SML Parody: Junior's Graduation Problem!

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oh my God I am so excited about tomorrow you're on a scale one to ten how hyped are you be honest uh like a bazillion good Jillian oh it's gonna be so fun no I can't wait to play video games all day and go into pool eat sugary stuff what are you talking about tomorrow's the first day of summer what are you talking about I'm talking about graduation ew graduation why do you care about that ew Junior we work our entire lives at school for months and for what for this this is our big moment and I'm gonna make it shine a big moment can we calm down we're not graduating from Harvard here it's not that big a deal okay well it's a big deal to me okay I have straight A's and this is what I live for I love this type of stuff uh Cody why are you wearing your cap and gown if graduation's tomorrow oh I've been wearing this all week I don't take it off like I'm so excited I can't sleep unless I'm wearing it because it reminds me of how we're so close you're so weird Cody you better get to school before you ruin that perfect attendance I need to freak out about this oh my God you're right school's gonna start any minute uh aren't you coming no go eat the last day of school you think I'm going what am I gonna do say goodbye to teachers well Junior we usually clean out our desks uh boohoo I guess I'm gonna miss it okay well word on the street is there might be a pizza party pizza party Domino's is that just what the word on the street yeah you do not joke about pizza parties is there always they're not a pizza party I mean we're on the street is it let's go okay all right cross you made it congratulations because today is last day of school today now because of that we're gonna have pizza party and we're gonna watch movies so what do you want to watch we got royal mermaids and we got Texas Chainsaw Massacre all right this one all right um can we watch The Little Mermaid my mom would not let me watch the other one it's way too violent oh I should chainsaw one Lulu I want to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre I've seen it three times it's so good um I don't want to watch your little mermaid it's too scary all right all right cross so down Chainsaw Massacre win good choice now if you're a big stupid baby you can cover your eyes so you're not watch but for the rest of you enjoy a movie now while we watch I'ma pass around pizza and cap and gown for graduation tomorrow all right boy Ariel Pizza enjoy it all right Chloe hear your pizza why you worry we're coming down because I'm so excited I can't wait all right well I want to tell you personally that you get Val Victoria which means you'll be a guest your whole school Inferno operation I need to give a speech oh my God this is the best day of my life I cannot wait all right we'll make sure a good speech try to wet yourself all right Junior there you go cap and gun and pizza congratulations honestly I'm surprised you get right 60 on report cards so you're one point away from failing but anyway congratulations all right Jeffy here you are you're coming down wait what about my pizza oh you don't got pizza because you're not graduating so why what do you mean I don't graduate you do any work you never turn any assignment not even homework no there has to be a mistake daddy's gonna kill me if I don't graduate I need to graduate uh I tell you what oh yeah alteration you graduate yeah that's not gonna happen or a cross not everyone have their cap and gown remember graduation is six o'clock tomorrow so don't be right bring our friends and family because everyone want to see you graduate oh wait shut up everyone this is a good part oh I worked out yeah yeah oh my God why are you crying it's just nothing Junior just whatever school ends I get really emotional because I know it's gonna be over for a long time maybe not to be a baby about it you still have graduation tomorrow oh my God wait you're right I completely forgot about that oh God I have something to look forward to thank you nerd uh junior not to be rude but I'm just kind of surprised that you graduated what do you mean by that Cody okay I'm not trying to be a dragon just like I I didn't know if you're gonna make the cut this year I didn't want to I didn't want to say anything but like now that you graduated I'm proud of you you did good yeah it's right Cody so next time you try to question my intelligence just remember I'm smarter than you no no you're not okay who are you gonna bring for your guests tomorrow probably just my dad because he's the only person I can bring oh wait I can't even bring him because he's a stupid prison oh yeah he's in jail what did he do again a lot a lot of Grand Theft Autos there's a lot of theft not a couple of assaults Evan what are you talking about I shouldn't have said that but yeah he did but okay well have you called him no have you visited him what you can do that so you just haven't seen your dad at all since he's been in prison well I just figured once he went in there you know he wasn't really allowed to call Junior he's not dead you can still talk to him if he wanted to you could call him right now I can call him wait Cody that gives me the greatest idea ever what if I go and call the prison and I asked him to let my dad out for just one day so he watched me graduate I don't know if that would work but you're gonna try it okay I'm gonna go write my speech oh hi I'm calling for my dad his name is Bowser hey Bowser your son's calling what I don't have a son wait yeah I do junior oh Dad are you there uh hey Junior can you make this fast I'm in a game right now uh okay well anyway guys I was wondering if tomorrow you could get out of prison for a day she could come to my graduation what you're graduating already oh my god I've been in here a long time uh yeah so can you come Junior I would love to go to your graduation it's just if I ask to get let out again they're probably gonna give me beatings and put me back in solitary so I don't think I can make it hold on Junior I'll talk to you