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- How is it going guys? And welcome to, "Sidemen, Jeopardy". Now because me, Ethan, and Vik are still in quarantine, we've been forced to make this video. - We're the inside men once again. - [Harry] Yes, unfortunately. - Its Nick's week, we're free again, we are free again. So, if you don't know how Jeopardy works, basically we've got a nice little board here. There is six different categories and then for each category we've got five different amounts of money. So, obviously the more money you're going for, the harder the questions, I've created some questions. I'm gonna split the boys up into teams of two and whoever ends up on the most money, wins. - Lovely. - You got that money, right? - Hundred percent, hundred percent. - Supply the p's. - Well I'm not supplying the p's, I think Simon's supplying the p's. (players laugh) - Yes, quite in a minute. Let's go. - No, no. - Why are you wearing a helmet? - Cause it's about to get dangerous in here. (players gasping) - Why are you wearing glasses? - Cause I'm blind. All right. Okay. (JJ laughs) - Yep, all righty. - What are the teams, Harry? - The teams are, we've gone for, the classic flatmate pairing of Simon and JJ. - Oh. - Everyone's favourite ship. ( players laugh) - Oh no, shut up, man. - We've then gone for the Corona boys. We've got Ethan and Vik. - Yes! Oh my God, yes, I've got someone smart! Oh my God, yes! - And then last but not least, we've got the school boys themselves. We've got Tobi and Josh. - School boys? - School boys? - Ooh. - I don't know, I'll take that, actually. - Also, quick explanation, it's a bit of a weird one here, the way Jeopardy works, is you got to give the question to the answer. So say you pick an amount of money, and it comes up with saying they have a huge penis, the answer you would give is who is Wroetoshaw. It works like that, okay? - [JJ] Nice. - Or what is Wroetoshaw, something like that. And we're just going to shout. Whatever happens happens. - Don't worry. - Its like it's already there. (players laugh) - All right. I'll be honest with you, I've written down Simon and JJ first, so you guys can go first. - Yeah! - Go on. - I'm just saying, you like food and drink, you're on YouTube, you do music. - [Ethan] Oh, wow. - [Simon] You're part of the Sidemen. You're in 2020. - He's got a 90s name? - He's got a knowledge tattoo. - Oh yeah, I've got a knowledge in my leg, bro. - If you don't get every single question right. - I'll delete myself. - Oh wow. - Oh. - Cool. - Okay. I'm going to let you choose. - All right. You know what? We'll go with music. - Wow. - [JJ] I feel comfortable with music. - Oh, okay. - But what amount? - [JJ] Let's go for the $600. - This top 50 charting song by KSI is considered by Harry, as his genuine best song ever. Timer starts now. - Well, I think it's very obvious what this is. - What do you think it is? - Well, it's Lighter. - Okay. Counterpoint, not your song. - Ooh. - You think about that. - Oh, very good point. Great point. Yeah, I feature in it. - [Ethan] So if he says that, then its wrong. - Then, what else could it be? I don't know what he likes. He doesn't really like much of my music. - There's so many top 50 songs of yours. (Tobi laughs) - I can't. Maybe Houdini? - [Simon] You do you. - You do you. - I can't pronounce it. - What is it, Houdini? - [Simon] You can't just say what in the answer, bro. (players laugh) - [JJ] Well, I don't know. - [Harry] No. You can. - [JJ] How is Houdini. - That's what you said. - The song? - No. What is Houdini, would work, or, yeah, what is Houdini. - Straight, this game (mumbles). Like, what is Houdini? - But that's not the right answer, unfortunately. - Oh! - [Josh] Well, it gets passed on. - It gets passed on to Josh and Tobi next. - Go on, man. Who are you, buddy. - He did that? - I've done it. - Truly Harry's shy, so it's going to be Lighter. (Harry grunts) - [Players] Oh. - We're up. - Okay. - It's incorrect - We're up, guys. - All right, Vik. He said top 50. I think Keep Up got into the top 50. - It's not a favour of how- - Or Lamborghini. Did Lamborghini get top 50 at one point? - I feel like top, as well, its not top 10. He's gone for top 50, which is a wider range. I was thinking Lamborghini or maybe Down Like That? I don't know. - I feel like Harry's a shithouse and he'd go for Lamborghini. - Okay. I'm happy with that. Okay. What is a Lamborghini? - [Josh] What is a Lamborghini? - Unfortunately, no one got it right. - Let's just carry on. - That's it now. That's it. - Ah! - Was it Killa Killa? - No, its No Sleep. - [Simon] ] That's top 50? - Where's the sign for my song? - [Ethan] Yeah, (mumbles) liar. Does it still count? - No. The question's fucked. (indistinct) - It begins. - You've fucked this up. - Then this is fucked. - [Simon] The question's fucked. - Harry sat there like, "I'm so glad this is online where they can't throw chairs at me." (players laugh) - Okay. Anyway, next up we've got Josh and Tobi, pick your category and your money. - You can go, Tobi, I'll pick the answers so you can go for what you're going for. - All right. Josh is a major Sideman Trivia guy. Surely. - Wow. - Why is it all on me, what are you- - He is always from the Side but its south. - So is everyone. (players laugh and mumble) - I wanna go $600 for Sidemen Trivia. - Nothing gets fast to you, does it? (Tobi and Josh laugh) - Whilst in Ibiza, Behzinga this for the first time. (JJ and Simon laugh) - Oh, no. (players laugh) - This could be a - - You've set me right up here, Harry. Harry set me right up. - This was in the latest Sidemen Sunday. Wasn't it? I think. - I want to go with jumping off a boat. - Or was it a back flip? Did you try a back flip for the first time in their pool? - Chuck it in a question and let's have a go. - But which one, though? You can't say off a boat and back flip at the same time. It's either boat or back flip. I want to say back flip. - All right, let's go with back flip then. - You sure? - I'm not confident. - [Josh] You can have an opinions, you're allowed to have opinions- - Your time's pretty up, by the way, boys. Say something. - [Josh] Okay. You say it. - No, you say it. - Okay. - Disqualified, man. (players mumble) You've got to give an answer. - What is back flip, how is back flip, who did back flip? - I'm going to give it to you. (timer beeps) It's back flip over boat, but I'll give it to you. - Let's go for YouTube Trivia. And let us just go $800. Why not? - Wow. - He said $800. - That confident. - This FIFA 11 player which was the first one featured on KSI's "Welcome to Beast" series. (Ethan gasps) - Oh. - [Ethan] FIFA 11. - FIFA 11. - Welcome to Beast. - Oh, mate. - There was a lot of beasts. - Just for old time's sake. Can we have the title sequence? Can you say it? - I don't remember. - What , you can't say, "Welcome to beast." - What is it? What is it like? "Welcome to Beast!" - Yes! (players laugh) - Right . - Harry's buzzing. - You're losing time, boys, you're losing time. - Josh, I want to say one of the Nigerian donees I can't remember the name. MNEK? - Yeah, MNEK