Solo Bushcraft Overnight in a DIY Hammock Stand and Bacon Ribeye Steak With Stuffed Mushrooms

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welcome to corporal's corner today we're doing a solo overnight in a do-it-yourself hammock stand so stick around with an outstanding show coming up another outstanding day time for another solo overnighter in the woods this time we're gonna make a do-it-yourself hammock stand now this got me thinking a couple questions i've gotten over the years is do i prefer hammock camping to say tent camping or emergency tarp camping and my honest choice is hammock first time every time but what i found traveling united states is that sometimes these hammock straps are exactly six feet in length that means you've got six foot on each side sometimes they're nine foot sometimes you buy the extra long ones and they're 12 foot but the common theme is some places they don't want you hanging any type of hammock on them trees because you're going to hurt those trees and then you're going to face a hefty fine or the hammock straps that you bought or the ones that came with your hammock setup are just short enough to where you can't reach that tree so what do you do that's where a hammock stand comes into play let's get out here in the woods roam around find some wood preferably two to three inch diameter about six feet in length and make a do-it-yourself hammock stand let's get to it like i always say it's not the ears it's the mileage laughs [Music] and keeping with the usual theme of my videos let's keep this easy peasy lemon squeezy i'm thinking two simple tripods and a ridge pole and that should be sufficient enough to distribute my weight and hold my fat ass all night [Music] to my legions this is what i go through for you guys why corporal cares let's go ahead and pause for a minute for those interested in gear my gear can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page or to my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box or simply go to laughs [Music] like uh [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] [Applause] all right so here's what i'm thinking we'll go ahead and secure the ridge pole right here to our tripod using a jam nut or an arbor knot then take our hammock straps hang on this outside edge on both sides that will pull down the ridge pole and lock it into the tripod and we should be good to go ah and that's what we're talking about 240 pounds of twisted steel sex appeal and bacon grease and we're holding baby outstanding hang your hammock anywhere and it's as simple as that the shelter's done and honestly this point in the day it's time for fire and chow because i'm getting hungry but i thought i'd go ahead and do a tip and trick first now this tip and trick revolves around a question i get asked all the time and that is what i do about bugs mostly mosquitoes insects things like that and here's number one answer go ahead and buy some sort of spray repel 25 deet guaranteed to repel the bugs mosquitoes and probably give you cancer if you use this long term so let's go ahead and do away with option one we bushcrafted a shelter over there let's stick with that theme and bushcraft some sort of way to repel the mosquitoes i'm thinking utilize some sort of bush pot and create a smudge pot all right kiss keep it simple stupid or simplicity at its best a smudge pod is nothing more than a smoke generator wrap your head around that something that produces smoke that you can hang or move around let the wind carry it to your campsite and that smoke simply keeps the bugs or mosquitoes at bay now for that you need a couple things one a container bush pod is perfect two you need fire in that container you want that fire to burn down leaving you with coals and three we need some type of compressed fuel that will smoke and smolder for a period of hours now we're looking outstanding good to go if you will but like everything else that we do let's take it to the next level let's kick that smudge pod up a notch and to do that i'm thinking we walk through here get to the edge of the woods and look for some medicinal plants that have bug repellent properties and the first one that i see is yarrow uh and yes for those that have not figured it out yet i'm using a different camera this is the olympus oemd elementop mark ii or some damn thing that i purchased over a year ago sad to say my sony handycam after several years probably five or six years the ax 33 is coming to an end so i decided to bust this camera out and give it a whirl i'm not completely sold on it but tell me what you think leave a comment in the comment section alright good to go it's that time smudge pot is smudging fire's burnt down i've separated the coals and i'm ready for some ciao now here's what i'm thinking i'm in the mood for a steak thinking rib eye stuffed mushrooms and a bacon vegetable so let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell then feel free to check out my other skills and overnight videos bacon tester borderline god like truth be told there was two of them i ate one way over here so now the bacon we've already tasted but i forgot what that tastes like oh man and now for the rib eye oh man heavenly tell you what as usual i'm going to sit here and eat all of this catch you all in a minute i'm hoping that the new website once again i'm hoping that's live by time you see this video and you can go on there and you can go ahead and submit your