SML Parody: The Super Mario Bros. Movie!

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[Music] daddy that Mario movie was the ball yeah whatever Jeffy it was fine it was all right it was fine no it wasn't it was the best thing I've ever seen no it wasn't it was far from the best thing I've ever seen it was bad you know Chris Pratt he didn't do a perfect job I think you're just mad you weren't in it no no it's just that you know Chris Pratt you know he should be playing Mario better he just didn't do a good job all right well Daddy you promised McDonald's after a movie so let's go nope now I'm in a bad mood so we're not going to McDonald's oh come on Junior me and Daddy just saw it and let me tell you it was so boring and stupid and dumb it was really bad Daddy's just butt hurt because he wasn't a junior he was sick oh well I really want to see it but I don't know who to go with oh Junior you can go with us again me and Daddy still have our tickets and he can drive us no no I'm not going back to that stupid movie and I'm definitely not driving you guys okay then we can use Daddy's credit card to get an Uber no then we can walk is that okay with you fat man yeah all right Junior ready to go yeah let's go oh but at the end I'm not gonna say spoilers but there's just one part with Mario and not this guy but the real Mario and it was the coolest thing ever it was like guys please just take it somewhere else all right Junior wanna head out yeah let's go oh man Junior it was even better the second time right Jeffy that movie was so good I love when your minions showed up and they beat up my dad what Junior it never happened what I thought it did though oh hey guys you're just in time uh Daddy what is that uh the Mario movie the real good Mario movie the one that doesn't have stupid Chris Pratt uh you made that while we were gone and yeah it took me like an hour and a half to make it took you an hour and a half to make a full movie no an hour and a half to make the box art it took me like 50 minutes to make the movie there's no way yeah see for yourself [Music] don't worry princess I'll save you wow Mario you're so cool and handsome and skinny oh man that was my favorite part so what'd you think Jeffy Daddy what I just took a big crap in my pants and it felt better than watching that oh come on Jeffy I put a lot of soul in there yeah yeah yeah Jeffy this movie is way better than that stupid animated trash daddy Chris Pratt is better than you just had to accept that no he's not Jeffy you know what I'm gonna sell this thing and it's gonna do way better than that stupid Mario movie uh daddy you want to end up in prison because that's how you go to prison you can't sell the Mario movie no I'm Mario so I can sell whatever I want Daddy copyright Daddy and then no no other than the NDA Nintendo game you freaking Nintendo forget the NBA I'm gonna go to Target I'm gonna sell this crap and it's gonna make me millions and when I'm a millionaire all you're gonna do is sit there and complain that you didn't support me and you're not getting any of my fortune oh this is the perfect place to sell my movie no one was gonna buy those anyway uh buddy what are you doing you don't work today oh no current I'm here to sell my Mario movie today your Mario movie you can't do that buddy that's copyright oh who cares about copyright I am Mario I can make my own movie If I want to um no Nintendo will literally send you to prison they have ninjas there's no such thing as Nintendo ninjas Kermit I'm gonna be fine please can I just sell my movie here okay if you sell your movie you have to go stock the aisles oh man are you serious if you do that I'm gonna let you sell it and you gotta give me five percent of the sales all right I mean it is gonna make millions so I guess you can have five percent all right I hope someone buys my movie while I'm gone ah finally I'm done stalking those stupid shelves thanks a lot Kermit hope nobody bought my movie without me seeing it wait a minute people actually bought my movie no way they're both sold out that's awesome oh if people love my movie this much I better make a sequel hey Jeffy guess who's sold not one but two copies of the new and better Mario movie at Target no yes I did Jeffy it sold both of my copies everyone loves them no yes I do jump give me a button oh hey Daddy that was my toy well it was annoying now you know what I'm gonna do Jeffy since people love my Mario movie I'm thinking about making a sequel and if you're good you can be in it I don't want to be in it well then you can be in the post-credits scene or something I better get started from working on it oh man this is gonna be the best sequel ever maybe I'll even get an Oscar for it I bet Chris Pratt doesn't have any Oscars what the who are you people are you guys here for an autograph oh guys can we please play no build I am so sick of getting sweated on who wants to hear that oh my God hold on guys I'll be right back um not good um Junior bad news I think Daddy got kidnapped so I think I gotta get off your dad got what oh hey Junior uh your dad got kidnapped Jeffy yeah there's a car driving away with him in the trunk and I think he was screaming what well that's not good you know where you went no and I don't know who kidnapped him either I mean daddy's not that important well yeah but now what are we gonna do I'm