Overnight In The Woods With My Son During a Rainstorm and Bacon and Ham Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

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here we are once again another outstanding day to be in the woods we're talking high of 85 low of 70. humid af 85 to 90 humidity but you got scattered rain showers all day and all night like i said an outstanding day to be in the woods with my boy today we're doing overnight on the water's edge we're in route to a secret spot on the way we're going to go ahead and look for materials some sticks to prop up our tents some trapping materials always good to find something for a bird's nest or tinder bundle we're gonna get there get set up and then hopefully hit that lake and do some fishing [Music] how you doing i'm all right nice got it yep be careful [Laughter] [Music] so there's that downed tree we're looking at from across that creek over there made it across and actually worked out for us major score the inner bark is wet but i can hang it on the back of my pack dry it out and i got a bird's nest [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so very not bad so far so good we're both looking outstanding we got materials for a bird's nest he's got two poles for his one tiger's tent i'll be sleeping in the uh good old snug pack ionosphere and we're probably about a half mile out right now to our secret spot stay with us all right so here's the spot in a previous video i had my snug pack ionosphere right there and we put the fire pit there so here's what i'm thinking we're secluded still i want to go ahead and put the snug pack in the same spot relocate that fire pit boom and drop that one tigress backwards bungalow 2.0 right there what do you think sweet let's go ahead and pause for a minute for those that are interested in gear all my gear can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box [Music] higher you get it the better it's going to be yeah pull that good [Music] so now i'm looking at this the fire fit's going to go here somewhere in here and for that bungalow to swing upward should we want to do that i'm just going to dump rain here real soon but that may be in the way of the fire so now i'm thinking put this under the tree put the snug pack over there i don't know i'm my own worst critic that's much better nice let's go we're burning daylight there you go so [Music] now if you're interested in a comprehensive review on either one of these tents i have two videos the first one is titled solo overnight in a snug pack ionosphere and the second one is titled solo overnight using the backwoods bungalow 2.0 click on the icon the top of the screen or simply go to my description box i'll provide links click on it and we'll take you there [Music] what [Music] secret treasures why because i'm worth it so um so and that's passive fishing at its best the fish is going to do all the work going to grab that line yank on it and set the hook down its mouth or down its throat easy peasy once again it's lemon squeezy now check it out we have one two three four five yes five five lines in the water some are tied to the tree trunk some are tied to roots and some are tied to limbs making it an official limb line but in the end they're all gonna do the same thing so we'll check these later on worst case we'll check them again in the morning [Music] how you doing so far a little bit wet but we're good to go so i'm thinking we get this done [Applause] get a bird's nest going here and then try and knock out a bow drill see one last time slow down again good keep it going keep going i'm gonna get it keep going down a little bit faster you're slowing down keep going faster keep it going push down keep going faster faster faster faster keep that spindle locked keep going and stop [Applause] pull the spindle out rotate the board forward and tap them free okay let's go ahead and pause one last time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell then feel free to check out my other skills and overnight videos nice great this rain is not going to stop any time soon forecast says rain all night so i can try and build some type of tarp or a configuration over top of the fire but i don't care the important thing was he did a bow drill second time by himself and second time in the rain so outstanding job once again but i expect nothing less why it's my boy rick [Applause] dude lovely team did an outstanding job all right so i'm thinking chow time and i don't want to mess around with that fire it can burn out like i said it's going to rain all night what are we talking about here i'm thinking double bacon grilled cheese sandwiches bacon of course maybe canadian bacon double triple layer of cheese probably double cause the third layer um that'd be perfect for this wet weather we have right here what do you think yeah outstanding [Music] that's what i'm talking about that's a grilled cheese sandwich right there bacon layers of cheese ham seared in bacon grease outstanding oh man this is crazy good dude wow wow that's good that is here's what i'm thinking we're going to finish this drop this flap down and then head over to that lake and check our lines we've got five lines in the water right now they've been sitting out there for probably about eight to ten hours and we can check them worst case we're checking in the morning you know and as the saying goes it's what i call