SML Parody: Jeffy The Jedi!

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fighting the construction of my Lego Death Star is complete Rick gets in here now yes my Lord I need you to bring me my instructions for my Lego Death Star um all your respect sir why do you need the instructions if you've already finished building it because I plan to take it apart and put it back together again right uh um I know you have a lot of free time but that seems like an awfully stupid thing to do what you will bring me the instructions if you don't you know what happens so what exactly would happen if I didn't I will tell you and your family including the Droid so I don't have a family or a Droid I will buy you a Droid and dismantle it piece by piece while making you watch I still don't have a family sir and you never will if I don't get my instructions all right sir you can get the instruction manual right away sir oh my God I hate farming for green beans it is the most miserable thing in the world I should be out there exploring the Galaxy in My Starship another bad batch gross sick of farming green beans oh I am on the ground where is the Lego instruction what the LEGO instruction manual where is that you gotta speak up into my good ear where is the Lego instructions oh God calm down geez I'm just messing with you look I don't have your instruction manual so just go away we know that you have it oh my God you're not gonna leave me alone all right we're doing this you have to go to the bathroom I have to go to the bathroom please hurry up with the instructions and I don't have the instruction manual you don't have the instruction manual but I still have to go to the bathroom ah so they're finally looking for it huh I guess I better warn him Frank Kenobi what are you doing in my house yeah yeah hello there and all that listen kid I need you to take this off my hands can you do that uh Frank what is that well you know the Stormtrooper that was harassing me outside yeah he wants this and he can't have it and he knows that I have it so you got to leave it here where it's safe okay but like what is it well it's the plan for the Death Star I don't know what that means well actually it's not really the plans for the Death Star it's the plans for the Lego Death Star but the point is that the Empire wants it and if they want it it's probably for bad reason so they can't have it all right Frank I'll do everything in my power to protect it good but I wish Daddy was here he would know what to do yeah he would Frank do you know my dad oh um listen kid those are the lawyers they tell me how to talk about it I really shouldn't say anything still the beans frank okay I mean I guess it's between you and me listen a long time ago your dad and me ran this green bean Farm together we were the best farmers in the Galaxy I mean that was a little better but anyway one day this guy named Darth Vader shows up and he's like I want to buy your farm you know me I was like yeah go ahead and take it but your dad no he said that he was gonna keep this farm for his son so he could be the best green bean farmer around and then Darth Vader killed him my daddy died and you wait this long to tell me your lawyers kid I was like I'm 18 years old and I've known you my entire life and now you're just like yeah you're dying down because you're green before I don't even green beans are terrible you don't like the green beans no I was gonna die be alive they should be green beans I hate they're disgusting oh my God that's hilarious oh my God oh my God you do not know how I rock this look okay anyway that's not the point listen you've got to make sure that you keep this out of the Empire's hand can you do that yeah I can do it Frank anything for my daddy uh Lord Vader unfortunately I was unable to retrieve the LEGO instruction manual I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry um I was also wondering if possible could I get a pay raise and the next few weeks off for a holiday you said that last week when I didn't get you a glass of blue milk I of course have planned for this and already had your newly acquired family and Droid that's fine sir but what about the holidays this goes to show if you want something done right you you do it yourself um Frank I was just outside and I saw a whole Battalion of Stormtroopers and they had flamethrowers and jet packs now usually I wouldn't make that a big deal but I think they were heading straight for the house oh my God what did we do we gotta get out of here get the instruction booklet we gotta go okay how do we do that well we gotta get a ship fly off planet and relocate kid we gotta get as far away from the Empire as possible okay do you have a ship if I had a ship you think I would be here no I'd be gone that's a great Point well I think I might know somebody who can help us okay good but before we go you're gonna need this it's an authentic Jedi robe if you wear this the Empire will never find you I need to be a Jedi no you're not a Jedi you don't have a lightsaber yes you're a Jedi yay let's go hey junior junior yeah I haven't seen you in a long time Junior listen the Empire is after us and we gotta get out of here the Empire where did you get the Empire after I didn't even do anything it was all Frank's fault listen can we take your ship skip town and like go to a different planet I'm thinking off uh I I would kid I really would but I can't fly it anymore what do you mean the Falcon is literally right here yeah but I I sold it you sold it why did you sell it they were offering two million credits I was like that's a good deal and then now they turn it into a stupid ride I mean you can ride it if you want but it's like a 30 minute wait so 30 minute wait we don't have that much time the Empire is gonna be here any second uh kid I think they're here [Music] what's up they're over there how did they find this are a junior new plan we're gonna run wait I'm going with you keep going kid run yeah I don't think I can make it Junior do you want to get cut down like my daddy no he was sitting on the green bean farm and that was it he got killed oh well okay I guess I can run a little further then all right come on oh man we're never gonna lose him at this rate hang on kids I'll hold him off wait Junior where's Frank oh I don't know look oh hey Vader I'm over here we meet again at last the circle is now complete when I left you I was but the learner now I am the master only a master of evil Darth Rick you idiot I got him sir we were about to have an epic duel I even brought my lightsaber but sir you need to be more clear with your instructions hi hi bully Frank is dead this is all my fault interrupted it's not all bad I think he left you a gift Frank got me a flashlight yeah you're crazy thanks Frank no Jeffy I don't think it's a flashlight I think it's one of those lightsaber things oh my God I get a glowy sword uh yeah I get a glowing sword Junior listen to me I'm gonna use this glowy sword that Frank got me and I'm gonna defeat the entire Empire I'm not even joking I will kill Darth Vader avenge my daddy and avenge Frank yeah so about that you are not gonna do any of that why because you don't know how to use the lightsaber you can't use the force and that guy coming after us can choke people with his mind do you understand me he's mine junior what's wrong Junior talk easier oh my god um oh he's here don't worry Junior I'll use this and I'll save you let junior go you killed Frank and you killed Daddy I'm gun letting you take things from me you really think that I killed your dad no I am your father listen Frank we gotta talk lately I don't feel like you've been contributing to the screaming Farm quite frankly you're useless so I think it's time for you to leave Mario I'm not leaving this is my farm too no you're lazy you don't do any of the work I grow the beans I harvest the beans and I cook them well that's because the last time I tried to cook the means you told me not to touch the stove because that was your job I don't think you heard me Frank I said it's time for you to go what are you doing here please stop uh what are you doing I'm so sorry I hate you what no it's not true no it can't be that's impossible search your feelings you know it to be true you and Frank both lied to me we finished this now [Music] yeah yeah [Music] oh wait no Daddy don't please don't very good buddy now I want you to finish him daddy please I don't have a reboot card buddy give in to your hate fulfill your destiny oh oh I want you to do it Daddy please don't do it buddy stop me Jeffy don't worry Daddy I'll save you bro Daddy are you okay please my son remove my mask but Daddy you'll die I need to see my son with my own eyes all right wherever you say you you gross gross gross I can't look I can't look oh my God guy what did you do ew ew ew that is disgusting you have become a great green bean farmer oh yeah you like green beans I don't like them at all and now my daddy's dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] please
Channel: Kable10
Views: 283,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffy, star wars, sml jeffy, kable10 jeffy, jeffy star wars, sml jeffy movie, sml movie, sml parody
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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