Building a Fort in the Woods-OVERNIGHT BUSHCRAFT CAMP in the Snow w/ My Dog

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[Music] [Applause] what do you think buddy go do an overnight at the fort go camping Oh yep that's snowy now Oh snowy are you doing buddy buddy [Applause] no ice this time which is good and we didn't soak the dog with snow perfect all right you folks doing this is gonna be tripperz first overnight at the port and this will be the first winter over at the fort this season we got some projects to do finish the bed collect a bunch of firewood rig up this better put a chair in here a tripod cook up some good food have a good warm night sleep it'll be a good day good day and good night I got trooper a backpack as you can see he's in there he's got his sleeping pad his top quilt his food I think a couple other things as well let's get that backpack off of him and get his coat on him pretty girl good boy this backpack is just a cheap one from Petsmart for now till we figure it out stop I wanted to use this one in two until we figured it all out so anyways this is a temporary fix but like I said stop full of his stuff oh my goodness this dog that can go up there and he's got his little well Eddie Bauer winter hey hey that's your coat bring here oh man this dog okay now that he's got it soaking wet sure big guy we're come trouble come good boy there you go there you go be a warm dog good boy I don't know we'll see how how that works so I was able to sneak a surprise here for him he hasn't seen it yet at all I assume he's going to really look like it and I think it will make things easier out here on this hey trip what's this buddy come come oh it's dad oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah out who that legit size tire durable I'm hoping that he likes it do you like that oh oh you got his toy oh I think he likes it good look he's so proud so proud of his toy hold on hold on hold on oh boy good boy okay it's time to get my button gear he decided to bring my Frost River Isle Royale bushcrafter pack out cuz they do got some little bit of goodies in there it's a nice heavy pack I'm just trying to find some cordage right now I'm gonna rig up my tarp a little bit better with one pieces three pieces combined so that I can actually use the taut line hitch on the other side and tighten up that tarp from the other side I'll show you exactly what I mean this is probably a good piece to use to tighten this up on this side pull it up I pulled it up on that side no problem try to pull up on this side tighten it I couldn't because of the multiple piece of paracord used so I still might have to use two pieces but I'll be able to connect them down farther towards that way so that the taut line hitch will not get impeded by the not connecting the two ropes together I'm sure that makes sense much better more than high enough all as well got to remove some snow back cuz I'm gonna be having a big fire in front I should have brought a little snow shovel but I didn't so I do have gloves I've gloves this time that'll help and I do have another shovel here just not a snow shovel that's the joys having this sport here being able to leave resources on things to use up here what are you doing big guy still having fun with that thing or what let me throw it out good boy thing's got some heft to it boy I got a big boy you got a toy out good boy yep out good boy he's such a good puppy dog you know puppy dog you you guys can remember that far back I used this on my 10 day alone series two or three Springs ago great pack not lightweight not in the least so we got I've also got my full-size axe and besides that I have this pocket axe this little outdoors axe from Grants fairs Brooks I think I want to use this in my pocket the whole time room at least on my belt these are my oldest pair of four even pants he's my father even beat approach rousers I thought I would carry my axe today in that pocket the axe or saw pocket so they have it's nice and convenient the walk doesn't impede anything when they need it comes out nice and easily it does take a second to put away but that's not such a big deal and then I can use it for things around camp like spoon it up a little bit Kimberly for firewood clearing branches off trees and because of that I'm only carrying a tiny little fixed plate EDC type from a forge so yeah I only really usually bring one tool of each but I thought it'd be kind of fun to play around with like I said I got that big heavy-duty backpack we're out here having fun anyway so [Music] [Applause] you okay big guy it's much easier to swing this thing one-handed and the 26 inches obviously make this flat my mattress is going on top of it not flat but you know take the pokies out right shake the wobbles away take the sillies out that's of this remember the last video there's a little bit of back and forth on the ideas in the bed but I'm happy with what I've settled on and I'm hoping with all this weight on it it's gonna push it all down closer together but I am gonna tie it off I'm gonna tie it off as well and then it will all be solid that's that's looking pretty decent [Music] that's a little bit of a dip I might put that one on the end yeah this is all gonna get tight in anyway one two more two or three more tops we're good yeah this side is no good over here I don't know if that's in frame Oh actually this doesn't have a support underneath it this way I have to get cut yeah this one has to be cut a bit or dug down a little bit more that's play what I'll do okay we'll get a couple more logs then we'll tie it all together I waited for today on purpose the temperatures aren't going to be too bad maybe negative 2 tonight Celsius so I think it's a good night just to test his winter sleeping kit it's winter sleeping setup it's something nice about buckles not for fast stuff more nostalgic BAM zero what you doing okay the boy whoa that's one thing you got let's go where's your toy I'll use the long axe but stuff like this it's easier than bending down I can't hold this one up obviously good boy good boy oh hey I think waist 20 pounds no inside of it okay I got em all long except for one it's pretty cool how it ended up working out it's fatter at this end gets skinnier data and this pole is the same here so let's let's get this last piece on okay that might be a little bit too of a difference on this side with this side over here it looks pretty decent flat down looks it's pretty sturdy I don't hide anything on and off like I thought would the weight held everything on I will still tie it on everything but it's definitely sturdy let's give her a little well lay down Trevor stop buddy stop stop kicking snow everywhere you lay down and see oh yeah oh yeah nice and flat Oh troopers stop okay I'd originally thought I would lay at that side but the way it worked oh I can rearrange