at an insurance brokerage and they used to i mean down to the minute monitor what we were doing we had a big board kind of like these screens that had everyone every employee's name and you had to log what you were doing at that moment oh my god so you had to be like i'm either on an inbound phone call an outbound phone call i'm working on you know emails i'm on break or i'm on lunch bathroom bathroom no it just said like break and so if you take like a long steamer is it awkward well here's let me finish the story because that's exactly where i'm going is um legally you have to take two 15-minute breaks a day because if you work for eight hours nine hours straight you know they could sue you um so for lunch we would get an hour well at the end of my lunch because i have i don't know ibs when i eat it goes straight through me and so i go to the bathroom at the end of my lunch break well i like to spend 10 20 30 minutes in the bathroom that's my me time i would have to log i'm on lunch she'd be like oh britney's been on lunch for an hour and 20 minutes where is she they would go into the bathroom no way look for me they'd look for your feet knock on the door britney you were off of lunch 20 minutes ago you need to wrap it up right i'm not kidding they would be like you need to pinch it off yo [Music] yo you need to retract that [ __ ] in you and work on that later you need to there's calls you need to be taken because we worked at a call center that is one of the most humiliating things that's ever happened oh my god i would do it on purpose too i'd be like 50-minute break [ __ ] you guys i'm taking 45 minutes they'd be like they brought me into the hr people that fired you no this was the i quit because i was like clinically depressed like it was awful um it was just that micromanaging and i still keep that with me i feel like when i'm being unproductive it's those managers in the back of my mind like you need to be working are you really [ __ ] right now literally you're [ __ ] you've been in here for 40 minutes like that's my means i'm having fun in here man you know i had a similar problem i mean people were pretty fair about it and when i was we lived in israel i was working a uh desk job and i used to take really long shits and miss like meetings and [ __ ] yeah and they'd be like he's in the bathroom yeah i don't [ __ ] i don't spend as much time in the in the bathroom as i did there's a dad really you don't hide in the bathroom as a dad i would dude when i'm in the bathroom [ __ ] theodore's literally outside pounding going daddy let me in he wants to come in there when i'm [ __ ] he wants to sit with you and he goes i he demands privacy when he shits now he goes i need private time i say i need private time yeah daddy's private time yeah it's daddy's private time i get it but um that's humiliating america is fine we're our cultures fine it literally that was my first taste of it was being like you are a warm that's gonna be illegal by the way it is yeah but i mean who cares right yeah you're a warm body filling this chair and i quit and i pro i bet they hired someone within three days well the call center anyone can answer calls like a monkey the good thing these days is that there's been so many resignations that it's there's finally workers have some uh negotiating there because people can't hire enough people these days and they don't pay him enough the conditions are horrible and people are saying [ __ ] you that was the thing i had a full college degree that i just paid eighty thousand dollars for and i was making 15 bucks an hour i was making 38 39 000 a year to not even be able to take a [ __ ] in peace to be accused of that's the thing is like uh they were accusing me of stealing from company time stealing money stealing resources on company time shut the [ __ ] up shut up you're an insurance company you steal from people that's your that's you that is you yeah they're like how can we they're like okay yeah so this person can never work again but uh our data shows that he did push the gas and he was going one mile per hour proving it is his health condition yeah shut the [ __ ] up oh my god insurance is a scam anyway this guy's awesome yeah i love him i want to watch more of him you know his name is cobra tate tate first name is holbrook well i i think his first name is andrew but he go his his cobra has two syllables what a waste of time oh that's so true shorten that down [ __ ] she wasting my time with those dudes he was on the right track with this his name should just be his name we got to streamline that name cobra yeah wasting my time talking about keep it going i want to see what i want to see what the good lord has to say with the time you've wasted cotton [ __ ] onions if you're broke there is zero reason why you should ever prepare a meal if you're a multi-millionaire and you're a boring one you're not a fun one like me boring ones and you have all the time in the world because you're rich you want to cook sure waste your time right but if you're not a multi-millionaire your time is extremely important as a man that needs to be dedicated towards world conquest i'm going to make a video for him like the girl did for vladimir putin i wish he was you were his mom that's what i'm saying like if someone would have just hugged him as a child i don't think he had a mom you did a good job yeah none of this would have ever these men they have these holes they're so unloved that they are constantly taking and taking they're trying but they nothing can fulfill them they're so unloved they're such a huge hole they