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- Why I did you not keep going? - I don't wanna play with him I don't wanna play with him. (all laughing) (upbeat music) (group chattering) - 100,000 Pounds, seven games, five contestants, three lives, two teams, and a man with shins splints. This is The Cube, Sidemen edition. (upbeat music) Hello and welcome to The Cube. I'm now joined by the sidemen and Randolph. (all cheering) - Yes! Yes! - What an audience! - What's happened by the way? We've we been missing three? - Yeah. - We're down three. - Yeah. - We're down three now. - That damn virus. - I swear it was that birthday party. - Hey Vic why'd you pick a party, bro? What the hell! (all laughing) - Anyway, we need two team captains. I'm gonna go for Harold, - Okay. - And KSI. What is your team name Harry? - My team name will be Chub for a dub. - Oh yes. - Like that. - And JJ? - The Blacks. - Okay. - Just Randy. - The blacks. We are The Blacks. - To be fair, orange is the new black. - Whoa! - Nice! - Wow. - Nice. - Harry. - Yes. - We're now gonna pick teams. - Okay. And I'm gonna give you the first pick okay? Who you going for? - I'll pick Ethan. - Oh get it! Yes! - Makes sense. Makes sense. Good stuff. - Let's go Harry. - JJ, who are you taking out of these two wonderful specimens. - Probably the other black guy. - Okay, so we got Toby and JJ, and as you had second pick, I'll let you have Randolph as well. (all laughing) Look surprised, look happy. - Wow! I've always wanted to be in this team. (all laughing) - Welcome. - Thank you. - You can say the n-word now. - Please don't. Please don't. - Do it then. (all laughing) - So guys Chub for a dub, your team, (all laughing) Are we ready for the first game? - [All] Yes. - Let's head to Pathfinder. (all cheering) (upbeat music) - [Cube] The floor of the cube will show you a pathway just once for five seconds before it disappears. All you must do is memorise the root and travel it without stepping off the path. So, how good is your memory? - [Ethan] You're gonna see the image once. - I know, I know. - Oh God what's he doing? - Oh what's happening? - He's transforming. - Didn't even leave Twitter for that one either. - Ah fuck! - Oh that's easy. - That's so easy. That's so easy. - He's off. - [Randy] Yes go! - Nice bug. - [Vic] I love the sass. - We love that bug. (group chatter) - He's doing well. - Uh-oh! Uh-oh! - If you lot don't get it, oh I've forgotten though, this bit, one sec. - This is so easy. - Yes, this is actually too easy. - Yes. - Oh my God. - Oh he's home. - He's done it. - Oh yeah. - Yes! (all clapping) - Chub for a dub - Outstanding, very outstanding. - Guys, should we have drunk before? - Yeah. (all laughing) - Harry, I believe you've just won 250 points for your team. - Yes! - Well done. (all clapping) - Chub for a dub! - Then there's a single life. - Lovely done. - Well done mate. - Okay. The blacks. (all laughing) Well, it's now your turn to go. Who are you gonna play? - Randy. - Geez. (all clapping) - The ultimate black man. - Feel's harder in here. - Don't fuck it up. - Don't mess it up Randy. - You've said that before. - Well, I mean. (all exclaiming) - [JJ] That's actually a bit unfair, you know? (Harry exclaiming) - Oh shit! - Off already. - He's off. - Okay. - Great start. - Geez. - Alright. - Come on Randy. - Oh no. - It's one more right, - Don't listen to him. - I look to you, I've forgotten now. - I've forgotten now. - You can't judge faces. (all exclaiming) - [Cube] Two more lives remaining. - Yeah you got two more chances. - Get back to the start. - Back to the start man - He's forgotten. - There's no way. (group chatter) - Come on. - Nice. - I guess what you get most the way round. - Nice. And again, and again. - You got me twice. - Nice, nice. - Now he's done it. - Yeah well done. (all clapping) - Here we go. - As I believe that's 200 points for The blacks. Well done. (all clapping) - We lost 50 cause my fuck up I'm guessing. - Yes. - That's okay. Still very close. Are we ready for the next game? - Absolutely. - Let's go. - Yeah for sure. - Let's head over to it. (upbeat music) - [Cube] You must roll the ball around the loop so that it lands in the target container. Only the exact amount of force will make this possible. Are you feeling confident? - Guys, game two is called Loop. - Oh wow! - Hey cube, on average, how many lives does this game take? - On average, this game takes 2.7 lives. (all exclaiming) - Okay. - Okay, okay. - So The blacks. - Yep. - Who's taking this challenge on? - KSI. (all clapping) - Okay, okay. - Cube