Solo Overnight in a Rainstorm Using The Backpacking Tent by Rakaia Designs and Bacon Pancake Dippers

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[Applause] another beautiful day in the woods high of 60 low of 40 and it's supposed to rain tonight that's a good thing because if it ain't raining we ain't raining it's also a good thing because I want to get out here and test out a tent I got a tent sent to me a two-man tent from rakaia designs and looking at it I was actually impressed the shape of it the simplicity of it so I thought why not get it out here set it up check out the features test it out in the rain and see if it's good to go or not now for me a backpacking tent has to fulfill a couple requirements at least to one be a minimum one-man tent with enough room for my gear on the inside in case it rains and number two has to fit inside my pack and be around three pounds or less I'm not talking ultralight for me I can handle that my current gear load outs are 25 to 30 pounds and I carry that all the time when I'm out in the field and I'm good to go with that some people be like oh hell naw well guess what reality is a standard pack for three to five days is gonna be 25 to 30 pounds at a minimum okay and if you disagree let me know in the comments section but I found that even bringing food or enough items to secure food you're looking at 25 to 30 pounds all the time so if you can't carry that you need to get that out there in the field and train with it training with your gear means two things training with the actual components in the gear and training with the gear on your body so with that let's grab that two-man tent and get our setup I am Groot all right so one of the cool features I want to talk about first is this single pole construction it's color-coded you can't mess it up blackest towards the front Green stores the back [Music] [Music] that color though thinking of the words of my buddy Bishop Bullwinkle when he said [Music] [Music] you get eight sticks with this so we're down to our last two you know an option here you have these optional guidelines attached right here or give a loop at the bottom they can actually pull out and stick down I'll go with that option [Music] all right so far other than that color I have no complaints let's go ahead and get inside and see what we got okay so this is a three season tent you have our mesh right here yes it's breathable question I was good as what about condensation my answer is what about it it's gonna happen regardless there's a vent window behind me now in the front we have four pockets one in each corner at the very top we have a couple hooks to hang some lanterns it measures approximately 53 inches by 85 inches with a height of 36 inches so I could sit up in this bad boy and be good to go now it's made from 210 tee polyester has got a waterproofing on it so the rain fly is 100% waterproof as well as the floor in addition to that the seams are taped and the rain starting to come right now and that's good to go I got two more items I want to talk about I want to show you from rakaia once it be a sleeping bag and you get us gonna be a blow-up mattress all right all right all right first things first let's go and talk about this inflatable sleeping pad the yucca now it's a three season pad and you sell small actually rolls up to the waist in 19 ounces it's made from 20d nylon and what makes it special is it has a dual air chamber or double air chambers so if you puncture it it's not gonna deflate [Music] well liking it okay so real quick how this works we have a blue side in the black side we inflated the black side so whatever side you inflate you want that one on the bottom you wanna sleep on the opposite side and the reason why is if you puncture the black side the blue side can be replated so there's the rain again and it's good because they're actually laying inside on that pad and it's good to go I've got a 2.5 r value it's gonna be fit up a little bit we're in early spring so early spring to late spring you know it's gonna be about 4045 outside depend on where you're at in the country if you're on the west coast it probably about 100 already but this thing's nice it feels good it's comfortable it's is ribbed for my pleasure but seriously it's it feels good and like I mentioned whatever sides you inflate you want that on your underside so in the event that it punctures you have the opposite side that you're sleeping on you can just inflate that one and you're good to go now let's go ahead move on to that sleeping bag okay so real quick down and dirty let's talk about that sleeping bag we're looking at eighty six inches in length and about 31 inches in width it's not a mummy bag so it goes down to the full rectangle okay it's made from water resistant polyester on the top and the bottom and it's stuffed with hollow cotton it has a rating of 32 degrees all right it's actually good to go I'm kind of excited to get in there tonight and actually sleep aside from the colors I like it I went in contact with the company told them let's think about coyote tan or OD green and they're gonna look into it so I'm hopeful now let's do a short segue coronavirus I don't want my videos packed full of you know gloom and doom but I thought long and hard about this and the shelves are getting cleaned out and people are going nuts over food and I'm talking about food right now because I want to get a fire going while we have a break during the rain here and get some child cooked up but it's slim pickins so I thought what could I do what advice can I give how can I contribute or fix this problem and I think I figured it out boom this one can will feed you for a month think about it you ingest it you drop a deuce wash rinse repeat look I know I know okay it's not the real thing but the shelves are picked clean and it is slim pickins and this was left there so it's fully cooked sell by date July 2020 sell buy not used by and people walk right by this look at that and I said hey no hell nah he'll to the nah nah nah nah no tell you right now this day wanted the POC Eclipse full of pain I'm probably tear this bad boy open and eat all of it look at that releasing that grease and make it nice and crispy beautiful taste test I eat this all damn day [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh oh man and I give you bacon pancake dippers oh my god yeah