Solo Overnight in an Emergency Free Standing Shelter and Campfire 3 Cheese Bacon Potatoes Hobo Style

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welcome to corporals corner today we're doing a solo overnight in a free-standing shelter so stick around we have an outstanding show coming up time for another edition of corporals corner I am your professor class is in session now we're talking about freestanding shelters one thing I've noticed over the years is roaming around the wastelands meaning the deserts or even wooded areas like this right here and as far as rainforests up in Oregon and Washington the area that you want to camp at most the time is compromised by either sloping landscape or routes or some type of debris or something that would take hours to clear or fix and the go-to answer is a hammock for me every time because the ground can do this and I'm gonna lay like this between two trees now another problem I found is that trees might just be too far away or too big around meaning diameter and they eat up your Ridgeline and 25 or 50 foot just goes like that or they're too far away to worry 50 foot now I'm trying to string it I'm barely making it and it's just too far of a span so how do we fix that well we fix it with a free-standing shelter now this is very simple to do and it can be done anywhere let's go ahead and bust it out seem to be doing more yard work out here and I do at home Darren Tarrant dun dun dun here's what I'm thinking freestanding shelter right here in a diamond plow or diamond wedge three points of contact boom boom right here windscreen our backstop right out there in a horseshoe shape now check this out theoretically I'm thinking see the exact same thing as a lean-to shelter laying parallel to a fire and that heats gonna come inside for emergency tarp and reflect on three sides now onto our body let's do it x-men trainee [Music] so far so good now for those of you who want skills and get ready for it those poles are cut if you notice it's nothing special one inch diameter four to five foot in length and you're in business now we're going to secure those poles using a bipod lash this ranger grip 78 is outstanding I won't use your name but I will say thank you I know I know he minds are blown bear with me now everything carries over utilizing the same clove hitch that we use from our suspended shelter I now have two pigtails I drape down think about that most of these freestanding shelters have one piece of cordage that goes straight down in front of their shelter if I do that where am I putting a campfire just like our clove hitch rare utilize the Marlin and Marlin spike hitch all we're gonna do make a loop walk that loop upward pull up pocket through there and shove our stake through it you want to stab this bad boy in the ground at a 45 degree angle done deal [Applause] do itbest that means this is the best tool money can buy that ladies and gentlemen is called an excuse to use this okay so keep in mind this is an emergency tarp it's a five by seven Arcturus tarp now there's also a pathfinder tarp that's almost identical to this however I said the word almost the Pathfinder tarp has a thicker coating so whichever one you want to support Amazon influence or page Arcturus self-reliance Outfitters Pathfinder tarp both are five by sevens however the benefit is like I mentioned thicker coating but wait for it the Arcturus is now making an extra-large tarp that believes an eight by ten so pick your poison now that beauty of a tarp like this it's reflective on the inside so being in this configuration with three points of contact I'm not gonna need a long fire like we're used to a simple fire in front should carry that heat all the way through that shelter to the back [Music] you taking some of the small pieces we're going to process it into medium and fine material [Music] okay okay so I have one vise it's not like we're talking meth or crack or heroin or mmm take it thank you that's gonna drive me crazy simple out of chaos comes order [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so just cook the bacon to your liking then we're go ahead and toss that hobo meal in the fire 15-20 minutes it's where the potatoes are tender to your liking add the bacon another 5-10 minutes get that flavor infused then we'll take it out add our cheese dude I can smell the potatoes and onions that garlic salt mmm that butter mmm wanna start digging hell yeah [Applause] [Music] Tony right now just the aroma alone the onions three different types of potatoes three different cheeses bacon mmm butter garlic salt oh man oh man once again this is the best meals hobo meal hmm this is good that bacon grease in there hmm oh man even showing you a video and pictures this is like nothing Oh there's a popular bacon I've already shown you this but I would get them do it again but nope we can serve my calories and intake calories hmm man oh man once again bacon the manna from heaven hmm well well I'm gonna sit here or lay here jabba the hutt style you like and then they can take it myself and get you a little bit [Music] that food was outstanding like I say that was really good to go oh man look that same hobo style now again I have my skillet it can be cooked in a skillet probably be done twice as fast but I want to save that bacon grease for some tomorrow we got bacon grease coursing through my veins like me you know I need my fix so the first