How To Not Be A Fat @$$: Over The Holidays

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welcome to motivational Monday it's time for you to buy this product that I've never taken or heard about until the company called me to promote it and here you go so they can pay me while I motivate you think I never post on Mondays but I thought that's how motivational Monday's go since I see that all the time on Instagram so I thought I would just lead with it anyways do you guys know what is upon us what is coming toward us no not poverty no not the increase of drugs amongst our youth something important the holidays yeah it's like the because the holidays is the time of year where we all get together with friends family and eat a ton of food it's cold outside and the best thing to do is light the fire sit up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and a whole pumpkin pie and a side of hot cheetos sounds amazing and we all enjoy this fuzzy feeling we get during the holidays and then once it's all over I see a lot of people saying well I'm freaking fat what happened how did this happen I still worked out during the holidays why is this like this so because the holidays are coming on quick I wanted to give you guys some tips on how to stay pretty healthy during the holidays so you can prepare yourself so know what I think we need during the holidays is on the same level as poverty or drugs like I said in the beginning of this video that was just an intro so calm down but I do know people get super freaked out about the holidays I mean I remember when I just started losing weight and then the holidays were coming around and this lady who just didn't like me very much at my gym says you're losing weight now but how are you going to keep it off during the holidays if everyone gains weight during the holiday and I was like she's right she's wrong ok I personally actually love eating healthy during the holidays I feel like I get so much more creative with you know holiday tight dishes and for some reason just so much more energized probably because it's not 120 degrees Arizona living L it's getting to me so I just want to give you guys some of my tips that helped me not be such a fat during the holidays stop being offended come on we all say after we're on that last bit of our 28 slice of pumpkin pie you pop it in your mouth and then after all that satisfaction is gone you look down at your gut and you're just like damn I probably should stop being such a fat we've said it I've said it alright let's dig right on into that one stay hydrated because of the cooler temperatures people forget to drink and it becomes dehydrated without water your body can't convert glycogen stores in your liver and muscles into glucose for fuel the end result of this is that you will crave food dehydration also causes your body to think that you are hungry when in reality you just need some water so make sure to keep yourself hydrated that's something that I have problems with because if I'm hot and I drink if I'm cold I want pie so I love taking advantage of the cold weather and of course getting all nice and fuzzy and warm in the holidays and start drinking tea I never drink tea but when the holidays hit I want to be super basic and get tons of different types of teas to work out yes it's a very dull one but a lot of people during the holidays get very unmotivated during you know snow it's cold it's rainy and they just want to stay in and not go out I personally totally get like that when it does get cold here I mean when there's clouds in the sky and rain coming down and it's nice and windy and cold outside excess so don't sue me that it is on my ass and watch TV season so I get it but just go work out put your clothes on and go you'll feel better that you accomplish something that benefits your body and takes you closer to your personal goal three plan the biggest mistake when people have personal goals when it comes to weight loss and getting healthy is that they do not plan I want to say plans that doesn't mean you have to become a freakin diet drill-sergeant psychopath that tries to control every single thing because guess what sometimes you do have to go with the flow but you can completely plan out simple things that will make a huge impact for example if you live in a place that snows every year and you know that every year when you see the little flurries coming out and there's like that blanket of beautiful snow on the ground you say damn I am NOT going to the gym if you know that's what you do every single year then invest in some quality of workout equipment doesn't have to spend a ton of money but invest in some things for you to be able to get a quality workout right in the comfort of your own home if you know you're gonna be doing a lot of traveling over the holidays and you think that taking you know a three to five seven day break really throws you off your gym routine look at the area that you're going to go to and make sure there are some gyms that you can can go to while you're on vacation or want your holiday vacation that will help you stick to your routine so that when you get back to your home that it's not all thrown off check the hotels in your area and see if they have some nice gyms right at the hotel because it's very easy to just wake up 30 minutes earlier you know and then just head right on downstairs get a good workout in and then go go about your day spending time with your family I personally love hotel gyms I love waking up this going straight down stairs getting it done and honestly there's usually nobody in there you get fart to yourself you can breathe you're your protein breath all over the place you can leave your gym bag wherever you want it's a beautiful thing umm what I'll tell me plan if you know that you're going to a fun holiday party and you they're gonna have a