these logs too it's not an issue but wait working on that side is much more flat and obviously like I said before it's a little short on the head but you can see like this doing these cool-guy pose no mice yet to worry about on the pad no some people were commenting that oh that adds a ton of comfort and warmth oh yeah buddy oh yeah but that's super comfortable I'm confident enough to not have to tie it at all I fixed up a couple little things underneath that one would support there but it's good to go let me show you I'm very happy with that it's solid I have no no worries no reservations that it's not gonna hold me I'm not it's gonna topple over or anything like that no tying necessary I knew it would all come together I know it looked like garbage in the last video I get that I even said it I didn't leave it in a the full video I don't think I think I edited it out but I had people telling me like crazy stuff anyway it all works out in the end like I knew it would didn't have to tie it to turn it out way better as things do when you just put a little bit of time in film it's looking real good right now whoa snow down the back big guy hey you know cold and get you in there get you warm if you want anyway so now what do I need to do I need to put the plastic up but I also need to get firewood I can probably get firewood whatever it's oh it's two o'clock now I don't got that much time before dark three hours I do need to fix up my chair because I want to sit inside the shelter tonight and you get firewood I need to hang up the plastic and I need to make a tripod how so we need to melt some snow but let's do the chair right now because the chair might need to melt or sorry dry off so we'll need to get a fire going dry that out before I can actually use it but let's get it set up properly so I can get it underneath the shelter it has to be cut down rearranged a little bit better I don't want to have to move it around too much once it's in there thank you hero playing yeah let's do that [Applause] [Music] like putting shot or shot put in layman's terms okay first thing you see how tall I should make them let's take this off completely so they need to be on the inside of this ridge pole which is going to make for a short chair so I need to start off with like I don't know man how high can even be possibly to my shoulder I guess at the highest at a market go find my find my son now so this piece of wood I'm gonna use to make a very sturdy tripod that's a really dense thick piece of wood and that hopefully tripper won't be able to knock that over I have good ideas for cooking tonight and it involves a tripod so hopefully this will work [Music] all right let's try and do this you just laying on my my chair there big guy because the logs are so short and I need to stretch out the chair as much as possible I need to tie this club very close to the top so all I have is just a loop and I'm running the paracord through it that's how I did it originally on this one it worked out fine so we're just gonna tell you usually I tie down weight bar there but we're gonna sigh right there right at the top we're gonna wrap who knows what's next maybe a little rap this is just strengthening everything together because we don't really have too much paracord to work with plan on using the same piece that I had before on it why not right why he's more use enough paracord on this thing already hold for Shepherd you know there be good it's on there pretty good so one can go right back almost underneath the bed I don't know might be tight okay let's see that does take up a lot of room in here do I have to make a different type of chair long term one of the things I really like about this chair is the ease of setup and actually make this shorter too just by wrapping it around it's higher up yeah this is all lumpy yeah there's no way there's gonna be super low to the ground super low to the ground there is nothing but anything gonna be great I'll tell you that much yeah we're gonna have to come up with a different plan for a chair in here anyways I'll get this tight on all right I promise to have no outside of it yeah this is the maiden sitting yeah it's not great it's not great it'll do it'll do super straight sitting actually might help my posture where do you come from where do you go hunchback Joe but I'm completely enclosed in here yeah so this will have to do yeah okay that's done well have to help with the different Cheryl I keep saying a different type of chair takes up less room oh maybe the same one this hip one that I built on that 10 day because it doesn't rely on a tripod anyway strippers stuff is gonna be there so we're pretty much out of room now inside here but I'm riding it firewood I wanted to get a fire reflector built but I don't know if I can pound into the ground still I know I anybody don't knock my camera over first thing he did when we go out here before I even started filming I like set up the tripod about to walk into frame he just runs into it just packs it all with snow like it's it's very packing snow right now humid and the lens and everything just anyways uh.okay plastic we need to get that plastic up let's get that plastic up we'll get this stuff moved out of here these logs I'm just gonna work on some firewood Oh in the tripod we gotta build a tripod so I'm excited to have for cooking he doesn't seem to be cold at all he seems to be doing pretty good it's much warmer day and he does have a winter coat coming and I can see the Tufts of fur popping over there his backside and he's got that coat on so I'll show you his setup later on actually it's in his it's in his backpack I'll show you right now so like I said this is a temporary one we're just trying to figure everything out right now Oh careful my cameraman you're right in front of it dude yeah so in here he's got his top quilt this is uh usually Q outdoors made especially for tripper super excited to use it I think that's that Peck scam anyways it's all all high-tech and functioning and hopefully gonna keep him warm they use a little bit more durable material on the inside I believe anyways this isn't even in a compression sack this is just in a stuff sack and I'm still able to get it in the pocket of this cheap pet smart dog backpack so that's good I can get it smaller in a compression sack and on this side he's got his dog food his bungees for his setup and then this is his sleeping pad it's a children's climate seat pad it's short so as long as he doesn't puncture it will be doing all right and this I did want to test all this out for our backpacking trip we were going to do in the fall didn't work out or now we're gonna do it in the spring or the summer of next year but anyways this will be the setup that he would use not in the summer in the summer I wouldn't wouldn't need this in the spring or in the fall I would bring