may he's a child you can tell he's a baby yes i mean look how he's acting and talking he's like it's these men think that it's them against the world and it's not like dude [ __ ] relax cutting [ __ ] onions relax it takes 10 minutes to prepare a salad the sad thing is he wants to be loved but he is unlovable yeah i would agree like dude you're unlovable and this is the type of dude on dating apps it's like no fat chicks just being real just being real with you oh that reminds me we should refresh and fits dating you guys see that the fresh and fit his dating profile got leaked and it's like literally what it's so [ __ ] good yeah one percent he says i'm in the one percent just being real period look that up but anyway let's watch a gorilla brain over here he's kind of like a primal prank like a bad way need money it's like we're human beings man we're out of the cave look at this beautiful society we built [Laughter] [Music] okay chill gorilla roi roi oh my oh my roi abc always be closing [Music] oh you're kidding you're kidding what is this wait let's finish this okay i'm so excited yeah this is good stuff which can be done very cheaply and very helpfully your rotisserie chicken in a bag of salad for like four bucks back done or instruct a female to provide sustenance bro you did not is he serious i love when he says female like that that's red flag number one when a man says these females yeah like it's a slur instruct a female that is insane okay why does he say it like that cook and get back to world conference you have better things to do so i'm sitting here my friend's cooking his meal i start telling him you're you're a jackass his friend preparing a meal for the two of them you're a jackass you're literally sitting there with him like you guys are already not doing something better you're just socializing with your friends yeah jackass no i do not want to hang out with you bro you're a beta [ __ ] male you're a [ __ ] dude you're a [ __ ] you're cutting onions what are you crying doesn't that prove me right no that cruising totally right why is his head shaped like that like i'm just saying bro look at his forehead bro there's like a slope there man i don't think you should be coming out with theories when your head shaped like that i'm just saying like save the theories for someone with a normal shape with that chrome without like a [ __ ] early man slope on your dome like dude you should probably just go live in a cave somewhere with your other neanderthal [ __ ] primates fire scary fire make me angry female cook me male you female hello i can't think of anything more stupid for a man to do something are you broke yes do you cook probably do you not see the problem here that is a complete waste of your human time the cooking the preparation i love that it's not a waste of time for females though right right right right that's a good use of time so he's there for what a equals b equals c he's saying that women aren't human human well no females aren't human female cook man conquest no and he's so true it's like it's true yeah is this he's spitting facts no like you guys should listen to him but anyway this is the guy that that jordan peterson's daughter michaela ruined her through her old family away for that is insane and i'm not speaking at a turn right that that that's true right evidently yeah uh i i we saw this clip last night and as i was doing a little digging on like who is this guy uh i was shocked to find out that he uh has a long history of um doing some very uh unscrupulous things in no way in eastern europe uh like what like being a sex trafficker and oh yeah like child bride no no more like sex trafficking oh yeah well he was he was getting his girlfriends to do webcam stuff and then taking their money yeah like pimping out he said r-o-r that's our female yeah when he's talking about roi what that is the business vin weasel nice that's good yeah this guy looks like he's stuck in a transformation between rat and human see that's that that's what i was catching on um here's another one of his before we get to fresh and fit i'm glad you're enjoying this because this is i love insole dudes i love super intuitive actually seeing like how out of touch with reality they can get it's very interesting to me well it's scary that people actually are like he's right and you know what i think that it's um when people well the internet's very scary too because it gives people like this a platform and there are it gives men that agree with him a platform as well like he's getting all the support that he probably needs but also it opens him up to bullying and i really love that that's true people get to [ __ ] on him he has to read that [ __ ] oh yeah and they don't like it no look at him dude okay okay dude just taken in the image of him is a lot right now so is this a time stamp you want me to watch jb this specific time stamp uh i'm sorry i didn't send this one um oh cam sent this is this the right time stamp cam yes okay what do you stand for it's short for abdullah i love that but it's also here why don't you go by abe too many apes in my hometown so here they are by the way is that him he's oh yeah that's him oh no he's hot so he actually looks better without glasses i don't know why he wears glasses if he had hair he'd be cute yeah i mean if he had a normal shaped dome he'd be hot if his head wasn't so horribly misshapen yeah if he wasn't from the prehistoric age he'd be hot if his knuckles didn't drag on the ground behind right dude dude looks like he should be dressed like fred flintstone so there she is with him