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(bright upbeat music) (Folabi laughs) - Guess who's back. Back again. Folabi, go tell a friend. (all clapping) So today ladies and gentleman, we are playing Family Feud. Now the last time we played Family Feud, JJ and Deji went back and forth, it was dangerous. So this time let's keep it calm, okay? No craziness. No body doing the dead YouTube channel thing. Okay, we keep it nice. - Be careful buddy. - Fuck off. - Okay. Let's start off with the people on the left, Down Under. Let's, round of applause for Down Under. (all clapping) Down Under, so what does that mean? - Can't read properly or something like, just like. - Under the down. - I can't read. - Things under down. - What? Down under. That makes no sense. - Yeah, like under. - Down under. - Like under. Yeah, yeah. - Down under. - Yeah, yeah, no, specifically. - Oh, so. Oh, you are from. - It's like a (indistinct) I'm this. - From the half but below. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So when I poo and pee, - Yeah, yeah. - You eat. (all laughing) - Exactly. - You eat all that. - If I was hungry enough, probably. - Wow, unbelievable. Okay, okay. - You don't hear. - Tobi, how are you? Long time no see. Why is all your names upside down? - Because we're Down Under. - Down under - Cause you're Down, yeah. (all laughing) Comedians. Ethan, how are you? - I'm good. Life's good, man. - Still ginger? - Yes. - Shame. What's your name? - Can you read. - Nalkha. - Yes. - Nalkha. - That is it. There you go. - Lalan. - Just for you. - Okay, so what are you? - I am, fuck. - You're a guy from fortnight man, that's it. - [Folabi] You play the fortnight? - I play the fortnight. - You play the weekend game. Beat, beat, beat. - I crank a lot of nannies, yes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What is your name? - It's Lanin. - Lanin. - I got you buddy. - Lanin. - Yeah. Yeah. - So why do you look like hillbilly from Down Under. - Well it's called a bogan, yeah. - A bogan. - Just like my identity. It's what I. - You look stupid. Look I like to subvert expectations, look homeless, I have a lot of money, it's great. - Wow. - Whoa. - You flexing on me. - Yes, 100 percent. My family also love me, so? - You don't need to flex on me I'm poor. (Tobi sighs) I have no money. - He said my family also love me. - Okay. Next, we have Big Dongs. What does that mean? Actually, no, no, let's clap for Big Dongs, before we figure out what that means. (all clapping) - Boy, why? - What is a Big Dong? - A dong is a brain. - Yeah, big brain. - Big brains? - Big brains. - You are big brains? - [Harry] Yes, yes. - Well, we will see. We'll see if you have the big brain. So Josh. - Yeah. - Long time no see. - Yeah, how have you been? - You still got the beard. - Surprisingly, yeah. - Are you gonna shave it off. - Are you gonna grow yours? (Ethan laughs) - I'll come back to you. - Harry. - Hello. - So what do you do now? I've been waiting for a YouTube video from you, and you don't give it to me. - I've got a brand though, common soon. - On the main channel, main channel. - No, no, on the main channel. - What's the point then now? I've been waiting. - One day my friend. - Two years. - Deji. - [Deji] That's my name. - What? - Good to see your brother. - What is going on, brother? You look not like my brother. - What do you mean? - You white. - I am not. No, now you're red, now you're red. - No, you can't say that's the worst thing to say. - What's going on now. Why do you look so different? - Bro you fucking red. (all laughing) - Deji was meant to be here by the way. This was supposed to be Deji. It was supposed to be Deji but we had last minute substitution. - So who are you? - I'm Deji. - Okay. - We have Beeb over here. - Gabe. - Gabe? - Gabe. - Gabe. - Big brain Gabe. - Big brain Gabe. - Thank you. - Oh, wow. Not a seven figure Gaber anymore. - I'm trying. - Oh, you now four figure. - No, I'm a bit higher. - Has things gone bad? Why are you wearing a polo shirt as well? Like, who are you trying to impress? - I want to be smart. (Folabi laughs) - Big. - Round of applause everyone, ladies and gentlemen. (all clapping) Let us start Family Feud. - [Gabe] Go Harry, you got this. - Okay. You press the buzzer, - Okay. - When you have an answer, okay? So we've asked people are all around the world. - Yeah. - The internet, the cloud. Everywhere. And they figure out what they want to answer for this. And then you have to try and pick the highest answer. - Okay. - Got you. - Okay. - Yeah, yeah. - Does that make sense? - Perfect sense, for loving perfect sense. - Great. Okay. For the first one. Top players at Prison FC. (buzzer rings) - At what? (all laughing) - Prison FC. - Oh my God. - You don't know prison FC. - [Tobi] It's too soon for this one. - Oh, there're so many players. There're so many players. - Is this like a, - Too soon bro. - At prison FC. - Oh, it's a fucking rap. - It's a football question. - Oh, yeah. - I'm gonna go for Benjamin Mendy. - Benjamin Mendy. - Yes. - Benjamin Mendy. (ringing sound) Number two. Wow. - Yes, come on. - The second highest. - Come on, come on. - The second highest. Obviously he, yeah, he got accused of rape, so, I don't know if you want to put your hand in the air for that. (all laughing) - Why did I name him first of all. - Your right, you're watching that, you did good. - Well done, well done, well done. You can sit down and we start with. - Oh, no. - Do I go too Folabi? - Yeah, you can sit down. Okay, so you have three strikes, three chances, don't mess up. I will start with you Josh. (Josh chuckles) Players at prison FC. - Play it safe Josh. - Sigurdsson. - Sigurdsson. - A good one, that's a good one you know. - What did he do? - Don't wanna talk about it. - Okay. Fair. Our server says. (buzzer beeps) (Josh laughs) It's a shame. - Prison FC, what do you mean? - Yeah, I mean, he's not in the top eight. - He's in the starting lineup. - It's a top eight answers. Harry, obviously you got the second highest. So what are you going to do for this one? You've already got one strike. Three strikes and we swap to the other side. - I'm gonna go for Adam Johnson, a classic. - Adam Johnson. - Yeah. - So what did he get