SML Parody: Jeffy's Trick Shot!

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all right Jeffy it's time for you to get in the shower so you can get ready for school tomorrow no I'm not taking a shower I'm not you are Jeffy you haven't taken one in five weeks and your teacher's been emailing me saying you stink you know what Daddy tonight you're taking the shower really we're doing this again yup you better start scrubbing what you know what I'll prepare tonight wow you're actually fighting back unfortunately you're still taking that shower oh no a big UNO card what am I gonna do oh wait what there is no way there's I told you you're taking that shower tonight very impressive four showers for you Daddy four showers am I taking four showers Jeffy why would I do that actually it's a little too generous Daddy I want you to take a thousand showers right now is that a custom UNO card no I told you no custom Uno cards Jeffy well I still won okay fine you know what I'll admit it you won when you played the plus four so I will take four showers but after that you have to take one no because the water is gonna be freezing cold what do you want to take your shower now no sure well then I'm gonna take my four showers and you're gonna enjoy the cold water all right Jeffy I took my four showers now it's your turn daddy why do you take showers with your clothes on because we don't have a washing machine what are you doing stop it that's weird sorry all right now go take your shower there's shampoo in there and here's your towel but the water is probably cold it's freezing but that's on you you have to what no no Jeffy no I did my four showers I'm not doing a thousand all right let me take a shower after I'm done watching this YouTube video fine but I'll watch it with you and when you're done with that video I'm putting you right in the shower W father welcome back to Bro Flawless today we're showcasing basketball trick shots I've actually never done trick shots before but I'm gonna try all right I call this one behind the back yeah wow I missed what a surprise can you just edit that to make it look like I got it in wow so cool let's go that totally wasn't fake yeah I'm so good I wish we should have done it Cody oh my God Junior shut up you're not good okay Jeffy very cool video now it's time for you Jeffy Jeffy ah Jimmy get back in here it's time for your shower oh bye daddy I'm going to the park to do trick shot oh no you're not Jimmy get back here all right time to do the coolest trick shot ever hey Morty are you filming oh yeah Jiffy we're filming Tanya do the greatest trick shot ever all right well well well what do we have here looks like someone's not taking their shower huh Jeffy um Morty you can stop filming Daddy's here oh wait wait oh oh sorry Jeffy I wasn't filming uh do it again Jeffy what do you think you're doing um I'm playing basketball well why are you not at home getting yourself clean in the shower but Daddy no no but Daddy we had a promise that when you were done watching that YouTube video you take a shower but I just want to be on bro if all this is YouTube channel I don't care he's not gonna watch you on his stupid show if you stink and you do daddy keep your voice down bully Bill might be listening good he should hear this because maybe he made fun of you take a shower no he's just gonna bully me for the rest of my life God he should maybe if you would take a shower he wouldn't bully you how about that I'm not that dirty yes you are you're frilly and disgusting now let's go home and get you that shower oh oh man daddy always doing trick shots now you're gonna be doing shower shots Jeffy what is a shower shot I I don't know it's when you pour water on your back and you wash yourself like a good boy no I'm good no you have to Jeffy look I got your new shirt and your favorite helmet and there's even a fresh diaper underneath are those handcuffs well no why did you have handcuffs well I wouldn't have to use it if you took a shower like a normal person all right here's a deal daddy if I hit this truck no no no shower no no Jeffy no all right yeah I land this ping pong ball in that red cup over there then I don't have to get a shower for two years and you owe me 10 KV bucks no why would I agree um I try again but no Jeffy [Applause] or try wait no no more tries three times a charm no Jeffy you've had your tries it's over you have to go in the shower how about this daddy if you land the trick shot you get the ball in the cup then I'll take a shower honestly you swear all my filthy diaper daddy 100 and I'll be a good boy for the rest of the day well shower time Jeffy back here all right daddy you ready Jeffy please stop messing around and just listen to me for once no you listen to me since you're so good at trick shots I want you to make it in well up there Jeffy how am I supposed to make it in up there I don't know figure it out