SML Parody: The Gold Gameboy!

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ow oh my God my feet that really hurts oh my ears are ringing Oh Daddy the internet is not working I need you to call and fix it right now I can't hear anything I think I'm tough oh my God I'm down I can't hear no you're not Daddy I was playing fortnite I had the lightsaber I was gonna cop a big fat W daddy a w and then all of a sudden the game got laggy I died and then the internet went out so I need you to call the internet man to fix our terrible internet so I can play fortnite not rage what did you hear a single thing I just said no because it's a miracle daddy internet fix now call do it no because you blasted an air horn in my ear you're lucky you're not grounded Jeffy with and without the internet without fortnite what am I supposed to do with myself go outside don't talk to me I don't want to see you fine I'll go outside and what am I supposed to do outside play it's a beautiful day all right fine I'll go play outside there I touched grass all right on board I'm going back inside okay thanks anyway Brooklyn guy hey Daddy I went outside and I touched grass are you proud of me no I'm not proud of you you're out there for five sec five seconds and I enjoyed every single second of it that's a complete and utterly died it doesn't work the I.T company on the weekends you knew he didn't do Monday nope oh no boohoo you have to wait two days without fortnite you're breaking my heart I wasn't playing fortnite now not on Monday now and if I can't play fortnite until Monday I'm simply gonna unalive myself what do you mean don't say it you cannot say that on here father I don't want to live anymore I don't shut up shut up he doesn't mean it he doesn't mean it just you guys singing that just like I can't live without the internet I just can't wait how do you think I lived when I was around your age you were too poor to afford it probably no it just didn't exist wow you are even older than I thought that is how old Jeffy I'm young you know what you don't let me show you this because I've been keeping this for a long time and I think it's finally time you see it I'm gonna show you the thing that changed my life our daddy looks like he got the booty after all what's in the treasure chest then laddie are you done yeah because if you're gonna be stupid I'm not gonna show you just open it up Daddy all right well if you agree to be good I knew you had to go to blues and maybe this must have costed you an arm and a leg it's not a gold Doubloon Jeffy it's a Game Boy a Game Boy yeah it's a Game Boy that Nintendo gave me a golden Game Boy limited edition too and they gave it to me when I signed on the Mario but then when I got fired they tried to take it away from me and now they're never gonna get it because I put it in this box so they don't know where it is and now I'm giving it to you there's your dad fortnite on it no it has Tetris on it I didn't really want it I didn't really want it you have this game boy and play with it and have fun with Tetris or you can sit in your room in the dark with no fortnite and nothing to do when does the internet go back on I don't know this is your only hope of entertainment I think maybe then I'll take the gold doubloons and I'll walk the plank with it and play my Tetris and not my fortnite because I don't have fortnite don't let Nintendo have it [Music] thank you [Music] hey loser nice artifact did your daddy take away your iPhone shut up boy Bill nobody cares loser I'm talking to you Boy Bill you made me die if you wanted him so bad you should have just asked hmm yeah bathroom break complete okay time to get back to work okay time to get started on my homework early what the what there is no way I mean could it be I mean it's there's no there there is no way oh my God this is not real oh my God oh my God oh my God junior junior wake up it's Junior I'm doing my work why was this just sitting on the floor in front of our classroom oh cool a Game Boy let's see if it has any games no don't pick it up like that it's not just any game boy it's the rare limited edition go okay boy it's super rare and expensive so it just looks like a normal Game Boy to me it's worth like millions of dollars if it's the real thing quiet down millions of dollars there's only three of them in existence the other two are owned by Obama and Jared Leto I think I don't know why this is here wait so we have a super rare Game Boy just sitting on our desk and it's worth millions whoever this belongs to clearly doesn't realize its value because if they did it would not be here right now okay we gotta keep this a secret here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna bring this back to my house and you're gonna come over after school and we're gonna sell this thing and be millionaire Junior our lies are gonna change we can do anything and go anywhere we want it's gonna be amazing all right just make sure you don't tell anybody about it all right you better not tell anybody either I won't [Music] all right back to gaming oh the game boy is gone well at least the internet's getting fixed today but daddy's gonna be mad all right Cody check it I made the eBay page oh my God Junior you made the starting bid at 9 million at 999 000 and you said it was worth a lot I know it's worth a lot but like you could have made it one million dollars we don't even have any bids yet that's