so he's pretty i actually found a picture of him before he lost his uh lost his hair let's see it yeah here it is holy [ __ ] my boy he looks great yeah you look good you look good why is this poor neanderthal got like acne that's a good ques yeah i mean obviously that's like a recreation why did they have to do them like that why'd they go to [ __ ] prehistoric men can't have cysts on their faces yeah but like they have recreated them why they got to do them like that yeah they said we're gonna give him horrible scarring yeah if you dig me up and exhume me you better give me good skin yeah you better face tune the [ __ ] out of me on the left is what his skull is shaped like all right let's watch a man can only cheat if he loves someone else if i have a woman who i truly love and i go out and [ __ ] and i come back to her and i don't care about her and i only love my girl that's not cheating what she cooked good she cooked good but you don't [ __ ] good i'm speechless exercise if she even talks to a dude is cheating because females are emotionally invested i have no emotional investment so no he's like i'm not even emotionally invested in my girlfriend to be honest exactly yeah yeah no oh it's fine i love that it was very very clear any woman who's with me never never even the only men they spoke to besides me were my brother hai and the guys online who were paying them that is it they were absolutely loyal oh yeah so he's talking that's a reference to them yeah yeah yeah arabic he grew up in the uk and i don't know his ethnicity to be honest qa has always been frowned upon this guy's a this guy man so yeah that's that is shocking he means every word that's watching so how did those four girls exit oh see this is the people who watch him they go yeah this guy you know his fan the people who watch him are one bad day away from shooting up at school i'm just being honest you know what i mean this dude looks like his mommy dressed him for this interview because mommy tried to wax his eyebrows too and it didn't work looks like his mommy molested him that's why it's the way he is let's just be honest this is mommy's fault he was diddled as a boy oh yeah oh for sure you can tell when someone's been diddled or if they're diddler he could go either way yeah except just to be with you those other girls sleep if other people are absolutely not that's cheating bro a woman can't do that that's cheating it's fine if i do i'm a man why does he pick when he has a british accent yeah absolutely not bro that was interesting i noticed that yeah he grew up in the uk but he only has a british accent for like certain words when he wants to yeah what the deal okay this giant fly all right get out there [ __ ] do it kill it with your hand do your other hand on it no he's gonna shoot it come on baby it's on my hand hooray it lived is that air the boy who came to live never lived come come die do it close your eyes you don't have to close your eyes get closer [Music] okay [Music] no it's salt okay that [ __ ] is dead what does salt do it just kills flies like bullets here oh open your eye [Laughter] it's just still it's just a projectile that's it yeah just shoot salt a little puff of salt what is the purpose of this to kill flies it's called a bug assault it's hard yeah now it's ready [Music] no not hair you got there's a safety it's a whole thing i this stresses me out absolutely yeah yeah so you think i'm gonna hurt myself yeah so now it's ready to go yeah it ricochets sometimes so be careful wait you all really have a fly problem we use we used to i felt that you salted dan bro it's funny when it's far away because it it just it just feels like a little assaulted someone i need to pee again are you mad at me no not at all go for it let's check in on the chat um what the pizza's almost here enjoy let's do more red pill because i think this is pretty this is hitting pretty good eh it's pretty good it's pretty good not bad not bad i don't know it's okay here let's watch this actually i wanted to watch this clip i'll wait for her though can't wait for her yeah um and then so fresh and fit apparently his dating profile got leaked and it's super good i'm surprised you guys didn't see that it was like on a subreddit sugar daddy website supposedly wow that makes sense i like the new set looks good the lighting looks good too well thank you dan built that behind you himself i know that was amazing dan built that [ __ ] damn the plan was to uh kind of paint it and you know do maybe some fun like kind of graffiti stuff on it like you know an outdoor brick wall but uh ethan you said you just like the brick love the brick i don't know if ela's down with the brick i like the brick well i think she just doesn't like that it doesn't match when i got the message what's with the brick i was like oh i know i said i know what that means i like the brick um happy friday everybody what are you guys doing this weekend uh i am gonna go shopping for a suit because i'm going to a wedding next weekend i gotta look fly i haven't bought a suit in like seven years it's been a long [ __ ] time yeah i'm about to buy a suit too but the one i have does not fit anymore too small yeah you're pretty skinny still so yes but i was a lot skinnier when i was 25 26 so all right let's finish this and we'll do the fresh and refreshing fit how's that pete where's that pizza at sam it's going to be here at 2 45 which is right [ __ ] now moment where is it it's about my hand you're about to burst through the wall this lean back yeah there's a tab here that clicks that would be there on that side