Solo Overnight Shelter Building In a Rainstorm and a Triple Bacon Bypass Dinner Skllet

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welcome to corporals corner today we're doing a solo over nighter in a rainstorm with a goal of protecting that fire so stick around we've an outstanding show coming up here we are again another solo overnight in the woods it's gonna rain for the next five days that's always a challenge getting a shelter up getting a fire made keeping that fire going things like that now one question I'm always asked now go ahead and answer it is what do I do with my shelters do I leave them up do I tear them down do I recycle the wood things like that and here's my answer it all depends on where I'm at and whose property I'm on one shelter are left up those from a couple weeks ago our raised platform if you haven't seen that video click on the icon on top of the screen and we'll take you to that video I don't believe it's titled solo overnighter on a raised platform check it out was kind of cool so I'm thinking take this idea right here and change it up a bit utilize this long support right here as a ridgepole drop the bed down so I'm still off the ground throw a tarp over it now last week's video we framed out a tarp so why not frame a tarp out over our fire so in a sense we have two tarps there a sloping opposite of each other open area in the middle for the smoke to go out fires protected too reflective tarps one the heats coming up bouncing back off going over here and then going around my body to the fire is protected in theory it sounds good [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay you just saw tip and trick number one if you get a chance to save and reuse cordage do it it's good practice in case it's real also saves you money tip and trick number two a Marlin or marlinespike hitch now you always see me perform that at the end of my ridge lines because it performs a quick release all we gotta do is pull that stick out and the line drops now here we got the exact opposite doing the Marlin spike hitch actually creates a t-handle so I can pull against that tarp and place that stake in the ground but no fear of it slipping [Music] so the one that kick me asked is well I thought you tie everything one of these they're gonna roll off here's the truth kind of the first one and the last one everything else a sandwich in between there okay your body plates gonna hold it in place so about four inches off the ground these are going to flip off in the middle of night and I'm not gonna fall anywhere so once again the IMP in this Jam not for Arbor not right here here there in there I'm good to go what I'm talking about simplicity at its best okay Marlin spike hitch secure in our tarp down arbor knot or Jam not holding our bed in place easy peasy lemon squeezy no need to overcomplicate things so what I'm thinking is we'll get out here probably about no more than one full step and with our tarp framed out a couple of Y branches to prop it up and that should keep our fire dry or at least our area where we want to start a fire dry and you get the cold bed going it should be warm and toasty all night [Music] [Applause] let's go ahead and pause for a minute do me a favor if you like what you see here please hit that like and subscribe button and then it feel free to check out my other bushcraft skills and overnight videos alright so far so good so here's I'm thinking we have enough room here for a small fire to be protected most of the coals won't get that heat bouncing around here on this side over here we have enough room to stack some firewood and here we go boys and girls right on time if it ain't rainin we ain't training the shelter's complete time for fire then ciao need to move through here and trying to find some fat wood that was on a red pine looking out here in the distance I can spot a couple that are down we'll go over there and check them out I want to use that to light my fire and the reason why is because it's got natural oils in it it's kind of like a birch bark it's gonna burn nice and hot now stalk about killing and fuel even though things are wet and getting wet blood dead branches laying around here long as I grab a branch and you hear this nice loud break that tells me the inside that wood is dry which is perfect for my fire [Music] so people ask me is the pocket boy saw gonna sharp spine right here we're going to use that to process our fat would [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell you what we're gonna be babying that thing all night now here's my dilemma time for chow and normally we cook with the coals I'm really on edge if I wait and burn that down screw around 3540 minutes cooking my food and then try and bring that back to life while it's actively raining out here and try and collect firewood it's gonna be a nightmare so I'm thinking keep that bad boy going keep drawing wood out default to my gas stove now I had a hobo meal or foil pack in mine got change up a little bit this is one of those videos where we do things differently weather dictates what we're doing so I'm thinking triple bacon bypass we'll be talking about your gas stove skillet potatoes borderline brownian butter just like sitting there kicking their feet trying to get up there pop their head up get a breath back down on the butter simmering till they soften up onions an entire pack of bacon go big or go home where'd you let's soaks everything up in there stews and his juices cheese in Tabasco why because I can trigger warning anti-viral AF take that corner virus social distancing at its best hmm what we have here serving size two slices servings per container about five and now for the secret ingredient boom Basco little baby here we go and now for the taste test triple bacon bypass swap corporals file whole stick of butter two different types of potatoes an entire pack of bacon one small onion similar into all the