Solo Overnighter Using Old School Military Gear and Campfire Chili Mac

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Approximately 2/3s of this video is him making or eating MREs that, to his disappointment, are not chili mac.

Other highlights include him saying it might be Wednesday but he isn't sure and him putting dirt on top of his tent.

Edit: also his shovel is his chair and his coffee "tastes like crap. Bluaghghhh!"

Edit 2: 28:19 to the end contains some nuggets. He gives a farewell salute and after that... A glorious ending!

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/moxboltz 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Pack looks like it weighs more than me....

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/metrosine 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

But are they wrong?

Jerking off our fellow UL-ers aside, it's nice to see people getting out to the outdoors in a way they enjoy. They enjoy setting up camp. We enjoy crushing miles.

Not that this is this, but I envy full comfort campers who hike 10km in a day, then set up camp with two person camp chairs, 3 fishing rods, a 6-man tent with spare cots, and a dinner made with real food. Then I remember they're in a crowded site on an overfished lake because they can't make it farther from the trailhead.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/VoilaVoilaWashington 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

A broken spine?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/grunthorpe 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

The thumbnail alone triggers me.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/HonkForHammocks 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

So I know watching this video transferred some grams to my gear, does anyone know exactly how many? I tried weighing my phone while the video was playing but everyone knows phones are strictly worn weight and do not count. What do I put in my lighterpack?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/floormeat 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

That looks like the exact kit I used to lug over the mountains back in my Army days! The shovel alone (officially, an entrenching tool) is heavier than some of your base weights. That was the least comfortable pack I ever carried!

