SML Parody: Jeffy's Party Disaster!

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all right I guess that's everything I got my sunscreen got my Hawaiian shirt and green beans to eat on the plane what what I told you to stop making that face you're gonna hurt yourself my Hawaiian shirt really it's the only other shirt I have daddy where are you going I'm going to the Bahamas yeah right how are you going to afford that you're poor well I didn't pay for it my therapist did cap no it's true my therapist felt so bad for me during my last session that he gave me an all-expenses paid trip to the Bahamas really all right I guess I'll go start packing my dad no no no you're not coming with me he said this trip is for me to get away from you because you're so annoying you're driving me crazy well I don't want to go to your beach too we're good you'd get to go but now you have to stay here fine I'll just be the king of the house while you're gone no you're not the king of the house Morty is he's the one watching you really daddy that's gonna be so boring Morty's not gonna let me do anything fun well he's gonna take care of you he's gonna feed you he's gonna make sure you're doing what you're doing and gonna make sure you don't destroy the house oh what if I want to destroy the house well then you're not getting the fortnite battle pass fortnite battle pass yep if you're good if Morty tells me you were good then you'll get the battle pass how about that like for real yes on God on God oh my God all right Daddy I will be so good it's like I'm not even here all right well you better be oh shoot my plane's about to leave I got a fortnight battle pass or whatever all right Daddy I'll see you on Monday don't worry I'll be a good boy time to play fortnite for the rest of the night hey Jeffy looks like I'm taking care of you for the next two days oh hey Maury I'm just gonna be playing fortnite so okay that's cool well I'm just gonna read off a couple of rules that I want you to follow so that we have a good time this week and no one gets hurt okay well I'm more I don't think you need to do that I think I just want to play fortnite it's just a few rules nothing serious I'm just gonna play fortnite Morty number one no Fortnight past 8 p.m because I want you to go to bed by nine PM I'm rushing that's a pretty important one oh yeah he is one HP oh yep easy I'm gonna need you to listen I think we got guys East but I'm not too sure let's just rush and find out well okay no rap music because then I won't be able to read and also by the way 6 p.m so that you go to bed you know at a reasonable time I need heavy ammo there's anything so nobody gets in make sure you don't have parties you have no inviting friends over stay out of the pool right here whoa whoa are you kidding me there is no way I hate this stupid game this kid is cheap he's hacking more he's too white it's okay no it's not Jeffy remember use your inside voice no screaming or yelling number 13. and I don't care this kid is sweaty he is a absolutely Jeffy what number 26 no cursing I wasn't going to okay good I'm just trying to make sure you respect others number one offense Morty I don't care about you or your stupid rules I just want to play fortnite and win well Jeffy if I were you I would respect my rules a little bit you want me to give your dad a good report right if you give daddy a bad report I will break your legs like toothpicks number 32 no fighting others and number 14 nope I'm gonna go play with Junior outside okay just make sure you mow the lawn that's number 20. okay guys y'all know what you have to do to make this party happen right Joseph oh yeah oh yeah dude I got PJ on speed dial don't even worry about it okay good we need as many people as we can get cookie you know what you're supposed to do right oh Junior I'm gonna have two cases of that Prime energy it's gonna be lit tomorrow night is gonna be one of the best nights of Our Lives wait a minute tomorrow night no no tonight Cody wait it's tonight yes it's tonight I can still I can pull some strings and get it oh you better because if we don't have Prime people are gonna think we're lame why did I think it was somewhere okay also my mom was wondering if I could bring her casserole because she made it oh ew coding no you're not bringing casserole okay I don't want to hurt her feelings so maybe I can just bring it and you don't just tell her you're not eating it Cody it doesn't matter I know but it's gonna hurt her feelings I don't care Cody just don't bring the casserole people are gonna think we're lame I guess okay fine I'll just bring the prime and then that'll be it I guess yeah okay all right guys make sure you do what you're supposed to do because we have to get this party started in a few hour where's Cody okay I'll be ready I swear okay all right these will definitely be enough chips for everyone hey junior won't play outside I can't right now Jeffy I'm planning a party oh you're having a boy yeah I mean you can come too if you want no wait I've never been to a bar before yes you have look is your dad gonna care cause we're gonna be kind of loud oh no Daddy's gone for the weekend he's gone where'd he go he went to the Barack Obama he's you mean the Bahamas Mark Obama okay I don't even know the point is he's not here right yeah well then we can have as long as a party as we want because no one can yell at us actually no because he made Morty the king of the house and I'm pretty sure partying is against his rules and if Morty snitches then I don't get the battle pass well that's not a big deal I mean come on it's Morty oh okay so why did you guys want me look in the bathroom again guys he's sure locking me in the bathroom is against the rules and if it's not I should probably add that to the rules because it seems like a pretty big one all right Jeffy now that the fun police is dealt with we can set up for this super cool party actually Junior I'm starting to have second thoughts I don't know if this is a good idea anymore well Jeffy I hate to break it to you but this party's happening with or without you I know it's just if Daddy finds out I'm not getting the battle pass and I don't think that's worth it but that's the thing your dad's not gonna find out we're not even gonna leave a mess for him to find I know but what if Morty tells him Morty's not gonna tell anyone but he's in the bathroom and he's going to hear us now he's not gonna hear us because I left airpods in there and the Diary of Wimpy Kid audiobooks smart smart wow is PJ going to be here oh he'll be here and he's bringing a lot of people and we're gonna have Prime energy if Cody can find it he's kind of stupid he didn't buy it yet all right I guess we can turn up yeah let's do it let's get set up all right let's go oh yeah dude this is the coolest party ever oh my God I'm so glad you came in touch with the prime energies this makes it way more fun see Junior I told you I always come through every