this for him lettuce food again like I said and de plane de plane but anyways you can only get better from there you in a smaller sack and get a better backpack the only caveat if that's the right word is if he pops or shreds he's sleeping setup if that's the case I don't know what to do for him for this type of stuff I could just bring a wool blanket in warmer weather but for like backpacking a hiking and stuff that's not gonna cut it so and my backpacking is normally done in cooler weather but we shall see and canoeing we shall see but this is pretty pretty handy oh you know what brand this is ruff wear or something maybe I have no idea that's smart special but it's already got two big tears in it and it's not very durable so anyway okay as you can see I have a ton of space underneath there for storage now that's what I was talking about in the last one too and because I have to get these out of the way cuz tripper and I are spending the night there's no roof those big logs are going under there who knows if worst comes to worst I might burn a couple tonight depending I do have adequate sleeping gear so I'm not gonna need the fire all night but I do need to keep stripper warm or warm up if he gets cold so who knows I went burn one or two of these we'll see they're nice and dead I just hurt my foot real bad kicking that but that's the beauty of this bed now I can snore fingers underneath it even more like home very homely very home-like those are the four big ones anyway now is the [Applause] little test to see if this even fits here I never tested this once waiting thicker than the stuff I used for my super shelter oh yeah yeah Walden you rolled in here thing is now how do I attach it cuz I've got to get it up onto here somehow secure and then I need to I could on the bottom it's fine I just have a stick drape there with the stick yeah one will be fine I need to figure this out though I have some tape I brought tape just in case but it seems horrible to use tape on this and these buttons I can make buttons on here tie them on here wrap them around that's what I'll do I won't use snow because it will get super hot and they will melt but we can use little pieces of twigs or something okay let's go get some of that and some paracord actually you know what because I gotta try and sneak it through all in here I can use this thin record at least for 100k we'll get some something to use as buttons buttons buttons right oh right oh bonds foreign sports sports sports sports where's your coat you take your coat off how did you manage that bro huh well we need to put it back on you you're not going to be warm enough without it look at that dark dark face oh there's the shepherd wine already bud no no tripper there's some prim loft in it the inside no the inside is fleece so it gets kind of wet which is not a very good design come here trapper okay I did a little bit already it was too hard to figure it out in film but I'll show you what I did on that side exactly the same on this side so for button material I just got some balsam fir needles and also I used that skinny piece of rope on the other one the whole thing so I'll have to use paracord on this one no big deal so the plastic is big enough for I can wrap it around a bit excuse me [Applause] so I think if I put if I put the button right around here it'll be a good spot for it so so hard I just wrapped it in made a ball around it with the plastic now you can use a sheet Bend or I mean a larks head with this I just do a couple over hands because I'm Joe and I'm very just a simple kind of man you know I'm all told me when I was young the hanging plastic son all right so that's on there is a hole on the other side here [Applause] right here actually know what might go around diagonally now I really have no idea how much this is going to reflect through the heat sooner through this thick I think it's totally fine they'll just be more durable the other one was like I'm talking like on eight to stick of this weight now I need to find a big long log to put at the bottom I can use this one for now heavy enough jeez Louise I do have gloves laughs Justin tears in this as I said before what I got it this is just out of my basement I believe where my garage it was there before the previous owners but I do have the tape to tape it up have the tape so this disease did you wrap the round let me show you that that's what we'll put it up put my time anyway so it'll be fine that's in there pretty good I mean that's pretty decent let's go around check it all out I have no delusions that this is airtight I know that it's not but it definitely will give me some heat through the big gap there that around that's much better anyway that's all wrapped around very cool that will work let's try and leave this down and go on and check it out and see how much room I have I should have brought a girl GoPro for a wide-angle well yeah this is a furrow go there this is good one big step away have it right in this pit where I already have been having them be hey buddy what are you doing you good oh he's got his toy you got your toy leave it leave it all right let's see if we can get in here definitely can't fit in there okay okay okay I can definitely get it all set up here too no problem cool very cool well it's uh let's take orders I don't know how much I'll be able to sit on that let's try oh yeah anyway gonna be okay that's the real piece de resistance right there that's nice flat lovely elevated bed I'm gonna get a good night's sleep in all honesty this the sheet is not necessary for me it's for the dog so I won't be like this every time but anyways it works it's good to know that I can do that if I want to and then taking this down is super easy setting it up is super easy and fold it up and store it in here too okay that's done let's give this up and out of the way and work on the type of [Applause] so I want to cut this in equal parts in three well cut this in thirds Turner there one - a little bit yeah that's pretty good and that is put a pretty good now I don't want to clean off all the pokies doing this is a tripod having some workshop stuff is a good idea [Applause] very very hefty quite hefty there you go there we go holds my hundred pounds and sold so obviously that can be moved around and the reason I wanted it so big once again let's to that tripper could not well I had a harder time knocking over I don't want to say could not would have a harder time knocking it over okay that's that move this out of the way I need to make I need to cut some firewood actually that's what I needed to do cut some firewood make some more pegs start getting supper ready probably move this over the way to until I need it nothing came back up to four I'm getting pretty chilled Oh a little bit hungry too I think I might make a fire with just some twigs right now and and have