Edit: I forgot to mention, those tent stakes are solid steel!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Cold-Natured 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to corporals corner tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999 and spend the night instead of a military pup tent more commonly referred to as the shelter half so stick around we've an outstanding show coming up all right about ten months ago I film two videos on gear loadouts the first one was on the marine corps gear loadout from the 1990s on the Alice pack and the second one was 782 gear or Dew skier or the Y harness and both of those were outstanding if you haven't seen those videos go and click at the icon at the top of the screen and take you to both those videos I'll also toss them inside the description box now since those videos popped off people have asked me several times hey man take that gear out and do an overnighter well guess what today's that day let's go ahead and set up that shelter in a nutshell here's how it broke down that tent over there is comprised of two shelter halves each Marine was issued at shelter half between five and six aluminum stakes and three tentpoles the combined weight was at least five pounds now taking two of those cotton canvas shelter halves it makes one tent that's what she had to do is partner up with somebody preferably somebody that you liked otherwise it would be a hazing good time and go ahead and partner up and put that tent together we're gonna break that down right now [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so far so good we're looking outstanding as usual now if you know us on that type of shelter we have two guidelines one in the front one in the back here's my opinion on these throughout my time in the Marine Corps back when we use these mid to late 90s most of them were probably 20 30 40 years old then and half of them were missing the guidelines so are they needed not really but if you choose to hook them up you can hook them up internally or externally meaning on the inside of the outside on the inside you're gonna have more crap to deal with on the outside could be a tripping hazard all right as you can see it is not bigger on the inside however at the still enough room here for two full-sized adults I can lay here on my side or my back I can get into the old Burt Reynolds I'll be good to go now the one major drawback of cotton canvas is that's not waterproof its water-resistant and what tends to happen is if you brush up against something I'm on these walls or the front and back doors for a prolonged period of time during the rainstorm the water tends to seep through it begins to weep on the inside so can these be treated with something sure but why go through all that there's plenty of other healthy options this day and age for tarps and tents I'd go with one of those all right so some of you viewers are watching this you're like oh hell no that thing's a death trap and there's no bottom keep in mind this type of shelter system was not made for comfort it was made to get in there iraq ops get some Z's and then get back out there in the field so with that mindset there's still things you can do to boost morale one thing I want to do is I don't want that tent off the ground I don't want to fly that tent I want that air gap completely sealed so there's things I can do I can build a dirt mound around it I could pull the sidewalls all the way down and pound those stakes all the way in another thing I can do is I could build a trench around this to facilitate water runoff the true secret to this is you want this thing as tight as possible covered and aligned and looking outstanding [Music] don't know about you but all that hard work made me hungry break into the old butt pack please be chilly Mac please be sure that please be chewing that Southwest beef and black beans f it will improvise I'll make some as they forged trivet from Suffern alliance outfitters see how small that is it's actually adjustable you adjust it by opening and closing it to the size of your bush pot or skillet place it over your coals in your business [Music] looks like we have some time to kill so I'm going get my bed set up we're working with an ISO mat now it's great for eliminating that conduction or your body's contact with a cold ground but that's about it comfort level my opinion 10 being the best 0 being the worst it's probably a half sucks no way around that though but along with that I have my military sleep system we have our green bag which is a Ranger bag it's for warmer weather ready for about 30 degrees we have a black bag now using the green bag inside the black bag along with the gore-tex outer shell supposedly we'll bring you around zero degrees but is what it is [Music] green bag black bag vortex shelf outstanding [Music] look at that and now for the taste test hell yeah still missing one key ingredient Tabasco load that baby up perfect hey what can't beat this well maybe some motrin for dessert see we got look at that it's not in our milligrams but take about four or six or Kennedy's got my old-school gear 78 to gear ALICE pack loadout in woodland camis chili mac god i feel born again gonna eat till I'm full light that fire back up and enjoy my night sit my fat butt on a rock or something let's show you Matt get the spot tell you what sitting like this I'll tired down full stomach fat and happy doesn't matter how crappy life is how bad things get you always come out here just relax I'm just during the week what's today like a what is it like Wednesday or something boss truck just when you're unemployed every day's a Friday well my point is just doing something as simple as this it's getting out for the evening lighting the fire just let it down give it zero Epps tomorrow's gonna be a better day and every day after that is just gonna keep on getting better and better and better I'm actually kind of looking forward to getting inside that rack it's been a while still actually slept in something like this probably 20 years so looking forward to it see how that pans out although that half-inch-thick ISIL mat probably kill me just saying but you know how much I love you guys doing it for you oh man it's 2020 get the whole year ahead of us it's gonna be a good year really good year well enough of me rambling gonna wash this fire let it die out and then one bit [Applause] man they would [Applause] I was a rough night that was a rough night that ISO Matt sucked but still alive [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that tastes like crap No welcome back last night was difficult let's do all standing it's going up a quick after-action report and talk about the ice I'm at first dad some at looking at the big picture did it perform the way it's supposed to meaning keep conduction from my body or that cold ground that was about 28 degrees from whisking my body heat away yes I did thumbs up was it comfortable hell no sucked stuck 20 years ago sucks now there's no vast improvements and using that you can see why horrible my hips are actually sore from tossing and turning all night sucked nothing else to say sucked the military sleep system the green bag in the black bag in the bivi bag is supposed to be around 0 degrees and I believe it I was actually hot last night had to actually open it up and unzip it and vent but putting it all together coming out here I haven't camp like that in 20 years and it was good get out here really of the old days the good old days they're gone but not forgotten and I'm still here so as usual all the gear in this video can be found my Amazon influencer page with the exception of that trivet it can be found on my self-reliance Outfitters influenced a page I'll put both those links in my description box please do me that favor hit that like a subscribe button then read that notification bill once you ring that bell please select all notifications and as always think if your comments views and support thanks for watching you gotta feel how some of fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 801,831
Rating: 4.9139571 out of 5
Keywords: corporals corner, joerobinet overnight, solo overnighter, solo overnight camping, military shelter half, military gear loadout, alice pack loadout, military pup tent, 782 gear loadout, army pup tent, best army tent, overnight in the woods, best military tent, best military tent for camping, Solo Overnighter Using Old School Military Gear and Campfire Chili Mac, camping with military gear, camping in the woods, military tent
Id: Vhp9hLV17Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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