SML Movie- Jeffy The Clown! 2023- Full Episode

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Jeffy are you ready for school sure I am Daddy what Jeffy what did you do to your shirt I cut it up cuz I wanted it to look like swiss cheese Jeffy you can't go to school like that yeah they're going to send you home for having holes in your shirt darn didn't know that was going to happen you're still going to school Jeffy but I don't have a shirt to wear sure you do Jeffy I got you this shirt for Christmas it has a turtle on it and it says Turtle cool oh that's so sick Mommy I want to put it on right now all right mommy how do I look you look turttly cool Jeffy damn right I do all right Jeffy let's go to school Danny everyone's going to be so jealous on my new shirt I'm going to pull major hose oh that's good Jeffy come on hey idiot what happened to your old shirt did you wipe your butt with it you're just jealous you don't have a cool shirt that has words on it oh yeah what's it say it actually says Turtle cool and it has a little turtle with sunglasses on it it should say that you're returned or or returned yeah that's it you're returned ha my mommy told me that I was turally cool your mommy dresses you I don't want this stupid shirt anymore well calm down Incredible Hulk wait a minute you don't have any nipples hey everybody Jeffy doesn't have nipples it's not my fault I was born without [Applause] nipples Jeffy why'd you take your shirt off because I thought that shirt was going to make girls give me major treatment but all it did was get me made fun of made fun of your shirt Jeffy yeah because apparently it's not cool to be turally cool they called me [ __ ] Marvin that's funny those kids are just mean Jeffy well I'm never wearing that shirt ever ever ever ever ever again that's okay Jeffy I got you another shirt and it says mommy wh loves me and has two whales hugging you really want me to get made fun of don't you Mommy a it's cute Jeffy is it going to make girls turn into bobbleheads I don't know about that Jeffy but go ahead and put it on okay mommy I'll wear it tomorrow but it better not get me made fun of I see you got your old shirt back wait that's not your old shirt that's a new shirt what's it saying nothing I want to know what your shirt says no no show me your shirt I'm not showing you my shirt what does your shirt say it says my mommy wh loves me and it has a whale on it my mommy wh loves me that's wh lame well at least my mommy loves me well what is your mommy a whale hey everybody jeffy's mom's a whale yeah your mom's a whale shut up Cody your mom's a whale I was just really glad the joke wasn't about me for once you going to go to the ocean and see your mommy that's it I'm tired of this what are you going to go kiss your mom's big whale lips it happened again they made fun of your shirt again Jiffy yeah and they called you a whale mommy what Marvin you eat a lot of Cheetos baby Marvin look Jeffy your mom got you another sh shirt I did it says hanging with Mommy and has two slots oh absolutely not I'm done with shirts they want to bully me I'm going to become to bully now oh this is not going to be good hey loser what's with a new look your balls finally drop hey what are you doing what are you doing get off stop stop it oh no he he pulled my underwear up over my face oh God I have doooo stains on it this is so gross and embarrassing I'm going to get Pig guy anyone else wants some huh Cody called your mom a whale what Junior no no what are you doing what are you doing who okay yes daddy uh he gave me a wedgie should have pulled harder haha Cody you have rainbow pony underwear Junior they're not underwear they're panties oh my God I have those can I smell them ew no Junior you're gross Jeffrey stop buing everyone go to principal's office now Jeffy what are you doing Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy oh Jeffy why you pull my underwear over my face E I got doodle stain ring ring doesn't do my laundry hey Jeffy how was school Shut Up nerd Jeffy would you call me nerd because you are one what are you doing Jeffy what are you doing he he put my underwear in my face Jeffy that is it Jeffy you are grounded oh you're going to ground me I'm going to show you grounded Jeffy what are you doing giving you a swirling nerd what Jeffy if you put my head in that toilet you oh Jeffy God please help me you had enough yet I had enough I had enough all right Marvin what's wrong Jeffy gave me a swirly he what he put my head in the toilet Jeffy why would you do that cuz he's a nerd Jeffy that's not how we act we treat others the way we want to be treated well everyone wants to bully me so now I'm going to be the bully so no one mess with me Marvin what do we do I'm calling the cops he assaulted me with my underwear and a toilet hey there somebody call the police I heard no lady say that at the barber shop today she called me the police I like that I'm going to say that from now on police so what do you need my son is bullying me he gave me a swirly and he put my underwear over my eyes classic not classic he's assaulting me well I know how to deal with that kind of situation you do oh yeah I used to get bullied a lot in high school let me tell you a story I always get bullied by this guy named Trevor he used to call me names like brace face you know cuz I wore braces at the time and he used to pull my pants down in front of all the cheerleaders and they would all laugh at me and say haha tiny so one day I decided to get revenge on him by pulling his pants down in front of the cheerleaders and boy did that backfire cuz he was hung like a horse all the girls like him even Mrs Jenkins I I I I had a crush on her she was kind of a hot teacher but anyway me and Trevor became friends after that because I helped him get so many girls by pulling his pants down so I guess the moral of this story is what you should do is pull jeffy's pants down in class no that don't do that that's not right that's it's not what I meant at all okay okay okay better example better example okay I also used to get bullied by this guy named Travis now was a real freak he put a wasp nest in my backpack so whenever I opened my backpack a bunch of wasp flew out and they started stinging me so I ran around the classroom taking my clothes off and then everybody just pointed at me and laughed and said haha tiny so I wanted to get revenge on him so the next day I put a wasp nest in his backpack and then when he opened his backpack he got stung by wasps and he ran around the class taking his clothes off and boy did that backfire because he was packing all the girls liked him oh yeah except we didn't become friends because he was pissed that I put a wasp n in his backpack so the moral of this story is you should put a wasp nest in jeffy's backpack no don't don't do that either that was okay that sucks too okay okay okay but last example this one's going to be good this will make sense I promise okay so I also used to get bullied by this guy named Trent and we rode the bus together so what he would do was put gum in my hair which sucked because then I'd have to shave my head to get the gum out and then everybody would laugh at me and say haha baldy and also tiny you know because they remembered from when I get pants and the whole thing with the wasps so I wanted wanted to get revenge on him so what I did was I put gum in his hair and he had to shave his head and then the next day he got hit by a car and I felt kind of bad so I went to visit him in the ICU and I walked in when they were changing his body cast and he was packing I mean all of the nurses wanted to help him so the moral of this story is you should push Jeffy in front of a car no no no no no don't oh man I I I'll admit I I I'm not the right guy for this yeah you don't know what you're talking about no no no let me just talk to him and I'll explain to him why bullying people is wrong okay hey champ what are you doing writing hate comments on SML videos oh but they work so hard but they won't bring back their plushies oh well they can't do that look I wanted to talk to you about something what do you want loser okay so you're already starting with the name calling now I know the only reason you're doing that is because you're just lashing out because you don't know how else to express yourself well you're ugly okay that one kind of hurt a little bit but look what I wanted to say is that I used to be just like you I I mean I wasn't cross-eyed like that but I I did get bullied a lot you did oh yeah I get bullied all the time and you know how I got over it it I found out that everybody was packing I don't really know why but then when I grew up I became a cop so I can bully whoever I want it's my job to bully people you go too fast boom speeding ticket speeding tickets are my swirlies so what I'm trying to say is I know that deep down you know that bullying is wrong right well that didn't work oh no he did it to you too yeah the only thing I learned here is I got to start wiping better well what do we do now officer yeah what do we do I don't know he's probably just going through a phase I'm sure he'll grow out of it or he'll end up in prison he might be packing I don't know I'm just going to go no don't go we need your help we really need your help well I've done everything I can do and I don't want my face to end up in your toilet again look I have an idea that'll get on to stop bullying people really yeah let me show you I won't be able to see it cuz I got underwear in my eyes thank you but I would wash my hands if I were you all right we're all going to wear these shirts and when Jeffy sees him he's going to bully us for wearing these shirts and he's going to realize he's became what he hated most being a bully I hate this shirt I I look like a dingus a it's cute hanging with Mommy I hate my mother I would never hang with her I also hate sloths they're all lanky and they're creepy and I hate them look you only have to wear the shirt for like a few minutes for Jeffy to see you yeah so he can make fun of us and then shove my face in the toilet again and then put my poopy underwear in my face yeah that sounds like a lot of fun no he's going to realize that he's a bully and he's not going to want to be a bully anymore Jeffy get in here what do you losers want don't hurt me oh God no bleed Jeff look at our shirts look at our shirts turally cool that's [ __ ] well look Jeffy look you just bullied me the same way you used to get bullied in school you're right what if I become I'd become the same thing I swore to destroy I'm not Darth Vader diaper diaper I'm sorry Daddy I didn't want to be a bully I was just tired of people bullying me it's okay Jeffy yeah Jeffy as long as you promise you won't bully anyone ever again yeah Daddy I won't bully anyone ever again I bet you're not even packing oh no I totally am I got a weer like a Coke can hey um daddy I need a favor what do you need Jeffy can I borrow $1,000 $1,000 what do you need $1,000 for Jeffy cuz I want to go to clown School see C Clown school why do you want to go to clown school cuz it's always been my passion I love making people laugh and I really like bedom Jeffy you don't have to go to clown School you already are one Marvin it's true we already act stupid and dumb you don't have to pay someone $1,000 to teach you act like that you never support my dream no son of mine's going to be a clown I hate you yeah go to your room Marvin you should support your son no baby I want him to be something successful like a doctor or a lawyer you honestly think he's going to be a doctor or a lawyer uh no see well look baby I I don't want him to be a clown he's going to get made fun of and that's not a career Marvin I'm going to go talk to him well I'm not paying for this I don't support it I hate my daddy Jeffy are you okay no Jeffy it's going to be all right no it won't notless you write me a check for $1,000 right now so I can go to clown School Jeffy why don't you just say save up your money so you can go next year because I won't want to be a clown next year then why does it matter so much that you go this year because I want to be a clown right now Jeffy do you really want to be a clown are camel's nipples purple well Jeffy if you promise to be the best clown that you can be I will give you the money to go to clown School heck yeah Mommy this is so peepe okay Jeffy just don't tell your dad oh I won't Mommy Dad dadd dadd mommy's giving me $1,000 go to clown School Jeffy I'm just kidding Mommy okay here's the plan what was that nothing nothing Jeffy you yelled my name no no I'm not going to clown school or anything no not at all that's right you're not going to clown school ever mhm yeah so just stay in your room Jeffy here's the plan Jeffy Jeffy focus focus okay you're going to sneak out the window and go to clown school okay all right mommy I'm going to be the best clown I can be see you later mommy hello and welcome to clown School my name is screw ball and if you're wondering yes I hate my life being a clown isn't easy it's long hours of kids pissing on you you pissing on yourself kids trying to punch you in the balls fat kids trying to eat your hair cuz they think it's cotton candy waking up in different motel rooms handcuffed to the headboard I've seen it all like you think it it's probably happened to me but anyway what we're going to do now is is we're going to go around the room and each one of you are going to tell me why you chose this miserable path of life you first kid mom I want you to be a clown because I like making people laugh trust me kid you're not going to be making anybody laugh they're going to be laughing at you not with you people only hire clowns nowadays just to beat them up and piss on them at least that's what happens to me but anyway what about you sir why do you want to ruin your life looks like you already got the hair color going Oh Me Oh well my daughter's birthday part's coming up up and I figured if I was a clown then maybe her and her friends would think I was cool you know like I'd be the cool dad like oh cool your dad's a clown but after hearing your stories I'm starting to doubt that oh no no no no no no no you're not going to be cool unless getting beat up and pissed on is cool then you'll be the coolest dad in the world but anyway the first lesson of clown school is if you want to be a clown you got to look like a clown so there's clown costumes in each one of your desk so go ahead and put those on what the hell what oh God it smells like piss yes they all smell like piss they're all from clowns who died from blunt force trauma to the head from a 5-year-old with a BPP it wow this clown outfit so cool oh God why is it so itchy yeah because the clown that wore that outfit before you had scabies be honored all right the next step to being a clown is picking your clown name my name's screw ball because when I was younger I got in a horrible accident and they had to screw both my balls together so I have one big ball that's why I'm called screw ball and not screw balls all right so just yell out whatever clown name you want and I'll tell you if it's taken uh what about what about Butterball the clown take it what about diarrhea pants the clown take it that was my father H what about noodles the clown taken dingleberry the clown taken uh poof pants the clown taken ball pit [ __ ] the clown believe it or not take it what really okay what about what about fart sucker the Clown taken he was a good clown oh okay then what isn't taken uh tug Ball's not taken yeah that fit you you're now tug ball the clown I am not going by tug ball the clown oh yes you are once you're assigned a name you can't change it I did not pay ,000 to be called tug ball the clown no refunds all right kid what do you want your clown name to be what you about blue balls the clown actually that one's available congratulations get your blue balls the clown yay I got my clown name blue balls what he got blue balls why am I tug balls all right now that you got your clown names I'm going to teach you how to do the first trick you're going to need to know for a kid's birthday party and that's balloon animals they're going to want you to make dogs and giraffes and elephants mm it's too hard what you're going to do is you're going to blow up the balloon and then you're done it's a snake balloon see snake and if they say oh I don't want a snake balloon then you hit them with this worm see so the only two animals that you need to know how to make are a snake and a worm any questions okay but like what if they want a dog you say snake or a worm I'm paying you $1,000 you can teach me how to make something other than a snake or a worm snake or worm okay all right so the next trick you're going to need to know for a kid's birthday party is how to juggle so you're going to take three balls like this and start juggling watch me see I can't juggle but that's all right you you don't need to know how to juggle you don't get paid enough for that they's going to piss on you anyway so you can't juggle are you going to teach us anything snake or worm what I I I gave you $11,000 the next thing you're going to need to know for a birthday party is you got to get horny you got to have your little clown horn walk around and do it people's ears and give them tonius okay what is this are we seriously not going to learn anything I spent it that what what are you doing get get this out of my face okay that is okay that's it I don't want to be a clown anymore give me my money back don't be a party pooper I can't give you a refund I already spent the money but come up here I'll show you something cool okay are you actually going to teach me something sure all right so the next thing you're going to need to know for a kid's birthday party is getting pie in the face what oh God why does the pie taste like piss cuz I pissed in it okay that's it I'm out of here I don't want to be a clown anymore I'm reporting you to the bed at Business Bureau um am I officially a clown yet before you become a certified clown you have to pass the clown test it's only one question and the question is what two animals can you make out of balloons uh snake or worm congratulations blue balls you're now a certified clown go out there and get pissed on as much as you can thanks for the thousand bucks yay I became a clown this is the greatest day ever my drink finally came true hm I haven't seen Jeffy all day oh um well he's probably just in his room but you know need to check on him though because he might be in there doing teenage boy things hey Dy guess where I've been oh no you didn't oh yes I did where did you get $1,000 to go to clown School Jeffy mommy Jeffy you weren't supposed to tell him well I didn't want to get yelled at you gave Jeffy $1,000 to go to clown school I'm sorry Marvin but it's his passion look at him Jeffy I'm blue balls the clown daddy blue balls the clown Jeffy you better show me what you learned at clown school for $1,000 oh I learned a bunch of things Daddy I learned how to make bedon animals oh you better show me the best balloon animals in the world you better make me a huge elephant like I'm talking a li siiz elephant mm- too hard too hard nothing should be too hard for $1,000 snake or worm snake all right it better be the best snake I've ever seen a snake daddy that's cool Jeffy it's not cool it's D get out of here it's so dumb it's literally just you just blew up a balloon that took no Talent Jeffy can I have a worm coming right up mommy you could just ask me for one here's your worm mommy oh it reminds me of my ex-boyfriend what get these balloons out of here Jeffy none of that took any Talent all you did was blow up the balloon and said it was a snake and a worm well you want to see me juggle I learned how to juggle ooh that's cool Marvin I mean I guess juggling is kind of cool show me you juggling Jeffy all right I mean at least juggling's a talent all right Daddy watch me juggle oh my too hard what too hard why is it too hard pee on me what yeah that's what they taught me in clown school all right Jeffy that's it you got ripped off for giving am $1,000 to do something that was a scam but Danny I got one more trick up my sleeve want to see it yeah it better be the coolest trick in the world worth $1,000 all right I can't believe this all right Danny see this pie yeah why does it taste like piss cuz I peed in it all right Jeffy that is it you are grounded you can't ground me I got a birthday party to go to see Marvin he already has a job but someone hired you for their birthday party they you sure did Danny Joe I'm going to go do that I'll see you later go PJ go PJ go PJ go me that's right so how you ladies liking the party this party is so awesome yeah I hope it never ends yeah well you know what they say there ain't no party like a PJ party cuz a PJ party don't stop W so over here I got some Danimals and some Gogurt I got some Spider-Man and SpongeBob Gogurt you know whatever gets the juices flowing and over here I have some powdered Donuts so you can just get into that whenever you're ready uh PJ can I please have your autograph sorry babe you're going to have to wait till after the party okay okay ladies on the count of three I want you to say what would make this party 10 times better and don't say more PJ okay 1 2 three a clown that's right a clown I hired a clown I know you get it I sure did get in here blue balls I'm blue balls the clown all right make me laugh funny man [Laughter] okay PJ ain't laughing that's not funny um well I can juggle okay all right yeah let's see him juggle that'd be really cool if you can juggle yeah all right it's too hard one you pee on me what what that's not cool that's not cool at all this is gross this part is lame bro you're ruining my party you better do a cool trick right now oh well I can make a balloon animals okay balloon animals I I want a balloon animal I want a pig I want a balloon yeah I want a balloon animal too yeah I I want I want a bird um snake or worm what snake or worm uh a snake I guess that's a snake this part is so not cool it's so not cool bro nobody has ever said a PJ party wasn't cool you better do a cool trick right now well I got one more trick up my sleeve okay but it better be the coolest trick you've ever done yeah it better be cool PJ I'm leaving it's going to be cool I'm leaving oh we're leaving too no no ladies come back bro you ruined my party no lady has ever left a PJ party I'm calling the party police there I just got done cleaning up the mess I wish we made a mess that I had to clean up ew hey I got you kid what Jeffy you got arrested yeah I had to trespass him for ruining PJ crenshaw's party PJ kinshaw jamy Jam scrmshaw here Jammy scrmshaw that's the one what'd he do well he did a bunch of lame tricks and it made PJ's girls leave not his girls leave yeah his girls well so what's going to happen to Jeffy well I got to revoke his clown card so he can't be a clown anymore wait I can't be a clown anymore no you're permanently banned from being a clown wow all that for nothing wait wait why is your nose red oh cuz I also went to clown school but I dropped out cuz it was just way too much piss for my liking and I kept the clown nose to remind myself I'm a clown for paying $11,000 for that well she's a clown for paying $1,000 for Jeffy to go to clown school what a waste of money yeah okay I'm going to go to my other job leading Santa's sleigh Jeffy stop it morvin Marvin Marvin can we please go see trailer park Danny who's trailer park Danny he's a famous country singer but you don't listen to country music sure I do but I only listen to trailer park Danny I don't think we should waste our money on trailer park tickets but Marvin please who's coming into town with his sister who's also his wife his sister his wife