Overnight in Bushcraft Bunkbeds During a Lightning Storm With My Son and Bacon and Cheese Burritos

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ah welcome to corporals corner today we're doing overnight in bushcraft bunk beds so stick around with an outstanding show coming up that time again another week down which gives you another overnighter in the woods with my boy all right check it out i've been asked before what do you do with all the structures you build do you tear them down do you leave them in place are you on private land so again today's the day we're gonna go ahead and land nav to a certain location about eight months ago i filmed a video called overnight or solo overnight on bushcraft bunk beds or building bushcraft bunk beds and i haven't been there in eight months we've had snowstorms rainstorms and here we are summertime we got high of 85 low of 70 and thunderstorms all day so who knows what that structure actually looks like but it's existing i know that for a fact so we're going to go ahead and move through these woods land nav to that location and hopefully throw a tarp over it we're good to go if it's destroyed we're going to build from scratch but hopefully hopefully we can just toss a tarp on it and do some minor repairs let's get to it so [Music] so far so good he's doing outstanding why he's my son i expect nothing less you're doing a great job all right check it out in our previous video titled overnight in an emergency shelter with my son we talked about leap frogging and most importantly we were talking about walking a straight line ideally you want to shoot your azimuth like he's doing right now to an object or a landmark off in the distance and then walk to that landmark or that object this guarantees you're walking a straight line now leap frogging as we discussed in our previous video you're going to take your partner and put them inside that v-notch window on your compass your partner becomes an improvised landmark or tree then you walk to your partner once again it guarantees you're walking a straight line now here's a question what if while you're walking in that straight line you have to deviate for some reason i see possible birds nest material over there or there's a creek i need water it's over there or simply i need to use the restroom how do i come back reshoot my azimuth and guarantee i'm still walking that straight line will you do that with a waypoint so today's tip and trick how to use a waypoint all you're going to do is you're going to hang your bright colored cloth at eye level on a tree just like that now i have free roam with this place i know that that point right there i can stand in front of it reshoot my azimuth and i'm guaranteed to walk or continue walking on that straight line this right here gives me 360 roam i can walk around here as long as i can turn around and see that bright colored cloth and walk back to it i'm good to go well now check it out it does exist but there's issues um got a broken ridge pole looks like some branches actually came through the bag the bag's damaged bottom rack looks pretty good and the good part about this is most this wood was dead i originally built it so the lashes on here are pretty solid but here's what i'm thinking but simply slide on two new bags on top clean that one off we're good to go ridge pole tarp maybe a reflector out here or a windscreen that's home for the night what do you say it's good let's do it so [Music] so let's go ahead and pause for a minute for those interested in gear all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my self reliance outfitters influencer page and two my amazon influencer page both links are found inside my description box [Music] all right check this out if you want a comprehensive review on how to build something like this check out my previous video from eight months ago it's overnight in bushcraft bunk beds check that out i'll post a link inside the description box as well as the icon at the top of the screen go ahead and click that and we'll take you there [Music] good slide that over top slide them over i'll grab this side you grab that side good all right so let's go ahead and drop what's going to happen now is that ends lashed so when i drop these down they're only going to go so far they can only spread as far as the bag and they're going to stop okay so go over grab this pole and we'll both drop it together grab that one ready dude look at that tip and trick number two how to make a diagonal lash so all we did is we formed a timber hitch right here i'm gonna pull it tight i'm going to lock itself down across this member right here pull it tight now we're going to wrap around three times this way cross over three times that way then we're going to frap in between three times and finish off with a clove hitch or constrictor knot then from here all we're gonna do is grab a stick use for a toggle wrap it around we're gonna pull it tight it's called frapping you're gonna go ahead and cinch both these poles together go around again pull it tight then we can finish it off right here with a clove hitch or constrictor i know i know some are triggered right now triggered af they're asking a diagonal lash get a rope well here's the truth you can use a diagonal lash or square lash for something like this now old school traditional is going to be a square lash for two pieces that are perpendicular to each other okay they cross over now diagonal a diagonal lash but what i found is a diagonal lash is more of a universal it can be used for both diagonal or straight so pick your poison do one of the other or do both practice makes better all right so checking this out now i'm looking at this closely this bag down here is trashed out as well there's actually raccoon footprints over here tracks all over this thing so who knows what or who's been sleeping in this thing for eight months and now that i'm smelling it it smells pretty rank as well so i'm thinking knife this bad boy off replace the bags and this time we'll secure the poles using a square lash because if it ain't raining we ain't training this is gonna be an outstanding day outstanding adventure right oh yeah exactly so we start off with a clove hitch down here now we're gonna do is take the tail we're gonna twist it around and turn into a timber hitch we're gonna go over under over under all the way around three times now from here we're going to frap in between and pull these two poles together [Music] so rotted af nine months of sitting out here getting rained on snowed on and the lashes held but the wood broke so my bus for not checking it back to the drawing board let's do it that's what i'm talking about smoothing it baby how are you doing it's been doing pretty good yeah yeah it's nice up here go with the old turd ferguson storm's coming i got three logs to schwarzenegger's one what's up bro [Music] like that that's perfect down a little bit more you can just try to lose yourself pushing that just lean your body into it there you go good good good good a little bit faster out faster okay goodbye [Applause] [Applause] smoked now good good keep it going dude you got this you're gonna get it keep going push down a little bit more now don't stop keep going push down push down a little bit more [Applause] lose it keep that lock push push push push push push again lift up go faster faster faster keep going keep going keep going keep going go go go go go go go don't stop keep going keep going keep going faster faster faster keep going go go go go go go and go ahead and stop let's take them out rotate that board over and he's tapping free tap it tap tap tap tap tap okay hold on see what happens here a ton of smoke let it coagulate as soon as you see it turn cherry like on a cigarette we're going to transfer that to the bundle okay now you did this on your own and i have no fear of that going on look at that let me get close up on that keep those arms up once you get that going to rotate it over