accused of? - I think it was something with a child, but I don't know. - Okay. So being a nuance. - Okay, I didn't say that, I didn't say that. - Okay. What does the server say? (ringing sound) Number one. Number one. - Come on. - Yes. Well played. Harry you are very good at this. Very good at knowing the, the prison FC players. - I got my finger on the pulse to this kind of stuff. - Unbelievable. Okay. Deji. - Ronaldinho. - Ronaldinho. What did he do? - He used a fake passport. - Why would you steal my answer? (all laughing) Why would you, why would you steal my answer? - You got a top three coming your way, don't worry. - I don't know anyone else apart from one more, and I don't wanna say his name. - Why don't you wanna say his name? - It's prison FC. For the team. - Why would you do that? (all laughing) Why would you do that? - Ronaldinho. So they player that, is it a flip flap. The flip flap. Does anyone want to try? Do we have a ball? Do we, okay, do we have a can? - [Woman] Tequila. - A tequila. - I don't know if we want to use tequila. Yes, yes. Does someone want to practise the flip flap? - Deji can do it. - Deji, come here and practise the, show us the flip flap. - The flip flap. - What if I can't do it. - [Harry] The flip flap. - Okay, let us see Deji do the flip flap. - Oh my God. Oh my God. (all laughing) - Fuck this. - Okay, Okay, okay. - Nice. - So let's see what the server says. (buzzer beeps) Ronaldinho is not there. - Oh, for fuck sake boys. - [Folabi] Tell me. - Quincy Promes. - Oh, it's a big shout. - Absolutely that's, ball knowledge that is. - Quincy Promes. - That's ball knowledge, that's ball knowledge. - Quincy Promes. - Yeah, Promes, Promes. - [Folabi] Whoa! - [Gabe] That's the one, that's the one. - I forgot about that. - Why is it Promes? - Quincy Promes. What did he do? - I believe he stabbed someone. - [Folabi] He stabbed? - Yeah. - They're just doing tequila. - [Folabi] Not very good. - What? - Why say tequila? - I gonna deal with this, block your eyes. - You want some? - I'm tough. - I'm in, he knows I'm in. (all laughing) - What does the server say? (buzzer beeps) - This list is finished. - So that is three strikes. We go onto the other side for this steal. - They only need to get one right? - Yeah. - One right, that's all they need. - Any last one on two. - Shit. - I'm led to believe that your server says, Mason Greenwood. - Oh, ding, ding, ding. (all laughing) - They can't be laughing at us. - [Folabi] GGG - They can be laughing, they can't be laughing. - Number three, the third highest answer. So you still earn the points. Congratulations. - Do I cheer. I cannot? - No. - I'm good. - Congratulations. - Okay, I actually can't win. - So with that, I guess I can tell you the rest of the other people. - Yeah, let's see, who was the rest, I'm intrigued. - So, at number four, we have Jerome Boateng. - Why? - He assaulted the ex-girlfriend. Yeah. - [Deji] I didn't know that. - Number five, we have Joey Barton. - Oh, that's a classic. - Assault. - Yes. - Number six, we have Robinho. - Oh, shit. - Could have got away with it. - He was convicted of rape, 10 years in jail. - Number seven. Ched Evans. (all sigh) - No. - No. - Again, convicted of rape. And number eight. Eric Cantona. So Down Under are winning with. - We can just, - Take 20. - One. - No, no, no. We'll take modest like eight, you know what I'm saying. - Eight points. - Yeah, - It's not a hundred, is it, that's what I thought. - Oh, is it. Cause you have a hundred. - Give us 70 points. - 70 points. - You want 70 points. I give you one point. That's what you get. - Thank you. - I don't care. I don't care. - You're very generous. - I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. Okay, I need two people again. Come up. Are you ready? - Yes. - [Gabe] I'm really not. - Name something you rob. (buzzer rings) - YouTube and TikTok fighters. - What? - Oh, something, - Fucking moron. - Something just small. - Rob, something you rob, a bank, a bank, a bank. - Folabi, Folabi, is it rub or rob. - Rub or rob? - It's rub. Something you rub. So you rubbing YouTubers. - What? - No, no, no. You're touching YouTubers. TikTokers and YouTubers. - I thought you make a good. - Rub, rub. - Rub. - What you rub. - Oh, you want to, - Rub. - I thought rob. - So you want to caress TikTokers. Well let us see what the server says. (buzzer beeps) No surprise there. - Rob. - No surprise. - Do I get to answer now? - You get to answer now. - Can I say my penis? - You know, I bet I could have said, - My penis. - Yeah, just like. - My penis. - Yeah, my penis. - You sure. - Yeah, I always like. - [Folabi] You sure about that. - If I'm gonna rub anything, that's probably number one on the list. (all laughing) - [Folabi] Okay. - [Lanin] Quite frequently. (all laughing) - What does the server say? It says number four, your uncle's penis. - Yeah. - I'll give that to you. - Uncle's penis. - I'll give that to you. Congrats. You left me hanging. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - Thank you. - That's good. - Thank you. How are you feeling today? - I'm a little bit nervous, I'm not gonna lie. - Oh, you're nervous? - Yeah. - Well, you should know something to rub. I know you, you and the ladies. (Folabi groans) You do well. No? - It's something I wanna chat to the boys. - What, we are boys. You know I've seen you in the club. (Folabi beat boxing) You wine and dine the girl. Bring that butty, bring the butty and ah! You like that? Yes. Ah ah! Get low there, get low there. - I don't know what to say. - Well, name something you rub. - Yeah, should we. - Yeah. - We're gonna go with. - It's not we, it's you. - Okay, I'm gonna go with clitoris - Nice. - [Folabi] Clitoris. - That's a good one. - Clit. - Nice. - Clitoris. That is a good one. What does the server say? Number one. (all cheering) Number one. - You played it, - Come on. - Unbelievable. Very good, very good. So, name something you rub. - Think, you can rub a nipple as well, can't you? - Whoa! - I don't think you don't rub a nipple, you stroke it. - Stroke a nipple. - Yeah, yeah. - You think you rub an ass though. - The server is in the cloud, I don't. - Do you rub an ass? - [Lanin] You eat the ass, but. - You can eat