that's disgusting no Marvin just watch One music video you'll fall in love with the sound of his voice Jeffy I'm trying to watch this thing stop it my sexy sister eyes her want to kiss her I want to lick those pretty yellow teeth and grab a few beard and get in my truck we can go mudding and hope we don't get stuck cuz I'm a cousin wrecking tractor pulling corn growing B out of son of a gun son of a gun cuz I'm a shine shpping the slapping lassle throwing C dipping son of a gun son of a gun see Marvin isn't he amazing even the kitty cat liked him where' that cat come from he has the voice of an Angel Marvin that's why I have to see him in concert well how much are the tickets $500 for the front row $500 please Marvin no oh you made mommy cry and now you're going to the bad place hell why'd you whisper hell because it's a bad word you're not supposed to say [ __ ] like that you just said the s word no I didn't you're a liar and Liars go to hell Jeffy shut up well Danny I could become a country singer and then I could sing for Mommy for free you don't have a country voice Jeffy yes I do Danny watch I voted for Trump build the wall where'd that voice come from it's my country voice Daddy and watch this Alabama football team Road tied nick7 24 car Jeff Gordon 93 octane's the best octane Yeehaw what and the saddest day of my life was when Dale Earnhardt crashed the car into the wall and the car burst in the flames and he died right there and that was the saddest day of Nascar ever and Nascar has never been the same since but don't get me wrong d har junr can drive the [ __ ] out of a race car and don't even get me started on Hamburger Helper I'll eat that [ __ ] up all right Jeffy I guess you do have a good country voice so if you go make a song maybe she'll like it all right Daddy I just got to call my cousin so I can make out with her while watching Old Yeller Che boy hey Daddy what you up to Jeffy what's this ridiculous outfit well I just got back from the stew cooking up some hot beach so hot I could fry an egg on my sister's ass yummy what yeah Daddy I made a music video and a song well let me see it all right here you go check it chewy boy this song goes out to my beautiful sister we've been married for 6 years I love you baby I love my sister yes I do ye I love my sister cuz she's prettier than you oh I like nasc corn drinking beer I like mud and shooting deer got two teeth well come on here my trucks lick is nothing fear you like big trucks I'll give you a ride Alabama football roll TI my mama's cooking tastes so good don't talk to me if you live in the hood I love my sister yes I do I love my sister she's my cousin too Jeffy turn that off what's wrong daddy that song was very inappropriate well that's what country singers sing about the only thing I didn't mention was losing my dog or my wife leaving me but I'll sing about that in the next song Jeffy do not release that song Too Late daddy already did now every trailer park princess from Mississippi to Alabama will be wanting to Li cck my beanies and suck my weenies R shut up who's that hello hey I'm big time record label manager Steve stalberger is Jeffrey here yeah he's upstairs oh you must be his father your son's going to be huge I tell you huge wait really oh yeah let me come inside and we'll talk business okay come on in so here's Jeffy hey there Sunny you're ready to be a star Piggly wingly I'll take that as a yes wait wait wait hold on what's going on well Jeffy released this new single and all the country bumpkins are going crazy over it so the record label wants to offer him a $5 million deal here's the cash what that's a lot of cash wait wait hold on what does Jeffy have to do for that money oh you know just the usual sell his likeliness his face his voice pretty much sell his soul Jeffy would you sell your soul for $5 million yes and just in case you didn't hear me yes wait wait wait why does the record label want Jeffy why are they offering him so much money well the record label wants to replace train Park Danny with someone new someone younger someone sexier so the record label wants to replace trailer park Danny with Jeffy I hate trailer park Danny cuz my my wife loves him and I want him gone yeah they sure do all he has to do is say yes for the third time yes yes we'll take the deal all right take your money see you later Jeffy look at all this cashy who's at the door hold on Jeffy count the cash make sure they didn't leave any behind yeah can't hello hiy there does that Jeffy fell live here wait your trailer par Danny sure I am and this here's my beautiful sister Charlene pleasure to make your acquaintance you think she's pretty uh yeah she's very pretty well don't go get no ideas Mister her teeth are M lit shoot wait no actually I don't really think she's that attractive you think my sister's ugly you take that bad no no she's actually very hot okay okay well Hey listen Mister we need to talk to that Jeffy fell well he's upstairs so come on in all right hey Jeffy trailer park Danny wants to talk to you did you you want to see my cash I got a bone to pick with you Jeffy well I got your bone right here tell me why the record label calls me on my telephone saying they gave all my money to you on the [ __ ] more like piece of [ __ ] now I'mma lose everything I'm going lose my damn trailer my pig my boat and all my sisters talking about leaving me I never leave you brother you better not cuz I'll tell Mom don't you tell mama oh I sure wouldn't she throw your ass down in the whale well damn wait is she really like your real sister hell yeah we're fraternal twins we shared a womb now we share a room we got married at the family reunion hell yeah and I'll tell you what she was the prettiest girl there before I knew it I was supposing you were at the county fair man was she looking pretty sitting there bobing for apples she had one on each tooth I had more teeth back then then before I knew it I was on one knee proposing and I'll tell you what she said yes faster than a red wle pig scarping out a chili dog hell yeah rot time okay I think we're getting off topic what are you wanting from Jeffy I want half his damn money no yeah he earned this money no he didn't he wrote one country song I wrote 53 about sister licking okay listen listen listen the the record label said that you're old news old news I'll show you old news you'll Ru the day you mess with trailer park Dan Jeffy come on sister let's get out of here uh I got to go to the bathroom all right well just remember to wipe back to front always do I'll meet you in the truck uh dad she's so sexy no she's not the bathroom's down there he's h no no no listen the bathroom's that way you should go use the bathroom dad do you think she'll date me no you should ask her would you date my son sure would oh F yeah all right baby go wait in my room Danny I'm going to knock those teeth out you count the cash no no don't count the I thought you already counted the cash Danny I don't know how account you count the cash I'm going to go get some ass what stop oh my god well that is a lot of money what in the hell's taking Charlene so long to use a damn turet I'mma go check on her Charlene I checked the bathroom I didn't see you in there you get lost Charlene Charlene you in here sister brother Jeff you cheating on me with this in Brad he ain't even family well he looks like one of us well I'mma show you I'm going to go get famous again I'm going to leave your ass on the curb ah shoot you're old news I hope you're enjoying me and Daddy's sloppy thirds you won't ever leave me will you oh no promises but if I find somebody else with one more tooth than you then maybe deal all right now you hop back on these beanies and weenies 4, 990,000 5 million all $5 million is there oh my God we can buy whatever we want our lives are going to change forever the news breaking news Trailer part Danny who's being called old news is now new news because he just released a hit new song featuring the new upcoming black country singer BLT we will now play the music video for you I'm really sad my sister cheated on me I don't know why she would do this to me I want her to come back and only look me but looks like she doesn't love me oh hell no don't be sad trailer park Danny there's more sisters in the family tree H that's right you don't need that hoe it's time to let her go go and date your cousin man she's a tfold show you got plenty other sisters put them in a row my truck is stuck in the mud could you give me a toe that's right I don't need that ho throw her in the road I got a sister with a big tongue she looks like a toad forget them yellow teeth want them wild like a commode I have so many cousins I have a whole truck CL yeah that's why I'm talking about Danny you got to keep it in the family just cuz she your sister don't mean she don't miss you give her that pip you know she like WR time well good thing we still have all this money hey there enjoying all that money yeah I sure am well you never really signed anything so see you hey you can't just take our money what's going on I'll tell you what's going on me and BLT are on top of the world damn right Dan you better tell them they just came in here took all my money you mean my money I bet you wish you took that deal now you would have still had half now I'm going to get my sister back Jeffy I love you brother what's up homie other brother hey FIS what you doing here oh you ain't heard the news I'm a superstar love me brother you got to go through BLT first yeah you know what BLT stands for black lettuce and tomato and I got a BBC for you I don't know what a BBC sandwich is but I know what a BLT is come on sis G darn it yeah come taste this BBC with no condiments um D where my money go the guy took it can't you just make another country song and we get famous again well I don't know Daddy cuz I don't have a country voice you've been doing it all day no I haven't try it Jeffy all right I'll try babo b b babo guys I got donuts oh thanks baby um Mommy why are donuts they're good Jeffy well of course you would say nuts are good you're a girl but Jeffy don't say that they have nothing to do with nuts then why are they called donuts what I don't know are they made out of nuts no are they made out of dough yeah like 100% dough okay so then where did the nuts come in at did the chef rub his nuts all over them Jeffy don't say that no no one rub their nuts on them well do they look like like a nut Shack no well then show me baby show them okay Jeffy look look what they look like Danny that looks nothing like a nut Shack see I told it has nothing to do with nut sacks it's just dough call them dough circles well I think they look like big Cheerios that's what they are they're really big Cheerios and they're really good you should have some oh okay Dad I'm going to give me a big Cheerio which one do I want um Dad why is this big Cheerio gold what baby did you order a golden donut no I don't know how that got in there why did we get a golden donut look Marvin let's watch TV hey there do you like donuts if you do go buy a box of donuts and if you find the golden donut you'll win a lifetime supply a free donut go buy them now wow we really just want a lifetime supply of donuts we're going to get so fat Marvin um actually I won the lifetime supply of donuts because I found the golden dut but I bought them Jeffy but baby don't argue look we're not going to claim that prize because that's so unhealthy we don't need a lifetime supply of donuts you're right Marvin well then can I go claim your prize no Jeffy we don't need a lifetime supply of donuts that's so unhealthy oh man Daddy all right well if you need me I'll be in my room just eating these donuts and not going to go claim the prize for a lifetime supply of donuts and become the Donut King or anything yep do if you need me I'll be in my room day okay Jeffy here ye here ye I am the ruler of the donuts I and the Donut King wao Jeffy how'd you get so many donuts well Junior I found these golden Donuts and I won a lifetime supply of donuts and now every time I want some they send me hundreds of them cuz I'm the Donut King well can I get a donut no Junior I'm sorry but if I give one to you I'll have to give one to all the peasants oh you you just have hundreds of them so I thought I could probably have one H well how about this junior if you want to Donut from the King something amazing you must bring to trade to trade yeah you got to trade me something cool for a donut uh can I just give you money no I don't want money Junior I want something cool what could I trade you for a donut um oh I know I I got something how about this it's a megaphone it makes you talk really loud give me [ __ ] pee PE all right Junior you got yourself a trade you may pick out one donut yay I get a donut this thing is so PE I feel so sick from eating Donuts I ate way too many donuts see this is exactly why we weren't going to claim the lifetime of supply of donuts because they just make you feel so awful after you eat them look Marvin the news uh breaking news M there's a worldwide dut shortage ever since this kid won a lifetime supply of donuts and requested that all of them be brought to his Donut Kingdom he didn't Jeffy we told you not to claim those donuts Jeffy yes Father we told you not to claim those donuts bow to the king what bow to the king I'm not bowing to you bow King no Jeffy Marvin maybe we should just bow and get it over with I'm not bowing to him Danny your shoes untied thanks for Bowing to the king I didn't bow to you Mommy your toes are untied what thanks for Bowing to the king we did not bow to you Jeffy look we're getting rid of all these Donuts dang we can't get rid of my Donuts because I'm the Donut King and this is my Donut Kingdom Jeffy I told you not to claim those donuts dad you don't get a lifetime supply of donuts and not claim them Jeffy look we're going to get rid of all these Donuts right now okay please leave the kingdom I'm not I'm not leaving there not a kingdom guard yes my le I requested that they leave the dut Kingdom and they're not leaving leave the dut Kingdom it's not a kingdom it's a Bed full of donuts in my house the king wants you to leave he's not even a king that's a burger king crown look leave or you'll be sorry what are you going to do about it dolphin boy okay that's racist and if you don't leave I'm going to give you a tail whooping a dolphin tail whooping I'm going to whoop you with my tail is what I'm saying baby let's just get out of here they're a bunch of bullies oh look look look at that on the TV Karen there's a dut shortage huh how about that no bu I don't want to look at the TV I just want to cuddle with you it's cuddle time yeah that's great I care my phone's ringing no buddy you got to cuddle with me it's cuddle time cuddle time it's answer the phone time K get get off me got to answer the phone hello wait really the chief oh my God okay I'll be right over buddy what's going on it's the chief he's dying oh no chief chief what's going on I'm dying guy no no no no no don't don't say that what's wrong wrong right here oh Dr something Wong what is wrong wrong a girl no no I mean what's wrong with him oh he dying he dying real fast he donut blood sugar be going and crash he need donut he need donut right now really sir you need a donut yeah guy whenever you become the chief of police you have to have a donut every 24 hours or else you die oh no but but Chief the donuts are sold out all over the world ever since that d damn kid had to go and win that stupid contest well guy it looks like I'm going to die then tell my wife I was cheating on her no no sir you're going to tell her that yourself because you're going to make it you you really think so guy I know so sir I'm going to get a donut well you better hurry cuz the heart rate monitor video only 4 minutes long okay okay I'm going to hurry right now I'll go hurry up damn it Marvin what ever since Jeffy kicked you out of donut you've been angrily eating those baked beans yeah I like baked beans when I'm stressed out I eat baked beans it's my new thing every character has a thing my new thing is baked beans it's a little weird no every character has a favorite food like you know like Woody like shrimp and Shrek like cheesecake I I like baked beans that that's my thing now there's someone at the door hold on hello oh hey hey hey is your son who want all the donuts here yeah he's upstairs in his dut Kingdom his what his dut Kingdom every since he won all those donuts he made a kingdom in his room okay well I really really need one of those donuts well so does is everyone in the world they made a line outside his room what really yeah there's a line so if you want a donut just go join the line okay what oh come on this line is ridiculous I know tell me about it I've been here for 45 minutes but 45 minutes hey hey hey pooy hey boy let me skip you no come on hey hey Logan Logan let let me get in front of you no oh come on okay I can see why the movie never came out yeah you guys were too busy waiting in line for donuts wait is that Elena Elena can I get in front of you no the SML crew sucks I'm disliking all your videos hey hey poopy how's your bum arm oh haha okay this sucks I'm going to go talk to the god I've been in line for 30 minutes what's taking so long sorry ma'am The Donut King is very busy you'll just have to be patient okay coming through sorry sorry hey no skipping oh come on you play like one character a I play two characters I play your wife bu okay okay don't even start hey man no skipping come on come I'm a cop I'm an officer of the law don't you have like a dut line skip pass no no you'll just have to wait in line like everybody else what hey what's that where nice try all right send the next one in all right next oh me me me me me hey I said next hey hey I'm here I'm here I was next just don't ask anybody else okay can I have a donut now bow to the king what bow to the king oh yes yes yes your highness anything for a donut okay can I have one if you want a donut from the King something amazing you must bring to trade to trade yeah you got to trade me something for for a donut okay I have cash can I just give you that no I want something cool for a donut okay I look look man I have a 20 how about I just give you a 20 no you got to trade me something cool see I got like this pocket bowling game I got this megaphone I got a flashlight and a stapler you got to trade me something cool if you want a donut okay so just like junk no something cool I don't okay okay look man my boss is dying okay and he if he doesn't get a donut he's going to die all right so I really need bored do you not have a heart bored what I don't know what to get oh you can have my hat do you want my hat I'll give you my hat no I already have a crown that says Burger King what okay maybe my tie I'll give you my whole outfit no you got to trade me something or else leave the kingdom well I don't have anything to trade I I I I don't I don't know what to give just give me a damn donut leave the kingdom what no no I need leave the kingdom no I'm going to take a dut don't call he already pissed hey what's up your highness kick him out of the Kingdom oh good he skipped in line anyway oh oh come on come on and stay out I don't want to see your face in the dut kingdom ever again well fine I I don't want to be in the stupid Donut Kingdom anyway it's stupid and dumb I do really need a dut though where am I going to get one oh oh Karen she's not banned yeah I'll just get her okay okay Karen here take this go go B I don't understand what you're trying to get me to do here it's very simple Karen I just needed to take this digdug machine into the Donut Kingdom and give it to the dut King in exchange for a donut but Bo I don't understand why you don't just go to the store to get a donut what Karen don't you think if it was that simple I would have done it already they're sold out everywhere haven't you seen the news Bo I'm sorry that I'm not as obsessed with donuts as you are I'm not obsessed with donuts Karen hey Kitty oh it's a k cat this is crazy well it's not crazy Karen just go talk to the dolphin B do you understand how ridiculous this sounds listen to what you're telling me to do you need me to talk to a dolphin to get to the Donut Kingdom to trade the digdug machine for a donut from The Donut King to get to the doctor to give you a dying boss on his deathbed yes can you do it okay Bo but this just sounds crazy okay here take it go oh why is she taking so long hey boy I got your donut oh Karen you got the donut wait wait why is there a bite taken out of it oh I got hungry on the way out Karen I okay I guess it doesn't matter it's fine but what wait where's your dress oh uh I really wanted to keep the digdug machine boy days H good choice all right Karen you got the donut I can save my boss he better hurry chief chief I got the Donut oh you're too late he die no hold on let me just restart the [Music] video chief chief quick eat the donut guy you saved my life I do anything for you sir e all right Daddy I gave away all my Donuts you gave away all your Donuts I sure did so the Donut Kingdom is no more what did you trade for all your Donuts well someone traded me a Ferrari for all my Donuts a Ferrari for all your Donuts yep well you know what I'm glad you don't need that many donuts anyway those are unhealthy you need to eat something healthy like baked beans e baby look what I just found I found the golden baked bean you know what that means baked baked beans for the rest of my life oh no all hail the baked bean King who wants to trade me a Ferrari for all my baked beans all right Jeffy me and Mommy are going out to eat and we're going to leave you home alone so don't make a mess okay all right daddy be safe Jeffy all you gone all right since my mommy and daddy aren't here I get to watch a TV show they told me not to watch oh yeah you know what you're doing oh yeah keep doing that we forgot our keys Jeffy we told you not to watch this TV show Marvin Jeffy we said do not watch Pogo sticky videos because you're going to want to start poo sticking and pogo sticking is dangerous Marvin Jeffy needs to watch more educational TV shows yes he does like woa the Explorer what is that it's a very educational TV show that you need to watch and we're going to watch it with him as a family we're not going out to eat anymore hola my name is woa I'm an Explorer what's your name a this is fun Jeffy tell her your name it's a TV mommy she can't hear me Jeffy tell her your name fine my name is hippo butthole that's a cool name my parents don't supervise me do you want to go on an adventure with me no Jeffy be nice great but we can't go on an adventure without my friend sandals the monkey can you help me find him he's behind the tree where is is he I said he's behind the tree but you can't hear me cuz it's a TV where say it louder Jeffy maybe she didn't hear you he's behind the tree where the tree behind the tree where I swear to God if you say where one more time I'm going to lose my calm down but he's behind the tree Daddy I know he's behind the tree where oh my god daddy take me to the Jungle because I'm going to strangle her well Jeffy just calm down say it one more time maybe she'll hear you this time but the monkey is right behind you where I literally can't help you it's right there it's not my fault you can't see it dang she's blind legally blind oh there he is thank you for helping me find him now we can go on our adventure thank God thank God D we finally get to go on your stupid Adventure okay just calm down Jeffy just watch the show wait we can't go on an adventure without my binoculars can you help me find my binoculars this [ __ ] again Jeffy language help her find a binoculars they're around her neck like my hands