SML Parody: Jeffy's School Prank!

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yeah hey Boy Bill really I'm clearly in the middle of something and you're distracting me from my art all right cross settle down settle down cause today we're running Mandarin Chinese today now does anybody want to tell me what this says on the board Boy Bill can oh oh does it say I'm 19 and I still wear a diaper oh off dude teacher do I have permission to wax on wax off bully Bill's face oh no no it says welcome back cross now who wants to come up on the board and practice writing Chinese oh all right crash looks like we have an artist well if you walked around your desk so much you'll rough to ride on whiteboard come up here on practice or Chinese all right whatever thank you oh cross I've never seen such good Chinese we have a shiny Sensei how is that no you're racist all you do is scribble on board they're not even Chinese you would insult to culture if you were my son you'll be working at Sweatshop right now well I don't know how you expect me to write your language when you don't even teach us how to do it in fact you don't really teach us how to do anything in this class you just expect us to know how to do it when I can barely read English and you want me to write Kang Pao chicken mandarin crap I'm done assaulting my culture fine I'll leave and clean up your desk before you go you want me to clean up my desk hope I never see any of you ever again hey bully Bill what loser I'll see you tomorrow uh oh geez Portuguese getting beat today can we go back to learning Chinese I have to brush up on my Mandarin Junior don't go to school tomorrow because I am so sick of everybody in that classroom I have had enough so tomorrow you don't have to do it I'm gonna walk out into the hall and you know what I'm gonna do what I'm gonna pull that fire alarm no wait that is the coolest prank ever Jeffy that's what I'm saying and then we won't have to do school anymore we all get to go home and I don't have to deal with anybody ever again yeah cause the fire department's gonna show up and look for a fire that doesn't exist and they're gonna have to close cool and then they're gonna think the fire alarm is broken so we're never gonna have school again that's my thought process oh my god I didn't even think about that this is so no Junior I'm gonna pull it's my idea okay what if I go with you and I watch you pull it I've never seen someone pull it before but no that's gonna be way too shush if we both leave the class and then the fire alarm goes off they're gonna know oh okay so it's like a surprise okay I guess I won't not even Cody well especially not Cody he's gonna tell the whole class okay but what if I just tell Joseph no Junior just don't tell anybody fine I won't tell anybody all right I'll see you tomorrow see you tomorrow there it says my name is Cody in perfectly translated Mandarin Chinese traditional of course yeah okay calm down Terence town I noticed says I can't read now go sit down because there's lunch time and I want to eat my kung pao chicken before it gets cold yeah finally I'm starving I don't know I can't wait was it something I said Junior it's just Chinese I don't know why you're making fun of me calm down Cody not everything's about you I'm just waiting for something waiting for what lunch are you hungry yourself no no it's a prank no Junior no more pranks I'm so sick sitting down on tax and you stealing my stuff if he's the one pulling the fire alarm what he's pulling it what you know are you serious right now for me you can't oh man you can't pull the fire alarm you're gonna get in Syria he is gonna get in serious trouble no he's not Cody it's gonna be fine he's gonna pull the fire alarm and then we're all gonna get to go home wait no James I know it works he's gonna pull the fire alarm they're gonna see that there's no fire and then we're gonna have to stay in class and there's gonna be a whole operation it's gonna be a mess and then he's probably gonna go to jail we're gonna have to stay in class yes and it's illegal you can't just pull a fire alarm if there's no fire or you stupid oh yeah lunch time again I missed this hey everybody look what I got for lunch who wants waffle fries oh God what is that loser planning I'm not scared I'm just gonna oh God he better not rip out any of my piercings oh gosh oh PJ has Chick-fil-A I forgot how good his lunches were all right what's Daddy got me yep no it's not surprising oh wow a prime to Kansas out the green beans still awful now it seems like a good time uh Jackie Chu I'm not feeling well can I go to the nurse oh why what's wrong with you well it's just as soon as I saw the green beans I started to get flashbacks and I think I might throw up I really have to go no no no no you don't throw up in my classroom you go to the nurse right now and you come back when you feel better okay thank you yeah Junior you better stop him yeah all right where's that fire alarm wait Jeff you can't do this what Junior I told you I don't need any help I know I know trying to help you anymore it's gonna snitch I'm sorry it just kind of slipped out but now he told me you're gonna get arrested if you do this you can't do it uh junior how do I get arrested for pressing a red button