fishing and not catching but we're going to finish this we'll check it out [Applause] so all right so we checked all of our lines and not a nothing zip so it's raining pretty bad right now so all i can do right now is just head back to our tent and hunker down for the night maybe tomorrow morning we'll come back out here and check them that's why it's called fishing not catching so here we are once again inside the uh snug pack ionosphere and it's dumping rain it's been pouring rain since 7 30 and right now it's almost 11 o'clock or 2 300 and it's gonna rain for another 12 hours right now i'm bone dry the only water inside here is the water right over here where i actually opened up this tent other than that like i said it's bone dry so only time will tell but i'm pretty confident that i'll be good to go so got enough room in here nice and snug though i can move around lay on my side and it's all good in the hood so no night talk tonight tomorrow's plan is get up check those lines then come back get coffee and do our morning talk hopefully we got a fish if not we're gonna pack up and head out to another spot so i'm looking forward to it rough night last night huh dumped for about 10 hours well here we are back at the water's edge we're gonna walk over here and check our five lines that are in the water hopefully we got something if not we'll head back and go from there nothing and there you have it skunked you win someone you lose some but the important thing is i got to spend time with my boy so let's go ahead and head back yeah outstanding as usual okay so we didn't do our night talk last night it dumped rain from 7 30 until about 5 30 this morning when we got up and i mean you see everything's wet and the ground's just soup over here but you know good thing is the snug pack and the backwoods bungalow by one tigress were dry there's no water in here at all i mean the math that he slept on and mine are good to go um i mentioned last night these tents get a bad rap and here's my take on it quality control no matter what you buy no matter what country it's from people say well in the usa right but no matter where you go you're gonna get those one or two or that certain percentage that's going to slip through the cracks either due to operator error or lack of quality control or some type of failure in the system so overall though um how was your sleep it was good nice mine too um i said it rained the rain was actually refreshing and soothing so it's always a good time to come out here in the woods now let's talk about what occurred i tried to get catfish more importantly i wanted to get him a catfish we know the system does work with using limb lines because i have a video showing that on the water's edge but i apologize for that sorry you win some you lose some like i said the important takeaway is one you now know how to secure your bait to a hook either a treble hook or a circle hook and for me the important takeaway is once again i got a video and i got dirt time with my son the only important topic i want to talk about and i mentioned in the past couple videos was my amazon influencer page and my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both of those links can be found inside my description box there's no website you can go to there's no fake store on amazon if you want to get the gear that i use and i trust go to the description box and click those links and we'll take you right to them and the last thing i'm looking at right now is i've been talking to a couple people and we're looking at maybe going on wordpress and getting a website put together and it should be kind of cool because all my links will be there where i'm at where i'm training who i'm training with videos will also be there with a little blog section you can talk about the videos you can share the videos and more importantly google search as well as youtube can pick up that website and circulate it so i think it's something pretty cool i mean look forward to hopefully the next few weeks i'll have that done and once i have it done i'll post that link as well anything you want to add no well off to bigger and better things [Music] [Music] ready back last night camping the rain with my son was outstanding it's always good to get out here where you're uncomfortable practice those skills hone those skills and eventually own those skills and that's what it's all about and that's the path that he's on right now and i couldn't be prouder i look at him and i'm like wow he's doing a great job and like i said before several times i love him more than my own life and i couldn't be prouder now as always all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both those links can be found inside my description box now please doing that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you read that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 239,167
Rating: 4.9446988 out of 5
Keywords: Overnight In The Woods With My Son During a Rainstorm, corporals corner, solo overnight, solo, camping in the woods, overnight survival shelter, camping in the rain, camping during a thunderstorm, minimum gear overnight, minimum gear survival, joe robinet, snugpak ionosphere, one tigris backwoods bungalow 2.0, overnight in the rain, overnight in an emergency shelter
Id: f_oQuUBcFOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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