ass, you can rub the ass. - You can, but is how you describe it though? - So we got three strikes. - Is the girl like, please rub my ass - I've rubbed an ass. - Is that what you're saying? - I've never had the proposal of please rub my ass. - Plus I'm saying, you gotta think about the verb you choose, it seems like is real stick with her, - Okay. - So. - Yeah. Do you rub a dog? Do you? - Rub a dog? (all laughing) - What you just said is going down the sexual path for your brother, I don't know where your head's at. - Your belly, you rub your belly. - Your belly. - No, rub your belly, - That's a good one. - Belly. My belly. - Belly. - My belly, yes, yes. - Ooh, that is a good one. - Yeah, belly. - Let us see what the server says. Server reveal yourself. (buzzer beeps) It's nothing. No, that's one strike. I really thought it was the belly. That's a good one to rub. - Yeah. - Lalan. - Gonna go with a back rub. - Back rub. Yeah, back rub. - Rub your back, yeah. - Back rub. - Whoa! That's a good one. This is a good one. Let us see what the server is saying. Ding, ding, ding. (all cheering) - Let's go. - You do rub your back. I wish someone rubbed my back. Are you going to rub my. (Folabi sighs) Yes. Hi Lanana. (all laughing) That's not how it's said, that's not how it's said. - What do you want to say? - See, I'm still stuck thinking about penis, so? - That's what you do. - Thinking about other kind of like fetishes, sexual things, you know. Can you rub feet? - You can rub feet. - Feet is very good. - Come on. Come on, give me the points. - Do any of you have a foot fetish? - I haven't tried it. - You saw the feet, you. - I tend to put a toe in the mouth, every now and then. - You mean feet. The whole feet. - I tend to do it, I tend to, - I respect it. - That's disgusting. - You can get busy with the feet. - Disgusting. What does the server say? (buzzer beep) (all scream) No, no. - No belly rub, no foot rub. - No belly, no foot. Wow. - Interesting. - So we go back to you Tobi. - I wanna say. - You can pass it over. - If I pass it over, they only have to get one. - I'm under the suspicion that Harry knows all the answers. - I don't know the answers, I don't know the answers. - What do we do? - I'm under suspicion. - If I pass it over, do they have to get all of them or just one? - I don't really know the... - I wanna say a lamp. - Lamp. - Yeah, like genie and a lamp. (all laughing) - Okay. We're out. - Lamp. - It's fucking rubs. (Folabi laughs) Lamp. That's a good one, that you want to rub the lamp. (all laughing) Stupid. What is it? (buzzer beeps) What a shame. - We were gonna say lamp, but we were gonna say lamp. - We pass it onto you. - A whiteboard. - You wipe a whiteboard though. - Rub your hands together. You rub your hands. - Rub your hands. - Rub your hands. - Oh, yes. - Nah, do you rub it or use your hands, you still gotta have hands. - You go back on there. - Rub a nipple. - I think nipple or hands or whiteboard. - You rub a nipple. - Big Dongs I don't have all day. - You rub a board. - I thought I said it, white board. - Yeah. - You rub what? - You rub a board. - You wipe it though. - I think even hands, - No, you rub it. - Hands or board. - Rubber, your rubber, you're writing. Your rubber. - Time, time. - Your writing like. - Pencil. - You rub your handwriting. Rubber. - So what are we saying. - You rub your handwriting, and you're rubbing a board. - Time, time, time. - Whiteboard. - Whiteboard. - A whiteboard. - A whiteboard. - I'd say we know a thing. - That's for white board. - That's some bullshit they were in. - You wipe a whiteboard, you rub a blackboard. - Whoa! That's a good differential there. - What does to server say. (buzzer beeps) Two points to Down Under. - Good, good job team. - Unlucky. Big Dongs your brain aint very big. You lied. - What else on there. - Give the answer. - Want to see what the other answers are. Obviously with number one we have clitoris. With number two we have a pussy cat. With number three we have a dog. With number four. (all giggling) - I said you would rub a dog. He said stroke. - Number five, we have a thigh. A a thigh. - How do you rub a tie? - No, no, T-H-I-G-H. - Oh, thigh. - A thigh. - You rub a thigh. - Yeah, yeah, a thigh. - A tie. - A thigh. - You rub your thigh over your hands. - You rub your thigh. - Yeah, your thigh, yeah. - Okay. Number six, we have ass. - Fucking no man. - Number seven we have your uncles balls. (all laughing) And number eight we have back. So, ladies and gentleman. (all clapping) Down Under with two points. They're about to run away with it ah? You better do better. This is something you both should know very well. - Really? - Very well. - Okay. - Are you ready? - Yeah. - Name an STD. (buzzer rings) - Chlamydia. - Easy. - Chlamydia. - Easy. - Are you sure? - Yeah. - Are you sure? - You've had it. (Ethan laughing) (Josh laughing) - I cannot confirm or deny. But I saw everyone's getting the chlamydia. - No. - It's the cool thing on these streets. - That's COVID. - Oh, COVID. I got the wrong disease. I thought chlamydia was the thing everyone was. - Easy mistake, easy mistake, easy mistake. - Okay, anyway. - Where is chlamydia on the server? (ringing sound) Number one. Number one, wow. - We should get this you know. - Okay. If you get four right, on the server, I will give you a point, four. - Okay. - Yes. - Okay, we can get four. - Is that okay? - We can get four. - Can you do four? - Yeah, of course we can do four. - Okay. - Give me an STD? (all laughing) Give me an STD? - Gonorrhoea. - Gonorrhoea. (Folabi laughs) Gonorrhoea. Gonorrhoea, where is it in the server? Oh, number two. (Big dongs clapping) - Yes. - Number two, wow. You guys are on a roll. Okay, three more. Harry give me an STD. - AIDS. - AIDS. - AIDS. - AIDS. Are you ready? - Yeah. - AIDS, is there? Number three. - Oh, yes. - Oh! You guys are smashing the STDs. - Nice. - Smashing it. Two more. - Gotta catch them all. - Herpes. - I've got got nothing. - Herpes. (all laughing) - I've got nothing there. - Herpes. - You don't know a bad thing. - Herpes. Where is it on the server? Four, number four. Oh my God. You know what, you guys are doing so well, if you get this wrong you will lose everything. (all