that's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard I don't know he just said it's illegal Junior I just want to do this so we go home from school and I don't have to deal with anybody here ever again but we don't go home from school we have to stay longer well there's only one way to find out I'm doing it no Jiffy no this is gonna be the best prank ever there's a fire everybody under your desk Tower in fear yeah okay even if there was a fire right now why would we hide underneath our desks that's the most stupid thing we're just gonna die oh what dude I need to finish my Chick-fil-A whatever dude what are you doing under my desk I'm not scared what are you talking about pee yourself oh heck no dude forget this every man for himself I'm not dying with you guys everybody relax you're gonna be okay Hey listen there's no fire okay that's the good news and second of all what what are you guys doing no what what are you doing underneath your desks what guys are you crazy oh no it's okay I told him to do that no no that okay maybe instead of learning Mandarin Chinese you should be learning fire safety because you don't hide under your desk when there's a fire that's how you die okay you don't do that in any situation ever if there's a fire you leave the building as quickly as you can okay now we got to figure out why the fire alarm went off so we're gonna do an investigation wait dude you're listening it's probably better that you guys go home for the rest of the day no way school is done for the rest of the day I Told You So Junior oh whatever Jeffy you just got lucky all right I guess cross is dismissed for the day just when you go home don't tell your parents we hit on the desk because I don't want to get in trouble wait no way actually worked hey Daddy I'm home from school oh my God Jeffy are you okay uh yeah I think so why what about the fire at your school fire oh guy there was no fire today wait there was no fire but I heard on the news someone pulled the fire alarm oh my I was on your news I didn't think I'd be that big of a deal after I watched somebody else pull a firearm because I would never pull the fire alarm that would be really weird but no Daddy yeah that's really you pulled the fire alarm no I didn't you pulled the fire alarm nope I would never do such a thing bend down I'm sorry sir bend down I'm sorry sir shut up please don't make shut up these only soft hits Please why would you do that Jeffy why would you pull the fire alarm to be socially accepted among my peers you know what when I when I saw the firearm was pulled on the news I was like no I was like yo he can't be that much of a bully but he is what are you talking about why are we pulling the fire alarm getting people to stop throwing paper at you I don't know I don't want to go to school but it didn't even work because we have to go tomorrow oh you're going to school tomorrow you are definitely going to school okay well let me at least make the most hits today by trioing up in Fortnight no I'm unplugging the Wi-Fi next day before I cross today we're taking a break from learning about Mandarin Chinese to talk about fire safety now I have to explain stuff to you so I don't get sued or fired but that's okay because we were earning here now number one the first thing you don't want to do during a fire is hide under your desk because that's dumb jokes on me I guess now number two you don't want to pull the firearm if there's no fire right Jeffy what is it mean actually you did because we dusted for fingerprints and also there's cameras all over the school so I know you thought you were being slick but we caught you pretty easily and since you're an adult that technically means you gotta go to jail because you broke the law so get your hands behind your back wait what are you doing wait no I thought this was a joke wait wait no wait this isn't right hey guys free Jeffy free Jeffy taking you for the run it saying right this is police brutally free Jeffy come on let me go yeah I tried to warn him but nobody listens wait a minute you can read them here I think I have better punishment for what you don't want me to take him to jail I mean I'm not complaining that's less paperwork for me it's just that you gotta make sure this kid never and I mean never pulls that fire alarm again or else we're gonna have a big problem all right dum dum for your punishment you're going to be writing on the board I will not pull fire alarm one thousand times oh it's so boring 1 000 times it's gonna take forever go to prison no then start writing oh I'm gonna start writing this stupid thing there you happy now no what did I do Chinese I don't know how to write in Chinese because you don't maybe if you pay attention and cross you know how to write but now you follow examples fine I hate this so much later that night bro I'm dropping in there's going fire everywhere meaning I got blown up I lost Jackie Chu I'm all done can I go home now foreign [Music] why are you not right I'm bored you you draw a picture you need therapy you need therapy bad not even Chinese Sweatshop can fix that [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 489,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HpDqMSJM7xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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