butters absorb potatoes are soft can't mess this up oh my god I can feel myself dying right now I don't care Oh Jude doesn't look like much but tell you what Wow probably get 10,000 calorie meal oh I'm going to eat all of this catch you all in a minute [Applause] and what that was outstanding Wow now you nighttime good luck okay so first order a business we almost have this throne of iris right now so I'm gonna start plugging in channel over the week now my channel of the week I've chosen is actually a new challenge just came to light and I'll told about it that was me from a friend of mine named Andrew heat and he's a fellow Pathfinder instructor the name of this channel is Drew's adventures okay so he's a young one probably about you know late 20s early 30s great heart great desire Washington come out and be basically up for three days performing all the tasks and making sure that he got a bold rail going do this determined Al and in my opinion brings a whole new level or twist to this bushcraft game got his first video up right now and took place over in Texas so go ahead and check him out I'm guaranteeing you restore for something great with this guy he's a friend of mine he's like family in fact he has family my brother so check him out Bru's adventures next order of business and this hits near and dear to my heart friend of mine my brother my mentor Dave Canterbury I'm sure some of you guys know by now that his family they had a house fire and devastated everything they lost everything in the house everything in that house is gone okay I'm even down the clothing okay now some people hit me up in fact several people with have emails asking how can they help and here's my answer you can do two things first off respect their privacy okay respect him and his family's privacy um [Applause] with that said if you want to help by all means help what I'm gonna do instead of plugging them several different GoFundMe links what I'm gonna do is I'll go ahead and I'll link his video so at the top of the screen click on that icon or that video click and it will take you to his personal video that he made that addresses everything all your questions will be answered watching that video so once again click on the icon the top the screen will take you to his video in his video he talks about go finding the accounts should you choose to help if not say a prayer and that'd be good enough okay [Applause] what okay so it's the end of May we made it already hit that six-month mark and places are starting to open back up again so my advice is be safe you say thank you to new once we're back to normal or something that resembles normalcy remember what we talked about it continue that change in your life be a positive role model for somebody for someone change your life change their life their lives and let's make this a better place [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] still raining Wow and lo and behold I'm bone-dry telling you man these shelters work next time maybe put some paving stones down here or something this is a muddy mess Coffee time rains coming down again well it's actually rained almost non-stop all night we get a brief couple 10 15 minute break there but let's talk about the shelter once again to the most part get his job okay they modified lean-to it's more like a sea creates a small cave I can crawl back into and I'm dry we're not what people the misconception that a lean-to their life you're gonna get what well I've shown several videos now where I've created a link to and it's been bone dry so even a plow point three sides I'm driving so I'm happy this seems to work it's worked in the past and it still works so the most part here we're good the raised bed we utilized you know existing wood now we're not killing a bunch of trees and most part the raised bed is outstanding this is a job as well I'm off the ground the grounds actually like a muddy super mess right now I'm glad I'm not in it so that shelter there again it's a lean-to and my word of caution is the front part should be at least five to six feet in height then you can tilt it back all you're doing is allowing the smoke and the heat to escape but the benefit of a reflective torque like that is the heat and go up come back down right into here go around me and I was warm all night so did it do its job they did small windscreen right there you know [Applause] and some kind of constant downpour like this you ever take that fire at all costs [Applause] welcome back last night shelter build was simple and outstanding and that's what it's all about we took an existing structure our platform bed dropped it down had a raised bed we're out of the mud tarp kept us out of the rain secondary tarp and protected that fire the acronym kiss keep it simple stupid in a reality where comes to survival or bushcraft that's exactly what it's about as always all the gear my video can be found my Amazon anvil 2 page or my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both those links are inside my description box now please do in that favor hit that like and subscribe button then read that notification Bell once you in that Bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching you got in the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 512,948
Rating: 4.9247761 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Shelter Building In a Rain Storm and a Triple Bacon Bypass Dinner Skllet, corporals corner, solo overnight, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnight, overnighter, overnight survival shelter, minimum gear survival, minimum gear overnighter, camping in the rain, minimum gear camping, building a shelter in the woods, overnight emergency shelter, bushcraft overnighter, building a shelter in the rain, raised platform bed, bushcraft raised bed
Id: pFQUzbyG1Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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