laughing) Everything. - Ali please. Ali please. - One STD. That's all you need and you gain a point in instantly. - I believe the last answer is, - Yes. - Thrush. - No, it's an answer. - I was gonna say blue balls. - What is thrush? - [Gabe] I don't know. - I wouldn't put that top five select. - Does anyone know what thrush is? - I don't know. - Bro, I knew it, that's not one. - It's like a yeast infection, it's like a red rash. - It sounds like a Pokemon. - Thrush. - Thrush. - It's irritating. - Let me release my thrush. (Harry laughs) - It's very common. - Yeah. (all laughing) - Right guys. - I've never heard of it though. (all laughing) - Thrush. - [Harry] It's gotta be there. - Is it on the server. (buzzer beeps) - Oh, no. No. - Oh, no. - Why did say that, I didn't know any more. I didn't know anymore. - So we go to Down Under. You have two points at the moment. One answer, that's all I need. - Would you like to say it? - I say you say it. - Team vote, syphilis. - Syphilis. - Big one that one. - Huge. - You gotta watch out for it. - Huge STD. - Undetected it's dangerous. - Really? - Yeah. - Monumental STD. - What is syphilis? - I have no idea, Lanin what is it. - Bad one. It's really bad one. - Worse than AIDS. - It's not a competition. They're relative. - They're relative. - So relative, yeah. - If I had to pick. (all laughing) - A syphilis, is it on the server? Ding, ding, ding. - Yes. - Syphilis is on there. - Let's go team. - Number five, number five. - Go shot, team shot. - Yeah, team shot. - Can I move up the rope? - [Folabi] Three points. - Can I move? - Hell no. - You've robbed both answers. - You guys are smashing it. You guys are shit. - We should've had three strikes. - Dog shit. Okay, are you ready for this? (Deji chuckles) - I tense to step. - Deji come on, confidence. - Name a dead YouTube channel? - Oh, fuck. - Okay, now Deji. (Deji laughs) Be careful with your answer. - You can't look away. - Be careful with your answer. - I didn't I look at you, I'm not involved. - This could be very dangerous. - Don't look at us bro. - Face Ethan bro. - Oh, crap. (Lalan laughs) - Name a dead YouTube channel. - Face him. - Come on Deji, this is your time. It is your chance to get revenge. (Deji clears throat) - W2S. (Harry sighs) - Double views, what are we talking about. - No upload in two years. - Still pulls views, more views without. - Took them bloody two years. - Name a dead YouTube channel, and you name the channel that doesn't upload, but. - Does more views than us. - Still gets more views. - I panicked. Can I name another. - Let's see what the server says. (buzzer beeps) - I would've said it, I would've said it, I would've said it, don't worry. - Now it is your turn. Ethan, name a dead YouTube channel. - I like Deji, so I would like to say a dead YouTube channel is Casper Lee. - Well, that's not very nice. - That's very mean. - Casper Lee. - He's a lovely guy. - [Harry] That's very me mean. - Don't, that's. - It looks perished. (Deji laughs) - I mean, it's not looking great, but that's still harsh. Are you not friends? - No, the game is the game. I need to play a game for that. (all laughing) - Name a dead YouTube channel. Is Caspar Lee on it. Ding, ding, ding. - Oh, for fuck. - Yes. Come on. - I thought is gonna be our round, the game's over now. - We're so bad. - The game's over, the game is over. - Should I pass it to them. - Yeah, pass it to them. - To our fellas, you take this one away. - Shit. - Okay, Big Dongs it's your time. - We didn't need it. - Name a dead YouTube channel. - Shit. - Name a dead YouTube channel. - Okay. I'm gonna back my boy Deji and seek revenge upon Randolph. - Randolph. - I back that. - So, obviously when Randolph was here he said Deji, and then a huge fiasco happened. Now Josh has said Randolph for a dead YouTube channel. (buzzer beeps) - How? - I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it. - Wow, why is he not there? - Joshua you're just hush. You're just a mean person. - I've got it. - I was backing Deji. - Randall's channel is doing well. And why? - No, I understand the question. So the question was for Deji, would name a dead YouTube channel. - Yes. - His opponent, Alex Wasabi, 11 million subs, 30K views, - Whoa. - That's dead. - That is dead. - Deji, am I on the right? - Yeah, yeah. - No that's the right. - That's right track. - That's the right track, that's the right track. - Let's see what the server says. - You play a lot better in second. (Josh laughs) - The server says, number one. (all cheering) Number one. - I knew, I knew, I knew. - Yes, all right. - Very good thinking, very good very good. Okay. - Can we just take the points now please, we need. - Yeah, fuck it. (Bing Dongs cheering) - Can we know the other answers please. - Can we know the other answers. - Okay, you want to know the other answers? - Yes, please. - Okay. So, number one we have Alex Wasabi. Number two, we have Leafy. Number three we have Tobuscus. Number four we have Fred. - Oh this is actually like. - Number five, we have Ray William Johnson. Number six, we have Marcus Butler. (all laughing) - Marcus Butler. - Marcus Butler. - Marcus Butler. Marcus Butler. Number seven we have Buzzfeed. We all know Buzzfeed, Number eight we have Casper Lee. - Wow. That was actually quite a respectful list. - You are on one point. - Yap. - You are on two. - Three. - Three. - Three. - Yeah. - Nice, you're listening. I was trying to help you out, but you know, you even said three. (all laughing) Idiot. Okay, two people, come on. Are you ready? - I am. - Name something you shouldn't do with your parents. (buzzer rings) - Oh. (Tobi laughs) - I'm very interested to hear these answers, or this answer. - Something you shouldn't do with your parents. - [Folabi] You shouldn't do with your parents. - I'm gonna say drugs. - Okay, drugs. - I thought that was obviously the one answer. - I'm not, I'm there. - I'd say that could be quite a fun time. - I feel like I might be on there. - Interesting. - I feel like I might be on there. - What does the server say? Ding, ding, ding. Number seven. - Seven. - So do you want to continue or do you wanna pass? - Yeah, anything else, - Is it? - Easy. - Just for market research. - It works, it works. - It