lot of delicious yummy treats like like cookies and ties and other things that I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on do not starve yourself if you take one thing away from this video take that don't starve yourself don't starve yourself and do not starve yourself I used to think that was a good thing because I was like okay I won't eat all day I wouldn't eat anything I wouldn't even drink water all day because then I'm like okay I'll have enough calories for the party and I can I can you know enjoy all the food without gaining weight but what this really does is you're gonna extremely starve yourself you're gonna be extra hungry while you when you get to the party you're gonna end up eating more so eat healthy all day I usually would eat like a really nice healthy meal even before the party and then I would have you know eat a few treats at the party and that's not going to hurt you what did hurt me was starving myself all day and then when I decided to eat food I filled my body with a lot of sugar and choc chocolate wasted is a real thing I am a survivor and sorry to all my family and friends who witnessed me after my competition we went to a holiday party and they had to see me eat lots of food and chocolate mostly chocolate and other sugar treats and burst out in this random laughter fall out on the floor and then I passed out when I say I can get chocolate wasted or I can get drunk off of junk food I mean it or eat like a pig for a day not the whole season people think that is Halloween or Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner or even the parties that make you fat over the holidays and it's not that all it's literally treating every day like it's a party or a holiday dinner that makes you gain weight over the holidays don't treat every day like the Halloween party you don't treat every day like it's Thanksgiving and unfortunately we can't true it every day like it's Christmas even though I really really really want you guys I love the holidays and I was very much under the impression that you cannot enjoy the holidays if you want to be healthy and that is so far from the truth I'm healthy now I love the holidays I look forward to the holidays and I enjoy myself completely during the holidays whether I'm eating healthy or if I'm deciding to partake in a few holidays I'm was just cookies so if you are still a vendor I wouldn't recommend like if you're not mentally there yet to go just binge cuz I can like open up I can just release more binges but since I am a lot better healthier mentally when it comes to binging I'll take that day and I'll kind of just have fun I'll do whatever I want I'm not gonna make myself sick but I will you know for breakfast you have a huge breakfast for a lunch well I like a good lunch and for dinner it's the holiday dinner that I look forward to every year but yep keep in mind I'm very mentally strong now and I'm not going to keep going on in binging and binging and binging ah the day after that holiday holiday babe if you're someone that binges and then it just keeps continuing and continuing that I wouldn't recommend eating like a pig for a day try to get a little bit more strength mentally when it comes to that so then you know maybe next year you can partake in a whole day so for myself and other people who are immensely strong and you can you know leave it to that day and then you move on with your life I'd say go for eat like a pig if you're someone that doesn't you know aren't able to do that I would say have fun but don't you know Gordon yourself down just you know maybe try to look at what you're eating and be more aware so that that you can still be aware and saying that routine for the next day I'm not saying don't eat I'm saying have fun but be aware it's in the past and I wasn't strong enough the next day after my huge binge I would binge again and then the next day I would binge and then the next day I would binge again and then I would find myself three weeks before some are like freak well summer I guess you're getting the gut again all because I kept eating freaking hole pumpkin pie so just don't let it get out of control like I said plan so that you don't set yourself up for failure so I know people don't feel good about themselves when they put on a lot of weight after the holidays and I know some people think that it's unavoidable you know to not put on during the holidays or not be healthy during the holidays which is why I wanted to make this really quick you know simple video because I wanted you guys to know that it is completely possible to have fun you also lose weight and be healthy during the holidays don't let that person that wants you to fail make you think otherwise you've got to be a little bit smart about it want everyone to enjoy the holidays lose weight see fit and spend time with your families all at the same time which is why I'm going to be bringing you guys a bunch of different holiday themed videos with tips and tricks of how to stay fit and healthy during this wonderful cuddly season like I said I love the holiday that I don't think y'all are even right for the oddness coming your way so along with new holiday themed content I'm also going to be starting a new holiday transformation challenge to get the folks on here who are really serious about staying on track during the holidays and also get the winner a few prize my holiday transformation challenge contains and get ready because I'm going to speak fast all the information will be in the description so let's go a 12-week weight training routine a fat loss program for each individual and you will get one workout programs per month a meal plan for every month some calories and macros for your personal body a phone number to text me any time you have questions and you will have questions I suggest you blow my phone up to take advantage