How To Make and Sustain a Fire in The Rain

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welcome to corporals corner today I'm going to show you how to make and sustain a fire in wet weather conditions so stick around we've an outstanding show coming up now a storm just came through here and trashed the place everything is soaking wet which is perfect because today I want to talk about how to make and sustain a fire in wet conditions more importantly what to do when the tender kindling in the fuel are damp marginal or soaking wet now before somebody loses their mind and says it's not dumping water he ain't representing he ain't keeping it real first off take a break second here's the reality if it was dumping buckets of water are you gonna be a hunker down somewhere or be out there getting soaking wet trial out of fire I'm probably gonna be hunkered down once that storm passes or lets up then my work begins so with that let's go ahead and utilize our 10 piece kit or our 10 C's of survivability dig in our pack and see what we're already carrying to make this happen okay so first things first would collection grab a poncho or in this case a 55-gallon drum liner that's six ml of thickness which is worth their weight in gold it can be used for a poncho water collection in this case wood protection I'm gonna grab that bag I'm gonna walk through this wooded area and I'm gonna collect smalls now smalls are nothing more than sticks that are pencil lead pencil finger and thumb size in diameter I want to grab those sticks about 18 inches in length I'm gonna place them into that back now like I mentioned everything out here is wet however hearing that nice clean break tells me that we're on the inside is perfectly dry [Applause] all right so the bag is about half full we get that perfect ratio of smalls which are pencil lead pencil finger and thumb size sticks now because the ground is wet I want to go ahead and build a platform so to do that we're gonna go ahead and utilize my same fire lay from my previous videos we're gonna get that done and then talk about how we're gonna light this bad boy all right so first things first you want to build a small platform to keep our improvised tinder off that wet ground next thing I want to do is I want to check the wind direction right now there is no wind direction if there were I want place my fire in the direction of that air flow so that breeze where she come through here and carry those flames throughout my fire leg since we have no wind we'll go ahead and build our standard V shape so I'm gonna do have a handful of sticks or smalls and create a V one on this side one on that side so in a way you have walls you have a v-shape here and here each leg okay not right after that I'm gonna grab some sticks and I place them perpendicular on top of that D once I get my fire lit I cannot take those sticks and roll them on top all right so far so good the fire lay is complete let's talk about our next kit item for me it's gonna be cargo tape now that could be a 2-inch roll or 1 inch roll either way use duct tape or gorilla brand duct tape all we're gonna do is we're gonna take that tape and pull off an 18 inch piece and then roll it into a small cigar shape I want three of those I know for me finger tip to elbow and length is approximately 19 inches close enough so once again we're gonna do is gonna roll this up get two more and you're good to go oh yeah now start in the rain and why is that great cause if it ain't rainin we ain't rainin alright so we have our three roles I'm gonna take my ordinary bic lighter because why a big lighter is my primary go-to source especially in inclement weather like this unlock us we're out the bow drill I'm not gonna scram with a Ferro rod Vic glider first time every time all my toes take this place my rolls in a triangle shape and light the ends by staggering those roles the ends will burn eventually it will consume itself in the shape of a triangle and what does that do causes that Center to be extremely hot which will do what dry out the small pencil pencil head and finger and thumb side sticks once I have a nice hot coal bed I think a place larger sticks in there or around it and dry them out it's going to get it done now you can see on the white smoke coming off here all students dry not those small sticks the pencil led first followed by the pencil finger and then thumb size once those flames climb above the current fuel source meaning they're up here I can go ahead and add some more I start drying those out as well last ones I laid this way I wanna lay the next one so perpendicular want to open it up get those channels in there airflow fire loves chaos and climb through those channels like a chimney gonna get the oxygen that it needs and do its thing outstanding now starting to rain do it back here with nice clean burn the moistures burned off with nice hot coal bed from here I get my fuel source fuel meaning sticks that are larger than thumb size love it and there you have it washed rinse repeat right now it's still raining out here so I'm gonna continue the process you never want to grab sticks that are besides your forearm and just toss them onto a fire with us optimal conditions mean 120 outside and bone-dry or raining like this build from the bottom up establish that coal bed with a hot coal base and then continue on now one last thing you can do to aid in the process is work around the fire meaning anything along the outside that's dried out I'm kind of burned in half and kind of fell by the wayside go ahead and scrape that up place it on top one because I know sorry I dried out and - it's probably smaller diameter sticks that will burn faster drying out the larger size ones okay so I'm not trying to beat a dead horse but check this out putting those three rolls of duct tape in there in the shape of a triangle it was roughly the size of this diameter right here one inch roll of guerrilla brand duct tape now look at it we're about 18 to 20 inches diameter okay and it keeps growing and that's the real trick you got a baby this stuff you go up one tear meaning larger than your thumb for your fuel source add some more smalls then go one more add some more smalls and that fire is gonna continue to grow creating that nice hot coal bed that way if it does start raining intermittently say four five ten minutes 20 minutes you're still gonna have coals that you can come back to welcome back getting a fire started and sustained in wet weather conditions is outstanding loans you have the right tools for that job now speaking of tools before someone says well why not carry this why not carry that I challenge you to go back this video rewatch it and show me in that video where I said only carry this don't carry that the sole purpose of the 10 C's of survivability is to give you healthy options they all work together as well as working individually as you can see the cargo tape is meant for self aid clothing repair Gary pair and now can moonlight as a fire starting option as always all the gear in my videos can be found on my Amazon influencer page I toss that link inside description box please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications and as always to give your comments views and support thanks for watching you on the field has some fundament catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 891,146
Rating: 4.8924222 out of 5
Keywords: How To Make and Sustain a Fire in The Rain, making fire in the rain, fire in rainy conditions, fire with natural materials, how to lite a fire in the rain, wet weather fire making, wet weather fire starting, corporals corner, the best way to make a fire in the rain, fire in wet conditions, wet wood fire, wet wood fire starting, how to start a fire with wet wood, making fire in extreme wet conditions, buld a fire
Id: L-5g7-AyqHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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