that going while I go look for for actual fuel for big firewood because I need a bunch for today to cook on tonight to hook on and keep warm but I also want to get warm right now want some wolf yeah so I think that's what I'll do don't good boy I can feel the temperature dropping sorry I'm chilled been productive already today been finished tripod built tarp fix sheet hung fair built sometimes when you see me drag something out it's it's on purpose it's not because I can't get it done it's because I need I'm sorry because I need to keep making videos I need some content I know Nevers try to stretch things too much whenever I come out it's not hard for me to get an hour's worth of footage in an afternoon or a day probably because I run my mouth so much the old venison peppery is all get-out tripper likes it want a lady in the it here did you even chew that [Music] that's garbage bro throw my flint and steel kit that's how old start the fire today I don't know if anyone is confused but some people are about flint and steel and fire steel fire steel is a Ferro sium rod for ocm rod mish metal to separate things but also the same thing in a rod form right so that's that's a fire steel and people reference fire steel that's what they mean okay now people we reference flint and steel this is what they mean it doesn't have to be in this pouch at all but a flint and steel is a piece of so they're referencing Flint as a piece of rock can be chart can be probably obsidian jasper quartzite hard enough quartzite i believe this is a piece of Flint this the steel is this usually a c-shaped striker that you graze off the Flint I don't know if you can see the sparks from there creating Sparks and then you have to put those two char cloth or chocolate tinder fungus or milkweed ovum something along those lines 90% of those things have to be [Music] procured for all procured first and like prepared first is the word I'm trying to say prepared first can't just grab them but sometimes you can I have some Cecil or jute twine because right now other than like yellow birch that's covered in ice there's really nothing to make a tinder bundle out of can make out of shavings I've done that it's just a little bit hard but we have this in our kit so this is what we'll use we're gonna unravel this as much as possible make it like a bird's nest type thing I know this is rudimentary to some people but to some people this is new as well so that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna spend the next five minutes making a decent-sized bird nest to make a tinder bottle to blow that char cloth that catches the spark from this stuff into flame now the firesteel when you're using the fire so you don't need to use char cloth this is actual charred cotton okay and that when you you know catch a spark very easily so with a fire still with that rod that's it that I showed you you can use wood shavings you can use this stuff itself you skip a step you don't have to go from char cloth to tinder you can go right to tender so it's it's easy it's an it's newer though this flint still has been around for ages this is what the voyagers would use to light their pipes and this is this this was this was the bic lighter of back in the day I think I'm gonna give this fire a good start and start on these two big ole logs here I was gonna use them for shelter before but turns out I didn't need them because of my ingenious bed build super happy with that can tell so we'll start the fire right on those guys see how that goes got a brace here it's not dry I've got my I know but I got my kindling hot stuff ready so let's get this going I did gather a little bit of wet birch bark just to my bird's nest here out leave it just want to keep everything dry as possible so I gotta get a good amount of this char cloth because if memory serves me right oh it's called crushed up to it was not the greatest char cloth in the world so I'm probably just gonna use it all I have to make some this is made of something very thin my favorite way to do it is to make it an old cotton jeans or like a super thick terry cloth always good to go but anyway wear it what is Streicher okay ready so it's caught I get my birch bark ready my twigs are right there just giving it air constantly here I don't want to breathe this in so I can probably actually bring it into flames like just like this there we go that looks like it'll take Wow find some real fuel now though this is the this is the warm up fire this is the keeping things going for now I gotta find some actual fuel but the good thing is these two big logs underneath here that I put there you ready well we'll try up and start to add to the fire which is great super helpful and get some some more twigs on here now real quick I got them all behind me char cloth I will make them but actually maybe in a future video that'll be part of the meal I'll make some char cloth up again I know a lot of people know how to make it but it's good to think of the people who don't know how to do it as well white piece of Flint you can make all that stuff up too you can use the back of a belt knife like a whole one carbon steel you can use a a file an old file and cut it down and use that for a striker doesn't have to be anything fancy and like I said nine times out of ten you can find something hard enough heat to strike it off when you're using that you're actually shaving pieces of the metal off with the rock or whatever the Flint in this case okay supersonic rabbit okay except this fire is really not that much for doing this with you okay it's accumulating now I only have one or two pieces of hardwoods so stilling to search for that but I want to get this all bucked up into burnable pieces and we'll see how the firewood stack looks this heat from the fire is making all this snow drip off the trees and come down big clumps glad I started it it is putting off just the right amount of heat that I need throwing odds and ends on there every now and then keeping it going some more coals than anything but flames up easy as you can see give me that there's money toy boy well we're losing light but I'm done cutting up all that wood you can see the pile there is all the odds and ends here just two on the fire it died out but the calls are still going truckin blow it into place here tripperz being surfer hey hey I know I know this was one with one second here holes are too far away from there we go twigs oh man she's about 5 now gonna get some food on oh man Oh walked up a worked up some warmth here that tail coffee-table sweeper you don't be gay well that's what perfect this sparks are coming up and just just to the outside of the tarp perfect setup exactly where i was before i knew exactly what i said those are ashes flying in the air - whoa we're getting dumped on making all the snow drop off off the trees right trips oh