could be a good shot. - He doesn't even make music. - He does. Different styling but he does. - Nice (laughs). - Okay Harry, we're gonna go with, "Who is MNEK?" (Harry grunts) - Oh. - [Harry] Moves on to Vik and Ethan. - Ethan. This is all you, brother. - I want to say I'm just trying to think of other (mumbles) players back in the day in FIFA 11. - Akinfenwa. - I can't do anything. - Akinfenwa. - Oh. Do you know what, fuck it. - How's Vik throwing out more names than Ethan? - Cause in my head I'm trying to figure out when Doumbia and (mumbles) were playing. And there was like 13 , 14 more. Ah, fuck it , we'll get yet, go on, Vik. I'll back you bro. - What is Akinfenwa? - What is Akinfenwa? (Harry laughs) - That's incorrect. It goes on to JJ and Simon. - KSI , this is your series. - I think it's between Twigg. - I was thinking Twigg. - Twigg, or it could be Heskey, you know. - Yeah, Heskey is a beast. - No way. - But was Heskey- - [Ethan] Did you do a beast on Heskey? - No. I just- - My first thought was- - Why are we helping him out? - Oh yeah, true. ( Vic giggles) - But I don't know, would Twigg be the first one? Was it Hussein Clap or whose clap? - Harry, your 30 seconds out the window , lad. - No . 25 seconds. - Twigg. - Who is Twigg? - Who is Twigg? No one's got it right. - Wow. - Fuck! - [Josh] Did Antonio at one point as well. - [Harry] Antonio he did, yeah . - That was like 13. - That was later. - [Ethan] Who is it? - The answer was Ibrahimovich . - Wow. - You did one on Ibrahimovich, bro. - I did one on Ibra, I guess he is a beast. - Ibra ? - He is a beast. - I hate the way you sound. - Vik, what do you feel like you're confident with? On the field. - I feel like, can a $200 Sidemen Trivia question really stop us, I don't know. - It shouldn't. I think we're worth more than $200. I think we can get to four. No, just sweep a little easy peasy. It's easy money. - Lad, what'd you think this is, broke bitch money? Lets, oh. (Vic and Harry laugh) - You want a $400, you know, I'll back it up. - $400, Sidemen Trivia. - $400. - What is the full address of Miniminter's house? - What (laughs) ? - Oh, boy. - Wait. Wait, what? - I can- - [Simon] Wait, is he joking? - He's taking a piss. - [Ethan] He said his house. - Oh no, his place of residence. - What, now? - Yes, apparently. - But it's going to get bleeped easily. - Yeah we can bleep it, but can you get it right, that's the question. - Wait, what the hell? - What, the full address? - Yeah. Well, yeah. Get daring now. - So can I say it's what is (beep). - Ding ding ding. (timer beeps) - That's not the address. - No, I will take that. (Josh laughs) - Thank you very much. - Its only for (mumbles). - That is ridiculous. This is such a shithouse. - Scared money aint made no money. - This is such a shithouse. - Scared money aint made no money. - Oh, dear. - Vik, told you, $400. - Another $400, what other $400 do you want, Ethan? Let's run it off. - Vik, all I'm gonna say is I like food. You like a drink. - Okay. - [Ethan] We could do $200 - - [Vik] Yeah, why not? What happened to make big money, go (mumbles). - Because, listen, what I'm saying is, them lot have $600, right? - Oh, so we want $600? - Yeah. - All right. Yeah. $200 on the Food and Drink. - [Ethan] $200 For the Food and Drinks, please. - Okay. Let me just cross this out real quick, we'll continue doing this. (players laugh) - I don't know if you guys in the video can see this but Harry's got paint open right now (mumbles). Harry's here with it just drawing Xs. - Yeah. - Harry record it, so you can watch it how I'm seeing it. - The UK supermarket that in 2013 were found to have been using horse meat in their burgers. - Right. I'm pretty sure Iceland. I don't know why I want to say Iceland. - I think I'll back it, cause I think there were a lot of memes of that's why moms go to Iceland. - Yeah. What is Iceland? - Okay. That is incorrect. - Fuck ! - That's why moms go to Iceland, (mumbles) (players laughs). - I've seen videos of women taking horse meat, so. (Josh laughs) - I've seen them walk, bro. - I saw memes of how moms go to Iceland. - What's going on? - Do you guys wanna answer it? - Simon and JJ, come on. - Man's watching a whole spawn in there. - JJ you got any idea? - I think its Tesco. - Can't be. Can't be the loyal Tesco. - That's what I think. - I'm happy to go with whatever you want. I'm not gonna lie. Mine's was like Waitrose. - No, I don't think it's Waitrose, I think it'd be a Tesco. I think it's Tesco. - I think he's right. I think he could be right. - How many are there in Tesco? (players laugh) - Big dum. - Come on. Say it right. - I did. - [Josh] You didn't, that's a question still. - How many are there in Tesco? - Yeah. How many horse meats are there? - That's not the answer. - Oh, its going to share, anyway, that is the correct answer. - Yeah ! (Simon claps) - Well done. - [Ethan] Did you get that easy? - Yeah. I say we just clean up the easy ones. - You say that and then we'll get the first one wrong (laughs). - [Ethan] We did a good- - [JJ] I think, 2020 So Far, $200 lets go. - Do you want us to do the Sidemen Trivia to $200 first? - Okay, fine. - We're gonna get it wrong all way. I'm listening to you. You are leading this team. - No, no, no. We're doing Sidemen Trivia $200. - KSI just released a song called Lighter. However, this Sideman is in fact four kg heavier than they were a month ago. Who is it? - I have no idea. You're not, I'm not. Vik's definitely lighter. (Tobi laughs) - Wait, Harry. You, you asked me this question. - Yeah . And I changed because I realised you're gonna know the answer, obviously. So I've changed the question a bit. - But it's still gonna be me. - No, it's not, well. Its not you. - JJ you're not four kg heavier than you were a month ago , are you? - Well, yeah. That's true. (Ethan laughs) - But did he just answer? (Harry laughs) - Cause it ain't you, it ain't me. - I don't think it's Ethan. - I reckon, I'm honestly thinking it's Harry. - All right then , yeah lets do it. - Umh- - What Sideman is Harry? (players laugh) - Its me. (timer beeps) - Yay ! - Well guys, good point on the board there. - What do you mean? - We already had $200. - I'm saying its just a good point on the board, that's what I mean. - Shut up. Can we have 2020 So Far, $200 please? - Of course you can (laughs). All right. - You and Simon is too polite. - The country which the USA almost started World War Three with at the start of 2020. - Well, that was Iran. Yeah, that was Iran. - [Ethan] You forgot about that. - Simon. It was Iran. - He's not arguing against you yet (laughs). - Simon, say something. - I don't know, straight away in my head I was like, North Korea. - What ? No it was Iran, with a whole missile. (players laugh) - I did forget about the (clicks). - Okay. One day we'll blow up Iran. - That's not even a question. - He said, " We'll blow up Iran." Question mark. - One day we'll blow up Iran? (players laugh) The answer is "What is Iran?" but I will give you that. (timer beeps) - You're cleaning up, lad. (Simon claps) - [Ethan] Not like knowledge. (JJ grunts and laughs) - You