you got it yeah nice all right let's watch some women can't shoot why women can't cheat people that's cheating that's absolutely unacceptable on every level that's unacceptable and anyone it was going to sit here and say oh it is acceptable no it isn't men and women are not the same we've never been the same this new think idea that men and women are the same is complete garbage that's been invented right for our longest period of human history men had a role in women had a role men have never been faithful ever look at history every single king every single sultan had more than one king dude sorry if you yeah you're talking about your ass is the peasant sitting in the [ __ ] [ __ ] sewers yeah your ass ain't getting that king treatment he said every sultan shut the [ __ ] up yeah i mean back in the day kings used to like [ __ ] new brides yeah that shit's medieval bro what's his name anthony they used to also like this guy's name yeah no it's cobra it's cobra tate now what's his real name yeah i believe it's andrew tate andrew motherfucker's name is andrew and he's talking about sultan's andrew yeah you know you know what else they used to also do they used to uh tie people's limbs to horses and [ __ ] draw them in quarters and rip them apart i bet he loves that you know what i'm saying so i just found another fun little detail about him apparently he was on uh on big brother like oh of course he was the british uh big brother at one point yeah the british version and he got kicked off after pornographic content of him whipping a woman was leaked he's so scary sounds fine so scary actually yeah it's a little scary he's actually a sex trafficker and that's epic no literally this dude is like a deep rooted misogynist like scary like violent like a violent misogynist oh he was an mma fighter by the way oh did he only fight women yeah yeah god woman look at the history read the bible it's all there never any point in history was a woman with a bunch of men and that was accepted female cleopatra famously f did that so wrong disproven eat my shorts [ __ ] [Music] why you talk like this has always been frowned upon since the dawn of human time it's been fraud frowned upon in fact only a hundred years ago you couldn't get married unless you were a virgin that ain't true what the [ __ ] is he saying no i know that ain't true you had sex what book did you read can't get married what do you know 100 years ago you couldn't even get married if you were born a virgin 100 years ago in 1922 they were asking you yeah are you a virgin let me check here you know yeah the end stones the insult is incredible oh this is just piss i love the little beta boy it's so true you know what he sounds like yeah boss yeah yeah yeah tell him a hundred years ago yeah he's right well you couldn't get married yeah and you're so smart boys with these ladies having sex yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] it's so true i love you so much boys want to kiss you in the mouth yeah what he sounds like only thing that mattered because it ensures paternity how else do you know that kid is yours before a paternity test unless she was a virgin the only way to be sure you understand what i'm saying so women for the longest period of human time the idea of a promiscuous female has been frowned upon and shamed in half of the world today it's still shamed so a woman can't go around [ __ ] people and pretend it's the same as a man running around [ __ ] people it's absolutely not the same all right shut up yeah i've heard enough so fresh and fit is kind of the same thing we have a podcast where real quick yeah um the pizza is in here but something else important is okay you want to bring that out can i eat it yes is it edible again yes wait where did these come home are you serious wait did we really just buy these no [ __ ] way we just got pickled juice shot now what is the purpose of this for shots just for the people that love pickle juice pickle shots are this is a real thing pickle shots are real yeah i never had a pickle shot they make these we just insta carted a jar a little jar of pickle juice i don't know what these are but pickle shots at the bar just a mixed pickle of vodka or pickle with tequila i don't think there's alcohol in it no i don't think so this is literally just but we have alcohol don't we dan you said you want to pour it in your beer oh well wait yeah oh [ __ ] yeah no sorry wait there's no like seal on it this just open there's no seal it's a whole like a little suspicious there was no seal on my head asking me like i made these well you're the pickle keeper i don't know what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is i am the pickle girl wait wait wait wait wait did i take this off because there was no seal on it yours didn't have a seal you didn't have to do this no no that one's been drinking out of wait why is it not stealing my pickle [ __ ] ian just said he sam took him off oh she's catching me out sam you like pickles not that much you're talking about the game earlier the pickle i like pickles but what the [ __ ] is this it's pickle juice you were demanding pickle juice just like 45 minutes ago i didn't think that it actually existed in a five-hour energy can it was like kind of refreshing it's delicious this with some vodka i'll take three of these be dehydrated for the next few days getting drunk you want to get drunk so bad well i'm just trying to accommodate you when did i say i want to be a degenerate alcoholic i'll be all right i am going to finish this though also i think the pizza is here but okay bring it