let's play the game. - You reckon this man does it in one. - Yeah. - I think he's fiery over. - He's a bottle job situation. - I reckon. - You've got this. - Let's see you K. (upbeat music) (all exclaiming) - Get out the cube. - Flipping that ball. - Let's go bro, well done man. - Thank you. - If he can do it first time, you got to as well. - There's no way. - Take it away. - That's gotta be one. - It didn't move. (group chatter) (upbeat music) - Goal! - Stay in the box mate. - Yeah stay in the box. - My cube bro. My cube! All of this. It's mine bro. - Do a C in the box. - No, you can't get out bro. - He's stuck in the box. - You're stuck in the box bro. - What if he actually is stuck in there? (KSI laughing) - Could we let him out. - Well guys, you both get maximum points though. Well done. (all clapping) - The maximum! - Which means, Chub for a dub you're still in the lead. - Let's get it! - Come on. - Hold on, why is the score zero? - You only got 200 on the first one. - Oh yeah. - We got 250. - I think his life didn't. - Yeah you lot don't know but he did because. - Yeah, but because the box was in the wrong place. - Regulation man. Box was regulation so scratch it off. - It sounds like you probably. - Hey boys. You ready for the next level? - [All] Yes. - Cube, where're you taking us? We're off to Multisphere. (all cheering) Let's go! To this way. (upbeat music) - Oh Randy, I've got a little game for the content. - Yep. - Odds are four your neck in the pipe Randy. - [Randy] Okay yeah, ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one, three. Oh my God he's gonna do it. - Not art. - Oh don't you, - So this is, we're sabotaging other team there. We're sabotaging them. - [Ethan] I love it. - You look so good. - So it goes, it goes down like water- - You look so good drinking. (Harry exclaiming) - Oh that's a lot. - Taking away the game. - This one is for the Side+ members out there. One of you lot, will be winning 10,000 pounds like for real. It's all ready to go and it's going home to one of you. Sign up, answer the questions and we'll see who bags 10K in March. - [Cube] This is a two player game. You will release 50 balls into the cube. When the a floor flashes red, you must pick them up and place them into the container within 20 seconds. So, how good is your teamwork under pressure? - This is Multisphere 2.0. Should we get a cube statistic? How many lives does this take? - On average, this game takes 1.2 lives. (group chatter) - So going first is Chub for a dub. - Teamwork. Let's get it. - We got feeling confident. Get in there. Go on. - All right can it take two lives? - I think they've kind of fucked themselves a little bit. - Maybe. - Cause they've been drinking. Oh, lift the lid bro! Are you weak? - He's not weak. - Go! - No, not yet you tease. - Don't go yet. - Don't touch any balls. Is what my father always said to me he was a homophobe. - Oh, that's not good is it? (Tobby laughs) - Okay. Cube lets play the game. - Go! Let's go! - Oh my God, they've already lost like three seconds. - Four, come on! - Oh shit! - Seven. - You have to move faster. - That's so easy. - I don't know. - There's two there. 10 seconds left. - Oh my God quick! Harry in the corner! - Ethan's doing a lot of the work here. There's a ball there. Oh, Ethan's got it. Is there any left? - We did it! - It's red so, - Are you missing one? (Harry and Ethan cheering) - No it's red. - It's red you've lost a life. - How? How? - VAR for that. - How? - No, you messed up. - How? - It wasn't past the rim bro. - It's okay. It's okay. - The ones that I got there, did I not get 'em in time? - Not quite. - Oh no! - Not quite mate. Cube play the game. - It's a bold strategy I see how pays off. - That's so true. - You see? - Good start, very good start. - No, I think it's worth enough time. - Harry's flying. - You're gonna forget that left hand side. - We'll go over here. Two, four. - There you go. - Well done. - That was in that time. (all clapping) - Let's go! - Let's go. - I think we got scammed personally. - No, it wasn't. - The game is the game. (group chatter) - Well you stood there and watched it for three seconds before you started. - Well he did yes. - No you did too, we were there for ages like go. - No arguments. - Let's go. - Cause I thought he just like flickered red I thought the whole thing was gonna turn like bright red. - 200 Points though. - Thanks. - That's good. - Yeah we take that. - Yeah we do. - What is he doing? (indistinct) Stop rubbing the shaft. Focus on the goals. - They're gonna do it. - All right put that in. - They're gonna do it. _ Fuck me there's a lot. - Cube play the game! Go! (group chatter) - They're doing well. - They're too quick. - Toby's like a flash. - JJs just walking around. 