keep going, I'm just here. - (mumbles) knowledge. - [Simon] I'm just watching. - All right. Music, $200, lets go. - The first YouTuber to go platinum. - Oh, that , oh. It's between, no. I think it's Logan. I feel its between- - Logan ? - [ JJ] Yeah. - Platinum ? - With, Help Me Help You. - Did that go platinum before- - Help me help you. - I think that went platinum before. - Everyday Bro. - Everyday Bro. Yeah. Logan Paul. - Okay. Where is "How many Logan Pauls?" (players laugh) - All right. That's incorrect. - Shit ! - No. - So it moves on to Josh and Tobi now, aint it? - All right. Josh, hit me up. - Okay. - I don't know if this is a trick question. - You wanna say Bieber? - Yeah. Do you count someone like Justin Bieber as a youtuber? - No , I've put in brackets no counting Justin Bieber. - Oh, so Justin only. - You shouldn't have said that Harry, we're listening, you should do. - I should have. (Harry's voice gets drowned by others talking) It's technicalities, because technically he was a youtuber, but not- - But , you might- - I mean, we've got Troy. What about Troy Tevone, then? - Its just lots of them we could go for. - [Harry] That's what I mean, yes, Harry, you should have said. - [Josh] We've got Jessie J as well. - Harry , its absolutely fun. - Ah, boy, you stunk this up. - I've got something written down, whoever gets what I've written down first wins. - Okay. Okay. (JJ laughs) - So we got Rice, Jake. Did I say Rice first, I feel like Rice for a party around it. - Lets go with Rice, then. I haven't got a clue. - No, but I'm saying what makes sense. We should go Jake Paul. - We should go with Jake Paul? - A long 30 seconds. - Yeah. But I'm letting you flow with the top of y'all I need some speed on your answers. - Let's go Jake Paul then, I don't know. I'm clueless on this one. - How many times Jake Paul knocked down? Without saying, question mark. - You got it wrong as well. - Oh! - Oh. - Yeah, it goes to Ethan and Vik. - I would say it's Rice. - Rice. - What is Rice? (Vik laughs) - I was Rice. - It is Fight Ricegum. (Ethan and Vik cheer) (timer beeps) - Let's go! - General Knowledge, $200. I want to go, Josh, how are you feeling? - [Josh] Okay ! - Why do you sound so nervous, bro? - [Harry] You playing Connect Format? (Tobi and Josh laugh) - [Josh] Not very good at it apparently. - Nah, they've done it, they're banning it down here. - [Ethan] Oh, right there, oh yeah. - I can see. I'm not very good at it. (players laugh) - On average, a person does this once a day. (Josh grunts) - [Josh] Wow. Okay. - That's a broad spectrum. - $200. - What could you do? You could poop, today? - You could masturbate. But I reckon- - But it could be so many things. - [Ethan] Yeah. - I've got one thing written down. - Its just what he's got written down. - Maybe it's masturbating, maybe you're right. Do you masturbate? - Is this based on an actual consensus. - Yeah, I have googled this. - [Josh] Okay, its not just you. - No, no no. - The whole need, kids are definitely based like- - Up to now it's 1.8. - Basically out for them (laughs). - I said this is that's like (indistinct). I wanna say poo. - Takes a shit? - Yeah. - You've got me, take a shit. - Uh, okay. - What is poop? - What does Harry do after every shower? (Harry laughs) - Yeah. You got it right. (timer beeps) - Yeah ! - I said it the wrong way around. Ignore it. - No, fam, I'm sorry. It could be blink , breathe? - Do you know who blinks once a day? - What ? - [Harry] How many times do you blink a day, once? - Yeah. - [Harry] You said breathe as well. (Ethan laughs) - I don't need to blink anymore. - You don't need to breathe. - [Simon] Okay, don't breathe anymore either. Just watch him. He can't breathe. - He can't breathe, he's pink now. - [Josh] Close your nose as well, cause you can breathe through your nose. (mellow music) - [Ethan] We might be home to the biggest idiot. - He's gonna have to blink (laughs) . Bro, this is my team mate, he's got the questions right. - I think we house the biggest idiot. - He's losing oxygen to his brain, yeah? (Simon laughs) - [Josh] Its getting sadder. - [Ethan] This man has two diamond cuts. - [Josh] Seem to be free if you'll subscribe to the- - [Ethan] Yes! Dude. - He's complaining. - You can stop now. (players laughs) - [Harry] All right. Lets switch. Lets go for, lets switch up. - (mumbles) I have to be really about it, come on. - All right Vik, when it's your turn you'd be about it, yeah? - I'm busy that week. (Vik laughs) - [Josh] Now, Tobi, we are about it, aren't we? - Yeah. That's right. - [JJ] Oh, shit. - We're about it? - Yeah, lets just do it. Lets go 2020 So Far, $1,000. - Man, he's been peer pressured into this, I feel you about that. - Oh, man. - It's fun. It's fun. - Guys, these are hard- - [Josh] If I get it right that's $2000. - [Harry] This amphibiously named club was the greatest place, Harry and his mates went to while on holiday in Miami this year. (Simon laughs) - I know it. Wait. - Wait. You're sure? - Shit. - I think I know it. Oh my God. I think I know it. - This what name's thing? - Amphibious. - [Harry] Amphibiously named. - Yo! 20 seconds left. - The only thing that's coming to my head is platypus, I don't even know if that's amphibious. - That's why I didn't go to . I meant (mumbles). - Stop looking down, bro. - 10 seconds! - You counting on doing it. - Bro, how's it going to be on my phone? - Josh, I don't know, bro. - I was actually playing with this, Simon- - Three seconds! - It's still 11. - I have an ear bud. - Three, two, one. - You might say platypus. - All right. I'm not going to give it to you. Unfortunately. It's gone. - Yay (laughs loudly) ! - [Harry] Vik and Ethan, what do you think it is? - I really don't. I left earlier. I'm just glad that Tobi lives in his house than going home with a piece of A4. (players laughs) - You made it. Legendary. - I don't know how this man travelled from America to Great Britain with A4 piece of paper. (JJ laughs) - This man is unstoppable. - It was a great dub. - Biggest dub. - What's amphibious? We've got alligators, crocodiles. - Yeah . - Fish. (Vik laughs) - My definition of fish aren't amphibians (laughs). (JJ laughs) - A couple of water breeds (mumbles). - Hey what's up? - [Harry] They've got 15 or 12 seconds left. - We got Crocodile Club. - Okay, Crocodile Club. - That's incorrect. It moves on to Simon and JJ. - I don't know how this is an amphibian. That's the only issue here. - Oh no. - Right. - I feel like it was Iguana. - Ooh. Oh wait. I looked at his face and it went, no. - No, I didn't. I was not on that, no. - Look at him. He's got a helmet on, you can't read him. - That's honestly what came to my mind. - I mean, lets do it then, Iguana. - Okay. Seven Iguana? - Incorrect. No one got it. - [Simon] What was it? - The answer was Senor Frog's. - Oh. - Fuck. (Josh laughs) - I went to Senor Frog's, but I can't remember much of that. - Where was Iguana's? Where's that? - That's a restaurant. - [Harry] In the UK. - I went to Senor Frog's. - Senor Frog's, I went there one time, I went there and I don't remember leaving. - You said Las