Survival Camping In The Desert

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welcome to corporals corner today we're doing an overnight scout in the desert so stick around [Music] [Music] this is crazy check this out it was right around 102 degrees on that hilltop or we just came from and their shade everywhere I can actually hear water over here and I'm willing to bet it's probably about a good 20 degrees cooler just right here this is unreal it's like an alien planet let's go ahead and check it out this cottonwood is huge and are several out here alright so wherever you find yourself out in the world and whatever climate that you're in there's five basic priorities that have to be addressed or you're gonna die and those priorities are shelter fire water food and tools now although those priorities remain a constant regardless of your location in the world the order that you address them may vary depending on the climate that you're in for example bragger in the desert it has it rained in a while it's dry its arid it's pushing 100-plus degrees out there and I may choose to find water over shelter and they want shelter over water let's say I do find water unless I have some type of filtration system with me to where I can just put that water in there and drink it I may have to build and sustain a fire in order to disinfect that water by boiling so now fire just rose above water the same goes for food unless there's food just lying around out here I may have to build or create some type of tools in order to trap snare or secure that food in some way like frog eggs or fishing and so on and so forth so today what I want to do is scout this location for the next 24 hours and see if it will sustain the basic five priorities and if it can that I know I can come back here in the future for more overnighters as well as videos let's go ahead and kick this off with my gear list let's go ahead and kick this off and keep it simple I have my combustion devices I have three big lighters I have a half-inch by six ferrous iam rod and a magnifying lens of Sun lens with a magnification of five x directly beneath that we have a iOS Princeton tech 120 lumen headlamp we've gone to our shelter and cordage number 36 bank line approximately 50 foot of paracord for my ridge line for plastic stakes and my Pathfinder OD green hammock directly beneath that it's hot it's summertime it's pushing 100-plus degrees at night was looking about maybe low 70s upper 80s at the most so I went with a military poncho liner now directly beneath that I have my 8x8 equinox ultralight tarp let's move on to our cutting tools today we're working with our gurgi by design Pathfinder knife shop Kephart Victor knocks one had a trekker non-serrated they led them in super tool 300 and a gone boy 240 moving on directly beneath my cutting tools I have two hundred percent cotton bandanas there are two foot by two foot Ranger beads or pacing beads a Suunto mc2 compass it's got an extra magnifying lens as well as a mere change provide Diane two percent I can treat wounds as well as disinfect water and a one inch roll of guerrilla brand duct tape I'll go ahead and include my containers with my food I have two wide mouth stainless steel bottles as a Nalgene bottle right here in a Klean Kanteen followed by a nesting cup and to field-strip Tamara's and last but not least let's go ahead and talk about our comfort items or emergency items the first ones a life straw now those of you that know me know that I'm not a fan of these and I never will be there's some people I know who swear by this as a primary go-to source but for me if I'm buying a filter is going to be a sawyer or some type of MSR pump filter so i can process several gallons at a time this right here in my opinion is good for a good backup filter an emergency i have to hike out of here now and follow this stream or Creek back to civilization I can drink as I go and for that it's excellent as a secondary or backup filter now I also have a frog gig this can double as a fish gig as well I have a pocket fishing kit and underneath this I have a hidden woodsman 2x2 international orange signal panel and for today's pack we're going to use in the deep woods ruck by the hidden woodsman it's made of 1000 n your nylon measures 21 by 14.5 light 8 weights 2.4 pounds and has a capacity of 50 liters on the exterior we have two side pockets that measure 11 by 8 by 4 we have a reinforced axe leave grab handle the bottoms got an attachment for a bedroll and best of all it attaches to an ordinary Alice pack frame check that out now on the inside get your drawstring to tighten it up you got a bright colored separation sleeve right here and the best part about the inside you have a built in Possible's pouch check that out now that we have our gear list squared away let's go moving to our survival priorities the first one being shelter I want to keep in mind the four w's wind water widow-makers in wood so looking around this area is there any wind well is a nice breeze blowing across me right now it's 102 out there and it's about eighty degrees in the shade so I'll welcome that nice breeze water I know there's a creek over here I haven't investigated it yet but I know it's there check number two good to go widow-makers meaning dead branches or dead trees that could fall over and crush and kill me or injure me in the night where I'm standing right now I don't see anything of concern so it's good to go and lastly is wood is there a dry wood around here or dead wood that I could use to sustain a fire there's wood everywhere and we're in the desert so I know it's dry check number four good to go let's make our shelter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's going to talk about survival priorities first one is shelter I'm calling this good however I brought my shelter with you now this time of the year when it's summertime it's hot everyday shelter in the desert does not necessarily mean tent a tarp hammock RV etc it could be something as simple as finding shade now up on that hilltop it was 102 degrees and I felt it I'm wearing a hard percent cotton clothes I was sweating and was soaking through I felt it as soon as I came down here in this shaded area I want to say it's probably at least 20 degrees cooler and now sitting right here