10 seconds. - Oh, there's quite a lot in. - 10 Seconds they're gonna forget. - [Cube] Five. (all cheering) (all clapping) (KSI screaming) - It's all you Randy. Loving the energy. - Yes. - And my heart is racing. - Well done Tobby and KSI. You had like a few seconds to spare as well. - They said 10 I looked there's beer everywhere I was like, fuck! - It's easy, they made it look easy. No offence guys. - Woo. - So the blacks have done it. - What? - Without losing any lives, which means you get 250 points. - Yes! (all clapping) - So it's all square. - Yep. - Now we head over to game four which is, Synchronicity. - Whoa! (group chatter) - Synchronicity let's go! (all laughing) - We gonna link chat shows, when you get no gramme nom, - Probably for the next album. - You been off with it. - As of now no, but it's coming. - I'm telling you now I genuinely think I've got at least 400 pounds off of KSI by just saying, yo, this is my PayPal send me a hundred quid and he's done it. - I won a grand once. - You did. - I won a grand cause he put like this riddle in the group chat was like anyone who solves it I'll give you a grand. And it was, the answer was at the bottom. (all laughing) - Can you remember when I sent you 20P? - No he's too, he's wired up to it now. KSI. - Six figures as well. - PayPal me a hundred pounds. - What? - PayPal me a hundred pounds. - He's just talking about six figures there so you kinda know that- - Yeah, can you PayPal me a hundred pounds? - I actually don't have any money in my PayPal. - See he's wised up now cause we do own his house. (all laughing) We literally own his house. Hard time with you. - I bet it's for you. - I'm supposed to be- - That's for you. - Fuck that. - Okay. - Why's John got fucking three drinks himself is my question. - What? - What? - Wow. - [John] Oh for fuck's sake! - Are you sneaking? (Tobby laughing) - You an alcoholic? You're an alcoholic. You're alcoholic. - I didn't do it on camera. (group chatter) (all laughing) I am, I'm trying so hard. I'm trying to, they give you another one! - You look great. You look great. - I look fat. I look so good. - I think you look great. (all laughing) - I put it down. - [Cube] This is a two player game. You must throw two ball simultaneously so that they hit their respective targets at exactly the same time. With a 0.05 margin of error. It won't be easy. - Another game, round four is Synchronicity. - Wow. - Spell it. - Piss off, and... (all laughing) Obviously for this team, got these two going for Chub for a dub. - Yep. - But for The blacks, which two are playing? - Me and Tobby. - Randolph and Toby. - Yes. - Apparently so. - Matching fits. - Nice. - Very nice. - Hey I vision today I die man. - Yeah, man. Listen into the Cube. (all laughing) - Oh The Blacks is first. - Yeah, yeah for this round. Take it away boys come on Tobby. - Go boys! (all clapping) - Let's go boys! - Reckon they're gonna do it JJ? - Yes. - Yeah, you think they're gonna do it? I don't like round off solds. - Are we ready? - Why is he fill the power Taylor. (all laughing) - Three, two, one. - Bullseye! - And they both missed! - Don't say that cause we might... - Do you know why? They were like that. - Yeah. - You gotta whip it. - Take your time, take your time. - Do I count? - Yeah, you can. - Slow down. Wait for the Cube to be ready. (Ethan and Harry cheering) - Who's in charge? - Me or the devil. - You ready? - Three, two one, go. - Ah! (all laughing) Did you miss? - Whoa! What's going on? What's happening? Do you wanna swap? - JJ, we can swap. - I got it. - Just hit the red thing. - I got this, I got this. - Verge, remember, you can simplify it or swap if you want. - Simplify or swap. - We have one life left? - Oh, swap, swap, swap - Swap, swap, swap - But keep Randy in but swap. Don't hit the rim again. - Three, two, one, go. - Bullseye! - That's it? (all clapping) (Randy and Tobby yelling) - All right! - Well done lads. - I love the passion. - Jesus Christ! - Well done. - Jesus Christ! (group chatter) - He just completely missing? - Well, he missed twice. - But I hit the cross bar and under bar man. - D'you prefer outside? - No go on, you go. - Cause I'm shorter as well. Three, two, one, bang! - Easier. - Three, two, one bang! - Cube play the game. - Right, but no rush. - When did we get told ago? - Whenever you want. - Whenever you want