Iguanas, yeah, bro. (speaker's voice gets drowned by players laughing) - Fam, you said fish. (players laughing) - Okay. Vik and Ethan, off you go, lads. - [Josh] Vik, you're about it? $1,000 ? - All right. Can we do it $200 then if we- - [Josh] What do you mean? - [Simon] You guys got one right, and then you went on the- - Yeah, that's just, loan me $200 just sat there in the music category. - Wow, Vik. - [Vik] We'll take it. - [Harry] Bingo. - [Vik] We'll take it. We're supposed to get a line, right? This is us. I mean, Harry's running this. (Josh mumbles) (Vik laughs) - This artist brought out Drake as their special guest at their 2017 Reading festival performance. - I know the answer. - [JJ] Oh, shut up. - What is Giggs? - There you go. (timer beeps) - Man, everyone and their mom knows that. - [Vik] Look what you did, Josh. - Its a $200, its gotta be easy. - All right, Ethan, we've gotta show that we are about it now. Which is not an easy one. - [Ethan] Food and Drink for a K okay? - [Vik] Yeah. Got it. We'll get another big nose ,what ? - They have their bodies crushed to make the red food dye used in skittles. - [Josh] What ? Oh my God. - Water beetles. (Ethan gasps) - [ Simon] Oh my God. (Vik laughs) Holy shit Viktor. That is so amazing! - Fair play, bro (claps). - [Ethan] Bro, that's my team mate! - Wait, wait. We've been eating beetles? - Yeah. Cross beetles for the red food dye. (Ethan claps) - Vik, bro. Oh, Vik bro- - That useless (voice gets drowned by Ethan's comment) always one day was gonna rise up. - Is that real? - Simon's like in hysteria all this time. - I don't want to eat scales anymore, man. - I don't know if they do it anymore, but I think, I don't know. Maybe they still do. I don't think they do anymore, somehow. But I feel like once upon a time they did. - That's grim. - There's some paint in there or (mumbles) in it. - Oh, yeah. Lets just eat paint, Josh. (Vik and Tobi laugh) - All right, guys. Back down to Earth. Lets get somewhere in the middle. - I'd stray away from General Knowledge $400, onwards from here. - [Vik] Okay. - [Ethan] 2020 So Far for $400 could be a shot. - Yeah. Yeah, let's do it. - All right. - This major sporting event was postponed on the 17th of March, 2020. - Major sporting event. This could either be, the Olympics or it could be the Euros. I don't think did the Euros got suspended that early. - Oh, is this the date the suspension was announced? - Yeah. Yeah. - It will be one of the two. - Yeah. - I feel like the Olympics came first. - That's what I think. And I think the Euros, everyone was just waiting for an announcement. - Yeah. - What is Olympic games ? (Vik laughs) - Uh uh. - Fuck. - Fuck. - It moves on to Simon and JJ. - We'll just go for the Euros. - Yeah. How many Euros? (players laugh) - It was indeed (timer beeps) the Euros. - Fuck! - Yeah! - Yeah! - The Olympics was really late. Was it not? - I thought it was (mumbles). - They dillied and dallied for ages about it. - I thought they did, the Euros though. Cause everyone was like- - Are you sure the Olympics , no, surely the Olympics was even before that because it was supposed to happen. - No. They said it was being fined for ages. - What do we do? - We did one for a cake. - Do you wanna do one for a cake? - [ Josh] I'll go on. - Honestly, at this point, JJ, you do what you want. - [Ethan] Music for a K, you got a big artist. - Yeah, music for a K. Let's go. - Ding, ding, ding! - What's that? - We have the Daily Double. (Simon gasps) - Oh. - Oh. - So, I'm not too sure how this works. Um. (players laughing) - [Josh] (mumbles) know how it works, somehow. - On the actual game show, I think you have to wage your amount of money but I'm just going to give you double if you get it right. We'll make it easy for the viewers at home. The name of the latest song released by the greatest lyricist of the last decade. 6ix9ine. - Oh, boy. Punani. - How is that $1,000? - Punani. What is punani (laughs)? - [Josh] $2000. - They got it. They got it right. - Yeah! - Yeah! - That is not okay. - Punani, nani, tsunami, nami (laughs loudly). - Its not a K, that's two K. - But that's- - Yeees! - That is not a K question. - All right, Vik and Ethan, its nice to have answred a K one. - Oh my God. (JJ laughs) - [Harry] Mad . - All right, me and JJ actually knew the answer to that one I'm just saying (laughs). - All right JJ, what do you wanna do? - Mate, should we do a- - Why don't you just ball out- - [Ha] No, you're fine, keep going. - Another $1,000, yes, Sidemen Trivia. - [Simon] Sidemen Trivia for $1,000, please. - How do they run away with it, just fully (indistinct). (Tobi laughs) - I will tell you, another Daily Double is also, actually no, I'm not gonna serve them. (Vik laughs) - You just said it. You literally said it. (Vik laughs) - The total number of videos on the Sidemen and More Sidemen channel combined. And I'll give you 10, either side. - Ten either side, wow, okay. So, we've done. - The thing is if we get this wrong Josh will get it right. - [Josh] I aint getting this one right. I know a lot of things, not that one. - I think 350. - Well, we've done YouTube for, okay. - Also, boys, the clock is ticking. I would- - I'd say that's about, and More Sidemen. - And more Sidemen, yeah. - I get like 370. - You go with 370. - [Simon] Let's go 360. - [JJ] 360, okay. - What is 360? - That is incorrect. - Ah. - It moves. It moves on to Josh and Tobi. - Do you think we could have done. - More. - More or less than that? - More. - It's more? - If we do three or four a week on more Sidemen done that for at least a year, That's 200 plus Alone. Let's get more from our Sidemen, I think More Sidemen has done a lot. I think in Compilation Days as well. - I think we're pushing it. I think- - Can we get an answer please, boys? - I would say 412, what would you say? - Okay, Harry, what is 412? - Well, that is incorrect. That's what it is. - [Ethan] Vik, bro- - I saw your- - [Vic] Should we just go in the middle of that? - [Harry] Yeah, it did. I'm thinking before compilations. - I aint got (mumbles). Lets just go in the middle of theirs. they were like, what? - 360 and 412. - All right , let's just go like 380. Right? Bang. - Yeah, okay. - Bang down the middle, 380. - Yeah. - That's wrong. It is 552. - What? - Wow. - Ay, we are sick. - Wow. - 552? What are you feeling, Josh, what are you feeling, mate? - YouTube Trivia or Sidemen Trivia, still the last one. - Oh. - Oh. - That's the easiest. - [Harry] These boys take 30 seconds to choose. - Lets go. (players laugh) - [Tobi] No, you pick, pick. - [Josh] $400 YouTube Trivia. - This YouTuber currently has the most viewed youtuber song of all time. - The Fall of Jake Paul by Logan Paul. I think it even has some more views, is on at 180 million. That's like some secret YouTube you don't know about, he's got a banger. But I do want to say Rice- - 180 million as soon? - Huh? - You say it's on 180 million? - Yeah. - Would he have put, my only thing is would he have put Rice as a answer twice? - [Josh] Yes. (Josh laughs). - [Vic] Yes, Harry. - Lets not try (mumbles), just say Rice. Lets just say