out so um is fresh and fit those um he's another guy with a shitty hairline yes oh yes actually yeah oh yeah he's balding big time they always are so he they have this podcast called fresh and fit it's all about like incel dumb and red pill [ __ ] so somebody found his uh can you pull it up danny yeah somebody found his uh dating profile he says about me i'm just here to find a brunette side chick to compliment my blonde trophy wife that is pregnant with our mulatto baby is that real is this real wait why is this real just kidding okay social media influencer and content creator run a popular podcast in miami i bet a vodka soda you can't guess my ethnic background i own a high ticket coaching business but i'm realizing the notorious bag song mo money mo problems is disappointingly true i'm hoping you don't add to that disappointment not to sound cocky but here are my numbers only four percent of the male population is over six two less than three percent of males make over three hundred thousand a year only five percent of men are in shape with abs you lucked out i have all three in one package so yeah i'm picky for a reason beauty in women is common but high value men are not be prepared to compete this has got to be a parody this unfortunately is very on brand for him holy [ __ ] bring those out pizza pizza pizza pizza oh [ __ ] oh my god that h3 budget yeah look at that that's yours we should swap yeah that's fine yeah we got that h3 budget oh mama mia mommy mommy i feel like i'm getting the real oh i will break this mic if you let me this is the post malone experience this is the post balloon experience the 4d imax experience um [Music] yeah i'll take one hook him up with a player welcome to the truth everyone welcome let's go i've been eating healthy for like a week it's all over i want to try one of yours yeah try it tell me what you think i won't talk mad [ __ ] on it but i like her i think um the high value man [ __ ] is a crazy thing to talk about because this is what this is men seeing other men through the male gaze hmm of like in his mind this is what he thinks an attractive man is is like rich crims hemsworth ripped body gay he literally loves yeah yeah he loves men and i think that that's beautiful but i think that he should admit it you're so right it's the male gaze no woman wants the [ __ ] he's describing we want a man that's respectful and nice right you ask any woman that's the top two qualities him big tits fat ass i've got a huge [ __ ] i'm rich tight [ __ ] my [ __ ] is tight as [ __ ] and i love sucking [ __ ] literally that's what his profile should be seeking a man any man that's so true right that's good it's spicy it's yeah oh my god i'm in heaven right now this is like the best thing ever do we have more alpha [ __ ] we can watch hard rock nick pull him up y'all have seen him oh i don't know him hard rock nick i want to you'll know him once you see him he's one of those og's yeah he's an insole guy major major he's got like that wild beard i think we've talked about him before love it hit me with that oh send me a link i'll open it [Music] what kind of pizza do you guys get never be a beta guy never be a beta no is that him no no okay never be a beta be baiting a beta is death that's what he says play zach never ever do it it is death death he's right i'd rather die than be a beta if only you can see what this guy looks like by the way this is fresh and fit the guy who wrote that dating profile yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this guy oh [ __ ] you know what women want hair sorry not a shiny head yeah he went viral on tick tock because this woman ate him up ate his ass up mm-hmm left that [ __ ] speechless [ __ ] this guy um sorry this is the pizza getting part of the show guys oh this is wait is this guy an insole hard rock nick i didn't realize then why does he look like he's he's a bottom i know what's up guys so i've seen his face but i've never really engaged with this content i don't know if this is a good uh video like do like search hard rock nick uh uh he did one of like describing his perfect woman do hard rock night perfect woman perfect woman guys oh my god i need this it's just as bad as you think it is says stop wifing hell yeah my boy dude straight up looks like he's scary it's keem's brother dude give giving wario vibes i know giving guys i need you to understand that we gotta stop wifing this young generation i'm talking to you guys that are 18 to 30 don't be wi-fi don't be wi-fi the first [ __ ] that [ __ ] orgasms on your dick and you know what i'm saying like bruh i know once this guy's never made a woman come back because it's like never seen him never know and then it's also expensive to date i get it i know why like being married there is something to be said for it it's basically [ __ ] in the bank it's always there your money's in the bank it's like right you know you're gonna get some [ __ ] at two in the morning if you want it but holy [ __ ] you stuck what if you get hella rich what if what if you know like yeah what if you get hella rich uh seriously that's it you know what i'm saying look at me and he's like oh god but what if you get hella ridge and then you can drop your dumb wife and marry an 18 right the wife that emotionally supported you while you were getting rich you were rich and you dumper of course these guys are so damaged sad actually it really is sad after a certain point but you literally aren't capable of making a connection with another person truly sad and lonely i ain't got no [ __ ] like trying to take my cheese i'm making so much