you're the trick shot master I'm not a trick shot master I never said I was I just got lucky Jeffy actually this is too easy here wear this a blindfold really yup and you have to get it in how am I supposed to get in with a blindfold Jeffy figure it out if I do this will you please listen to me and take a shower um probably not sorry don't do the stupid trick shot oh my God this is so ridiculous if I make this in you better take that shower Jeffy all right here I go [Music] uh did I make it that is it there is no way Daddy has to be cheating what's the Morty oh oh hey Jeffy what's up what are you doing in there oh uh sometimes I like to read inside the couch because there's um nobody around anyway what was that about you about your daddy's so good at trick shots and it's not fair like he's hitting these crack shots it doesn't even make any sense well I mean statistically to be good at something you know he's not good at much so I guess it's trick shot well why does he have to be trick shots Morty I wouldn't be good at them too I want to be like bro for all this but I'm just so bad you were pretty bad on the court earlier sorry I know I can't do it I don't know what it is well I mean maybe you know maybe I could teach you you know I've been watching some bro flawless I kind of know how to do a trick shot really Morty are you goaded I I'm almost okay yo I actually I did a trick shot earlier after you left the court and nobody saw it and I don't even think it made it in the net but you know it still looks cool so maybe I could teach you Morty that would be the most amazing thing ever okay let's go outside we'll teach you the basics all right okay Jeffy if you want to learn how to beat your dad with these trick shots you got to learn the basics first but Morty I'm really bad don't worry this stuff will teach you all you gotta do is take this ball right here and hit those cups over there it's easy Morty that's not a trick shot well I know but you got to learn the easy stuff before you do the hard stuff just take the ball and hit the Cubs all right here I go I did I do it oh wow if you really are bad at this oh Lord again [Music] [Music] I actually did oh so good yeah I'm a tricks y'all Master you actually did it more juicy I'm so much better than you oh my god daddy's gonna love to see This I Gotta Go show him you're not a trick shot whatever whatever makes him happy I guess hey Daddy are you ready yeah I'm ready for you to do what I ask for the greatest trick shot of all John no Johnny no trick shots in the house you're gonna break something daddy me and Morty have been practicing and you're gonna lose your mind once you see me hit this no the only trick shot I want to see you make is some soap in your hair how about that no basically I'm gonna use this ball throw it it's gonna bounce around the house and knock over that Tower of cups wait no you're gonna miss the Tower of Cups and you're gonna hit my brand new TV it should be fine no Jimmy Go please oh oh God I thought that was gonna destroy my TV Jimmy oops it slipped oh wow I did not think that was gonna happen oh yeah that's not looking too good see daddy wasn't that the coolest trick shot ever oh wow you look kind of mad shower now um no you my UNO card in the shower I'm fine I guess I'll go get in the shower and gosh all right gosh I'm squeaky clean okay Jeffy I uploaded that video you did earlier what well yeah you know the video of you at the basketball court you know would you do the trick shot and all that but Morty I didn't even do the trick shot daddy caught the ball oh well what did I upload because it's doing great it's got millions of views what do you mean here I'll show you I'm not that dirty yes you are you're brilliant disgusting minority you uploaded dad I didn't really watch it I just kind of submitted it but I mean people love it boy Hill commentary said wow so funny can't wait to see you tomorrow at school loser and oh bro Flawless liked it bro Flawless yeah you know it's not that bad Mori you're gonna ruin my life why would you upload that I I didn't watch the whole thing I just kind of watched the first part I was like oh that's good enough to upload I didn't know they had the whole you know dirty thing and all that great now everybody's gonna know I'm dirty and I don't take showers even though I just did well then I guess the moral of this video is that you should always take your showers and that you should always listen to your dad and that you shouldn't break your dad's TV and then if you're gonna do a trick shot make sure you know how to do it before you upload it online and also make sure that if you upload a funny video that you don't make sure it has anything embarrassing in it and also make sure that [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 481,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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