are going to be when I'm strangling her Jeffy tell her where they're at around your neck where are they no way no way is she this dumb where where where I'm not even going to help her I'm just going to let the monkey do it this time where could they be ow it's not not polite to hit sandal that monkey has more patience than me cuz I would have slapped her a long time ago oh there they are now let's go on our adventure finally now we get to go on this dumb Adventure it better be worth it to start our adventure we have to find out where we're going Let's Ask Google Maps Google Maps Google Maps Google Maps Google Maps Google Maps I know where we're going first we go through the r 's Batcave and then we sneak through the sneaky snake pit and finally we get to the poison ivy river that sounds scary I hope she dies Jiffy let's go window window window the Explorer hey there oh no it's killer the lion can you help me stop him from killing us say it with me killer no killing kill her please kill her Jeffy no killing all rats you said it three times now I can't kill you yay we did it we did it we did it yay oh wait words can't stop me from killing you help me Jesus Christ for windowa thank God Jeffy she was the most annoying person on TV I really hope she's okay look the news breaking news Muk famous television Act R woa is thought to have been killed by a lion on National Television her partner sandals the monkey has a shocking interview now let's go to that truly devastating there is a jungle wide search for woa and if you find her alive the police are offering a $20,000 reward man I really hope they find her $20,000 D I can go find her no Jeff if you're not going out in the woods there's Lions out there and it's dangerous you're staying inside all right daddy oh man this Five Guys burger is so good hey Junior did you see what happened to woa yeah she got ate by that Li it was so sick yeah did you also see that they're offering a $20,000 reward if we find her if we find her in the woods yeah so I was coming to see if you wanted to help me find her oh yeah let's go in the woods and try to find her all right let's go Junior all right let's go all right Junior let's go out here and try to find when no so we get that reward what Jeffy why do you have to talk like that oh cuz I'm wearing a cowboy hat and I thought that's how I had to talk well is mine a cowboy hat um sure where you all right so uh let's try finding her all right well this is a big Force Jeffy what are the odds of finding her I don't know dude it's going to be really hard Jeffy what isn't that her bandan Junior there's her binoculars oh look her binoculars that's so cool that means we're close to finding her Junior there's her hand oh my God her hand her leg oh my God Jeffy okay so obviously she she might still be okay she she she'll still have like her other arm and her other leg right Junior right look okay what do we do I don't know Junior we need to call somebody well hold on do we still get the reward no cuz he's dead well hold on hold on maybe they'll give us money per part so maybe they'll give us like $11,000 for her leg $1,000 for her arm $10,000 for head yeah so let's start collecting the pieces and see what they'll give us all right Junior all right Jeffy here's all the pieces we found hey Junior watch this I'm going to give her a low five wouldn't that be a low four cuz you guys only have four fingers oh yep yep I guess you're right let's go get our reward but who do we call to get the reward I think we call the news all right well now go call the news hey guys did you hear what happened to window wo whoa whoa whoa waa waa Junior why is window is head and body parts on your couch because me and Jeffy became explorers and we went in the forest and and founder so you brought the body parts back here yep so we can get a reward what you're not going to get a reward Junior well we're probably not going to get the full 20,000 but I was thinking we can get 10,000 for her head 1,000 for her leg and 1,000 for her arm that's $112,000 that's $6,000 for me and Jeffy but no you're not going to get anything because the reward was for if she was alive no they're going to give us something for these body parts or we'll go elsewhere to sell them no Junior no you're going to go to jail but why would we go to jail because you brought the body parts here so it looks like you killed her everyone knows we didn't kill her it was the lion and I'm not Ling balloon tits Junior this is really really bad well no it's not what was I supposed to do when I found her you're supposed to call the police but then they would have taken the reward well no they would investigate the crime scene there's nothing to investigate because we all saw what happened to on TV dummy Jun you're just mad because you're not going to get any of the money for finding any of our body parts no Junior I don't want anything to do with any of this well okay then where do we sell the parts to if you say if the calling the cop's going to get us in trouble I don't know the black market I don't know people who buy body parts I I will buy those binoculars though you want 20 bucks for them 20 bucks is that a good deal yeah so okay you can have them oh pleasure doing business with you now I can look inside people's windows while they undress wait wait wait wait wait do do you want her bandanna uh no no I don't want it okay okay I'll just take these binoculars and go all right we made 20 bucks out those binoculars that's $10 each Junior heck yeah all right so let's go find a black market to sell these body parts cuz if we call the cops we'll get in trouble apparently all right let's go uh hey hey welcome to the black market we buy illegal things what can I do for you today we have something we think you might like fish I'm a dolphin I eat fish no Jeffy Show Them W is that woa yep that is the woa she went missing today so we went to the forest and we found her nice so uh you looking to seller Pond sell all right well the best I can do is 100 bucks 100 bucks the news said she's worth $20,000 no that's only if she's alive this is pretty much worthless well no we found her head and her leg and her arm can you at least do like 12,000 no sorry the best I can do is 100 bucks well I didn't know this was useless yeah but you know if you'd have brought me her binoculars I would have given you $50,000 $50,000 for the binoculars we had the binoculars you wish no no we did we sold them for $20 yeah well you got ripped off well why are they worth so much well because she's dead and they're a collector's item apparently she only ever used one pair of binoculars so they're worth a lot wo wo wo I promise we had them so if we can get them back will will you will you buy them from us yeah if you bring me those binoculars I'll give you $50,000 Jeffy we have find Cody and get those binoculars back damn right we do okay we'll be right back wait wait wait wait wait what what do you what do you want to do with us uh we want to sell that oh okay hey guys why'd you call me over I was just outside playing with my binoculars I was looking at everything they're so cool I'll never get rid of them well I think they're dumb and make your head look fat why'd you call me over well me and Jeffy were talking it over and we decided that we feel bad we feel bad for ripping you off by selling you those binoculars you didn't rip me off yes we did $20 was way too much to charge you for those so we feel bad you bought them from us for $20 well we want to buy them back for $100 yeah that's an $80 profit but but I don't want to sell these why not well because I'm wo's biggest fan and these are the binoculars she died with I'm not going to get rid of these you're not wo's biggest fan yes I am I know the theme song and everything well well they mean more to me and Jeffy cuz we found them well you don't even care about woa yes we do we car enough about her to go look for her you didn't go look for her well no cuz I was too busy crying well that's dumb what if we offer $120 what no Junior no amount of money is going to make me give you those binoculars well what if we trade you something cool well what um um we we have so many cool things to trade right Jeffy yeah we have so many cool things um uh hold on I'm going to grab all the cool stuff that we can trade for those binoculars all right Cody this is what I have to trade what is that a mostly eaten cheeseburger not just any mostly eaten cheeseburger a Five Guys mostly eating cheeseburger Junior I want five guys but not the restaurant but the cheeseburgers are good I know their cheeseburgers are good but I don't want your half eaten cheeseburger are you sure cuz I was going to finish this but I saved it to trade for you well you can go ahead and finish it cuz I don't want it all right Jeffy get the other thing all right this thing you can't turn down what is that it's a Togo drink from chilies why would I want a Togo drink from chilies because it's a strawberry lemonade yeah it slaps really it's empty yeah I drank it all why would you give me an empty to go drink from chilies because you can go back and probably get a refill or something I don't want it all right Jeffy get the other thing I really didn't want to get rid of this but I'll do it for you wa what is that it's a half eaten uncrustable do you have any Uncrustables that are not eaten no I I eat about half and I stop eating them why don't you just finish the uncrustable because there's so much left I get full well Junior I don't want your half eaten uncrustable you don't want any of this stuff no Junior why are you just bringing me your leftover food because it's the food that was left in my room and Chef people will grow me if he finds food in my room this is gross and I don't want it I I I mean I mean if you had like a full uncrustable we'd be talking but no I don't want this look Cody we really need those binoculars back no Junior I want to keep these binoculars breaking news sandals the monkey has been arrested for allegedly hiring the lion to kill woa if you have any evidence please turn it into local police now oh no I have to turn these binoculars into the police no no you don't yes I do junior it's evidence we'll hand them over me and Jeffy will turn them in no I don't trust you I'm doing it myself no a we're not going to get the money for the binoculars oh Junior this sucks thanks kid for turning in these binoculars it's really going to help the investigation a lot yeah whatever I can do to help avenge woa all right you have a good night did he give them to you yep like taking candy from a baby sweet now let's go get our $50,000 yeah all right blow hole head here's the binoculars where's our 50 Grand wow you actually got them here you go sweet 25,000 each ding ding ding ding ding congratulations Daddy you're now on The Jeffy game show and if you answer this one question Inc correctly then you have to buy me the new PlayStation 5 and the new Xbox series X I don't want to play well too bad daddy the first question is what color is my helmet [Music] red ding ding ding ding ding that is correct no you just changed your helmet Mario you said he had a red helmet on now he's wearing a red helmet well no it was blue and he just changed it doesn't count well Danny I don't make the rules I just follow well I'm not buying you the new PlayStation or the new Xbox just wait till Christmas Christmas that's like next month I don't even know if I'll be alive by then you'll be alive next month I you know Mario that's true the sun could explode tomorrow yeah and if the sun explodes then I don't know what it's like to have a PlayStation 5 or a brand new Xbox well no one will know because if the sun explodes we'll all be dead so no one will care look Jeffy look Christmas is next month and you have to be good cuz Santa Claus is watching oh Santa Claus is watching well what about this Santa Claus I got a big diaper fullish Jeffy Jeffy that's it you're grounded grounded what did I do Mario how about we make him a good boy chart what's a good boy chart here look every time Jeffy does something good we put a gold star on the chart and when he has 25 gold stars he gets a prize good idea baby he'll never do 25 good things so he'll never get a prize Mario that's not the point Jeffy look we got you a good boy Chart good boy yeah good boy chart if you do 20 25 good things I'll buy you one of the new systems 25 good things I might as well just wait till Christmas then wait till Christmas well no Daddy tell me what the 25 good things are okay you have to do good things like you can't be annoying you can't poop your pants Oh and uh you can't break stuff well I haven't broken anything all day show Gold Star oh I'll go get the gold stars no all right Jeffy there's your first gold star I got a star daddy that is the tits and you lost your gold star I'm lost it what did I do you said a bad word that's a bad word most people would say that's a good word Jeffy look you can't say bad things you can't do bad things you can only do good things to get gold stars well Daddy my butt's mad at you so you better got to listen to what he got to say Jeffy that is disgusting look you can only do good things so start doing good things okay well what good things do you want me to do then d one take the microphone out of your pants okay next go clean the entire kitchen and you'll get a gold star well this might actually be a good thing if he starts doing good stuff yo yo yo Mario what's up folk what's up Black Yoshi yeah man I know you see that new play for 5 you know the PS5 one yeah I saw it and the new Xbox yeah well my pockets running a little thin this mon so I was wondering if you be done slide me that thwie so I can get the consoles I don't have a thwie owie look like I'm not going to buy you any of the system cuz I have to buy Jeffy one if he finishes his good boy Chart good boy chops what's that about folk well if Jeffy gets 25 gold stars I told him I'd buy him one of the systems well why don't I get a good boy chop cuz you just don't get one well hold up V Mario take this out right here this my own good boy chops and instead of 25 Stars I got 50 stars on there like the American flag I play the leum to the good boy chops to the United States or give me both the consoles black you what good things have you done uh I be done checks the mail that's why my mail was stolen oh yeah your grand sent you $5 for your birthday but I already be done Spence it BL that's a federal offense Mario I don't care what type of fil it is if it's a picket fence a huckleberry fence the Miami doll fence look you're not getting any of the systems I don't care if you have a good boy chart well fine then folk you green I'm just going to take my CH somewhere else maybe I take to to Walmart and they can see how good I've been and maybe they just give me the car for free oh man I don't want to clean all these dishes hey Jeffy what are you doing I'm about to have to clean the kitchen so I can get a gold star what happens if you get a gold star well I get to get all the new systems really yeah you want to see my new toy that I just got heck yeah Junior all right turn off all the lights all right all right Jeffy check this out it's a lightsaber Junior that is the tits I know right it's a real lightsaber so if I touch it my fingers are going to come off yeah liar well you must be made out of armor or something yeah yeah maybe I am the BFD with the BFD yeah so what if instead of cleaning those dishes you got rid of those dishes like a Sith oh heck yeah Junior heck yeah here use your Jedi powers to clean those dishes all right Junior all right Jeffy the dishes are all lined up for you dishes I am your [Music] [Applause] father you showed those dishes well I sure did Junior wao Jeffrey look at the big mess you made I know junior is so sick ooh you made a big old mess now I'm going to go tell your daddy oh please don't go tell my Dad I'm supposed to be being a good boy and get the gold star so I can get the new systems well if you help me get the new PlayStation 5 then uh I won't tell your D that you made a big old mess so this is what the plan going to be so what you going to do is you going to go steal the gold stars and put it all over your good boy card and then you going to take that card to your mama you tell your mama that your daddy gave you the stars and then she going to buy you the Xbox then you take that same card and take it to your daddy and then you tell your daddy that your mama gave you the stars and then he going to buy you the PlayStation and then you get the PlayStation to me oh that idea challenge pee PE well when do I get a system you don't a all right so go Ste the star and get a card to your mom all right oh my stomach's rumbling I'm really hungry oh me too hey since jeffy's cleaning the kitchen I can go get us some food yeah you should definitely go get us some food okay well what are you in the mood for McDonald's definitely McDonald's oh McDonald's we always get McDonald's but I love McDonald's and just don't tell Jeffy we're getting McDonald's cuz I don't want him to eat any of it why is that because I want him to eat healthy oh well okay well I'll be right back then all right oh hey Mommy what is it Jeffy oh before you leave I cleaned the kitchen show good that Daddy gave me all the stars on my good boy chart he did Jeffy I'm so proud proud of you yeah thanks mommy oh I'm pretty proud of it um but when you go out can you go ahead and get me my Xbox I will Jeffy I will oh sweet mommy thanks yeah Dy guess what Jeffy why you talking like that right there go good boy chart Full of Stars Jeffy stop talking like that what are you saying well Danny I clean the kitchen so good that mommy go ahead and gave me all the stars but she's not supposed to do that she's only supposed to give you one star for cleaning the kitchen well now you got to go get me my PlayStation well Jeffy explain to me what each star was for all right well the first star cuz I clean one dish then I clean two dishes and then I clean three dishes and then I clean four dishes no then I clean five dishes you don't get a star all the way down to 25 dishes oh you know what Jeffy fine listen I will go ahead and buy you one game system but only one but on Christmas morning when you wake up and there's no other presents what are you going to think that there's no Santa Claus no no because I'm giving you your Christmas gift today so when I get you your one game system right now that means it's all you're getting for Christmas okay so which what system do you want right now uh the PlayStation 5 all right I'm going to go get it but that's all you're getting good oh folk it's working folk oh all right Jeffy here's your PlayStation 5 Daddy this is cool as Jeffy do not say that word look here just take your PlayStation 5 Merry Christmas and uh Happy New Year Jeffy go take get Jeffy I have your Xbox oh mother that is the bosoms thank you for being such a good boy Jeffy oh I'm the bestest boy ever no no no this ain't right what's wrong they went ahead and got us the digital editions or the PS5 and Xbox so they went cheap on us that bad yes bad because what happens if a Wi-Fi go out then we can't access our games so we need the ones with the dis dishes so what we need to do is I got a plan we going to go downstairs and we're going to break both of these consoles so they have to take it back and get us the better ones so come on let's go all right Jeffy so what we going to do is we going to break them and then you going take them back to your parents and tell them that they came like that then they going to take them back to the store and then they going to exchange them for the good ones all right all right so I'm going to hit the egg B with the hammer all you ready here we go man that ain't working I got to even better idea all right folks we going to throw the Xbox off the balcony here we go that I'll do it all right let me get the PlayStation all right right here PlayStation 5 is next bye-bye let's go check it out folk oh oh yeah f they broke it so now what you got to do is you got to take them to your parents and then tell them they came like this all right Mario I'm back oh good I'm starving where's the food Mario I completely forgot I was just so excited about Jeffy being such a good boy I mean he was a good boy right yeah right I mean he cleaned the kitchen right yeah right um Mommy uh I need to talk to you in the other room in private it's an emergency okay Jeffy all right all right Mommy so I was getting ready to play the Xbox and I was so excited and I opened up the box and it looked like this oh no Jeffy it's broken yeah and I read online that all the digital Xboxes are broken so when you take it back I think you need to ask for the one with the disc because uh those are stronger oh Jeffy I'm so sorry I got the wrong one I'll go to the store right now return it and get the right one okay oh thank you so much Mommy I appreciate it oh Daddy it's awful what play done shot Old Yeller what are you talking about Jeffy Daddy I was getting ready to play my new PS5 I was so excited and I opened up the box and it was broken broken yeah and I read online that all the digital ps5s are broken when you open them up well so then what am I supposed to get well you're supposed to get the one with the displayer I heard those are stronger and they don't break and they're not broken when you when you get them what it looks like this thing just snaps back on it doesn't well let me try it no it doesn't let me try it okay it was dropped off a balcony what I mean it looks like it was dropped off a balcony I don't know what they're doing over there at Sony but okay well then I'll try to okay I'll return it and get you the one that can play disc if this one came broken okay all right thanks Daddy Jeffy I got your PlayStation five Jeffy I got your Xbox baby why'd you get him an Xbox why did you get him a PlayStation 5 he said you gave him 25 gold stars he said you gave him 25 gold stars I didn't I didn't uhoh Jeffy that's it you're crowed you lied to us father please don't raise your voice at me no don't talk to me in that British voice it's not going to work this time you lied to us so that you get both systems well only one of the systems is for me then who's the other system for oh you got a PS5 oh I can't wait to play it no you're we not playing the PS5 we're going to return these consoles Jeffy you're grounded well am I grounded too Daddy yeah you're grounded too you know what actually I think I'm going to play the PlayStation 5 oh I think I'm going to play the Xbox what yep we're going to play these systems cuz we bought them and you guys can just sit back and watch and be grounded come on baby let's play these systems come on oh man this PlayStation 5 is so fun this is run Daddy on my Stompy short W Jeffy stop it you're being annoying Johnny stop you don't go play outside I can play outside yeah yeah you can go play outside just stay in the yard and don't talk to strangers okay Daddy I don't have time for that ra I got my dinosaur shoes on ra hey little boy you want some candy oh yeah I want some candy well how about you get in the back of my car we'll have some fun okay yeah get in get in real quick come on what is Jeffy doing why is he getting in that car what's going on here uh nothing sir um I'm the Uber driver Uber driver Jeffy do you know who this guy is no but he offered me candy Jeffy you get out of this car right now I don't have to just you you want the candy right yeah the car get out of the car come on get out of the car you better get out of here before I call the cops I'm sorry yes sir you get out of here sorry Jeffy why'd you get inside a stranger's car cuz he had candy I told you not to talk to strangers hold up daddy you said don't talk to strangers you never said