money is stupid like i like i mean you know what i'm saying like bro they're all afraid of me when you wife a [ __ ] are you afraid of you what do you think don't say that bubbles because he's a powerful intimidating alpha male all the women in my life are afraid of me i'm powerful like that damn pray for you bro one of them even brought me to court she's so scared her three friends they ain't gonna [ __ ] me even though they should and they would have shiny ass heads because they just saw their friend get wifed up with it if i had a vagina it'd be [ __ ] dripping i'd have sand falling out of it right now the dunes of [ __ ] arrakis and you know what he he does the beard filler yeah like no one's what i was noticing looks like that yeah put makeup on before he filmed this video 100 i think he even filled his eyebrows yeah his eyebrows looked microbladed that's not very alpha not very well that's not very alpha behavior pretty beta carrot ring that you put on credit because you were tired of spending a hundred dollars on dinner dates and going home and jerking off i get it because dating is hard you got to spend a hundred dollars on dinner for two no you know she's an alcoholic [ __ ] which all of them are they're gonna drink about 30 worth of martinis or cosmos right valet the car 20. you put cologne on you shave axe body spray nice clothes nice shoes that's another hundred did he said straight up then they wanted ice cream the pinnacle [Laughter] i only saved that for the finest pro smells like a middle school hallway ha ha for sure for sure this dude watched those old axe commercials and thought they were real you know his neck is green oh no and he doesn't shower that much no no no he's got like dead skin in his folds oh like my newborn baby you gotta get a wipe and get under there yeah he has to suction his nose with those little oh yeah baby booger thing spend all that because they didn't even eat their food that you spent a hundred on and then they don't want to sell you you got a doggy bag or food right [ __ ] are so ungrateful i'm telling you he's got a point also everything he's saying you don't have to spend money on a woman to make her like you be nice to her well obviously his taste in women is [ __ ] up and you know what if he's only surrounding himself with gold diggers yeah then they're gonna gold dig you don't be shocked when they do that dating thing we read was on a was on a sugar daddy website because they can't get a date anywhere else like wake up you gotta pay for it wake up i'm 20 feet tall i have a 100 000 inch [ __ ] i make a trillion dollars a second why won't women i don't i don't even cook i don't get it dick or put out because hashtag me too told them that it's their world right they got the dick you got the [ __ ] that's what they're trying to do that's what they're trying to do that's why dude have you looked in the mirror recently uh that's what i'm saying um we should send him a hand mirror yeah yeah it looks like you need this bro 100 you all want me dead homie they want me dead i'm doing this for you we have nobody speaking up for us we have nobody speaking up for us oh the downtrodden white man straight up stop wiping i [ __ ] hate you oh my god wait chill jesus is so scary that other guy is more [ __ ] up you guys have any other of the cobra guy uh there was one other that we linked uh if you scroll up the tate on sparkling water oh he's against sparkling water no way i was like so we'll just have to see what his take is what's what's tate's take i'm filming in my cigar lounge this [ __ ] has a take on sparkling water y'all and we're the bozos clicking on the link that complete but this is a room in my house that's going to be specifically for cigars it's a cigar lounge we've got oak on the walls we've got very expensive liquors not that i can tell the difference like whiskey i bought a thousand dollars you need to take back that you said he's handsome i do i i retract that stability i just want to make sure i mean it yeah it was a flattering photo ball tasted the same to me but that's what you do when you're rich i've got cigar lounge in my house because i'm a g and that's going to lead on to the following point that how the only water i drink is sparkling water because sparkling water is for real like an idiot right you can get non-carbonated water still water from the [ __ ] tap the government gives you that [ __ ] effectively for free sparkling water you have to buy okay so if you only drink sparkling water you only drink rich man's water i explain this to someone some bro is the gassiest person but i don't like sparkling you don't like sparkling water you don't like water why does he say water he's like he all [ __ ] up ever he speaks of water because he's british only in certain moments all of a sudden when you say water you you've got to be british also that's not how british people say water water water it's water water oh beautiful water shut the [ __ ] up oh i hate him yeah he's the worst he actually is i think he nicknamed himself cobra who else named him cobra he said he's so sick yo that's sick that's super so sick wow the bubbles you scared of bubbles you little [ __ ] it doesn't taste of anything it has bubbles in it or you're afraid of yourself scared of bubbles [ __ ] you little [ __ ] well i'm surprised you even waste your time thinking about sparkling water bulls [ __ ] is wrong with you this is another full-grown man [ __ ] some other [ __ ] just told you about how the [ __ ] i'm sitting i can't go through my life without getting angry i i've i've got to meet people business