does work. - Why did you do this? - We did just little bit of research. - Why did you press this? - A little bit of research on the buzzer. - He was concerned our buzzer wasn't working. - It works. - But I told him we're too slow. - Are calling me a cheater. - Not you, no. - You think I'm cheating again for... - Not you, because, - Lose a point. You lose a point. Don't mess with me. I am the leader. I am the captain. Two, one. - Fucking looser. - Let's go. (all laughing) - Something you shouldn't do with your parents. - You shouldn't watch porn with your parents. - Watch porn. - I'd say fair enough. - That's, why don't you watch porn with your parents? - It may be too educational. - Too educational. So what, does your parents not help you with the porn things or the sexual acts? - They shouldn't know. - No. - Otherwise I'll be in prison FC too. - So, okay, what would you say is your favourite porn category? - Mine? - Yeah. - It depends on how the day is. - So okay, it's sunny. - It's sunny, oh. - Sunny is like a, sunny is like a threesome kind of day maybe. - Threesome? So three guys. (Josh chuckles) - No. - I mean, it's 2022. - Exactly. - It's whatever. - Three aliens. - All right, what if you see cloudy day. - Cloudy day. It's just three guys. - Let's see what the server is saying? Server. (buzzer beep) - What? - Porn is not on there. - I told you bro, this guy's server is... - Gabe. - Hello. - Gabeep. - Beep. All right. - Two figure Gabea. - I'm gonna go with crime. - Crime. - Crime. So I'm gonna go down the crime route. - Okay. - Okay. - Don't do that. - You shouldn't. If Poger said you shouldn't do drugs, you shouldn't drug deal with your parents. - Oh no, no, no. - This man, this man. - What, what? - No. - Shut up. Say something like. - You said to make crime. - Say something less. - You shouldn't drug deal. - Say something less. - You shouldn't drug deal with your parents. Should you? Should you? Should you? You shouldn't drug deal with your parents. - No. - Say something else. - Just say crime, crime. - Murder. - Let's see what the server is saying. - I have no shot. Seconds. (all laughing) - I'm gonna wet myself for that. (all laughing) - Drug deal. Doing drug deal. - He said penis. - Drug deal. - You shouldn't drug deal with your parents. - Drugs deal. Okay. - Even if your wife is on drugs. - That was funny, yeah. Okay. - They said penis, they got your uncles penis. - Okay, so Deji, it's on you. One more chance. - You shouldn't have sex with your parents or a threesome. Not that. - Yeah, I mean, that's a good one. - You shouldn't, - I was thinking that. - Respectful of boundaries. - But in some places they enjoy. - No. - I mean, I swear. - What places. - The Royal family, - That's true. - With the whole incest. - Cousins. - How about Down South? - Down Under. - Down Under. - Maybe ask what's his name. - Down Under don't you do the things with the parents? - No, only in one state, Tasmania. - Tasmania. - Far from under. - Wow. - They're a bit way down there. - That's, I mean, it's different preference. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, what is the server saying? (server beeps) - We're finished. - How? - We're finished. - Wait, no. - So you're saying you should. - Some people like to do the thing with their parents. - What the fuck is on this list. - Oh, so we've lost. Wait. - Hang on, we've got one more strike. - No you. - We have one dogie life. - You have no, no. - Dogie life. - No. - Dogie life. - No. - Please. - No. - One life. - No. - Dogie life. - No. - To be fair we are owed two strikes. - No, no. No, no. - It's Harry. - No. - I don't even know, I don't know what to say. - No. - Harry say once. - No. - Let them say one. - No. - Cause they will get it wrong and then we'll come back, and then we'll get the point. - No. - It's over. - Why is it always. - Actually, I'll give you one chance. - Yeah, yeah. - I lied. - They got Harry. - Next Down Under to steal. - We would say you shouldn't fight with your. - You shouldn't fight. - Yes, specifically at Christmas. - Specifically at Christmas. - It's not healthy, it's not healthy you know. - It's very true, it's very true. Specifically at Christmas. - Specifically at Christmas. (all laughing) - Our server says. (server beeps) - What the fuck! - What the fuck is on this list. - We need one to take the point away. - We go back to you Big Dongs - It has to be a weird answer. - No, it doesn't have to be a weird answer. - It has to be the strangest answer there is. - No it doesn't. - Film a porno. - Film a porno. Cause watch you would've said, you said what, commit a crime. - I know. - You have to be. If you want this. No, you know, no I'd say. - It has to be specific. - No, he said you subject. - Maybe. - Be specific. You shouldn't like suck your dad off. (all laughing) - No. - That's very specific. - Please, please. - I use to think, - Please. - Is he gonna be like that. - I think it is. - No, no it's not bro, he's just laughing. (all laughing) He's laughing, it's not it. It's not it. - Big Dongs please, I want an answer. - You shouldn't go down on your parents. - Please, please, I don't want this, I don't want this. - Should just say commit crime, cause you commit crime. - He already said that. - But you know, he didn't even say drug deal. - But a lot of people commit crimes with their parents, and they go down. - You shouldn't. - But you shouldn't fuck them and that's not on the list. - You shouldn't rob a bank with your parents. - Sucking your dad sticks a little bit more intense than having sex. - Please, please, I'm saying please. - You're fucking your parents. - Morale gone, morale gone. - You shouldn't kill your parents. - Yeah. - Kill your parents. - With, with with. - They said leave, can you leave your parents. - I mean, that still counts. - That's why I said murder. - Fucking rob a bank with your parents. - No, it's too slow. - What do they want then. - I'm going to take rob. I'm going to take rob. - You shouldn't rob with your parents. - Let's see if it's on the server. (server beeps) We swap to Down Under now. - I said it wouldn't be great if you committed suicide with your parents. - I mean it's true. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Is that your answer? - I don't think it made past this. - Is that your answer? - Drink the Kool-Aid. - Made the clad. - Well, we'll take that as the answer. - Okay. - Suicide. (server beeps) - Okay, well. - Okay, next. - The fuck is on the cloud. - They just put it down for anything. - Kidnap with your parents. - No, no. - Stop letting him speak. - You shouldn't kidnap with your parents. - [Gabe] You shouldn't. - Our server says. (server beeps) Lord have mercy, what is this. - You shouldn't steal things with your parents. - No, no. - No. - You shouldn't steal with your parents. (server beeps) - He doesn't represent. This guys said 80 different things. - [Folabi] Oh my God. - I'm lost. I'm lost. - [Folabi] Lord have mercy. - Shower with them. - Shower with your parents. - Our server says. (server beeps) - Bro, people encourage doing that. - I mean, some people have to shower. - Some people's cultures do that bro. - Yeah, limited water, limited water. People do that. - I've shower with my dad before. - What? - You shouldn't film porn with your parents. - Film porn. - Finally a good answer. - Is it? - Server, what? - This list is fucked. - Server please. - The list is fucked. - Please sever. - What's on this fucking list. - None of these people know the answer. - What kind of incest cult did you take your server to bro. - I think suck your dad's dick. - With your parents. - With your parents. - Take it Folabi, take it, cause you took ours. - No, no, no. - You took ours. - You take it. - Server you can't go there. - Suck you dad's dick. (all laughing) - What does the server. (server beeps) (all laughing) - I deserve it. - I don't wanna fucking be right, I don't wanna be fucking right. - [Gabe] I don't know. - Okay, no, we have to think outside the box here. All the fuck shit is gone. What about have a loving relationship or something? - You have one more chances left. - Fuck it. - One more chance. - That's why I always, - We can be here forever. - Yeah, fucking go for it, go for it, go for it. - You probably shouldn't have a baby with your parents. - That's having sex. - No, no, it's different. They're very different. - Facts, facts. (server beeps) - I don't know. - The list is fucked. What's on the list, what's on the list, what's on the list. - Can you please reveal your answers. - Okay. So for that you both lose a point, because I'm pissed. - Now it's one nil. - So you back on zero, you go back on one nil. (Folabi laughs) Number one, masturbate. - I was thinking about that one to be fair. - You shouldn't masturbate with your parents. - But you do that before you literally have sex with them. - Number two, be a nuance. You shouldn't be a nuance to your parents. - I did it, to you, I said don't touch kids. - Number three. - Fuck me. - Kill. You shouldn't kill with your parents. - You would've got away with murder, you would've got murder. - Number four. OnlyFans. - We said, hey, did we say make porn though. - That's a form of, - Come on. - Number five, eat ass. - I said that. - You shouldn't eat ass with your parents. - Oh, I think you could have accepted. - Number six, fart. - You shouldn't fart with your parents. - Fart, but you should suck them off. - Fart or fight. - Fart. - Fart. - You shouldn't fart with your parents. - You kill it yourselves together. - Obviously number seven, do drugs. And then number eight, you shouldn't punch a baby. Now this is a very big one. - Okay. - Very big one. Are you ready? - Yes. - Name someone dead or alive. (buzzer rings) - Let's go Lanin. - Okay. - Wait, who's dead. - Does it need to be a human. - Shit. - I mean, dead or alive. - Prince Philip. Wait dead or alive, wait. - Wait, what the fuck? (all laughing) - You didn't let me finish, but there was more. - Yeah. - Name someone dead or alive you wouldn't want at your kids' birthday party. Prince Philip is not on the list. Okay. - Gary Glitter. - Yeah, Gary Glitter. - He was convicted. Gary Glitter, is he on the list. Ding, ding, ding. - Yes Gabea. - At number five, Gary Glitter. Are we continuing on this side or are we passing it out. - No, we need the point. - So we pass it and let them get three wrong. - It's so obvious, it's just named nuances. - Yeah, I'm trying to make sure I've got multiple in my head. - Okay, I've got, you've already named one. - If you four nuances you get the point. - I've got, I've got one. - Give me someone you wouldn't want at your kids birthday party. Your little kid, playing the games, and then this person comes so like hey, I've arrived. You be like, oh, no, no, no. - Jimmy Savile. - Jimmy Savile. - Yeah. - Jimmy Savile. You clap for Jimmy Savile. - No, I clap for of the answer. - You clap for Jimmy Savile. - No, I didn't know, I didn't know. - What does it say on the server? Number four. (all clapping) Number four. Gib one figure. - Gabe. Gabe, Gabe. - Zero figure. - You wouldn't want OJ Simpson with your kids. - OJ Simpson. - You wouldn't want OJ Simpson with your kids. - He committed murder, he wasn't a nuance. - He didn't say nuance. - Would you want a murderer of your kids. - Who didn't you want at your kids birthday party. - No, I didn't focus on that bro. - Name four nuances. - It's true. - By the way. - Did he say nuance. - I said someone dead or alive you wouldn't want at your kids birthday party. - Yeah, yeah, he said that. But he also said to us, if you named four nuances you'll get a point. - Yeah. - Yeah, so maybe I said too much there. Yeah, it's, what does the server say? (server beeps) Yeah, I guess the people want OJ Simpson at the. - Do we have three lives still or not? - You have two lives left. - Oh, okay cool. - Deji. It is your turn. - You wouldn't want Jeffrey Epstein at your kids birthday party. - Jeffery Epstein. What does the server say? (server beeps) Jeffrey Epstein is not on the list. - What? - Wow. - So I personally wouldn't want him on my kid birthday party. - What? - Because I think the music makes up for it. But I'm gonna say Michael Jackson. - Michael Jackson. It's a bit of a shame to put him on the list. I mean, I know it's what the cloud, the server says. - That's what I'm thinking, I don't know. - It'd be a good party though. - Yeah, I'm saying I'd want him there. - Do any of