Solo Overnight in a Broken Tree During a Rainstorm and a Campfire Double Loaded Bacon Potato

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welcome to corporals corner today we're doing a solo overnight in a broken tree so stick around we've an outstanding show coming up [Music] this is outstanding AF check it out I'm on this kick right now with natural shelters in a previous video we slept under a rock overhang in last week's video we slept under a dead tree in today's video we're doing a solo overnight in a broken tree this thing busted off almost perfectly it was a slight incline right here and a natural wall to block the wind I'm thinking it's ready made clear it out make some brows beds utilize this split in the wood right here hanging a ridgeline and we're good to go here's the kicker I'm limited on time it's supposed to rain tonight like dump and I hope that it does because once again if it ain't raining we ain't raining it's also gonna give me an opportunity to sleep this I have a natural shelter and with a tarp I think that if it's outside of this area it will facilitate the rain runoff we'll be good to go let's get her done [Applause] [Applause] how cool is this we're gonna spend the night instead of a dead tree it's like a childhood dream outstanding all rights talk about it real quick before we move on all we do is we struggle for a quick deploy Ridgeline and we use an emergency blanket today's blanket is gonna be the stuff Alliance Outfitters Pathfinder tarp it's five by seven now some people actually compare this to the Arcturus basically the same design however it does have a thicker coating on the exterior and can be brutally honest I chose this one because I know it's gonna dump all night and I'm gonna be high and dry so what I'm thinking get out here get our browse beds put together get him inside here and we're good to go we got it home for the night just like our knots everything is transferable no live trees were harmed during the filming of this episode yes yes I know Brow's beds again some people are like he's making a Brow's bed again I can't take it well yes I've heard your suggestions I'm currently looking into blow-up pads and ISO mats and foam mattresses things like that and even cots but I want to drop one positive vibe or plus to using the Browse bed think about it I'm out in the woods I need to clean the area where I'm gonna have a campfire so it's of raking a pile of leaves somewhere that an ember could transfer to and actually cause a gigantic bonfire the leaves are in the back so when I leave here in the fires out I can actually open that bag up dump my leaves and scatter them around and kind of Leave No Trace this what I'm talking about right here lay down it's like sleeping inside of a recliner stay what take that Swiss Family Robinson boom corporal Family Robinson check out this added bonus this is just too cool for school I'm off the ground be comfortable dry all night and I got a perfect spot right here to store my boots or my extra gear dude I couldn't find a better spot and we beat the rain look at that shelters done beds complete outstanding as usual now lastly going to talk about the Browse beds I don't want to beat a dead horse they think of it like this unless you're using some type of store-bought material blow-up pad ISO mat cots things like that you're gonna have to default is something off the landscape and some people use pine boughs no pines in this area so I'm gonna use dry leaves in a bag no matter what you use when it's all said and done and you're laying on it you want at least four inches compressed material this will give you that added layer of comfort as well as prevent conduction or that cold material or that cold object in this case a tree or the ground suck in that body heat away from you and ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I give you the 60 liters of o2 pack some will say that's just too much pack I say the big ones need love too so hot we want to touch the hiney and there you have it a different fire lay behold I give you the lean-to so let's go ahead and talk chili wait for the coals to burn down Plan B I brought a stove I want to go with plan a the fire because we're outdoors and it's cool but and food always seem to taste better but should we be compromised with the rain will default to a stove and we'll change our meal plan a little bit but either way a or B I think you'll like it why because it has bacon social distancing at its best take that coronavirus yeah buddy look at that nice and soft arrived that looks outstanding this is very simple layer of butter layer of bacon layer of cheese butter bacon cheese in a sour cream topper [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that is looking outstanding AF it smells good too so all we're doing put it back on the coals cover it with foil kind of sprinkling outside right now don't want to get wet more importantly all we're doing we're melting that cheese that butter kind of infused everything together and into one gigantic deliciousness at corporal's we're guaranteed to kill you or your money back [Applause] for the delay equal amount of cheese and bacon that sour cream and mix it up do that the best thing I've been in the field no argument sorry anyway I've got this idea from Wendy's believe it or not we've got a double bacon potato or a bacon potato and you can add extra bacon I've got a friend of mine that goes all the time turn me on to it I was impressed it's like wow this is actually good but eating this not bring windy out here oh man this is good [Applause] double bacon potatoes corporal style as usual no one wants to sit here and watch me or hear me eat so when I go ahead and finish my meal be nasty lay on my tree and enjoy life get you all the moment [Applause] [Applause] here she goes check it out he's gonna dump the next 12 hours time on Dec 1830 so that means by its 6-3 in the morning it should be done should blow over us the normal campfire talk that we have I'm gonna go ahead and postpone that till the morning and what I think I'm gonna do is drop that flap down and burrow inside here like a Keebler Elf hopeless stay warm [Applause] that was a rough night no fire they would but we survived Coffee time yeah nothing good thing we have Plan B a stove this actually worked out well to get to the grounds soaking wet but irony for my bed everything's dry it's always an outstanding plus [Music] decent it's not bad just not good one thing I've noticed about these Taster's Choice is that whatever blend it is it just seems to be which blend could be more bitter or out bitter the other one putting hot cocoa inside this or all these make it outstanding this by itself is not outstanding uh maybe time to go to cowboy coffee let's go ahead talk about this shelter now I use an emergency tarp again it's a Pathfinder tarp has an extra thick coating on the outside and I was dry all night I slept in this thing like a wood recliner it's elevated right there curled my legs up and with a wool blanket and how I'm dressed outstanding all night it dropped down to 35 last night with no fire that sucks but believe it or not I was actually warm comfortable warm not household warm but I survived what is a rake compared to the hand that wields it rumor has it that moss only grows or mostly grows on the north side debunked welcome back last night was outstanding and it was fun too and that's the real key getting out in the woods practicing skills and having fun and like I mentioned before if you can find a shelter that's ready-made jump on it requires very little or no work and would be good to go for the night now one thing I want to do is I'll go ahead and plug a channel of the week I said I wouldn't do it but a new channel is popped up and it's caught my attention it's called bushcraft diva now this channel offers a different perspective to what we do out here in the woods and that's a good thing cuz check it out let's say your alpha AF or you want to be but your girl or man tend to be a backseat driver and questions your time out there why do you want to do this you don't want to spend time with me I just don't understand you want to go out there and build forts and play in the woods and be in the dirt well having them watch this channel and giving that perspective will give them a better understanding of who you are or what you want to be and what you want to do could help you out as always all the gear might video can be found my Amazon influencer page or my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both those links will be beside my description box now please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button they ring that notification bell once you ring that Bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 2,133,106
Rating: 4.8209853 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight in a Broken Tree During a Rainstorm and a Campfire Double Loaded Bacon Potato, corporals corner, solo overnight, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnight, overnighter, overnight survival shelter, minimum gear survival, minimum gear overnighter, minimum gear camping, building a shelter in the woods, overnight in an emergency shelter, emergency kit, solo, bushcraft overnight
Id: DqlawqqWT3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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