associates etc i go there one dude orders sushi some other dude's scared of bubbles dude you need therapy like a lot of it he goes i can't go through a i get angry about everything it's like bingo therapy my dude i do have nightmares about bubbles though yeah i'm scared you're a little [ __ ] if a waiter comes over and goes what water for the table a spark plate or water i obviously answer because i'm the [ __ ] boss and then some little [ __ ] [ __ ] oh can i still the [ __ ] straight the water on the table you're a [ __ ] man you're gonna start making the waiter run back and forth and change water orders because you can't handle bubbles [ __ ] ass dudes you should only drink sparkling water anyways because what aristocrats like myself drinking who uses the term aristocrat well the guy's obsessed with the fact that kings were had 500 he can't get past the french revolution the young napoleon yeah if you go back far enough the the uh caesars used to [ __ ] kids bro is that what you want to do that was a real sign of aristocratic back in the day put it past him yeah he's like what you don't [ __ ] kids you [ __ ] that's what emperors used to do you don't [ __ ] little boys what are you emperor bro what are you gay you don't [ __ ] little boys what are you gay that's what makes me masculine this is so scary have you never eaten a little butthole what are you gay what's wrong with you bro dick you loved it bro jesus and fishes of the sea we drink sparkling water and you should want to be like me because i'm a better person than you so in every single possible tiny way you can emulate the great andrew tate you should be doing the same this guy cries at night so hard when he's alone he cries he cries stands at a mighty five seven oh you think he's short oh he's so tiny no he seems tall how tall is cobra i want to do that in his mouth come here watch him gag and double over pretend it's a little kid i'm seeing six three no way he's six three yep he's a big cobra he just gives off little man energy he does but he cries when nobody's watching same things don't order sushi drink sparkling water wait don't order sushi what's wrong with sushi for [ __ ] bro [Music] eating fish is so beta it takes too long to prepare it doesn't you know i just eat raw fish mm-hmm but even if you are such a [ __ ] you won't choose sparkling water when it's given to you just [ __ ] drink it if i see a man if you ever meet a man who's afraid of sparkling water know this he's certainly afraid of combat i'm who the [ __ ] is he talking to also arguably the opposite could be true like bro you're drinking a fizzy drink are you a little girl yeah drink the [ __ ] tap water yeah he called it government water he called it infected government water i love the idea of it being government wire i love that how unifying wow you're right though like drinking fizzy water is kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] like if if we're going with his awful lineup yeah logic that shirt straight from the tap and get back to grinding right i don't know in the mouth he's afraid of a [ __ ] carbonated bubble little pussy-ass dude at a table and your friend won't drink sparkling water he's not your friend because when [ __ ] hits a fan and you get jumped and you're getting stabbed by 10 randoms he ain't jumping in front of knives to save your ass like a good friend should if he's scared of [ __ ] bubbles in his water anyone who drinks still water is excommunicated permanently oh my god for your safety it's hard to believe he's not kidding no literally this is what he sounds like in my brain if you don't do a fizzy waddle you can't be my friend we really like if someone wants to try to come up to us and fight us you're not gonna be my friend when we have sleepovers we like to drink fizzy water and if you don't like the fizzy water then you can't come to our sweet bobas he's literally five he's i'm five i'm just minnie he's not five he just likes to [ __ ] five-year-olds like back in the day like emperors used to do yeah i strongly suggest you do the same get all your friends around call every friend you have right now all of them invite them over for a party when they all turn up pour out sparkling water loyalty test straight loyalty test bro would you fight henry he's like nah i'm not a fan i'll just take the still water [ __ ] him up boys [Laughter] let him have it boys the friendship test okay pov you're a grown 35 year old man giving friendship tests to your friends and it's step one drink some fizzy water and step two engage in hand-to-hand combat by the way as far as hazing goes that's like the most [ __ ] hazing ever yeah drink the fizzy water [ __ ] drink this bubbly meanwhile you go to frats they're like shove this cactus up your ass and then [ __ ] jump off a ten foot building and drink my pit i drink my bits from you from a boot pour it out see everyone let's have a glass of water together water can't hurt anybody we're all probably dehydrated anyway what's the worst water can do everyone let's have a nice glass of water and everyone's gonna drink it and when you see that one dude this is like the red wedding yeah the red wedding on bro drink the fizzy water rude oh oh there's bubbles never speak to him again nobody does that though ever yo i'm living for this cobra tate [ __ ] do we have more oh we do have more he's unbelievable i can't believe what i'm seeing oh he's on fresh and fit no way oh crossover all right and are more capable of independent thoughts to the left are more evolved for battle and war if we had an idea which nobody else agreed with we're