thing we talk about is logos yes I keep talking about it but no one individual I won't say names but sent me something today I was like yes I'm about 90% with that said you got a company in Australia that is actually volunteered to look at the work as well so between the both of them I might have them combine forces and we're looking like a week or two out and that's it I mean get the ball rolling there and get this happening so it was actually excited I saw the rough draft today and I was like yeah that's exactly what we're talking about simple and looking at it you're like if that's his channel so it's going to talk about the shelter real quick here notice we have a windscreen put up here it's kind of like a I don't know it's got two wings on the sides okay now that's being done to block the wind from opposite directions here as well as here one we have a lean-to or some type of lean-to the relay I want to say well parallel to the fire yes oh here here with parallel to the fire right now I'm kind of perpendicular to that fire but we're utilizing the exact same theory as before hide my reflective tarp we've got three points of coverage this side the backside and over here and the beauty of this is that it does not require a long fire that's small fire right there that heat is over kind of topping I could feel my legs over here so I'm guaranteeing you that I'll be warm all night these bags are actually he's not too for the feelings starting to sweat right here it's probably 80 degrees at least I'll grab my thermometer later on and we'll put it in here and find out but I'm more on the back seat about 80 degrees right here which is good because it requires less wood let's work on my part and you know everybody's happy that way now there's one individual that's been on my mind for a while since last year has almost been a year some about nine months and she has a channel and last year she asked me to sit down with her and have an interview for her YouTube channel a lot of things were going on at that time those that know me personally you know that I'm still going through those issues in a couple weeks it should be over and I just wasn't really mentally there to sit down and conduct an actual full-blown YouTube interview so I still over that interview so I figure you know I'll do something better than that I'll go ahead and mention her channel now her name is madison pool and the channel is bomb-proof bushcraft we've checked that out bomb-proof bushcraft there's a lot of hacks on there a lot of cooking how to mix sawsbuck sawsbuck sawsbuck sharing tools gear skills it's well balanced and once again she's all about education and unfortunately not being heard or circulated so do me a favor and check her out at bomb-proof bushcraft I'm gonna try to get up and get some more wood keyword was try probably won't make it but we're gonna try at a time so it rained last night and all the part that's wet is right here that's it that's crazy so just goes to show that keeping the opening away from the wind or out of the wind three sided shelter you can't stay warm and dry all night on the ground so that water nice this is 5x7 tarp and I'm 6 foot 1 so it worked out well how many coffee time [Music] another hard part like the saying goes it's not the years it's the mileage well the firepit looks pretty much soap but check it out go home look at that wet on top dry on the bottom nice good some coffee go on some breakfast spam spare ham with real bacon how bad could it be yeah I'm gonna have to take that back because you can go from bad to worse honestly it's not bad it's just not good it's not good now it's fully cooked when I fried it in that baking for you it actually gave it more baking flavor but tasting the inside of it and smell it it smells like realest BAM which is not okay but I want proteins yeah I think it's only edible because it was in the bacon grease now Black Rock will coffee smell good hmm very not that yeah I can definitely get down this yep good spear ham Nadia's gross there's the rain what's the same if it ain't rainin we ain't rainin welcome back last night the emergency shelter build was outstanding to say the least now once again it's always cool to get out here get some stuff done and see what's possible using a minimum kit as always all the gear in my video can be found my Amazon influencer page or my self-reliance Outfitters influence of page both those links will be inside my description box please do in that favor hit that like and subscribe button then you read that notification bell once you ring that Bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments abused support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun I'm going to catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 199,767
Rating: 4.9425921 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight in an Emergency Free Standing Shelter and Campfire 3 Cheese Bacon Potatoes Hobo Style, corporals corner, solo overnight camping, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnighter, overnight survival shelter, minimum gear overnighter, overnight emergency shelter, emergency shelter, emergency kit, minimum gear camping, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear survival, overnight in an emergency shelter, free standing shelter
Id: xeEK_0273LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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