boy shadow [Music] look he's already ripped this this jacket was their Christmas present bro this is why you can't have anything nice already ripped it made sure it is keeping more of a warm though when I reach my hand inside there I can feel nothing but warmth and ice which is something I'm gonna have to rig up my cooking platform ready to roll right about here this will be perfect actually that's a really good oh yeah that's a really good heat right there okay perfect all right we're doing something different today it's no steak date today you need to go go good boy we're gonna make them some homemade hamburgers so I got some ground beef from the farm super high quality stuff we're going to mix it up nothing else with some salt and pepper and hopefully what I have in mind works it might I'm hoping it holds together enough and we got our meats then also we have it our trusty hidden woodsman food bag hopefully some salt and pepper Oh can you pull a Joe oh you know what I know exactly where it is save the day safe day Joe open that save his own day no there we go okay so my firm still yes good I want to clear something up the Joe robinette pots with the Scout logos these dates do stay on on the bigger ones I didn't realize they didn't know the smaller ones I didn't test on that the little video we did on Instagram so the big bullet stay on the small pot lids do not when he come over but my whole point in saying that was they're not like the Snow Peak one where if you look at it wrong it just explodes off of it regardless they both stay on pretty well this one's obviously pretty good on there so in here a my pot of Wonders we have sea salt cracked pepper with garlic we've got a pickle we've got a bun a big old nice bun that fit in here absolutely fantastically we got onion we got mustard check this so I'll just drop it at all check this out yep anyway go all the fixin's there for a good burger can I take your old a new bug our spices put them all in just why else would we bring them right these long forgetful Joe where's my spice world okay and give this all one little corner cake frosting I don't know why I said confectionery earlier cake frosting style it might be the same thing probably not do that and then we'll go now hopefully with any luck this will work out it's so gross nose is not gonna work nope okay no worries get our hands a little dirty I got some sanitizer we can pay them off after that's funny you know ever never oh let's try right Joe alright never know unless you try Oh as long as I'm doing this sometimes I'll need it in a little bit better nobody he's gonna be hefty hefty debuggers hefty burgers nobody okay so that's gonna go like that then with any luck learning it this grill to go on top smoosh it down a bit and then we can kind of rotisserie it side to side I think it'll work they're holding together pretty good so let's try and get that on there yeah this will work here the plane okay so this might be easier on the first one then on the second one I made the burgers on touch on the big side that's okay okay okay it's pinching in there there we go no I just got to do this side okay you're both on I got to tie them tight well that's the gist of it and then rotisserie right makes sense to me this squeezy no tolls well this can be used for other things too for sure leave it buddy for you yeah getting this little rock built up here so I can hang my burger properly very good okay she's all there good let's get this burger cookin put taut line hitch it or sorry I put Canadians um knots on on either side it's pretty sturdy now as you can see and then the whole just it just goes like this oh oh there we go so we kind of control it stuck up against here it's gonna lay flat over here it's going to tip we can tip it have it lay flat this away oh there we go it'll work either way so it's gonna lay flat that way or flap that way either way it's okay it works so I'm gonna build up this fire a little bit just because it's not very hot put some hard wood on there and we'll be eating before you know it that looks really good can't tell me otherwise you shrimp hey good boy we'll get we'll get his bed set up to put some firewood on there get his bed set up those are all Hardware pieces give that a little bit of a fan that will go up nicely buddy yeah we'll get you your pad you're laying on the he's laying down now he hasn't laid down all day so we'll get him his sleeping stuff out that way thinking staying warm off the ground then I can show you show it off to the consists of don't worry buddy we'll get you up off the ground here in a hot second even if you're not tucked into your talk will get you off the ground okay so this tiny little seed pod is all tripper gonna blow it up it does seem pretty durable compared to my femoris I've got these straps I'm gonna need and then the other cell is food to the other side will be as warm soft well all right this is actually a pretty cool sleeping pad it's almost as tall enough for potpourri I might even use this in the summertime just probably packed on my feet but anyways pretty durable like the idea of it it's got a inflate and deflate valve watch this big deflate valve right and then inflate valve is smaller actually blew it up through the deflate because it took last breaths and then finish it up over here it is durable it feels way more durable than my rest let's see if you ladies on it and see how he does trimmer come here big guy come down good boy good boy yes well you should stay all on top of it they'll be better for you but good boy so then to the best of my knowledge this quilt gets attached to the underneath of the other pad with bungees and then he'll be in there like a little burrito which is pretty slick they never made one before this is the prototype they made it up just for tripper so this is gonna go around the end of it tuck in I'm sure and then there's yeah exactly little snaps where I can put straps from here on and buckle it on so it's not gonna go anywhere yeah that's exactly what it be I'm sure Chad if you're watching I never watched your instructional video that's just me being me pulling old Joe but I believe that I figured it out all on my own like a big boy maybe not though because this is this is looking more complicated than I had thought oh no oh no what is this what is this yeah okay it's just doubled up that's fine and this just unbuckles right yep there's some buckles so that this will get run oh no it just gets attached to here even better this gets attached to the quilt has it completely right on it already perfect boom then this will go to the other side and then it's got cinches to make it tighter and looser that's what the whole extra thing is about okay cool yeah man here up get up for a minute macho almost you almost listen to me so going this these bunnies go on here this is select man this is