SML Parody: The End Of The World!

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so guys what you want to do today what was that oh my God not again did you hear that yes oh Jesus it was probably the asteroid the world's ending what oh my God it's all over Cody I didn't live a good life this is pathetic about 10 years you do uh junior call me Mom I gotta say I love her before she dies well Junior what it was an earthquake there are no earthquakes in Florida Cody okay maybe you're right sorry I got anxiety I get stressed out easily oh my God it's over we're all dead it's Rick it's just Rick what he's been doing experiments in the garage all day it's just Rick Junior you have to warn me about these things I get stressed out I didn't think you would freak out like this okay thank God I thought the world was ending oh God that's not good that is definitely not good what's with all the smoke the rumbling and the light it's fine Morty calm down and everything is under control it's just I was working on an invention I got it screwed up oh okay what were you working on being the god of Jupiter again no no I was trying to align all the planets so that I could easily just traveled more with my portal gun without using my portal fluid and that seems helpful I kind of messed up the gravitational pull so uh Earth might be hurtling into the sun it's fine no Ricky he's not fine we're gonna die yeah Earth is gonna end but I'm gonna use my Pearl gun and then we're gonna get it and we're gonna skip Dimensions we're gonna get out of here you just want to leave everybody to die just to save yourself well Morty if not we're gonna be eviscerated by the sun we have no choice plus I'm gonna try this experiment again and I swear it's gonna work yeah Junior everything's gonna be fine right that's a relief at least we don't have to freak out come on so you do promise We're Not Gonna Die right oh my God Cody how many times do I have to say you're missing the point everybody else is gonna die we're gonna use my bird again we're gonna get out of here better if you're leaving all our friends and family that died hey well listen Morty there's a chance that my introductory was off and uh the Earth is actually gonna miss the sun and everybody's gonna be okay as long as the lights don't turn red then there's a chance everybody's gonna oh yeah everybody's dead oh God this is terrible you have to do something you have to uh yeah we're gonna leave that's that's what I'm gonna do there's no other option Morty we literally have to go so pack your things and you're gonna you're gonna say goodbye you say your goodbyes and uh yeah we only have like 24 hours left so we gotta go like now but Rick I I believe yeah there's no choice Morty like everybody's gonna die come on I got everything packed in my bag I'm Really Gonna Miss This Universe oh hey Morty what's into bags you going on a trip or something oh oh oh yeah yeah a trip something like that oh that's cool hey can you tell Cody the world's not ending he's all stressed out about it oh my God Junior I'm fine well I uh I mean you know what they say you live every day like it's your last especially today yeah what is he talking about um you know actually now you guys are all here I just wanted to say you know uh thank you for treating me like family you know I always thought of you guys as family and you've always been so nice and I'm really gonna miss you guys wait what more you're coming back right yeah yeah totally I'll be back I'll hey 24 hours because the world's ending by oh my God I knew it yeah you were all gonna die the world's ending oh my God where'd you go Junior I had a feeling you know I woke up today I'm like oh man I think the world's gonna end I don't know why but I have a feeling now we're all gonna die yeah we're gonna die in 24 hours I can't believe it this is awful dude I'm too young for them I mean it's not really mine but just go ahead oh [ __ ] dude wait can I hit the controller too okay yes Joseph just take it I don't care actually dude I need a TV too I'm gonna get Joseph's shirt just take everything everything in the whole house I don't care the world's ending actually you know what dude uh just keep the TV I'll steal one later thanks dude oh my God I can't believe we're all gonna die holy God Junior where's my inhaler I think I'm gonna have an asthma attack Cody do you really need it I mean if we're all gonna die anyway oh my God you're not helping I'm sorry I'm just trying to rationalize the fact that we're gonna die I didn't even get to do everything on my bucket list no you do not have a bucket list well I was gonna make one Junior sorry G I wanted to go skydiving you weren't gonna do that okay well I wanted to become president well I still vote for you Cody there's still time I can't become president in one day Junior actually you know what I mean we're not gonna have to clean it up tomorrow so you can do whatever you want I'll be outside probably gonna call my mom I can't believe this is it the world is ending oh yeah just remember didn't you say your parents are in the Bahamas this week oh great I'm gonna die alone oh you can die with us but you're mean to me yeah so uh yeah yeah all right time to watch myself some TV oh hey the news is on [Music] everybody Panic we okay the the world's ending tomorrow oh finally geez took it long enough hey Daddy I'm ready to go looting and commit other various criminal activity no you're not gonna do anything criminalistic Jeffy why don't you just sit here and wait for the world to end with me oh yeah let me guess I'm going to school tomorrow yes if the world's still here oh my God someone stole my PS5 and I'm not dying without getting another fortnite dub well then you can go to the store and buy a PS5 you're not dying it's your helmet Oh Daddy I just want to go to Target steal a PS5 burn down the green bean aisle and steal some v-buck cards no you're not gonna do that Jeffy can you just be normal on our last day of Earth please I have an extra mask if you want to come with why would I want to come burn green beans in case you haven't noticed I like green beans because your little green friend is going to be there little green friend who are you talking about Kermit you actually think he's gonna be there yes and we can beat him up and steal his Lamborghinis uh as your dad Jeffy I don't think it's right for us to beat up Kermit and take all his money outside in five minutes oh yeah all