so the flames will climb through it look at that nice dude it is an outstanding job how do you feel i feel amazing your first bow drill unassisted that's an accomplishment right there only about in the field with me three times and get it on his own very proud of dude now we're talking chow time because again watching him made me hungry what are we talking about today we're talking about potato cheese bacon and egg burritos corporal style let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell then feel free to check out my other skills and overnight videos so potato bacon cheese scrambled egg breakfast burritos corporal style with our secret sauce howler monkey this is actually good wow looks like cork will slop it in a skillet but tell you what this sauce is good oh man not too hot not too vinegary howler monkey original sauce highly recommend this is amazing oh once again unhealthy af but it's my cheat day going down okay good that's amazing catch you all in a minute and the sauce that's a little bit good yeah outstanding someone tell you that you did a good job today very proud of you did it by yourself and that means a lot that's that's very special that's uh it means a lot for me to be able to see you do that and uh love you love it too [Music] [Applause] first order of business youtube they're on my crap list and here's why i've been on here 12 years and this past six months i started giving you guys solo overnighters and combining skills gear overnighters um type things and the views actually went up people enjoyed that people said hey keep doing what you're doing so i've been doing it now since about may 31st i've watched the views go like this the past four videos i put up have all been ranked number nine and number 10 of my worst 10 videos and i noticed that other top youtubers the similar trend is hitting them as well um people who have a million subs or 800 900 000 subs or getting 20 000 views 50 000 views no one's seen the videos it's not because people are getting tired of them it's because they're not getting notified okay so chances are the majority of my subs are not getting notified and you're not going to be notified so here's a way around that my upload day is sunday i'll upload a video every single week as promised on sundays west coast 12 p.m that means east coast 3 p.m so if you have not been notified during that time frame jump on youtube or facebook and you're going to see my videos right there plastered all over facebook all over instagram and right there on corporals corner youtube boom my new video right there so if you like what you see you want to keep seeing it and you're not notified come find me next order of business and i talked about this in the last two videos i'll mention it briefly again um my um amazon influencer page i do not have an influencer page someone says well i went on there and says page well yeah the word page is on there okay but i don't have a store okay it's a big difference i have an influencer page which means i take people's gear that i enjoy or i like i take their links from their stores and i put it on my page so only way to find my amazon influencer page is in my link which is plastered or posted in my description box okay that's the only way you're going to find it if you want to get something that i like or i use all the time and you want to make sure that i get a small one or two percent commission go description box click on that link it will take you right there while i'm thinking about it last but not least i always want to end my videos off with a thank you thank you all my old subs all my new subs once again without you i'm nothing and i appreciate everyone i do my best to answer comments now the comments swings both ways the door swings both ways on those people who truly want to learn something or ask any questions or want to know about a piece of gear or how i feel about something i will do my best to give you an honest answer the flip side of that or the door swings the other way the saying goes if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes if you come on my channel to try and punk or get one thing straight or try to make fun of somebody or some group or something or post links everywhere block and delete have a nice day thanks for watching um we're all here to learn i want to build a strong community of people who are my army and who want to do what i do or improve each other in a positive way and i'm all for that so once again thank you to everybody who stuck around and thank you to all my new subs say what though i'm excited af sleep inside this bunk bed think about it doing something like this out in the woods leaves so much more room for activities just saying [Music] so so sweet music to my ears if it ain't raining we ain't training hmm we made it how'd you sleep pretty good nice ugh [Music] so so all right check it out let's talk about that shelter before that though let's talk about medium-sized dude did an outstanding job i am so proud of him he's out here this is the third time in the field knocked out the bow drill by himself um i coached him yes and i deal with all students but he did an outstanding job and i'm very proud of him very proud of him all right talk about that shelter over there nine months ago i did a comprehensive build on how to build the bushcraft bunk beds once again i'll go ahead and link that in my description box also click at the icon at the top of the screen and it should take you to that video that will give you a good 30 minute construction bushcrafty build as you can do at your house or anywhere as long as you have trees or lumber so the materials needed were number 36 bank line followed by six mil not six millimeter six mil trash bags or 55 gallon drum liners is what we use for that six mil and i think they can support around 300 pounds so they're gonna stretch on you but if you had to do some type of emergency overnighter to get off the ground you could build something like that not as elaborate just build one level one tier one bed and you're good to go the lashes used were a tripod last for the tripods one on each end and we alternated between a square lash and diagonal lash pick your poison overall it was a good night's sleep they're very comfortable and i highly recommend it [Music] welcome back overnight in the bushcraft bunk beds was outstanding why because we built them all right check this out once again i said this last night but once again thank you to all my new subs all my old subs um everyone stuck around i appreciate you love you guys to death the new ones welcome and thank you these series of videos with my son have been the most important ones to me that i've ever done because i'm enjoying the watching the journey of his life seeing him come from the west coast out here where everything's foreign everything's different and watching him grow and becoming a strong confident young man and that's the real key right there those of you that have kids and you want to get them involved in this cherish these moments because when they're gone they're gone and i love him like i said before more than my own life and i'm gonna cherish every single moment i can as always all the gear in my videos can be found on my amazon influencer page or my self reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun i'm gonna catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 799,294
Rating: 4.9143834 out of 5
Keywords: Overnight in Bushcraft Bunkbeds During a Lightning Storm With My Son and Bacon and Cheese Burritos, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, camping in the woods, camping in the rain, overnight in the woods, overnight survival shelter, overnight, overnighter, joerobinet, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, overnight in an emergency shelter, building a survival shelter, bushcraft shelter building in the rain
Id: fcwW8NeSFnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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