in the shade underneath the tarp is creating artificial shade it's actually cooler and the breeze is blowing across me this is nice it's comfortable right now so in my opinion if all you could do is scan an area and you see some trees or vegetation go to it find that shade pocket cop a squat and call it good now number one rule of hammocks only hang it as far as you are willing to fall and for me that's about two feet any more than two feet and I'm gonna start getting crazy I was go ahead and talk about this hammock right here whenever I get a hammock no matter what brand it is I always want a double meaning meant for two people or an extra large and the reason why is because it's that much wider it's almost a person wider this one here happens to be a double and the reason why I want to double at the minimum is because of this pocket right here I can take a full bottle or Nalgene bottle or a Klean Kanteen it works also fill it full of water place it inside there now I got water for the night but that full bottle creates a weight on one side that can now drape this side over top of me and no mosquito nets needed and I've used this in several states and as far as bugs getting on me I never had initially now let's talk about a couple things here with this tarp I use my ridge line that you saw earlier we secure it on this end over here with a bowline and turned it into a modified Marlin or marlinespike hitch the reason why I did this because all I gotta do is pull that toggle it created a quick release and that end should drop over here I have my classic trucker's hitch and I've used trucker's hitch for years years and years and I'm sold on it and it's strictly reason why is because I can pull that tight as I want but most importantly I can pull that string and create quick release on this side as well so both ends will drop now I've gotten several comments about well so-and-so uses taut line hitch you start doing that well for me and my experience at taut line hitch is great and before I go forward on this move forward it works for you good to go but in my experience a taut line hitch is meant more for a guideline and example would be on a tent you want to pull the sides out make it wider on the inside give you more room you tie a taut line hitch that way you can just pull it upward and it cinches back on itself so it won't slip and it works great but for me I've always used a trucker's hitch for a ridge line because the quick-release I don't wanna use a taut line hitch you have to feed it back through and screw around with it have to completely untie it and then wrap it back up in my hand and throw it away so that's why I use what I use and I do what I do and there's our trucker's hitch once again pull this line my ridge line will drop the shelter's up and it's good to go let's move into our second priority and that's gonna be water now I'm told there's a creek out here so while the guy do is located once we're there we'll look for any type of animal sign fish tadpoles frogs turtles etc because that can fulfil our food priority at a later time let's get out here and find that water it's too murky to see anything in here oh I saw something that was a huge tackle I think was huge man things like that hopefully the camera caught that there we go heard that you got tadpoles this big the Frog is gonna be about that big yes sir so that means maybe get frog gigs tonight and get out here and get some of these frogs yep so priority number two is water and we got water [Music] that was huge look at that [Music] something out here is fat happy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude those tadpoles were effing huge that combined with that dead crayfish satisfies the food requirement in my book the water is right there although I can't drink it as is I can filter it or boil it so what's left fire and tools now when we started this video I was sitting up against a cottonwood now let's show you those right here to me a cottonwood is a cousin to a tulip poplar found back east or an aspen we have inner bark fibers that can be used for a bird's nest or tinder bundle and the entire tree itself to be made into a bow drill set let's go there and check it out that's a huge Cottonwood there's some of the diamond-shaped leaves that we talked about in my previous videos by Cottonwood bow drill unreal fire by friction right there here's another one it's actually dead and you can see right here one more characteristic of this Cottonwood just like Aspen's and Tula poplars they have this inner bark it's perfect for tinder bundles of bird's nest look at that this place is a gold mine okay so I showed you that Cottonwood and I was able to get a piece cut off and I baton dit down then you saw me sit there and carve this out so here's my fire board sometimes referred to as a hearth I got a spindle sometimes referred to as a drill all we do is we crowned one end right here and then tapered the other end my bow got a slight curvature to it I made a small indentation all the way around for my bowstring and a why branch at the end it's personal preference so all I need right now is a bearing block or a handhold now one thing that's unique to cottonwoods is that they have really thick gnarly looking bark and check out how thick that actually is right there that's a good inch and a half thickness so what I can do is actually measure this out cut it right here and use this bark for a handhold for a bowstring all we're gonna do is take our number 36 bank line and tie a bowline rotate it over come out of the hole go around the tree and back through the hole pull it tight my spindle put that spindle right where I want it about 1/4 inch from the edge take my knife make a small indentation there for the center of my spindle would be I'm gonna carve a divot and want that divot to be about the same diameter as my spindle because the next step is called seating your drill we're gonna burn the full diameter of that spindle into this board and then carve our notch and go for an ember don't want to go too deep just remove the material we grab my bearing block or my socket do the exact same thing for the taper at end of my spindle don't want to go too deep just the same diameter make sure that they marry up we're good to go give my spindle I would start off like