right time to go loot intelligent steal from Target and beat her wait uh Kermit hey what are you doing here listen buddy I gotta make this quick basically elon's rocket is blasting off soon and I'm not gonna miss my seat so while I'm gone I'm making you CEO of Target until the world ends wait really I figured since I'm leaving I might as well let you enjoy your last day on Earth even if it only lasts for a little bit wow current that's incredible I guess nobody has to get beat then buddy what are you talking about well I I'm just saying you know if hypothetically somebody was about to beat you right now they wouldn't have to do it anymore right but you're acting really weird anyway I gotta go get on musk's Rocket see you later except now I won't see you later bye oh I'm the CEO of Target this is incredible I better get to work [Applause] so good to be back all right time to start stalking these shelves oh yeah all right Morty did you say your goodbyes yeah I guess so Rick all right hold your breath oh wait here go shoot me yet please why because I I still think there's something we can do oh my God Morty we we've been over this there's there's nothing we can do okay well maybe there's nothing we can do but what if we ask somebody for help Morty Morty who's gonna help us the word the world is ending I mean what are you gonna call I I mean we call the Avengers The Avengers Morty yeah the Avengers aren't real unless you're dying from chemo in a hospital if the Avengers are real Rick they helped me with my car once what are you talking about Morty what are you saying I'm just saying we caught the Avengers and maybe they can fix this and do this stuff all the time call them what do they have like like a speed dial number like we wouldn't wait 1-800 Avengers like what are you talking about that's exactly right how'd you know I called them before you're kidding no look I'll call him right now wait right here oh my God oh who is that Morty what is it oh man it's just ant guy my 22nd favorite superhero ant guy oh come on it's Ant-Man yup humanity is doomed hey it guy uh where are the other Avengers they all quit so it's just me all right well we tried time to go there's power like what does he do oh oh well he can grow really big or Shrink really small and that's it and he has discs where if he hits you with the shrink this thing then you shrink him if he hits you with the grow disc you grow that is the lamest thing I think I've ever heard okay but maybe he could still help like uh what if he takes like a shrink disc and he throws at the sun and the sun gets really small okay and then we don't have a son Morty and then and then what we're doomed then everybody dies anyway okay well what if what if he grows really big and then he takes the Earth and he puts it somewhere else that doesn't even that doesn't even make any sense we're leaving come on he's such a terrible superhero anyway well I mean he he kind of is bad like honestly like Morty's Spider-Man would have been better and he just shoots website like look at his suit Morty what is he trying to be like Iron Man suit is terrible why does he wear the mask no exactly I can name a hundred superheroes who are better than him oh yeah like kite man polka dot man coconut man yeah Captain America got me it's stupid but at least he knows he's stupid exactly thinks he's cool he's not he's just the worst yeah exactly oh great Morty looking man I'm crying no Rick we made him cry up top oh yeah nice all right let's get out of here we I still have one more idea oh my God yeah okay Rick we can still use my book to save the world oh my God Morty I'm not wasting my time reading yourself We're Not Gonna read it rick okay this is gonna sound really crazy but what if I told you we could use my dive movie Kid book to save the world right now and I would think you're high on drugs well I'm not what we can do is is use the book to gain contact with mother and she can fix all this what more your mom died 15 years ago I'm not talking about my mom I'm talking about mothers see what's the difference on its back and then I'll use my oh wait this one's already used I can't use this one Memorial I'm getting nervous okay I guess I have to use dog days I really don't want to but I guess I just have to do it for the greater good I'm so confused right now all I'm gonna do is flip it on its back and lay it down like this and then I'll say my prayer to mother and she'll fix everything Morty are you being serious right now I don't know if this is I don't know if this is real like please don't interrupt me okay oh mother you all powerful Celestial being will turn to you in our time of need the end of the world lose before us and we are powerless to stop it we implore you mother yeah I can't believe this is the end I know Cody I can't believe it's about to happen oh Cody uh before we die there's something I have to tell you what oh one time I was sleeping at your house and I knocked your toothbrush into the toilet and I didn't really clean it because oh my God Junior can you make this any worse I'm sorry wait Cody I just realized something what we're not gonna die wait really yeah but we're gonna be okay because the sun's a planet so we can just live on the Sun Cody just end it end it just get it over with I don't want to live anymore I just end it foreign well there we go Rick the world's all saved Morty I feel like I shouldn't have seen that yeah you shouldn't have and if you tell anybody about this I will end you oh my god Marty why didn't you do that earlier then well I don't like doing it because every time I do something with Mother's help she remains a sacrifice a sacrifice yeah one random person on Earth has to die oh my God Morty it could have been me you're gonna be you wasn't you I mean the chance of it being anybody we know that are so slim how could it possibly be anyone we know oh god oh oh what are the chances of that I wow I I did not expect at least we didn't need him right worst Avenger right we kind of do need Avengers I mean I know he wasn't helpful but he stopped crying all right well let's go to a different universe and we'll go get another Ant-Man and bring him back okay yeah that's a good idea all right hold your breath [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 263,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n5tsbs1xBXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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