SML Parody: Jeffy's Crocs!

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so guys that excuse y'all done you want to come to my house and play uh sorry dude I can't play today I gotta hunt for food behind my house tonight so I don't go hungry yeah Junior I totally would but we have an essay due tomorrow so so I'm gonna go home and do it these guys look into his homework right Joseph what a loser see this guy's gonna get good grades in school and actually pass and have a good career we have good grades Cody I wouldn't be talking junior I think you have like all C's maybe one beat so it's still passing he's still passing barely passing you know what shut up Cody my Crocs are cooler than yours what even is that leopard print oh it's zebra print and they're gamer Crocs because see I have the gamer controller on them oh yeah well I have hyper reflective coding uh neon Croc that my mom got me so I can walk around at night and not get hit by cars oh your Crocs match the color your teeth yeah well well well if it isn't the losers look at them PJ they have their Crocs in sport mode they're not in Comfort mode like we are you guys are such losers uh no oh boy Billy we're just about to change him right guys let's change them wait what does it even matter Junior they're more comfortable when they're in sport mode shut up do you want to be cool or not I want to be cool but I want to be comfortable too we bought the Crocs to be cool so let's change them out of sport mode so we don't get laughed at oh this is so ridiculous okay whatever there we go now I'm cool hey Junior what doing uh Hey Jeffy I just switched my Crocs from sport mode to comfort motion now I'm cool like everybody else whoa Junior where are frogs no they're not frog Chevy they're Crocs look mine are cool because they have a gamer jibbit on them whoa Junior that is kind of drippy so Jeffy where are your Crocs um I don't have any you don't have any have anything oh maybe Daddy can buy me some how much are they well they're only like 50 bucks so they're not that expensive nope no way Junior daddy cannot afford that he is poor well then why don't you do what I do and steal your Dad's credit card I mean I do that to my dad and he can't do anything because he's in jail well the problem is I do steal Daddy's credit card I buy the battle pass in v-bucks and then he blocks the card so I can't use it anymore oh my God loser what are you wearing those are not Crocs what do you not have any huh no bully bill I actually do have frogs Crocs oh I do have Crocs I just left them at home yeah well I better see them on your feet tomorrow otherwise you're getting beat come on PJ let's go no worries bully bill tomorrow you will see me in the coolest most drippy Crocs and they will not be in sport mode uh junior can I borrow your Crocs tomorrow no Jimmy get your own Crocs I need these to be cool too but I don't want to get beat by bully Bill well I don't want to get beat either jeffy's here you guys get your own oh I gotta say I'm gonna have to ask Daddy he better say yes daddy I'm home from school hey Jeffy how was your day today well it was okay up until the point where I realized that everybody at school has these brand new oh oh you notice my new shoes what do you think they're pretty cool right I got them on clearance today at Target you know you have them too everybody else is wearing Crocs daddy everybody has Crocs at school and now you have them I don't get it I just saw them on clearance today at Target and you know I kind of got sick at looking at my spray on shoes so I wanted to change it up a little bit look these are cool they have me and my brother on them wow so cool can I please get a pair what no Jeffy there's no more in the clearance bin Crocs but I want to fit in at school and everybody else has them okay fine can I just wear yours to school tomorrow no Jeffy in case you for so now I have to walk to work every day okay and these make the walk somewhat bearable yeah I get blisters but it's still better than walking my spray on shoes great then I'll just be left out and if you see me in the nurse's office tomorrow because bully Bill gave me a black eye you will know why well I don't know what to tell you you know what Jeffy actually wait I might be able to solve your problem wait right here okay Jeffy look what I found oh it's Crocs it's my old pair of Crocs that I had when I was your age see I used to wear them all the time I wore them to school I wore them in the rain I can tell okay Jeffy so what they're a little bit misshapen a little bit misshapen died this is disgusting it looks like he went through World War II no I did not go World War II with these Crocs on Jeffy do you want them or not um I went new Crocs you're not getting new Crocs not unless you want to work for an allowance Sweatshop I'm not doing that no Jeffy normal kids work for money that's what they do uh no Daddy normal parents buy their kids shoes you have shoes I want Crocs oh my gosh all right you have fun then I'm just gonna take these back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what I'm getting desperate are you gonna take them or not ah it's a shock all over again oh man you guys he's finally recessed so what you guys might do first honestly I think I'm gonna study for that test we have later today oh my God Cody seriously what I want to get a good grade okay Junior The Stupid Test Cody you're Crocs what's wrong with them they're still in sport mode we told you to change them oh you're still caught up on that who cares Junior we care because we get to sit with PJ at the lunch table do you want to start with PJ or not I I do but like I I didn't change them you know what maybe it's more comfortable like this maybe I like the ankle support maybe maybe it helps my feet okay well you know what when you want to stop being lame and you change into Comfort mode like us then you can come play with us but for now we're just gonna play with PJ you're kidding oh come on this is ridiculous Junior oh my God Joseph what is wrong with that kid why would he buy Crocs if he's not even gonna use him for clout whatever we'll just sit at PJ's cool table wait a minute wasn't Jeffy supposed to bring his Crocs to school today where is he thank you oh gross what are those all right loser it's time let's see him um yeah time for me to go inside I think the teacher is calling nope we still got another 