you know how to do the moonwalk? - Gabe does. - Gabe, Gabe come. - I can't do it, I'm not, I can't do it. - Iconic move from Michael Jackson. - I'm not doing a moonwalk walk for a nuance list. - Come on. (all laughing) - I'm not doing that. I'm not moon walking for a nuance list. You're not getting me in front there to moonwalk. - If you do it we get a point. - No, no we don't. - I Will give you a point. - I'm not. - Gabe and you have to go for it. Go for it. - I can't do it. - Go for it. - Go for it. - I can't do it. - I don't mean to offence, I can't do it. - You probably do it verbally. - I've been trying. - Try, try. - Go and do rhythm. - That's me doing the moonwalk. - And the arms. - You're running backwards. - Eyes ahead, come on. - I've moon walked for nuances. (Josh laughs) - That's a point. - That's got to be a point. - That's not a point. - I gave it a go. You made me do it, - One more time. - You made me do it. - That's not a point. - I moon walked. - That not a point. Is that prime, is that prime. Oh, this is very scarce, Prime. Who finished it? (all laughing) Motherfucker. Motherfucker finish a Prime that some other random black guy came with. (Gabe laughs) - It was yours, it was yours. - Nice. Enjoy. - Thank you. Did we get the point? - Our server say. (server beeps) We got one more life, we got one more life, it's all good. - One more life, one more life, come on. - Why would you say dead or alive? - Through done. - What about the most murders? - What are you talking about? - We're talking about your clad and who could be on the clad. - What could potentially be in the clad. - Oh, the clad is crazy. - Crazy. - Crazy. - Do you have personal contact with the clad? - I don't try, I stay away from the clad. The clads fight. - So apparently they wanna fuck their parents. - Yeah, it's crazy. - Pretty mad. - Themselves with their parents. - What's on your phone. - It's just some things. - I wanna see. - No, I wanna see your things. I know you are. - You show me yours I show you mine. - I see your Instagram followers. - But they don't pay anything bro. - Instagram followers. So many things. I wish I had a little bit of some of the things that you have. Just a scrape of the things. Any specifics. Name a girl. Name a girl. - I can't do you. - For a point, do give, do we get a point. - Name a girl for a point. For a point, name a girl. A girl that is. - A girl that's 10, 10. - That is, is contemptuous. - Go a head and choose. - That I look and I already cum. - What the fuck. - I look and I cum everywhere. (Ethan laughs) Final answer, come on. - Say your answer. Say your answer. - Should we go for that one though. - Say your answer. - Just say it, to send, - Just say it, say it. - But you wouldn't want him at your birthday party? - No, you wouldn't, you wouldn't. - Oh, fuck it, Hitler. - Hitler. - Nah, you wouldn't want him. - You wouldn't want him, you wouldn't want him. - He could be an interesting man to talk to. - No, no. - No, no. - No sight of him, I don't wanna know where he's on, I don't wanna know where he is on. - Hitler. Are you on the server? (buzzer beeps) - It was only nuances, so who's the dead nuance. Who is the dead nuance? - I think, I think. - Who is the dead nuance. - Okay, Down Under. For you to steal. - What? - But actually before we talk about the steal, I want, explain, give me a girl that will make me cum. Cum everywhere. - We got one up here. - You wanna say it? You say it. - We've gone for Ann Marie. - Ann Marie. (all laughing) - Yeah. (all laughing) - I'm walking. - Now you wanna get your niffy out. - No, no, nothing, nothing. - Emma Watson. - Who? - Harry's mom. - Harry's mom. - She's great when she's a teacher, she's great with kids. - Yeah, yeah, she. - No, no, no. - No, no. No, different question. - Harry's mom. - Not for the list, - Not for the list. - Not for the list. - Harry's mom is not on the list. - It was for your question. - You wouldn't make him cum. - Harry, it's your mom that makes him cum. - God, damn it. - What the fuck is going on. - Is it a team effort? Is it team effort this time? - Yes, team. - Bill Cobsly or Col, why did I, - Bill Cosby. - Bill Cobsly. - How did you say the name. - Is Bill Cobsly on the list. (buzzer beeps) - You're an actual idiot. - How do you say the name. - You're an idiot. - Cobsly. - I haven't told you. - You told me. - Stop beating me. - You told me. He told me Bill Cobsly. - Cobsly, Bill Cosby. Bill Cobsly. - Prince Andrew. - The man that doesn't sweat. - He doesn't sweat. - Prince Andrew. Is Prince Andrew on the list? (Folabi chuckles) server, what are you saying? Ding, ding ding. (Down Under cheering) Prince Andrew is on the list. - This whole time I thought you'd already said it. - No. - You said. - That's why we got confused, that's why we got confused. - Okay, and with that, they steal all the points. - We're on zero. - You're on zero. At number one, we have EDP455. - Oh fucking hell. - Number one on the list, okay. Number two, we have R Kelly. - I said it. - Yeah, yeah. - Number three, Shane Dawson. - What's he done wrong? - Keep away from your cat. - That's what I was gonna say, is it not a cat. - Yeah, he fucked the cat. - Who eventually. - Okay, number four, we have Jimmy Savile. - Yeah. - Number five, we have Gary Glitter. Number six we have Sam Pepper. - Oh, yes. - Sam Pepper is on the list. You're scared he'll sell your kids crypto. He'll sell your kids crypto. - I mean, he'd probably take all the money, so? I wouldn't want him near my kids. - Should have pump and dump your kids. (all laughing) - That's outrageous. - That is outrageous. - That is outrageous. - Jesu, Jesu. - I'm sorry. - Jesu. - That is outrageous. - I'd say they win. - Number seven, Prince Andrew. And then number eight Rolf Harris. (all sigh) - So. - What did we do. - Why did you say Bill Cosby? - Bill Cobsly - You told me. - You told me that. - Fucking Bill Cobsly. - How many rounds have we had? - What's the score? - It's two, one. So this, - Double points. No, this will be worth 500 points. (all laughing) - Thank you. - I like the scale. - Oh, this is a good one. You guys should do very well with this. - You always say this bro. - Name something you sniff. (buzzer rings) - What