email with a new email list i can hey youtube don't want to notify you i will also you have direct access to my amazon link my self-reliance outfitters link which are my influencer pages you also have direct access to me and be able to contact me or see what i'm doing where i'm training at merchandise is coming i promise you that it is coming and an online classroom is coming posting sunday is my day i've said it several times and i'll say it again if you have not heard from me by 3 pm eastern time go ahead and go on facebook search for me you're going to find my videos posted everywhere sunday is my day now along with that i mentioned youtube is no longer giving emails but if you take your phone and you download the youtube app and sign in they're going to give you push notifications through your phone so it's a guaranteed way to know that i have a new video that just dropped once again go on your phone go over to your apps and get the youtube app and sign in and everyone you're subscribed to right there you should start getting push notifications so check that out this is all tied into their grand scheme of only keeping top people and like what's trending celebrities liberal agendas liberal topics trump hating makeup tutorials video games everybody else you can have leftover crap and that sounds negative but that is the honest to god truth if i said you know what i'm taking my ball and i'm out of here well it wouldn't really matter because there's a million more people who think they're going to be the next best thing to step right up and play the game and spin that wheel and last but not least my thank you once again i would not be here after 12 years if it weren't for you all thank you to all my new subs all my old subs for sticking around and watching my videos one thing you can help me out with my watch time is killing me i put together a good package of overnight videos skills cooking entertainment gear reviews bushcraft survival legit skills how to and in my opinion no one else is doing that and i wrap all that in between a 30 to 35 minute package my watch time is only 10 to 12 minutes i try to do random cut angles to try and keep people's attention but people are just skipping along so the average video is 13 minutes and it's killing my watch time if you could do me a favor watch the video from beginning to end share the videos with others post them everywhere and share them with everybody this will help me out this will keep me around youtube can try to dial me back but i'm here to stay and i got several things planned for the future collabs cool places to go awesome things happening and i need your all all of your help and support for this and once again from the bottom of my heart thank you to all my new subs thank you all the old ones for sticking around i really appreciate it oh man [Music] uh tell you what man this is living right here like i said hang your hammock anywhere baby right here [Music] zero early after oh light sprinkled last night but here we are so man outstanding as usual all right let's talk about a couple things real quick first off that's shelter now once again i said this before and i'll say it again simplicity at its best the entire shelter was bushcrafted using tripod lashes and an arbor knot or jam knot and that's it cut your poles make sure it will hold your body weight tie it together you're good to go and you can realistically hang your hammock anywhere so people are going to say well i could just step 20 feet in the woods and i'll be good to go right but think of it like this a lot of places you can't do that and there's also areas across the midwest and on the west coast where it's open flat land so something like this you can actually build out a two by fours and put in your backyard and hang a hammock so it's a good idea some work involved but it just goes to show once again what you can do with a couple of hitches a handful of knots and some common sense last thing i want to talk about real quick and i did not mention this last night is i'm considering doing a midweek video say a skills or a gear review video and then on sunday drop my usual overnighter something to think about something coming up but i'll need your help with that again youtube is shutting down the email notifications so if you can watch my videos share my videos it'd be appreciated this is outstanding and last but not least please check out [Music] welcome back last night in the do-it-yourself hammock stand was outstanding and just goes to show that when you're armed with simple knots couple lashes and a few hitches you can be unstoppable and there's no limit to what you can create you're out here learning those skills honing those skills and eventually owning those skills as always all the gear in my video can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box or simply go to now please do my favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 233,602
Rating: 4.9502759 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Bushcraft Overnight a DIY Hammock Stand and Ribeye Steak and Stuffed Mushrooms with Bacon, corporals corner, solo, solo overnighter, camping in the woods, overnight in the woods, how to hammock camp, overnight survival shelter, overnighter, joe robinet, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, overnight in a survival shelter
Id: 2AQqdlxzIBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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