now. - Three, two, one. - I think they've got it. - Oh my God! They've done it already. - I said they've done it. - Oh no! - Oh no! - We had the rhythm. - Oh no! Right but we hit it We hit it. We hit it. - So that whole time you weren't even hitting it. - No. - He hit the rim twice. - If we hit it first time we're getting it. - All right, so... - Right that's fine. - It's very close. Take your time boys, take your time. - Don't take your time rush it if you want to. - So what happened there? Did you throw it- - Less talking more throwing boys come on, we ain't got whole day. - Three, two, one. - That's gotta be it, bro. That hit at the same time. - They've got it! (Ethan and Harry yelling) - Come on! - Yeah! - Chub for a dub. Well done boys! Well done. - Well done, well done. - You're very intoxicated, but we're still good. - 300 Points in the lead. That is sensational. - Are you mad at me? - No it's fine Randy we're good. - Safe to say, this I'm not playing. - Our fifth game is Circumvent telling our boy's awfully challenged. - I'm so disappointed in you. I'm so disappointed in you - Let's drink more.. - You had three chances and you fell twice. How do you feel? - I feel like I did my best shot. - But they passed it in the light. - I got it in the end though. - He did it in the highest special situation. - Can I say right? - He did it in the highest pressure situation. - Listen to me. When I missed, we got it within five every time, 0.5. Our rhythm is unquestionable. - But you both missed the board twice. - I didn't miss the ball. - You missed. I saw you missed the board. - I hit it every time. - Nah, nah, nah. - You know what? I'll pull it back for you in the end. Not your cup, but the game. - [Cube] This is a two-player game. You have 12 seconds to manoeuvre the blue square from the start zone to the end zone avoiding any red squares. One of you can only move the square up and down and the other only left and right. So, how good is your communication? - Hello, and welcome to game five Circumvents. - Communication is key. - Got you. - You have 12 seconds to get into the end zone. - 12 seconds? - Yeah. - That quite, - It's intense. - Finished in 12 seconds before? - I believe. - I was at least 39 now, - You stole this don't you? - I believe Chub for a dub are going first. - Okay. - With 300 points in the lead okay? - Yeah. - You're sailing through this. But The Blacks can come back at any point. - Oh no. - Harry and Bazinga, are you ready? - Yeah. - He is. And let's enter the cube. - Yes. (all clapping) - All right, do you wanna be left or right? - I think I'd be better up and down. - I will left and right. - All right. This game is quite intense. Do you know what else intense? - What? - Campus. - Let's go! All right, I'm gonna start you okay? - He's not well. - He's well, look at him.. - They're off, go! Don't hit the red dot. (group chatter) - It was gonna touch. - No it was not. - It was! it was watch. - All right, three, two, one. - I got you, - Oh, you're off. Go! Go! Go! Hurry! - What're you doing? - Harry hit left! - No. - Harry do it! - Bro! - You told me to go up. - Mate check the footage. - Watch it mate. - You had a gap. - And you didn't go all way. (both yelling) (group chatter) - So Harry hit left when you get there. - Now Harry go! Harry hit it! - [Randy] It's not gonna fit through there. Why did you not keep going? - I don't wanna play with him. I don't wanna play with him (both quarrelling) - I know I did not go to the fucking left. It's you go up and then I go left. - Yes but you didn't go left enough. - It was never gonna fit through that gap. - You didn't go left enough. - [Tobby] You both went the wrong way. It was never gonna fit through that gap. - That's how you feel? - I didn't like him that round. - How do you feel? - Cause you didn't go the right way. - I think the first one I got- - And you told me to go that way. - So I don't really know what's happened there, but I think the first one it was fair enough. - No, watch it back because the blue square... - I think we might win this shit now. They've started to crumble. - Just where the square started. - Imagine this square is here. - Yeah. - The blue was still overhanging that square by this amount and you were telling me to go up. You need go right by wall and then we could have gone. - We'll check the tape. But you might be right here. - Watch it back. - Their head's gone. - Hey, listen this is our chance this is our chance yeah? - Don't put pressure on me cause with pressure- - There's no pressure. Just do it for The Blacks. - Yeah no