more capable defending it we've evolved to saying no the sky's blue it's not green okay pull a sword out we'll defend our idea women don't have the capability to defend themselves or their ideas women are programmed they're either programmed by society as a whole or if they're with a good man they're programmed by the good man that's basically where the programming comes from as a whole he's a scientist now facts the young socrates is really yeah also interestingly you know what else socrates did [ __ ] little kids yep so he likes that about him i hope he gets everything he's ever wished for and then it's all taken from him well i hope all of the fruits of his labor turn to ash in his mouth i think he's already living that life he all he wanted was his mom to love him and that didn't happen already i i genuinely wish the worst for this man yeah i can we get more clips i'm living for this this guy is my new favorite i'm interested show me more and i wish you knew who michaela peterson is who is jordan peterson i can't how do you not know who jordan peterson is you don't know he's like a great right wing thinker that's why i don't know who that is yeah it's incredible though i mean props wow she you may have heard about this britney uh she was the one that kind of went viral a couple years ago for espousing a carnivore diet uh eating nothing but meat like entirely like 100 meat literally just me yeah and um does she look like a [ __ ] monster [Laughter] okay last one look at him dude look at him i don't see the point in having female friends any real g out there knows it's true because he's gay right you got the girls who you're trying to and there ain't really room for that chick well i don't want to ever [ __ ] him i just want to sit here and talk and waste his time and then he can buy me dinner no no i'm not on i don't need female friends if i tell a girl we're going to [ __ ] shoot because i don't want to say okay we don't even talk anymore now we ain't going to so we're going to talk about vampire diaries out of here bro loves vampire diaries why don't you pick that i'll talk about that with my homies right me and the boys are going to talk about not what they caught onions though all right that's that i guess coney is this guy's pony look he's got a key 2012 slay no way but it's not coney 20 2012 it's just kony maybe he's a supporter he bought the merch one thing i do think about that he definitely jokes off to himself in the mirror yeah well there you have it so what are you up to you're doing a podcast called uh uh we have a podcast called violating community guidelines and it's all about internet history we're going to do an episode on incel and cells actually um and it was kind of born out of the idea of i grew up online so did sarah sarah was viral on vine and then youtube and tick tock so she's been doing this way longer than i have but i've been a consumer of it for so long and i was like there is so much useless [ __ ] that i know a lot about like creepypasta um fan fiction uh we did one on um omegle and chat roulette things like that where it's like these kind of lost eras of the internet and i was like if you weren't around for this you're gonna think this is the craziest [ __ ] ever and so we have personal experiences talking about all of these but we do it from like a research point of view so it's cool it's it's really fun so is this available on youtube and it's filled everywhere available everywhere and you guys do it every week yeah every monday episode comes out nice fun it's good stuff and you're on um brittany broski on all platforms brittany underscore broski go ahead and join broski nation we've got a niche baby we've got healthcare we don't it's made up no dental vision we don't we have no better we have no benefits you get the benefit of calling yourself broski nation well this was such a fun time you know it was really nice spending the afternoon with you i almost peed myself it was so funny i'm just like look at this there's like a graveyard of whatever the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is i ate a whole pizza man that's insane i think i had three pieces four pieces they're just five penny though they're tied they're so thin i'm gonna finish that i know you are you did i know i knew you were gonna finish that you didn't doubt me no i saw that and i said that's thin crust he'll eat it thank you for having me so fun guys check out brittany thank you guys for watching it's friday right friday baby friday baby we have any show announcements dan to make um should we no no i mean they'd be saying no why you say no so fast well because i heard from someone who represents that person because we we have we have cursed luck when we announce it that's why we have a guest potentially potentially next friday what's the t yeah what's the team why are you okay okay idubbbz might be here now i don't yeah to uh talk about the fight and everything but yeah now that we said that uh it's not to work out yeah so thank you brittany bob all right guys thanks for watching brand new thank you for coming so much fun saying to the camera [ __ ] rhett link for me i don't think i will i tried i'm serious they sexually assaulted me they came in and showed me their [ __ ] and nobody believes [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,826,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark, brittany broski, broski
Id: ppyW70czRqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 35sec (9395 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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