see what Black Label fully cook bacon it's outstanding I don't care okay I'm not prejudiced we will not discriminate that is outstanding I'm gonna whole world shutting down McDowell's is closed McDonald's same thing no more of it griddles so I give you the mick corporal oh man a couple blueberry ones in here too ah sit back and enjoy the end of the world corporal style this is outstanding amen and yeah yes sir so plan of attack hunker down no fire tonight major storm major storms coming through here let's go last several days probably all the way till about Friday this Wednesday right now so they're in a non-stop about an hour good news attends holding up and oppressed very not bad nice here's my plan I'll talk about this really quick I noticed today several youtubers are putting out all this is my last video for a while things like that and they're gonna hunker down and they should good to go you know do what you think is best for you and your family or ultimately for yourself my plan is I'm gonna continue shooting videos I'm out in the woods invest for a virus is airborne and it floats across like bird box and everybody becomes darkened you know or you know we're already all infected and when we die we're gonna become zombies and walk the earth I'm gonna keep doing what I do as long as you're gonna watch I'm gonna be out there let's move on to logos really quick I'm in the final stages company sent me black-and-white prototype I'm happy with it so I said add the color to it and if it looks good by the end of the week or by early next week I'm launching it on TSP so again it's tied to YouTube I'm doing that way that way you see the YouTube videos and then see the merchandise so it'd be the easiest thing for everybody while this tea spring is still activated and you keep it slow oxidative should get a problem the only way you're not gonna see a video of mine is if YouTube shuts down so again if I gotta walk around with a go bag in a ghost town City I'm gonna do that I'm gonna put something out some kind of content will be out but rippling overnighter but something will be up every week from me and those that follow me on facebook on my corporals corner or in the pathline Learning Center I plan on putting out tipping trick videos things like that to keep you going like how to disinfect water with chemicals things like that so look forward to that kind of content I'm gonna try to stay active as I can meanwhile I'm we've got three or four different households that are family members and friends I'm floating between to make sure everybody's okay and that's how I am and I'll be doing that regardless so you can all sleep good at night knowing that I'm on the job still raining so no fire tonight because dumping outside is gonna pour for the next three days but we do have a propane stove and that means coffee for the morning so my plan the rest of the night is to hunker down here and stay warm and get some Z's rack offs it is dumping outside outstanding [Music] it's always nice getting out you're walking around after a rain it things a lot brighter cleaner the air smells clean it's nice real nice well here we go yeah not bad yeah strong - it's good one thing I'm noticing now is a lot of these companies not all but most and I'm sure they'll want to kill me for saying this it just seems like there's a proprietary blend like the taste is the same no matter what and they'll add a little sweetener to this or that or make it their own but it just seems like it tastes the same you know like I'm sure I could go out and buy some generic coffee slap a corporals corner label on there and be like corporals corner coffee in the big time cup of coffee in the big time the picture of me on there like this you know and people would buy that stuff up in a reality to taste it they'd be like bro it sucks so I might move into a coffee press oh now wait a minute never know I just hate carrying extra gear it drives me mad I mean insane the Marine Corps taught me just everything fits an ALICE pack and we're done people say well business you know coffee presses can be compact I get that but in just a mindset of extra gear I don't like it I don't like it this is good once again salty dog outdoors Kevin Baxter came through I appreciate the coffee bro while the world hasn't ended yet so I may enjoy my coffee corporal's corner cream with a crop nobody does it better well at least the rain stopped welcome back last night the rainstorm was outstanding and believe or not it was actually soothing and a good distraction from current events here in that rain hit that tarp that rain fly actually helped me drift off to sleep was outstanding let's talk about the tent itself did it perform the way it's supposed to yes is it a two-man tent or a one-man tent with all your gear yes is it around 100 bucks yes and is it around three pounds or less yes so it fits all my requirements for a backpacking tent now with the exception of the colors so no rakaia R&D team if you're watching this what I tell people want my opinion look at a tree okay you can see Browns tans Gray's dark grays dark Browns a little bit of black green OD green so I think if you tailor your tents and the sleeping bag and the blow-up pad with that thought process you can open your market up to a lot more people just my opinion now as always all of gear in this video can be found my Amazon influencer page or my self-reliance Outfitters influence of age both those links to be inside my search box now who's doing that favor hit that like subscribe button now we're in that notification bill won cheering that Bell please select all notifications and as always think of your comments abuse and support thanks for watching beyond the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 421,106
Rating: 4.9169354 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight in a Rainstorm Using The Backpacking Tent by Rakaia Designs and Bacon Pancake Dippers, corporals corner, ultralight tent camping, winter camping, camping in the rain, how to camp in the woods, fall camping, tent camping for beginners, solo overnight, ultralight camping in the woods, backpack camping, joe robinet camping, overnight survival camping, overnight survival shelter, rakaia designs tent, minimum gear camping
Id: 8bxmbkz_5cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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