Rice. How much is uncle Ben's Rice? - (chuckles) That's incorrect, lads. It's good to ask. - Oh. ( Harry's voice gets drowned by members speaking) - Vik. I'm pretty sure that this is Jake Paul, Everyday Bro. - Oh, no. - Because I'm pretty sure he's on 284 million. I saw in a recent video. - [Simon] 284 million? - [Vik] That was like the original YouTube song. Wasn't it. Yeah. - I think it's Everyday Bro. What is Jake Paul? - That is correct. (timer beeps) - Oh. - Oh. - Wait, wait. How many views is it on? - Its on the most, I checked yesterday. - It's whatever Harry has written down anyway, so. - Yeah, it's whatever Harry has written down. No VAR here. - VAR, VAR. - 271 mil. Its got 271 mil. - [Josh] If I got it wrong that's not your problem. - Jojo Siwa, 903 mil. - I'm not counting that one. - Yeah. She's a singer. - I was literally, she's the youngest person to hit 900 million views. - I don't care. (Josh and Vic laugh) - It's whatever Harry has written down. - This quiz is fucked. - (laughing) The list is fucked. - The list is fucked, Harry's got all the questions wrong, man. - All right. We're up again. - See these veins? - Wait, are you claiming Jojo is an actual artist? - Fucking get it in there (laughs) . - [Ethan] You've counted Jojo as an artist. - But your tears, they'll drown out the quiz, guy (voice gets drowned by member's laughter). - Shit. - Yeah well, guys, we've got a right in Food and Drink. You wanna take a $400 Food and Drink? - [Ethan] Yeah. $400 Food and Drink sounds fantastic. - [Harry] The most disgusting drink in the world, which once nearly put Wroetoshaw in a coma and is only drunk by giant nonces. (Josh laughs) - All right, well. - Oh my God. - Giant nonce. - What nearly put Harry in the coma? - Giant nonces, not even turbine nonces, giant ones. - What did put Harry in a coma? - Is it an alcohol? - Its got to be, mate, isn't it? - Absent? - If you've put Apple juice, I'm going to fight you. - I was going to say absent but I don't think- - [Vik] But I don't know of a story- - I think he described that as nonces. - [Vik] What has Harry had to drink? I mean, to be fair, why nearly put him into a comma? - He loves veno, he loves it. (Vik laughs) I'm gonna say, cause he hates it so much. He despises it, what is tequila? - That's incorrect. - Fuck ! It's crazy though. - Its not. I would have said tequila as well. - [Vik] What is it? - Oh, it's us now. - [Ethan] Fuck! - I bet it should be like WKD (chuckles). - Can't put him in a comma. Little Harry in a comma. (JJ laughs) - Sorry Vik, I've let you down. - No. - It's probably absent. - Really? Do you think, I don't think you'd say nonces drink it though. (Ethan laughs) - I mean, not many people drink it (laughs). - True. - Like, no one really goes out of their way to drink absent. I'm not sure. - All right. Let's go with it. How absent? - It's incorrect again. - Wow. - [JJ] Oh wow. - (grunts) All right. - I can't wait to hear this drink. - [Ethan] Say it. - Josh? - If he said, go on. - For some reason, I think Harry hates sambuca. - What did you say, go for it Tobi, you go for it. What do you wanna go for, I'm down. - Who the fuck drinks sambuca? - Guys, I love a sambuca (mumbles). - This is what I've been saying Tobi, he's fucked you, fam. He loves sambuca. - [Josh] Is it Hennessy by any chance? - What is it? - What did you say? - Is it Hennessy by any chance? - Is Hennessy a whiskey? - Oh. - It's a Konyac. - Konyac, then I have- - Is it wkisky? - I've got written down Jack Daniel's slash whisky I wouldn't take neither of them. - Fuck. - Well, he did call some of your nonces. - [Harry] I don't drink it. Anymore. - [JJ] You can pick Simon, for this one. - Let's go with music for $400. - According to, this is the most commonly used word in rap songs. - Wow. - [Josh] That's hard. - Oh wow. - I aint got a clue, you're a rapper. - Oh. - You don't think it's going to be something basic like that. - No, no. You don't normally say, I think it would be something like, money, or rich, or- - You have 10 seconds left. - You do you. Just choose one. - What is money? - Incorrect. We move on to Josh and Tobi. - [Ethan] Good guess, that was a good guess. - Tobi, you're a rapper as well, right (chuckles) ? - Debatable (laughs). Why do I think is just the M word? - I'm surprised JJ didn't say that. - [ Josh] It can't be. - Is it call me? - What is the M word, is what I want to say, Josh. would you back it? - I don't know, but yes. (players laugh) - No, what do you mean, you're not offering anything else. - I can't back that, that's on you, bro. - I mean, Harry, What is the M word? - According to this study, that's correct. (timer beeps) - Oh my God, let's go. - I swear to God I checked, it is. - People rhyme it. - It could be like, it , or like , four. - No way. - [Tobi] Let's do 2020 so far for $600. - Whoa. - Big boy league. - Oh. - The amount of money Harry has spent on FIFA packs so far in the 2020 calendar year. (JJ laughs) - And, how much can be the other side? - [Harry] I'll give you a grand, either side. - Ah. - I think we're looking at around like. - I think he spent less than me and Simon. - I think you're looking at around 70 bucks. - No. - [Harry] Wow. - Harry's not bowy as much anymore about Pack Opening. - All right. So what are you feeling? Harry is about it. He just doesn't post if he doesn't get anything. (JJ laughs) - [Josh] Team of the year, team of the season. - I would say , - Right between 40 and 50. I'm gonna say $51,000. - I'll reiterate. I said this calendar year. - Yeah. Team of the year, team of the season is this year. - Yeah. - But 2020. So how much do you spend in 2020? - I think it's less. - So I think it's less, but it does also have his minions open for him. - No, more? - That's what I'm talking about. - That money must come off of there, his card, so, but I'm tempted to say this calendar year, I'm going to say 34, 35 bucks. - I'll back it. Let's go with 35. - 35 bucks. - What is 35 bucks? (tense music) - I'm going to give it. (timer beeps) - You're gonna give it a thousand pounds each ? - Each, no. - Well then , wait. - The list is- - Wait, wait. Who spoke? - You can't do that. Oh my God! - I had 33 . - It's your gesture, bro. - But this is wrong. - [Vik] Okay, cheers Harry, preach out there. - Are you fucking dumb? - We'll take you out for a drink, Harry. - (laughs) Preacher life, thank you. So, I mean, it was so close, I had to do it. - What you mean? (Tobi and Josh laugh) - That's sportsmanship. - I don't believe this. - Oh my. - Get yourself a friend like Harry. - Me too. This is probably (mumbles) down here which I'm fine with it. - Boys, I'll be nice to everyone else, I just like. (players laughs loudly) - You have got two K for 6ix9ine as the best- - Yes, you don't. Yeah. - You could have chosen that one too. - Yes, exactly. - You could have said the whole address. - You could have picked that question too, mate. You've got 35. (upbeat music) - (indistinct) I think we are up again as well. What was then best, YouTube Trivia? - [Ethan] Yeah, I don't wanna go- - [Vik] Food and drinks betrayed us. - Yeah, I don't want