really really slick okay so that'll go there this can get tightened up around his head I'll put another bunny oh no that's that side I'll put another bungee there I don't know if you guys care about this I think this is super super slick ingenious alright so you got another hope you can see it there's a buckle built into the quilt sewn right on that this clips into clip and then we'll loop around and meet it's matching part on the other side but then I can tighten it it's all bungee so it's gonna be snug the whole time maybe I can't say that might be all that is as tight as it goes okay so that's on there and he can climb in the middle of this and I can bungee it up around his head rush Ripper big guy good dog stay pretty cool man fridge today for it's a cool it's all bungeed in yep and then we wants to belly Ken well yeah you just gotta I'll have to help him every time get under there and I'm sure I'm not doing this correctly on the top it seems like he can buckle down but he'll be fine tonight with that that's a slick setup man I'd be good for my kid like I could go backpacking with that for Emerald I'll be totally fine slick man thank you Thank You Chad appreciate it hi thanks Chad what uh this is Chad thinking Chad [Applause] Chadd vibe this is perfect he just went on there by himself with curled up he already knows good boy you already know is that that's his that's where he can lay the state warm good boy tripper that's awesome that's really cool I love the fact that it can fit in his backpack I love the fact that he knows it's his and that it's pretty durable this would be straight this would be super good for him everything with this I'm really stoked on this guy's can you tell all right let's flip them and see the first flip hole nice Brown that's a nice Brown that's what you want to see all right yes I've got to get the rest of my food ready while that's cooking up she's got to be almost done actually all right a can of beans and along with the can of beans I have my blue farmer and I actually had someone comment I saw in my last video that I had this blue Swiss Army farmer does he even realize how rare that is I do and the story behind this you know for anyone who's interested my buddy Home Slice back in the day from bushcraft USA that was legit his forum name real name Brandon good dude out of Missouri young guy one of the only young guys there so we were very good buddies I still talk every now and then through text a very witty person doctor actually he's a doctor Doogie Howser but he gave me this he actually bought them for his groomsmen and they didn't want them they're like what is this or something along those lines he switches and while he changed his mind so he ended up giving a couple away I got one that's got JC lmd got one that one-legged Josh got one real name for a real reason I can't remember maybe Terry maybe give Terry Barney one only a few people got one of these and I know they're super rare and I've used it forever I've made split wood fires with this baton unless everything this thing is stood up to the test of time four years I want to see like eight years at least anyways can't opener works till as you can see we're going to get all the fixings out of the cooking pot and pour our beans in there beans beans all right learn mr. bean who doesn't who doesn't okay what's good not strong enough to lift it with the beans in they're not gonna do okay I whipped up a pot hanger already let's go check that out we'll hang this up oh this one doesn't have a bail on it that was the problem this is one of the prototypes it didn't have the bail I didn't even realize that son of a gun we're gonna have to sit this next to fire I made that pot hanger for nothing I don't even have any wire or I can rig this up as a that sucks I didn't realize boom boom boom boom just have to watch it it'll be easy to burn them this way still loving that or what you doing good in there good boy yeah no me no me no ma'am them all right I'm calling everything done get some more wood on this fire so I cannot take credit for this cooking setup I did see it on Instagram credit where credit is due is very important to me I do not remember the dude's name I apologize I didn't write it down didn't screengrab I just saw this and I thought this is a great idea now I had a couple of these girls laying around from when I used to sell them you don't remember I was one of the original people selling these girls a lot of people just took it and I ran with it but anyways just had a couple of these laying around I thought that would be a good use for oh so I'm doing right now is cutting off paracord that had my Canadian Janna it's Canadian jam knots on there holding the sticks together as you can see I can hold the girl with my hand it's not too hot so let's see my only concern is that when I pull this up I'm just gonna rip the burgers apart very good oh it might happen what's gonna happen turn it turn it I can't get him apart oh this might be a mask guys all right there we go yep this is a mess this is a well I wouldn't wouldn't have any other way you know he's par for the course for old Joe so let's let's try and fix this mess then I just made well these are medium rare just totally fine for me oh yeah oh man yeah we can only laugh right we don't laugh what else like what what be angry at myself for this it was a good idea it was a good idea anyway that's not the one might turned out better I'll give Scott tripper this this beat-up one let's see if we can finesse this other one off of here there we go not so bad it's almost like a real burger almost still intact and everything birthday I did forget some cheese that is a cardinal sin nothing okay so I'm okay with mine mine's not half as mangled his trips mine's gonna go on my bun it's a perfect size actually for a big old bun like that I might steal a little piece from chipper here there we go so I'm gonna be set with one of these little taste hey buddy hey tripper yeah he was sleeping he woke up as a goal number gnomes all right so we do have some fixings we got a healthy amount of onions healthy amount of pickles no ketchup because ketchup is a secondary condiment to me it's not it it's not a primary no a primary condiment is the OL moutarde Oh Muhtar gotta have some mustard monster Megan mustard man I can eat mustard face is you kind alright okay we're good sitting pretty sitting pretty cheers boys and girls mm-hmm tasty very tasty so now I have this plus his dry food but I'm sure he'll appreciate this much more good boy the spices are perfect not too heavy on anything just the right amount I don't know if he's in frame but you can probably hear him gobbling that down I have a refreshment for dinner time I might have had one or two before Cheers Oh cold as the Dickens this is a fun fun day very fun day lots of a call lots of accomplished I got a