single time yeah this party is so sick this is so good who wants to go in the pool I'm going to the pool I don't even care about it we want the Cheerios look different [Music] yep [Music] this is the greatest night of my life Junior why don't we do this every day awesome [Music] oh [Music] oh god oh everything hurts what the what why do I have so many cups oh I'm gonna throw up oh I need too much prime Jeffy how bad is the mess Jeffy Jeffy where are you oh thank God the doors finally unlocked I'm so hungry oh hey loser I need to go to the bathroom wait no okay yeah I think we did a little bit too much last night Junior uh junior oh God yeah um Prime energy it was good but yeah Junior I'm gonna find you Junior I'm gonna find you oh junior is that you oh hey Jeffy there you are with when were you when I think I was at the bar but I don't know how I got there because after I jumped in the pool last night I don't remember anything it was all blurry oh yeah that means that means right Joseph he had a good time we should do that again tonight Junior we have to do that every night until Daddy comes back because that was the most fun I think I've ever had I think your dad's calling oh hold on Junior don't say anything okay okay hello father I just got done washing the dishes hey Jeffy it's me uh just calling to let you know that I'm actually coming home early yeah this vacation isn't going exactly as I hoped it would uh there's this guy that keeps following around trying to sell me something which is kind of annoying oh God here he isn't it no no I'm fine I already said I have a Hawaiian shirt I'm okay yeah okay bye yeah never come back also I don't have a hotel room apparently because that wasn't included in the all expenses paid trip so I have nowhere to stay so I'm going back to the airport now I should be back there later tonight okay so just make sure the house stays clean for when I get back oh getting everybody out of the house okay Jeffy there's all the trash all right Junior I'm getting everybody out hey hey can I take this with me I don't care believe well you have to leave all right whatever Hey listen Jeffy we need to talk about last night okay you broke 17 rules I went around the house and I counted you broke 17. Morty on God it wasn't me somebody broke into the house and threw a big party and I was like no please don't do it and they did it anyway somebody did break in the house because you didn't follow the rule I'm keeping the doors locked okay fine Morty but please don't tell Daddy I need that battle pass no I'm gonna have to tell to tell him Jeffy I mean you'll walk me in a bathroom okay Morty okay uh we gave you whippy kids in the bathroom that's true you did give me whippy kids at least I wasn't alone and what if we clean up everything and nobody's here Daddy would have no idea as long as you don't tell him yeah but I'm supposed to be the responsible one and all right you know what fine if you can clean up every single mess yes we will clean up everything and if he doesn't see a mess he won't see anything good because if he does see a mess I'm gonna have to tell him about it deal uh yeah deal more 100 he won't see anything we're gonna clean it all up all right fine just don't break any more rules I just have to make sure that we got everything where it's supposed to go okay thank Jeffy what do I have to do oh crap hey PJ I want you to take Daddy's special hat okay you're really gonna like it I need you to watch it oh I'm all right all right sure I I won't lose it all right you keep it close you're gonna like it okay whatever [Music] and we got all the trash going uh junior we have a little bit of a problem why the house is almost clean well last night when I was five primes in I maybe maybe sort of gave Daddy's hat to PJ Crenshaw to look at the Hat with the M on it yeah he's the best price possession oh my God how are we gonna get that back okay well I gave it to PJ just to hold it so maybe he still has it oh yeah okay I'll call him over all right uh yo what's up dude didn't you just kick me out of your house oh yeah Mr PJ um do you know where that red hat with the image that I gave to you last night no what red hat oh you don't remember it's Daddy's hat it's red I gave it oh that ugly yeah I sold that calm down dude it's not that big a deal it's a really big deal because if I don't get it I'm not gonna get oh wait you know what though I mean the guy I sold it to you might want to check with him because I don't think he sold that he said he really wanted it who did you sell it to oh hey fellas what are you doing here oh hey Kermit so a funny thing we actually really need that hat back yeah Daddy really needs it he said he needs to have it for work what no I just paid a lot of money for this buying it off some kid I'm not gonna give it to you for free plus I want to see your dad's face when he sees me wearing it on Monday it's gonna be so funny um wait daddy shows you if you give him the Hat he'll work overtime and you don't have to pay him anything wait he did wait did he really say that I mean okay fine if he's being serious then he can have his little stupid hat back but he better work overtime here take it I don't even want it oh thanks Kermit come on Junior Rift to go all right let's go okay Jeffy I think we have everything we got the Hat now do you think we need anything else um I think we cleaned up everything everybody's gone okay Ginger take Daddy's hat and go put it back in his room where it was yeah wait Junior the necklaces take those off you're right I'll do that right Spirit again um hi Daddy how was your flight awful my back hurts my neck hurts and I lost my luggage but you didn't have any luggage shut up I just want to relax are you a good boy Daddy I was really good you can ask Morty you can what is that oh that's just um a prime bottle uh I was drinking Prime energy up before 8 PM while playing fortnite after I did my homework I told you not to drink Prime on the couch Jeffy it's stained I drank the whole thing though so nothing leaked out and that's the only thing I did wrong I swear I will clean it up daddy right now I'll clean it up right now getting any stains so I guess you were fine I was a really good boy and I know you just got home but you did promise me the battle pass if you could get you're right I did promise that all right let me get my credit card real quick yes all right Jeffy here's the code it's five six four two oh wait actually you know what before I give you this I'm gonna go check the cameras in the backyard to make sure nobody tried to break in because current's been trying to do that a lot lately all right cameras Daddy has cameras in the back we are at 999 000 so close to 1 million so close so close [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 341,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JkMnJwbWeqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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