pressure. - JJ, you can't do this, you're shit. - You you know where you tell him that he does it? - How does that even fit? - That's not gonna fit. - Left, left twice. - So I'd say go no, go right, right, right, right and we'll go this way, - Yeah you lot got this come on! Easy. - Is it a different pattern to what you got? - Yes it is. - It is. - Go quicker, quicker, quicker. - [Cube] 10. - JJ go! They're doing well going well. - Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. Come on you got it. - [Cube] Five. - Go on! - No way! - Come on! - You're doing well You're doing very well. (group chatter) - We wouldn't have done it in time. - You fucking stink. - They'll do it. - They'll do it, - Go, go, go! - You fucking stink mate. (all yelling) - That didn't hit? - Oh my God. - Right? - I'll win it, I'll win it! Hold on! - Slow down, Randy. (group chatter) - There you go. - Bring it, - To the left. (group chatter) (Ethan and Harry yelling) - We didn't do it. - We're gonna fix our relationship. - Yes! - We have a chance. - Let's go!. - Why're they celebrating? - Come on out boys. Come on out. - Unlucky lads. - Team morale. - They didn't even do it either. (group chatter) - Did you win? - No we didn't, - Then shut the fuck up! - But we're winning. - There's a lot of tension here. A lot of tension. No points in that round. - Next game, what's up? - Do you know what, we're gonna get the boys back inside am I gonna get a nice little group picture. Come on! - Well, we're about to do a cool team pic bro. - Team Chub for the Dub, look up. See that? - Yeah. - That's all Dub. - I see jewels in the pity. Come on! - Harry! - Sorry. - He has shin splints (all laughing) - [Technician] There we go. - Oh, that's cool. - Yeah we like that. - Yeah we take that. - That's smooth. We like that. Yeah? - Yep. - Lovely, thank you mate. Lovely. - Kiss him. (all laughing). - Did you get that? Tell me you got that. Please tell me you got that. - That's the gay shit. (group chatter) - That was nuts. - You ready? - Yeah. - Okay. - Naughty boy. - Three, two, one, jump. - Is that what we looked like? - Possibly yes, but we look heavier than them. - She's cracking up. - Three, two, one, go - You gotta get memed you can barely get off the floor. - You could go. - I'm very heavy. (group chatter) - I think you should lose point for this. - You sure you don't wanna like fill the primer. - No, I think I'm all right. - [Cube] This is a two play game. You have 20 seconds to swap nine blocks by throwing and catching them simultaneously without dropping them. So, how good is your hand-eye coordination. (upbeat music) - Game number six. - Yes. - Is Interchange. (all exclaiming) A two player game. Obviously got your pair. Who's playing for the blacks. - I guess it's like it's the blacks. - They're very sober by the way. - I won't make any comments. - They're very sober. - JJ, you've started drinks company with Logan Paul your best mate. - Yep. - The first NFT drink. Unfortunately NFT stands for not fucking tasty. (all laughing) No it's tasty. (group chatter) - Can we stop. - The blacks, you are taking it away. Please get in your positions. How's the Cube doing today, good yeah? (all laughing) - You throw to my left I'll throw it to your left or I'll cross that way. - I'll throw it this way. - Like that. - Yeah. - Cube, let's play the game. - Oh they're off. Yes good stuff. - Quick, quick, quick, go. (group chatter) - [Vic] Place it however you want. - Need to speed up. (all screaming) - Don't get to do the exact same thing. - You do back first. - You can place it flat down though. - First, back first. - Here we go. - Lights off. Oh wait. Whoa, whoa. - You can, you can do that. - What's that? - Keep going. - You can do that. - Keep going. - What's that? - Well you can't do that. - Why did that fall down though? - I dunno. - However you want, that was good. - I know. - That was good. That was really good. - What did you say? You gotta repeated to us. - Say whatever you wanted to say to us. - She said she was a big fan. She apologised for the loses. - She's a big fan. - Yeah. - It wasn't. - Go. - Good start. - Go, go, go, go. - That's it. Come on. This is good. - Ready? It's gonna be stacks, They're stacking in one. - [Cube] 10. - Good timing. Come on. Well done boys. - Ready? - Yeah. (group chatter) (intense music) (all cheering) - Yes, let's go! - No way, it was not down. Run it back, that was not down. - We still had two seconds, she pressed the gold early. It says five when we put in the last one. - No, no, no, no. The five went really