do you sniff? - What do I sniff? - Yeah. - What do you sniff, Tobjizzle? - If I was someone on the other team, I might potentially sniff certain substances. - Just say it. - Cocaine. - We need specifics. - Yeah, I'm not going to that point. - I said it, I said it. Allow it. - Certain substances. server say. (buzzer beeps) - Oh, you're a dickhead, you're a dickhead. - Nice. Okay, what do you say. - 500 points. - Cocaine. - Cocaine, let's see if it is on the server. Our server says, ding, ding, ding! (applause) - I hate you. I hate you. - What the server says. - Nice. - Where was that? - Number two. - Two. - Number two. - So you say an answer. - Just give me your answer. - Glue. - Glue? - Our server says ding, ding, ding. (all clapping) - Yes, that's one. - Number three. - Number three. There's a big one still. We have number one. - Three more. - Flowers. - You sniff flowers. - You do sniff flowers, you do sniff flowers. - I mean you smell them. - It's quite a nice thing to do. It's cute. Our server says, (buzzer beeps) - Oh shit. - We fall apart now. - Has Gabe got one right. - No. - It's your turn, come on. - Deji, what do you sniff? - What do you sniff Deji? - No. Ketamine. (Ethan laughs) - Fair enough, fair enough. - What is ketamine? - Horse tranquilliser. - How did humans go so low. - Big. - Baker. - Not me. - Have any of you sniffed kate? - No. - Any kate sniffers? So isn't it like you injection, you inject horse tranquilliser, or. - I think the horse, I think you don't give a horse a kate you inject the horse. - Who said anything about a key? Who said anything about a key? - No, I'm not. - Key. - Giving a horse a key. (all laughing) - Sound like a proverb. - Let's see. (buzzer beeps) - What? I know it's ketamine we know only for horses. - Ketamine is not, One more chance, Harry. - You sniff fart, you sniff a fart, a farts. - Under the covers. - Server, is fart on there. (buzzer beeps) - This is impossible. - But that's what I said, we should have given it to them, and then we could have got one of them, we could have got one of them. For 500 points, to win the game, to win the game! Down Under could win the game. - I believe. - What are we saying? I think your clad would tend to sniff ass. - I think they would. - Respectfully. - I think they would. - Ass. - Get ready to celebrate boys. - Yeah. - Ass has gotta be up there. Let's go, easy points. - At number one. - Oh, for fuck sake man. - Banged it. (buzzer beeps) - Oh, ass is not there. - Big Dongs. Big Dongs. - Your balls. - Your balls. - Your balls. - You sniff your balls. - Sniff your own balls? - You sniff your hand off. - Harry does it, and he's been caught many times. - You like to use your hand or you squat. - No, Harry's been caught in videos doing that then he goes. - To win. Big dongs is it on the server? (buzzer beeps) ah it's not! - What? - Yeah, we go with yours. - Some men, not naming name, but some men, - And women. - And women I suppose, tend to sniff underwear, female panties. - Ah. - Underwear. Sniffs the underwear. - Very good. - Yeah. Some men have been caught rummaging through drawers and stuff of. - It's like a manly experience over there. - You don't have any underwear we can sniff. Any underwear going. - James, raised his hand. - Anyone? - Custy. - He raised his hand. - I mean though, you can sniff mine on me. - Yeah, I'm not taking them off. - Okay, yeah. - Does anyone want to volunteer? - Can we sniff yours? Can we sniff yours? - I wouldn't care for a point. (all laughing) - We're all sniffing, if we win we'll sniff. - No were not. - For 500 points. - Boy I don't care about this video enough. - 500 Points you want to sniff. - Boys no. - What a surprise. - If you sniff his sock, can we get 500 points. - Okay, well let me get changed then. - Harry you said that everyone eats, why would you say everyone? - You do realise. - Do we have to, fucking have to sniff. - Yeah, yeah. - Ladies and gentleman, my underwear is here. My underwear is here. - What's inside it. What's inside it - My underwear here. So I've turned inside out to make sure you sniff my balls and bum, okay? So for 500 points and to win the game. - How would you have to sniff it? Talk to us. - I'll give it a sniff. - Harry's gonna do it. - I need a, (Folabi inhales deeply) - On the face. - Because I'm making contact. - Make contact. - No, like COVID and shit. - COVID protocol. - Make contact. - I can't do the fucking contact. - To win the game. - Best of all, yeah. - Let's go. - Let's go Ethan. - We can't lose though, cause either we go and sniff. - Harry wants to sniff, he's down. - Rock, paper, scissors shoot. - All right, rock, paper, scissors shoot. - [Tobi] I don't know. - Are you ready? I will say it. Rock, paper, scissor, shoot, okay? - Why am I nervous? - Best of three. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. (Bid Dongs cheering) - We lost, we lost, we lost, I'm sorry. - Are we doing the video though, are we doing the video. - It's a bit wet. - Why is it wet though? - I don't know man. - 500 points to be fair, 500 points. - Points don't mean anything, it can be one point, it doesn't mean anything. (Ethan groans) - Can't even laugh. - Right. - It's a good key, a good key in case. - Come here, come here. Well done, we won, we did it. - You did it, you did it. - We won the video though. - We win, we're winners, right? (Big Dongs clapping) - Well done guys. - You know what would be funny, if that didn't mean anything. - Probably rushy right now, a lot of rushy. - Okay, what's your answer. - For what? - Oh, sniff, wait. - That means nothing. - What you mean? - I just wanted to see. - We didn't even see if the boxers were number one. - That's for nothing. (Folabi laughs) - They said under wear on there. - I'm kidding, I'm kidding. - That will fucking (indistinct) - Well done, congratulations. - Yes! - Congratulations. Thank you very much for watching and I will, (indistinct) - What? - We will see you soon This has been Folabi. Good bye. (all clapping) (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 14,770,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: n8bLutlAfUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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