because the internet's still down but trust me when the internet comes back on we'll be getting millions of bids for 10 million dollars starting bid well calm down Cody look I put free shipping oh my God what a steal free shipping everybody's gonna buy it now how do you think about it if this thing sells for 10 million dollars that's 5 million for each of us five million dollars I'm gonna buy a house on every country on the planet and I'm gonna be on my dad out of jail your dad's in jail yeah how much is bail like a million oh my God what did he do it's best you don't know all right daddy what's the internet password because I am waiting to believe that new fortnite update there's no internet yet Jeffy Brooklyn guy hasn't come yet what you're Breaking My Heart down it's fine you still have your Game Boy just keep playing on that uh Daddy what if I told you they're safe do not say that Nintendo got my Game Boy no I lost it at school because bully bill was being rude and I had to go deal with him and it fell off my desk and I don't know where it went you lost my game boy Jimmy yeah oh my God you're never getting anything ever again I'm never giving you anything you ever get get out of me say I want to see you when is the internet gonna be I don't know fine I'll go bother Junior then hey Junior what doing uh Hey Jeffy I'm not really doing anything here I lost my game boy at school today and Daddy got mad at me and since the internet's still not working I am very bored uh well okay I guess you can watch these Junior uh you have a Game Boy too uh yeah I found it at school actually it's cool isn't it funny I lost mine at school you did uh is that Tetris yeah give it up Junior this is yours of course it is Junior you think I'm an idiot well I I just you know what actually Jeffy wait a minute oh what if I agree to buy the game boy off of you how much are we talking buddy uh 10 bucks all right normally I'd be like of course but since we don't have Internet and I need something to do I will respectfully have to decline oh okay here you go hey Daddy look what I found I said I'm not talking to you remember Game Boy Daddy what game boy oh my God my gay boy I was this close to disowning you I got it no no no I'll get it but you always answer the door yeah because every time you answer there or you scare them away I want to answer it fine then we'll both go oh hello hey buddy I heard you have that really rare golden Game Boy um I'm willing to offer you twenty thousand dollars for a 20 000 in cash not for sale come on think about this no no no no Mario don't listen to that guy how about this I'll give you 50 000 for it how about 100 Grand deal deal deal deal yes yes absolutely 100 deal no deal no for sale Jeffy 35 million dollars pull off your five million dollars just take my money buddy five million Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy come on buddy come on five million dollars a week do you understand how much money do you understand how bored I am without internet I need something to satisfy my attention span we can buy the internet we can buy all the internet with five million still no deal sorry oh my God Jeffy Jeffy please reconsider the Game Boy selling thing please do you understand how much money five million dollars is gonna be five million dollars you know we could buy them we could buy five different mansions oh hey Daddy what doing you didn't listen to a word I said nope I don't know what you said Daddy but it's my game boy okay we're selling the Game Boy Daddy it's mine you gave it to me so I choose what we do with it and I don't want to sell it hey Jeffy uh Cody says that if you give us the Game Boy he'll do your homework forever okay well not forever I can do your homework for like a year maybe two years tops okay fine he'll do your homework till you graduate Junior trust me the game boy is not that good Tetris I mean it's fine but like fortnite is way better yeah yeah listen to him Tetris isn't great Junior you don't want this game boy now us on the other hand Jeffy we could do so much with this game boy you know I I could probably get you something better than the Game Boy you know you just gotta just gotta hand it over no I'm good no Jimmy get back here guys seriously the game boy is not that good trust me what y'all Kermit I just want the Wi-Fi fix Jimmy come on did you hear what he said he'll change our lives forever forever Jeffy come on all you gotta do is give me the golden Game Boy and we'll be set for life to be for life well I guess if you want it that's bad no I want it I really want it uh four nights back oh yay the Wi-Fi's fixed guess I don't need this thing anymore boy oh my God please oh my God this can't be real this can't be real please please better turn on this better turn on please please please turn on come on one two three one two three great it's broken it's broken Jeffy shattered my hopes and dreams yet again Maddie don't be sad I don't even need the money because you can buy me whatever I want speaking of which there is some good skins in the item shop if you want to get me v-bucks that's a big if and then afterwards you can watch me play some fortnite since the internet's back up [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 329,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aNomUBZfTbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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