to go near General knowledge, so, yeah. - Trivia for $600, please Harry? - Not counting music videos, this Youtuber has the most views on a single video created by a British person. So in other words, which British youtuber has the most viewed video, there's not a YouTube video. - What's his nationality? - It's not a music video? - [Harry] Yeah. - And it's British national, and not someone that's moved here. - [Harry] Yeah. - Okay. - Vik, not gonna lie, I'm fucked. I'm trying to think of British exports now. - Exports, or- - What did you say the British just like who was here and then they might be in America. - I guess he's exported still. - You don't have to go to America to blow up. You could be, you can stay. (Vik laughs) (players laughing) - Oh, shit. - That's a slow (mumbles). - You know what, Ethan, I'm going to put away with (mumbles) here. I don't know. But I'm leaning towards Colin Furze. He might have had a viral, and how he likes his videos as well. And he looks like right now with the helmet and glasses. What is a Colin Furze? - Incorrect. - Fuck. . This might look like you want to say correct. - Yeah. - Is that off now? - It is. - Yeah. - I literally like. - Could it be Morgz? Nah, I don't know. - No. (Ethan laughs) - Simon's whole body just said. - Do you think it's me? - [Ethan] There has been too much about JJ. - It's a music video, ain't it? - [JJ] No, but even then, that One Night, is a music video. - The Crossbar challenge. - I'm trying to think of an old school video, old school YouTuber from the UK. That would just have something that's like- - Casper Lee, Alfey Deyez, Joe Sugg, Zoella . - I'm genuinely curious to know the answer to this one. - [Simon] So am I. - Hey. - Fuck, I'm going to say me. I'm going to just say, Oh yeah. - Wait, what is your most viewed video, that's not music- - The time is ticking, lads. - Its just the Sidemen have more views than you. - Don't fix that. - No. Streamlighter for KSI (laughs). - Question mark? (players laughing) - Stream lighter for KSI? - No. That is incorrect. - You are a good bitch, man. - Ah, stop, man. - Cause ( indistinct) channel has got the views. - More than KSI, bruv. - [Josh] That's views. - We are gonna hate ourselves when we find out this. - Harry, it's not a shout out, he's actually a YouTuber, right? - It's a YouTuber, yeah. - Okay. It's not that we had some viral video that Charlie bit me. - Stop asking me, you said you'll answer the questions. - I just had a load of ideas. - [Tobi] Let's start with it being Harry with one of the football videos? - I mean the whole fucking quiz is a shithole, so I don't- - I just had such a load of theory of answers that have rushed to my brain. Everyone talks and (mumbles) says we take the longest, you know. - Wroetoshaw got a big one, is that you're saying? - I'm saying Harry's- - Oh, shit. - Just run it. - Oh my God. - Who is Wroetoshaw? - Harry, oh. - That's incorrect, boys. - I seen guns anyway. - I wish I could put Ethan . - No, no, no, no. I've just got a load of ideas that just rushed me. I'm thinking that kids watch loads of stuff and you've got it was that little blow, Stampy long head or whatever. - Oh, shit , DanTDM. - But them, not DanTDM my brain just went to Minecraft. - Is it a (mumbles) - Oh my gosh. - Who is it? - Hang on a minute. - He's not checked on TDM (voice gets drowned by others speaking) - What have you got written? - What have you got written? - I'm just going to change , just my own- - Why would you change the sequence, are you afraid? - No, no (mumbles). (Vik laughs) - Oh, great. - [Josh] He's inside your head (laughs) . - All right, no, no. DanTDM haven't got it. Stampy. Does he have Stampy, might have it written- - What do you have written, I just want to know. - I'll tell you in a second, because I also wanna check if it's actually right. - Well, you didn't check fucking Jojo Siwa. - It is right. The person, the British, the person with the most viewed videos, not a music video is JMX. - What? - Huh ? - What? (Harry laughs) - No. No. - No chance, I'm lurking. - It's called "Prank on my Sister" it's got 72 mil. - But how did that crossman challenge with JJ go? - Like 50, 60 mil. - Wow. - 72 mil? - JMX is a massive deal. He is a massive deal. - Oh my God, he's not lying. (Vik laughs) - May. Of course. Boom ! Look it up from that, which ridiculous. (players chuckle) Fam, those are wages. - JJ, you on. - General knowledge, $400, Let's let's try and get some easy- - We've gone General Knowledge and you want easy points? - I think- - Go for it. - Yeah. - All right. This female was the first person to hit 20 million followers on Twitter. - Oh. - Taylor Swift, no, Selena Gomez. - [Josh] Was she not on Instagram? - Justin Bieber, Mrs. Selena Gomez? (Vik laughs) - No that's incorrect. - (mumbles) still on it. - No. She- - [Simon] She was here when things (mumbles). - [JJ] It could be Katy Perry. - I don't know, man. - I think it's either Katy Perry. - Or Taylor Swift. - Or Lady Gaga. - Ooh. - I'm swaying more towards Katy Perry because Katy Perry had the most of the time. - Go, Katey. - Are you saying California girls? - (laughs) It's not Katy Perry. - You've asked another question. - [Harry] It's not Katy Perry. - You have to say the names, still, Tobi, (voice gets drowned by other members talking) our answer. - I think Lady Gaga got more back, way back when. Let's go with - - Lady Gaga is actually- - Who is Lady Gaga? - Yeah. - He said "Who is lady Gaga?" Tobi has gotten me fuming, cause that is correct. (timer beeps) - Yeah ! Absolutely get in. - Let's go. - [Ethan] Get in. I can't wait to bath in all my cash. (Vik laughs) Oh my God. - I've been waiting for Daily Double, surely. It's only for $1,000. We're clearly losing, we need to try and push it. - [Tobi] All right. Go on then. - So, which I think you'd put it in General Knowledge over YouTube Trivia. - Okay. - Do you agree or no? - Are you going to ask him, just ask him bro. $1,000 for General Knowledge, please, I'm discussing with you. - This is not the Daily Double- - Oh, busted. - Yeah, absolutely. - Okay. But you've gone for General Knowledge, $1,000. All right. - Secure the (mumbles) - Beatles in that, come on. - This country has the most tornadoes per area, so per square kilometre . - Per square kilometre, okay. - [Harry] Wow. - America, Louisiana, Wendy city. Blow me kisses. - America's wham as well. I want to say- - [Josh] It could be India or it could be- - Somewhere in the Caribbean. - Oh yeah. Past Gramita. Yeah. Cuba, Jamaica? - What's being Jamaica? - You hear Jamaica? - Ten seconds. - Dominican Republic. - Can I have it in the- - [Josh] Question mark? I think there's a country called Dominican Republic. Question Mark (laughs). - You're wrong. (Josh yells) It goes on to- - I think per square foot I would've gone with America, mate, that's right. - No, because America is so massive. - Yeah. True. - But then again, they have a lot. They do have a lot. It's like notorious, maybe too easy. It wouldn't be worth $1,000 if it was America. I think they're on the right track because of the island vibes. - It doesn't