early. Discrimination purposes. - No war zone. - Cube let's play the game. - No pressure. Right, they're off. - Oh, that was close. - Off shit okay and this one? - Yep. - Easy. - Okay. (all clapping) (KSI yelling) - KSI is going on tour very soon make sure to check him out. Lovely voice. - My bad. - I need to stack him for bit. - I'd be balancing I'd say, but you put it flat,. - It was flat. - Over off. - Our next one. - Yeah. - So slow. - it's so slow. - All right next one. - This is so slow. - This is so, 10, nine, eight, seven, six (intense music) Three, two, one. (group chatter) - It was one more, - Yes! To take the lead. - They go just like, - Harry's catching white bricks like it's a park life? God bless him. We're here. Easy. (group chatter) - [Cube] 10! - Speed up! - Nine. (intense music) (both yelling) - Let's go! (group chatter) - Yours went too early though, - Hold that. - After six games, 300 points is the difference. It's all to play for. We now had for our seventh game, which is Barrier. (all exclaiming) Let's go. - Hey watch that alert. Couple pines watch. Couple pines, bit of hand. - I love the way you eat that Ethan. - Balance. - Chicken. - Don't make it bait. Put on the fucking floor. - So you done? - I will sue. - I feel like the last bit my minor. - I'm gonna stink in the funeral. - I think you've done that on purpose mom. - Oh was such a scene. It's such a scene. It only a little bit. - A bit shiny. - it's a tiny bit of beer. - I do apologise. - Can you put it down please? (all laughing) So we don't fall over you man. (group chatter) - Can we have like an alarm of some people? - No one's walking down on here. Like it's fine. - We need to know Bob, we need to know. - Your shoes are dripping and not in a core sense. - Ah, kind of little bit the shoe people. - Quite literally, wipe your shoe. You're so far gone with fame that you think that happens Just a little shoe wide please. Oh, sweet Christ. - Who did that then? It was John, I know it was John cause I saw him direct him he said over there. Now why is it that John send us tequila? - [John] No it's not tequila. I can tell it's tequila I'm not drinking it. - Randy take the shot. - Yeah, he's in his beer formula. - Ah! - Because that one's empty as well. What did you shot? - That shot man. - Oh Randy what he did is, but that was poor. - You can't do something. You gotta do something Cause that's bad. - That was bad. - You can't do that. - Yes, so? - That's bad faith. - Can I have a shot that's like the least calories. - No, no, no, no. You've done bad faith though, that's bad. - I don't wanna shot. - No that's bad. What you done there was bad. You should repent. That was bad. That was really bad. - You and Randy, rock, paper, scissors. Loser does that? - Yeah. - Come on. - All right. - Sit up. - Yeah. - On shoot. Rock, paper, scissors shoot - Oh 1 million JJ. - Rock paper scissors, shoot. Rock paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. - Oh Randy! - Bro I'm sweating. - All right. - Oh, did use that one. - Subscribe to me. That this question. - That is foul away. That's foul. (group chatter) This what I'm saying is bad faith. What you've done there is bad faith. - [Cube] Whilst blindfolded, you must hover over the barriers that run across the cube without dislodging them. The game is completed when both feet have cleared the final barrier. Under pressure and in darkness, your judgement will become severely distorted. - Game number seven is Barrier. (all exclaiming) - Randolph, I've been told this is for you, enjoy. (group chatter) - No, you gotta jump in there though. To secure the bag you gotta jump in there. - On my own team? - Yeah. - Okay. - Randolph- - Now we'll give you a grand if you do. - Who's we? you know who Randy is from price (group chatter) - You paid a magician 10 bags for a trick you could have Googled. - Yeah. - You paid 10 bags. - One sick magic trick then Randy's gonna do this. - And he does this he deserves 10 bags. - No simple line, no swaps. - Yes, of course. - Go team. Yeah I want that as well. - Simplify these notes. - I have one try, if I fail it you do the next two. - Let's go. - Randolph as you are going on your own team, I've been told there is a penalty for that. Here was your shot before. - If you wanna fly solo. (Ethan laughing) - Oh you could win the game. - You could win a hundred thousand pounds. - All right (indistinct) let's go. - Come on, take on the cube. - Oh my God Harold. Come on Harold. He puts on the visor and he smashes this first time by the way. - I'm not convinced. (group