this towards myself down and away I'll hear it lock my stock it for bearing block and then lock my wrist in my knee now we're not going for an ember like I mentioned all we're gonna do is try and burn that school diameter that spins a link to my board don't want to utilize the full length of my bow you got smoke looking good that's exactly what I want to see nice and black like that so now I take my spindle carve off the charred area so a fresh material to work with and while they're gonna do this on my side that I may use to burn in not my tapered in only the ends I use to crown it's good to go I'll protect this end by placing it on my bandana now I'm good to go to carve my notch right here and we'll go ahead and carve a pi notch so I went and carved a PI notch right here I want to go inside here no more than about an eighth inch take the backside of my knife flatten everything out very good to go and last but not least we'll go ahead and open the bottom up for airflow look at this just laying here on the ground unreal bone-dry - look at that now just so you can see how dry things are out here there's still the inner strands or the inner bark of a cottonwood I found just laying here on the ground all I gotta do is work this stuff around you can see it just falling apart look at that let's move it into the shape of a bowl or a bird's nest some of this powder you should be good to go here we go it's all married up I want to do is fill that notch and utilize the full length of my bow take up speed yeah we got it rotate my board and tap the Ember free just like that take my bundle to my ember add that powder transfer carefully from my ember catch to my bundle not just add oxygen [Music] here we go I could turn it over so that fully engulfed so I could add this to my fire leg outstanding survival priority fire all right good to go so far so good we found a good shelter location and we put up our shelter we found water we made fire now we can disinfect that water and drink it we even found food now the last thing to do is make some tools so we can secure that food and for me I'm gonna go ahead make a frog gig I brought a pocket fishing kit which we'll try later but a frog gig I think is the way to go let's get started so were you bet yeah it's Friday you're off work right what are you doing nothing well how about grabbing your bag of tricks you're 10 sees hammock water chow and get out here out where you know the spot dude be spot yeah come on out man it's crazy out here it's paradise I bro laters all right cool my boy friend of mine by the name of Andrew Heath coming out he's currently taking a bunch of courses right now at the pathfinder school and wants to be an instructor as well so we'll get him out here get him dialed in yeah who knows it's my frog gigs and have a good time we'll see him soon so for my frog gig I'm not gonna go in extreme detail because what I'll do is I'll put another video over in the Eastern woodlands I've actually how to make one of these but rule of thumb for me I want a straight stick and at the base I want to be about an inch and a half I want reach up will extend my arm it's about nine feet make a mark right there and cut that and remove all my branches again I'll go into detail with this at a later date but what I'm gonna do here where I'm shooting for go down about six inches I'm gonna wrap this and I'm going to use basically the same thing you would use for a whipping on a rope at the end of the rope then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna baton this down this way and then perpendicular separate them by shoving sticks down inside one way and then the other way and then sharpen them up finally wrap them and tie it off it should be good to go now all we gotta do is sharpen these bad boys up and tie them off look at this guy who's your frog big what you're gonna want to do here is taper that in so it fits over top of this you got a hole right there your paracord run out through there put a knot okay big knot it run it down here stay wedged on there oh yeah see this check that out so different at nighttime it's a spooky crap right there hey some people do things as fighters see when our here might be these people okay there's food right there so just right behind the head and what doesn't matter that's a small one it's nothing any meat on the legs there so that's up to you if you want to take that or not nope but that's how they chill is see the head light as long as your lights are on them they play stupid like they're paralyzed and they don't move not gonna kill it this is poker well having it bigger for next time huh next time buddy next time check it out whispered coming okay go ahead and work both sides of this this is where I saw the big one over today there's also a big turtle inside here look at that what do we got here ladies and gentlemen Andrew Heath Wow dude look at that look at these there's my fist right there look at that on the real dude outstanding good job [Music] just like chicken [Music] credible thumbs up nice [Music] [Music] goodnight [Music] while it's about tonight so good oh yeah yeah nice time to get up pack up and get out Oh I said before and I'll say it again that's a huge cottonwood welcome back the past 24 hours have been outstanding especially last night and there's no doubt in my mind that this location right here on any day of the week will fulfill all five of our priorities of shelter fire water food and tools and the best part is not only did I get a chance to share this with you but I got to share with a friend that do me a huge favor hit the subscribe button and notification bell and as always thank you for your comments views support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 481,646
Rating: 4.8755555 out of 5
Keywords: Corporals Corner, Overnight Scout, Camping, Hiking, Wild Camp, Alone, Desert Survival, Stealth Camping, Scouting, Survival, Bushcraft, Wilderness, Dave Canterbury, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, Hammock Camping, Frog Gig, Frog Legs, Desert Camping, Overnighter, Camping in the desert, agirlinthewild, Sedona, Arizona Camping, survival camping in the desert, camping alone in the desert
Id: mSpQGk0IMMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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