lot accomplished hmm almost forgot put the musical fruit just thinking about it you know just thinking about it gets me going hmm they go well together beans and burger black flies and blueberries brook trout and bacon it's almost Christmas right now today is uh four days before Christmas bought any four-wheeler a small one for kids four-wheeler so she can accompany me accompany me on little trips around the house which is pretty cool she'll be just jazzed for it I'm sure all done supper now I'm super good I'm gonna get move this up thing over the way that way I can throw some more logs on create a little bit more of a longer fire going on try and keep my pot hook that I made that I didn't have to use it's funny kind of mixing marrying this new school and old school gear it's really my style just use whatever works whatever I like doing not really set on one thing except for maybe not using buckles anymore there we go I'm chilled man I'm feel myself shiver it get some pine needle tea going all right I've mostly sleeping stuff in here I do have a goofy somewhere in here dig it out so I've got my top quilt I've got my skully cap and I've got my hello all in this I think it's a 10 liter see the summit's the compressions alright get this chair out here set up the plastic and lay down Trevor's and using tripperz and trying to come with my lap right over this bed I make a woman here for him for me to watch your children I do have one more layer I could put on but let's see this plastic how it works spreading this long fire of all right we'll just do it [Applause] [Applause] we'll just use a short log that way I can wrap wrap the plastic around not that much wood left anyway what I'm hoping for bed soon all right let's get in there oh no come good boy I think what a flashlight died Oh Robbie what I did before okay good dog see there okay that's good there I can't feel warmth coming through quite a bit actually once that fire kicks up a little bit more oh yeah okay cool this is actually pretty slick in here man especially without that on the chair taking up the room I have a legit a lot of room dogs there let's sit next to the dog that all that row can push that over touch more that way if I wanted too bad not enough room for another bed here or cot or someone could sleep on the floor old dog you had to fix you up again I would fix you up something fierce and tape up this cut in the plastic from the inside then the next time I go out to feed the fire I'll do the same on the outside I just don't want to go out unless I have to I know tripperz going to follow me it's a little bit of our ordeal getting getting everyone back and situated in here I gotta take them on a on a hot tent triplets that's my next big winter trip for sure - they're comfy the trip let's go over there guys well I'm just gonna get my sleeping pad in here I wasn't gonna use one but I'm laying down feeling pulled through that little bit of foam that foam alone isn't enough to have to have some vowels on it but anyways I do have my student pad just in case so I'm just gonna blow this up and lay down get the bed we'll see how it goes here to keep this dude warm that's my main thing I know I want to be one with what I have he seems totally fine kind of meet their soul see but other than that I'll get with you guys in the morning I do have some bacon and oatmeal to cook up which would be good in the morning all right guys wish me luck mr. dog walk more like it I'll see you in the morning it's 2:35 looks like it's gone completely yeah he's up behind you to go back back up it's raining if it looks like snow but like clumps of snow fell into the fire it's dead cold Oh okay someplace nobody already this fire going on get back to bed all right that's much better oh my took about 20 minutes back to bed ain't rip he brought his toilet back and he seemed to be warm enough I'm gonna tuck him in that thing this isn't as efficient as the you know they're super shelter I bought all those gaps everywhere but there's a certain amount of warmth coming through I'm nice and warm let's do this all right everybody all right no lead oh well we got staying here no man chipper down good morning it's almost 7:00 looks as though the fires I know completely again I'll have to get up and stoke it and build it up again I slept pretty good I'm off since - well tripperz got up a couple times moved around I haven't got gato to fix his bed or anything he seems to be okay oh this is a nice flat bed stay warm gotta get up in pee better than I wouldn't get up I'd stay in bed let's get up cook some breakfast already get up good boy I didn't tie him up for anything he just stayed there I imagine it's mostly because this enclosed think he won't bust through that if he really wants to but yeah good boy trapper good boy oh there's a spider crawling walking that's craziness see it on his coat trying to get one [Music] oh it's so warm in here oh good boy you getting up to use me standing on his sleeping mat so as to not stand on the ground the cold cold ground he'll crescent moon left I don't expect there to be any poles any wormholes no it's all soaked do it it snows been dripping oh there's some glowing hopefully I can blow back into flames get my my sip had vanished okay tripper [Applause] singers drenched in a puddle in the bottom of it okay grab some twigs throw the rest of my firewood on get warm or my gloves all the stuff baby sniff nice almost all water I put a pot of snow next to the fire last night it's almost all turn to water that's hopeful I think this other layer on not warming up that great I do like having I do like having the two tooks I like having the two to system my skully which is very lightweight and warm front night and then my normal turbo acrylic for daytime turbo acrylic they got my puffy on now I seem tried-and-true black trim off puffy that I always have had it on alone and then this coat the top oh I can feel the warmth already I had no kind of down or Primaloft on at all just sweater oh I gotta put my belt together my Batman belt together Batman fit tight quarters last night between myself and the wood behind I'm glad I had this baby because this material is kind of thin and I might have ripped on some of the twigs I do have to fix that up but all is well slept well well let a little bit of air out of it OH I'll let I'll open the valve and that way when I sit on it it uh emptied automatically I'm gonna zip this up just so that it's nice and safe in there in the bivvy sack but if I'm using a wool blanket alright anything like that here or even a normal sleeping guy I wouldn't really worry about it too too much that's all taken care of I've talked tripperz halfway underneath the bed in case he needs to come lay down he still has plenty of room those that much room I can even pull it up this thing laughs if you're not hop which is awesome