chatter) - Come on Harold! Easy peasy. - Oh, he's actually lit you know. - I'll go one, two, one. - Imagine counting how many? Three balls. - Yes there's three. - My teammate do what my teammate wants to do. - This new Def com new music video. - Yeah! Yeah! - He's a genius. - He's good. - I reckon he can see you now. - Ah yeah! - Oh my gosh. (KSI yelling) - First time huh? Suck! Suck yourself. - Hey I respect that. - And that means The blacks can win now. He's open a window. - You got a problem with that, buddy? - No. That's what I'm rooting for. - Go! - He's batter, look at his face in here. - Oh, that's a great first. Oh yes. - Oh God. - Stand. - Wait what? - Oh shit! - Oh Why? - Gosh. - Wow. - We said no swap. We said simplify. - You said no swaps. - I agree, I'll take a swap - I won't worry. - Am I stupid or is that really hard? (group chatter) - You did well. - Irregardless is one of the best people ever. - Thank you, man. - Regarded. - Thank you. I genuinely thought like I was stepping over it like, - You did, but you stepped too close to the next one. - Oh no. - It's the last chance Biz. - Last chance mate. - One shot. - He's already all over the. - Will he get lucky? - Oh he got it. - Those pants are being tested. - That's lovely. It's that's beautiful. Beautiful. - Do it. (all laughing) - Zero composure. - I've been there. - Wow. That was, - No composer, bro. - Oh, that's really. - I know. - Why did you jump? - Because I thought if I just like. - You went for it. - I'm sorry. - Is it bro, I did worse than you I did it twice. - You absolutely stink - Care size. - Stay in the red lines. - Don't listen to the ATS. - I'm not sure that helmet's down yet. - Oh, put it on. - He's gonna walk into the thing. (all laughing) - He's sober. I would do that. I` would do that. - You fucking saw swamp, you stink. - Hey, is that how you box like a pool. - Say the words, Steven. - Play the cube. - He's knocking this over again yeah? - Oh, that's good. - This is the hardest one I reckon. - Oh my God I'm the, - He doesn't know where he is. - You've got no chance. (all yelling) - All right let's swap. - Respect for two. - I reckon he should stay in. - Are we ready? - Play the game. - Let's go bro. - Spin the wheel. - Spin the wheel. - Toby's the type of guy that will do this by the way. - No! - Yes. Ignore the hatters. - Though you on your own team son. - Come on, go and do it then. (all yelling) - Come on! - You fucking stink. Your team's done. - And then there was one. - Intro me. - I'll do it. His name is is Randy. - No, no. - He stinks of brandy and other alcoholic drinks. - Big brandy Randy. - He's got three tries right? - I've got three Steven tries. (all exclaiming) - It's too much for you. Barely. - Let's see him getting over the second one. - Go on. - How are we. (all laughing) - Doing really well Randolph. (all cheering) Inches away. - He might do it. - The most laid toft fucking left leg that I've ever seen in my life. - Let's go, Randy! - Go on Randy! - Look at that. (group chatter) - This last one. Take him off for the last one. You don't have to go back with it. - He's at three. He's got one more life left. - You've got this. Right Randy. Wait for my call ready? Not yet! - Not yet! - Go! Play the game. Well done. - Come on. - Yes. - Step back. - Step back. - Okay big step back. (all laughing) - We won! (all laughing) (group chatter) - Did you remove the poles? - Yes. But you stepped on the... (all laughing) - Hey would you say that I did better than Vic, Josh and Simon? - Yeah, absolutely. (all clapping) - Keep that in mind? - So seven games done. The last one proved very tricky. - Did I win? - You win our hearts. It's now time for the scores. I can say in third place is, Randolph. (all clapping) The score is zero. So it's between Chub for a dub and The Blacks. For who has won. I can now reveal the final scores. (Ethan and Harry yelling) - Yes! - Congratulations. - Chub for a dub. - By 300 points, well done boys. - Yes! - You've won a hundred thousand pounds. - No way! - Yeah. Spend it wisely. - Congratulations. - Congratulations. - Yeah well played mate, well played. _ Thanks host. - No, no, thanks to be here. - You've been a pleasure. - Thanks for watching I guess. - Yes. - Do I sign it out? (group chatter) I'm not good enough for this. - What's the discount code? - CHUB. - CHUB, there you go. - Right to the bar I think. (all laughing) (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 9,147,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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