don't talk to strangers who have candy and he had candy Jeffy it's the same thing don't talk to strangers what would you have done if he would have taken you he probably would have taken me to the candy store and bought me more candy no he wouldn't Jeffy he doesn't have the money to do that Daddy these are king size he obviously got that cash he got that paper would no Jeffy he doesn't have that paper he would have taken you to his house and chained you up oh kinky I like where this is going no Jeffy you're not supposed to talk to strangers would you have gotten into his car if he didn't have candy no so you only got in his car cuz he had candy yeah I'm glad we establish that day Jeffy you're not supposed to talk to strangers even if they offer you candy if he offers you candy you're supposed to punch him in the face why would I do that he was just being nice offering me some candy and if I would have punched him in the face I never would have got the candy he wasn't trying to be nice Jeffy he was trying to take you by offering you candy when people offer you candy every time supposed to punch him in the face and grab the candy all right well what about Halloween I'm just supposed to be rocking MF at the front door like ding dong here's your candy B no no no Jeffy on Halloween you don't punch people with candy Halloween's the only day you don't do it dang I'm so confused look I'm going to sign you up for self-defense classes cuz if you knew self-defense you would know not to get inside a stranger's car and you would have hit them you would have rocked him up so you know I'm going to sign you up for self-defense classes right now oh please answer oh hello this Jackie Chu hey Jackie Chu it's me Mario I was wondering if you could teach my son karate oh yeah I could teach your son karate but it going to cost you $200 hour $200 an hour that's expensive yeah but I got to put cat and dog on my family dinner table and cat and dog ain't cheap okay well is there any way you can give me like a discount you know well we got uh $200 hour $100 half hour $50 15 minute and we also have $25 72 minute you're just cutting everything in half yeah discount well that's not a discount look look look I just really need to teach my son karate because someone almost took him today and I want to teach him self-defense so he knows how to get out of those situations oh $200 hour whatever okay I need to find a cheaper option a cheaper option all right Jeffy I found you a cheap karate instructor off of Craigslist yo what's up Young Blood gang gang what your cracker got to do to get an N word pass you heard me hey you got to get a black belt if you want that pass oh word up no no no no there will be no passes given out Jeffy he's here to teach you karate what's your name oh my name Blackie Chan I got it in the hood because I know how to play Mortal Kombat real good well how much do you know about karate oh I know a lot about K tea I don't like it too much it messes with my stomach you know what I'm saying carrot tea yeah carrot tea you know carrot flavor tea no no no no I I hired you to teach him about karate you know fighting oh I know how to fight look look I know how to fight I've been a prison okay you got to know how to fight and there cuz if you drop a soap you the G well no no okay but like I need you to teach him like self-defense because today someone pulled up and offered him candy and he got in their car what candy what kind of candy it it was this candy right here ew This is disgusting this the cheap candy if it's not Snickers or rees's I'm not getting into that car well no no he shouldn't get in the car no matter what type of candy they have what well what kind of car was it if it was a Lamborghini I'm getting in that car no it was not a Lamborghini it was a regular car well don't get into regular cars with people with regular candy okay well yeah no matter what candy they have or what car they have you just don't get into a car with a stranger so that's what I want you to teach them I want you to teach them self-defense like if someone comes up to him and offers him to get in the car for candy you know how he says no you know yeah I can do that um all right I got this piece of wood from Home Depot I think he supposed to break it or something so hit it oh man you did it oh man that was incredible all right now where my $20 at I'm not going to pay you you didn't do anything yet oh oh God okay look I'mma Be The Creep oh look little boy I got some candy and I want to tickle your butt now what is your response oh okay I'll take your candy and you can get the tickling no this is cheap candy I'm not tickling your butt no no don't let anyone do that for any type of K look you know we're done here you know what here you know what here's $20 you can leave ooh $20 all right hey hey apple bees how come okay Jeffy do not listen to anything he said that that was that was a waste of time and a waste of $20 look Jeffy I just want you to learn self-defense well I already know how to fight Daddy what but then why'd you get in the car well because I wanted the candy Jeffy Jeff so that's what I want you to learn you know what you're not going to learn anything let's just go put you in bed and you're not allowed to go outside anymore come on all right Jeffy you're going to go to bed and you're not allowed to go outside anymore but what about going to school what do you mean I have to go outside to go to school okay you can go outside to go to school that's the only time you go outside and what about to check the mail you don't need to check the mail I'll check the mail but what if I got a package I'll let you know if you have a package when I check the mail well can I go outside to chase the Easter Bunny no what about Santa Claus what about him uh he's outside he's outside when he's on the chimney but then he comes inside so you can see him when he comes inside well Daddy what happens if I need fresh air then open a window oh but that's outside no you stay inside the house and open the window and just stay inside well can I stick my fingers out the window no why they're just fingers okay fine you can stick your fingers outside all right what about my hand yes your hand and my arm you can stick your arm out the window and my head shoulders knees and toes how about just All of Me no you can't go outside Jeffy oh D I want to go outside you're not going outside no Jeffy you're gonna don't his at me stop it Jeffy you stay in bed you're not allowed to go outside okay I guess who's back I want to give him some more candy I wonder what room's in oh I bet it's that right there how do I get his attention what that boy hey little boy you're showing out shy for you who's there hey little boy it's me remember the guy that gave you candy oh yeah thanks hey I got some more don't you want some just come outside I can't come outside I'm not allowed to only my fingers aw that's no fun well you can throw me to candy no why not because you have to come outside but what if you try and tickle my butt how did you know I I mean um I wouldn't tickle your butt I just want to give you candy well I can meet you at the front door okay let's go to the front door all I'll be there in a minute I can't believe Jeffy got inside a stranger's car and I tried to teach him self-defense oh there's no use for him I can't wait to get this little boy some candy and butt what that's for my front door what I'm calling the cops all right I'm here okay then just open the door little boy all right but I can't come outside that's okay just open the door okay I got you now you ready for me to tickle your butt will be no butt tickling today sir I will mess you up oh my reaction skills suck ow I need to do something a rest I can't believe I got a car I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you Melly kids yeah we've been trying to catch the butt tickle and Bandit for years but you finally did it Jeffy with those karate skills are yours uh would you mind shutting the door for me yeah ow ow ow my face you just closed the door on my face ow sing oh it's fine let's let's just go tell your dad what you did there will be no butt tickling today sir I will mess you up oh my reaction skills suck I need to do something oh my God yeah your son closed the car door on my face but he stopped the creep but yeah I guess he did that too well Jeffy I guess you didn't need to learn karate after all you already know how to defend yourself I told you Daddy I already know how to fight every time somebody messes with me bop yep Bop just like the car door right on my face Bop how do he close a car door on your face anyway way well I didn't get out of the way cuzz I was too busy daydreaming about my cat you see my cat likes to chew on like lamp cords and stuff so I left him home alone and usually I unplug the lamp cords but I think there's a lamp cord I forgot to unplug so I'm just kind of worried about them Andy has asthma so there's that well I hope your cat's okay then yeah me too and anyway the message of this video is never talk to strangers and and and be careful when people are closing C door so they don't slam it on your face yeah so Jeffy did you get the lesson of this video yep don't talk to strangers even if they have candy and and the car door on the face whatever all right Jeffy I'm glad you learned your lesson you're allowed to go outside again just don't talk to creeps yay I can go out Jeffy what are you doing ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone Jeffy stop it Banana Phone Jeffy no more banana phone freeze daddy put your hands up wait why am I doing that no Jeffy stop stop playing with bananas hey Daddy is that a banana in my pants or am I just happy to see you JY stop playing where you get all these bananas from I got a bunch of them daddy Mario he's just playing maybe he's hungry he's making me mad okay you know what fine let's go get you something to eat let's go in the kitchen all right buy all right Jeffy here's your dinner I snuck some green beans in his macaroni and cheese that's not a good idea Mario he's not even going to notice um I would like to speak to the chef please what's wrong Jeffy it appears that someone has blown their nose into my mouth macaroni and cheese because there's a whole bunch of boogers in here those are not boogers Jeffy then what's this green stuff it's the new zombie macaroni and cheese a couple of the noodles are zombies Die zombie Jeffy why you always got to throw your phone J I am so tired of you you're the worst son ever Mario calm down no I'm got to calm down he's the worst son ever he it's so hard taking care of him a monkey would be easier to take care of a monkey don't say that Mario you said a monkey would be better than Jeffy because it would it would probably actually listen look what you did Mario what I did he keep throwing his food well if you didn't put green beans in his macaroni and cheese this wouldn't have happened he need to eat healthy when when cry cry when cry when when cry my daddy hates me he said that a monkey would be better than me well you know what I'll show him I'm going to order a monkey off Amazon primate and then when he gets here I'm going to put my clothes on the monkey and then my daddy will think that I turned into a monkey yeah that's what I'm going to do oh that must be my Amazon primate package hello hey I'm from Amazon primate Oh yay my package is here yeah here you go PE PE MH oh man I can't wait to open up my monkey I'm going to spank my monkey come on out monkey oh you'll do just fine all right Mr Monkey put on my helmet and my shirt all right Mr Monkey so when my mommy and daddy come in the room to wake you up to go to school tomorrow I want you to ruin their life okay Mr Monkey what what a I'm going to be in the closet playing video games so you just lay right here Jeffy come on Jeffy it's time to get up and go to school Jeffy Jeffy you look terrible you look like you didn't sleep at all last night it's not funny Jeffy come on it's time to go to school Mario Jeffy stayed up all night last night well tell him he still has to go to school you tell him that [Applause] Mario Mario what's wrong that's not Jeffy that's a monkey what do you mean Mario that's a monkey look at him oh I thought he looked different yeah he looks like a monkey why do you think Jeffy turned into a monkey well last night you did say a monkey would be easier to take care of than Jeffy so you think God's punishing me and turn Jeffy into a monkey I guess so Mario careful what you wish for we can't send Jeffy to school like this he's a monkey well we could shave him and then make him look more human uh I guess we could do that I guess go get a razor you didn't notice how hairy he was no Mario I thought he went through puberty or something okay just go get a razor let's try to shave him okay Mario I got the Razor all right Jeffy hold still Mario Mario are you okay well I guess no shaving Jeffy then come on let's go to school all right craft today we're going to be learning about Evolution evolution is how we became who we are today and so we all started out as a little tiny goldfish and the Goldfish turned into a monkey and in the monkey turned into a human being with a big booty I'm talking a lot of junk in the trunk and then there's Jeffy any questions CR what we used to be monkeys that's not fair I want to be a monkey I want to throw my poop yeah I want to throw my poop too hey Jeffy I don't think you even went through Evolution cuz you're as dumb as a monkey I'm sure you're all wondering how a goldfish turn into a monkey you're very simple explanation crash the Goldfish who threw that poop at the Chuck B M that's more delicious Jeffy you in trouble for trying to start a food fight in craft you're suspended I wonder how jeffy's day at school is going well since he's a monkey it's probably not going good Jeffy is that a note from your teacher let me see it let me see it let me see it to whom it may concern Jeffy threw something that looked like poop which turned out to be chocolate which means he was trying to start a food fight Jeffy suspended for 3 days you got suspended Jeffy oh stop hitting me Mar you maybe he'll behave better now that he's at home what are we supposed to do how do we take care of a monkey um well we could feed him but feed him all right Jeffy come on look we're going to the kitchen to get you something to eat come on all right Jeffy what do you want for dinner I thought he was going to hit me oh Mario I know I know what bananas eat monkeys what bananas eat monkeys what are you talking about oh wait I have that backwards monkeys eat bananas Mario oh yeah they do all right so I'll get him a banana all right Jeffy here's a banana oh I think he likes it Mario why did you just thr the banana well maybe it was rotten Mario okay I'll get him another one here's another one oh no Mario now he's going to need a bath come on Jeffy let's get you a bath you're not even hungry probably Jeffy your Bath's ready Jeffy get in the bathtub get in the bathtub stop climbing Jeffy Mario maybe he's afraid of water Jeffy you get down here right now is that what I think it is oh no Mario that's just chocolate calm down he's eating a fudge round and spitting it out Jeffy stop eating in the bathroom calm down he's making a huge mess Jeffy get down right now he dropped it all come on look let's just get out of here okay I don't even know what to do any anymore what was that for Mario maybe we should get some help like who I don't know maybe someone who knows a lot about monkeys like a monkey olist yes a monologist you're so smart Mario I was being sarcastic I don't even think that's a real thing I'm going to go call him right now least he's sleeping hey there someone call a monologist off Craigslist oh I did I did a monologist is that even a real thing standing right here mate our son Jeffy turned into a monkey overnight oh W what was he Jumping on the Bed what well the doctor said no more monkeys jumping on the bed so if we can find out if he was jumping on the bed then we can conclude that he is in fact a monkey he is a monkey look he's a monkey jumping on the bed confirmed no look this what happened Jeffy was acting bad and I said a monkey would be easier to take care of than you and then he turned into a monkey well be careful what you wish for mate one time I told my wife that a giraffe could cook better than her and you know what happened she turned into a giraffe no she died in a car accident oh honey I'm so sorry sorry why you call him honey ah it's not your fault she was blind she was blind from birth shouldn't have been driving anyway well look can you help turn my son back from a monkey back to my son I'm a monkey olist not a magician mate well then what do you do I can tell you some monkey facts monkey facts yeah okay tell us some monkey facts all right hold on let me get my phone your phone y hey Siri tell me some monkey facts you you don't even know about the top of your head you have to Google it I can do that all right it says here monkeys are omnivores what you're not even monkey so you're saying if I grab my phone and I Google monkey facts I'm a monologist also monkeys are as smart as a toddler you just get out of here you're not even a real monologist all right I'll send you my bill in the mail that was a complete waste of time we didn't get anywhere with that Mario maybe we should call a wizard and he can turn Jeffy back to normal okay I I'll call a wizard I'll call Chris tall balls hey there it's crystal balls and I brought my crystal ball and what can I do for you this evening well Chris my son Jeffy turned into a monkey and I was wondering if you turn him back H 20 bucks 20 bucks M and you'll turn him back yep here's 20 bucks all right all right let me turn my ball on M Boo Boo Boo bo bo bo all right crystal ball turn Jeffy back into a human what nothing happened no just just keep keep looking just keep watching it'll be coming any minute no should be there hey Mario he just scammed us out of $20 oh he keeps scamming us oh I miss Jeffy me too what are we going to do that sounds like Jeffy Mario it does wait a minute no no no get up no oh man this game is horse poop Jeff what are you doing in the closet uh I was playing Fall Guys where'd you get that monkey from oh I ordered them off Amazon Prime mate I wanted to show you what it was like because you said that you'd rather have a monkey instead of me that is it Jeffy you are so crowed hold on Dad I'm getting a phone call what ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ban phone hey Daddy hey Jeffy what's up cargo cargo what cargo beep beep are you stupid daddy it's common knowledge you should know that that was Jeffy trango trango Mario play along trango trango what chug chug chug chy chy chy ch ch oh Jeffy you know what train got derailed and it crashed and everyone on board died oh look let's just watch TV stretch it pull it stretch it pull it introducing the incredible stretchable super stretchy Spiderman he can stretch over 100 ft wide super stretchy Spider-Man can stretch around the world world three times here's Dr stretch who has a PHD in stretching to explain more about the stretchable Spider-Man hi I'm Dr stretch and I have a PhD in stretching your mom knows me very well I'm here to talk to you today about this incredible stretchable non- rippable Spider-Man he can stretch forever without ripping he could stretch all the way to the Moon in back and never ever rip and that's a guarantee or your money back because he is made out of unrippable stretchy material we call it stretch tanium and I guarantee it will never ever in a million years rip you heard it from the doctor himself this incredible stretchable super stretchy Spider-Man will never rip you got that right never rip you heard it correctly never rip if it rips you get your money back guaranteed so if there's a single rip on the super stretchy Spider-Man you get your money back guaranteed it will never rip it will never rip $29.95 buy it now it's only 30 bucks oh dadd I want that give me have it I want that right there dad Dad look what Dad look I want that give me have it I've seen it look at itff I'm ging at it look at it I want to have it give me have it Jeffy Jeffy just wait till Christmas Christmas I don't want to wait that long Jeffy wait till Christmas oh let me stretch out Spider-Man daddy Jeffy stop it look just wait till Christmas and you'll get all the toys look just be patient but Daddy if you get it for me right now you won't have to get it for me for Christmas but if I get it for you right now then you're going to have one less toy on Christmas and you're going to be sad a please give it to me Daddy oh Jeffy look look I'll get it for you if you never make that noise ever again okay all right daddy thanks let me get my phone and and call and order it someone's at the door Mario I know I heard it Jeffy your stretchy Spider-Man came in my toy came in heck yeah Daddy Let's stretch it all right oh wow stretchy it ripped Mario the commercial said it wouldn't rip that commercial is a liar yeah it said it wouldn't rip or or we get our money back so look I'll just call and get our money back cuz this obviously is cheap and and it ripped really easily let me call them let me call him Jeffy stop crying you don't have to cry look I'm calling the customer support I'm going to get our money back thank you for calling stretchy Spider-Man customer support my name is Camille Habib cam is in camel Habib habab is in corn on the cob and what can I do for you on this fine evening all right so I saw your commercial about the stretchy Spider-Man and in the commercial it says that if it rips I get a full money back guarantee so I bought the Spider-Man and it ripped so I'd like a refund I'm so sorry to hear that your stretchy Spider-Man has ripped have you tried turning it off and turning it back on it it's made out of rubber it you can't turn it on and turn back off in the owner's manual you can do a manual reset where you stick your hand inside the anus of the Spiderman and hold the press the reset button and you can reset what did it work no it's still ripped cuz it's it's broken it ripped I'm so sorry to hear that your stretchy Spider-Man is broken do you happen to have your account number what no I didn't get an account number I ordered it off the commercial on the phone did you pay in full yes okay do you have a confirmation number no I I just called and bought it that's all I did I'm so sorry I won't be able to assist you any further without an account number or a confirmation number let me speak to your manager oh you would like to speak to a manager yes okay please hold camos C's calling my hoof like I'm locked up nonstop from the pyramids to the desert yeah yeah I'm a camel not a pop star no no no hello you requested to speak to a manager my name is Camille Habib habab Camille isib habab is in corn on the cob and what can I do for you on this fine evening I wanted to speak to the manager not the same person this is the manager my name is Cam b c on the car and what can I do for you tonight look I bought the damn stretchy Spider-Man and he ripped so I would like to get a refund I'm so sorry to hear that your super stretchy Spider-Man has ripped have you tried turning it off and turning it there is a manual re I TR it I TR it in the anus of the Spider-Man I did it did it work no give my money back get it back do you have your account number no I don't have it then sorry sir there's nothing else I can help for you today what goodbye up me well that phone call was pointless thanks God hey don't blame me for that God yes it's me what are you doing here well you blamed me for your phone call and I felt like that was kind of unfair so I'd like an apology um I'm sorry God you know I can tell if you don't mean it right what