later they're calling for me ah hey Daddy so today's the last day of school which means we're on summer vacation mode so if you don't see me for the next three months it's because I'm playing fortnite in my room until my hands bleed whoa whoa Jeffy slow down what about graduation tomorrow oh yeah graduation um I don't think you can go to that why not because they banned people that wear red shirts and don't have hair well that's easy I can just wear a hat and put on a different shirt no yeah you don't want to go like trust me you don't want to go there sounds kind of suspicious you're not allowed to go well I can't Jeffy but it kind of sounds like you're hiding something maybe it has to do with this why are you going through my backpack because I got a call from your teacher Jeffy and he said you're not graduating snitch I knew he was gonna snitch you're gonna give me this hat oh what are you doing you're bad Jeffy you should have been able to graduate but no you didn't do your homework and now you're gonna have to do all of it so you can graduate you really Daddy what Daddy come on what you think I'm gonna do all of this by tomorrow yes you come on Daddy I didn't you're doing all this work Jeffy all right Daddy yeah I'm doing my work Daddy I'm gonna I'm gonna do better like a good boy daddy you better I'll be checking on you in five minutes oh man graduation's so dumb why can't they just let my dad out of jail for one day it doesn't make any sense yeah hey Junior I have the first draft done for my speech if you want to hear some of it no Cody it's not a good time ladies and gentlemen esteemed faculty in devoted parents honorable guest Cody I don't want to sleep over here too formal yes it's way too boring that that's what I thought too formal okay um what's up Bros what's up what's up gang it's your boy Cody now I've I've been I've been popping in class for a while now what is he doing I don't know probably his homework or something okay anyway yeah um what else do I have uh we spent years within the walls of this institution each day another adventure of learning and grow back up in school sound like a prison yeah like the one that your dad's in oh come on I had you know I'm sensitive about that right now okay what's it you set the dinner table and I just ate the meal you trying to go for round two no it's just you you you you put it you you you you put a big chicken dinner in front of me and I'm like I'm not gonna not eat that I'm um just go home yeah I'm gonna go your stupid speech and go home I would tort you with more of my speech but you're gonna listen to it all tomorrow anyway when you're in the audience without your death good good World diproma graduation gonna start soon um um I have my work done yeah that's good Jeffy do I graduate yeah I love her you you graduate get hopping down on and get ready to go on stage oh all right where are your name you're gonna put a name on paper I know whose it is oh right yeah I forgot to put my name I'll put my name on it get pencil all right oh here's the promos yeah hey Junior hey Cody um um something wrong no I'm fine it's just is there a lot of people out there well I mean yeah it's like the whole school and everyone's parents is there is it really a lot of people like well yeah Cody that's the whole school oh my God Junior I was thinking maybe I won't maybe I won't do my speech actually no no Cody you've been talking about this like all the time the nerves like I'm starting to realize like what I'm doing don't be a baby it's not that big a deal just do your stupid speech and get it over with okay hold on let me go look real quick let me let me look oh my God okay how many people are out here oh my God okay that is way more than I thought oh are you gonna be okay no I don't think what if I just ran no yeah run if you run you won't graduate oh geez okay I get this Cody you've been you've been practicing for this this is your big moment yeah you have I I okay I'm good Junior I'm good I got this okay I got this um oh my God uh ladies and gentlemen esteemed faculty and devoted parents [Music] [Music] oh cool a prison break ah right on time too I knew I wouldn't let you down junior all right no prisoner on graduation you take it somewhere else uh no I'm Junior's Dad hey as long as nobody snitches am I right no no no I snitch you ain't wow I'm not leaving listen here you don't know what I had to go through to get here I just want to watch my son graduate no no no stupid I already call cops I'm gonna take your school prisoner away you snitched to the dirty pigs never a boring day nope never a boring day I got him I got him my teacher stop uh junior I broke out of prison to see you graduate like you wanted it I wanted here but now we not even sure oh well Junior I already have life in prison so it can't get much worse than that right wow so you broke out of jail just to see me graduate you're the best daddy ever oh and you're the best son ever too wow um you know I I wish I had a dad like that I really do it's a really really touching moment I uh I still gotta take you to jail though oh I'm going I'm going hey Junior listen make sure you call okay it gets really lonely in prison you could only play so much basketball ow okay all right what just happened uh what then my dad's super cool no the fact that he beat up our teacher and just got arrested again well yeah he's super cool he just beat up our teacher Junior we didn't even get our diplomas well I'm sure they'll ship it in the mail or something okay well I have to ask what'd you think about my speech what speech my speeches yeah no it was fine it was fine you stuttered a lot do you know how long it took me to practice for that it wasn't funny Cody it wasn't funny there wasn't enough jokes you know what graduation is not all that it is not as good as I thought it really isn't okay I'm going home [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 363,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UdPKjq2yqbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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