he did not try to shred the warmth of this I think he knows this is off and get tucked in there like that I think he was on the wrong side I think I set it up not not right when he used it it works good you stay nice and warm get my gaiters on later on views are imperative for short boots like this and the litter size of my opinion at least what you doing hey all right we'll leave you alone look at his tail just happy happy dog it was tail going are you my happy boy good morning big guy you gotta love that glow at this point the snow just melts when it hits the water for a little bit at least until it cools down enough put that back on then we'll have a whole pot of water the dog dog or the dog okay boy this is all he wants you just want this he just wants to play tug he's a good boy he's a good dog you can snow all in my boots out good boy snow all in my boots it's not quite hot enough there but it's too hot below so I'm sticking up there for now get nice and smoked out and then it'll drop it down that's what I'll do it's just a crow buddy just a bird the second I put it on the system for you I support guy lost the battle fill right in tripper everybody who owns this bake home his eyes those logs are catching that can rolling around the snow after all we won oh you strong boy all right we're calling this old bun look at that sizzle boy now these are done hey buddy careful trying to catch the ashes in the air all right see that should work get my sport get my oatmeal oh squared away I got troopers to inform it but I want to give him some bacon first I'm sure he will be fine with that this isn't bad actually this isn't a comfort wise but I am outside of the rich rich pool Oh funny do I look I immediately regretted it instant regret the trimmers remorse no back off buddy it's awful for you trip it back man hmm brucey it's actually pretty good would you like a piece of bacon tripper hey go around it's okay he's a good dog oh yeah hmm almost juicy smoky smoky very good mmm perfect cooked to perfection um see what my spark 100 what an enjoyable camp this has been I'm so glad everything worked out with tripper with a sleeping setup and just how eager he was to go on and stay on it the burgers turned out pretty good except for the fact I couldn't pull them apart it was something new though I offer the plastic work dough I didn't ever really good a big long first off to show you after but it's just created this pit in this one spot from a fire after fire after fire and it's big enough but it kind of just want to stay there and there's a divot so whatever I try to push the fire up this way it has a hard time going in the summertime I'll have to even a note even more than I did this past past year but anyway good trip like fun with the dog which is important a little bit of leaf litter in there and I've been promising this over later with tripper for a while no I'm glad to deliver I wanted to do it I just want to make sure everything was right I didn't wanna have to bail you know what I mean like say all right come over here with the dog for the day and everything's good and then like by nighttime he's shivering wants to go home I can't very well like leave and come back you know what I mean so then that's that whole trip video just not there for you guys I wanted to get it out so anyways glad this worked Oh next next winter thing with him we'll be in a hot tent probably do that in the new year maybe February but we'll still take them on day trips and stuff but as far as camping I do need that heart tent I believe with with him to keep him comfortable this was an anomaly like I can barely see my breath I don't have my gloves on it's like plus one zero negative one I don't know something like that Celsius like two weeks ago I went and camped in negative 20 and my hands like before the windshield my hands were so numb it was ridiculous so anyway my point is this is not the norm and it's only gonna get colder so the hot tent will be imperative for him he's just running around like a fool but it's good though I'm glad I'm glad he wasn't cold about he gets to run around to have fun out here and doesn't feel like he needs to lay on that blanket the whole time or that pad the whole time I hope you guys enjoyed the video like I said I had a good time I have a couple special videos coming I don't I have two special videos coming different ones than normal I don't know if I'll post this and then those two in succession or one's gonna come up before this I'm really not sure but regardless I have two different things in the works I hope go over well hope you guys enjoy but then after that oh excuse me it's back to normal stuff I'm gonna be over here at the for Owen weed I really do want to do that extended winter camp with him I want to go on a like a snowshoe back to snowshoe backpacking trips I want to use my hand my way new hammock on one and a house about a light weight actually this will be like I'll post sled for this one I got a light weight my so my lon TP set up with this wood stove in there and it says it's a one-person and super lightweight so that the point behind that one is I can use it in the spring on a canoe trip or late fall in the canoe trip even if I get soaking wet all day long I'll be able to go in there and no I have a extremely warm spot and safe spot to warm up as opposed to like three years ago in the spring when I had a tarp and for five four nights had to sit by the fire and dry all the clothes and warm up and stuff so which was an experience without it happen but now I have this it'll be helpful anyways lots of uh lots of leaf litter in my mouth lots of new ideas for the new year lots of plans but it's super happy with the progress on my channel lately with the views I've been getting I really appreciate it what can I say thank you all for watching for continued support I'm on Instagram like I said I'm on Twitter like I said bunker branding calm if you want to buy some merch also I'll put a link in the description we wrote a book a children's book Scout goes camping and that's been up for sale for quite some time now I'll put a link to that one as well it's pretty cool I'm very proud of that one it's a good legacy for them yeah have a Merry Christmas this'll probably be able to after that but it's a few days from now so have a Merry Christmas be kind to one another be safe have a Happy New Year I'll see you in the new year I've been doing this a long time guys 12 years or so I have big plans this year that's something in the works it's gonna change everything oh good bye say bye tripper haha leave me alone bruh shoot my tire
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 2,137,535
Rating: 4.8277979 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 50sec (7310 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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