I'm sorry what excuse could you stop doing that please you're so furry stop I just want to see if his tongue felt like my tongue what God God God since you're here almighty god um is there any way that you can help me with my problem what's your problem well um me and my son bought this stretchy Spider-Man and it said that if it uh ripped that I would get my money back and they didn't give me my money back mhm yeah you know that there are real problems with the world right now right like I could end world hunger if I wanted to or I could make some pizza rolls H end world hunger make some pizza rolls h i i could I could make world peace or I could make some pizza rolls I could I could end this virus or I could make some pizza rolls H guess guess which one I'm going to do make some pizza make some pizza rolls that that's exactly right okay well no one's willing to help I'm going to call the cops and get those people arrested for scamming me hey there somebody called the cops oh my God what happened to Spider-Man was it Dr Octopus did he rip his arm off or was it the Green Goblin or even worse Venom it was me and my son Jeffy what oh my God why would you do that to Spiderman he's a friendly neighborhood Spiderman he's a hero it's a toy really uh oh oh or or maybe you're saying that because you don't want me to be mad that you ripped his arm off we called you here oh yeah yeah that kind of makes sense all right look this what happened it's a toy and so me and my son saw this infomercial for a stretchy Spider-Man and they said it can stretch and it'll never rip or you get your money back so we bought it and it ripped and I called them and they won't give me my money back so what do you want me to do about that I want you to go arrest them for not giving my money back well how am I going to do that I I I don't know but can you just deal with it look there are actual emergencies happening in the world right now like I drove past a six car pile up to get here like cars were on fire and everything and I just ignored it cuz I heard somebody got their arm ripped off and it turns out it's a toy so I think I'd rather go deal with the car accident but but but I lost out on $29.95 okay it's like 30 bucks man it's not that bad what they scammed me yeah whatever I'm going to go deal with that car accident or I could go home and make some pizza rolls H car accident pizza rolls car accident pizza rolls so I think we have a winner so Mario what are you going to do now yeah Daddy well since the cops won't help me since God won't help me since Camille Habib Bob Camille is in camh going the God won't help me I guess I'm just going to have to make him pay oh and I'll make him pay Mar why are you laughing like that yeah Dad you're being a weirdo cuz I'm going to make a p mom mommy Daddy's actually like those weird kids that play Naruto at lunch uh it's really dark in here yeah I don't pay my electric bills well I uh I heard you're the type of guy come to if I uh want someone to what to scratch a chalkboard what no no uh I I heard you whack off guys no no no no no no that's my downstairs neighbor I whack guys it's completely different business okay uh so are you the the guy I'm looking for that depends what do you want to have happen to someone I need someone to uh not live anymore okay yeah that's me we're on the same page okay so so how much does it cost for you to to whack someone well that depends who do you want me to whack okay well see um it's actually a lot of people because I called this company cuz they were selling a toy and they said that for 30 bucks I could get the stretchy Spider-Man and that it would never Rip but if it ripped I'd get my money back so I bought the toy and it ripped and they won't give me my money back so you want me to whack an entire company well I mean you can rough them up first and see if they give me the 30 bucks back but if they don't give it back you can whack all of them well that's going to cost a lot more than $30 well how much is it going to cost well a company typically has about 50 people I charge about $11,000 ahead so about $50,000 $50,000 can't you just like do it for free cuz what they did to me was messed up no I got to make money somehow what else are you going to do today then well I'd rather be eating pizza rolls what's with everyone eating pizza rolls have you ever had them they're delicious I mean they're okay okay all right this conversation's over no did you get your money back Mario no okay okay here's 40 bucks Mario because you spent 30 on the toy you keep the extra 10 no I don't want your money I want want my money back that they stole from me because they said what what since you guys both don't want the 40 bucks can I have it no Jeffy why if she doesn't want it and you don't want it why can't I give me have it you can't give me have it because it's her money and I don't want her money I want the money that was stolen from us because it was a money back guarantee if it ripped and it ripped so I want my money back there some at the door hold on thank you very much uh hello hey Mario Goodman what are you doing here well I'm the CEO of stretchy Spider-Man toys and I saw where you called into our call center earlier requesting a refund yeah yes I I was requesting a refund yeah well unfortunately our refund department is closed because I like money well no no you owe me a refund because on the commercial it said a money back guarantee if the Spider-Man ripped and it ripped well you going to believe everything you see on TV Mario if I if I go make a commercial right now saying trees are made out of candy are you just going to go start eating trees no but it said a money back guarantee if the toy broke it broke well it also said that it could stretch around the world but do you think it can honestly do that Mario no cuz it ripped exactly so I don't owe you anything it's just a loss what no I want my 30 bucks back just give me my 30 bucks back Mario all I have are hundreds so I'm not going to give you a 100 cuz that's not what you paid for it but I was going through my w wet hold on it's in there somewhere right here here it is I was going through my wallet and I found this coupon for $25 off a $75 purchase or more at Victoria's Secret so I thought hm Mario could use this and he could go buy his girlfriend some edible underwear and you could have dinner on me so here you go Mario take it come on I insist with all that you've been through you deserve it but treat yourself Mario come on no no I would like to have my 30 bucks back well this is the best I can do Mario cuz I'm not going to give you one of my hundreds cuz you didn't pay $100 for it that would be Preposterous here go on take it I don't want it all right well I guess you don't want it then no no I'll take it I'll take it at least I'm have oh sorry you can pick that up see you later Mario who was at the door Mario the CEO of the stretchy Spider-Man company oh did you get your money back no he gave me $25 off of $75 purchase at Victoria's Secret oh that's cute can I have it yeah he said I could buy you some edible underwear have dinner e you can eat underwear I want to eat underwear Daddy give me your underwear let me eat them no Jeffy no let's just watch TV oh stretch it pull it stretch it pull it introducing the new Incredible stretchable Incredible Hulk he's 30 times stretchable than the incredible stretchable Spider-Man here's Dr stretch once again to explain just how stretchable the Incredible Hulk is hi it's me again Dr stretch now we received a lot of complaints last time about our stretchy Spider-Man ripping which is completely completely Preposterous since that's impossible since he was unrippable but in any case you're going to love our next product this incredibly stretchable Incredible Hulk now this guy is made of stretch tanium 2.0 that's 30% less rippable than our last product which was completely unrippable to begin with so this guy is guaranteed to never rip ever now that is a moneyb guarantee and if he does rip you will have double the money you paid for him you take that to the bank you heard from the doctor himself the new Incredible stretchable Incredible Hulk will never rip 30 times less riable stretch tanium 2.0 $29.95 if it rips you get your money back guaranteed double your money back guaranteed it's like you can buy two more of them buy it now no daddy daddy look go it Daddy give me out of it no Daddy I need it no you're not you're not getting you're not getting it because the first one ripped and that one's going to rip too so no we're not falling for that Jeffy Daddy go Daddy go what Daddy go buy me that toy hey D can I play with this B it sure Jeffy I score five pop it ow twist it pull it twist it pop it give me that godd thing hello hey you lost Daddy he never said throw it oh I want to kill you Jeffy help me answer the door answer the door screw this there's someone at the door Marvin [Laughter] duh hello please hide me I can't do this anymore hide you from who from Goodman I don't want to work for him anymore he treats me so badly so I stole his car and ran away you stole his car yes sir please hide me oh come come inside who's at the door Marvin this this old man I got to hide him yes hide me please who is he don't ask questions uh hide behind here oh clut bre yeah that looks good what's going on oh no that must be Goodman don't tell him I'm here hello where is he where's his old ass who are you talking about don't you [ __ ] me Marvin I'm talking about CH he stole my Lamborghini and parked it out front wait your Lamborghini is here Marvin don't you [ __ ] me I swear to God you better tell me where he is or I'm going to give you a spanking I don't know where he's at all right Marin I'll give you $10,000 if you tell me where he is he's behind the couch cushion you no goddamn 10 grand I'm going to go upstairs and give him a spanking with it h i wonder where chives is aha you found me stop hitting him you stay out of this m this is between me and chives now chives bend that ass over it's spanking time yes sir this is for running away this is for stealing my Lamborghini and this is for being old stop spanking him he likes it I don't like it sir and I don't like you you're just on your butler period men don't get periods sir it's 2023 yes they do I don't like the way you treat me you don't like the way I treat you I gave you a room Under the Staircase like Harry Potter Everyone likes Harry Potter you know what I quit you can't quit you're poor who else is going to hire an 80-year-old man to wipe their ass only me plus you get to shave my balls that's an honor chives I don't want to do that anymore well then I can't do this anymore I can't have a butler that doesn't want to wipe my ass or shave my balls you know what fine if you want to quit quit but you'll never see money like this ever again smells like your ass chives and I'm going to go spend it so I never have to smell your ass ever again that was very brave of you to stand up to Mr Goodman like that but now I have no job I'll be homeless well Marvin we could use some help on the house really so you'll hire me then well we don't have any extra money how much is Goodman paying you he was paying me nothing he just let me sleep in a broom closet underneath the stairs then why' you work for him for so long because he paid my entire family $20 million each to never speak to me again so I had nowhere else to go that's so sad well look we can't really pay you right now but we have a bed for you to sleep in a bed what an upgrade I used have to sleep in a litter box underneath the stairs so I'll take the job now let's go get those balls shapes there no you don't have to sh save my balls what what so do you have to take a poop soon shall I wipe your bum with my bare hand no you don't have to do that either well then what am I supposed to do well go do Butler things go clean the house shall I mop the floor with my tongue sir no you can use a mop how generous shall I fill the bucket with my spit or am I allowed to use water you can use water wow hey Danny I found my buet oh that's what you could do you can go play with Jeffy I'm not sure I know what the word play means sir well we can go have fun I don't think I know what that one means either well go smile and laugh I haven't smiled in years Jeffy go show him a fun time all right come on Old Man okay okay see look he can start babysitting Jeffy don't touch the sides no I hate this game hey Junior check out my pet old man I am not his pet I am his Butler hi hello sir Jeffy you want to play Operation with me that's lame we can just operate on him but I don't leave you to a qualified doctor shut up and lay right here very well sir all right Junior take his eye well not my eye neither is the see ow how about we play something else all right well how about throw throw burrito well how do you play that game well we take these burritos and throw them at you is there anything else we can play we can play stair tag ooh is that like tag but you can't blink no come here stair tag all right so there's the stair now tag hey Danny I broke my new old friend what' you do we were playing stair tag what stair tag come on I'll show you don't do it he's going to push you down the stairs you pushed him down the stairs Jeffy Jeffy we told you not to do that to people anymore well guess what I'm going to keep [ __ ] doing it Jeffy no no stop it B what is he doing he's smacking his diaper but why does he have diaper isn't he grown it's in case I poop my pants but then won't your pants get dirty no cuz I'm wearing a diaper but your diaper on the outside of your path yeah so he doesn't get dirty he's not making any sense he never does Jeffy just go run around okay okay so listen you don't have to play with him anymore thank God but how about you just go make us something to eat ooh shall I cook you some pepper corn fonon medium rare with a loaded baked potato ooh no we don't have that kind of money how about you just make us a baloney sandwich what is baloney o is that peasant food yeah yes it is so go make us two baloney sandwiches very well sir I like having a butler M my mystery pasta's almost done wait what the hell wait who's that in my kitchen hey get out of my refrigerator not in Pimp's kitchen get out of here now where is that Boney hey [ __ ] excuse me n ho what you doing going in my refrigerator Master Marvin told me to make him a sandwich n n I'm the only Chef in this kitchen this my kitchen this pe's kitchen why are you barking at me I'm just trying to make a ballooney sandwich for master Marvin so could you please show me where the balone is oh I'll show you the balone right here why did you punch me because youing my turn you don't need to be going to my refrigerator without my permission look I'm not looking to fight oh well I am so you want to play dirty then do you well I'll show you dirty on God you sure you want this [ __ ] are you sure you want this [ __ ] you close to your casket old man oh yeah you want to play dirty huh you filthy heart your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries so talk about my mama like that when I had your mama in the bed with me last night no please have mercy oh hell no hey Marvin here's your [ __ ] yeah he thought he was running [ __ ] till he got ran over so w [ __ ] what what happened I asked him where the ballone was what yes apparently that's his Turf so he beat my ass he does not own the kitchen look can you just go down to the fridge and grab me a Lunchable no that's his fridge I won't go back down there okay so you can't cook you can't play with Jeffy I'm trying to think of something you can do hey mommy hey Daddy I took a massive dump in the toilet and it clogged it but I still had to keep pooping so I took the lid off the back of the toilet and pooped in there and then every time I flushed it it kept putting more poop back into the toilet and then eventually overflowed onto the floor and I thought I was going to be helpful and get a mop and clean it up but every time I did that it kept smearing it and smearing it and smearing it and smearing it and smearing it and I still had to go poop so I poop more in the bathtub oh that's what you can do you go clean that mess oh great how riveting thank you someone's at the door Marvin I hear it you act I don't have ears I heard it Jeffy you heard it mhm I heard it hello hello Mr morvin what's going on I'm Mr Go's ma but me don't want to work for him no more and I heard that you hire Mr child so I was wondering if maybe you could hire me too oh no no no no I didn't hire Mr ches I just gave him a place to stay please please I promise if you hire me I'll thank you like every single day I'll thank you until my J is tired and even if my J is too tired you can still use any of my other thank yards oh no no no no no no listen just come inside oh you can do that too and any of my thank you hold no no no none of that no no saying thank you just come inside let's talk to my wife okay who was at the door Marvin my name Patricia but Mr Goodman give me very many nicknam like Jimmy changa quesa borito Taco Bell and stup ho go on and on this is Mr Goodman's maid what is she doing here she wants a job cuz she thinks we hired chives but Marvin we can't pay her let me explain that to her if we hire you we won't be able to pay you money you know I speak English right you don't have to speak so slow listen we won't be able to pay you we're just letting chai stay here that's okay Mr go don't pay me either then why do you work for him because I'm a citizen and Mr go TR don't have me to P unless I thank him so if you let me stay here I'll thank you like all the time like if you're stressed out let me thank you if you're riding in your car let me thank you if your wife no thank you let me thank thank you what does thank you mean oh it means I like to St hey it mean she likes to say thank you see sometime Mr GL May me thank you so much my Thro is very sore oh from saying it over and over again no from the your welcome J listen I feel really bad for maybe we should let her stay here for a few days you're going to let me stay let me thank you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't do that what is going on by the way how long is your your welcome stick Cuz Mr G is like really big like at least 4 in what is she talking about I don't know oh no please please if it's Mr Glo don't let him find me I'm going to hide hold on hello where is she where the hell is quesadilla and don't you dare lie to me like you did last time she's upstairs she didn't thank you did she because if she did that would ruin her to me no but she's offered a lot I'm coming in now where's chimmy chonga no look behind the couch cushion chimmy chonga not here right now God you're so dumb oh no you found me don't let me thank you why did you run away taco salad I thought I treated you great you made me thank you so much my frog get very sore and you call me me names well I'm sorry nachos Bel Grande it's just so hard for me to remember your name my name Patria all right Pico Deo I'll try harder next time Goodman don't don't you think if you respected your workers they'd want to work for you I'm rich I don't know how poor people think well maybe if you paid them they'd want to work for you pay them like money but then I'd have less of it listen listen what if I asked you to make me a sandwich no okay now what if I said I'll give you $1,000 to make me a sandwich yes see see how money made you want to do it huh yeah money did make me want to make you a sandwich so you're telling me that if I pay my employees that they'll actually want to work for me H all right well I guess churro I'll pay you $10 an hour oh my God $10 an hour let me thank you go wait in the car I'll be there in a minute and then you can thank me as much as you want see now where where's chives he's cleaning the bathroom all right I'm going to give him some money too disgusting that was the most spal matter I've ever seen hey chives sir what are you doing here I came to give you a SP I'm just kidding I've been thinking about it chives and my balls need to be shaved because there's a little bit of peach fuzz on them I told you I wouldn't do that anymore sir well I'm willing to pay you $5 an hour but but sir that's so much money how will you afford it I don't know I'll probably have to sell a couple cars or live on the side the road or maybe we'll even rent out your little Harry Potter closet thank you so much sir now let's go get those balls shaved all right but you're driving because sour cream's got to FK me so come on very well sir Marvin you did some good today you got two people back their jobs with pay yeah but no one thanked me well let me thank you who's my little cuddle muffin a who's my little snuggle bear I am my little Strawberry Shortcake with a cherry on top of course with a cherry on top are you you guys done Jeffy how long have you been standing there long enough to throw up in my mouth and swallow it what do you want Jeffy I want some help building my Lego pirate ship Jeffy I don't have time to build a Lego pirate ship but D it'd be really quick it's only 1,260 pieces and if it takes us 30 seconds per piece that's only 630 minutes which is only 10 and 1/2 hours so let's get started Jeffy I'm not going to assemble Legos for 10 and 1/2 hours Marvin you should spend more time with Jeffy but my little cuddle muffin I don't want to assemble Legos for 10 and 1/2 hours but blueberry bear you could do the first 5 and 1/2 hours and then I could take over for the last 5 hours but baby I don't want to assemble Legos hey D check this out if you buy me two more of these sets we can build the pirate house and the Pirate Island then we have the whole collection and that would be the tits I'm not buying you any more Legos Jeffy until you assemble this Lego set so how about this if you assemble the Lego pirate ship by yourself then I'll buy you the other two sets that you can assemble by yourself how about that well D yesterday I was watching this naughty video that had the exact same title three in one ch I'm not going to assemble Legos with you so take this to your room and assemble it by yourself who's that hopefully someone to help me build my Lego [ __ ] let me see what it is uh hello help me help me please you have to hide me wait are you Goodman Butler well yes but not anymore it's a long story please hide me please okay come upstairs thank God so Marvin who was at the door it was Mr Goodman's Butler my name is chiv well chiv what are you doing here I had to run away from Mr Goodman I couldn't stand the Conant bickering and nagging and him demanding me to say sir at the end of every sentence sir Well why'd you run away why didn't you just quit because he would kill me you don't understand I'm the 14th Butler this year I've seen things things he doesn't want the world to know so if a butler wants to quit he just kills them well you can stay here I I promise you he's not going to come looking for you here thank you who's that that must be him please you have to hide me now I'll do anything hide in the bathroom okay I'm going to go answer the door and and tell him he's not here uh hello you [ __ ] here who that baldheaded bastard what I don't know who you're talking about my butler Marvin what I didn't even know you had a butler oh stop tugging my balls Marvin I know he's here because I have a Tracker in his colon and I find my butler app let me right to your house what you're find my butler app well I didn't there's no Butler in my house your phone must be acting up oh really because if I press this button it'll shock his colon you have to press that I'm going to press it don't don't press it I'm pressing it found him what the find my B rra says he's in here he's not in my bathroom we should go check another room he could