of this so that you get the best results possible and lastly a monthly Skype session and people a gem is required for this challenge the winner is going to receive another 12-week program to extend their fitness and health results the winner is also gonna get a surprise I just don't want to make any promises right now because it also depends on who wins I don't know if they will like surprise but through this we're gonna be very personal with each other so I'm gonna get to know all these people so I'll know like whoever wins I'll kind of ask them does this sound good to you and if doesn't figure out like another like fun thing to get them but there is a surprise it just depends on who in then I mentioned that the winner gets their money back sounds like a pretty good deal to me and I feel like with all of this it'll give you guys the initiative she wants you stick with something everyone who doesn't win but sticks to the program you have a healthier body healthier outlook on life a healthy lifestyle and with all of that you've probably made some changes to your body as well and that's winning in itself I personally don't regret any money that I have ever spent to make my body healthy I spend most of my extra cash on healthy foods and wigs I do love catfishing people it does cost money people and it's in the upper range so I don't think a lot of my younger high school students will be able to afford it I'll try to figure out something else for the people who are on a tighter budget but this plan is really for people who are ready to commit and are ready to stick to something and get some serious result I find if you put a very cheap challenge up then people don't have absolutely any value to it and then they don't stick to it I could totally put like a challenge up for like 20 bucks and I'm gonna get tons of people to sign up for it but they like one or two will stick to it and that's not what I won't want for this I want a smaller group that is ready to dedicate themselves to me and to their health and themselves and put in some work over the holidays and hopefully learn something from this and continue to do this in their life so I want them to build a healthy lifestyle and what better time when there's tons of cookies around during the holidays what better time to learn some self-control right now because let me tell you when I was through my first holiday you know season of really like trying to be healthy but still enjoying myself it just gave me a lot of strength during the healthy seasons but everyone else trying to lose weight that preps me to just like it was just so easy so I want everyone you're gonna do this to really take advantage of it I want them to evaluate us we also value my time I'm gonna be putting a lot of time and spending a lot of time talking to you guys and making sure that everyone is you know well taken care of and it can communicate with me it's very important to me I want everyone whatever want to value it as much as I evaluate and I want everyone to give me the effort that I'm going to give them I want to them to give it right back to me so I won't be putting on my website you guys I don't want just any Joe Schmo getting on there and purchasing it y'all gonna sorry but you're gonna have to chit chat with me first I want to make sure that you are cut out with it and if you are not I'm gonna be completely truthful to you if you are or not because I don't want you to waste your money and we can try to figure out something else cuz this might not be you know something for you at the time and but I I'm not going to turn down anyone that is that really wants my help we can figure out something else just not this plan for right now so don't be scared to talk to me don't be scared to email me or DM me or comments in the comment section if you are interested I'm not gonna tell you how many people I'm taking but I am seeing a limited amount of people like I said I'm gonna be putting a lot of time in this so I can't take a ton of people but I already did post it on Instagram earlier last week and a few slots did get taken so guys go ahead and slide into my DMS or my emails or my comment section and let's get through the holidays together I really can't wait to post my motivational and health type holiday themed videos right on here along with this challenge to get us the holidays so we don't have to look down like I did almost every year three weeks before summer and say well you're getting the gut for summer don't forget to hit that subscribe button it really helps out this channel turn on post notifications so you don't miss this face and wig and it's a thumbs up button or the thumbs down if you for some reason hated this video along with sharing it with a friend so we all can prepare for the holidays remember you do not have to be a size 2 ads are so cool to have but not need it to be healthy but health is so freakin important it is very important to be healthy over the holidays but still enjoy them as and I know I will be enjoying the hell out of those Christmas cookies oh my god I love I love Christmas cookies and building gingerbread houses and eating them even before they get built can you tell what my favorite holiday is it's Halloween [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 46,998
Rating: 4.9550948 out of 5
Keywords: how to not be a fatass, how to not be fat, how to stay fit over the holidays, how to lose weight over the holidays, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, lose weight, holiday weight loss, how to lose weight, stay fit on holiday, stay fit during holidays, stay healthy during the holidays, not get fat, not get fat holiday, how to lose weight during the holidays, lose weight over holidays, how to not get fat
Id: H9swdCyhrTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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