getting hungry well I am too oh Junior maybe we can call him and ask if you can bring back McDonald's oh true true go ahead and call him or I'll get the phone hey Daddy when you're done getting kidnapped can you get me and Junior some food we're hungry some like McDonald's or something [Music] [Laughter] uh I'll take a six piece nugget Junior what do you want Oh I want a cheeseburger but no pick no mess no must ketchup oh and I want a small fry no way oh no Junior he's getting kidnapped we can't just do all this well I just I just want a large try I don't want to okay did you get that uh okay Junior well I think he's good to go yeah um I don't think we're getting our McDonald's yeah me neither what are we gonna do Jeffy I'm home hungry well I don't know where Daddy went and I don't know who would kidnap him well do we know anybody that saw him today maybe they know where he went well he was at Target giving away a stupid movie with Kermit oh well maybe then Curry two all right we can try asking him oh excuse me Mr Kermit if you did not today if you want to know if you know you know selling those Mario movies in my store I told him Nintendo would be on his butt the ninjas probably got him in fact they're probably watching us right now Nintendo ninjas where would they have taken him to Nintendo HQ he's probably sitting there right now tied up and begging for mercy but I'm not gonna save him I don't got time for that oh well do you know where Nintendo HQ is then buddy I have no idea you have to Google it and if you do save him tell him he's got to come into work tomorrow because I got a ton of cat earlier in the back he's got to stock up okay I guess he's up to us to save Mario Jeffy let's go save Daddy and get McDonald's if we can find him if we know how to get there if we can get an Uber if I know what I'm doing okay let's go [Music] and Mario Mario Mario Mario I bet you didn't expect this year old bro here huh look at this satua Mario I wonder which one can be the real one I'm just kidding you fell off all right Mario yeah oh well Luigi what are you doing at Nintendo I don't know Mario Luigi Nintendo use your brain okay why am I not here working with you guys Mario you violating Nintendo copyright and you make use terrible terrible movie I could barely watch 10 minutes it's terrible that's not copyrighted what do you mean sign copyright that's not a copyright it's called the Mario movie and it's got Goomba on it well yeah but it's my movie it's not it's not a Nintendo movie it's mine I made it listen Mario Nintendo wanted me to sue you for 10 million dollars 10 million dollars but instead I am going to force you to play wait what a Super Mario Uno with me please and bro we used to play it all the time time when we are kids yeah and he used to beat me every time and you gloat about it I'm not playing that with you let's play I'm here Daddy oh Jeffy Junior oh no two days one of them must be a feature no no no no no no no no which one oh no that one no ow really Jeffy you didn't have to fire that oh my bad sorry Daddy oh no way they actually have it no way they have the official Mario movie Bowser and he breathes fire that is so cool it's awesome Junior this is so cool we gotta get jump oh my God and they have amiibos and Legos Daddy can we buy some Jeffy please just untie me so I can stop playing Uno whoa this is so cool oh sorry Daddy my bad thanks Jeffy of course daddy now when you say we get out of here I'm sick of Uno as long as me and Junior get our McDonald's um game how do you listen the whole thing about Nintendo suing you for 10 million dollars it's true but but to be honest I just wanted an excuse to play Uno with you because truthfully I I miss my bro and I miss being with you guys so if we just put this all behind us you think I can come back and live with you guys I I would be more than happy to quit my job with Nintendo they don't even pay me good wait really uh no I'm actually really surprised you bought that anyway I love my job you know Luigi's Mansion yeah I got three of those anyway security get them jumpy yeah run daddy ditch the movies wait I can't ditch my movies that's all I have Daddy they're not even that good just do it goodbye hopes and dreams yeah at least we got the movies uh time to burn this oh god wow daddy you actually got me a Happy Meal for once yeah I can't believe you guys actually saved me from Nintendo thanks Jeffy no problem Daddy but junior is upset you didn't get him any McDonald's well I couldn't afford another happy meal since my movie didn't actually sell so I guess it's time to make a new one you're kidding what no the whole reason we're in this situation is because you had this stupid idea to make your movie and now you want to make another one well this one's going to be bigger and better it'll be a better movie no if you want to make a movie then make it about something else not Mario what no Mario's fine it's not copyrighted you're kidding it's not copyrighted you're joking there's a 100 copyright I'm not saving you again I will eat my McDonald's not copywriting thank you what did I just I'm gonna go eat my McDonald's over here what [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 579,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SyEdn9NCpuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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