be in your shower he's not in the shower let's see there he is no no that's just my screaming shower curtain I got it from Bed Bath and Beyond oh really I would love to see it scream again okay look I will pull back the curtain to show you he's not in the shower okay run oh yes these pipes are lovely Master Marvin I was just fixing your pipes thank you so much for hiring me again oh thank you so much for coming oh Goodman old chap I didn't even notice you there oh oh Marvin here he was just hiring me to fix his pipes did I say you can leave the house CH well well no sir but that is unacceptable that is three spanking for you with the paddle is that the paddle with or without the spikes sir the spikes you know that chiv now go War my Lamborghini yes sir God you're getting old it's so hard to find good help around here Marvin now walk me to the car okay all right chives you know the Lamborghini doesn't come with heated seats so I'm going to need you to pull your pants down and warm up my seat with your bare ass cheeks very good sir what are you doing you don't have to take this you can stand up for yourself you can say I don't want to work for you any more and stand up for yourself you know what you're right I don't have to take this anymore I'm a man M did you just raise your voice to me chives you have a dirty mouth you get in that car no sir I I was just letting you know that I took the liberty to warm the baby oil for the butt spanking later you rub that Vaseline all over those ass cheeks chives now get in the car yes uh thanks for helping me find them Marvin you want to watch the spankin no I'm good all right he's going to get spankin in my car here it comes chives One Stop tensing up to Marvin what was that all about I don't know but I don't want to talk about it okay Danny since you don't want to build the pirate ship can we make a Play-Doh pizza and eat it but no Jeffy you can't eat Play-Doh it's poisonous oh that's why I run out of Play-Doh so fast but then why they make it look like pizza it's supposed to be like a joke I'm not laughing daddy well look how about we do something else who's that hold on hello Marvin please you have to hide me again I escaped Goodman and those powerful spankings but he has a track on your butt he's going to find you again I need you to help me remove it now come Marvin who is that the the door This Time Marvin quick stick your hand up my R to get the tracking device out Marvin what is going on I'm not sticking my hand up your butt I'll do it no you're not going to do it Jeffy fine I'll do it to myself oh it came out oh thank God hurry grab it so we can flush it I'm not going to grab it fine I'll do it myself e why'd you put it in your mouth all right Marvin flush it okay Goodman will never find me now okay Marvin what is going on here look there was a tracking device in his butt and we flushed it so Goodman couldn't find him exactly oh no that must be Goodman again Marvin please you must hide me again no find your own hiding spot excellent idea uh hello where is he what's the bat for I'm going to beat his bald head with my baseball bat this is my baldheaded baseball bat beater well I promise you your Butler's not in my house my find my butler app said he's in the exact same spot that he was in last time so I'm going to go beat your screaming shower curtain with my baseball bat how do you like that CH pull the curtain back okay what hold on my find my buler ab says he's right here no he's not here no oh I see what you did wait what you flushed him down the toilet didn't you I can't flush him down the toilet flush me down the toilet Marvin what flush you down the toilet yeah I'm going in after him flush me down the toilet okay all right Marvin flush me okay I'm Coming For You chives I'm coming Marvin can you please tell me what's going on I just flushed Goodman down the toilet what thank goodness sir I was hiding under the sink 5 more seconds and I think he would have found me you saved my life I'll do anything for you sir I I'll be your servant I'll cut your toenails no no that's fine you you can just go home but wait Marvin he's a butler he could take care of Jeffy and do all the things with Jeffy that you don't want to do good thinking baby but you're so smart uh yeah yeah he can he can build a Lego set and and the play Pizza uh chives there is one thing you can do for me of course anything sir I want you to be jeffy's Butler you know and then do everything he says anything's better than working for Goodman of course all right Jeffy so this is chives he's your butler he'll do anything you say that is the tits all right butter pillar baby let's go to the bedroom okay flutter by oh yeah yeah y'all are gay indeed sir so Master helmet head what is your first request sir well first I want you to build my 1,260 piece pirate Lego set that is a lot of pieces it might take me a little while sir yeah it'll take you exactly 10 and 1 12 hours because with 1,260 pieces and one piece every 30 seconds that equals 630 minutes which equals 10 and 1/2 hours so you better get started of course sir I'll be on that right away great there you are sir your Lego pirate ship all 1,260 pieces huh it took you 10 hours and 45 minutes it was always supposed to take you 10 and 1/2 hours well you see sir there are many small pieces and my vision's not as good as it used to be oh oh well let's go see if it floats uh floats that took me over 10 hours to build it didn't float course it didn't sir there's no water in the tub oh maybe we should have put water in it build it again I think I saw Play-Doh pizza set upstairs how about we go do that instead okay let's go make a pizza thank God all right sir your Play-Doh pizza is ready eat it you want you want me to eat it sir yeah eat it I would rather not I eat it all the time it's good eat it sir I I would rather not I said eat it yes sir of course sir so good sir take a real bite yes sir what's that over there sir where oh wow that was so good that was so delicious I I could have another oh you ate it already I'll just made you know no sir I'm so stuffed from the first one but I couldn't dare but why don't we do something else all right here made me some water balloons yes sir sir your water balloons are ready all right thanks do with them as you wish sir I didn't break please don't do that again sir sir good Heavens don't don't put that down sir that didn't break either you know sir sir I I must implore you please let's how about we go do something else sir all right so why decided you need to wear a uniform sir I already am wearing a uniform no I think you need to wear something more formal put this on Sir this is a chicken suit yeah put it on must I absolutely have to sir did I stutter I said Put it on you did not stutter sir I will get to it right away I have put on the chicken suit sir all right good now I want you to act like a chicken of course sir b b bck no that's not realistic enough I want you to act like a real chicken I will do my best sir good now I want you to color a paint down this coloring book which one sir just pick one any one of them but it's got to be perfectly within the lines absolutely sir right on it sir your perfectly colored book as requested chives what the heck whatever do you mean sir you calling outside the line you blind old fart idiot sir the ears were hard to see and there's a beak in my face well find another picture and color it perfectly dummy you know what no I don't have to deal with this anymore not from you not from Goodman I quit good day sir I don't have to deal with this anymore oh would been old chop where have you been in the sewer looking for your tracker that's supposed to be in your butt that must have fell out when I used the restroom earlier sir actually you know what I don't have to deal with this anymore sir I'm finally sticking up for myself I quit oh no you quit are you working for Chick-fil-A is that what this is well no but anything's better than working for you you old bag wow no one's ever stood up for me before it almost it almost sounds like you need to put this chip back in your ass good day sir well you know what I got 20,000 different reasons why you should put that microchip back in your ass shall I warm the Lamborghini with my butt cheeks sir indeed absolutely so getat your ass back in the car Jeffy how's your butler doing yeah you having fun no he quit he quit yeah but it's okay Danny I got this new Lego set and I know you were upset about the last one cuz it was going to take like 10 and 1/2 hours but this one's only 1,02 pieces and at 30 seconds per piece that'll take 501 minutes in just under 8 and 1/2 hours well get started Marvin okay let's build this one my lasagna that took 8 hours of hard work to make is finally done I can't wait to take it out of the oven hey going block itch this smells good oh no no you Jeffy what's wrong Jeffy oh nothing Mario je peee why ain't yelling inshine voices peeee sh sh don't shpee me you know what you did Jeffy Che what did Jeffy do he knocked over my lasagna all over the floor hold on actually gravity made you drop your lasagna you kick the ball in my face Jeffy that I did do yes Jeffy you did that yep well say you're sorry to Chef peee I didn't have to yes you do Jeffy if you say you're sorry it'll make everything better really yes well I'm sorry Chef P I'm still mad Mario Chef P accept his apology I'm trying to teach Jeffy manners so I'm teaching him how to say I'm sorry so accept his apology he knocked over my lasagna well fix it just say just accept his apology so he learns to say he's sorry you know what Jeffy I accept your apology I'm so happy that you knocked over my lasagna you're welcome I'm so happy see Jeffy when you say I'm sorry it makes everything better okay ow Jeffy sorry Daddy it doesn't work like that my phone's ringing uh hello Mario please black Yoshi where are you I'm in jail jail how'd you end up in jail because the popo done arrested me for going trick or treating Black Yoshi it's not Halloween how' they arrest you for trick-or-treating well let me explain folk so I was walking through the neighborhood right and so I saw packages on people's front doorsteps so I be took some black Yoshi that's stealing people's packages okay Mario do what do people do on Halloween they put candy on they front doorstep for people to take and so I thought they were putting packages on their front doorstep for me to take so I took some black you she know that that just means they haven't gotten their package yet like they didn't bring it inside well how am I supposed to know that folk I thought they just ain't want them so they didn't bring them in so I took some like you that's stealing look how much is your bail oh about $45,000 $45,000 black Yushi what did you do you had to do more than just stealing packages well the man that was delivering the packages he had a whole car full of packages so I be done tooks the whole car you stole a car yeah black youi look I don't know if I'll be able to bail you out this time that's too much money oh Mario please get the money call one of your rich friends or something I can't stay in jail folk oh black I'll see what I can do the only Rich friend I have is Goodman how come call him uh hello hey Mario you asked me to come over yeah I need a favor come inside hold on Mario I want to show you something look at that that's a black car not just any black car it's a Tesla what's a Tesla it's a car that drives itself Mario it can drive itself yeah it can drive itself while I sit there and I look at my bank account to see how rich I am I can even look at Tinder and find myself a new maid okay yeah it's my most favorite car ever it drives itself so I never have to drive again Mario it's absolutely brilliant that's really cool yeah it's my most favorite car ever I would absolutely die if something happened to it well nothing will happen to it right cuz it can drive itself absolutely Mario there's cameras all around it so it avoids crashes so it'll never be wrecked that's really cool but I I need you to come inside cuz I need a favor okay Mario all right Mario so what favor did you need from me well my friend hold on right there hold on one second check that out Mario you know what that is money money on my background on my iPhone 11 Pro okay well anyway I invited you over because my hold on hold on hold on I hope you're not about to ask me for money cuz then I'd be mad uh well well hold on well let me let me explain first my friend uh needs some help and it involves you you can solve the problem oh how how could I solve his problem well you have a lot of uh don't you say it you have a lot of intelligence mhm that yeah correct which has given you the opportunity in your life to make a lot of of good choices that have led to the the the making of frequent larg amount of money I knew it ow ow ow ow look okay look my my friend in jail and and he needs money to get bailed out why would we need to bail him out actually me why would my money be needed to bail him out well well actually I mean he I just want him out of jail because he doesn't like it in there he contribute to society well he plays video games a lot and he I mean he's arrested for stealing people's packages that's where my package went well well so anyway huh why is Richard calling me decline but you're not going to answer that no so back to your friend Mario oh I can't believe I had to drive all the way out to this poor neighborhood because my dad wouldn't answer his phone let me go see what he's doing where's my dad at hey rard can I drive your lambor Lamborghini sure kid whatever where's my dad oh I think he's upstairs from my daddy all right thanks oh man I can't believe Richard's going to let me drive his Lamborghini I'm going get it all right now how do you start this thing is it this button I'm going so fast oh oh man I shouldn't have had that Gatorade oh no I scratch this person's car but I don't know whose car it is but but my daddy said that as long as I tell him I'm sorry they can't be mad so I'm going to leave him a note telling him I'm sorry there I'm sorry now he can't be mad so if you could just give me the money to help out my friend I promise I'll pay you back H dad why on Earth are you not answering your phone I see that it's right there Richard what are you doing here here I drove all the way out to Port Town to tell you that you need to fire chives fire chives why because I wanted to go out on the yacht today but he said no because it was going to be raining or something now Richard you know that you can't go out on the yacht while it's raining cuz it could get choppy speaking of choppy chives also burnt my pork chop this morning so you need to fire him well Richard we're not going to have this conversation right now you need to go home and just deal with it I hate you dad I hate you too son I wish I had a new dad but he was still Rich Richard go home oh I hate you dad I want a new dad kids huh Mario yeah kids mhm oh I hate my dad what is that son of a biscuit so the answer is no Mario I'm not going to give you money so you can bail your friend out of jail okay Dad Dad Dad the weird kid with the blue helmet he wrecked my Lamborghini he did what what did Jeffy do I'm going to go check my car to see if he hit my car son of a biscuit Mario come outside right now okay what's the problem Goodman I'm sorry you're sorry you better be more than sorry sorry doesn't fix my door no I wasn't saying I'm sorry I was reading I'm sorry oh so you're not sorry well I didn't do this Jeffy did oh okay well since you're the you're still going to fix this look Jeffy didn't know what he was doing I told him that as long as he told he was sorry after he did something wrong that everything would be okay okay so you didn't teach your kid not to key cars well he probably didn't know how to say he was sorry for for doing that I don't even know what that is Mario well look look look maybe it'll buff out H buff out all right let's try that oh look at that Mario not buffing out okay well at least give me a chance to fix it oh yeah you will fix it cuz if you don't fix it I'm going to take everything you own I'm going to take your house I'm going to take your car I'm going to take your hat you know what Mario give me the Hat Now give me the Hat you'll get this back when my door's fixed so no more hat for you no no no Jeffy Jeffy why why did you have to wreck both their cars why daddy I'm going to be honest with you I don't even know what I was doing I was just swerving next thing you know boom hit the car Jeffy you have to go fix it because I can't get my hat back until you fix it well Dad just wear your spare hat oh yeah I forgot I have more than one hat mhm well look Jeffy you're going to go outside and you're going to fix that car all right Danny I can fix it easy peasy yeah you better fix it easy peasy all right Jeffy fix it already on it Daddy Jeffy that's a sharpie yeah it's like magic just watch this Jeffy that looks bad it's not working oh hold on Daddy almost done do a little bit of this get down here yeah Jeffy that looks really bad daddy come back in 2 minutes and we'll be good okay I trust you all right Jeffy it's been 2 minutes how's it going it looks BEP Jeff does that look BB it looks colorful it's supposed to be black well Daddy I ran out of black down here so I decided to make the arm sharing all pretty pretty Jeffy it's not pretty pretty it's not supposed to be colorful Goodman is not going to accept this well Danny a colorful I'm sharing is better than a not colorful I'm sorry and a black car looks better with with black doors and not colorful I'm sorry ke in the side of it jimy well Danny I ran out of black okay Goodman is not accept this he he cannot see this look let's go inside and try to think of another way to fix this come on all right all right Jeffy we have to find a way to fix Goodman's car hey Mario did you fix my car yet I mean well I mean kind of not really wait hold on Mario how' you get your hat back give me that well that's my second hat not anymore it's my second hat well look why don't we just go through car insurance you have that I thought you were too poor well no I have car insurance all right well let's just do that then I guess oh really yeah you're still not getting your hat back it's my hat well what about the money for my friend okay well I mean at least we got that problem fixed hello did you forget about me no black I didn't forget about you but I don't think I can bail you out of jail okay guys are you ready to play with my new Robo rage toy oh cool [ __ ] versus BOS oh dude I want to be Chris BOS and I want to be [ __ ] cuz I'm 100% that [ __ ] I want to play with the new robot toy so let's open it and play with it I go first no dude I want to go first no I want to go first guys it's my toy so I get to go first okay guys listen we need to buy two more of these robots so we all can play oh let's buy two more but this is a $100 toy Jeffy we don't have $100 well maybe we could raise money like we could do a car wash or something like I could take my shirt off and wash cars well honestly I just want an excuse to take my shirt off yeah guys we could wash cars and raise the money and then we can all play with the robots so look let's go wash some cars guys all [Music] okay time to get Marvin's house payment all right Dy can I go outside and wash cars with my friends no why why why I don't get it why man come on let chiffy go outside and do a job but baby he's going to be touching other people's cars and he might damage them and then it'll be my problem but Marvin you're not going to give him money so let him go work for it yeah Daddy I'm a working man okay fine Jeffy you can go wash cars but if you damage anyone's car it's your responsibility I don't know what responsibility means but got it Daddy oh this is a bad idea who's at the door hello hey Marvin I'm here for your house payment oh Goodman uh well you see I don't have my house payment this month you know what this is Marvin a banana mhm why why why are you peeling a banana because this banana represents your wiener and if you don't have your house payment by the end of the day today this is what I'm going to do to your wiener what I'm going to cut it off Marvin I'm going to cut off your wiener okay okay look I will get the house payment by the end of the day well now I'm going to come inside and use your bathroom and clog your toilet what oh guys look a Lamborghini let's wash this car but Junior this guy didn't ask us to clean his car I know Cody but if we wash it and do a really good job the guy will come out and go damn you cleaned my car really good here's 1,000 bucks Junior I don't think forcing people to pay us for stuff they didn't ask for is a really great business model Cody just shut up and wash the car and look sexy okay that I can do junior I don't have a sponge um go find one okay I think they grow in the grass or something now where can I find a sponge at oh that looks like a sponge don't forget to wash the grill Cody okay I'm going to check on Jeff see how he's doing Jeffy what are you doing I'm doing great Junior I'm washing it so good that the paint's coming off squeaky clean that's a brick house you know like the song she's a brick house Jeffy you can't wash it with a brick stomach Cody come here what's wrong Junior look whoa that that is a problem how'd that even happen this the only sponging I could find you used the brick house and we damaged the carco Junior the guy's not going to pay us $1,000 for this so what do we do okay I have an idea I say we get out of here Cony come back do I keep washing it or not no Jeffy we have to go come on oh Marvin I clogged your toilet bad here smell my fingers oh god oh why does it smell like that cuz when I was wiping my finger broke through the toilet paper and went in my ass cracked so that's what you just smelled oh why didn't you wash your hands cuz you don't have any soap so maybe tonight after you give me your house payment you invest in some soap okay just I know just come back later all right I'll be back tonight and if you don't have your house payment you know what will happen to your banana what about bananas listen baby you don't want to know what the hell why is there soap on my car did someone try washing my car and they didn't even finish what the [ __ ] did someone try washing my car with a brick Marvin daddy washing cars is hard why what happened cuz there's so many different types of sponges I don't know which one to use I get confused what are you talking about hold on hello you pull your pants down it's coming off well you said I had to the end of the day not anymore not after what you did to my car what I do to your car come here this I didn't do that I know you didn't do it but your son did how do you know he did it cuz he left me a Bill Car Wash Bill $11,000 owed to Jeffy well I I it wasn't me who did it it was I don't give a [ __ ] you got to get me your house payment and the money to fix my car by the end of the day or you know what happened to the banana okay I'll try Jeffy Jeffy you damage G car by washing it but why would you do that Jeffy what Jeff why did you do that dadd I told you sponges are hard no they're not hard Jeffy they're supposed to be soft and Squishy and and they wash things well how was I supposed to know that Jeffy you owe me $5,000 by tonight or get out of the house Marvin that's not a realistic amount of money Jeffy can get to you by tonight oh Mommy I understand I screwed up big time yes you did Mr D you go get me that money now all right Daddy I'll I'll get you that money even if I have to swing leg go well washing cars was a bad idea I can't believe Jeffy used a brick wait Jeffy used a brick wait Joseph why weren't you outside washing cars with us cuz I don't do manual labor dude my people