matter. - Fucking Cuba. - Yeah, Cuba, I'll stay with Cuba. Oh, well, how is Cuba? (players laughing) - No, it's not "How is Cuba?" It's not, it's not. We are going to Simon and JJ. - Do you think it's Japan? (tense musical build up) - I don't. (players laughing) - Okay. All right. (players laughing loudly) - [Josh] Nah, that's- (JJ laughs) - All right. I have no idea then, it's probably America, but. - That's cause you low key want to go there even though it's huge. - Yeah. Yeah. - You either go without Jamaica. You choose. - America. - Okay. How America? - So , you all got it wrong boys. The answer is , England. - Sorry? - What? - [Harry] I swear to God. - The answer is England? - Oh, no. - Most tornadoes per area. - I've lived here for 27 years. I ain't see no tornado. - There was one in Birmingham a couple of years ago. - What ? There was a tornado in Birmingham? - He's right. But, it's a bullshit question. It's just a trick question. - What do you mean it's a bullshit question? - I know it will be a trick question. Josh, we're back up, what you're feeling, General Knowledge, or Food and Drink? You want Food and Drink, don't you? - No, no. I feel like you've got such a lot of knowledge, bro. You know so many things. - All right. (players laughing) - I know, like I know a bit of food, no lie. - All right, we'll go with General Knowledge for $600 please, Harry. - This bird has the biggest wingspan. - Oh, is Albatross. - He's got it right. (timer beeps) - Oh, God. I could legit just go with stroke one right now, bro. - [JJ] What a fucking name. - I actually knew that one as well. - [Ethan] Merry Corona. - What do you mean I was outdated, I didn't know it. - You flew to Japan. - The Corona boys are running riot. Let's fucking go. - We run this self-isolation . - Let's go. We've been been isolated in- - They've conspired together. - Safely, isolated, and you're living in it. Let's go. - Just cause there'll be nil, I wanna take this six. Shall we take the $600 for Food and Drinks? Just to keep it neat? - [Ethan] Yeah, go for it, bro. - [Vik] Yeah. We'll take $600 for Food and Drink (mumbles). - This Japanese meat shares it's name with an athlete who had an unfortunate 2020. - What is Kobi? (timer beeps) - Oh, okay. - This is it, you couldn't master the person that well. - Oh. - Fucking yes! - We're cleaning. We're cleaning the house. - I think it's fun to see you high every time, Tobi. It was fun. (Vik laughs) - Vik peer pressured me. - We had fun, though, that's all that matters. - He had fun (laughs). - He was down there from that point. Vik, you go now. - We haven't done Sidemen Trivia in a while. Should we put it back up ? - We'll wipe out Sidemen Trivia. - We'll pick it back up. $800 for Sidemen Trivia. Please. - [Harry] The number of main channel Sidemen videos that Stephentries has featured in. - Back to school, back to school two, Tinder. - Okay. - He's been in something else. Come on. Big brain. - How is four? - That is incorrect. - Fuck. I'm sorry. - Fuck. - Oh. - Bro, I think it's three. - No, no. Cause he just named three, Vik went for four, and he was in The Roast. - That's what I was about to say. Fuck it. That's it. Fucking roast. - So I'm thinking it must be, it's at least four. They've gotten four and- - So then, it'll be five then. - I assume so. Yeah. Should we go for it? - Right. Yeah. Surely it's five. (Harry chuckles) - No, that's incorrect. - All right, Josh. - Okay, Dragon's Den. - Oh, shit. - There's Dragon's Den. There's the football video that I commentated. Then there's The Versed. - Shit. I forgot about that one. - And the Tinder. - How about the tri- matches at the end, does that count? - I've not counted the tri- matches, so I don't know. - So I'm gonna go with six. - There's no answer, ah ah. - Nah, nah. Why are you saying that? (JJ shouts) - Let's face it ,he got it wrong, so he just had to say some shit. (JJ shouts) - How can we get these many wrongs? - But you still have got, you still were weighing that , you said three. - You had a week to prepare this. I'll be looking at paint. - All that is in the bottom video, right? Dragon Sense. - The football video and video and Dragon Sense. That's looking like what? - Six ? - Yeah. - What is six? - Six is incorrect as well. Its seven. - My! - What are the other ones? - The ones we got Tinder, Roast Dragon's Den, Back to School, Back to School Two, XO vs Sidemen, and he was the commentator or the host or whatever the voiceover man for The Weakest Link. - Park. - Ah. - True. - Oh, snap. - Yeah. - I did get that one. - That's tacky. That's so tacky. - We just full send it , YouTube Trivia? - [Simon] Sure? - [JJ] Yeah. Sure. Sure, fam. - We're gonna, there's no chance. - Ding, ding, ding. - Oh. - Oh. - No, no. - YouTube Trivia. - I'll take it, I mean, it's not going to be easy. - The Daily Double wants more. Okay. - Punani again. - You better win this, boys. - They were, oh wait. They were the three original founders of Faze Clan. - Oh, well Josh definitely knows this. So if we this wrong we done. - It's Temperr. How do I say Temperr? - Yeah. That's all that I'm at (laughs), that's all I am at. I know, bro. There's too many of them. - No wait, Temperr, argh. - [Simon] Apex? - No. Oh my God. Banks? - Yeah. - Banks, Tommy, and I don't know the last one. - Oh no, bro. I'm like, I'm just thinking of- - I think I know this. - Cb Scale or something. I don't know. - All Right. Well your time's almost up boys, so, if you don't want to roll off some answers or. - Did the Double, Carry on a cross. - It does. - Oh, okay. - Josh will get that. - You think is getting to you ? - Yeah. - I guess it's Faze Temperr, Faze umh. - You got it wrong. Moving on. (Vik laughs) - What did he just say that is wrong after Temperr? - I'm not sure. - The third one I'm thinking- - It should be Tommy and CBass, Temperr and Cbass. - CBass, yeah. - I answered CBiscuit, I was bare close. - I don't know who (voice gets drowned by laughter). - Are you sure there is a third? Did you ask? - When did agony come in? - He's, I don't know. - 30 seconds are over above , by the way. - No, no, no. I'm watching the time. You got seven,, six. - Umh. - Five, four, three, two, one. - Just go back to CBass and Temperr. - It's incorrect. Vik and Ethan. - I'm thinking Faze Clips. O.G Faze Clips. But who were you thinking? - I was thinking he's been staring them in the face. I think it was CBass, Tommy and Apex. I think they are the three originals. Little short Apex, almost certain. He owns so much of it and he runs so much of it. He organises so much for them. - Well then, do it then. - Yeah, all right, Apex, Cbass and Temperr. - You got a incorrect. - Fuck! - The only person that if not close, was Vik with Clips. - No, it was, ah! - The answer is Faze Clips, Faze Resistance and Faze House Cat. - What the fuck? - What a name. - I had no idea (laughs). - None of us will forget that, fam. - That was why it was $1,000 Daily Double. It's a tricky one. - Fair. - That was a realistic moment, just to (indistinct) (players laughing) - Oh, dear. - I like 2020 So Far, the most. - I'm back in that handle. 