30 minutes so wear your Crocs uh Crocs believe me I don't know what you're talking about show me the Crocs or you get beat oh my God oh oh my God what are those are you sure those are even Crocs yes their daddy's hand me downs okay those things are disgusting you can't put any gibbets in those and they're still in sports mode okay but they literally don't change because of how old they are I think they rusted over well you know what I have to do now right Boy Bill don't wait I brought this on yourself no I guess it was Crocs didn't work out for you huh Jeffy nope Boy Bill gave me oh edgy oh yeah it looks bad well you know what if you don't want to get another wedgie tomorrow you can always get the limited edition Crocs are coming out tonight let me take the dishes yeah they're Lightning McQueen Crocs if you get those everyone's gonna think you're so cool oh how I do it Junior well you gotta go to the website and you gotta reserve them but you better do it fast because everyone else is going to want to get him too all right I'll get those Crocs and unbelievable can't give me any more wedgies yep well good luck with that oh wait wait Junior I need help getting down later that night where you at school has their Crux and they think they are so cool well guess what when I have my limited edition Lightning McQueen Cars light up Crocs I will be the coolest and everybody will be begging to sit at my lunch table oh my God I think they're finally on sale oh shoot I forgot Daddy's credit card is blocked because of the fortnite v-bucks um daddy wake up I need your help real quick oh my God Jeffy it's midnight what do you want you have school tomorrow Daddy we don't have time just unblock the credit card uh if I let you buy the stupid Crocs will you let me go back to bed and be a good boy yes I swear I will be a good boy just unblock your credit card please ah just let me go get my phone to unblock the stupid card oh my God great they are all sold out and it only took 30 seconds thanks for your help Daddy I don't even care about your stupid credit card anymore uh time for another day at school with Daddy's hand-me-down Crocs hopefully bully Bill wasn't the one to win the limited edition hey loser guess what I got I got all right this is gonna be fun you know what actually loser I have a better idea what if I gave you my new Crocs where's the camera's bully Bill oh there's no cameras I'm giving you have to give me your fortnite login for a whole week okay calm down bully Builder my fortnite login that's all I do I mean okay fine five days um one day you know what loser these Crocs light up are you sure you don't want them they light up that is so cool okay two days nope five days or I go and you don't get the Crocs all right five days so perfect I'll be over at your house after school to get the login okay all right loser where's that stupid fortnite login so I can play with the fortnite emotes I want a gritty and use fresh um bully bill I was thinking what if we only trade halves so I'd give you half the fortnite logging and then you only give me one of the Crocs no loser that's stupid I can't play fortnite with half a login that's the point I don't want you on my account fine guess I'm going home with my Crocs then wait no Logan's right here all right then let's see what daddy is poor and fat that's your password please don't tell him he's gonna get upset all right let's see if this works what are you doing I'm testing to see if it works loser go get me chocolate cake what chocolate yeah it wasn't part of the deal I just said would give you my password well it is now loser if you want the Croc to get me chocolate cake oh my God I hate you bully bill I hate you too here is Daddy's fresh most Exquisite chocolate cake your majesty oh hey loser look what I just did I changed your fortnite password oh you what I changed your fortnite password so it's my account now I have all your skins and all your emotes I even have fresh Boy Bill why would you do that we did not agree to this so I wanted the account loser I don't think I agreed to not keeping the account oh my God will I get your Crocs both of them oh yeah the Crocs oh I forgot to tell you I lied and I'm not actually giving them to you I just wanted your fortnite account and it worked so if you'll excuse me I gotta get home I have a lot of fortnite to play oh my God Boy Bill I cannot believe this that's it if bully Bill wants to change my fortnite password and not give me the Crocs then nobody gets any Crocs oh hey Cody what Cody you're not wearing your Crocs today what no I couldn't find them what Junior you're not wearing yours either what happened yeah I know I couldn't find him either something weird is going on that is weird hey George have you guys seen my crotch I couldn't find him today you couldn't find yours either that's so weird we all couldn't find our Crocs wait what do you you losers Stole My Cries no we didn't wait no yeah boy but we didn't take your crotch ours are missing too if it wasn't you guys and it has to be that stupid loser with the blue helmet somebody tell me where he is so I can beat the crap out of him hey Jeff you want to tell me why you didn't go to school today where did you get all these Crocs are those mine hey guy what doing Jeffy what's wrong with you it's quite simple really you steal my chocolate cake that's one thing but when you steal my fortnite password nope that is it I am done I'm over it yeah Jeffy I I understand you're a little upset no you don't you really don't well listen jumpy I didn't do anything wrong to you why are my Crocs in the pile where's it all more what girl girl and how could I forget there we go perfect [Music] oh hey guys look I found their Crocs oh my God Junior he's gonna run them over with the lawnmower wait loser please don't stretch my crugs oh I'll do anything I'll give you back your fortnite account this is why you can't bully bill stop oh my God there's nothing left it's all God I'm not gonna be cool anymore all right chocolate cake and some fortnite Jeffy do you want to explain what happened out there you know how you stole everybody's Crocs and then shredded it in my lawnmower [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 571,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d93CXdQz5hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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