suffered enough I'm enjoying my freedom so Cody how are we going to get $100 to buy more robots Junior I don't think we should try to raise any more money we've done enough damage hey guys my daddy said I need to raise $5,000 by tonight or he's going to kick me out of the house but that's not even possible Cody did you not hear what Jeffy just said if he doesn't get $5,000 by tonight he's going to be homeless well Junior that's not possible and also he damaged that car I mean it's not our problem we were trying to wash it but Cody friends stick together we got to help our friends yeah so we have to help Jeffy get the $5,000 well how are we going to do that Junior um hold on let me think I'm going be like Jimmy Neutron think think think who's at the door ruining my brain blast come on Cody let's answer the door hello hi Junior do you want to buy some Girl Scout cookies we have SM and me cookie no Penelope we don't want to buy stupid dumb girl scout cookies we need money ourselves we're not going to waste it on cookies damn Junior you could have just said no well actually I I will take some of those mint cookies a thanks Cody here your mint cookies think Breo bye okay that was rude Cody why would you buy cookies well I'm sorry but now my feelings are hurt Cody if you have money for cookies why don't you give it for Jeffy he needs $5,000 it was only $10 Junior Cody oh my God we need money and wait a minute buying those cookies just gave me an idea oh yeah we should we should beat up those girls for the money no I thought you were going to say we should sell cookies what no selling cookies is hard beating up girls is easy Chris Brown does it what Chris Brown doesn't beat people up for money he doesn't but no then why does he do it cuz he's an [ __ ] oh so you're saying we should sell Girl Scout cookies yes that would be much easier all right let's go tell the other guys guys guys guys me and Cody found the fastest way to make $5,000 well I wouldn't say it's the fastest way to make $5,000 me and Cody found the best way to make $5,000 I definitely wouldn't say it's the best way either we found a way to make $5,000 overtime yes all right guys so we were at the door and these Girl Scouts showed up and said you want to buy some cookies and Cody gave them $10 for no reason well I did get cookies so guys I was thinking we could sell cookies and we can make $5,000 that's a good idea Junior yeah that's a dope idea dude Junior we're not going to make $5,000 just from selling cookies and we have to do it today well Cody we're going to sell this one box of cookies for $5,000 Junior that's insane no one's going to pay $5,000 for a box of cookies yes they will if we tell them that there's a possibility that there's $10,000 inside it they'll pay $5,000 for it that's a pretty big gamble Junior I don't think anyone's going to do that yes they will because if we tell them that there's $10,000 in that box they're going to say hm I could double my money if I give him $5,000 okay Junior I want you to think about this first we have to find somebody who has $5,000 in cash on them which is pretty rare in this economy and they also have to be dumb enough to pay $5,000 for a box of cookies Cody anything's possible we landed on the moon we're humans we have thumbs if caterpillars were trying to do this I would say it's impossible but we can make it happen I I will agree with you that caterpillars couldn't do this all right so guys we have to find some Girl Scout outfits oh I actually have some from role playing with Ken okay so you go get those outfits someone's going to believe there's $10,000 in that box wait there's $110,000 in that box dude see Cody someone will believe it let's go guys okay okay guys this is the first house and I feel like we're going to get the $5,000 hello hey we're trying to sell Girl Scout cookies but you guys aren't girls oh I forgot anybody can be a girl these days yeah I love some Girl Scout cookies well all we have is the cookie flavor oh that's great that's my favorite kind uh what's it like 10 bucks hold on do you have change for 100 uh yeah we have change for 100 okay take this and run wait where is he going with my money oh he's going to go get change from the car I don't see a car oh it's parked way down the street oh okay yeah but while we while we wait I have an amazing opportunity for you sir okay I'd like to hear it what if I told you that there's $10,000 in this box of cookies I wouldn't believe you well if you give us $5,000 you will have a chance to open up this box to see if there's $10,000 in it yeah I'm not going to do that that sounds like a terrible deal well do you have $5,000 anywhere in the house no no I don't think I do oh is that is that kid going to come back with my money run hey hey you bastards get back here [ __ ] honey [ __ ] what's wrong Bo well these kids came to the door dressed like Girl Scouts and they scammed me out of $100 I should have known something was fishy when they weren't girls a Bo you know kids will be kids no honey they committed a felony well did you at least get the cookies no got so so pissed well guys we got $100 yeah we just need $4,900 to go well we only have to go to$ 49 more houses Cody well yeah and we have to hope that everybody gives us $100 and asks for change and then we run off every time stop being a Negative Nancy Cody that's my mom's name wait wait dude you got 100 bucks sick wait Joseph why weren't you trying to sell cookies with us cuz I told you I'm not doing manual labor dude well technically guys we did get the $100 we needed to buy more robots I mean yeah that's true we could just buy buy more robotss I mean it's up to you Jeffy do you want to buy the robots or go to 49 more houses H okay guys let's fight with our robots yeah we're to bad bites but you're no match for my BOS all right guys let's fight go oh oh oh my God we're kicking your ass my B is beating up your BOS nuh my BOS is kicking your [ __ ] ass no it isn't my [ __ ] is bitching your BOS Marvin why are you biting your nails because I'm worried that jeffy's not going to get the money in time so you don't have the money oh Goodman good thing I brought the scissors What are the scissors for oh he didn't tell you oh pooby banana me hey what's up do you mind peeling that banana for me poy oh yeah sure what's the banana for oh you'll see the banana represents Marvin's wiener oh it's not that big and since he doesn't have my house payment graphic I know hey you going to finish this banana no poy you can have it oh thank you so you guys watching the video just know every time you are watching a video poy is behind the couch eating a banana so go ahead and like the video for every like that you give us that's another banana for poy so Marvin since you don't have my money whip it out Jeffy might have the money let me go check take it up on his take hey Jeffy where's my money oh I gave up on now we're playing with robots oh Jeffy you owe me $5,000 come on okay Goodman look it's jeffy's fault he's the one that destroyed your car so if anyone should get their banana snipped it's him morvin baby my my my wiener it's not like we use it well Marvin I have a special punishment for Jeffy come with me is this your car yep is this the brick that you use to wash my car watch long it well I'm going to wash your car don't you ever touch my car again oh Marvin what do you think he's doing to Jeffy I don't know baby but I'm worried about my wiener I don't want it to get snipped off his scissors baby hide his scissors okay all right Marvin I just punished Jeffy I threw a brick at his car now we're even now for you young man you you didn't pay your house payment so now I'm going to snip off your wiener wait a minute where where are my wiener snipping scissors I let them right here uh I don't I don't know I haven't seen them well I can't snip wieners without my wiener snipping scissors and I can't just use a regular pair of scissors darn Marvin I guess it's your lucky day I guess I'm just going to have to punch you in the dick instead oh my God and you bet your dick I'm going to order me a new pair of wiener snipping scissors and then next month when you don't have your house payment I'm going to snip your wing or clean off your body you know what better yet I'm going to snip it long long way so it looks like a snake tongue oh well I guess this is the best outcome that could have happened today hey dadd ask me why I have this Bell no well I'm going to tell you anyway I'm tired of crapping my pants and sitting in it all day so you're going to start using the bathroom well hold on Daddy I got an even better idea so every time I ring this Bell that's going to let you guys know that I took a huge crap in my pants and I need one of you to change me Jeffy you're 18 years old hush I'm talking every time I ring this Bell it's it's going to signal to you guys that a huge heaping pile of Jeffy dung has exited my tur tunnel into my shorts so let me paint the picture for you Daddy I'm not wearing any underwear I'm only wearing denim shorts and a diaper so when I ring this Bell that means a big pile of Jeffy feal has pushed through my denim shorts into my diaper and one of you needs to change me we're not going to change you Jeffy you're an adult uhoh you know what that means they [ __ ] change me I will now Pat and smear mommy is this what a Pat smar is oh [ __ ] Jeffy cut it out Jeffy no we're not changing you you're an adult you're going to sit in it all day until you learn to change yourself look we're just going to watch TV buz buz bus oh hey there do you like honey dut Cheerios well in one lucky box of Honey dut Cheerios you could possibly find a pair of honeynut Cheerio shoes so go out there and buy all the Honey Nut Cheerios Buzz buz buz buz buz buz bu do you see those shoes I need those shoes I need you to take me to the store right now so we can buy all your boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios okay you listen whenever we go to the store I'll buy you one box of Honey Nut Cheerios and see if you win one box only one box I need all the boxes right now to make sure I get those shoes Jeffy listen we don't have the money to buy all those boxes of cereal well what about the credit card I'm not going to run up my credit card buying a bunch of box of cereal on the chance you might win some shoes ah you're ruining my life Marvin why don't you take him to the store and get him a box because baby he doesn't want one box he wants all the boxes and also this sounds like a scam just to get you people to buy more cereal I bet you those shoes don't even exist Daddy has left his wallet by the front door father has royally effed [Music] up wow you must really like Honey Nut Cheerios I'm looking for shoes Okay this isn't the shoe aisle um I I I hope you planning on buying all these I am okay okay all right I spent $2,000 on Cheerios those shoes have to be in [Music] here no no where are they no this is B bull crap where are those shoes at no they're not in here Jeffy have you seen my wallet Jeffy where are you at Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy what are you doing they're not here Danny the shoes are not here what shoes Honey Nut Cheerio shoes what tell me where did you get all these Cheerios from I took your credit card and I went to the store and I bought all the boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios that they had you are so hey how much was this $2,000 and you're telling me the shoes aren't in here no I was I was upset too Daddy you think for that amount of money that the shoes would be in here and they're not I can't believe you did this JY I cannot believe you I mean this is the lowest thing you've ever done let's go talk to your mother your mother have to hear this come on yes sir baby what's wrong Marvin oh Jeffy you tell her cuz I can't even think of the words Mommy I am a [ __ ] Jeffy don't say that Marvin no it's true Jeffy tell her just tell her oh yeah Mommy I'm sure you'll agree what I did was is I took Daddy's credit card and spent $2,000 on Honey Nut Cheerios Jiffy but did you get the shoes now don't beat me to the funny part no I didn't but what I did do was is I dumped all the Honey Nut Cheerios on the table and then I hid in the big pile of them and then when daddy walked by I tried to scare him by going ugab Booga a you were playing peekaboo yeah except for when I went Boo at Daddy he didn't Pika so good not the point of the thing listen baby he spent $2,000 on my credit card on cereal to get shoes that he didn't even get and also not to mention the big pile of Cheerios on the table downstairs I'll jaing the biggest mes you'll ever see I'm sure there's not that many Cheerios Marvin oh there's so many just think of the biggest pile of Cheerios you could ever think and double it twice in your head that's how big it is yeah it's pretty big mommy I'm I'm actually pretty proud of it you want to see it yeah let's go see baby look oh my god get to eating mommy my cholesterol is about to be lower than my syndrome je you're not even eating them you just thrown them all over the place well it's not my fault my hand mouth coordination is off listen stop it we are going back upstairs come on no more eating cereal oh man Jeffy I just can't believe you Danny I don't think you understand the real problem here I still don't have the shoes do you want me to go to another store and see if I can get some more Cheerios no Jeffy you're not buying any more Cheerios I cancel my credit card so you can't buy anymore okay well how am I supposed to get the shoes Jeffy the shoes do not exist they don't exist well what about the commercial the commercial's lying it's a scam Jeffy it's it's a scam from the cereal company to get people to go out and buy cereal to hopefully get shoes that don't exist so just go to bed and think about all the stupid things you did today my life sucks I guess I'll go to bed without the shoes here I go off to bed not happy cuz I don't have the [Music] shoes look at me at school sad cuz I hate my life yes that's good seeing other people sad makes me happy oh my God PJ your new shoes are so cool yeah I know they're so hot where did you get them I was just eating Honey Nut Cheerios and they were just right there in the cereal box you're so lucky PJ yeah not everyone can have Honey Nut Cheerios shoes huh he has the shoes he has the shoes you got the new Cheerio shoes where did you get them from back off give PJ some space yeah now ladies ladies let the man admire the shoes go ahead look where did you get the Cheerios shoes from I found them in a cereal box well no dick I bought so many boxes of Cheerios and it didn't have the shoes in it how many boxes did you open to get the shoes I got these on the first try that's ridiculous I want those shoes what can on do to get the shoes PJ's not going to give you his shoes yeah Okay ladies stop trying to speak for PJ cuz it's starting to piss him off and then the p and PJ is going to stand for pissed off jamm's cring Shaw and you do not want to see pissed off Jam's cring Shaw sorry PJ okay so you want my shoes right yes what can I do to get the shoes well you can't buy shoes like these so you're going to have to trade me for them okay what do you want well you smell like [ __ ] well that's because I crapped my pants the other day and my daddy didn't change me for 18 hours okay well I like your helmet okay don't trade your shoes for his helmet okay you're done yeah get out of here you're done too just can't find good women okay sorry about that so yeah I want your helmet okay you can have it yeah it'll look great with my PJs and it'll protect my head when I'm using my tech deck cuz I don't want to hurt myself okay deal deal deal deal deal or no deal deal bam daddy pee These Hoes Jeffy you got the shoes sure did Mommy and I'm feeling like a pimp Jeffy how much those shoes cost you actually Daddy it didn't cost me anything all I did was trade my helmet peep the no helmet and the wicked do Jeffy you need your helmet helmet Shelmet you know who needs a helmet Mike Snicker pippet who's Mike Snicker pippet I don't know but he might need a helmet did you give your helmet to Mike Snicker pippet I don't know ask Mike Snicker pippet I don't know Mike Snicker pippits you might need a helmet well I don't have time for these games Jeffy I'm still $2,000 in credit card debt cuz you bought a bunch of cereal and open it and put it on the table downstairs well Danny you can always return the cereal I cannot return open cereal Jeffy sure you can Danny if you don't like it you can return it Marvin they might give you in store credit okay fine I'll call the store where' you buy it at Target okay I'll call Target and see if they'll give me store credit or something Jeffy they're so cute look the little Cheerios and it has a little be on hold on mommy back off don't touch them I don't want your germs on them okay I just called Target and they said they're going to send an employee here to see if they can return all those items we bought that must be them hello hey it's Brooklyn guy from Target not Alex from Target he was on Ellen I don't know what the [ __ ] that was about it's not really fair to everybody else who works at Target that he gets to be on TV just cuz he's hot I wonder what he's doing these days hopefully not still working at Target although working at Target kind of worked out for him cuz it got to be on TV so who knows anyway called me cuz you wanted to return something I mean we don't usually show up to your house like this but to be honest I was kind of curious well my son bought a bunch of box of cereal and I wanted oh yeah I remember him yeah he just cleaned out all the Honey Nut Cheerios then like a bunch of 80-year-olds came in after they were like where are all the Honey Nut Cheerios and I had to explain that a kid bought them and they were all pretty angry well I would like to return the cereal oh yeah that's no problem as long as it's not open is it open uh maybe a few boxes well you can return the ones that aren't open okay yeah sure okay okay here they are mhm okay so where are the ones that haven't been opened um I think they've all been open m mhm yeah no no you can't return these well why not what do you mean why not I can't just put these back in the box and then feed them to people well look the ones on the top haven't touched the table look the these down here are bad but these are all good we can put these back in the Box mm- mm- no no it doesn't work like that well can you at least give me store credit come on well see the problem with that is that I don't know how I'm going to explain to my boss why I'm giving you $2,000 in store credit just because you bought a bunch of Cheerios dumped them on a table and then didn't eat them listen my son was just looking for those like Cheerio shoes did he find them no oh that's a shame man those things are going for $10,000 did you say $110,000 for those shoes yeah 10,000 smackaroonies well um who who would pay that for those I mean I would I really want those I mean I know I don't have feet but I still think it'd be pretty cool okay uh well my son actually did find them okay you literally just told me you didn't have them because I didn't know how you wouldd react if I told you he had them what it's not a Powerball ticket they're shoes I just happened to want them oh okay listen listen so my son has them so you'll give me $10,000 if if I show you the shoes show me the shoes to prove that you have them cuz this this whole thing is very weird come on come on come on okay here's the Cheerio shoe those are not the Cheerio shoes Jeffy what happened to your Cheerio shoes I traded them back to Mike Snicker pippet for my helmet because I missed it I'm sorry Mike who Snicker pippits Jeffy be serious this nice man right here was going to give us $110,000 for those Cheerio shoes well he can go buy them from my Snicker pippits okay I'm sorry who is Mike Snicker pippits he's a guy in my class and he wears pajamas and sunglasses inside okay that sounds like a lie well it's not he's real and he's inside knock knock who's there Mike Snicker pippits Mike Snicker pippits who Mike Snicker pippet let me in it's cold out here jeez okay I'm just going to go no no no what about the cereal you you you keep it oh no the $10,000 Jeffy why' you do this to me Jeffy well Daddy let me tell you something Mario I can't believe we wait till Christmas Eve to set up the Christmas tree well baby you know we have to wait for the trees to go on sale we got this 75% off hey Mommy what is it Jeffy can I put the star on top of the tree now um yeah you can okay I'm going to jump but no Jeffy let me get a ladder you're going to hurt yourself Jeffy why would you do that Danny I missed can you set the tree back up so we can try it again no Jeffy and if you keep acting bad you can get nothing for Christmas I want toys for Christmas you are getting toys oh well then everything I just did was necessary well I don't know what he's going to get for Christmas cuz I didn't get him anything Mario yes you did what I get them Jeffy what was that toy you wanted I want the Turbo Man action figure with the arms and legs that move and the boomerang shooter and The Rock and roller jetpack and the realistic voice activator that says five different phrases including it's turbo time accessories show separately batteries not included Mario you said you got that for him last week I did yes Mario watch the flashback I'm wearing a Dapper I'm spanking it twice I'm going to find out who's naughty or nice Jeffy Claus is Coming to Town Jeffy can you stop singing I have a headache hey Mario did you get jeffy's Christmas present yet no what did he want that Turbo Man doll what's a turbo Man doll what's Turbo Man is just the hottest toy ever daddy check out this commercial check out the turboman action figure with the arms and legs that move Boomerang shooter and The Rock and roller jetpack with the realistic voice activator that says five different phrases including it's turbo time accessories sold separately batteries not included say daddy that give me half that I have a headache Jeffy shut up Mario you better go to the store now before they sell out oh look I already have it I already got it you did yeah I already got it I I bought it last last week I I forgot that I bought it yeah I totally bought it I already got it okay oh Mario I love you yeah yeah just everyone shut up oh yeah I guess I did say that did you get the Turbo Man or not Mario of course I got it baby I said I got it I got it because if you didn't get Jeffy the Turbo Man he'll have the worst Christmas ever facts I will Mommy I will be the most ungrateful child you've ever seen if I don't have Turbo Man tomorrow well we don't have to worry about that because I got Turbo Man Mario if there's not a turbo man underneath that Christmas tree tomorrow morning I am leaving you I can't be with someone that doesn't take care of their own child well it looks like you can throw your suitcase away because I got to man like I promise I got that to man Daddy ho bag stay packed what nothing well look I just have to go to the toy store real quick why are you going to the toy store Mario because I have to uh get the the because if you're trying to get Turbo Man at the last minute they've been sold out for months baby why would I go to the store to get Turbo Man if I told you I got turban I already got Turbo Man I I just wanted to go to the store because uh Jeffy said accessories not included facts and batteries Daddy don't forget the batteries yeah so I have to get get the accessories because he's got to play with the accessories Mario it's Christmas Eve the toy store's closed in like 10 minutes well then why are we talking why are you wasting my time talking I should be at the toy store oh man where is it