2020 so far. Please go, go. - All right. This was the reason Dominic Cummings gave for going on a drive during lockdown. - I really need a win. - [Tobi] He took his family. - Stevie's kid. - Ah! I know this. - I feel like Vik knows it as well. - [Josh] Ethan goes quiet and the seat's there. - Oh boy, he's frozen. (players laughing) - Trying to poker face it. - Oh, no (grunts). - Finally, you don't. - You always gotta say something, always, let it slide, bro. - So does this kid have like a disability? And needed to see like a carer or something. - There's no need to bring that into it, mate. - Just like that. - My mind's been blank, Josh, my mind's been blank. - This is way more than 30 seconds. - They've got six, five. - To take his kid to the carer. - He may well have done it for that. But it's not what I've got written down. - Anything you've not, hanging out with Scooby, have you? - No, Cummins. He went and drove. Wasn't he taking his, sick kid somewhere or something like that? He had sick kids. - They already, Josh and Tobi - - Oh, but, he's answered. - Oh. He saw the answer. (Simon laughs) - But why didn't they. - I was trying to stop you, you wouldn't stop. - Why didn't you ask me, then? (Harry laughs) He said if you don't- - But you are a team, mate. You work together to get an answer. - And you just said your answer and (mumbles) - I didn't know that, I was for we. That's absolutely fun but Vik should have done a better job at stopping me, then. - I tried. I was trying. (Simon and JJ laugh) - And you just carried on. - You just let it fall out of my mouth? - Ethan, what is the day, but I was trying to fucking stop you. - All right everyone. Simon and JJ. - All right, JJ. I aint got a clue, bro. - Cummings did it for a beat? (Vik laughs) - Let's go, "What is Cummings' mum?" - Okay. No, that was a lot of things around- - Was it to go get petrol? - [Ethan] No, he went to check his eyesight, man. - Yeah, he went to test his eyesight, he went for a drive to test his eyesight, apparently. - He drove to test his eyesight. - How could he do that? - He just opened it. Why ain't he look at a wall? - That was just a dumb excuse. - I'd rather Food and Drink out of all of these. - [Vik] All right. Let's give it a shot though. - This is the most stolen type of food in the world. - So broad like fast food, I don't know what. - I'm thinking what people steal from a convenience store if they're shoplifting, like maybe chocolate, maybe ? - Beans, tender beans. - No, you're not gonna risk present time for kind of beans. Are you really? - You've talked the entire- - [Ethan] You would have destroyed the entire fucking double decker? - No . I'd say petty crime. I think kids do the most stealing of foods and I reckon they're stealing chocolate or sweets. That would be my guess. - Sweets. I think sweets is broad though. I think sweets could be a shot. I think it could be sweets. - Okay. You think ? - Yeah, I think sweets is a shot. Cause you know the little fucking pick a mix in the kitchen, go in there and take it. - Sweets have gone missing from shops and stores. - Yeah. - What are sweets? - (laughs) That's not the correct answer. - Ah! - We move on to Simon and JJ. - I think it's something like fruit. - I was thinking, yeah. Fruit or bread. - Or bread, yeah. It was the same. - Just go for bread. - I'm definitely risking it for a double decker over a piece of bread. - Bad markets in that, double with bread out. - Yeah. Yeah. Bread. Mine's got bad bread? (Harry laughs) - Well you don't, because you don't get any money for that question. - Oh. (players laugh) - If I'm a thief, it's gonna be small, right? You don't wanna get crisps because it makes makes us a noise. - [Simon] He's actually playing thief. - Bread's warm. - I used steal cans of tango. - Fruit and veggies, decent. I would've said chocolate, Tobi. - You would have said chocolate, I was thinking chocolate as well. - Cause it's small, it's easy. You could flick in your pocket. - You're just passing over the fact that Ethan was a thief. (Vik laughs) - [Josh] It doesn't surprise me. All right? Its petty crime. - So we go chocolate, cocoa slash chocolate? - Yeah, chocolate. - What is chocolate? - You all got it wrong unfortunately, boys. - [Tobi] What is the answer? - The correct answer is cheese. - Cheese? - Cheese!? - Absolutely sick . - Simon's over there. - And its estimated that 4% of cheese made globally is stolen. It's quite. - Mad. - I guess cause it's actually expensive, isn't it? - You can't get expensive cheese, can you? - All right, it's us now. - Wow. I'm picking music, fam. - Yeah. Music (mumbles) please. - [JJ] I'm staying away from General Knowledge. - This UK artist is the son of Mark Duggan. The man whose death started London riots. - Why are you smiling at me, Simon? - You went, like you knew it. - I know this. - Yeah, but, you should know this. - I don't know it. - All right. What is Bando Kay? - Fuck! (timer beeps) - Man, its been two hours, come on. Ay, don't know. - I (mumbles) out of nowhere get right get left, stretch. - You used to think of Harry's silence , yes you do. (JJ laughs) - I don't listen to that. - I try to like troll a little bit. - Yeah, you got me. - General Knowledge for $800. You actually might get this. - I have no hope. - This Orient is the middle name of Calfreezy. - Wait, how is it Simon and JJ, they just got one wrong. - I think you're right. - You're right. - Yo, it's Leighton. Aint it? - [Ethan] Oh my God. - [Simon] Is it? - Oh no. Is it not Leighton? And he's saying this orient, like Leighton orient. - Yeah. Fuck it. Full send. - Calfreezy's mom, Leighton? That didn't work. - Bit of a dodgy one, but you have got it right. (timer beeps) - Yay! Let's go! - Which means, I'm going to double-check, I'm going to double check this, one sec. (grunts) My God. My God. - There we go. - Normally there's some bonus rally but we're just going to suck it off this time. - Nice. - Because. (Simon laughs) - [Harry] That's what we do in our- - Main channel. - All right. So, coming in at last place where they made this score of $1,200. - Let's go. Come on. - [Harry] Is Josh and Tobi. (Tobi claps) - Wow, that is poor. - Thank you. - [Josh] Hey, Hey. - [Harry] Nice work , guys, nice work. - JJ just cause you're a rich man. - You got more of it out of saying punani, bro. Two grand. (JJ laughs) - In the last hour. - The punani question might have done it better. Oh, dear. All right. Simon and JJ, you got $4,600 . Vik and Ethan got 4,400 wow. (Simon and JJ cheer) - [JJ] Let go! Yes ! - Punani runs the world! - Punani, nani. - Punani runs the world. - [JJ] Tsunami, nami. - Punani runs the world, dealer. - It does. - Let's go! - Wow. - That should be the discount code. - Yeah. - Punani. - Yeah. Okay . (JJ laughs) - Punani is the discount. - [Josh] Oh, dear. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 11,133,895
Rating: 4.9462762 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, ksi, w2s, jeopardy, gameshow
Id: lw68FF0GEX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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