SML parody: John Pork!

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so guys what do you want to do today dude I don't know me neither well I guess you know what that means news time oh yeah breaking news Okay Tik Tok Star John pork has died today due to overdose most people know him for his funny Tik toks well RP John pork sad day in America no not John pork we're wasn't everybody this year what the is a John Pork yeah dude who is that oh some guy on Tik Tok he made really funny videos I was a big fan of him oh well that's kind of hold on what the f John pork John pork dude okay Junior are you pranking me Cody does it look like I have my phone maybe he's trying to call you from the dead no Junior it's one of those scam calls I just going to get my credit card but I use cash app dude maybe it is him are you guys stupid no I'm declining this no maybe it was a scam God guys not everything is real but you want to go play toys uh yeah that's a good idea let's go guys everything looks good who's calling me John Park I love scam calls I'll answer it no wait what Junior don't answer it it's a prank call well I love prank calls no God okay just get out of my kitchen God thank you oh what is this oh not my dad what is this what is wrong dad who is John pork I'm trying to watch ques I am not shaped like a feris wheel just hang up is it that hard yes God God bye hold let's go quo all right Junior what is wrong and what took you so long to get the toys you're not going to believe this John pork called sha peipi and my dad you're lying you're hello hello oh now you're not going to talk leave me alone you know what dude I'm leaving this is creepy Jose you know screw him let's play toys all right dude super John pork who even is he what the what the ah dude what was that no no no no no no no Junior that I got to go to Junior's house I'm safe I'm safe I'm safe a dude take up to Joseph why are you back dude John pork is here dude John pork is here I saw him outside R to the house shut up you're lying let's play UNO dude I am not dude I think that's him you know what I'll go get it no dude Hello whoa okay just going to just going to going to back up dude why is G not talking anymore I don't [Music] dude Joseph i r the blanket okay [Music] a
Channel: Juniors world
Views: 10,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E2Xs2X2Zi8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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