where is it I got to find one hey Mario did you find a turbo mandal you're looking for one too yes I need one bad but me too I can't find one oh there's a worker oh hey can I help you find something oh yes uh do you have a turbo Man doll a what a turbo Man doll everyone wants one a turbo M do hey hey murf get over you yeah what's up this guy's looking for a turbo man Dole you thisy do you have one or not no we've been sold out for months so so do you have one or not no no we sold out those months ago what a losers for Turbo Man CU close to Christmas oh I can't believe Turbo Man sold out everywhere I need one so bad me too look if I don't get one I'm dead why do you need one so bad look Junior wanted this Turbo Man for Christmas and Bower said if I don't get it for him he's going to throw me into a volcano oh my God yeah my life is on the line well my wife's on the line she said if I don't get Jeffy a turbo man she's going to leave me hey Mario what was that I sneezed bless you did you listen to what me and Chef were talking about no Mario okay good because it's about your Christmas gift oh it's big expensive Mario did you get the accessories What accessories the Turbo Man accessories oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we just got back from the store I I put him in the Attic Mario I know you didn't get that doll baby I got the doll I have a turbo I got the doll wa you got a turo man where did you find it you told me you didn't get it I'm lying I'm lying I'm lying to her oh oh oh Mario I just heard you say that you're lying but baby to him I'm not lying to you you're my baby oh wow you would lie to me your best friend buddy buddy buddy I'm not lying I'm not lying to you I'm lying to her she's a woman bros before ho oh oh yeah bros before ho I forget I forget Mario you're lying to me baby I'm not lying to you you're my wife we've been married for years I'm lying to him he's a chef so another lie no no no no buddy I'm not lying to you I'm lying to her she's Mario what what is going on oh look look I'm lying to both of you oh I can't believe you are lied to your best friend we both watch Annoying breast and we both have mustaches Okay I lied to both of you I I don't have one I don't have one okay I I don't have one I never got one Mario I can't believe that you're going to disappoint Jeffy and me on Christmas we're going to do it on Christmas Mario I am leaving you who's that hopefully a man that will treat Jeffy better I can't believe you lie to your best buddy buddy hello hey babe super D my superhero exboyfriend what are you doing here well I just heard with my super hearing you say that you were leaving your boyfriend husband ew divorce papers but you're worth it and to be honest super D I don't think I'm really leaving him I think I'm just mad well we'll see about that now how about we go bake some cookies woo I love baking cookies I know you do yeah we'll go make some cookies and I'll put in my airpods while you talk about your problems a I would love that come on oh man I have to find a turbo Man doll I don't want Ros to leave me okay all the stores are sold out but maybe it's online eBay oh my God I found one wait you found the turbo man yeah I found a turbo man on eBay it's $550 well you better get it okay I'll bid $600 that's the most I'll go ah I can't take it anymore eating a burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard all right shfp um oh no I got out bid what I bid $600 and then someone bid $500,000 wait $500,000 who would do that hold on let me see what that is uh hello hey it's me Turbo Man oh my God I found one hey Goodman where'd you get a turbo man oh I won it off eBay what how much did you pay for it $500,000 wa you out bid me I sure did I saw your username on eBay short fat bald Italian plumber I was like huh that's Mario what's he doing on here trying to spend $600 on a turbo Man doll when he can't even pay his house payment I need that doll I need you to give me that doll well too bad Mario cuz you know what I'm going to do with it I'm going to create a YouTube channel called smashing turbo man I'm going to smash it right there on the channel for you to watch you I don't want my wife to leave me she said you'll leave me if I don't get that well good cuz then maybe you'll have more time to make money to pay your house payment please please give me through my so have a Merry Christmas Mario no no it's right there I can smell it I can taste it Mario's always lying to me and he's always being mean to me he kept saying over and over and over again that he bought the Turbo Man doll and guess what super D yeah what he didn't buy the turle manle yeah crazy what's going on in here oh hi Mario Super D and I were just baking cookies baking cookies hey hey oh hold on let me turn off my music hey what's up little man why are you baking cookies with my wife well I heard your wife was sad and I figured some cookies to cheer her up let me tell you your wife's cookies oh man hold on God your wife's cookies they're out of this world put the cookie down now Mario shouldn't you be out looking for a turboman doll baby Pro I promise you I've been trying to find one they're sold out everywhere how are you going to explain to Jeffy tomorrow when he doesn't have one you know if you could find a turbo Man doll I'd really appreciate it wait wait wait hold on what what what will she appreciate well my son wants his Turbo Man doll for Christmas and it's sold out everywhere so if I could find one it would make roselina really happy and she probably wouldn't leave me oh really hey what's that over there where's what oh my gosh a tur manle super D you're amazing yeah it's not the first time I've heard that we should put it under the tree for Jeffy how did you get one well I just went to the factory with my super speed and got one it was the last one too don't worry little man you never really had a chance I'm ripped what okay okay no I'm not going to let this happen I'm not going to let him steal my woman I'm going to destroy that doll I'm going to destroy it we should put the present under the tree for Jeffy yeah but what happened to your tree oh it fell over can you help me put it back up uh sure but you're going to have to lift it um shouldn't you you have super strength well yeah that's true but you know I just been working out so much and oh I'm really tired you know I mean these are real muscles like they're not just stitched into the suit these are real but I'm just tired so I'm going to need you to lift the tree for me oh okay I I can try okay yeah there you go lift with your back yeah really get in there you're doing great there you go I can't do it that's fine it's under there hey you want to watch a movie or something oh yeah we should watch jingle all the way okay as long as it's not a chick flick eating a burger with no honey mustard eating a burger with no honey mustard hey shipi I need your help doing something evil uh are you okay Mario you're sounding a little crazy all right look Rosal Lena's ex-boyfriend got Jeffy at Turbo Man doll wait wait he did where is it where is it they put it under the tree but I need your help to break it wait to break it it's a rare doll we've been looking all day look my life is on the line Mario I know but my marriage is on the line so if rosalena thinks that her ex-boyfriend got Jeffy a broken Turbo Man doll jeffy's going to be upset which is going to make rosalena hate her ex-boyfriend and love me yeah sure let's just break it yeah that's the plan let's go and break this stupid doll Mario let's go yeah yeah let's go break it I'm going to move to break something all right Chef peee there it is under the tree are you ready to break it oh sure Mario I'll break it I'll break this rare toy you know what I'mma wreck it like Ralph all right so I'm going to lift up the tree and while I have the tree lifted I want you to start smashing that toy like smash it over and over and over and over again oh don't worry Mario I'mma smash it so much I'm going to be a part of the Super Smash Bros all right all right that's awesome all right I'm going LIF the tree oh it's so heavy oh lift it lift it start smashing it uh Mara you know what I I need this get back here what was that noise babe look someone stole the Turbo Man oh no Mario why are you under the tree oh baby it was awful so uh I came to check on the Turbo Man and a robber broke in and then uh he he he took the turt man and then he threw this tree at me oh Mario are you okay my lie detector power say he's lying what yeah I think he helped his friend steal it cuz he was jealous in my ass Mario is that true well I just didn't want you to leave me oh well now I am Mario is there any way you could get another one super D no that was the last one at the factory Mario ruined Christmas yes yes he did Mario's a Christmas Ruiner come on superdeep get me out of here come on babe oh God I hate my life well oh really God no cuz your life is so bad right you've got all your arms and legs and this house and your health yeah that must suck I guess you wouldn't miss it if I took all that stuff away well no I I didn't mean it I'm just upset oh you didn't mean it of course you didn't mean it they never mean it when I threaten to take it away you know how' you like to be an ant huh that would suck I could make you an ant do you want that no no of course you don't ants are horrible they just they just walk around and they they bite people and they do ants stuff I I don't really know what ants do they're just they're just kind of useless you know nobody really pays attention to ants I mean when's the last time you thought about ants except for right now when I'm talking about ants I bet you don't think about them at all like if all the ants in the world disappeared you wouldn't even notice I bet you wouldn't I'll do it one day I'll make all the ants disappear won't even make the news watch no one cares no one cares about ants yeah well I I I have a huge favor I need from you no no no no no no favors I get too many requests for favors this time time of year like Santa I want a new bicycle they they call me Santa I'm Santa you know that right what you're Santa well of course I'm Santa I have a big bushy white beard and I wear red I mean do you really think a human being could visit every house in one night what no no no only I can do that cuz I'm God oh okay well well look I understand you don't want to listen to any other favors but I need the biggest favor from you all look look I need a turbo Man doll oh you need a turbo Man doll I need a turbo Man doll I've look everywhere I've been trying to find one all week well you can't find one no they're sold out all over the world i' I've checked every store in the world and even on other planets and no one has one but you're God you can do anything yeah I know and I've told them that I've said hey hey it's me God calling literally God and they say I don't care who you are I we don't have any turbo men it's impossible to find one oh god well I really need one what do I do my wife's going to leave me if I don't get a turbo man for my son H listen son it's not not about the Turbo Man doll it's about the Turbo Man inside inside you I'm saying you should dress up like Turbo Man for your son oh yeah cuz if I can't get Jeffy a turbo man I could be a turbo man yes exactly but me I'm going back to the store to try to see if I can find a doll so um going to going to need a ride can't you just poof anywhere you want to go yeah I I can but to be honest H with you i' I've had a few drinks and I probably shouldn't be poofing I I don't want another Pui that that's poofing under the influence you know I you know I'm on probation and I just really can't afford to get busted right now so I'll grab my keys thanks man Christmas morning I can't wait to open up all my presents where are all my present go I'm sorry Jeffy Mario wasn't able to get you your Turbo Man doll oh I wanted for Christmas was Turbo Man yeah your daddy hates you you should love me instead I won't disappoint you it's turbo time what hey there did somebody want Turbo Man Turbo Man yep it's me the real Turbo Man Mario is that you yeah I dressed up like Turbo Man for Jeffy my daddy's the real Turbo Man yeah I am he's not really Turbo Man he's just wearing a costume it's turbo time no one steals my family I don't even need the doll anymore because my daddy's the real Turbo Man yep it's turbo time Mario you Saved Christmas hey hey Mario Bro Look What I jacked from some family you got a turboman doll yeah Jeffy look you get the real Turbo Man doll too yay it's turbo time oh Mario I love you I I wasn't giving oh man my house payment is due today and I don't have the money to pay it why am I so poor panda panda panda panda panda panda eating Cheetos drinking Fanta make it snow call me Santa eat green beans you know I Cana what Jeffy what are you doing oh I'm just listening to music on my new beach by Jeffy headphones well Jeffy uh Daddy needs a loan so do you think you can loan me some money since you have all those merch sales sure daddy how much money you need $800 daddy you know what they call me in school what they call me the plug the MF and plug d boom there's your $800 you know what that is that's paper does paper grow on trees yes it does it's right here drip drip drip drip drip oh thank you Jeffy for the drip oh don't thank me Daddy thank mini me what Mini Me yep he's a middleman Daddy he makes Dirty Money clean and this money right here is dirty Daddy it's been through a lot of dirty cracks I'm not talking about sidewalks I'm talking it rhymes with potholes I'm not talking about mini golf well well Jeffy uh thank you for the money and I'm going to go pay uh my house payment daddy make sure you wash that money twice cuz they don't wipe oh thanks Jeffy that must be good man thank you Jeffy uh hello hey Mario it's my time of the month what do you know who Anna is Anna Anna period and I'm on a period in my life where I need your house payment well well I actually have my house payment this month bull feal no no I really do have it Mario if you actually have your house payment this month I will rip my left nipple clean off my body well you don't have to do that oh but I'd love to Mario it would be my pleasure like Chick-fil-A okay well um here it is you actually have your house payment you hear that little fella you're gone you are evicted clean off my chest this is what happens when you're a betting man Mario and next month when you see me I'll be the one nipple man see you next month Mario bye yes yes the house payment was paid on time for the first time ever thank you so much Jeffy yeah no problem Daddy but now I'm broke as a joke you're broke as a joke yep you took all my money well I took all your money yep what type of Father am I I have to take all my son's money to pay my bills what are we going to eat for this month I don't have any more money well Daddy we can always eat the squishy Taco Jeffy you can't eat that it's a taco Daddy no it's a toy Jeffy you can't eat it it's not real but Dad you throw my taco we have to find a way to make some more money to get by this month well Daddy we can always go on the corner and sling some you know no we're not going to do that Jeffy you I just need to sit down and think and uh watch some TV yeah let's just relax you know hey there does your kid want to be in a commercial well you're in luck green beans are looking for a new spokesperson you know ever since the Jolly Green Giant got in trouble for whipping his string bean out in front of some ladies but your kid could be in every green bean commercial for the next 10 years and maybe even make millions of dollars so if you think your kid has what it takes to act in a commercial just bring them on down an audition today o Jeffy Jeffy look look look all you have to do is be in that commercial and you get p made a lot of money um one problem Daddy I don't like green beans well I know that Jeffy but if you're acting you can act like you like green beans right well if we're acting we can act like you're not bald give my hat back come on do it for us come on we need the money all right Daddy yeah come on let's go I know you get the part I know you will you're a good actor all right everybody quiet on the set everybody ready I know I am I got my coffee right here you know I like my coffee like I like my women hot and black what you heard me all lives matter all right who wants to go first hey hey I was wondering if uh maybe possibly my son could go first huh okay and also you know guarantee me that my son will get this acting job well are you going to give me money for that well I just gave you a five well no you gave me a five so your kid could go first here is that a $1 bill yeah that would be $6 yes that's a lot of money you want to give me $6 so your kid could get on a commercial that could potentially make him millions of dollars yeah hey does anybody have $7 so they can out bid this guy you just you just hold on to that and you know U make it happen how about you just stop trying to bribe me and then let your kid win fair and square you know I was going to let your kid go first anyway there's only two kids auditioning well there's only two kids auditioning yeah well then can I have my my $6 back no now go get your kid all right Jeffy just sit right there and look handsome okay you don't have to tell me twice dad I'm a sexy beast all right Jeffy we're filming a green beans commercial so I'm going to need a lot of energy out of you okay all right and action oh oh cut cut sorry I forgot to tell you what to do that's my bad all right when I say action I want you to take a big old bite of green beans and then say who needs dank memes when you got a plate full of green beans see it Rhymes dank memes yeah we're trying to get kids to eat their green beans and kids love memes all right let's try this and action these green beans taste like what's on your cup what's on my cup what oh poop no cut cut cut no you can't say the green beans taste like poop well they do okay let's just try something else all right uh when I say action just look at the green beans and say these green beans taste great okay let's try that and action these green beans taste like a grape but no cut cut not grape great grape great grape great great the green beans taste great grape the green beans taste like a grape no no okay okay let's let's let's try something different all right now just look at the green beans when I say action and say these green beans taste awesome okay and action these green beans taste like AUM cut cut not a possum no awesome posum awesome posum no okay okay okay let's try something else let's try something else okay but now when I say action look at the green beans and just say these green beans taste delicious okay I think we can do that all right and action these green beans taste suspicious no no cut cut no you can't say they taste suspicious look you make it sound like you don't like them I don't like them okay we're done here get get out no no no no please don't quit on him like he's just really nervous like give him something easier to do easier okay okay this is the easiest thing I can think of Jeffy okay just just look at the green beans and say m okay let's let's try this and action M no cut cut cut you can't say m you got to say like like the're good okay but they're not good okay and action okay no this this is not going to work out no no no come on give give him something easier okay okay all right this this is even easier all right just just look at the green beans and say these green beans are yummy okay just just please do that and action these green beans are yucky cut cut all right this is not working get get out of here no no no please give another chance Mario get your kid out of here go you have to give us another chance no okay I'm going to try the other kid first all right just go all right Patrick now when I say action I want you to say boy oh boy do I love green beans and then take a bite okay and action oh my God I love green beans they're so crazy cut cut cut oh my God that was beautiful that was amazing that was a masterpiece oh my God we found our green bean kid wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute I I have I have another five let my son try again uh but but this kid's perfect he's a natural and he loves green beans well that was just a beginner's luck my my son is better than that kid and just let my son try again and you'll see what true acting looks like all right fine go get your kid all right listen Patrick you got the job but for some reason I'm going to let this other kid try again just just go wait outside okay Jeffy you're going to sit right there and do everything the nice director says okay all right n okay Jeffy all I need you to do is eat one green bean okay just one green bean but I don't like green beans he doesn't like green beans he's going to like green beans and he's going to eat them okay action hey hey I'm the director I say action and [Music] action Jeffy you eat it right now eat it right now Jeffy put in your mou right now all right he's not going to eat it this is work he's going to eat it he's a five you're going to run out of fives eventually Jeffy put it in your mouth Jeffy put stick it in your chew it Sho it right now I don't think he hey hey hey hey I don't think he's going to do it okay give him something else to do something else to do please okay okay tell you what if your kid eats that entire plate of green beans I'm talking makes the whole plate disappear then he can be the green bean kid oh Jeff Jeffy Jeffy look just eat all the green beans or make make make it all disappear please look you become the greeny kid please just do this for Daddy do this for Daddy okay action and action Abracadabra all right that's it no no no he made the plate disappear no get out of here it doesn't matter get out more take your kid and get out of here oh go God Jeffy wow Jeffy wow all you had to do is eat one green bean just one green bean and we'd become rich but no you just couldn't do that well Daddy would you want to suck a fart through a straw what that's what you're asking me do if you wanted me to eat that green bean Jeffy those are two different things well Danny give me a straw cuz I'd rather suck a fart Jeffy Jeffy you know all you have to do was eat a green bean it was so simple oh look D got kids commercials on oh man I sure do love eating green beans it's like eating boogers but my mommy doesn't yell at me I sure wish I had some more green beans it's raining green beans that's so crazy thanks Mother Nature Daddy I don't know how he did that Jeffy it was so easy it was so simple all you had to do is eat it that's all you had to do but no you couldn't do that and now we're poor how are we going to make money now well Daddy we always got our myr our myr yeah our M the speech is my recital I think it's very vital to rock a rhyme that's right onp here we go It's Tricky do rock a run do rock a run that's why on Time It's Tricky it's Tricky Tricky Tricky Tricky
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 1,249,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, sml reuploaded, sml jeffy, sml marathon, smlytp, sml old videos, sml reaction, sml movie, sml ytp, sml animated, sml archive, sml alien, asml, asml movie, sml bowser jr, sml cody, sml chef pepe, cool cody sml, sml drama, dr junior, sml movie 2023, new sml movie 2023, sml movie jeffy 2023, a new sml movie, every sml movie from 2023, sml new movie 2023, best small movies of 2023, sml movies 2022, jeffy's, all jeffy videos, animation jeffy, a new jeffy
Id: wByZ1G57ybA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 15sec (11595 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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